
This is terrible. To be honest, I really don't know such a rule. I only heard about this agreement from Celestial Court before that prohibiting my country's Spiritual God from going abroad to fight, but I haven't read the specific terms. I always thought that this was just something similar to a verbal agreement. Didn't expect actually had detailed provisions.

"Even if it is possible to surrender, can you still bring down all the power of the body?"

"That's impossible, but I can descend about half of the power, with you Even if it’s half the battle strength of me, you are definitely not my opponent."

"I believe this, but if you have time to talk nonsense with me, it’s better to care about your children. Those The submarine has spun off.” It may be a coincidence. The submarine below the submarine was really cracked by water with a bang just after I said this, and the submarine shell turned into a large number of chocolate chips and dispersed into the surrounding seawater. , And the people and goods in it all floated out all of a sudden, and there was a lot of mess in the sea in an instant.

Actually, the rupture of the first submarine was just the beginning. Although the melting speed of the chocolate submarine was fast or slow, it was roughly the same. With the rupture of the first submarine, the following submarines began to have problems. Because the skills used by babies spread slowly before, the speed at which those submarines are infected is also different, which leads to a difference in time. Nobunaga Onitou and Kanoichi watched the submarines bursting below, but there was nothing to do. Even Tenzhao, who was very proud before, lost his voice, but... I seemed to be mistaken, Tenzhao didn’t say anything. s reason.

As the submarines became more violent, I suddenly found a humanoid object suddenly rushed out of one of the submarines, and followed this humanoid object flying towards me at a very high speed. I know this is definitely not a good thing, but didn't expect it will actually be the god of the sky. Although it was a god descended, Tian Zhao seemed to be able to use his face after descending instead of the player who was descended from god.

"You really opened my eyes!" Tian Zhao hovered in front of me very angry. "As a mortal, I have to admit that you are the best one I have ever seen, but today I also have to eliminate you here, otherwise the development plan of my Divine Race will inevitably be affected by you."

"Aiya, this is really sorry. I don't want to contribute to the development of your Japanese Divine Race yet, so I won't die here."

"I'm not as good as you, But you don't need to kill someone with your mouth."

Tian Zhao started his hands almost at the same time he spoke. I've played against this guy before, so I have a better understanding of Tian Zhao's attack methods. He basically uses more direct physical attacks to damage, and he prefers speed-type warriors. But after all, they are Divine Race, Low God is also a god, and spell is naturally better. I'm not sure if Tian Zhao has brought any new abilities this time, so I want to keep a distance and see the situation first.

"In the name of the god of water-imprisonment, the barrier of water."

With a ping sound, the barrier of water that suddenly appeared in front of me shattered in an instant, and I snorted myself. Blood, almost fainted in darkness. However, Tian Zhao was not much better than me. He did smash the barrier of water, but he himself smashed his head and bounced back a lot.

"cough cough cough...what did you just...block...block me?" Tian Zhao asked me with one hand over his head.

"This...you don't care...anyway, as long as you...know that I am not...you can just bully...just." I breathed in the oxygen separated by the water god ring. While answering Tian Zhao's words.

It’s true that I blocked Tianzhao’s attack just now, but after all, he is still a Low God family of the main Divine Grade. No matter how discounted this God is, his strength will not be weaker than mine. It was true that I used the Ring of Water God to trap Nobunaga on Ghosts, but it was not that simple to stop Tenzhao. Speaking of the water god's power level is above Tianzhao, but the way I use the water Power of God is to activate it by my own magical power. To put it plainly, the Ring of the Water God is an amplifier. It can convert my magic power into Rule Power and use it. However, Tian Zhao’s total power is too large. His forcible collision caused the rule power to be consumed too quickly. In turn, the Rule Power started. Consume my magic power, and once my magic power is exhausted, it will naturally no longer be able to drive the divine force. Before the water barrier broke, I would spurt blood because my magic power suddenly ran out and hurt me. Of course, the biggest headache now is not the magic power but how to fight next. Fortunately, Tian Zhao seems to have been hit hard just now. If it's not good, it might scare him.

Tian Zhao, as a Low God clan, although the nature of its power is not comparable to that of High God, it still has some sense of power. Just now, he sensed some different powers when he hit him like this. "It's useless for you to hide it, it's Rule Power, it's the power of High God."

"You still ask if you know." After taking a few deep breaths and taking a few pills in an emergency, I finally managed Recovered a bit. While following Tian Zhao's words in his head, he was thinking about how to fool him. "Actually, I think your Divine Race is not doing very well in Japan. Why don't you just join us? Anyway, I still know a few High Gods. Is it good to have a cool back with a big tree?"

"hmph, do you really think I don't know? High God can't directly intervene in human affairs, don't use them to scare me. As for my status in Japan, do you think that the Divine Immortal of your Celestial Court in China is here? Is your status as high as my status in the hearts of the Japanese? It’s more correct for me to persuade your Chinese Celestial Court to vote under my command."

"Go in your dreams, just What is your Gao Tianyuan is not half as big as our Celestial Court, even if Celestial Court is willing to pass, do you live there?"

"You dare to despise our Gao Tianyuan Divine Race, today I will make you beautiful "After Tian Zhao finished speaking, he suddenly turned out a plate from behind. "Do you know what this is?"

I shook the head. "What are you doing with a plate?"

Tian Zhao almost fainted when I said a word. He roared flustered and exasperated: "What plate, this is the eight pheasant mirror! A mortal has never seen the world!"

To be honest, I can’t be blamed for not recognizing it, because the surface of the eight pheasant mirror is so black that it looks like a blackened plate, don’t say anything. As a mirror, this thing will not even reflect light at all. But admit mistakes and admit mistakes, I have heard the name of this eight pheasant mirror. It seems that there are three more famous Divine Items in Japan, and this eight pheasant mirror is just one of them. One of the other two is Kusanagi, which is the legendary Kusanagi sword. As for the other thing, I forgot. Anyway, I know that the Eight Pheasant Mirror is one of the three Divine Items, and it is a special item for Tianzhao.

I don’t know how mighty this thing is, or even what it does. However, what is generally speaking will not be called a Divine Item, what's more, this is also the top item in the Divine Item, and its formidable power should be quite impressive.

"You're not going to use this thing against me, are you? I'm just a mortal, and you, the Lord God, deal with me and take a super Divine Item. Isn't this clearly bullying?"

< p>"Do you want to use words to excite me?" Tian Zhao is really not stupid at all. After all, he is also a High God, and he has seen so many people in the world, so he doesn't eat me at all. "To tell you the truth, my descent body is very unsuccessful. Although I can play half of my strength, the carrying time is too short. After the arrival, I can only sit dry. As long as I move my body, it will enter the countdown to destruction."

"So you want to find a body that can carry your strength for a long time, and you chose me?" Tian Zhao is smart and I am not stupid, I know what he means before he finishes.

"Since you have guessed it all, then I'm not welcome. Obediently let me come."

"The beauty of thinking." I suddenly disappeared from where I was. The second suddenly appeared in the sea water outside several hundred meters, and quickly left the battlefield following dozens of consecutive teleports. Tian Zhao’s strength is not something I can solve alone, even more how my Purple Moon is now useless. It is equivalent to only half of the usual battle strength. Even if it is left, it can only be used to deliver food to others. As for the submarines below, the baby and the small dragon girl have already got off anyway, and they should all be over soon. I'm not going to lure Tianzhao away so they can start.

Although the number of Japanese submarine battallion is huge, the defense force underwater can be said to be very small. If it is on land, the soldiers in these submarines alone need us to send more than 100,000 elite forces. It's flat, but we only need a few people to completely handle the countless soldiers under the water. Regarding the destruction of the submarine, Nobunaga Onisha and Kano Kazube were extremely anxious, but Tenzhao thought differently.

Onihand Nobunaga's goal is to win the victory on the local battlefield and thus make the entire war process on the road to victory. However, what Tianzhao wants to improve is to improve his own strength. The power comes to the world completely, then he can sweep the entire Asia and even the world, because the gods of other countries cannot directly participate in the war, but he can bypass the agreement and interfere with the process of the war at will.

Tian Zhao with this idea naturally doesn't care about the life and death of those miscellaneous soldiers, so he gave up returning to the anti-submarine formation without the slightest hesitation, and chased me directly.

When I saw Tian Zhao chasing me directly, I knew my goal was achieved, and immediately speeded up the transmission to the surface of the water. Tian Zhao also suddenly accelerated to stop me, but I was already above the sea.

"Red feathers." A group of red flames suddenly appeared in front of me, and followed the flames to spin quickly to form a flame vortex, and a fiery-red fox jumped out of the flame vortex. Coming out, stepping on the flames with all four feet floating in front of me.

The red feather that just got out of the flame is only the size of a domestic cat, but this is not the body of the family. After looking at me and confirming my needs, she immediately began to grow bigger. When Tian Zhao chased out of the water, Hong Ling had become a giant creature with a body length of more than 70 meters and twelve large tails flying behind it.

"You..." Tian Zhao was hit by a flame bomb from Hong Ling's mouth as soon as he wanted to say something, and he was actually blown back into the water with a loud noise.

When I found Hong Ling at Celestial Court, I just pulled her out with the idea of ​​helping her. After that, I rarely summon her to fight. After all, it is not true that people are my demon. In order to work for me. However, after all, I helped her escape from Celestial Court's confinement, and she was more acquainted with her, so if she really needed her, she would still help. Although she is just a vixen, she is the ancestor of Heavenly Fox after all, the true first generation. Now the Nine-tailed Fox, which is tied with Phoenix in Japanese legend, has three tails less than her, which shows how huge the difference in power level is.

Tian Zhao came to the world itself and was unable to exert its full power. Suddenly, he encountered such a strong Great Demon monster. He didn’t react for a while and thought it was a normal thing, so he didn’t even hide it just now. Blasted into the sea.

After blasting off Tianzhao for a while, Hong Ling immediately turned around and asked me: "How did you provoke this guy?"

"Please, I won’t be fighting with Japan in a day or two. , Isn’t it strange to run into him?"

Hong Ling didn't mean to blame me, she just wondered how I suddenly encountered such a strong enemy. "You should come up first, and I will take you out of here. That guy is not the existence I can deal with now. Unless I restore the strength of my flourishing period, I am not his opponent."

He appeared on Hong Ling's neck and grabbed a handful of fluff to fix himself. "What are you waiting for, flash!"

"You can sit firmly." After Hong Ling said, regardless of whether I answered or not, she lowered her head and hugged her whole body into a ball in place. Spun. Hong Ling itself is a fiery red body, and when it turns, it looks like a burning flame. Following the flame, it starts to get smaller and smaller, and finally shrinks to the size of a fist. When Tian Zhao flew up from the water, he managed to see such a fire. He patted it and extinguished it, but no matter how much I tried to find me, there was no shadow.

"Damn it." Tian Zhao scolded angrily. He had nowhere to do it now. Looking at the empty sea nearby, he didn't know where to chase, but he quickly laughed again. "Well, you Purple Moon, although you ran away, your fleet will always be here! I'm going to see if you will come back."

"Count you cruel!" The surrounding air With a wave of fluctuations, a small fire ball that appeared suddenly expanded while spinning rapidly, and soon became a big Fireball. As the speed of the Fireball became slower and slower, it suddenly stopped and stretched out to reveal the red feathers. Real body.

"hehehehe...you brat can run again if you have the ability!"

I looked at Tian Zhao with a cold face and said: "Originally, if you let me run away this time Now, since you have to push me on the road, there is really no way." I said summon and out of the big phoenix dragon of Purple Moon. Although there is no need to use the large body of Purple Moon, Fenglong can still summon, after all, my two accounts are combined into one.

Tian Zhao looked at me suspiciously, completely unclear why I suddenly became not afraid of him. I gently stretched out a hand, and the small phoenix dragon immediately landed on my wrist and rubbed the necklace on my neck with my small paw, and then there was a small black suede on its paw. Cloth bag. I reached out to take the cloth bag and put Fenglong on my shoulder, freeing my hand to drag the cloth bag and slowly open it. Tian Zhao over there was also very curious about what I took out, but my movements were too slow, so anxiously he stretched his neck and wanted to see what was in the bag directly.

In fact, there are not many things in the cloth bag, there are eight in total, but anyone who knows them will definitely be surprised, because the names of these eight things are: Black Tortoise Armor pieces. , White Tiger fur, Vermilion Bird fire feather, Azure Dragon reverse scale, white jade Qilin horn, golden Heavenly Dragon teeth, jade green claws, Qilin jade.

Although Tian Zhao doesn't recognize these things, he can feel the power above them. Although the power of these things is minimal to him, he can also see that these things are only a part of a certain creature's body. If only this part has such power, then its body is a What level can be roughly guessed. Tian Zhao does not know whether he can defeat any of the eight in his current state, but he knows that as long as two of the original owners of these eight objects are present at the same time, then he will definitely not want to live today, even if there are Maybe even the original god can't escape.

I held those things and said to Tian Zhao: "These are the favors that I have gained through my painstaking efforts, but each can only be used once. To be honest, I really don’t want to waste it on you. .Now I have not used them, you can still make a decision to give up the attack on me and return home immediately, then I will save this opportunity to use them, and we will be in peace. If you want to force me...!"

Of course, Tian Zhao knows that my use of these things will definitely make him very dangerous, but this guy is the highest Divine Race in Japan. Of course, he also has the typical characteristics of Japanese people, which is full of adventurous spirit. But I personally think that this kind of adventurous spirit is more appropriate to call reckless or crazy ambition, at least Tian Zhao obviously overestimated his own strength. He actually planned to snatch the bag of things before I could use them, even though he didn't even know what they were for.

At the moment when Tianzhao’s actions started, I discovered his intentions. At this moment, I didn’t have time to react, and under normal circumstances with my strength, even if I reacted, it would be in vain, so I used the most direct abnormal means without the slightest hesitation. I saw the Black Tortoise Armor film that I just touched suddenly flashed, and then disappeared, and Tian Zhao had already arrived in front of me almost at the same time. As soon as I collected the cloth bag and hid it behind me, Tian Zhao stretched out to grab it, and my other hand immediately grabbed Tian Zhao's wrist.

Tianzhao has always ignored my attacks. After all, I am just a mortal, but this time he is destined to suffer a big loss.

"Ah...!" With a scream, Tian Zhao's arm was snapped off by me and turned over. Under the great pain, Tian Zhao quickly took out the eight pheasant. The magic mirror shook at me. With a bang, there was a big explosion between the two of us, and the shock wave quickly blasted us completely away. The difference is that I was only blown away for a certain distance. Not only did I not suffer any injuries, I even pulled off Tian Zhao's broken arm.

In comparison, Tian Zhao is much more miserable. The impact not only injured his body, but also caused his arm to be broken. It can be said that Tian Zhao has not suffered so much since he joined the war. Injury.

"You...Who are you? You are not Purple Moon, your strengths are different!"

Easily crushed one of his arms, and then faced with zero distance He insisted on an attack from the Eight Pheasant Mirror, and didn't suffer any injuries. Of course Tian Zhao didn't believe that this was what a mortal could do. But what he didn't know was that I had activated the transformation function of the Black Tortoise Armor film before he contacted me.

Each of the eight things I just took out corresponds to one of the strongest creatures I know. These all are gifts they gave me. Using these things, I can directly transform into their body and have the same strength as them. But this ability is not against the sky, because they are the same as the water god ring, the premise of using it is to consume my own magic power. So even if I become Azure Dragon, it doesn’t mean that I can fight like Azure Dragon One, because although I can have the same strength as Azure Dragon One after being transformed, my magic power can last a lot in this state. Seconds, if you can't play a big move or even a move, you will return to the original state because of the exhaustion of magic power. To put it simply, this ability is equivalent to you getting a deformed Vajra, but the power part can only rely on the fifth battery, so although you have all the battle strength of the deformed Vajra, you can’t actually use it, because the action is a little bigger. It will run out of batteries. However, in view of the fact that these things formidable power are really impressive, I have studied for a while, and the method of use that I summarized at that time was a short-term transformation. As long as I don't use strong power after transforming, I don't consume much magic power, and I can maintain it for a long time in this state. As long as you can use your power precisely where you need it, you can make full use of this transformation state. For example, just now, I activated the Black Tortoise Armor film to become the strength of the Black Tortoise body at the moment I contacted Tian Zhao, then used Force of Black Tortoise to squeeze Tian Zhao’s arm, and then used Black Tortoise’s defense to harden it. The attack of the eight pheasant mirror, but I didn't have any extra actions other than these two, so the power consumption was still within my control. In fact, I secretly ate a handful of magical pills during the interval between the explosions, so that I could maintain it for a while.

Although I know what this transformation is about, Tian Zhao doesn't know. He knew anyway that I squeezed his arm and blocked a frontal attack from the Eight Pheasant Mirror.

Speaking of which, this transformation is actually not the strongest ability of these eight things. In fact, the real purpose of these things is to allow me to summon their bodies to help, but the problem is that everything is A summon opportunity, so I was reluctant to use it. If this thing can be summoned infinitely, even if it is a monthly summon, I don’t need to be as careful as I am now. Just summon all four Sacred Beasts, and one big move can make heaven scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. When the siege of Buddhism, Heavenspan Cult Lord and Dalun Pluto, two super-Divine Grade guys, were also beaten all over by the four Sacred Beasts. No matter how powerful Tianzhao is, he can at best tie Dalun Pluto, not to mention he is now It was still a half-toned state after the surrender, and he was determined to die with one move.

Taking advantage of Tianzhao's somewhat guilty opportunity, I started to scare him. "Of course I am still me, but you have also seen that this thing allows me to borrow the power of their body. Even your broken mirror can't do anything to me. I think you still don't want to fight me again, anyway, you You can't kill me, why do you work so hard?"

"No, it's not right." Tian Zhao suddenly reacted. "Since you don't want to fight, it means that this kind of battle is not good for you, so there must be a problem with your skills."

"Who told you that I didn't want to fight because of disadvantage? I admit, fight like this It’s really not good for me to go down, but it’s not a disadvantage. It’s just a pure waste of time, so I don’t want to fight with you."

"No, there must be a problem with your skills."

"You guy kicked the donkey in the head? Why don't you understand human words?"

"hmph, don't want to lie to me, today I will let you know about us Gao Tianyuan’s Divine Race is great.” Tian Zhao still uses a speed attack method this time, as if the Japanese have a preference for speed. Japan's characteristic professional ninjas are speed-type occupations, and now even their main gods are also speed-type occupations.

Even though he broke his arm and the whole body was injured by the splash damage of the Eight Pheasant Mirror, it did not affect Tian Zhao's speed. He arrived in front of me almost instantaneously. Learning the lesson this time, he didn't use his hands, but pierced it with a pitch-black sword.

Ding... With a very crisp sound, the tip of the sword hit my stomach. It's not that I don't want to hide, it's that he is too fast to avoid Ben, but the power of Black Tortoise is not fake. The thorn was stabbed, but it didn't go in. Tian Zhao himself was also taken aback. The handle he held in his hand is Kusanagi, the top of the three Divine Items in Japan. It is supposed to be about the same as cutting tofu. Didn't expect was actually blocked by me, and it was blocked by the softest abdomen of the human body. .

Tian Zhao was stunned. I was not stunned. When he was in a daze with the sword, I went up and hit him in the forehead with a punch. Although Tian Zhao is a god, the body he is using now belongs to a player. Isn't it like an elephant stepping on a watermelon if it is knocked by Black Tortoise? Just listen to bang, red and white sprays are everywhere. Tian Zhao probably died and didn't figure out why he didn't poke in just now, but he will still have a chance to think about this in the future. After all, what I destroy is only the body of the player he descended on, and it is not his body that died. It is a miracle that I can use the power of Black Tortoise to make his Descendant hang up. Wanting to destroy his original god is basically a dream. But... why didn't the things in his hand disappear with them?

Major situation!

I suddenly realized a very important message. Ordinarily, God’s Spirit Physique should only be descended in the process of God’s descent. As for weapons, it seems that God’s weapons can be swung away as soon as they can be recruited, so why didn’t Tenzhao’s Kusanagi sword be taken away? Could it be said that this handle is not a Kusanaru sword? Or... Tian Zhao summoned the main body of the Kusanaru sword?

It’s also a Divine Item anyway. Seeing Tianzhao’s descendant being killed, the corpse fell to the sea with the Kusanaru sword, and I swooped down to catch the sword, by the way I touched the body once, and even the eight pheasant mirror was hung on the body, which really made me wonder how to say it. In this way, you can pick up the Divine Item at will. Is this luck too much? Kicking away the pile of useless rotten meat, I flew into the air directly with the grass naruto sword and the eight pheasant mirror, roughly distinguished the direction, and found that the fleet actually didn't know where it was going. Now I have become a person floating above the vast sea, and I can see sea water besides sea water.

"Small dragon girl, baby." I directly contacted summon's own demon with my heart, but it surprised me very much. The contact is actually invalid.

The skill of contact with mind can be described as the ultimate skill of the trainer. Unless it is subject to special restrictions, you can directly communicate with your pets regardless of distance. Such a powerful ability is definitely more practical than many direct offensive skills, but now on this seemingly ordinary sea, I have actually lost contact with my familiar.

With a feeling of doubt, I stretched out my two hands, followed by two phoenix dragons appearing on my two hands respectively. The phoenix dragon of the large Purple Moon and the phoenix dragon of the small silver moon can summon. I also opened the phoenix dragon space and took a look. The beloved ones who did not accept the summon are all in it, only the baby and small that were first released by the summon The dragon female and grandma lose contact. I tried summon's door of the earth again, and found that even the door of the earth couldn't be opened. Try again the crystal communicator I brought with me, and found that the signal area was blank. I remember that we had put a lot of relays in the Pacific Ocean and the Sea Territory sandwiched between Japan and China in order to deal with the problem of the distance between the communication machines. If there is no reason, there will be no signal? Putting away the communicator I tried the ring of love again, but it turned out not to mention the summon rose, and the connection couldn't work. Finally, I tried to connect with the thinking of the insect race queen, but found that as if the parasitic relationship had failed, I could not feel any information about the queen.

All of my external communication methods failed in an instant. This is definitely not accidental, but at present I can only think of the possibility of Formation this, which restricts communication nearby. However, it seems that this statement is not reasonable, after all, this is the sea. Everyone knows that there is no way to arrange a magic array on the water, and the distance will be too much if it is arranged on the seabed. Besides, who would be boring to arrange such a formation that restricts communication on the sea? The area on the sea is so large, and you don’t know where the enemy is going, even if you put up a Formation, there may not be anyone passing from it!

No matter what I think, I feel unreasonable, but I really can’t think of other possibilities, so I have no choice but to take one step and count one step. The top priority now is to find a place to land first. Whether it’s China, Japan, or South Korea, as long as I can land, I can find my way quickly. Flying like this is not the answer.

Summon took the fastest bird, and then rode it up and let him fly north. Anyway, this place is about the same distance from the Three Kingdoms. If I fly directly to Korea, I can save me to Japan or China and then switch to Transmission Formation.

The speed at which the bird flies at full speed is quite impressive, and the coastline will soon be visible. After roughly confirming the terrain, Asuka began to move towards Union City, but I always felt that something was wrong, until I was finally completely dumbfounded when I arrived at Union City.

"Where are the people?"

The huge Union City is actually empty again. It happened once before. The whole city was pulled into the dessert space by the baby, and the result was an empty city strategy for me. But now the baby is my favorite, even if you lose contact, you shouldn't run back to the guild that harmed your own people, right?

I opened two Phoenix Dragon Spaces and beckoned inside. "All come out to help."

"What's wrong? Why is it empty again?" As soon as Ling came out, he found the empty city.

"I'll take a look." Lucky spread his wings and soared into the air, and then fell down after circling a few times over the city. "The whole city is empty, as if everyone suddenly disappeared. Many living utensils are placed on the street, as if someone was walking with them before."

"It seems this I'm having trouble again." Xiaochun sighed.

Yeyue said as she climbed to the roof next to her: "At least we can be sure that it is not a frontal attack, otherwise there will be no traces of fighting."

"Yes. The question is where are all the people going? Is it special magic again?" Ling Bian thought, "I don’t think there are so many special spell holders. The baby’s situation is a special case. This kind of powerful partial magic is not There will be many people who will master it."

"It’s really nerve-wracking." Jingjing said to me: "I think we should first spread out the search for nearby areas. Maybe someone close to you will know. No matter how bad you are, you can find some clues."

"Well, it makes sense." I said to the surroundings: "All those who are fast go up to the sky, and search for everything around. The slow ones are in the city. Search for it, maybe there are creatures similar to the baby like last time."

After getting the order, my familiars immediately disappeared. I quickly selected the outermost search area, and the slowest one. Turned around in the city. They all came back in about twenty minutes. Bailang first said: "I saw it roughly in the city, and there were no traces. Some restaurants or the living rooms used by players even had half-drink or half-eaten food, and it felt like a human being. Suddenly disappeared. And I also found that not only people are missing, as long as animals are gone. Except for plants, there is no living lifeform anymore."

Lingling followed: "I also took the surrounding areas of the city. I have seen it, just like what Bailang saw, no one, no animals."

Fortunately, he said directly: "There are no people far from the city."

Yeying said: "I ran into the three nearby cities just now and they are all empty, just like here."

Asuka also said: "I have been flying in a straight line just now, and the farthest place is more than 300 kilometers away. , I took a look at all the cities I passed by, and they were all empty."

Ling stood there and said: "It is understandable if a city is attacked, but all the people in so many cities are missing. I don’t think it’s possible, right?"

"Are the cities you just passed by were all pro-Chinese forces?" Xiaochun asked.


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