"No." A sudden voice made us divert a little, but the fat rabbit who claimed to be a baby didn't mean to stop at all, a beam of light suddenly Flew out of the rabbit's front paws. It seems that the beam’s emission direction should not hit anyone, but the strange beam suddenly turned halfway and hit my forehead. Just when everyone hadn’t realized what was going on, I suddenly felt like I was all over my body. Tight, fell to the ground with a plop.

"Damn, how did you become a biscuit man?" I didn't say when I was turned into a ragdoll before. Anyway, I can still run around in a magic dragon suit. Although the magic dragon suit still maintained its normal form, I was too fragile when I turned into a biscuit. The dodge action was too big just now, and I actually broke my leg. But there is also an advantage of changing the biscuits, that is, it doesn't hurt to be injured, even though I broke a leg, I didn't feel it at all.


"Leave me alone, I'm fine, go and get rid of that damn rabbit."

All the players heard me immediately I surrounded the rabbit and vowed to smash it into thousands of pieces. Unfortunately, the rabbit's battle strength was not as simple as it seemed. I saw the fat rabbit suddenly jumped up, and its body swelled in a big circle. Even if he turns into a big rabbit, we have nothing to be afraid of, but the problem is that as soon as he landed on the ground, he turned around and waved with one claw: "Big Sky Wheel Slash." Hula a sword qi. One piece swept towards us. Others are okay. I have a problem with moving now, so I can only hold my head and lie there hoping not to be hit.

The members of the guild originally planned to go up and catch him, but they were swept down by a sword qi. Seven or eight were swept down by a sword qi. The rest of the people’s body was slightly paused and a large swath of sword qi flew on the face. They all fell on the ground like me.

The holding head lying next to me shouted at me: "Boss, isn't that your skill? Why does this dead rabbit use it?"

"You Ask me, who should I ask? Run up to me and take him down."

"But..." The big pot of rice was covered by a large piece of Storm of Swords before it was finished. "Pei pei pei..." The big pot of rice did not die miraculously. Just now, he was bombarded by a intensive bombardment. We thought he was not saved. Who knew he got up before the smoke was dispersed. "Bah... I knew his damn was a false tooth. Don't be afraid, this dead rabbit is not as powerful as the boss's formidable power, it just looks like it."

It's an expert. When I heard this, I moved my eyes to the few people who were swept down for the first time. As a result, I found that those people were just humming on the ground, and none of them died.

"Mother, did you deliberately scare me? I want you to look good this time." A high level member of the guild grabbed the handle and rushed up Warhammer, but the rabbit surprised us again A handful.

"Beastization." The fat rabbit suddenly yelled out such a sentence. As a result, the fat rabbit, which had already grown a lot bigger, grew and grew rapidly. It was still less than one size after getting bigger once. Mi's height has increased to 1.3 meters, and the protruding claws of the mouth have also become longer, but it is awkward to look at it. His skill is obviously the transformation of a werewolf, but the problem is that the werewolves transformed are tall and murderous with murderous aura all over the body, but this guy is not like that at all. This guy was originally a funny look with long hands and short legs, and his face was originally flat, but now his mouth is longer but it is not as regular as a war wolf, but a slightly wrinkled feeling, and the tip of his nose is slightly bent downward. He looked like an old and ugly coyote. And this guy's hind legs. The werewolf's hind legs have been added to the human leg by a joint, so it has become a lot longer, but this guy's original leg is terribly short, and it will still be short after adding a section. What's more funny is his belly. This is the first time I have seen a werewolf with a general belly, and because the legs are too short, this guy's belly seems to be piled on the ground, it looks so funny and interesting.

"Damn, what kind of monster is this?" Cauldron Fan commented after seeing the fat rabbit transforming, "How do I think this guy is like a kangaroo with a coyote head?"< /p>

"The kangaroo has longer legs anyhow, this is still Wu Dalang's version of the kangaroo!"

Although none of us were optimistic about what this kangaroo could do, the guy suddenly rushed towards it. With us, one of the players was thrown down without a reaction. Although the figure is funny, the speed and attack power of this guy has obviously increased by a large amount. The player was bitten by a large piece of meat immediately after he was thrown down. Although the person next to him saved him, he has basically lost it. battle strength.

"Beware." A sudden reminder made the second-row player get out of the new Bunny Wolf, but we focused our attention on the reminder.

"He is the owner of that rabbit." A player who had seen him before cried.

"Is he the owner of the rabbit?" It's better if the player doesn't say anything. I'm even more confused when he says it. My demon pet is fighting with others, and I also remind the other person, isn’t this a brain disease? However, it seems true that he is the owner of the rabbit anyway, so... hum...

My body moved immediately pounced on the player who came out to remind me that the rabbit might have noticed me. Intention, the result quickly turned around and flashed over and blocked the player. In fact, it’s not a problem if he doesn’t come back, anyway, my leg is broken and I can’t run at all. I just used the strength of my arm to jump forward for a while, that’s the limit, because I just want to see if he will really come back to protect himself. Master, it seems that there is no problem now.

"Attention everyone, that guy is the owner of the rabbit, so he can concentrate his firepower to kill him. This guy has no loyalty, and his demonic pet leaves his battle strength to at least level 3." I reminded me. Others opened up their own Phoenix and Dragon space and released all their magical familiars.

When the player saw this posture, he immediately hid in fear, but the rabbit once again did something that surprised me. He suddenly jumped in front of the player and shouted: "Absolutely Barrier."

The various methods and weapons hit the mask like a torrential rain, but the result was that none of them worked without exception. The concentrated firepower of so many high-level familiars and high-level players should blast down even the city wall, and the general absolute barrier is that the defense is stronger, but it is not absolutely indestructible. As far as I know, there is only one type of absolute barrier that is truly invincible, and that is the absolute barrier of skills on my wings. Although there is a time limit, it is the only truly invincible existence. I already suspected that the rabbit could use the big sky wheel to cut and the werewolf to transform into a werewolf. Now it is completely confirmed. This guy copied my skills, but the question is why only I was copied? Is it just because I am the strongest?

The answer is obviously not that simple, but we have to find a way to stop the rabbit before we figure it out. After the continuous attacks of the nearby player and the familiar stopped, the rabbit actually pulled that player up and down several times in a row and distanced us from us. I shouted angrily: "Catch up, don't let him run."

The players and my pets all rushed up, and I quickly switched to Silver Moon mode. But the result made me very depressed. Didn't expect even the trumpet Yinyue was turned into food!

"Damn, rainbow, come out and help."

A beautiful indescribable tree suddenly appeared in front of me, and on the branch sat a colorful hair fluttering Beauty. Everyone in our guild has a big tree as their guardian Tree Demon, which is one of the guild guardians given by Monster Race. Because I have two numbers, each number has a Tree Demon. The tree in front of you is the Tree Demon, the guardian of Silver Moon-Rainbow. Compared with the general Tree Demon, the biggest feature of adopting is the super Illusion Technique skills, but I just want her to help bring me along. My body turned into a cookie and I couldn't move at all, so I had to find a strong one to hold me and run. Although Tree Demon is a female planet, it used to be a tree, with extraordinary strength and hardness, so I can walk as fast as I can while holding me.

Hearing my summon, the rainbow immediately jumped down from the tree, and then the rainbow tree immediately turned into a colored light spot and flew to her palms, then she came over and picked me forward Chased it out.

To tell the truth, being held by a woman is really unsightly, but I look like a big biscuit now, so this can be ignored for the time being, but I have overlooked a problem. "Ah... let me down!"

I was so depressed, I thought it would be fine if someone held me, but I forgot that the biscuits are fragile, so why did they jump up? Tossing down? Rainbow led me to run not far, but my waist was broken, and I had to fall apart, but I soon discovered that I was far more unlucky because there was still a player lying on the ground in front of me, just him. Has also become a biscuit man.

"Damn, what's the matter with you?"

"Successful!" The player saw me appear and immediately said: "That guy just used me and you That trick, and then I was like this. But it’s strange to say that the dead rabbit does not know how to use my skills."

"Your skills?" I was stunned. Then, without waiting for the other party to answer, he immediately asked: "Does he use other skills besides your skills?"

"No." The player answered very positively. "We all know the skills he uses. It's either yours or mine. It's really strange why he uses our skills!"

"I think I know."

"You know?"

I'm nodded. "Now we are the only people chasing after you and I have been turned into biscuit men by him, and since it can be used for both of us, why not turn everyone into biscuit?"

"Yes Skill restrictions?" This player is not stupid, he understands immediately after hearing it.

I am nodded. "His skills are definitely limited by cooling time, and they can't be used together anyway, so he can only use them one by one from the most threatening person, and his skills are likely to come from people like us who turned into cookies. Before you He only used my skills when he didn’t change the cookie."

"That’s really true! But I know this is useless!"

"Who Say it's useless?" As soon as I stretched out my hand, the Earth Gate suddenly opened up beside me, and ran out following a large number of Qilin warriors. I instructed Qilin warrior to borrow two bed boards from Goddess, and then carried me and the member to run, so that the body would not fall apart with support.

Because the person in front had to fight and walk, so the speed was not much faster, and we soon caught up. The fat rabbit is fighting with our people. I ask everyone not to go forward. Anyway, my Familiars are standing there. So many people are also impossible to get together. They can only stand on the periphery to avoid affecting their own fights. But I didn't look at it, but from the wings behind the summon, a large number of candle bees flew into the field and each player followed a small group above their heads.

None of us understand why I arranged a group of summon creatures above their heads, but after all, it is my thing, and they didn't care. Just after the battle lasted for a while, the fat rabbit suddenly shot the beam that could turn people into cookies again, but this time the situation changed. The candle bee that I had arranged above the head of the player as the target suddenly rushed towards the beam of light. Although the light beam can automatically track the target, it cannot avoid the candle bee that actively hits it. When one of the candle bees hit the beam, the beam immediately disappeared, and then the candle bee turned into a candle bee-shaped biscuit and fell on the ground.

Seeing this, the rabbit froze for a while, then turned around and ran. Our people have also reacted. It turns out that this beam can only turn a target into a biscuit, so as long as some unimportant creatures can block the attack, it is enough. Moreover, the rabbit turned and fled, which shows that he really can't shoot continuously. Otherwise, he can throw a few more beams out and turn us all into biscuits. Why should we run around chased by us?

Since I know the method, it’s easy to handle. My summon candle bee started flying around the fat rabbit. As long as he intends to use that kind of skill, I can immediately command a candle bee to intercept it, anyway. With me in him, simply don't expect to hit us, but the problem is that chasing him like this is no way. We can't play hide-and-seek with so many rabbits, right?

"Grab that guy." I suddenly remembered that the owner of the rabbit was still there.

Seeing me rushing over, the rabbit immediately jumped over again and shouted: "If you bully the baby again, the baby must be self-destructed."

"self-destruct ?" I suddenly remembered that self-destruct is one of Candlebee’s main skills, and this rabbit is obviously a skill that can replicate the target that he turned into a biscuit, so he should have just acquired Candlebee’s self-destruct. ability. It is necessary to know that the explosive power of a candle bee less than one-fifth the size of this rabbit is enough to make an expert such as the gun god headache, so if a rabbit of this size is self-destructed... In short, this situation is still Don't show up as well.

"Don't move, he might really self-destruct."

"What should I do?"

"Everyone back away and use remote attacks. "

"Don't, please don't." This was called out by the person protected by the rabbit, but we became more and more confused. This guy had reminded us to be careful about the skills of rabbits before, and now he begged us for mercy. If the rabbits hadn't been protecting him, I really doubt whether they are on the side!

"Hey, what do you mean by this fellow?" a member asked loudly.

The player protected by the rabbit explained very depressed: "Please don't kill me. Although this rabbit is my favorite, it is completely out of my control! I was actually a celestial creature. People from the Alliance, but my demon pet was bought by the Japanese. I was simply kidnapped."

"What? Is it my ears or your head?" We Everyone put on an expression of firm disbelief. As long as they are normal people, they should not believe. I’ve seen the disobedience of the familiar, and I have encountered it myself, but the disobedience is just a little inconvenient in command. For example, the familiar sometimes resists orders or slows down, but I have never heard of it. Whose familiar will fight against the owner, let alone the situation where the familiar and the owner's enemy form an alliance to join another camp.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" I said to the player: "I am also an animal trainer, don't want to fool around with me."

That Players see that we do not believe that the tears of anxiousness are about to come down. "No, President Purple Moon, I really can’t control him! And you must not attack me! It doesn’t matter if I die once, this rabbit will absorb the owner’s EXP and automatically advance to the rank when the owner dies. When the time comes, it will be more difficult for you to deal with him."

"What? Absorb the master's EXP? You can talk in detail."

"You are not allowed to talk." Fat rabbit Suddenly he jumped up and put a large piece of tape on his master's mouth, and then said to me: "Want to find out about my weakness? Tell you, no way."

"Then let's open it. The window." I waved forward and Princess walked slowly in front of me. "Lovely little bunny, come and play with elder sister?" Princess said with a beautiful smile, even the weird rabbit was taken aback for a while.

Seeing the rabbit’s eyes dull, Princess immediately made an OK gesture with a small hand behind me, I nodded backward, and the ground suddenly shook slightly. The rabbit immediately woke up when he felt the vibration, but it was too late. Although his skills are very difficult to deal with, he is alone after all, and we are not ordinary people.

A bunch of green rattans flipped open the ground and pulled the player into the ground. The rabbit immediately wanted to jump down when he found it, but when he jumped up, he saw a big mouth drilled through the hole. Coming up, he quickly turned and flashed over. The big mouth snapped together beside him, and it almost broke him. The cooperation between the pioneer and Rose Vine succeeded in getting the goal over. The rabbit was very anxious, but it was helpless that we had too many people and couldn't make it through.

After Rose Vine sent the guy to my side, I immediately asked: "First tell me what can be done to stop him, and then talk about other things."

"This...this..." The player seemed embarrassed.

"Why do you hesitate? Don't want to say?"

Didn't expect that guy was really nodded, but he quickly answered: "Actually, I don't want to, just ...This...Aiya Forget it, die! In fact, I snatched the demon pet from someone else, but later I learned that the rabbit had changed more than N owners. This is one This is a very magical creature. It can evolve through the death of the owner, and it will continue to absorb the experience of the owner when fighting."

"Absorbing experience? How to absorb it?"

The player said with a bitter face: "Let’s put it this way! This thing has no magic power at all. All the skills he releases directly consume my EXP. If my EXP is less than the minimum requirements of this level, I will Downgrade, and then he continued to suck. In fact, when I first owned this familiar, it was close to level 1,000, but now you should also see that I am almost below level 800!"

"What? You were forced to suck more than a hundred levels by him?" Everyone couldn't help but glance at the rabbit again. To be honest, it was the first time we saw such a terrifying creature.

After that, the player said more sadly: "In fact, this is nothing. What is even more annoying is that this monster has its own personality and thoughts, and his loyalty is very difficult to improve. If you don’t do a good job, it will drop quickly, and once your loyalty drops below thirty, it will become what it is now. Not only do you not listen to me, but also threaten me often."

"Wait Wait, didn't you say that he can advance through the death of his master? Then why does he protect you? If you are hacked to death by us, doesn't he get stronger power?"

The player He quickly explained: "Although it is theoretically like this, he will have a one minute pause when I die. During this time, he will become very fragile, so he will not let people kill me in ordinary battles. ."

"so that's how it is. Then what will happen to him if you die when no one is there?"

"He will not be subject to any restrictions. This guy does not need to follow his master He can be upgraded to a level above me, and he is completely independent. Apart from being unable to attack me directly or indirectly, it can be said that there is no restriction between us at all."

"Sure enough, it is not. Obedient familiar."

"You still know what characteristics he has, tell us all about it."

The player quickly said: "There is also this familiar after the death of the owner. During the period before the resurrection, he has a 100% summon success rate, which means that as long as the master is not there, others will force summon from you to have a success rate of 100%, which is why he has many masters before. The masters of the past were taken by him to run around, and then when his master dies, he will fall into a one-minute static state. At this time, the other party will usually choose to arrest him. This is the case with his previous master and his master. After my sneak attack was killed, I found that he didn’t move anymore, and then I wanted to try if summon could come over and become my favorite. Didn’t expect succeeded once, but afterwards... alas...!"

I can roughly understand what this player means. This rabbit is particularly outstanding in battle, so it is difficult for ordinary people to defeat him, so others will consider killing his master first. Under normal circumstances, unless you have a loyal familiar like Ling, as long as the owner dies, all the familiars will die. Although this rabbit does not have loyalty, it will not die with the owner, but will appear. A short pause. Do you think someone will give up such a good opportunity at this time as long as they have capture skills? It's as if you were at war with someone else who was holding a submachine gun but was stabbed to death by you with a knife. Would you leave the submachine gun alone? The normal way of thinking is definitely to pick it up first and try if it can be used. As a result, this rabbit happens to capture 100% of the success rate, so as long as the person who owns him hangs up once, the rabbit will probably be taken away by the other party, and this process will stimulate the rabbit to evolve stronger abilities. After going back and forth in this way, the rabbit himself realized that this method was beneficial to him, so he began to actively look for this opportunity to change the owner, until the unlucky person in front of him had this magical rabbit.

Although I was thundered by what the player said, I still like this rabbit. Although this guy has a lot of problems, one thing is absolutely undeniable, and that is the actual value. This rabbit can turn the game of a large group of elites like us to its terrifying battle strength. As for his shortcomings..., it seems that as long as he has enough strength to suppress him, there is no problem at all.

Although this rabbit is very disobedient, he is still a favorite after all, still subject to the highest rules. He can't directly attack the master, but can only rely on his own strength to force the master away. So if my strength is strong enough to suppress him, then he can't make trouble with me at all. As for the question of disobedience... I think my charm should not be a problem.

The rabbit is very nervous now after we have listened to our owner’s introduction, because we have pinched his biggest handle in our hands. Yes, he is indeed very difficult to deal with, but the problem is that his owner is an ordinary person, and any player here can deal with him with one hand. If we kill his master without summoning him, he will enter a one-minute rigid time, which is enough time for us to kill him. He hadn't been killed before, it was not because of the freezing time that he could not be killed, but because the enemy's greed did not kill him. But if we know his situation, it is unlikely that we will move his mind, and will only kill him over and over again. The result is that the strength he has accumulated with great difficulty will quickly disappear.

"Zero" is actually a fair game. Although some people are superior, they all follow two rules. One is that strength is equal to the dangerous rule. As long as you dare to take risks, you can obtain the corresponding strength after victory. These strengths may be given to you in the form of familiars, equipment, and attribute points, but anyway, as long as you dare to gamble again and again, you will definitely grow. Another rule is the balance rule, that is, you suddenly get a certain super outstanding ability without making any effort, but this rule will cause you to gain a huge weakness while gaining outstanding ability. The crow in the second place on the list and the rabbit in front of them belong to the winners of the balance rule. They are characterized by lameness, a particularly strong ability and a particularly weak weakness. Extra strong ability can easily defeat any enemy. For example, I have been the first in this world, and the weakest weakness is so weak that as long as others know you, there is no way to survive, such as the current situation of rabbits. As long as we kill the player in front of us, we can ravage this rabbit at will.

"If that's the case, then you sacrifice it once." A member of our guild sharpened his sword and looked at the player in front of me.

Seeing him retreating in shock, I quickly stopped the member who was going to kill him and discussed with him. "You have seen it too. Now if we don't kill you, there is no way to deal with this rabbit, so killing you is the only way." Seeing him continue to step back, I snapped my fingers, and Rose Vine immediately rolled him up and gave him Sent back in front of me. "Don't worry, although I like to maximize profits when doing business, as long as I am not my enemy, I will not deliberately encroach on the interests of others. Therefore, I want to discuss business with you."

"You mean to make up for me after you kill me?" This guy is not stupid.

I nodded and took out a red medicine pill and a purse. "This is a magical coagulation medicine, which can increase magical attack power, but you need to bet on luck. If you are lucky, it can increase to 10% at most, but at least 1%. If you have money outside, you can’t buy this thing. Yes. Once the level drops, as long as you have time, you can still rise back, but this thing can permanently increase the magic attack, making you higher than others at every Level 1. How about? Isn’t it a good thing? But don’t worry, There is still a bag of money, there are a total of 10,000 crystal coins, enough to make up for your loss, right?"

"Enough is enough." For the average player, these things are already very precious, let alone I can still help him get rid of that pesky monster, it makes no sense for him not to pick it up if it's cheap. "Okay, just kill it, don’t you just die once? It’s worth it."

After getting the consent of the other party, I immediately prepared to kill this guy. Anyway, I am a super red name. Don't worry about adding another evil value. The rabbit over there had been planning to rush over before, but unfortunately it has been blocked by my members and familiars, and now I see that I am trying to kill his master, and it’s hard to rush. The result is nothing but changeable. There were just a few biscuit people.

Because the opponent took the initiative to seek death, I easily solved the player, and the rabbit stopped suddenly as he said. Time is precious, I didn't waste too much time, and quickly used the capture skills to capture the rabbit directly. Just like the previous player said, as long as the owner hangs up, his capture success rate is 100%. I only used it once to get the rabbit.

"Damn, what is this?" There are usually two situations in which the capture is successful. The most common one is that the creature is directly egged into its initial form, and the one with a higher level may directly become a familiar without hatching. But even though the rabbit was successfully captured, it seemed abnormal.

In fact, we withdrew from the illusion when the capture was successful, but the elite players and I have already appeared outside the city, which means that the movement in the illusion is effective, and we were beaten by us before. The broken chocolate trees are not damaged, that is to say, destroying things in the illusion has no effect on the items in reality. But what needs to be cared about now is not these, but the piece or piece of things or creatures on the ground.

I really don’t know what to call this thing. He or it is dark, it looks like dark chocolate in texture, and it smells the same. But this thing has the appearance of the fat rabbit before, and it looks strange.

"Is this the pet egg?" A player cautiously leaned forward and stabbed with a small stick. "How could it be a piece of chocolate?"

"Eh...this...! Looks like I am not quite clear!" In the game, I am not only the first battle strength, but also an absolute demon. Pet knowledge first. After all, I am the number one animal trainer in the game, with the largest number of familiars, and I have come into contact with many familiars, so I understand most of the knowledge about familiars, but this one is really unusual. "

The daring member before helped me bring the chocolate bunny, and then asked me: "How do you hatch this thing?" Does it also use drops of blood? "

"Wait, let me see first. "

Although the shape is a little weird, the pet eggs generally have attributes displayed. Although you can't see all the attributes of the pet before hatching, you can at least see the hints on how to hatch. But even if I didn’t look at it, I would probably think it wouldn’t be a normal way.

Sure enough, I almost fainted after reading it. The way this rabbit was hatched turned out to be...


Guess how to hatch such a superb pet? It is definitely not right to eat it anyway.


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