"Flash, it's the giant rock guard!"

In fact, it was a little late when Rose recognized the creature in front of her. The giant rock guard is an evolutionary creature of the giant stone. Unlike the heavy stone giant, the giant rock guard is much more agile and has a larger volume. At the same time, thanks to the huge volume, the giant rock guard has far more than that of the giant stone. Strength and destructive power, and even defensive power is much higher. Seeing the land rapidly swelling and being overturned, Park Yin's soldiers quickly dispersed to avoid the huge monster.

After the giant rock guard is fully upright, the height is more than seventy meters, and the average stone giant is only below his waist, let alone these ordinary players. Seeing her madly running away, Park Yin was obviously unable to sit still.

"Do you have a way to bring that guy down?"

"There may be some problems, but we can try." Rose is afraid to pack a super-big guy like the Giant Rock Guard Tickets, after all, the size of this big guy is scary enough. But the battle strength of our guild is also considerable.

With the appearance of the giant rock guards, our cyborg lifeforms surrounded them one after another. They held various weapons in their hands and attacked the giant rock guard’s ankles in turn. Unfortunately, despite the giant rock guard’s feet The stone chips that were beaten by them flew around but could not affect the actions of the giant rock guard at all. This guy's body itself was assembled by Earth Element. As long as there is land, he can continuously recover his body, so unless he causes strong enough damage at one time, his self-recovery ability alone will be enough to deal with it.

After discovering that the semi-mechanical lifeform had a poor result, Rose immediately called a player in the guild to give a few whispers, and the player quickly turned around and ran out. Park Yin looked at Rose suspiciously. "What did you let him do?"

"Go to adjust the secret weapon of our guild. You can see it in a while."

In fact, the so-called one It took nearly an hour, and during this period that huge giant rock guard almost reduced Park Yin’s troops by one-tenth. Although this terrifying King of Destruction doesn’t have any large-scale magic, he can use his size, even if Lying on the ground and rolling is enough to change the situation of the battle. Park Yin, who had always been in an offensive position, was forced into a defensive state by this thing.

"When will your secret weapon arrive? If it continues like this, my people will die!"

"It's coming soon. But this also proves our calculation That’s right, the Japanese did make preliminary preparations here. I don’t believe that such a huge giant rock guard came out of the temporary summon. This thing must have been completed before the summon, but it’s just kept there and not started."< /p>

"I believe what you said, but when will your secret weapon arrive?" Park Yin is already in a hurry. If this big guy doesn't kill her, she must announce her withdrawal. Her troops will have to be maimed if they continue to fight like this.

"Believe I will be there soon."

"But we really can't stand it anymore."

"Come." Rose suddenly pointed with excitement. I yelled loudly in the distance, and saw a small black spot in the sky that was rapidly expanding.

"What are you talking about is your giant butterfly city?"

Park Eun has been working with us for a long time. She has a very good relationship with us. Clearly, so even though Giant Butterfly City was still far away, she would recognize this big guy. Park Yin knew that this thing had almost no offensive power except that it was big, but this thing could be used as a bomber, but it was slightly inaccurate when facing a moving target.

Rose explained to Park Yin: "Our secret weapon is relatively large. Giant Butterfly City is only responsible for the transportation. The real things are contained in it, so that your people can withstand it. We will immediately put the secret weapon Assemble it."

"You try to hurry up!" Park Yin reluctantly ordered at all costs must to stop the giant rock guard from approaching. In fact, their people have played a supporting role up to now. The real top is the few semi-mechanical lifeforms of our guild. Although these guys can't bring down the giant rock guards, they have powerful attacking power and horror. The movement speed of the giant rock guard greatly hinders the action of the giant rock guard, otherwise the destructive power of this battlefield meat grinder would have solved the battle long ago.

The Giant Butterfly City flew over the roses and hovered there immediately, following him, he began to descend, but did not land, but kept a certain distance. With the decline of Giant Butterfly City, people quickly noticed that there were four huge boxes hanging under this guy's belly. These things look a lot like ordinary containers, but if they are containers, they can fit all container ships in, because they are too big.

The Giant Butterfly City gradually declined, and finally all four giant containers were placed on the ground. Following the release of the several grappling hooks below the Giant Butterfly City, the Giant Butterfly City began to slowly rise but left the container. On the ground.

"This is your secret weapon?"


"Can these things stop the giant rock guard?"


"It should be possible. But you can rest assured that the things in the four containers are not the same. We will do an experiment this time. Even if one or two do not work, the remaining two can definitely handle the giant rock. Guard."

"I hope you don't make any oolongs!"

"Don't worry, when did we put oolongs?"

"Do you still have few oolongs?" Park Yin said angrily: "You will lose contact with the whole city at such a critical moment that the previous war is about to break out. Such a big oolong said that you have never engaged in an oolong? "

"That was an accident, not this time." Rose was saying that the Giant Butterfly City over there had begun to turn around and leave, and the top cover of the four containers was also opening upwards. In the eyes of a large group of Korean players, a large amount of steam was sprayed out of the four containers at the same time. Everyone could not see what was going on inside. Suddenly someone pointed to the smoke and shouted. "Look, something is coming out."

Boom, a big foot suddenly stepped out of the steam and stepped heavily on the ground, and the whole earth seemed to tremble.

"It's so big!"

Everyone who sees this foot can already think of the approximate volume of the thing behind. Sure enough, a huge silhouette came out of the smoke. Everyone who saw this big guy couldn't help being sucked in a cold breath.

"This, this...what the hell is this?" Park Yin was surprised to say nothing. It's not that she has little knowledge, it's all because the things in front of her are too sturdy. The look of this big guy is actually not new. Its appearance can be said to be very common to everyone, because it looks like it looks like the person wearing the dragon suit and putting down the helmet mask. If there is any difference between this guy and me, it can only be volume. My height is definitely not high among the ordinary person, and it can even be said to be short, but the guy in front of me is no less tall than the giant rock guard on the opposite side. Although it seems to be a little thinner, it is higher than the giant rock. The guards are even taller, so overall it doesn't seem to be much smaller.

"What the hell is this thing? Did Purple Moon evolve into a Titan?" Park Eun no longer knew what to call the thing in front of him.

Rose explained with a smile: “Of course it’s not Purple Moon anymore. No matter how players say it, it’s impossible to get so big! This thing is actually a troll puppet, but it’s bigger. We’re guilds. Haven’t you seen the magic puppet before? This is an experimental and improved type, and has added a special setting, at the cost of giving up speed in exchange for absolute destructive power, specifically for siege, basically equivalent to magical siege Hammer. We have put together such a machine. Anyway, the demand for this thing will not be too great. Even if we attack the city, it is unlikely that we will attack multiple cities at the same time, so it is almost the same with this one."

"But how does this thing fight? Do you rush to the city wall and kick it? With his height, unless it is Isinger, he just stepped in on an ordinary city wall, and what city gate did he demolish? Huh? Just push the wall directly!"

"That's different. Although this thing has a strong offensive power, it can't replace infantry after all. It's like an airplane can never occupy a position. It can be used to attack fortifications, and the real occupation must rely on infantry, so his task is to destroy firepower points and roadblocks."

"Does he still use destruction? Just lie down and roll! Other cities don’t know, anyway, the city wall of our guild can’t stand him!"

"I guess the situation you said will probably not happen."

< p>"Why?"

"Because the price of this thing is really outrageous, and his body has been specially designed, if you let him roll on the ground, it is basically equivalent to taking a mobile phone When bricks are used as table legs, it is pure waste. What do we do if we want to make such a big thing like you said? Just cast a large roller with a diameter of 100 meters with molten steel, and crush the destructive power. It’s definitely better than this guy, and it’s cheaper."

"That’s right. So what is the function of this thing if it is not crushed?"

"What are you more than a stone? He has more functions than a roller." Rose made Park Yin a little bit angry. After all, our guilds are all engaged in technology. Park Yin is still a half-old child and a girl, so he has knowledge in magic machinery. It's almost illiterate, so it's really not a simple matter to ask Rose to explain to her exactly what functions this big guy has.

Park Yin may have heard that Rose was a little angry and did not ask any more, but continued to comment on the giant magic puppet. In fact, after this giant magic puppet came out, another machine of another machine type followed by his side, but this big guy was not in human form.

"God! Is this a mechanical mammoth?" Park Eun recognized this big guy at a glance this time. Of course, it was mainly due to the fact that this guy's structure was obviously more mechanical.

The four containers that Giant Butterfly City just put down are actually not the same size. The two on the left are obviously much smaller than the ones on the right. The enlarged version of the magic puppet is contained in the relatively small box on the left, while the big box here is filled with mechanical mammoths. The height of this big guy is basically the same as the mechanical golem, and even slightly higher, but considering that the mammoth is on all fours, its size is obviously larger than the human-shaped golem. In fact, there is no need to move at all, just standing there is scary enough.

"What are the other two boxes?" Park Eun asked suddenly.

"Look for yourself, it's coming out soon."

With the rose, the side panels of the two containers behind suddenly fell down, following the larger box. There was a loud noise and a strange object came out.

"Is this a bulldozer?" Park Yin was thundered by what was obviously a bulldozer in front of him. The middle part of the thing in front of you is completely a collapsed cylinder, the front part of which is a sharp collision angle, and the lower part is supported by two wide crawlers. Although the height of this thing is not as high as the mammoth and the humanoid golem, the volume of this guy is definitely much larger than the former. However, since this thing does not have any external structure, everyone is not sure what this thing is for.

Rose did not answer Park Eun’s words but waited for the object in the fourth box to come out. In fact, the things in the fourth container came out soon. The structure of this thing is much more complicated than the previous three guys, but this thing is the best to recognize, because almost everyone can without The slightest hesitation confirms that this is a fort. However, a tracked fort is indeed a rare thing, not to mention that this guy also repaired a pyramid with a track.

"These are your secret weapons?"

"Of course." Rose pointed to the front golem and said: "This is a giant golem, specially used to deal with large Creatures, whether it is a speed giant dragon or a power Titan, you can send him on as long as they are big enough, and this guy still has many secret weapons on his body, absolutely killer on the four battlefields. The mechanical mammoth next to it is our use of magic The assault weapon made by dynamic mechanical technology, his main function is to collide and open the way. There are some very complicated mechanisms behind the guy that can be deployed, and it is still in storage mode, so you can’t see it at all. After he unfolds, you will know that this thing is there. It’s more terrifying. As for the thing that looks like a bulldozer, it’s actually a troop carrier. The guy’s front is a solid steel corner, so it’s impossible to destroy it. After hitting the city wall directly, he can rush all the way into the city center. Then open the hatch at the bottom to release the troops inside and take over the city. In a normal siege war, the enemy will concentrate their troops on the city wall, so generally speaking, as long as this thing moves into the center of the city, it has already won half. As for the last thing like the pyramid is actually a city, but its advantage is that it integrates defensive weapons and offensive weapons. It has a city defense system and Transmission Formation inside, but there are more weapons outside. So it looks like a fort."

"The people in your guild are really crazy!"

"It's not that we are crazy, but our researchers are crazy. These things are what we can do. A researcher in the meeting is led by him. Before he joined us, he was engaged in the study of giant puppets. This time he completely met his requirements. Anyway, these things seem to be practical. At worst, they are used as technical exhibits, and they are scary. That’s okay."

"Your Chinese thinking is really weird!"

"It's not that we are weird, but you are weird." Seeing that Park Yin wanted to refute Rose, he immediately stopped. "Stop, let's not discuss this. You immediately call all your people away. These big guys will fight formidable power. They must be extraordinary. If you are caught in the middle, you will definitely be injured by mistake. You will be expected to break through the city wall soon. Your people are going up to clean up the enemy’s remnants!"

"Okay, I will give the order."

Rose and Park Eun started to issue orders to their own people, and the Korean players quickly Started to move to both sides of the battlefield, and gradually withdrew to the back of the position, while our troop carrier opened the hatch and waited behind the position. We plan to use this to drop the Koreans directly into the enemy’s city center. When the time comes, as long as the elite soldiers inside are released to cause chaos to the enemy, it will be convenient for the follow-up troops to enter the interior.

Due to the evacuation of Korean players, the Giant Rock Guards naturally lost their interference. Although our cyborg lifeform still continues to fight the Giant Rock Guards, they are impossible to hold such a big guy. Rose beckoned to the giant magic puppet, and then pointed to the giant rock guard in front. Our giant demon puppet immediately strode to the giant rock guard in front.

The giant magic puppet started to change its posture as it ran, and eventually became a one-shoulder collision posture, which felt like a rugby player’s collision posture. When the giant rock guards on the opposite side discovered that the giant golem rushed over, the distance between the two sides was already very close. Of course, this very closeness was based on their size. In fact, the distance of 300 meters is four or five steps for the giant magic puppet that is sprinting. Almost as soon as the giant rock guard made a defensive action, the giant magic puppet hit the two arms of the giant rock guard with his shoulder. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the debris flying in the air, the giant rock guard was knocked into flight. , The huge body leaned back and fell out five more than a hundred meters, and then slammed under the city wall with a bang. His big head even smashed the city wall behind him. The ground nearby is full of NPCs and players who fell to the ground. As for the houses in the city, the only ones that have not fallen are the city wall and the center of the town. These two buildings are protected by the system, unless direct damage, general indirect damage is partially offset by damage.

The first contact between the two giants obviously exceeded most people’s expectations. The people at Park Eun were scared by the changes on the court and didn’t know what to do. In the end, Rose shouted something. Sheng called back the players who took the lead, and then the Korean players began to resume their actions one after another.

Although the giant rock guard in the field was hit by four to five hundred meters, at most his height was equivalent to a normal person flying ten meters away. Although this distance is considered to be a very heavy fall for an ordinary person, the Giant Rock Guard is a demonized creature, not to mention that this guy is also known for defensive metamorphosis. How could he be finished because of this damage?

The giant rock guard on the ground struggled a bit and got up to the left, but our giant magic puppet also ran over immediately. He rushed to the giant rock guard in a few steps, and then suddenly grabbed the giant rock guard’s feet and pulled his legs up, and then the giant golem began to forcefully drag the giant rock guard’s upper body just supported. Pulled down again. As the giant demon began to work hard to pull the giant rock guard up and spin, this big guy actually used the centrifugal force to slowly accelerate the giant rock guard to shake it up.

It doesn't matter if he goes around like this, the people nearby are frightened. Neither of these two guys is light, and if it is smashed down, it will definitely be another earthquake. The people on the battlefield ran desperately to all directions for the exam, even our large personnel carriers and mechanical mammoths had to back up a bit.

The giant magic puppet pulled the giant rock guard's foot faster and faster, and then suddenly let go, the giant rock guard immediately flew out like a hammer. Everyone only saw the giant rock guard flying to the nearby Tizuo hill, and then accompanied by a loud explosion sound and sky full of smoke, the giant rock guard actually smashed the mountain on half.

"It's fierce!" A Korean player standing next to Ai Pu Yin couldn't help but exclaimed, but in the end he attracted a group of glaring eyes. Rose saw their expressions, of course, but didn't say anything. The Chinese are also a face-loving nation, but compared to the Koreans, we are far behind. They have reached a realm that can be cut off and lose face. Although the giant magic puppet they saw before was indeed very difficult to deal with, the Koreans would never admit that he was great, because in their opinion it was a shameful thing. Of course, Park Eun and his group are quite pragmatic. The group of Korean talents who have taken refuge in the Japanese are people who really want face to at all costs.

After the giant rock guard here was thrown into the air, the people on the opposite side were immediately confused. They weren’t Park Eun’s opponents before, and they turned to offensive only by relying on the giant rock guards. But now the giant rock guards have been thrown out of the battlefield, our giant magic puppet is still standing there, plus there are three more behind. A big guy who didn't participate in the war, there is no need to think about what will happen afterwards.

"Charging and charging, what are you still doing?" Park Eun reacted very quickly at this time, but other Korean players were not too slow. In fact, Park Eun started to shout and they had already escaped. It became a charge. Although the formation of Park Yin and the others has been completely messed up due to the previous chaos, after all, our attacking forces are all there, so the formation is not very useful anymore.

The giant pyramid quickly unfolded on the spot, nearly a thousand large and small war artillery began to uninterruptedly launched coverage strikes on the city wall, as our personnel approached the artillery strike range began Move forward gradually. The mechanical mammoth stopped in place and did not take part in the charge. This thing was simply not used to deal with this type of city, so it was useless to charge up. As for the troop carrier, it doesn’t make much sense to transport the troop in this situation, so it didn’t carry anyone, so it just drove out empty. Now its task is to break out a few more channels on the city wall.

The sudden change of the battlefield situation made the Koreans on the opposite side never expect that the so-called defeat was like a mountain, but they didn't expect it to fall so fast. After making sure that there would be no ups and downs in the battlefield, Rose immediately directed the giant golem to run to the hill where the giant rock guard fell. At this time, the hill has fallen halfway, and the Giant Rock Guard has sunk into the mountain in a big font. There are many large cracks in his body, and the Giant Rock Guard's ability to recover Up to now, there are no obvious signs of healing showing that he has been injured to the point that there is almost no way to recover on his own.

"Husband, what are you doing?" Rose without the slightest hesitation activated the ring of love and connected me.

"How did you just kill a big guy? How was the situation in Korea?"

"Just like you, I just brought down a big guy."

< p>"Big guy? How big is it?"

"How big do you say the Giant Rock Guard is?"

"The Giant Rock Guard? It's the monster that claims to be stronger than the Titan's physical attack. "


"It's strange that there is this thing in Korea! Doesn't that thing exist only in the mountains in the tropics? It's cold in Korea. Why would there be a giant rock guarding the Chaochao?"

"This is to say, of course, it was sent from other places. By the way, I interrupted you and I almost forgot about the business. You paid me back. Is there anything I need you to be busy with? If not, I’ll summon you over here?"

"What are you doing? Didn’t you put the giant rock guard down?"

"It’s because you put it down. I’m just looking for you. This giant rock guard happened to be beaten into a near-death state, and now the success rate of capturing him as a familiar will be quite high. Our guild will have the highest level of capture skill for you, and your charm value is also the highest. Come and help turn it into a pet egg? No matter how you use it, this is also a super creature of more than a thousand levels!"

"Understood. You can just summon me over, it's okay here. "

Rose was just about to summon. I used to suddenly hear my shout: "Wait, emergency!"

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