"What happened again?"

"A large group of strange creatures appeared on our side. Please wait for me first, let me see if there is any Let's talk about threats."

"Then hurry up, this giant rock guard has a very strong recovery ability, and he will be completely demobilized after a while!"

"I'll be as soon as possible."


The most annoying thing about the world-wide melee is that there are too many battlefields. Our guilds are so big that we have to take care of everything. It is really impossible to attend to other things. After hanging up the contact with Rose, I quickly took off from the city wall and flew towards the new enemy community. Just now, the British and French allied forces on the battlefield in Europe suddenly came to a big change. All the offensive troops retreated like a tide and replaced them with a brand-new unit, but this did not cause me too much restraint. , Because there are so many such soldiers. Generally speaking, the number of troops is limited, so if you see a large group of certain creatures at the same time, it can only mean that this thing is not very capable, but today’s law may need to be slightly modified, because I have seen the most The creature that surprised me.

"Corpse Insect?"

I stopped before flying over the enemy's head. The rancid smell in the air made me stop early. In fact, I can clearly see the enemies below from this distance, but their image is very scary. Those who are moving forward are not new species, but the corpses of enemies who have just died before. These corpses did not become zombies, nor were they skeletons with rotten flesh, but real corpses. These walking corpses are no different from ordinary corpses. They are real dead people. The difference is that they have a group of black roundworms on their bodies. These disgusting insects kept getting in and out of the corpse and driving the corpse forward.

Compared with the general loss, the corpse controlled by Corpse Insect is much worse in terms of attack power and defensive power. The only advantage is that the speed is slightly faster, but the overall battle strength is still far lower than the general zombie , But the problem is not the corpse, but these insects. Don't look at these little things, which are known as the lowest devil beasts in the underworld, but no one dares to approach these guys even there. The most important reason is quantity.

When you fight a corpse controlled by Corpse Insect, what you have to worry about is not what happens to the corpse, but what happens to the Corpse Insect when you knock down the corpse. Generally speaking, when you defeat a corpse controlled by Corpse Insect, the Corpse Insect will make the corpse explode. The formidable power of this explosion is not very large, but the flesh and blood ejected will carry strong corpse poison. And the ultimate goal of this explosion is not to spray you with stinky blood and disgusting you. Its real terrifying thing is that Corpse Insect will be sprayed everywhere along with the explosion, and eventually they will cover the area within a radius of 30 meters. All objects immediately found the nearest conquerable flesh and blood body and got in. You must know that the Corpse Insect after the corpse explosion has been parasitic once. At this time, they will gain the ability to directly host the living body, so even if you are not dead, they can get into your body and eat your body and soul and eventually turn you into Living corpses, and these guys will continue to evolve as the number of parasitic organisms increases. The strongest Corpse Insect recorded so far has parasitized more than 30,000 creatures. In the end, it seemed to have been bombarded with magic crystal cannon. Anyway, this thing can continue to evolve as long as it does not die, and no one can eventually evolve to any extent. knowledge. It has also been speculated that Corpse Insect may become the strongest creature in the game if it continues to evolve, but generally no one believes it, and the requirements for evolution of this thing are getting higher and higher, so it is unlikely that it will evolve to that degree. Corpse Insect.

Anyway, it is really troublesome for us to get so many Corpse Insects. Although I am not afraid of these things, most of our players and NPCs have nothing to do with this thing. Although they can get a very high battle damage ratio by hitting a rod with them, their number is so large that they don't take the number seriously, so even if one hundred people kill one million Corpse Insect, it will be a loss. What's more, Corpse Insect also has a super annoying split-reproductive habit. A Corpse Insect parasitizes an organism. When the organism explodes, at least one or two thousand Corpse Insects will come out. This reproduction speed is definitely terrifying than locusts. It can be said that as long as the corpse is enough, Corpse Insect is immortal.

I quickly flew back to the city wall while the other party hadn't climbed under the city wall. As soon as Ashford saw me, he immediately came up and asked what I saw.

"Corpse Insect. All corpses controlled by Corpse Insect."

"Corpse Insect?" Ashford froze for a moment. "Isn’t that undomesticable? I haven’t heard of anyone who can command Corpse Insect besides being a pet, but how many people can command Corpse Insect with so many Corpse Insects? Even a person like you can’t bring many Corpse Insects. , So much unless everyone uses Corpse Insect as a familiar. But that is basically impossible."

I also nodded and said: "Corpse Insect can evolve, but Corpse Insect's The characteristics determine that Corpse Insect is only useful when the corpse is sufficient. This is almost useless in the general leveling and PK state, which means that unless it is a battlefield that can produce a large number of corpses, such as a guild battle, carry it. Corpse Insect players who do magic pets are almost useless. Imagine how ordinary people might want such magic pets? What's more, Level 1 Corpse Insect is useless at all, and the process of making them evolve is not that simple. Who has the time to bring them? Going with a Corpse Insect to level up? Besides, what if some guilds send someone to practice a Corpse Insect? This thing has almost no offensive power before the 800th level, and even if it is trained, it is nothing more than a guild battle. A stronger Familiar, but what can it do? Input and output are completely disproportionate! Unless...!"

"Unless what?" Ashford asked nervously.

"Unless someone has trained a Corpse Insect that can command other Corpse Insects. His own Corpse Insect does not need to be too high, as long as the town is enough to live in other Corpse Insects."

Ashford understood the way in an instant, and the speaking of which is also very simple. "Zero" is a game that has no rules except big rules. Things here are never regularized. You can find rules but there will be no rules, especially things that have variable factors themselves. The evolution of Corpse Insect here is a typical unstable evolution. Their development direction is random, which means that the same several Corpse Insects may have completely different abilities after leveling together. For example, the previously mentioned Corpse Insect that was killed by the magic crystal run is to evolve its own battle strength. If a player comes up with a Corpse Insect that specifically evolves and controls other Corpse Insects, it is hard to say NS.

Although the source of Corpse Insect has been confirmed, we still cannot carry out an effective attack. The previous battle left too many corpses on the battlefield. With the characteristics of Corpse Insect, they are almost invincible in the current environment. Even if we can use magic and cannon to destroy some of them, the overall battle situation will not change much. In desperation, I had to contact Rose to tell her that I could not get there, and asked her to find another animal trainer to try first. Who knew that Rose and I told me that she actually told me that there was a way to deal with it.

As soon as he heard that there was a way, Ashford rushed over and asked: "Is there any way?"

"Remember Nuwa's gift?" Rose asked me.

I thought about it for a while, and then tentatively asked: "You mean the queen?"

"Yes. You haven't seen the queen for a long time, I don’t know how she is now How's the development of my little brothers? Telling you I just went there, it will definitely scare you."

"But aren't all the newly created insect races near the steel city? I How do you get here? The enemy is already under the city. I'm afraid it's too late to dispatch troops now?"

"So. Listen to me, I will summon you first, and then I will lead you to run. , Make sure to catch up with the enemy to attack the city."

Ashford heard Rose’s words next to me and immediately pushed me and said: "Hurry up, then! Wait for those disgusting insects to climb under the city wall We're done!"

"Okay!" A circle of pink magical Transmission Formation flashed around me tone barely fell, followed by a heart-shaped array flashing, and I immediately disappeared in place . When I appeared next to Rose, I just saw a group of people cutting the huge stone mountain on the ground. "What are they doing?"

"This is the giant rock guard. This is to prevent him from quickly healing his wounds and then getting up again. Hurry up and help get it done first."

"Oh." I reached out and threw a capture skill, and it succeeded once. This big guy is now in a state of dying, and the summon success rate itself is high. Adding my super lucky value and charm index is naturally a very simple matter. After watching that little stone mountain turned into an earth-yellow stone, I stretched out my hand far away, and the stone flew directly into my hand. "Alright, what should I do now?"

"Give me this first." Rose took the Golem's pet egg and hugged me and said, "Take me to Union City." I turned the teleportation ring. It appears directly on the main Transmission Formation of Union City. Rose continued without pause: "Using a transnational Transmission Formation to go to Steel City."

"Understand." We quickly changed Transmission Formation and sent back to Steel City, and followed Rose to lead me to the ground of Steel City. part. To be honest, as soon as I got out of the underground exit, I was immediately shocked by the sight in front of me. Steel City was originally Underground City under a sand dune in the depths of the desert. Although we later developed the ground part, Steel City is still a sand city in the center of the desert, but the scene in front of you is completely tropical. The primitive forest. Huge trees are everywhere in your line of sight. Dense branches and trunks are intertwined above our heads covering the entire sky. Giant snake-like vines hang down from the branches and there are a lot of unknown fruits in between. Even our feet are covered with a layer of soft moss material. It can be said that there is nothing related to the desert except heat. "Damn, how did it look like this here?"

"It's not all caused by Nuwa's gift!" Rose explained: "Nuwa is God of Life, her specialty is to manipulate life, but you After receiving part of the gift, the queen developed the insect race system. At first, it was just a few disgusting biological buildings, but then began to gradually produce a variety of small animals and plants, and now it has basically developed a set of huge The high temperature and strong sunlight in the desert bring powerful energy, which is the basis for the development of these all are insect races. These plants absorb solar energy and convert them into biological energy. Small insects eat plants to reproduce, and then medium-sized creatures eat these. Small insects, large animals eat medium-sized creatures, and finally those creatures that are used for combat eat large creatures, which forms an energy chain, and finally solar energy is transformed into a large number of combat creatures. I wouldn’t have been for Nuwa’s ability. Dare to imagine that such a large primitive forest can be created in the desert area!"

I said: "In fact, the desert area is not short of water, and the growth of plants only needs light and water, but the desert cannot store water. That’s it, it’s hard to grow plants. Nuwa is nothing more than creating a plant that can grow quickly and store water on its own. By the way, how large is this forest now?"

Rose Said: "In fact, this forest only appeared three days ago. Prior to this, the queen had been familiar with the true power of Nuwa's gifts, and then when she understood the power, it gave birth to these things within three days. Actually. The upper forest is still expanding, and its edge is not far from the edge of the desert."

"Stop it now."

"It's useless to shout with me! We! Go to the queen, she is the basis for controlling these things."

"Ok, we will go right away."

Today this forest gave me a lot of excitement, not only It appeared so quickly that even the queen became very strange. When I saw her, she turned into a big tree, with only half of her body exposed on the trunk, as if her lower body had grown into the trunk. After inquiring, I learned that this forest is simply not a forest, they are actually the queen's body. Every plant in this forest is equivalent to a cell of the queen, and the creatures living in the forest are her children or parasites.

Although the queen in this form has lost her mobility, she is definitely the strongest in our guild when it comes to life force. No one can say that he can pull up such a large forest by the roots, and the queen can bother to breed again as long as part of it remains. However, due to the limitation of the nerve system, she can only grow to this size at most, and it is impossible to expand the forest indefinitely. But despite this, I was a step late, because I originally wanted to keep the forest a little farther away from the edge of the desert, at least not to let outsiders know that the desert has turned into a forest, but according to the queen herself, the edge of the forest has extended to the outside of the desert. NS. Although it has stopped growing, the forest has actually reached the city wall of the player city on the edge of the desert. If it grows several hundred meters longer, it will enter the city. I didn’t expect this thing to be kept secret, so I saw the blockbuster blind there too!

After listening briefly to the Queen’s description of her current situation, I told her about the current situation. Although the queen can't run around with me in the form of a parasite, she can communicate with me anywhere in the world through a spiritual connection, and she can remotely command her children or let me directly command these small insects. For this matter, the queen just gave me a very special insect for me to take it over and put it in front of the city wall, and then she will handle it all.

Although I am not sure how strong the queen is now, I believe that Nuwa’s gifts will not be too simple, so I indirectly believe that the queen should be able to deal with such things. Besides, the time is not in a hurry, I can only go back to Iron Cross City first. Ashford was almost mad when he saw me appear. Although the artillery on the city wall had restored the ability to fire intensively after replacing the power core, its blocking effect on Corpse Insect was minimal. Corpse Insect this thing is that all the advantages of the opponent can be filled with quantity, and the loss caused by artillery is simply not a loss to them.

"Have you found a solution?" Ashford asked, holding me.

"Look at it." I threw the small insect in my hand out of the city wall, and the ball-shaped insect, which is as much as the worst apple at all, fell straight into the land outside the city wall. , And then there was no sound.

"This is your solution?" Ashford looked at me and asked.

I was just about to explain that I suddenly felt the ground under my feet vibrate, and the tremor became more and more obvious. Soon even Ashford noticed the obvious change. We quickly ran to the city wall and looked down. We saw that the place where the small insect landed just now was gradually swelling, and the ground was indeed shaking. A small mound gradually appeared on the ground with more and more severe vibrations, and when the mound rose to a height of more than one meter, the top suddenly exploded, and everyone heard the sound of rustling, countless blacks. The beetle gushes frantically from the top of the mound like a blowout.

"This thing is your rescuer?" Ashford asked me suspiciously. "Are you planning to use insects to control insects?"

"I'm not so sure, let's see the situation first."

The black beetles on the ground are erupting more and more. Quickly, the hole that was originally only the size of spring was forcibly torn into a hole larger than the sewer manhole cover by the insects, and the hole is gradually expanding at a faster rate. The black beetle that rushed out of the cave rushed along the Corpse Insect army facing the front. From our side, we could only see a black torrent quickly approaching the multi-colored Corpse Insect army in front. When the two insect race armies collided, there was no fierce battle, but the many players who still watched the scene almost vomited.

As soon as the corpse manipulated by Corpse Insect came into contact with the black beetle, it waved its weapon to chop the black beetle in front of it, but the number of beetles was about the same as Corpse Insect, and the size of these corpses was not suitable for attack. These small beetles are not as big as a palm, so the effect can be said to be minimal. However, on the other hand, the targets of the small beetles are not the corpses that are manipulated. In fact, they hardly attack the corpses. Instead, they bite out the weak points of the corpse’s eyes, ears, and mouth at the moment of touching the corpse. Going through a passage and digging into the corpse, everyone saw that the corpses that got in were dancing strange breakdance in place as if they had been electrocuted. After this weird convulsion lasted for about tens of seconds, the corpses began to fall in pieces, and then a large number of black beetles drilled out of the corpse and began to move towards the next target. It is certainly not possible for ordinary players to deal with these explosive bodies, but the black beetle directly attacks the Corpse Insect body, which determines that the problems that players cannot solve are nothing to them. In front of these black beetles, Corpse Insect was like a flock of sheep hitting a lion. We only saw a large area of ​​black that put all the corpses down like a locust crossing the border. This process actually happened very fast. You can almost see the black forward advancing fast at a human running speed, and the Corpse Insect at the rear even began to hesitate whether to charge forward. Although these low-intellectual Corpse Insects can't think about too complicated things, they can still perceive danger.

Ashford looked at our beetle all the way in excitement and went straight around me. "Purple Moon where did you get these insects? It's very awesome!"

I gave a light cough, and then said: "In fact, these should be regarded as my summon creatures."

"What?" Ashford was taken aback for a moment. "These are all?"

"No, their mother is my parasite, I can command their mother, and their mother can send them anywhere. The premise is that I have to bring them. There is the kind of small insect that was thrown out just now. That thing is actually a teleportation insect, it can expand a space between my side and Insect Queen Transmission Passage. The advantage is that it can be activated anytime and anywhere, and it does not consume any additional energy. Disadvantages I can’t get around anything except insect, so I can’t use it to transport troops."

"Damn, insects are not soldiers? These things gnaw corpses so fast, I guess they’re slow. Not much, right?"

"According to my understanding, their intelligence is relatively poor, so their maternal bodies cannot precisely control their behavior and can only roughly define a range. If people are the target of an attack, they may end up Become like that." I pointed at a skeleton under the city wall.

"True terrifying!"

While Ashford and I lament the power of the insects, those black beetles have already swept away most of the Corpse Insect all the way. Because all of Corpse Insect's attack methods are almost ineffective against black beetles, the battle is basically a one-sided massacre, or the black beetle is holding a dinner party, anyway, Corpse Insect has no power to fight back. However, when the battle was about to end, a large bag of soil suddenly swelled up in the Corpse Insect position. With a bang, a piece of land as large as half a basketball court flew into the air, and then a huge one seemed to pass. The fat insect like a mountain tunnel was drilled out of the ground. This thing has an earth-yellow skin, and there are stubby keratinized protrusions that seem to function as legs. Of course the most disgusting thing is its head, because this place has a big round mouth like a black hole, and seven or eight rows of chainsaw-like teeth grow on the edge of that mouth, which is very terrifying.

"Damn, I finally know who is directing those Corpse Insects." At this time, Ashford and I have understood who the manipulator of Corpse Insect is, because this one just came out The big guy is clearly a Corpse Insect, and it is also riding a man on its back.

Just after we sighed that the big guy finally came out, that giant Corpse Insect suddenly raised its head and shrank downwards, followed by a violent forward spray, and a large group of yellow-brown matter was covered It squirted out. These things quickly evaporate to form a cloud-like thing in the air. The black beetle turned over almost as soon as it touched the edge of the cloud and mist. The three pairs of arthropods kicked in the air for a few times and then stopped moving.

"Damn, why is this guy so poisonous?" Ashford found that the large black beetle was brought down by the poison mist and immediately screamed nervously.

"Don't worry, the Insect Queen of these beetles shares my eyesight with me. She can see what we see, and I believe she will make changes."

"I hope! "

Sure enough, I was right. The queen impossible only reproduced one kind of creature, and saw the black beetles suddenly collectively mobilize and ran back, and the big hole where the beetle was taking off also stopped. After a pause for a few seconds, the hole suddenly burst open with a bang, and a huge head protruded from it.

"What a big wasp!" Ashford only had time to say such a sentence and saw that the ground was completely turned over. A wasp over forty meters pierced out of the ground and trembled twice. He immediately flew after he lowered his wings.

Seeing that the wasp rushed into the poison mist, but did not receive any influence directly rushed past. The large Corpse Insect on the opposite side may realize that this enemy is not easy to deal with. It suddenly lifts the head violently and hits the ground and dives into the ground. The wasp rushed to the place where it stood before, but it didn’t matter, but the large Corpse Insect suddenly came out from the side and sprayed yellow-green mucus at the wasp. As soon as the thing hit the wasp, the wasp’s body burned with blue smoke. Take it straight.

"It seems that your Hornets are not good!" Ashford said.

"There should be follow-up creatures. The biggest feature of insect race is biodiversity, you can see it in a while." The hole before my voice suddenly heard deafening again. There was a loud noise, but this time the sound seemed a bit special.

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