It is not a monster that stuns me, but a huge empty cabin.

What is the situation now? The Japanese are desperately transporting troops to South Korea. Given the number of their ships and the number of materials and soldiers they need to transport, such a fleet will have to go back and forth at least two or three times before it can be transported. Do you think it is possible for a normal person to leave a huge penetrating cabin on a ship in this situation and not install anything? If it were me, it would definitely be as much as possible to let each ship have as many people as possible so that we could finish the run ahead of time. How could there be such a large space? Could it be that……?

I was a little shocked by the sudden thought, because the probability is too terrifying. If it is true, it means that our entire Korean strategy is facing a crisis of failure, and even our entire plan will be affected by this failure.

I was thinking about this problem when the door on the side of the cabin suddenly opened. There must be baroreceptors on this battleship. After the bottom of the ship is perforated, the pressure change can quickly let the damage management personnel know where the problem is, and then they will come to repair it. Normal voyage. But these people who came to repair the ship didn't expect that they would bump into me head-on as soon as they entered the cabin.

I started to move before the other party reacted. The person who opened the door felt that the coldness of the neck had been poured into the knee-deep water. I opened the hatch as far as possible, and then jammed the door with the person's body, so that seawater would continuously flow into the hull. Even if the battleship has a waterproof compartment, it can at least affect its speed.

After entering the corridor, I started all the way forward. After turning a few turns and climbing two flights of stairs, I just turned into an aisle and ran into a team of Japanese players head-on. Suddenly seeing my opponent was also taken aback, but I am now a household name in Japan, and these people immediately recognized me in a signature armor. After the person reacted, the first reaction was to draw the knife, but when he pulled it hard, he heard a loud noise. The handle hit the aisle wall, and the scabbard hit the other side. His Toyo sword is too long, and it is impossible to pull it out sideways in a narrow aisle. If his knife was straddled diagonally so that it could be pulled out, unfortunately he straddled it, and now it's not so easy to turn around.

I didn't have so much scruples anyway, and shook my arms down, and oh la la slid both hands and claws. Crouching forward, he punched the guy's stomach with a backhand, and the claw had penetrated into his stomach. This blow is not over yet, because my hand is reversed, so now the edge of the knife is facing upwards, I lifted it up forcefully, and directly made three huge wounds more than a foot long on that guy’s stomach. , Blood spewed out with the internal organs, and the guy fell unbelievably. The people behind him still haven't realized what happened, but I won't wait for them to respond. He suddenly turned his back to the guy and leaned forward. The two wings slammed open and then quickly retracted. The two guys behind immediately broke into several pieces and fell down.

The name of the wing parts of the magic dragon suit is not wings but wing blades, so you can know what its real function is. Although I rarely use these things in place of blades, it's not that they can't be used. After easily slicing the two guys, I moved forward quickly. Anyway, when I saw the stairs, I went up, because my final goal was the command room on the top.

I don't know how many turns and how many stairs I climbed. I opened a door and suddenly I reached the deck. The wind and rain outside seemed to be bigger than before, dazzling lightning fell randomly among the battleship groups, and the eyes of people with white rays of light flashed. There were ships everywhere on the battlefield, and the flashes of fire from time to time represented that the artillery battle was still going on, but the thunder was too loud to hear the sound of the artillery.

"Baga, don't stand in the door." I was looking at the sea and observing the situation, and there was a voice suddenly coming from behind, and someone was pushing me aside. This must be a Japanese who thinks of the deck, but he didn't recognize me as a normal crew member, so he cursed and tried to squeeze past me.

When I heard the guy’s scolding, a smile appeared on the corner of my mouth. I gently moved to the side. The guy immediately got past. I inserted the claw into his vest and followed. Kick him into the sea with his feet. Turning to look at the hull of the hull, I quickly found the outer corridor of the command room. I didn't bother to find the stairs anymore, so I spread my wings and flew up.

The command rooms of the generally speaking battleship are all behind the cockpit, but there are also many battleships that combine the two. The Japanese ship is a little bit special. Its wheelhouse is under the command room, so when I opened the hatch, I didn't see the other's commander. Instead, I ran into a seaman who wanted to go out head-on.

"Baga..." In a hurry, the other party didn't see exactly who had hit him. He habitually cursed first, but then flew out from the other window like a cannonball. The crew in the cabin watched the guy flying out from the other side in a daze, and then realized that something was wrong, but when they turned their heads back, there was already a short arrow on everyone's forehead.

"What's going on below?" I just got the people in the cab, and suddenly a Japanese player came down on the stairs above my head, but he just walked down a little bit and I grabbed my ankle and gave him a hand. Pulled it down. The hapless guy who was suddenly dragged into the cabin below and hadn't reacted was kicked and fainted. The person upstairs felt something was wrong below, and another person jumped down right after the guy, but after all, he suddenly entered the room, and the reaction was naturally not as fast as me. I went up and swept up as soon as he landed. The leg swept him down, and when he rolled over on his body, it hit his face with an elbow, and the guy fainted without humming.

"What the hell is going on?" The people upstairs completely confirmed that something was wrong this time, shouting constantly, but no one came down. In this case, as long as the people above are not stupid, they should know that jumping down will definitely suffer, so they plan to wait for me to go up and find a way to deal with me, but I am not stupid.

"Darts." Fenglong space suddenly expanded, and the darts turned into white lightning and rushed into the upper room. The opponent's person was originally focused attention completely staring at the entrance, and when he saw something flying near Immediately turned their attention, but they soon realized that it was only bait that came in first, but unfortunately it was a step too late to react, and I was already standing in the room when they came back to his senses.

"I will block him, you first cover Captain Nakamura to leave." A Japanese warrior greeted me first, and the others set up a Japanese player in his seat according to his request. The other door ran out.

I didn't bother to waste time on this guy, so I just walked over. When the Japanese warrior saw me approaching and immediately raising the knife, it was a heavy chopping. I raised my hand and pinched his wrist directly. He was stunned for a moment, and then tried to press it down, but the wrist was pinched and couldn't be pressed down anyway. I lifted my leg and kicked him aside, and then continued to chase the person who was framed.

Seeing that the companion failed to intercept, two more people were separated from the person protecting the command player to stop me. I pointed forward, and the two and a half months behind immediately rose up and whirled forward. Rushed out. The people left in front raised their weapons and blocked them. Banyue hit a fire star on the weapons of the two and bounced back, but the two knew that they could not stop the second time. The hands of the two who had been stunned by the impact just now were numb. If it weren't for protecting the commanders behind, they might not even be able to hold the knife.

I don't care about the two people who got in the way and continue to move forward. After they glanced at each other, they gritted their teeth and rushed up again. "Get out of the way." I shook my hand forcefully, and the claws of both hands popped out at the same time to accurately hold the two long knives, followed by dragging the fire star along the opponent's blade all the way down, and easily cut off the opponent's handle guard. The two men's hands and half of their arms were cut into three pieces of meat. The two men couldn't hold their weapons anymore, and oh la la fell to the ground with two beeps. I closed my hands and kicked the two people to the sides, and then walked to the commander who had left the room. Now there is only one protector left beside him. As for him, he is not a combatant at all and has no self-protection ability at all.

"You go first." The last protector saw me following up again and let go of helplessly. The commander wanted to intercept me independently, but by looking at his expression, he knew that he was doing his best to listen. It's just fate. He obviously recognized my identity, and naturally knew that he was not my opponent at all at his level, so he didn't expect to be able to stop me.

I strode forward, while the other side retreated step by step. Seeing that there was nothing behind, the guy reluctantly raised his weapon and prepared desperately, but at this time a miracle happened. NS. A loud explosion sound, I only felt a heat wave coming oncoming, followed by a huge force that threw me out sideways, the railing on the battleship was broken like noodles, and I kept flying out more than 30 meters. It hit the water with a bang, and then bounced on the water like a boulder twice before sinking into the water completely.

Compared with my depressed mood, the Japanese on the battleship don’t know whether it should be fortunate or sad. The bomb that lifted me off just now was simply a cannonball. The Japanese were of course very happy to get me off the ship, but the problem is that the cannonball also hit their battleship, and unfortunately it was where it was shot. It happened to be the junction of the fragile bridge and the wheelhouse, but it was still firing armor-piercing blasting bombs. As a result, the entire driving and command system was now on the west, and the entire battleship was turned sideways on the sea, if it weren’t for the wheels. The people in the cabin found that something was wrong and cut off the control line of the bridge urgently. The battleship must have begun to play around in place.

The Japanese are busy tossing about the navigation of the flagship, but I am busy looking for directions in the sea. The shell did not directly hit me just now, but the point of impact was too close to me, and unfortunately the caliber of the shell was not small, so it threw me out. Now I just feel like a bunch of bells and drums are ringing near my ears, and my head hurts.

"Master, are you okay?" Knowing that I was injured, Aanna ran out by herself and dragged me into the deeper water first. It’s still windy on the sea, and shells from both sides are flying everywhere. If you rashly float up and hit a stray bullet, it’s a back!

I made an OK gesture underwater, shook my head slightly, and looked up at the battleship on top. Although the light outside is not good, I have perfect dark vision, so I can still see the bottom of the battleship, but I just lowered my head just as soon as I lifted the head, because I found that there was a large area deeper than us. The shadow was moving forward, and for a moment I seemed to figure out something.

Before sneaking into the Japanese battleship, I didn’t see the soldiers transported. In the case of insufficient capacity, the Japanese should not have so many empty cabins. Normally, they should put all the people capable of loading them. The place is full. I couldn't figure it out at the time, but now I understand it all. The Japanese have submarines. They played with us on the Zhaomingxiu plank road and crossed Chencang secretly. They have studied the Chinese art of war very much.

"Anna, you go and inform King Chuang to send someone to launch. The enemy transport ships are all fakes, and the real transport ships are all underwater."

"Understand." Grandma immediately let go of me and swam up to the surface of the water quickly. The speed of the mermaid in the water is much faster than that of the torpedo. Anyway, she doesn't worry about being hit by something on the surface of the water. After watching Grandma swim far, I also turned and dived to the surface of the sea.

This time, the depth of the Japanese submarine's navigation is very large, and these are obviously special submarines, giving up all the combat attributes, purely designed to be able to carry more people. These submarines are not so much submarines. I think it’s more appropriate to call them pontoons. Many of them are big tanks. They don’t even have propellers. They all rely on the ropes that are connected to each other to pull each other, and finally the real submarine in the front row of the team. Towing forward. Although this design has many shortcomings, I know there are at least two major advantages. One is cheap, but it can be installed. In contrast, the poor survivability of the battlefield can be completely shielded by the transportation fleet on the sea as a cover. Anyway, even if the Japanese are all built according to the standards of regular submarines, they will be completely destroyed if they are discovered. It's not our opponent at all. Instead of wasting that money, it's more cost-effective to make this cheap drag diving box.

I visually inspected the volume of one of the diving tanks. This thing has no power, no navigation equipment and weapons, so all the internal space can be used to hold people, if they are designed as compartments Style, if you don’t consider comfort, one cabin can hold one or two thousand people. The thousands of cabins in front of you will have to have millions of people. According to this transportation volume, the Japanese will soon be able to shed all their troops. Go here in Korea.

Although Little Japan’s plan is good, since I ran into it, their good days are basically over. After opening my wings and slamming hard for a few times underwater, I moved straight towards the front few drag submarines at a speed faster than torpedoes. These manned diving transport cabins have no power, and their actions are completely dependent on the towing submarine in front of them. As long as I can successfully destroy the towing boat, it will be equivalent to stopping all these submarines. As long as they can't move, won't they let us squeeze them afterwards? Of course, the Japanese are not stupid, such a weak submarine impossible to run in the sea without any defensive force. "Zero" is an out-and-out magical game, and there are more than just small fish in the sea.

There are several hundred meters far away from the submarine group. I saw groups of black creatures leaving but the submarine began to gather towards me. These little things were clinging to the shell of the submarine before, which would suddenly leave the submarine and rush over to show that it was to provide cover for the submarine. After the creatures rushed in front of me, they stopped suddenly, and several players emerged from it, but their equipment seemed to be a type of underwater combat.

"Who?" The first guy actually asked, but before I could answer, I was taken a step ahead by the people around him.

"Stupid, that's Purple Moon, you still have to ask for a fart! Go back and notify the commander in chief."

"Yes." The scolded guy immediately turned around and turned back. Swim, but I definitely can't let him go. Although this situation will soon be known to the other party, it is always good for me to be late. I pointed at the small group of people in front of me with one hand, two and a half months immediately separated from my back and rushed forward quickly.

The shape of the half-moon is a flat crescent, and the front is all around. As long as it faces the thin blade forward, there is no resistance to moving in the water. The people on the opposite side only saw the two crescents rise up, and they turned and disappeared into their sight as soon as they followed the direction. Although Ban Yue’s speed was so fast that they could not be seen, they immediately realized that this thing was definitely going towards them, so everyone tried their best to move to the side in an attempt to escape, but what made them didn’t expect Ban Yue did not chase them at all. Meaning, it's so easy to pass through the passage they let out and go straight to the player who is going back to report the letter. After discovering the true purpose of Ban Yue, the opponent wanted to save it too late. Although they were all specializing in underwater combat, the human body was no thinner than Ban Yue, and the resistance of water seriously affected their speed. Two and a half months is almost instantaneous.

"Be careful, Yamaguchi!"

"Huh? What...?" The player who reported the letter just turned around and saw two groups of dark shadows rushing towards each other with a string of bubbles. Come, following him, he only felt a chill in his neck and waist, and then he became a dead soul state directly. The people around only saw two and a half months passing through his neck and waist, followed by blood, which stained a large area of ​​nearby water. The guy's body also broke in three and sank toward the seabed.

After discovering that the companion was killed, the remaining people no longer considered any other probabilities. At this time, there was nothing to do except fight. The large group of players quickly divided into two teams, one of which rushed towards me, and the rest disappeared among the black creatures before. I haven't noticed before, all of those little black creatures have sharp teeth, which is obviously not a good thing. Each of these small things resembling tadpoles is the size of a rabbit. Except for a round head with sharp teeth, there is only a thin tail that is more than one meter long. The overall structure is very simple.

After the players were immersed in these terrifying tadpoles, these little things immediately rushed towards me frantically. "Lightning-Razer shines." I originally planned to use lightning to kill the players who commanded the little monster first, but in a panic, I forgot that water is conductive. As a result, the Thunder snake spread into countless as soon as it took shape. Arc, but this failed magic so as to clear away a large piece of small monster by the way.

The protective ability of these little things seems to be very poor. The failed lightning magic can be said to have not much formidable power. Under such circumstances, it can actually clean up a large area of ​​monsters. It can be seen that these little things How little blood is. But since they know that their HP is low, there is no reason not to make good use of them.

"Small dragon girl, come out and help."

"Leave it to me here." The small dragon girl entered her body form as soon as she came out. Divine Dragon is not so much a Heavenly Dragon as it is a water dragon, because according to my observation, the battle strength of a small dragon girl in the water is not at the same level as in the air, although in water she is not as strong as the battle strength in the air. But the enemy's battle strength in the water drops even more severely, and she can maintain a battle strength that is basically equal to that in the air or even stronger in the water, which makes her have an overwhelming strength underwater.

Before, the characteristics of the little monsters, the small dragon girl, had already been seen through my eyes in the Phoenix Dragon space, so she started to enter the spellcasting stage without any temptation. Thirty-six small whirlpools suddenly appeared near us. The enemy hadn't noticed these little things at first, because each of them was only fist sized. It is estimated that even small fish can easily get rid of them, let alone these monsters. However, within a few seconds, those small vortices began to increase exponentially. Within ten seconds, these small vortices had actually turned into thirty-six giant vortices with a diameter of more than three meters and a depth difference of nearly 100 meters. Naturally, such a huge vortex can no longer be ignored. The opponent began to command the little monster to try to retreat first, but the pull of the vortex has already appeared. Except for the little monsters on the periphery who escaped proudly, all nearby monsters were pulled in. The center of the vortex was twisted into pieces.

After killing a large number of small monsters, the sea still did not calm down, and the thirty-six waterspouts began to turn in the sea and lay flat and rush forward. Normally, the vortex does not appear horizontally, but it is not a normal situation now. The vortex under the control of the small dragon female does not speak any laws of physics at all. It was smashed.

The players guarding the submarine battlelion and those monsters were in the same place in front of me and the small dragon girl, and we were crushed and beaten by our side. Seeing that we were about to rush to the front of the submarine, a small ball flashing red light suddenly flew from behind the crowd. On the way, even a famous Japanese player was hit by the waist because he couldn't dodge. The speed of the light ball is extremely fast, and it is still rotating while moving forward. Behind it is also brought up a rotating cylindrical water wave, but it is different from the small dragon female water spout. A waterspout is a solid liquid column formed by the rotation of water, but it looks like a rotating column because it is different from the nearby sea The high-speed rotation drove the water flow together with the high-speed rotation to produce a huge centrifugal force, so that the photosphere has passed, and the vacuum column is still not closed.

I knew it was dangerous when I watched the ball of light hit the Japanese player from afar, and then I saw it flying over here with a vacuum cylinder, so I didn’t dare to accept it. NS. The small dragon girl swam over and grabbed me with a claw and swung her tail. She quickly got out of the flight path of the ball of light. Who knew that although it was fast turning, it was very agile. It began to turn almost as soon as we started to move, and it rushed over after constantly adjusting its direction all the way to chase us.

"No way, I can't get rid of it, put me down and try to block it." After I said the small dragon, the female immediately let go of me and threw a waterspout far away, hoping to give it to that first The ball of light slowed down, but that thing was really surprising. It unexpectedly twisted and avoided the opening of the vortex at the moment when the water column was about to touch it, and then rewinded all the way speedingly in the direction of the water flow.

"Not good, my spell is out of control."

With the cry of the small dragon woman, the waterspout has been crushed by the vacuum column, and the speed of the ball of light is not at all I rushed over with a straight copy.

"Eternity." I moved forward with one hand, and the eternity instantly formed something like a softball glove in my hand. The ball of light directly hit the eternity without any pause. This "catching glove" followed Eternity into a completely airtight spherical shell the moment it entered it, enclosing the entire ball of light. Because the eternal change speed is very fast, so when it completes the package, I have not felt any impact, but after about ten seconds after the completion of the package, I am still floating there, and the expected impact is not at all. Appear.

"What's going on?" I looked down at Eternal, and the feeling from my hand clearly told me that the thing is already not in Eternal.

"hahahaha, you are finished this time." A voice suddenly appeared in my head, and I can clearly know that this is not the sound I heard with my ears, because its pitch is normal. We are now underwater. Although people wearing full-covered helmets can still speak, the sound transmitted from the water is mutated after all, but the sound is like speaking directly in the air, proving that it’s not my ears. The voice heard.

"Who are you? Where are you?"

"Aiya, forgot my voice so soon?"

Almost at the other party When I said this, my brain assistant chip automatically activated and opened a memory search program. In almost a second, I got the memory content given by the assistant thinking chip. I finally remembered whose voice it was. "Kino Kazuke!"

"Aiya, it's so rare that you remember me."

This Kano Kazuke has dealt with me before, because he is a ghost letter The military advisor by his side. In the beginning, when the leaders of Japan were Matsumoto Masaga and Tanaka Masata, he had been mixed up with Oni Sou Nobunaga. Later, Matsumoto lost the support of Japanese players because of repeated defeats in the battle with me, and then Oni Sou nobun. Long replaced Masaga Matsumoto as the leader of Japan. As the number two person next to the leader, this Kano Kazunbe also naturally replaced Tanaka's position. At first, when they first took the position, they had obtained a pill furnace from Great God Tian Zhao, which almost turned me into a medicine pill for upgrading. (Forgot to refer to Chapter 2 of Volume 12)

"What are you doing so proudly?" I used my own thoughts in my brain to respond to Kono Ichito's words, the purpose of course is to confirm whether we are between us There really exists communication other than sound waves.

Sure enough, the words I didn't say aloud were also received. Kano Ichibe answered naturally: "I am proud because you have been hit by my puppet bead, and you will soon become my puppet."

"Puppet bead?" I immediately Thinking of the red ball of light that disappeared just now.

Kanoichi quickly confirmed my thoughts. "Yes, it's the red pill you saw before. My puppet bead can switch between material and illusory forms at will. The purpose of driving the water forward was to make you mistakenly believe that it is an entity and ignore the protection of energy form, but When it touches you, it has switched to the energy form, and then passed through your defenses and entered your body. Now the puppet beads are merging with you, you can feel that your mana value is rapidly declining? When you After the mana of is consumed, you will be completely controlled by me. Now some of your skills should have failed."

I was already checking my attributes while Kanoichi was talking. Just as he said, there is an extra puppet conversion progress bar on my attribute. The progress of this thing is just the opposite of my magic power value. My magic power drops rapidly, but it grows rapidly. At this rate, it can’t produce one. minute my body will be completely transformed into a puppet.

"Conversion." In desperation, I raised my hand violently and shouted, a black air current formed in the water, as if the surrounding sea water didn't exist, it wrapped me in. When the air flow rose from my feet and rolled over my whole body, a pair of combat boots different from the dragon suit gradually appeared underneath, followed by the hem of the colorful robe, and then the gold corset and gorgeous gemstone neck guard. Finally When the crown of magic power and the loose long hair left the whirlwind, I already appeared in the position just now in the form of a silver moon.

I checked my attribute as soon as the shape turn was completed. Fortunately, the progress bar disappeared. The crowd in front separated a passage from the monsters, and a strangely dressed Japanese player swam out. "Didn't expect your form transformation ability can actually prevent the erosion of my puppet magic beads."

Although this person’s voice was changed because of water, it was very difficult to deal with, but from his In terms of tone and content of words, I still judged that this guy is Kanoichi, but he seems to have lost the ability to speak directly in my head. I guessed that the previous ability was caused by the puppet magic beads. Now Since Yinyue's body was not affected, he naturally couldn't use that kind of communication ability anymore.

"Didn't you say you want to turn me into a puppet? It seems that your ability to speak big is much higher than your actual ability!" I deliberately stimulated Kano Kazuto to learn more about this puppet The attribute of the Dharma beads.

Sure enough, Kano Kazuo was fooled immediately. "hmph, don't be too proud. Although you successfully circumvented the puppetization process by switching your status, it just paused the process and did not completely remove my puppet control. Now as long as you switch back to Purple Moon, the puppet progress It will start immediately. Unless you will never use this tub again, you will become my puppet sooner or later. But... it doesn’t matter if you don’t use it. A puppet magic orb seals the Purple Moon’s size. No, it’s worth more than a transaction."

Kanoichi's words made me very worried. In case what he said is true, it will be troublesome. But I forcibly suppressed my worries and continued: "hmph, so what. At worst I commit suicide once."

"hahahaha...Do you think I'm an idiot? It really can be done by suicide. Why should I threaten you by clearing my puppet orb?"

"Death can't clear this puppet? Impossible, right? "Zero" is impossible to set such a sky-defying ability, if you can create this at will If you plant a puppet magic bead, how can someone beat you?"

"hehe, I know you are playing my words, but there is nothing to hide. To tell you the truth, the manufacturing conditions of the puppet magic bead It's extremely demanding and can't be mass-produced at all. I don't even know when the second one will be produced, but you don't have to think about it. Anyway, you have already been recruited. It is still obediently and honestly waiting to change. Be my puppet. Ah hahahaha..."

"The beauty you want." Although the size of Purple Moon cannot be switched right now, Silver Moon’s attack power is actually far higher than Purple Moon. It's just that I am not used to the battle method of the spell class and the appearance of Yinyue is too feminine, so I rarely use it.

"I'm not thinking, but waiting. As soon as the time comes, you will be my puppet sooner or later."

"You will live this time first. Baby."

"My baby is here." My new cute demon flicked out of the Phoenix and Dragon space, and followed the enemy ahead. "Dessert world."

Wow, a colorful ripple suddenly rippled around us, and everything around us changed drastically. The little monsters in front of them all turned into plush toys, while the surrounding sea water turned into an unknown blue drink, and the group of submarines below was gradually transforming into chocolate at a very fast rate.

It is probably the first time that the Japanese have seen such a strange attack method. The surrounding Japanese players, including Kano Ichihu, were all dumbfounded. What made them mad is that the submarine below is melting. Although chocolate does not melt into the water very quickly, after all, it cannot be soaked in water. Because the chocolate submarine below is moving, it melts faster than normal. Everyone can understand. Seeing the black chocolate dissolving liquid wafting like smoke from the back of the submarine, at this speed, these submarines can all be exhausted without running two nautical miles.

"What did you do to them?" Kanoichi asked the baby angrily.

"You dare to talk to th

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