I have always judged things very accurately, and this time there is no exception. If the people below are ordinary players who hear my name, they will not have much reaction, and they will face me. Such opponents are useless even if they are desperate, but the problem is that these below are simply not ordinary players, their strength is far from the existence of the masses, so if they fight in quantity, they can still kill me.

As soon as Ashford revealed my name, a hostile stare came from below, and then before I could react, I saw dozens of lights continuously rising below. Tuan, fools know that those are definitely not good things, but the worst thing is that the giant rare beast is not dead yet, he is still climbing to the city wall, if he can’t go down, he can’t be killed, but if he goes down, he has to face it again. Those high level players' besieging, this is a real trouble! If Ashford didn’t call my name before, even if I went down and was recognized, it would only be known to people nearby, at least not to recruit all the enemies in the distance. It’s good now, everyone is staring at me. It's like killing me and I can go up to 100 levels in a row!

After thinking about it, I still brace oneself and rushed down. Anyway, if that thing doesn't kill the city wall, it will be finished. Even if it troubles me, I definitely can't hide. Putting away the wings and thrusting one end beside the monster, the nearby enemies immediately surrounded him, and didn't give me a chance at all. In desperation, I had no choice but to jump out of this small encirclement, but as soon as I jumped up, I saw a row of long spears erected in the back where I was about to land. Fortunately, I had wings, and I slammed it out with a hard shot, and the whole person instantly rose up to more than two meters, but a row of crossbow arrows followed closely, there was no gap in the middle, and even the direction in which I might dodge was covered in advance.

I didn’t expect that the enemy’s attacks would be so intensive that I could only forcibly block the row of crossbow arrows with the magic dragon shield. Fortunately, the penetration power of these arrows is not as good as even magic. Long Shield shot through together. However, the strong kinetic energy of the crossbow bolt still took me off the track, and as a result, I fell into a circle just formed. Almost the moment I landed, a row of long and short weapons pierced me down. This kind of offensive block is definitely useless, I quickly hugged and rolled towards the bottom of a group of people. Because of my sudden closeness, these people did not react and plunged directly to the ground, and the weapons that followed were blocked by the weapons in front, which instead protected my safety. After I rolled under the feet of those people, the double claws quickly popped out, and squatted on the spot and swung out in a half arc. The people in the front row just felt the coldness of their feet and they fell all over. I lowered my head and stubbornly held the person facing me down, then lifted my shoulders upwards and lifted this person over my body, and at the same time violently flicked both hands and claws on the shoulders of the people in the back row. Cut off the two arms of this guy in an instant.

The blood on both sides of the player who lost his arm instantly covered the eyes of the people on the left and right. Taking advantage of the moment when they wanted to open their eyes but couldn’t open them, I turned around and swept the legs and put them down on the surroundings. The group of people suddenly switched to the silver moon mode, and the sun rod slammed downward. "The ring of blazing sunlight." Boom, an orange red aperture quickly expanded and blasted all the nearby people out, and when they landed, they had turned into a pile of charred corpses.

Without waiting for the enemy to surround me again, I violently lifted the Sun Rod into the air and threw it into the air. Following the Whirlwind Mountain under my feet, I switched back to the Purple Moon form. The sun rod just fell down and fell into my left hand at this time, and the Eternal Sword was already held in my right hand at this time. The enemy reacted at this moment and wanted to rush upwards. I pointed the Sun Rod forward: "Firestorm." A large piece of half-moon knives burning with blazing flames rushed out to bring down all the enemies in front of me. , Followed me with a violent wave of my right hand: "Storm of Swords." A piece of Blade Qi followed the path of the flame storm and went on to clear a huge space for me.

The enemy originally thought that I would use this area to escape, so they moved the target to in midair. They guessed that I probably needed a run-up to take off before clearing a passage, but they didn't expect me Did not take off, but summon out of a rare beast.

As soon as the tank left the Fenglong space, it began to rampage like a plow in the crowd. No matter how strong the people nearby, they couldn’t cope with the tank’s close assault. There was nothing to stop him. of. The crowd was knocked down in pieces like cutting wheat, and the battle formation behind was also washed away.

"Concentrate your efforts to kill Purple Moon first, and leave the monster alone." I don't know who shouted this, and the nearby attacks immediately became intensive again, but saying that regardless of the tank does not mean that the tank will not care about them. , Due to the indiscriminate collision of the tanks, the firepower density of the attacking crowd has fallen linearly, and I will basically not be blocked by firepower now.

"Ling, please help."

I have not let Ling get down from the air just now because she is not good at close combat, fearing that she will suffer a loss. Now the decrease in firepower density happens to be due to her playing the battle. strength.

Ling didn't land directly, but hovered in midair summon out of his staff, and followed a little forward. "Eternal Undead Conversion Array."

Suddenly there was a huge green array on the ground, and the corpses that were scorched by me and the people who had just been killed by the tank were all shaking. Stood up from the ground. As a high-level player, it is impossible to see the undead. The nearby British and French players did not react much to the rising of the corpse, but then they realized that the undead of the dark Goddess summon is not a simple undead creature.

Those corpses who got up again were still standing at first, but soon they put their palms on the ground, and then their epidermis began to expand rapidly and finally burst completely to reveal a large number of crimson muscles. It's as scary as it is. The corpses that lost their skin not only turned red, they also grew a few times larger, each of them looked the size of a calf, and the teeth in their mouths and nails on their hands began to grow crazily, instantly turning into a bunch of ugly ones. monster.

"Ah...!" With the first scream, the monster who had just resurrected started frantically attacking the living people around him. Although the British and French players have good battle strengths, they are surprised to find that no matter how they attack these monsters, the effect is not great. These things don't know what pain is, and they don't know how to defend. All monsters are fighting with a life-for-life method. They don't know fear at all. Grasping with claws and biting with teeth, these monsters don't talk about the rules at all, anyway, they use brute force to harm nearby living people in all possible ways. The most annoying thing is that the people killed by these monsters will quickly swell up and explode their skin and become one of them. This assimilation speed is amazing, and it spreads among the crowd like a plague.

"Hurry up and think of a way, so that all our people will become monsters!" A French player shouted to his commander.

"Kill that woman first." The commander pointed at Ling's location.


The French player who received the order immediately rushed up with the high level NPC beside him, but Ling remained floating there as if he hadn’t seen it at all. I didn't move, but waited until the player rushed in with a lot of experts to discover the reason. Ling was actually surrounded by a layer of green aperture. Anyone who was close to the aperture would instantly turn red eyes and attack the people around him, while the long-range weapons would be intercepted by the aperture, and there was no way to attack.

Ling has been keeping his eyes closed and rested in the light circle, not moving, but the people outside just can't help her. In fact, Ling's magic has its shortcomings. There is no absolute thing in "Zero". Generally, each type of spell has its own advantages and disadvantages. As for how to use its strengths to avoid the side effects caused by the shortcomings, it depends on the player's own wisdom. When Ling's spell is in use, he can't move at all, and he can't do anything else, but his conversion array is already an offensive and defensive one, so basically you don't need to worry too much. Unless the mana is exhausted, Ling is generally safe. But this spell also has its shortcomings. Its shortcoming is that if it encounters a gun god like the one who can centralize the attack in one point, it will be killed instantly. This protective halo has a defensive upper limit, and the damage output of the Gun God over a million is not blocked by this thing. But fortunately, we haven't found a few people with this kind of offensive power except for the gun god.

If you can’t break the defense, you won’t be able to hurt anyone. Those players had no choice but to return to kill the monster again, but the speed at which they killed the monster could not keep up with the speed of the monster’s infection. Will become monster Legion. Of course, this is just the other person's thoughts. We ourselves know that this thing is impossible, otherwise it would be too bad. In fact, the creation of every monster consumes Ling's mana, so this seemingly infinite multiplying infection is actually based on Ling's mana. If the mana is consumed, the infection will stop immediately. But in the short term, it looks like that will not happen.

While the enemy was blocked, I quickly rushed to the big monster who was still trying to crawl forward. When the monster saw me standing in front of him, he roared angrily. The nearby enemies heard the cry of the monster and wanted to come over and help, but they couldn't get through when they were blocked by my familiars.

The monster in front of him was also aware of the danger. He suddenly managed to prop up his upper body and began to gather the golden light ball in his mouth, but I first flashed to his forehead and waved eternal to him. His eyes pierced. Although monster closed his eyes in time, my sword still penetrated his eyelids and pierced deeply into the monster's eyeballs. Suddenly, a cloud of black fishy liquid spurted down the hilt, but I flashed. It didn't splash on me relatively soon.

The monster who was blind with one eye yelled and stretched out his paw to slap me, but in the end he slapped a paw in front of me without touching me. The monster with only one eye has lost his stereo vision. He can't even judge the distance clearly, and he doesn't know where the attack is going. However, he didn't seem to intend to give up, and he opened his mouth again to regroup the ball of light.

I looked at the monster's big mouth, and then said gently: "You can go to hell." After speaking, the whirlwind quickly swept across my body and switched to the silver moon mode, and the sun rod said in one fell swoop: " The sun is summon."

Boom, my whole person was instantly coated with a layer of golden, and the strong heat instantly caused the green smoke of the surrounding ground to rise, and some of the enemy’s corpses hadn’t had time to turn into The monster was completely burnt to ashes by me. The big monster in front of me wanted to burn me with a golden ball of light. He was hesitating. I suddenly rushed forward and rushed into his mouth and rushed all the way into his stomach. The monster's mouth was naturally closed due to conditioned reflexes. He hadn't reacted to the sudden swallowing of me, but the intense pain that followed gave him no time to think about it.

Monster suddenly began to scream and roll all over the floor. Everyone saw black smoke coming out of his mouth. At the same time, the monster's body began to turn red. It seemed that light was about to be cast from his body. Come out the same.

My sun summon can temporarily possess the energy body of summon Sun God, and then I can choose to fight vigorously in this state for a period of time, or choose to release the energy at once in exchange for two Fully simulate the effect of the sun's temperature within seconds. It is important to know that the temperature of the sun can directly vaporize any matter. Although two seconds is a bit short, it is enough to burn a monster. Everyone only saw the monster’s body start to glow, and then suddenly turned into a suspicious heat wave sprayed into all directions as if it suddenly collapsed, and all my pets around me instantly disappeared in place, swept by the heat wave, whether it was Ling. All the monsters or enemies from the previous summon burned up instantly after the heat wave swept and quickly turned into fly ash.

The enemy in the distance only saw a large group of golden mushroom clouds rising into the air, followed by a group of golden smoke on the ground quickly spreading to all directions, everything that was enveloped in was instantly burnt to ashes , Even the ground was instantly scorched and then crystallized into a large piece of shiny material.

"Hey, did Purple Moon you brat bring an atomic bomb with you?" Ashford's cry sounded in my battlefield channel.

"It's not all to help you. This trick is very expensive, not to kill this big guy, I will never use it!"

After my big trick broke out The entire battlefield is quiet. Although the number of enemies is too large to die, my big move, even if the players bring NPCs to pit nearly 10,000 people, it is really scary. In fact, the number of people affected by this trick should actually be more than 60,000. Ten thousand were the direct deaths. The fifty thousand outside were all burns. The deaths were not dead, but the injuries were not light. If you want to fight, you must at least pass through. Only one high level holy light treatment is possible.

Of course, the Anglo-French Allied Forces command can see such a big movement, but they are not too panicked, on the contrary, they are more happy. Unlike ordinary players, those who can enter the headquarters must have two brushes. Such people see things from a different perspective than ordinary people. In the eyes of ordinary enemies, it seems that I have such a strong destructive power, which is very scary, but in their opinion, I used the big move because I was forced to the road of death. Under normal circumstances, players are impossible in the battle and use the most fierce move, because that is the thing that suppresses the formation, and once the big move appears, it means that you are already desperate. These high level players in the command headquarters are still very happy to be able to force me desperately. Although I lost a powerful fighter, at least they also made me temporarily lose my battle strength. No one would believe that I can continue to participate in the war with such a big move, but in fact...

In fact, I can still participate in the war. The zoom recruiter is Yinyue and not Purple Moon. Although it is me, they are two independent accounts. I haven't heard of anyone who is injured and can't move the tub? Although Silver Moon is now in a weak state, Purple Moon can continue to fight. My demon pet was taken back to the Phoenix Dragon space in advance by me, and it is still in good condition, and my own injury is actually not affected. .

The formidable power of the little sun exploded and disappeared quickly. After the golden heat wave disappears, what remains is a large crystalline ground and a huge sinkhole in the center, and of course there is suspension I am in the Purple Moon form in midair.

"He, he, he...he didn't die!" The first reaction of the surrounding players when they saw me was shocked. Unlike the previous fanatical performance, these people now see me like watching To the devil. They can singlehanded their super rare beasts and even the powerful people with more than 10,000 people who have pitted them in. Everyone knows that they can't resist, so no one can mention the previous idea of ​​killing me with experience.

In fact, since "Zero" opened the setting of killing enemies on the battlefield to gain part of the opponent's experience, I have become one of the opponents most players want to defeat on the battlefield, because I The level of experience they get will definitely be massive. Actually, I only recently learned that the experience requirement of a trainer is much higher than that of ordinary professions. I used to think that no matter what profession you need to upgrade to the same level, the EXP required is the same. It requires much less experience. This mainly involves a balance of power. Because the trainer will increase the battle strength of the pet along with the upgrade, so the same level 1 trainer will increase the battle strength a lot more than the average player. If the trainer is allowed to upgrade at the speed of the average person, the result will be that the trainer will quickly surpass any other professional players. Moreover, because of the fact that there are more monster pets, the leveling itself is faster than others. If you don't increase the leveling experience, there will be no one to choose another profession. But in my opinion, even though the experience of the animal trainer is nearly double that of other professions, the strength of the animal trainer is still generally higher than the average level of other professional players.

In any case, I have much more experience than others. Killing a player like me is definitely more cost-effective than killing a dozen or so players at the same level. Therefore, most people hope to be just and honorable. Kill me on the battlefield and become a hero, which is similar to the effect of a dragon slayer, except that I am here to replace the evil dragon. But now on this battlefield, I don't think anyone can have this kind of thought, unless he doesn't want to live anymore.

Seeing the scared eyes of people around me, I did not continue to kill, but turned around and flew back to Iron Cross City. Suddenly the horn of retreat sounded from the rear of the British and French coalition forces. The offensive troops that had just rushed under the city wall immediately began to ebb and retracted to their own camp, and Ashford did not attack much. I know why the Anglo-French coalition forces withdrew, but Ashford obviously had other ideas, otherwise he should take the opportunity to leave more enemies behind.

As soon as I landed, before Ashford could speak, I asked first: "Why don't you take the opportunity to kill more enemies?"

"Because of this." Ashfordman With a wry smile, he pointed to a precision device on the ground that had melted half of it.

"This is... the core of power?"

Axiu Fude smiled nodded wryly. "The enemies lurking in the city took action when you went out to intercept the monster. Although I organized the encirclement and suppression, you can see that they still blew up my power core."

< p>"Did you not replace them?"

"Do you mean those?" I followed Ashford's fingers and saw a large number of damaged power cores lying on the ground on the other side. Before I asked Ashford, he said: "They found our warehouse, so these are all scrapped!"

"Damn, can your city defense system still be used?"< /p>

Ashford was helplessly shrugged. "The magic shield has back-up power and may be able to support it for a period of time. The artillery can be operated manually, but the speed will definitely decrease. As for the magic crystal cannon, those things can barely be used manually. Of course, the aim and the rate of fire can not be guaranteed! "

"In other words, your city defense system is basically in a semi-paralyzed state, right?"

"Basically yes!"

" Damn, I thought I had won a huge victory! Now it looks like it was just a tie! I killed their powerful siege hammer, and they half-failed your city defense system. Are the results almost the same? ! No, it's not right." I suddenly thought of the key to the problem. "The situation is worse than I thought. The siege hammer is not a must, what kind of monster, as long as the strength is strong enough and the defense is thick enough, you can find a bunch of things like this at any time as long as you are willing to spend money, but your city's power core is not It is said that repairing can be repaired, so that the next attack of the enemy will not make any difference, but you can't use all the defensive firepower! Fortunately, you have already cleaned all the enemy’s artillery, otherwise now On the contrary, your firepower is not as good as that of others, that's why you are depressed!"

Axiu Fude asked in a low voice, "Well, if I can't stand it anymore, your Ai Xin Can Ge...?"

"Don't even think about it." I interrupted Ashford's delusion directly. "Isinger Mobile Fortress has its mission. You can never come here. We'd better think of another way."

"That, Purple Moon, does your city have no power core? Yes. If you want to get a spare, let Ashford use it, can't it?" Lu Wei, who was standing on the side, asked.

Axiu Fude immediately explained: "No. The core of the city's power is the energy extractor. The equivalent to they use is a large battery. I use a small battery of AA size. Not to mention, even if it can be installed, the voltage is not right!"

"Wait." I interrupted Ashford. "Don't say it, maybe it will work."

"Huh? What?"

"We will have an energy output conversion device, which is equivalent to a transformer. If you modify it Maybe it’s actually connected to your city’s power pipeline."

"Really? That's very good, you can get it quickly!"

"It’s too slow to get it. I asked them to send it directly."

The transmission system of our guild is super fast, but the power core is not a small thing after all. Although there is Fenglong space to help transport, the process of taking in and out is all very troublesome. After several replacements, Isinger’s power core has reached the fourth generation. Although the power is much stronger than before, the relative volume has also increased by N times.

"This is the core of your power?" Ashford asked in surprise when he looked at the spherical object not much smaller than the spherical observation hall above the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.

I shook the head. "This is actually the power core converter. The real power core is there."

"This?" Ashford walked to the relatively small thing next to the big ball. The shape of this thing has a lot of scientific and technological elements, and its mysterious pattern and complicated pipe structure can definitely make ordinary people faint, but Ashford also has a technical background, and he still has some understanding of these things.

"Yes, quite powerful rune system, you can feel powerful energy even without testing. But this thing is too big, my power room can't fit in at all!"

"We didn't plan to put it in either." The technical player of the guild who followed said: "We brought you this." He asked the player next to him to take out a lot of black from his Phoenix and Dragon space. tube. The inner diameter of these tubes is large enough for a normal person to crawl inside, and in cross-section, it is composed of multiple layers.

"What is this?" Ashford curiously asked.

"Two-way power pipeline." The technician said: "The outer black outer layer is an anti-corrosion layer to prevent air oxidation. The internal structure is composed of multiple layers of materials, mainly to ensure that energy will not Dissipate in a closed environment. When the time comes in the central pipeline, it will be vacuumed, and then the materialized energy liquid will flow inside to achieve the function of energy transfer. Our converter can liquefy the energy of the void into an entity and transport it through the pipeline Your power room, then use those things over there to convert it into energy and send it into your power pipeline."

Axiuford looked at the small device that the player showed him. It is said that small devices are also relative to the previous power cores and converters. In fact, these small devices are as big as refrigerators, with only two ports on them, one input and one output.

After the preliminary inspection, Ashford immediately took our people to the power room. After a brief discussion between our staff and the German players, construction began. Since the technologies of our two guilds come from one place, although the standards we comply with are not the same, their essence is not much different, so the connection work is fairly smooth.

While the engineers on our side are frantically busy, the British and French forces across the city are also busy. But they are not engaged in technology, but are spending money to mobilize large-scale destroyers. Probably because of the need for reconnaissance, Rose asked our guild people to bring us along with the giant mosquito outpost. It is the only existence in the insect race fortress that can pass Transmission Formation. Now this giant mosquito outpost is using a large number of reconnaissance mosquitoes to monitor the movements of the enemy forces, and Ashford is sitting next to me and watching the scene in front of me.

"These guys seem to have learned their lesson." I pointed to some large creatures on the main screen and said.

"What are these things?" Ashford asked, looking at the monsters.

"Mammoth. It is just a puppet mammoth whose soul has been deprived after being demonized." Our staff said: "Because the process of demonization will make the mammoth become irritable, so the demonization with soul Mammoths are often difficult to control, but after extracting their souls, using the Puppet Technique is different. In addition to being obedient, such enchanted mammoths will become very powerful because they are not afraid of pain. Because they are not afraid of injury, their battle strength will be better. A lot higher than those creatures with souls. In addition, thanks to Puppet Technique, these guys are also immune to Spirit Attack."

Ashford said to me: "They know A single large creature certainly cannot rush to the side of the city wall, so simply use the beast sea tactics. Even if you can intercept some of them, as long as a few rush to the side of the city wall, you can still break the city wall. But I really want to. I know why they choose to demonize the mammoth instead of the more economical brute force beast."

"They did not have no choice, but made two-handed preparations." The screen was switched to the rear of the enemy. On another piece of land, you can see slices of brute force beasts walking into something similar to a space door.

"What is this?" I asked Ashford together.

The player operating the giant mosquito outpost said: "According to intelligence, this should be a synthesizer."

"What is it for?"

" The function of is very simple, it is to synthesize a large number of simple bio-synthesis into a powerful creature."

I frowned asked: "What you said is a bit like our biological fusion experiment."

"Not exactly the same." The player explained: "The biosynthesis experiment we did on the new continent Feikong Island produced new species with the ability to reproduce, and the creatures synthesized by this kind of synthesizer not only did not have the ability to reproduce, but also Their own lifespan is also pitiful. According to the information our guild has, these synthetic beasts can only survive for one to two weeks at most, which is a one-time consumable. In addition, there are many unstable factors for this kind of synthesis, but we have found that There is a kind of synthesis that is very stable."

"Is that what they are doing now?" Ashford wisely guessed the result in advance.

"Yes." Our player explained: "The key to stable synthesis is to find similar creatures, such as what they are doing now. As long as you continue to invest in brute force beasts, the final synthesis will also be It is a brute force beast. Of course, this is a huge difference from the previous brute force beast. However, this synthesis is stable and reliable, and sometimes individual synthetic entities have a long survival time, so this can be regarded as a kind of Very stable synthesis. The newly synthesized creatures are usually larger than the input creatures, and their strength is about half the sum of all aspects of the input creatures. That is to say, if you invest 100 creatures with 100 strength, then synthesis What comes out should be a monster with a power of five thousand."

"Damn, wouldn't it be very scary if the creatures that put in fast?"

"No, it's not like that. Calculated. Speed ​​belongs to a special attribute, just like lucky value, the increase value is displayed as a percentage, so the increase will be 50% speed instead of accumulating the speed of all creatures. Otherwise, find two Tens of thousands of supersonic creatures are not capable of synthesizing superluminal creatures?"

"That's true."

Ashford asked very worried: "But don't they put so many savage beasts in this way to create a monster that scares people to death?"

"I think this is probably their purpose." Our intelligence analyst said : "Although the synthesized brute force beast will increase in size, it is not too exaggerated. If this brute force beast is mixed in a large group of mammoths to charge, we will definitely attack the mammoth first, but this is a synthetic beast. It rushes to the edge of the city wall...!"

There is no need for analysts to say that we also know what the consequences will be, but since we have seen this creature beforehand, it won’t happen at all. Kind of thing. Because as long as we see this creature on the battlefield, we will definitely destroy it first.

Because the Anglo-French coalition forces are reconciling the troops, and the Iron Cross is installing the power core here, there is a strange silence on the battlefield. However, the tranquility on our side is the opposite. The Korean side is now more lively than a boiling pot. Numerous Korean guilds are scattered throughout most parts of South Korea in a melee, and the two groups of Koreans have their own supporters.

"Is that guy Purple Moon not contacted yet?" Park Yin stood on the podium and asked the players next to him.

"In fact, we have already contacted the people of the Frost Rose League, but the Frost Rose League did not seem to have been attacked by the Japanese before. They told us that our actions were too fast. "

"What? What do they mean?"

The player thought about it before continuing: "It means we disrupted the action plan that we had arranged before."


"We disrupted the plan?" Park Eun said angrily, "Is it not to reduce their burden, I will attack ahead of time? They actually said that we disrupted the plan! I was really annoyed."< /p>

"You really disrupted the plan, did we make a mistake?" Rose's voice suddenly appeared in the vicinity.

"Rose? Why are you here?" Park Yin looked surprised at the sudden appearance of the rose. "Don't worry about it in China?"

"Isinger, you've been there too. Do you think it can be beaten by the Japanese? The steel city is underground, and the outside is protected by steel. It’s not that simple to enter. As for the city of commandment, it is protected by the treaty of the gods. Even if the other cities are lost, we don’t feel distressed. Under such circumstances, it makes no difference whether I stay in China or not. Your side is chaotic like a pot of porridge. I

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