"Q&A?" I was overwhelmed by the incubation method written on the attribute. The former owner of the rabbit may have forgotten to tell us about this problem. I can probably think of the reason, because compared to the combat capability, this incubation method is really not a big problem.

According to the content written on the attribute, the rabbit may not have been a rabbit before, because the attribute says that this thing simply has no fixed shape. The rabbit shape we saw before is entirely derived from the imagination of the former owner. Whenever the rabbit becomes the egg form, it will be chocolate-like the last time, and then answer the questions. If you can think of a new image within ten questions, you can hatch it, otherwise the image will be re-selected, and then you will have to go through it again. Ten questions.

"Boss." A member called me suddenly.

"What are you doing?"

"Have you noticed a problem?"

"Problem? What is the problem?" I asked and looked around , The result jumped up in surprise. "How did this happen?" I suddenly found that the environment around us had changed again. Before, we automatically exited the illusion after the capture was successful, but the problem is that now the surrounding environment has begun to change again. The towering green trees are gradually turning into the form of cloth paintings, and the sky and the earth are rapidly distorted. The entire world around us is rapidly transforming into a state of cloth embroidery.

"hahahaha..." The arrogant laughter suddenly appeared, and the owner of that voice was actually the chocolate rabbit.

"Aren't you already sealed? Why can you still speak?" a member next to me asked in surprise.

"Do you think that the baby is such a bully? Huh, tell you, as long as you can't really turn me into a familiar, I can continue to fight even in my current form."

"hmph, it's not just a matter of turning you into a demon pet." My member immediately said to me: "President, please take him quickly."

"en." I quickly walked to the chocolate bunny, and after thinking about it, I switched to the silver moon pattern. The former owner of the rabbit said that his loyalty is difficult to improve, so I plan to use the charm of the silver moon monstrous talent level to tame this rabbit. First, drip blood according to the general recognizing Master rules.

Although the rabbit clamored a lot, there was no physical damage other than the rapid transformation of the surrounding world into a canvas, and when my blood dripped on the rabbit’s head, the rabbit quickly melted into A pool of chocolate mud, followed by flying to in midair to form a chocolate ball, at the same time the sound of the rabbit came out of the ball.

"Although the baby adult is very reluctant, the rules are the rules. You have already dripped blood to recognize your pet in my egg state, so you must answer the baby's question. I have realized that I have been based on your memory Determines my new image, and will evolve a skill specifically for you based on your ability characteristics, but if you can’t outline my general shape in your brain within ten questions, I will change my image again, but second The image is definitely not as powerful as the first image, and there is no special evolutionary skill. If you guess wrong again, I will become a very ordinary familiar, but if the third time is wrong, I will automatically hatch into a wild creature. , And then the baby is free. Then, I wish you all guessed wrong hahahaha......!"

"You chatty chocolate ball, ask questions."

"hmph , When the baby is free, you will taste the anger of the baby. Okay, now listen to my first description. You don’t need to answer my question, just imagine my shape in your brain based on my description Yes, no matter how many questions I have, I will stop the description as soon as the correct answer appears. First of all, I will be soft."

The rabbit stopped for a long time after saying that he was soft. In fact, not only me, but the members of our guild nearby are also imagining the shape of this guy. After listening to him, he stopped and a player couldn't help but ask: "This is over?"

"Well, it's over. That's the first description."

"Damn, it's too short, right?"

"Don't listen to it, you're not a contractor anyway." The rabbit didn't dump the player at all. "Now the second description stops. I will be very translucent." Seeing that we have no reaction, he continued: "The third. My shape will be unstable." After saying this, Chocolate The rabbit or my new familiar suddenly yelled. "Damn, how did you guess it with just three? This is impossible!"

With his yelling, the chocolate ball in front of us suddenly shrank violently into a small black spot, followed by an explosion. It exploded just as fiercely, spraying out a large group of gel-like translucent material. These things exploded everywhere, covering all the people near us.

"Damn, what is this so disgusting?" A player desperately scratched the translucent gel on his body like a mucus.

A player next to him reached out his hand and touched something and put it in front of his nose to smell it. "Fortunately, there is no strange smell."

"By the way, what about your familiar? How could it suddenly explode? Shouldn't it become a familiar?"

" This seems to be it!" As I was talking, the gel that had just exploded started to squirm slowly, and now the scared people desperately threw their things down. Fortunately, the adhesion of these gels is not very strong, and they seem to be crawling down by themselves.

The gel that was thrown off began to move together quickly. The scene was almost the same as the liquid metal robot in the science fiction movie, but this guy was much slower. The gathered gel began to stretch upwards quickly and eventually became something like a big peanut standing on the ground. The upper hemisphere of this translucent jelly-like thing suddenly opened a pair of eyes, followed by another slit like a mouth.

"haha, I'm born again.... Strange, why should I say it again? Hey, are you my master? Why do I think you seem to be very kind?" New born jelly The blame looked at me and asked.

"I am your new owner, and you will be called baby from now on."

"Baby? Is this my name? It feels so kind! The baby likes this name very much. , I will call the baby from now on."

I don’t know if my monstrous talent level’s charm value is interfering or what happened. In short, the baby’s memory seems to have a serious problem. There are many things. It's all erased, at least he doesn't remember having a fight with me, maybe this is the power of the rules. The former owner of the baby said that the loyalty of the baby is difficult to cultivate, and it will fall down a little accidentally. Now it seems that it may be because they have no experience in raising pets and their own charm is too low. The requirements for high level pets are relatively high, which can be said to be very difficult to serve. Those players who only have one or two pet pets who want to recruit such pets will inevitably make it difficult to increase their loyalty. Besides, except for professional pets like me Teachers, ordinary players also lack the corresponding skills, and are not suitable for taming high-level familiars. Maybe "Zero" was not designed to allow every player to bring high level pets, so so many restrictions were added.

After the successful recruitment of Familiar Familiars, the illusion near us finally disappeared again, and I took all the members back together. On the way, I carefully checked the various attributes of the baby, and finally came to the conclusion-this is a very terrifying guy.

Baby's skills are mainly divided into three main lines, namely "interference system", "doll system" and "blurring system". Interference refers to the spells and attacks that interfere with the enemy's release. For example, the lava bombs fired by our Fire Element mage before turned into a large group of tomato sauce. This skill is caused. Through this skill, the baby can theoretically turn any spell released by the enemy into various harmless attack methods. Of course, this skill requires a certain amount of mana. If the spell released by the enemy consumes too much, the baby cannot be transformed.

The so-called doll series is specifically used to target living creatures. Its effect is to turn a creature into a doll of various materials. This change consumes a lot, and the use distance is very short. It must be close to a certain range to take effect, but once the target is successfully released, the target will become a soft doll. In addition to the decline in physical fitness, the defensive power will also fall to the bottom, which is called melee. The ultimate kill, especially for players like Real Red who rely on their fists to eat. Where do you think the fist of a stuffed toy can be hard?

The last type of blur system is considered to have the largest interference range of the three systems. It can produce illusions and turn a large area into a world that babies like. This world generally has only a few options. One is the dessert world. For example, Union City was hit by this trick. As a result, the whole city became dessert. There is also the cloth painting world that we encountered just now when we were trapped. Almost all things in that world are made of flannel, and the world will become flat, and anyone will become as thin as a layer of cloth. Third Type World is a crayon world, which is worse than flannel. At any rate, flannel has a three-dimensional effect. The crayon world will turn the surrounding environment into a paper state, and all items will become like kindergarten children's crayon drawings. The child may like the world, but we will definitely be unlucky. In addition, according to the baby himself, there is a kind of dream world, which is even more terrible. The dream world will become a dream, characterized by the fact that nothing obeys the laws of physics anymore. In your dream, you can cross a thousand miles in one step, or you may never get out of an environment as big as a table. This kind of world has no rules at all, and it is definitely a thing of the level of playing the dead. But in this dream, the conditions for starting the world are very harsh, and the consumption is also very high.

In addition to the three above-mentioned departments, the baby now has some things similar to inherent attributes. These things are not skills, but they can actually be used in combat. For example, the way of exploding and splitting just now is one of them. The baby is now a jelly-like existence, which means that it has no fixed shape. You can flatten him and round it at will. It doesn’t matter if you cut it into pieces, you can merge it again, unless you use torch to burn it completely or use it. Strong acid will corrode him, otherwise physical attacks will not kill him at all. Of course, spell damage will still take effect, and the baby's resistance to magic is very low, and it can be said that there is almost no spell resistance. This can be said to be a weakness.

On the way, we also learned a very fortunate thing, that is, the baby’s spell has a stable period of 24 hours. Once he casts the spell for more than 24 hours, it will cause harm. Solidification, for example, our Union City was hit by his dessert world spell before. If we don’t defeat it within 24 hours, then the city in the real game world will really become dessert, and for example, like the previous big pot of rice. The city wall that the guy gnaws off will really be gnawed off, and will not recover after the illusion disappears. This attribute can be described as terrifying, but there are many restrictions. The first is that the baby can't cast the spell immediately within 24 hours, and the other is that his fantasy world is only allowed to be used once within 48 hours. Whether it is dessert world or other world, it cannot be changed after use. Previously, we were continuously affected by the dessert world and the cloth painting world because the baby changed shape once in the middle so that we could release two spells in succession, otherwise it was simply impossible to succeed.

When we returned to Union City, this area had returned to normal, and the city wall that had been eaten by a big pot of rice had not changed. According to the baby, as long as the illusion is less than 24 hours, no matter how much damage occurs inside, it will not affect the outside environment when it returns to normal. However, this 24-hour limit is only for the virtual world, which is directly used on the human body. But there is no such restriction. Another thing is that we learned that the area pulled into the illusion will actually be closed, although you can still enter it, no matter what you do, it will be restored when the illusion is restored. Take the opportunity to occupy other people's cities, because when the city returns to normal, it will automatically restore and clear out all the people who shouldn't be in the city.

Due to the previous attack on Union City, much of the work that we should have done is now delayed. The most important problem is that our contact with our South Korean allies has been interrupted for too long, causing problems in coordination between the two sides. The pro-China South Korean guild, headed by Park Eun’s Celestial Alliance, had been trying to contact us before, but because our people suddenly disappeared, the contact could not be made. As a result, the South Korean allies believed that we had been attacked. Although we were indeed attacked, this attack was different from what they understood.

In order to keep it secret, we did not tell Park Eun all the battle plan, so Korean players only know that once our Union City is attacked, it will be a full-scale war. So the current situation is that our allies have launched ahead of schedule. Fight back.

"What do we do now?" All the leaders of our guild were present in Isinger's conference hall.

Somi put her chin on and looked like a small adult while thinking, "Since Park Eun and the others have done it in advance, it means that the Japanese will definitely know that the plan has been revealed, so if I If the speculation is correct, the Japanese will have two choices."

"Give up or stake all on one throw?" Rose, who had fully understood Su Mi's meaning, asked directly.

"Using the Japanese way of thinking, I probably wouldn't choose to give up, right?" Asura purple clothed said.

Hong Yue nodded. "The Japanese don't know what giving up is. They only worry about not eating enough. As for whether they can swallow...that's not a question they will think about."

"Then your opinion is Japan People will stake all on one throw, right?" I looked at everyone's face.

"I know yes." Sumei affirmed.

"So..." I patted the table hard and stood up directly. "Notify the departments and our partners that the plan is ahead."

According to the information we learned from the Empress’s monument, the Japanese should let the Europeans attack Ashford’s The Iron Crusade then attracted our guild to deploy troops and reinforcements, and followed them to attack our home city and summon all anti-our guild forces to divide our city across the world. This trick can be said to be very simple and very effective, but the Japanese miscalculate it because they don't know that we know the situation in advance.

Because we know the situation in advance, we are naturally impossible to be led by the Japanese. Originally, we planned to wait for the Japanese to launch a full-scale attack and then make a surprise attack to beat them completely unprepared. The Japanese used lured the tiger away from the mountain to harm us, and we used beating somebody at their own game to counteract them. But both of us worked hard, but in the end we came up with a plan that couldn't keep up with the changes. The sudden trapping of Union City led Korean players to take action in advance, and Japan will soon learn from those pro-Japanese Koreans that they are all pro-our guild Korean forces that attack them. These pro-our Korean guilds are like our little brothers. If they are dispatched individually, they can be understood as individual actions, but they are dispatched collectively, and the fool knows what we mean. According to the Japanese plan, we should now be mobilizing troops to support the Iron Crusade. The guild is in a period of insufficient strength. At this time, normal people will definitely choose to shrink their defenses and hope that less things happen. How can it be possible to fan the flames everywhere? But now that the Korean guild who kissed us clearly shows that we intend to open a second battle field. This behavior only represents two probabilities. One is that the collective mental disorder of our guild’s leadership has occurred, and the other is that we have not sent troops to reinforce the Iron Crusade. Although Guishou Nobunaga is a reckless man, he is not so stupid that he can't even understand this point, so he will definitely infer the fact that we already know their plan from it, and their actions will definitely change in the future. .

The facts are as we expected, but in fact, the Japanese side is also having a meeting at the same time that our guild is holding a high-level meeting.

Nobunaga Guishou is circled back and forth in front of a world map. Suddenly he stopped and patted the table vigorously. "I don't care how the news is leaked. Now this is not the point. The point is that our strategic plan must be adjusted. Immediately notify allies on the European side and stop pretending. The Frost Rose Alliance will not be fooled at all. They have known the news a long time ago. . Now their task is to conquer Iron Cross City as soon as possible, and then use the remaining forces to help us deal with the Frost Rose League."

"I'll tell you right away." A Japanese warrior immediately turned around and ran out.

After issuing the command, Nobunaga Onitou continued to rotate in a very uneasy manner. After one after another new commands were issued continuously, the following Japanese players ran to execute his commands one after another. In the end, only one player with a mask was left in the tent.

"Actually, you don't need to worry so much." The masked man said.


"It's very simple. Even if Purple Moon now knows our plan for some reason, do you think he has the ability to mobilize enough Does the army deal with the team that we have accumulated for so long? Besides, even if he has so many troops, do you think our secret weapon is fake?"

Nobunaga Onishi is very sure He said: "If it's someone else I dare not say, but if it is Purple Moon, I can tell you with certainty that he can."

"Are you so sure?"

"Yes In other words, it is your enemy who knows you best. Purple Moon and I are probably in this situation."

"hahahaha......!" The masked man smiled arrogantly. "You don't mind if you take Purple Moon as your worst enemy to understand me, but Purple Moon may not treat you as your worst enemy, because...his worst enemy should be me." The masked man suddenly removed his mask. The face exposed there is the crow I defeated in Europe before. "Purple Moon, that idiot thought I would fight him for the stupid woman of Venus, and now he must count the hatred on Venus. Hum, that kind of golden-haired woman can't take any interest of me at all. "

"Don't be too smug." Guishou Nobunaga reminded: "Even if the plan fails, what we lose is nothing more than an opportunity, but you Indonesians can really do nothing. Don't think about it. This time I agreed to help you on the basis of the funds you provided and your strength, so you'd better be vigilant and complete our plan in one go."

"hmph, yes There is nothing to worry about the strength, this is what you taught us." The crow said arrogantly.

Nobunaga frowned said nothing, he was too lazy to say anything to these uneducated natives.

Compared to the chaos on Nobunaga's side, the situation on our side is not much better. Both parties suddenly discover that the other party understands their secrets, so it is impossible to continue according to the original plan. But I'm better than Guishou Nobuya in that there are more people on my side who can give ideas, so I don't have to do everything by myself. After a simple layout of the general direction, the others began to work on their own.

Time slipped through a day of tension and chaos. In the early morning of the second day of Beijing time, it was still afternoon on the European side. The troops attacking Iron Cross City suddenly began to retreat, but stood at the head of the city. Ashford did not smile at all.

"It's finally started!" Ashford sighed.

Lu Wei, who was standing next to Ashford, asked suspiciously: "Didn’t the enemy have begun to retreat? Why are you still so depressed?"

"Because this is fundamental Not retreating."

"Purple Moon?" When I heard my voice, Ashford turned around excitedly. "You are finally willing to come over, and I will be completely finished if I am later!"

"Che, do you think you are so busy?" Ashford and I took care of the Korean side. After speaking, Ashford was shocked when he heard it.

"Now that this has been done, what do you think the Japanese will make?" Ashford asked me nervously.

"I have come to you, don't you know what decision the Japanese have?"

"You mean...?" Ashford glanced at it. The British and French forces are slowly retreating outside the city. "Do they regard me as the main battlefield?"

"Almost!" I looked at Ashford, and then explained: "The Japanese decided to turn to the main attack, and they used to fight Iron Cross City. Just to attract our attention, they have been using cannon fodder to create pressure, but now they plan to be exposed, so they plan to shoot down Iron Cross City."

"Then I am not the main battlefield here. "

"No, you are not, because the Japanese did not intend to give up the original plan at all."

"Are you so sure?" Ashford told me The source is not convinced.

I patted his shoulder. "Relax, my news is absolutely reliable, and our guild analysts also speculate like this. The intelligence shows and speculations are exactly the same, I think there should be no problem. Now the Japanese plan is to let the British and French allied forces put you here. Fight down first, and then you don’t need to attract any troops, just let them send the remaining troops to Asia and directly interfere in our battle with Japan."

"What about your countermeasures?"

"Countermeasures?" I laughed: "Since you all know this is a countermeasure, what countermeasures do you ask me?"

"Countermeasures?...Countermeasures!...Countermeasures? Are you going to reverse it completely? Do it?"

Ashford is not an idiot, of course he understands the deep meaning of my anagram. What we mean is to fight against the Japanese. The so-called one force breaks ten guilds, since we have this battle strength, there is no need to play crafty plots and machinations with the Japanese. In fact, orthodox tactics are the most effective tactics on the battlefield. Although orthodox tactics are often broken by some auspicious soldiers, in this case there are still so many people using it, which shows that orthodox tactics have the strongest under normal circumstances. Tactical effect. So the suggestion our guild think tank gave me is: Since the tactics of both sides have been seen through, don’t use tactics at all, and directly meet force with force. The brave wins when meeting on a narrow road, and whoever can hold on to the end is the winner.

Japan means to fix the European battlefield first, because here the British and French coalition forces have an absolute advantage over the Iron Crusade. They hope to get it done first and concentrate on going to South Korea to open a second battle, and then push back into China. The content of this plan is quite simple, but it is indeed a very effective tactic. It can play a role in continuation of strength layer by layer, with the help of the power of the victorious soldier to win small battles all the way and finally win the overall victory. Under this tactic, the Japanese’s battle strength will be like a car rushing down a hill. The more you intercept it, the less effort it will be. When the car rushes to the corner of the hill, it’s definitely like a hot knife through butter. People can stop.

As long as you understand these roads, making appropriate arrangements is relatively simple.

The army outside the city is mobilizing quickly, and those cannon fodder troops quickly withdrew beyond the fire range of Iron Cross City, and then they saw a large army of troops over there being mobilized, but due to the distance too far You can only see the densely packed black square matrix moving, and everything else can't be seen clearly.

It took about three hours for the change to finally come to an end. Thanks to the two consecutive days of high-intensity battles that consumed too much damage, the total number of the British and French coalition forces of more than 100 million people finally It has fallen below 100 million, but its number is still as high as 90 million, and the amount of cannon fodder only accounts for about 2/3/2021, which means that there are at least 3 million regular troops here.

In three hours, those cannon fodder troops were broken up and divided into the forward part of some main teams. The advantage of this is that the density of elite troops is not reduced under the premise of reducing the density of elite troops. The result is that we The firepower strikes become more difficult.

After the reorganization of the army was over, the Anglo-French coalition forces began to move forward gradually, and Ashford hurriedly informed the gun positions not to fire. The front width of Iron Cross is only over 15,000 meters, which means that even the width of Isinger's second city wall is not enough. But this is also good, that is, the area left for the enemy to charge has also become relatively narrow. At 15,000 meters, even one person at one meter can only stand next to 5,000 people. In fact, the impossible battlefield is so dense that even two meters per person is too dense, not to mention "Zero". As a fantasy game, the units here are not all human-sized, so in fact, there are no more than 5,000 troops that can actually be in contact with the city wall at the same time. The Anglo-French allied forces probably planned to do it quickly this time, so what they lined up is a frontal battle formation of twenty plus one. This three-plus-one model means that every twenty humanoids are arranged in a horizontal row, and then a large creature is separated by a large creature, followed by another twenty humanoids. This arrangement is a panacea method, and has a good destructive power for city wall defense systems of any strength and density, but it is certain that it also exists, that is, it cannot give full play to the battle strength. After all, this is a panacea arrangement, and good versatility means insufficient specificity.

Because the enemy’s arms are very chaotic, we also don’t know which of the twenty-man and twenty-man team is elite and which has cannon fodder, but I don’t even know that those big guys are all elite. suspicious.

The arrangement of the Iron Crusader has also changed. Some low-level players have been replaced to the rear to take up logistical work, while elite players have been transferred to the front. As for the NPCs, all have become auxiliary forces. The game is basically the player, and there are indeed high-end NPCs that surpass the players, but there are definitely not many such existences.

As the Anglo-French allied forces moved forward, we began to hear the neat drums and footsteps. Didn’t expect that the opponent actually used a military band this time, and actually used the assault mode of the infantry phalanx.

When the first row of soldiers began to quickly keep up with the second row, the Anglo-French allied forces divided the troops with 20 rows into a district, that is to say, the infantry phalanx is each 400 people. The condition of the cube. As for the large creatures, they only appeared on the corners of each square, not in a row of twenty like humans. But if you look at it for yourself, you will find that these large creatures are actually arranged in square arrays, but they are too far apart to be easy to spot. Every twenty large creatures means a large square. This large square is made up of 400 large creatures and 231 small human squares, and its scale is also quite large. The Anglo-French alliance counts such a large square as a battallion, and each human square is a squad, and the large creatures are managed separately. This command system is summarized in the long-term war in the game, and its advantages As long as a frontline commander is placed on each large creature, all squads can be repeatedly managed. Even if the command on the large creature is killed, as long as there is one commander on the four corners of a squad, it will not be lost. command.

"The other party is really moving." I said to Ashford.

"I know." Compared with Ashford, who was running around before, now Ashford has calmed down. He was actually not afraid of failure before. He knew that feint attacks would not achieve any practical results. The reason for pretending to be so scared was to show the enemy on the other side, and hope that I could help him reduce his burden. . Although the enemy can't do anything to him, he is not stupid. Of course, he hopes to lose a little less force. With this guy's stinginess, he is not even willing to waste cannon fodder. Now that there is no need to perform, Ashford is naturally back to normal. After moving his neck, he stood loudly shouted on the loudspeaker array: "Warriors, the warm-up activity is over, it's time to make a real move."

"Roar..." A sudden burst of light broke out on the city wall. With cheers, the ground on the city wall suddenly cracked one after another, followed by a large number of weapons that had never appeared before.

"Are you still hiding a secret weapon?" These things surprised me a lot, after all, Ashford simply didn't mention it in the original plan.

Ashford said with a laugh: "Do you want it? This thing is very good."

"Let me see the battle strength first."


"Don't worry, you will see it soon."

These new weapons are not so big, they are about the same as a mini car, and their appearance It looks a bit like the anti-aircraft turret on the old battleship, but it has a layer of protective cover on the outside, and it has only one barrel, and its caliber is very small.

As the enemy approached further, the defensive artillery on Iron Cross began to surge, and at the same time the few remaining artillery units of the British and French allied forces began to fight back. Soldiers on both sides saw all kinds of streamers before they even touched. They flew around and set off fireballs to take a large number of people to high altitude and then tore them into pieces and scattered them on the ground.

Although the artillery fire is quite intensive, the long-range firepower cannot be cleaned one by one after all, so the enemy formation has not lost much except for being blown out one by one. The team is still advancing in an orderly manner. Soon some of the enemies stopped when they approached the attack range of the mage. Obviously, these were the enemy's spell strike force. Their task must be to suppress the mage and archer troops at the head of the city. However, today they seem to be out of luck.

The strange weapons at the head of Iron Cross City suddenly moved. Each of these things was operated by two NPCs. One of them shook the steering wheel quickly, and the other directed the aim. The hands of some mages in the enemy army had begun to shine with magical brilliance, but at the moment when the spell was about to be completed, the mages' head suddenly exploded without warning. The nearby people froze for a moment, and followed their head

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