The situation in the city makes me unable to understand. The only reason I want to know is to find the awake person. As for waking up the sleeping person, I didn't even think about it. Let alone whether the Hypnosis Technique, which has the ability to hypnotize so many people at the same time, can be simply awakened, even if it is awakened, the result may not be known. These people obviously fell asleep at the same time, which means that most people may not know what happened, so it is useless to wake up these people. The only way is to find someone who has not been hypnotized.

I feel lucky today. I was thinking about finding someone who was not asleep when I found three people hurriedly running in front of me. They ran over as soon as they saw me.

"Do you (the president) know what's going on here?"

Suddenly both of us asked the same question, but we were stunned at the same time.

"You don't know what happened here?" I asked the three again in surprise.

The leader of the three is a warrior. He is also an unfathomable mystery and said: "The three of us who found the house lying on the floor when they went online, and found that the whole floor was asleep. People, and all of them can’t wake up."

"Yes." Another player also confirmed: "I also pierced one of the people’s arms with a knife, but he still slept like a dead pig. !"

After listening to them, I also explained: "I just got here, and I found out when I came out of Transmission Formation, but what about other players?"

"No I know!" The lead warrior replied: "All I saw along the way are NPCs. It seems that all the players are missing."

"It's really weird, how come you encounter this kind of weird thing, oh wait , Someone calls me in reality, you first look for it, send someone back to Isengard to inform the others, I will go offline to see who told me to come back soon."

After the explanation is over We acted separately, and when they went to find someone, I went offline. As soon as I opened my eyes, I found Rose standing beside me. "How did you go offline? We are fighting now!"

Rose didn't explain at all, but asked directly: "Are you still in Germany?"

"Yes. Now.” When Rose mentioned South Korea, I remembered that she should be there too. "I just arrived in Korea, what did you do there? Why are all the NPCs in Union City asleep? Where are the players going?"

"Fell asleep?" Rose seems Also very surprised. "Are you saying that all the NPCs in Union City are now sleeping?"

"Well, the streets are full of people, and they all sleep like dead pigs. There are even a few players who have just launched I even stabbed a few NPCs with a knife and couldn't wake them up!"

"So it is!" Rose muttered to herself as she fell into thought.

"Hey, what has happened to you? Hurry up? Are you planning to die of me?"

Rose started to talk to me about what happened early this morning Things, I sat there and listened for nearly half an hour before I understood the current situation. In fact, things are not too complicated, but rather special. In fact, a Korean player appeared on the periphery of United City early this morning, Beijing time, and said that he would challenge our entire guild. At that time, he was naturally regarded as a lunatic. After all, even the crow, who is ranked second in the battle strength list and extremely arrogant, dare not say that he alone can challenge our entire guild, and he said to an unknown person. Challenge our entire guild, and normal people will treat him as a lunatic. But the "madman" did not leave there. He showed a cute little animal in our city gate summon, and then he began to direct the animal to perform a strange dance, about one minute later. The person only felt that the surrounding environment seemed to shake, and then the person and the little animal disappeared together.

What happened after that was more weird. After the person disappeared with the mysterious little animal, everyone was still doing their own things as usual, but then everyone discovered a lot of strange things. The first problem was the city wall. The guard reported that the city wall had become a cake. Rose didn't believe it at the time, thinking she was joking with her, and she was completely dumbfounded when she arrived at the scene. The huge city wall surrounding the entire Union City has become a circle of huge cream cakes. Although it still has the shape of a city wall, its material has become cream, and the female wall used to protect the guards on the city wall has become The giant strawberries leaning together one after another feel like the patterns on the cake.

You must know that Union City did not have a city wall. It was built temporarily for this defense plan. However, the city wall changed into a cake in the blink of an eye. This change is a bit too big. At first everyone thought it was someone who used a large-scale Illusion Technique. As a result, a few Illusion Technique players were invited to appraise it and confirmed that it was not an Illusion Technique. Later, the daguofan, a foolish and courageous guy, was actually on the city wall. I dug a small piece and tasted it, and it turned out that it tasted pretty good!

In fact, the cake city wall is not the strangest thing, and even more weird things happened in various wells in the city. I don't know what happened, the water well in the city suddenly turned into a fountain at the same time, and it was not the well water that spewed out but a variety of flavored drinks. Then the whole city began to gradually change over time. Until one hour ago, all the buildings and tools in the whole city, except for the living creatures and their equipment, turned into various foods, and most of them were desserts. . Rose said that she wanted to call me at the time, but found that the ring of love failed, and the Transnational Transmission Formation turned into a huge pizza.

After these strange things, more strange events have also appeared one after another. First of all, a mage found that all the magic he released had been mutated. A mage tried to launch a ball of Fireball. As a result, a group of red jam flew out in front of the wand, and some people tried to use ice attribute magic, but none of them flew out. The exceptions are all kinds of ice cream. The city defense artillery can only fire ribbons, magic traps have become fireworks displays, and even the cemetery is full of roses. It seems that only ordinary attacks like warrior are normal.

After such a major event, Love Rose naturally thought of the seriousness of the problem, so she went offline and wanted to talk to me in reality, so there is what is happening now.

Based on my discussion with Rose, it has been roughly determined that Union City has not become a cake, but they have been drawn into a space similar to a fantasy. In the real game world, the city is still there, because I have seen it with my own eyes, and the NPCs seem to have only their souls drawn into that illusion. After all, their fleshy bodies are still in Union City. As for the players, it may be real. I was completely pulled into that environment, so I couldn't find anyone.

"Then what shall we do now?" Rose asked me.

"The problem may lie with the little animal, the thing may be some kind of high level creature, but it looks too harmless. My suggestion is to find the thing as soon as possible, if possible Eliminate it, I think the illusion will disappear automatically as soon as he dies."

"But the problem is that I don’t know whether the thing is in the illusion or outside after the illusion is formed!"


"In this way, you are responsible for the inside part, and I will handle the outside."

"Currently, this is the only way to do it! We are online now, you can look for it outside, I am in the illusion I’m mobilizing everyone to look for it."


Me and Rose went online again. As soon as I appeared, I immediately released all the creatures that I can summon, including those ghosts. Worms and candle bees, anyway, the task now is to search, as long as they can find the target, it is easy to do.

In fact, my huge summon biota is indeed very efficient. A ghost worm discovered the target in less than ten minutes after releasing them. All of my Summon creatures colleagues received the message, and a large number of creatures began to gather quickly to the target location, and soon the small house that was the target was surrounded by water.

"Qilin warrior, upper flying claws." Skeet yelled, and hundreds of flying claws hung on the top of the wall, followed by Qilin warrior and pulled back, banging the four walls of the small room. Being pulled down forcibly revealed a super strange creature inside the house. Rose once said that this is a very cute animal, but when I really saw it, I realized that he is not only cute, but also funny.

The appearance of this little thing is basically a fat rabbit, but it is not the kind of rabbit we have seen in life, but the anthropomorphic rabbit in cartoons. His body is fat like two hair balls connected together, and his neck is not visible at all. The growth position of the limbs is similar to that of humans, but the strange thing is that the upper limbs are longer than the legs. This is not to say how long his upper limbs are. In fact, his legs should be too short. However, although this guy has upper limbs, the tip of the upper limbs is not a human hand, but a small furry claw. He wants to pinch it when he looks at it, because the chubby is so cute! In addition to the limbs, there is a big tail behind this guy, which looks very fluffy with a long hair. Since the ratio of the head to the body is close to one to one, the head of this little thing looks very big. It feels that the shape of the whole head is very close to that of a panda, but the color is pure white. The eyes are big, but the nose is small, and the mouth is also very small, but the ears are more individual, round and fat, and super cute.

When we pulled down the wall to reveal the situation in the house, what we found was such a small thing lying on a table and sleeping hu hu, and there were no other creatures in the room. Needless to say, this is the creature that supports the illusion. After using the skills, didn't expect his body actually did not follow the illusion, but stayed outside.

Of course I won’t let it go when I see such a good opportunity. It’s just that I just took a step forward and suddenly felt the surrounding environment tremble. Following me, I appeared with all the summon creatures. In a fairy-tale world. Yes, it is indeed a fairy tale world. The floor tiles we step on are actually chocolate tiles, and the surrounding houses are all the same as candy houses. The whole house is made up of lick points, which looks very delicious. What's even more funny is that in the sky there is a sun that looks like a kindergarten homework, and there is a human face like Old Zhang on the huge funny sun, which is really like the sun father-in-law of the children!

"Damn, why are you pretending to be the president?" My attention was suddenly drawn to the person behind me. It turns out that the world here is much more lively than the real Union City outside. Not only are players and NPCs all there, there are actually many weird animals running around.

"Are you from our guild?"

The player pointed to his badge. "Miss Rose just said that you were outside to help us find the creature that created the illusion. It took a long time before you were drawn in. What else should I do after this?"

I shook the head, Then he grabbed a cute little bunny and lifted it up. "What's going on? Why are there stuffed toys all over the city?" In fact, I just discovered that these are not live animals at all, but all kinds of stuffed toys, just because of their shapes. It's too realistic that I didn't notice it for a while.

The player also shook his head. "I don't know. Since the city became like this, I don't know when the city is full of these plush toys, but I haven't found that they have any attack ability."

"No attack power "I lowered my head and thought for a while and suddenly asked: "These things can be killed... eh... I mean destruction, can it be destroyed?"

"Destruction?" The player Picked up a fluffy turtle and tore it to pieces. "It's very simple. Although these guys can move, they are very slow, and the level of sturdiness is about the same as real plush toys."

"Okay, immediately notify everyone to kill anyone passing by. Just don’t pull down any of the plush toys. You must dispose of them all. Also, immediately organize a search team to search the entire city and find every corner. I will find all the hidden plush toys."

"Huh? Kill the plush toys?"

"Yes, kill all the plush toys, no matter if it will move, wipe it out for me, it’s best to use it The fire burns."

"I think this is unlikely!" The player happened to be a mage. He stretched out a hand, and then suddenly a large pink ball burst out of the palm of his hand. s things. At first I thought it was a fire, but when I got closer, I realized that it was just some red-like pieces of paper spraying out. "You have also seen that as long as you use Fire Element magic, it will end up like this!"

"Isn't it possible to directly fire? Use flint to fire, and then click torch?"

The player took a broom next to it easily, and then took a bite. The yellow broom stick was bitten off by him, and I found out that it was not a broom stick at all but a long beading stick. "President, do you think this thing is lit?"

Now I am completely speechless. I don’t think about whether the flint becomes some kind of dessert. Even if the flint can still be used, we don’t have anything. Burn it! "Ah, yes, I have a magic torch." I suddenly remembered that there are thousands of torches in my Phoenix and Dragon space. Those are the supplies I prepared for my usual adventures. Anyway, we have a lot of space and don't worry about not being able to hold them. But as soon as I pulled the torch out, I was stunned. "What is this?" What I held in my hand was not a torch at all, but a long loaf of bread. "Damn, doesn't it mean that the player's equipment will not be affected?"

The player reluctantly explained: "When Miss Rose went offline, it did not affect our equipment, but now In a new situation, it seems that all auxiliary items except weapons and equipment have become food!"

"What about the enemy? Is there an enemy found here?"

"No, It seems that we are the only ones who have been put in."

This answer is not what I want to hear, but it is the case. As the player said, only we are drawn into this illusion, which means that our city will become completely undefended in the real game. When the time comes, as long as the other party sends a few people, we can completely occupy our city.

“In this way, let’s ignore everything else, and immediately start destroying the plush toys around me. Be sure not to leave one.”


I The news of arriving in the illusion and asking everyone to kill the plush toys was released soon, and everyone moved quickly. In fact, it is not too difficult to catch plush toys. These little things are soft and do not have any attack power at all. In addition, they are slow and don't know how to hide. Individuals can catch them. But what I want is to kill all of them instead of just a certain stuffed toy. This is more difficult, because you can't guarantee that there is still a stuffed toy in the corner.

Rose found me soon after receiving the news of my entry, but she didn't even ask me why I wanted to kill the stuffed toy. Maybe she had already guessed what I meant. In fact, there is no basis for hunting plush toys. I just want to experiment with my own speculation. It is understandable to say that this illusion turns our weapons and tools into desserts. After all, this weakens our battle strength. Why is there so many plush toys? Since the other party has produced so many plush toys, there must be a reason. I want everyone to kill plush toys to know the reason.

Facts proved that my guess was completely correct, and soon a player hurried over. "President, come and take a look...!"

"What happened?" I asked the player while running in the direction he came. Rose and my summon creatures quickly followed at a glance.

The player was out of breath replied: "Sent...found a stuffed toy that can resist, and it can also magic! Our communication stones are all turned into candy, no The only way is to come and inform you!"

"I know, I will take care of it, you can take a break and come over." I put the player who was dragged by me on the side of the road and followed Jumping on the night shadow and pulling the rose up, by the way, we greeted the summon creatures and we quickly rushed to the place where the peculiar plush toy was.

Rose sat in my arms and said, "It seems that your guess is correct? If you are not mistaken, this peculiar plush toy should be the body of the creature."


I am nodded. "There will be no things that are too bad for the sky in the game. If the animal can pull the target into the illusion at will without setting a cracking method, it can be regarded as a loophole in the game, so he must have a cracking method. If I didn't get it Wrong, as long as you kill that plush toy, you can destroy the illusion."

Rose corrected: "In fact, I think that plush toy is not necessarily just the breakthrough mouth of the illusion, it is probably the creature. The body."

"I have thought about what you said, but I have to wait until I see it to be sure. If the stuffed toy is just magical, it’s nothing, if he can manipulate the illusion , Then it means he is the main body."

"Well, anyway, you can only know if you see it."

Union City is not too big, and the speed of Night Shadow is not slow. , We quickly rushed to the location of the incident. In fact, it’s only a few steps away from the city gate. I grabbed a player and asked and found out that the plush toy was originally in a house. Then someone tried to kill him, but he escaped. The player called someone to block the plush toy, but he actually started to counterattack with magic. After the two sides had a melee, the plush toy wanted to escape, so he played all the way and moved towards the city gate. When we got here, it just happened. The city gate is on the edge.

After knowing the content of the matter, I immediately yelled to the surroundings: "Everything goes out of the way."

The super quality of the players in our guild was immediately reflected, and the crowd broke out. There was a passage, but the person on the opposite side blocked the soft toy to prevent him from leaving. I put down the rose to drive Night Shadow into the encirclement.

Now you don’t have to hit me to make sure this is the creature's body, because he is the fat rabbit-like creature I saw outside, but he seems to be more cute in the game . Of course, the cute appearance does not demonstrate his terrifying ability. At this time, blood was already flowing into the venue... No, it seemed that the ground wasn't blood.

A player closer to me found me staring at the blood on the ground and immediately understood what I was thinking. He immediately stepped forward and said: "Guild Master, all the things that flowed out after we were injured here It’s this thing. We tried it and it tastes like cherries."

"Damn, what the hell is this? The blood has turned into a drink!" I looked up towards the creature in front of me and said:" Don't hide, I know you are in the vicinity."

"Am I standing here?" The plush toys in the field suddenly replied.

"I mean your master."

"Master? He is outside the city!"

I was taken aback for a moment. No matter how strong this creature is, after all, it’s just a pet, and unless there are as many pets as I am capable of fighting independently, the trainer will generally not leave his pet, so I just thought his master has been hiding in the Where is the vicinity, it seems that it is not the case at all now.

"You dragged us into this illusion?" I asked directly. The cute creature pressed his mouth with a paw and shook his head desperately, and the fool also saw that he couldn't say what he meant. "Okay, since you refuse to say I will fight until you say it."

" can't beat me."

Damn, why are there so many recently? expert? The torch that I met yesterday said that it might not be my opponent, but there was a power of war, and the crows afterwards directly thought that they could defeat me, and now they are even better. Even the fat rabbit said that I can't beat him! Do I look like dough? Is anyone daring to speak harshly to me?

"I know if I can't fight or not." I caught Ye Ying's stomach, and Ye Ying immediately activated the shuttle skill. The two of us suddenly jumped into the shadow of the nearby house and disappeared, and in the next second we emerged from the shadow of the stuffed toy itself. The plush toy dodged in surprise, but we were also moved greatly as his shadow moved, and we were still behind him when we came out completely.

Fat Rabbit turned around and jumped towards me when he found that he couldn't run away. I squeezed Eternally with my right hand and played a beautiful sword flower. The Fat Rabbit who had just jumped in front of me fell back to the ground. The guy immediately checked his wounds as soon as he landed. I saw three huge incisions on his stomach, and a lot of cotton came out of those incisions. Originally, I thought this was the main body, but now it seems that he is indeed a plush toy, but I am not sure if it is the main body. However, in my opinion, he is probably still the main body, but the main body appears in the image of a plush toy in this world.

The fat rabbit stuffed all the cotton that popped back into his stomach in horror, and then he didn't know where it turned out a needle to sew up the wound quickly. didn't expect this guy not only turned into a plush toy, but even the treatment was so strange.

"You villain, dare to hurt the baby's body." After the stuffed toy sewed his body, he immediately called out angrily, and of course I ignored his words . In my opinion, the battle strength of this little thing is basically negligible. Its true strength lies in the particularity of the skill, but this time I seem to underestimate this little thing. Just when I was going to end the battle, the little fellow in front of me suddenly pointed at me and shouted: "Let’s become a ragdoll."

I didn’t care much when I heard this call. But then the exclamation of all around made me look down suspiciously, but it didn't matter if I didn't look at it, I almost fell off Ye Ying's back by this look. I don't know when, the night shadow I stepped on turned into a huge plush toy. It's not that Ye Ying has been changed away. In fact, the creature or thing I ride is still like Ye Ying, but at least he looks and feels like a plush toy. But the more horrifying thing is still to come, because I soon discovered that my body had also changed. Although it hasn't become a plush toy, it's almost there. I actually became a puppet. Although the overall shape is still me, the body surface is entirely made up of flannel.

"How could this happen?"

"Haha, do you know how good the baby is?" The fat rabbit stood on the ground, pinched his waist and pointed at me loudly. Completely look like a kindergarten kid who won the fight.

I was there not knowing what to do, and the voice of the rose suddenly appeared in the crowd. "Purple Moon, your armor and weapons are not affected, continue to chop him."

This sound undoubtedly reminded me. Indeed, it is only me and Ye Ying that have just changed. The dragon suit on my body and the eternity in my hand are still the same. Although I don't know why my weapons and armor are not cloth, at least this shows that I can still use them.

The fat rabbit below saw me waving Eternity and rushed over and turned around and ran away, but even if he didn't run, I couldn't cut him off because Ye Ying actually fell a big somersault. I was riding a good ride and suddenly felt empty, and then flew out with the whole person. When I got up, I found that Ye Ying was still struggling on the ground, thinking about it.

Just now, Ye Ying and I were turned into toys, and the toys were soft. If it’s just the plush toy version of Night Shadow carrying the flannel doll version, it’s fine, but the problem is that my armor is still in physical form. With the carrying capacity of the plush toy, it simply can’t withstand such a heavy weight, so I just walk. After a step, Ye Ying's leg was bent, and I naturally fell out. But plush toys also have the benefits of plush toys, at least you don’t have to worry about fractures. Ye Ying's legs were crushed into a pile of twists just now, and he straightened out as soon as the load was removed.

I got up again when I rolled to the ground. Although my strength seemed to decrease after becoming a doll, but fortunately, the weight of the armor was not supported by me, and it could withstand it by itself. So I can still run around in the magic dragon suit, but my agility and speed have decreased significantly.

The fat rabbit ran all the way towards the city gate. A wizard player immediately stopped in front of him, and then the player immediately waved his staff and smashed it at the fat rabbit. I was expecting the wizard to use magic to kill the rabbit, but when I saw him swinging his stick, I remembered it as if I heard Rose say that all the magic here has changed. But although I remembered it, the familiars behind me obviously didn't expect this. Xiaofeng pointed forward, followed by a large piece of red jam falling from the sky and pouring us all over. I know that Xiaofeng must use Fire Element magic, but didn't expect it will become jam.

Because it was too monographed when casting the spell, the familiars nearby obviously did not notice the mutation of the first magic, and all kinds of weird spells flew out one after another. First, a big ball of ice cream hit the fat rabbit, and then a big piece of dark chocolate fell on his head. Hei didn't wait for the fat rabbit to climb out of the sky, and a large cloud of white flowered cream dropped him in.

So many magic problems together, even those who are slow should notice the problem. Ling looked at his hand in surprise and then at the piece of dark chocolate and said to himself: "I put it in the dark and swallowed it, so how come such a big piece of chocolate popped up?"

< p>Xiaochun was also surprised: "How did my holy light jail become cream?"

"Your cream also functions like a cage, but my Icicle has become An ice cream that can't be smashed by a rabbit!" the small dragon woman complained.

"Don't say anything, let's go and catch that rabbit soon!" Emenes' words reminded everyone, and the demons immediately rushed in. The lucky man who transformed into a human form pulled the fat rabbit out of the pile of butter, but the fat rabbit did not give in.

"Become a clay doll."

Peng sound, fortunately suddenly turned into a doll made of clay, but fortunately he can move, but the speed is much slower . The fat rabbit took advantage of this opportunity and jumped out, luckily reaching out to catch it, but unfortunately it was too slow to keep up.

"haha, you can't catch the baby adult." The fat rabbit screamed and ran away, and the surrounding players immediately swarmed up. Unfortunately, this guy's skills are too good. The players who rushed up were turned into dolls of various materials by him in threes or twos. Finally, because no one could stop him, the fat rabbit finally got rid of us and rushed out of the city.

Because Rose did not participate in the war, she still kept her normal form. She walked up to me and asked: "What are your plans now?"

I shook the head. "We can't do anything until we find the weakness of that damn rabbit. You can see that so many people just couldn't stop him from going up together. It's meaningless to chase him again! At least we need to figure it out first. How to defend against his skills!"

In fact, considering the attack power alone, this rabbit is not that good. This is why he keeps running, but his skills are really weird. Based on the current situation analysis, this guy has at least two major skills, turning inanimate matter into sweets and turning living things into dolls. The former skill is diffuse and obviously covers a large area, while the latter skill can only be used on one target at a time, but the problem is that it is very fast. Basically, whoever he refers to will be hit. Since this skill doesn't have any light and shadow effects, it flashes even if it wants to flash, but it can't stop it.

I was thinking about how to crack this ability when Rose suddenly knocked on my armor.

"What are you doing?" I looked up at Rose suspiciously.

"Did you not notice?"

"Pay attention to what?"

The rose pointed at me. "Your armor and weapons. Look at others. When they change into puppets, they even change the armor together. But why is your dragon suit not responding?"

I didn't pay attention. I also noticed what she said. The skill that the fat rabbit uses seems to turn into a puppet along with the equipment of the person who has been recruited, but why does my magic dragon suit fail to respond? In fact, it is not difficult to find the reason. Just compare the difference between my magic dragon suit and the equipment of ordinary people to roughly determine the reason.

At the request of Rose and I, those players who were turned into dolls began to aggregate the equipment data, and then we calculated and compared it by ourselves. After more than an hour of comparison, we roughly guessed the following two A probability. 1. The attributes of the magic dragon suit are abnormal, so the fat rabbit can't turn it into a doll. 2. The magic dragon suit is Divine Item.

Although we have found two possibilities, there is actually only one when combined. The damn fat rabbit's skills must have a power limit, which means that he is not able to dollize anything infinitely. Once the attribute of a certain item or character is high to a certain level, he can't help it. The magic dragon suit and my eternal sword have obviously reached above this limit, so I was the only one who became a doll just now and didn't bring in my equipment.

Since we have guessed the probable reason, it is easy to handle, we immediately find the player with the highest equipped attribute from the players who have become dolls, and then look for the person with the attribute higher than this player in the whole city. After gathering these people, I took them to the outside of the city. I plan to take these people to search for the fat rabbit, just like my previous battles, even if I am turned into a doll, as long as the equipment is okay, we can still maintain the basic battle strength, at least hacking the fat rabbit to death It's definitely no problem.

In fact, there is one thing on my body that hasn't turned into a toy, and that is the ring of love. Although this thing does not have an equipment level, it belongs to a special item, and even that kind of change skill is completely ineffective, and the physical ability of me and Rose can still be used. Rose speculates that if the two of us use the skill of the true love badge to harmonize, it is very possible to break through the upper limit of the fat rabbit’s magic formidable power, which means that if the harmonization succeeds, we may have the fat rabbit’s magic immunity. However, due to too many restrictions on the use of this skill, we dare not experiment now, and we can only wait to see the fat rabbit before we begin to rejuvenate.

After taking such a large group of people out of the city, we unexpectedly discovered that the dessert process of this illusion is accelerating. Before, we only found that the city has become a huge dessert. Now it seems that the outside of the city is also changing. . The forest ahead is still a forest, but the thing that composes the forest

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