I stood there staring at Venus blankly, as she said, I can’t do anything to her yet. She is not afraid of losing grades, how can I threaten her?

We are facing each other here, and the Transmission Formation suddenly shines again, and what comes out of it is the holy flame. "Purple Moon, you are indeed very strong, but you should not think that I will watch you hurt Miss Venus. If you want to hurt her, you must first step over my body."

"If you If you want to die, I can help you." I also stared at the torch without letting go. The nearby players found that the air between the two of us began to oscillate. In some places, there are many golden light spots. Flashed. Most high-level players know what this thing is, but there are still more ordinary players here, so they did not show much reaction. Instead, the powerful players carefully stepped back a few steps. They all knew that they were affected by the light. It's no joke to touch it. In fact, these things are burning magic power, or the energy released in an instant when magic power is extinguished. High-level personnel can sometimes directly release their magic power to act as an attack without using skills. The advantage of this type of attack is that this type of attack ignores all magic resistance, and it is a face-to-face kill and automatically distinguishes between the enemy and the enemy. The disadvantage is that it cannot attack one person in a concentrated manner. In terms of efficiency, it is not as fast as using skills. But at our level, even if we don't focus on one point, our absolute damage value alone can kill ordinary people in an instant.

The holy fire at first is purely playing handsome, and now he really fights together to find that our strength is still relatively large. Although this kid is currently ranked seventh in the battle strength list, he is still in the second half of the top ten, so it is still incomparable with me. Seeing Golden's shining light gradually began to move towards him, the mad woman Venus suddenly walked behind the holy fire and hugged the holy fire from behind with her arms and put her mouth close to the holy fire's ear and whispered: "I believe you can protect me. Go and kill that demon? For me!"

"Purple Moon, you must die once today."

The holy fire seems to have hit the blood. The same suddenly jumped over, the man was still in the air and the sword was out of its sheath. I keenly discovered that the weapon of the torch doesn’t seem to be the one I took before. Although the sword he’s holding is still a Knight sword, it feels that the width is much larger than that of the normal Knight sword, and the length seems to be longer. It feels a bit longer. Like a two-handed sword.

I'm a little completely unprepared when this guy jumped over and got involved, but I wouldn't be killed by a former defeated so easily, at least this sword is hopeless. I didn't hide from the opponent's sword at all, but lay back, flexed my abdomen and bent my legs upward, and at the same time stretched out my hand. At this time, the holy fire just fell, and my hands stretched to the sky accurately caught the holy fire's hands instead of the blade, followed my feet on his abdomen, and quickly hooked his side waist with the instep after I stepped over. I took advantage of his forward inertia and turned around with him and turned into my upside-down posture.

How can the Holy Fire didn’t expect that I was pressed down when I met him, he violently pushed up and tried to free his hand, but I suddenly let go of his hand, and he was forced to Instead, he threw his sword out too fiercely. In contrast, my movements were much faster. After letting go, I closed my arms and swung vigorously. It was a punch to this guy's handsome face.

P...There was a whisper around me almost at the same time. It is estimated that some little MMs feel distressed about this Masses Sweetheart. Of course, no MM dared to rush forward. On the one hand, because I look good, on the other hand, my fierce name guarantees that even a hot-headed little girl will never come up to me desperately.

Of course, a punch will not kill the flame, but this kid's face is completely ruined by me. The whole body of the magic dragon suit is full of weapons. The barbs on the fist not only act as a fist helmet, but also play a cutting role, so on the surface it was a punch. In fact, half of the holy fire's face almost made me shave. Lost. The Holy Fire, who turned his head in surprise, was still going to reach out to touch his face, but I raised my fist against his face as a set of combo punches, and this time it was no longer a simple direct attack, but a skill. Every time the torch hits his head, his head sinks into the soil a little bit. When half of his head is smashed into the soil by me, he only hears a beating sound like a watermelon cracking. His head is smashed by me. The mess sprayed all over my body.

"Ah!" A MM who was not strong enough and happened to be in cruel mode screamed and fainted, and then unexpectedly fell next to a handsome pot, didn't expect a man There are also bloody dizziness!

"Who else wants to come up and try?" I stood up with a red and white thing and questioned the surrounding English and French players but no one dared to answer me. When I beat the torch before, they actually had a chance to take action, but they were all frightened by my cruel battle method. Thousands of people surrounded and froze and no one thought of coming up to save the torch. Now that the torch has been hung up, they naturally don't dare to use it anymore.

"Damn it, this is a game, it’s just great to drop Level 1. You guys who don’t plant! I go." A player who looks like a barbarian threw the cloak on his body Just rushed up.

I saw the direction that guy was running and slowly took out Eternity and held it in my hand, and then pointed the tip of the sword to that guy, and finally put down the tip of the sword as if playing golf from bottom to top. Flick, the sword qi of a scarlet disappeared in a flash, and the barbarian ran and suddenly became two symmetrical halves. One after the other fell down, and it wasn't until this time that blood spurted out like a blast. , The nearby people collectively held their breath, no one really dared to speak out now.

"Is there no one? Then I'm going back. If you don't mind, let's clear the way?" After I asked, I pulled the coveer's Lu Wei over, and Yeyue automatically leaned on mine. Around. The person in front didn't know if it was frightened or something, but nobody moved. I walked to the person who was directly blocking me and stopped. "Are you going to try to challenge me? First tell you clearly...the one who blocks me will die!"

Hula, a road suddenly appeared in front of you, and all the people nearby flashed to the side. No one dared to stop me. In fact, what I don't know is that these players have just received the command of the commander-in-chief. All players below 950 Level 10 are forbidden to fight with me. If you can’t react for so long, the commander of the Anglo-French coalition is an idiot. It’s no use dealing with people like me, 950 and below Level 10. No matter how many people are, it’s better to reduce losses and use these people on the regular battlefield. . People above level 900 and below level 10 may be rubbish to me, but for ordinary players at least they are considered experts. They can be used as the main force on the frontal battlefield. , There is no need to accompany me here to play experience.

On the huge battlefield, I just took Lu Wei all the way back to Iron Cross City, no matter where I go, people around will take the initiative to make way. I want to protect Lu Wei, and it doesn't make much sense to bully ordinary players, so under the tacit understanding of both of us, there was no battle along the way.

Ashford was very excited about my return performance. The Iron Crusader players were also very excited. Regardless of the reason, at least on the surface my behavior was very encouraging. Of course, compared to the high morale on our side, the Anglo-French coalition forces are much worse off. So many people watched me walk back to the city, but no one dared to approach me. The British and French players who started this story were depressed after all. After all, this fact is too embarrassing.

True Red sat on the edge of the city wall and said to me: "Purple Moon, do you think the tempo of the Anglo-French coalition's offensive is too slow? If this battle continues for a week, it may not be divided. Victory!"

"This is already fast!" I absently explained: "I told you earlier that Iron Cross City is not the main direction of attack. The enemy's goal is to attract us to mobilize. The strength of the troops, smashing Iron Cross City in one fell swoop?"

"But this is too slow, right? They clearly have more than 100 million people, but they divide the troops into fifty. If a group of people take turns to fight, we will be suffocated to death sooner or later!"

"It is also possible that your temper may be suffocated to death. Do you think I am in a hurry?"


"Of course you are not in a hurry if someone fights."

"I am not a violent person like you. What is fun in fighting? But speaking of which battlefield you have to be responsible for helping me Take a look."

"What are you doing?"

"Where are you going?"

The latter sentence is asked by gold coin, she is more red than real red Be good at using your brain. The real celebrities are not stupid, they just don't bother to use their brains. As soon as gold coin heard me say it, it immediately thought that I was leaving.

I got up from my seat. "The battle in Korea hasn’t happened until now. I always think something is wrong, so I want to see it for myself."

"What should I do here?" This is Ashford. Asked, he was afraid that I would ignore him, so he kept dragging me.

"Didn't I let Zhenhong and gold coin stay? Please, the holders of our country's national equipment are here. Are you afraid that I won't be able to run?"

< p> "That's what I said." Ashford thought about it and sat back. Anyway, I was impossible to put the Guoqi in danger, so I also impossible to ignore it.

"That's right." I stuffed Lu Wei in front of Zhen Hong. "It's not convenient to bring Lu Wei to Korea. You can take care of it."


Lu Wei suddenly reached out and handed a stone in front of me. "I promised to pay you before. Although you failed to show too gorgeous combat skills, this bloody battle method may also be your style! At least it looks really shocking."

Ashford cursed next to him: "Nonsense, you have to have the ability to beat a person's head into mud like a kick, and you will be very shocking! But speaking of which is your reward? This stone Is it valuable?"

As soon as I acted swiftly, I stretched out the stone of commandment and it came into my hand. Before Ashford could speak, I preemptively said: "If there is an emergency, use the guild. Transfer the communication station to me, and I will turn on the communication machine at any time. It flashes first."

Axiuford also wanted to ask what stone I was holding. Unfortunately, I moved super fast. After speaking, people disappeared. In the next second, I appeared in the Transmission Formation in Yunxiao City, walked into the transnational Transmission Formation and sent it directly to South Korea. As soon as I walked out of the Transmission Formation, I felt that the surrounding situation seemed not right. Before, I seemed to have said that we should strengthen the defense of key cities and abandon some small cities, but why is such an important place as Union City so deserted? Even if the player is waiting for the official battle, NPC should always be there, right? But now it's good. Although it can't be said to be uninhabited, there are only two or three kittens near such a large transnational Transmission Formation, and they are all napping against the wall or pillar. Isn't this too depressing?

"Hey, wake up, don't sleep." I grabbed the nearest NPC and shook it for a long time, but this guy didn't react at all. No, this NPC is not lazy, he was hypnotized, and depending on the situation, he should have gone into deep sleep in a short period of time without knowing it, because he was leaning against a pile of goods, So he at least had time to adjust his posture.

Since it’s a large-scale Hypnosis Technique, someone must be making trouble. I quickly rushed out of the Transmission Formation and found that it was the same outside. The whole city is full of NPCs sleeping in various places in various poses. The only strange thing is that the players are gone. Many NPCs on the street even sleep in the middle of the road. It can be seen that they fall asleep very fast, otherwise normal people will at least consider moving to the side of the road instead of lying in the middle of the road to sleep.

Who can make so many people fall asleep unconsciously at the same time? This ability is too terrifying! Imagine if this person appeared outside the Iron Cross city, once all the Iron Crusaders fell asleep, what would it be like? Not to mention that there are more than 100 million Anglo-French allied forces standing outside the city, as long as one person on the other side is enough to occupy the city.

In addition to the unfathomable mystery of the NPC, the disappearance of the player is also a big problem. It is said that the player is the most uncontrollable individual. After all, there is an attribute in the game that is impossible to let offline. After all, the player is here to play. What if someone is in an emergency if you don't let them go offline? So no matter what skills are impossible, players can't go offline, even players in PK can be forced to go offline. Of course, the fleshy body will be left and the level will still drop, but this does not affect the player's freedom of action. But now that there is such a major event in Union City, no one came to report it to me, and no player was seen in the city, which is rather weird!

What happened here?

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