"Have you seen the squad warrior?" I asked Ashford, pointing in one direction.


"Count the third column from the back to the front row."

"I see. I feel that their actions seem to be different from that of battallion Coordination." Ashford yelled again just after speaking. "Wait, these are not warriors. Those are disguised wizards."

"Finally you found out!"

"It is also normal to mix wizards in warrior formations. Ah! Even if the opponent changes the armor to the wizard, it is nothing more than an extra layer of cover. Isn't that what? I have used similar tactics before."

"If you pay attention, you will find that I said Where is the abnormality?" Ashford heard what I said and immediately read it several times seriously, but in the end he couldn't find anything unusual. I finally reminded him helplessly: "Pay attention to those people's weapons."

"Weapons? Wait, this is...rune sword? No, it is power sword. Those are the priests of theocracy! Are they they Planning to surrender to God?"

The profession of theocracy priest can be regarded as the Demon Sword among the priests. Their melee attack power may be regarded as the best group among the priests. However, compared with ordinary professions, the biggest special feature of theocracy priests is that once the number of personnel in this profession increases, they will become very scary, because theocracy priests have a collective skill-succumbing to the gods. No matter what god is descended from, anyway, as long as the summon Spiritual God participates in the war, it will not be a simple matter. There are a lot of expired gods around me, but both Keling and Xiaochun have limited mana. If an existence like Ditans suddenly emerges, you can imagine what will happen. The total annihilation is just a matter of flicks for an existence like Ditans.

As soon as Ashford confirmed this situation, he immediately ordered the entourage next to him to find a telescope with a higher multiple, and his purpose was nothing more than to confirm that the opponent’s power sword was hit in the end. What is the sign of God. Generally speaking, priests of theocratic power will have special gods, and the gods they descend will vary according to the gods they serve, and the specific gods they will call will have a great influence on the subsequent battles.

"I think I have seen that sign." One of Ashford's assistant said suddenly.

"Have you seen? What kind of symbol of God is that?"

"It is a very terrifying Spiritual God."

"Terrifying? How much can it be? Terrifying? Is it better than the dark god Titans?" I couldn't help asking.

"No, it’s not the same concept. The power of this god is definitely not as good as the Lord of Darkness. His terrifying thing is that his skills are very abnormal. This guy is the god of sensations. He can close all of us. Senses."

"Close all senses? Will we become deaf and blind?"

"Not only that. People affected by divine force can't feel the enemy even if they touch the enemy. , And there is no pain. I don’t know if I was cut by the enemy. I don’t know where the enemy is until I die. I don’t even know if I was attacked."

"Damn, it’s not impossible to fight. Is it?"

"That's not it." The player actually touched a badge from his body. "Actually... I am also a believer in the God of Sensation, so I am not affected by this spell."

"But we are not!" Ashford asked anxiously, "Is there any way to Let us all exempt this skill?"

"Unless you all immediately join the ranks of believers in the God of Feeling."

"Is there any other way?"

< p>"As far as I know, no." The player replied affirmatively.

I shook the head. "There must be a way. The problem is that we don't know it. "Zero" has no invincibility, so there must be a solution. By the way, which camp does this God of Feeling belong to?"

" The God of Feeling is one of the subordinate gods of Dark God Palace."

"Damn, I've been my own for a long time!" I said to Ashford depressed, "You don't care about this. I’ll take care of it."

"Are you sure it’s okay?"

"Unless the God of Sense intends to abandon the Dark God Palace and does not intend to join the Light God Palace, either side He doesn’t want to get confused."

We are discussing here, but the enemy is not clear about our thoughts. They thought we didn’t notice the theocracy priests, so they were still orderly. move forward. Of course, we cannot stop the offensive. When the opposing team advanced close enough to the city wall, the team really stopped, and then only saw the theocracy in the center of the team suddenly flashed, and then all the disguised guys fainted in place.

"Summon, what are my requirements, as long as the sacrifice is suitable, I will not refuse any request." The huge silhouette that suddenly appeared in the sky was very shameless and directly asked for the sacrifice.

A theocracy who has not fainted took out a special piece of paper from his body, because the distance was too far, I didn't see what it was. But the priest quickly held the piece of paper to the silhouette in the sky and said loudly: "Our sacrifice is here, please help us to seal off all the feelings of the enemy in front of us."

"I accept you The request." The god of feeling reached out and beckoned and the piece of paper flew directly into his palm. After putting away the strange piece of paper, the god of sensation turned and floated towards the city wall, but he was taken aback when he flew in front of the city wall. "Are you...?"

"My name is Purple Moon."

"It turns out it's really you!" The attitude toward those theocratic priests came to a hundred Eighty degrees turn, when the God of Feeling spoke to me with a good attitude, it was almost like a waiter at a 5-Star level hotel. Although there is no flattering element, it can still make you heard very respectful.

I walked a few steps forward to the edge of the city wall. "Why did you come here?"

"Me?...I was brought over by summon. These people are my believers. I just sensed their summon."

"Oh....you saw it too, they summon you are actually my person, look at this...?"

The God of Feeling looked a little embarrassed The believers behind, then looked at me again. "Well, did you know Lord Titans?"

"Yes. He also has a part in this war."

" Then I didn't say anything. "The God of Sensation suddenly turned to face his theocracy priest and said: "How can you summon me against the dark will, this is absolutely forbidden. I now deprive you of summon my rights and seal them forever." /p>

The biggest difference between the profession of theocracy priests and the ordinary professions is that they rely on divine force to fight, and once the Spiritual God they serve gives up their shelter, then the profession of theocracy priests is equivalent to nullification. The priests just yelled anxiously when they heard that the god of sense was about to seal their summon ability, but the god of sense had no response. After announcing these decisions, the god of sensation immediately disappeared in place.

Ashford didn’t come up until this time and said: "You can actually scare a god away?"

"Make it clear, I didn’t scare him away. , But he was scared off by Titans’ reputation. Before this battle, I had already said hello to Titans, and Titans had made it clear that he would support us, that is to say, this time Titans’s warfare also has shares in it. If this guy messes up Titans’s plan, what do you think he will do with Titans when he goes back to him?"

"That's the same. "

A guild member beside Ashford suddenly asked: "But since you can find God, why don't you just let him help us fight?"

"Because of restrictions." Ashford explained to me: "Gods can order their own troops to directly intervene in some large wars, but they themselves are absolutely not allowed to directly participate in wars."

"But before we Didn’t their gods appear when the guild helped the Frost Rose League fight against the Japanese guilds?"

"That’s the divine force Avatar, not the god himself, and it seems that the system restricts the involvement of the gods in various countries. It’s not the same. For example, the indigenous tribes of some small African countries are not even as powerful as the ordinary gods and generals of the Celestial Court in China, but their intervention is relatively high. These gods can even go abroad to fight without restrictions. But Those gods who are relatively strong are very difficult to deal with, and self-protection is okay, and proactive attack will not work.” I helped explain.

"In other words, regardless of the strength of the Spiritual God of each country, is the actual strength shown in the end actually the same?"

"Probably this is the case, but according to different countries The different experiences the players have during the game may affect this balance. For example, I personally have a good relationship with the Celestial Court in China. This leads to the fact that once I need to apply for the intervention of the Celestial Court, the degree of intervention by the Celestial Court will be It’s higher than the normal value. This is the influence of players on the power of Spiritual God in various countries."

"Understood, then what will the support of Dark God Palace this time look like?" the member asked road. When he asked like this, Ashford immediately looked at me and waited for my answer.

"I don't know this." What I told was absolutely the truth. When I negotiated with Titans, this guy just meant to help, but he didn't say specifically what to do. So except now that he knows he wants to support our war, simply don't know anything else.

The people of the Anglo-French alliance caused by the sudden rebellion of the God of Sensation have been in chaos for a long time, but the commander of the opposing party has shown amazing calmness and reaction speed. Although the heavy-shield infantry and sword-shield fighters originally used for cover seem to have completely lost their meaning, the opposing commander quickly adjusted their strategy to allow these people to switch to cover and fight a real storm. Although these people were only used for cover before, but these defensive power astonishing units are indeed very suitable for siege warfare, so a fierce city wall battle kicked off again. But these are not the content that I want to care about. I don’t have much room to play in the normal battlefields. Even if I can watch ten thousand man but without a match, the city wall is more than that, after all, I will block that short section. The area doesn't have much effect. Besides, Ashford does not lack an ordinary army. Unless it is a particularly powerful enemy unit, it makes no sense for me to dispatch.

It may be because there is no special means available. The enemy seems to have resumed their regular style of play. I patted Ashford next to me. "Here you stare at yourself."

"Are you going to run again?" Ashford looked unwilling to the boss.

"Come on. The Korean side is also disrupted. Why am I staying with you all the time?"

"Then if something happens, you have to come back soon Huh?"

"Don't you have a crystal communicator? Just call me if you have something to do. I will evaluate the situation and decide whether to come."

Neither is Ashford. The unreasonable people are nodded after listening to me. "Okay. But you have to make sure that the communication is always on."

"Don't worry, you are unlucky and I will follow it. Impossible to harm you."

Helpless After making many guarantees to Ashford, I was proud to leave Iron Cross City, and after crossing Transmission Formation to South Korea, I realized that this side has just entered the intermittent period of war, and the war in various places seems to have entered a period of stability. Both sides are seizing the time to rest their forces and it seems that there is nothing I need to care about. When I was about to turn around and leave, I suddenly found that King Chuang appeared near Transmission Formation. As a result, he ran towards me as soon as I found him.

"Boss, Boss."

"Why don't you go to South Korea if you don't wander around at sea?"

"Huh? You didn't call me to come. Is it?"

"Me? When did I call you?"

"But the Strategic Command says something is looking for me?"

" I'm not the only one in the command!"

"That's true. Then you can help me ask what is Rose? Master in charge should always know?"

"Wait." I turned the ring of love to connect the ring of love of the rose. "Wife, who are you looking for Chuangwang?"

"That idiot is with you?" Rose's voice can be described as fluxed and exasperated. It looks like you are going to catch King Chuang and eat meat!

When King Chuang heard Rose’s bad tone, he squeezed to the floating screen and asked: "Sister, how can I offend you?"

"You stupid, I said yes Why did you run away when things told you?"

"Didn't I come to you?"

"Who told you to come to us? Can't it in the crystal communication machine? Say it?"

"But I thought..."

Rose interrupted without giving Chuangwang a chance to defend himself: "Okay, let's not discuss it now. This. Listen, here is the latest news. The Japanese have just formed a huge fleet..."

Before Rose could finish speaking, Chuangwang asked. "Where did the Japanese come from? Didn’t we sink their new third fleet just a few days ago? Why did another one pop up?"

"Japan’s shipbuilding industry has always been very Developed, not to mention that they are now stake all on one throw. You know that in the game "Zero", money can be directly exchanged for strength. In the end, it is economic. Although we have sunk a lot of ships , But the enemy’s construction speed has not slowed down. It is not impossible to form a fleet again in a short period of time. Isn’t it okay if you have a battle anyway? Why do you ask so much?"

"Okay Okay, let me talk, you continue."

"Listen, the Japanese fleet escorted a large group of transport ships this time. Your task is to kill this fleet and you must not let any enemy pass through. The waterway leaves Japan."

"As long as the enemy's fleet can be found, I believe that interception is not a big problem."

Rose discovered that King Chuang had underestimated the enemy and immediately warned him seriously: "Don't underestimate the Japanese fleet. Although they were beaten badly before, the new fleet's technology is the latest, battle strength and those old-fashioned battleship incomparable. This time the troop carriers are equipped to support those pro-Japanese Korean forces. The number of NPC army is quite large. Once they land successfully, we will become very passive, so there must be no problems on your side, otherwise you will not be able to pay for the crime even if you commit suicide!"

"This I will naturally It’s clear. In short, the key issue is to find the enemy’s fleet. You also know that the sea is so big, and the battleship group is not a civilian ship. In the state of war, they will not take a fixed route. We really want to find them on the vast sea. It’s too easy! I can’t take this responsibility if they let them pass through the middle!"

"We will use Babel Tower and Haotian Mirror to help you look at the enemy’s position, yes, Purple Moon, will you follow along too?"

"What am I going to do?" I looked at Rose suspiciously.

"According to our spy report, there is a secret weapon hidden in the Japanese fleet, and according to our analysis, this secret weapon is a powerful creature. The probability of this secret weapon is very high. The battleship group is not against the battle strength of rare beast Great, it's up to you at this time."

"That's okay."

Looking at the king, we seem to have finished talking and quickly asked: "Is the enemy going to sea now? "

"Of course, otherwise, why am I looking for you in a hurry?"

When Chuang Wang heard this, he said anxiously: "Then we have to hurry, otherwise once we pass the deep sea If there are more islands in the area, it will be difficult to fight!"

"Don't worry about this, I have ordered the fleet to go to sea."

"What about the two of us?"


"Does your long spear look good?"

"Oh, summon creatures that are often not used at sea, I forgot this thing!"


After disconnecting, we both rode on my flying bird and chased it in the direction of the fleet. After all, flying bird is an evolutionary creature of long spear, and the speed is much faster than normal long spear. Although the fleet was transferred out immediately after Chuangwang left, the speed of the ship is really negligible compared with the flying birds in the sky, and it took us ten minutes to catch up with the one that was advancing at high speed towards Japan. Huge fleet.

A long way from the fleet, I saw the Eternal flagship command flag that was raised high. Near the flagpole was a large black spot of grandiose, and King Chuang and I knew that. Each black dot represents a battleship with a large tonnage, because a ship with a distance of more than 10,000 tons is invisible at all. "What is our fleet?" I asked casually.

The King Chuang was immediately unhappy when he heard it. "Boss, you don't care about our navy too much. You don't even recognize our own fleet."

"Please, there are things everywhere in such a big guild, let me care about it. Dead?"

After thinking about it, Chuangwang seems to think that I am more busy than I am free, and I no longer say anything and directly replied: "This is the first fleet, that is, the local fleet. , Is responsible for the affairs of China’s coastal waters and Japan and South Korea. The number of ships in itself is also the largest, but the tonnage of the ships is not very large. However, the Eternal is not a ship of the local fleet, but recently returned to Hong Kong to change and follow the way. As a trial voyage, after this battle, if there is no problem, I will return to Hong Kong to replenish ammunition and return to the Pacific Fleet."

I nodded and looked at the huge fleet in front of me. Indeed, as King Chuang said, there are many ships. , But there are very few big ships. King Chuang pointed to those ships and introduced me: "Because the battleships in Japan and South Korea were almost cleaned up by our guild before, the naval power has plummeted. It can be said that there is no decent fleet in Asia. Under such a premise, there is no need for us to keep the main battleship on the mainland, which has resulted in a sparse number of large battleships in the local fleet. However, although Japan and South Korea do not have any big ships, there are many small boats, and because they can’t directly compete with us. Fleet, so they all began to engage in maritime warfare. Every time a large number of small fleets were making troubles everywhere. In desperation, we could only increase the number of battleships in the local fleet, so that even if the forces were dispersed, the absolute firepower advantage in local areas could be guaranteed. However, I have come up with so many small and medium-sized battleships. Now I think it is really terrifying!"

"Anyway, I don't want you to spend money, what are you worried about?"

"Hehe, do I just sigh with emotion!" Chuang Wang suddenly pointed to the bottom and shouted: "Hurry down, we are going to fly over!"


I directly retracted the Phoenix Dragon Space, and then I spread my wings in the air and grabbed the King Chuang, slowly glide down and landed on the Eternal bridge steadily. The commanders from the bridge immediately rushed out, and after greeted me one after another, they dragged King Chuang to the chart and started talking about the layout of the naval battle. Speaking of which I’m basically a layman, so I didn’t understand if I stood aside, but in the end I heard something I could help out—the fleet needs reconnaissance.

When it comes to reconnaissance, naturally, there is nothing more suitable than my ghost worm. These guys can be emptied. Firstly, they are concealed. Secondly, they are not afraid of water. The most important thing is that these guys can Left empty for a long time, and the number is extremely large, it can fully bear the responsibility of large-scale battlefield reconnaissance. After I have undertaken all the defensive reconnaissance in the area around the fleet, the king can safely send all the lead ships to search for the enemy, so that our search range has been greatly improved.

We sailed boringly on the ship for more than three hours, until dawn was approaching, we suddenly found a large cloud of rain in front of us. The weather conditions of this Sea Territory surrounded by China, Japan and South Korea are notoriously good. Unless it enters the storm zone, it is basically impossible to encounter severe weather. Generally speaking, the first strategy we will consider when encountering this situation is to avoid it. It is not that the fleet cannot pass through the thunderstorm zone, but that it is unnecessary. It's as if you know that you can break the plank with your fist, but no one can just hit the plank and play with it? But today's situation is slightly different.

A fleet commander looked at me and asked, "Boss, can't we enter this rainy area?"

"Then I need to ask?" I asked back. At this time of war, nothing can be considered in accordance with normal circumstances, just as tanks ignore the traffic lights during a war. At this time, if the enemy ran over to South Korea in the cloud and rain zone, it must be messy.

Chuangwang is much fiercer than me, he slapped the member directly. "Are you stupid? What thunderstorm area are you hiding at this time? Order the fleet's course to remain unchanged, let everyone on the deck enter the cabin, and don't leave anyone outside."


The local fleet speaking of which ships are not large in tonnage, but that is relative to the Pacific Fleet and the Atlantic Fleet. In fact, our ships are still quite large, and ordinary wind and waves have no effect on us at all. As the fleet gradually entered the cloud and rain area, the sky was obviously darker. Ordinarily it’s early morning, we should be getting brighter and brighter, but rain clouds blocked the sun, and the surrounding area is almost the same at night. There is almost no light except for the shining thunder in the sky from time to time. Inside the bridge All have to turn on the instrument lights to continue operation.

As the fleet continues to deepen, the wind and waves begin to become bigger and bigger, the anemometer on the bow of the ship spins crazily in the squally wind, and the huge wave throws hundreds of thousands of tons of battleship into the air for a while. After being buried under the water, the nearly 500-meter-long battleship has a pitch angle of more than 20 degrees before and after it. Even some people who often go out to sea are getting seasick.

"His grandma, what the hell is this weather!" King Chuang supported the handrail in the bridge and shouted to the sailor in front: "Open the wiper, I can't see anything here. That's it!"

"Captain, is the wind and waves a bit abnormal?" The sailor asked loudly while opening the wiper of the observation window.

"The ghost knows what's going on. Anyway, we just need to rush forward. As long as we can find the little devil, everything is worth it."

"But under such stormy conditions The fleet can’t aim at all!"

The King Chuang yelled: "I got the ticket, do you think I was scolded to death by the Rose Chief Manager?"

" But..."

Just as King Chuang was about to speak, I immediately interrupted him and said, "Don't shout, you really cannot attack in this kind of weather, but even if we encounter a Japanese battleship, we are. Not that absolutely does not have a way to fight, at least we still have underwater troops, don’t we? If it doesn’t work, we will carry out underwater blasting, and the battleship built under this kind of wind and waves will not run fast, right?"

"That's what I said." After Wang Chuang said, the communication machine in the cabin suddenly sounded a warning sound. "What's the situation?" King Chuang stepped over to the communication machine.

"The lead ship No. 813 found that the shadow of the ship was located in the eight-seven-fifth sea area, with a current heading of 180 and a speed of fourteen."



"The lead ship No. 813 approached for reconnaissance, and the nearby lead ship contracted the encirclement to help me find out the number of enemies and fleet organization."

"Order to issue."

The chief officer immediately reported after the command to the king: "Captain, the relative position of the enemy fleet has been calculated."

"Turn right away."

< p>"Yes." The chief officer immediately shouted to the helmsman: "Turn to 328, full speed."

Chuang Wang ran to the chart and looked at the line drawn by the chief officer before sighing: "Huh, it's dangerous, I almost slipped past, this damn storm!"

The entire fleet steering is not a simple matter of car steering. Because of the storm, the battleships in the fleet dare not dare It was too close, so the final steering process took more than half an hour to be completely completed, but fortunately, the distance between us and the enemy is actually not far, mainly because the line of sight is not good, so we have not found each other.

"Leadership report." The report that the fleet had just turned to the leadship was also sent back.


"My lead ship formation has surrounded the enemy fleet, and the opponent has discovered our fleet, but has not taken any action so far. The number of enemy fleets is 374 plus more than seven thousand ."

"What? The Japanese have so many transport ships?"

The number plus number mentioned in the report means the addition of combat ships and non-combat ships, so that the report can be combined at once The total number and the number of various ships are reported. More than 300 battleships are not much for us, because we have more battleships than this, but the more than 7,000 non-combat ships that follow are a bit too scary. Such a large fleet will be absolutely terrifying even if it is accompanied by the number of people carried by small transport ships. Moreover, ships that are too small under such wind and waves cannot move forward, so it is certain that these ships are definitely at least medium-sized ships. .

A staff officer asked suddenly: "Do you think it's possible that the enemy used the illusion-like ability to create some fake ships? I always think that the number of seven thousand is too big."


"I don't think it's necessary." I stood up and said: "The amount of Japanese investment has increased significantly recently, and the transport ship itself is not as expensive as a battleship, so a little more is understandable. In Europe. The Anglo-French alliance invested more than 100 million troops in order to encircle and destroy the Iron Crusades. Even if there are not so many in Japan, 70 to 80 million are still needed? You know the transportation capacity of Transmission Formation, and some are high. The level of arms can also be improvised. If we don’t need us to fight the Japanese, we will go bankrupt, so they can only use sea transportation."

The king said: "If you need to transport thousands With 80 million soldiers, the number of 7,000 transport ships is not that big. Those transporting more than 5,000 troops can be regarded as relatively large transport ships, not to mention that only people are enough to fight a war, and there must be enough equipment. Materials are sufficient. Generally speaking, the materials corresponding to a soldier actually take up more space than this person. Therefore, the transportation volume of 70 to 80 million soldiers is basically equivalent to the transportation of 15,000 people, even if the 7,000 transport ships this time are all Large ships with more than 5,000 people have to go back and forth several times. If you think of it this way, 7,000 ships are not surprising."

After listening to King Chuang’s supplement, everyone is nodded, such a large transportation It is understandable to measure the other party and prepare more boats.

"Captain." The correspondent suddenly shouted again.

"What's the matter?"

"The lead ship said that the enemy's battleship has acted."

"Have you been engaged?"

"Not yet, but the enemy's battleship is leaving the transport team and moving outwards. It seems that it is intended to threaten our lead ship."

"Order the lead ship to stay fierce, and do not have anything to do with the enemy before the team arrives. Contact."


With the completion of the fleet turn, we continued to sail for more than 30 minutes and finally entered the contact distance. Everyone in the bridge was looking around looking for the traces of the enemy ship, but the pitch black environment and dense rain screen seriously affected the line of sight, and even the huge observation lens above us could not see anything.

"Damn it, according to the report of the lead ship, we should be very close!"

"Don't relax, the enemy is in the vicinity, it must be blocked by the rain curtain, we Anytime...wait, the enemy is on our side!" King Chuang said and suddenly screamed, and we followed his fingers together, and even the huge observation mirror at the top of the battleship immediately turned in that direction.

Previously, the lead ship reported the approximate area and heading of the enemy. After that, our heading was calculated by the chief officer based on the relative speed and distance between the enemy and us. Generally speaking, this method is used under normal conditions. The navigating enemy will definitely appear up ahead of us, but we are now sailing in the storm zone, and the speed of the fleet is very unstable due to wind and waves. The speed of the battleship of both sides is not correct, and the wind and waves have caused some deviation in the course of both of us, so that the enemy actually passed us and ran to our side. Just now because a bright lightning appeared just above the enemy's fleet, with the help of that sudden flash, the king happened to see several ships in the enemy's fleet that were close to the periphery.

Our battleships are equipped with ultra-long-distance observation mirrors and still fail to detect the enemy. The people of the Japanese fleet are even more impossible to see us, but since they have discovered the lead ship, they naturally know that we are in the vicinity. Yes, it's nothing more than not sure where we are. Now that we first find the enemy shadow means that we can change the formation to seize a favorable position for us to make a sudden attack.

"Left full rudder. All battleship Level 1 battle alerts."

The entire fleet suddenly turned left during wind and rain, and the battleship main turrets began to turn The position of the muzzle was aligned with the direction of the enemy. The entire fleet quietly surrounded their prey in the dark like a pack of wolves hidden in the grass, except for the last pounce.

"Speed ​​up, push me to the front." King Chuang shouted to the engineer. "The gun position! Load my entire gun door with high-explosive armor-piercing shells."

"Captain, the high-explosive armor-piercing shells have been loaded, but now the ship is shaking too much, we...!"


"It doesn't matter. We have a lot of boats. We shoot with coverage. Although we can't hit our target, but if we shoot the birds indiscriminately, we will always hit."

"But isn't this too Is it a waste of shells?"


As soon as King Chuang yelled a word, I held it down. "First officer."


"Inform each ship to find auxiliary wizards who can perform precision skills on their own ships to assist in shooting from the main turret."

"Huh?" The first officer was taken aback for a moment and then asked uncertainly: "Do you mean letting the wizards cast precision skills on the

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