"Damn, how did you bring Purple Moon back?" The British and French players quickly noticed the existence of the discordant factor of me, and the tired, half-dead British and French were just sent back from the surroundings. The member was about to sit down and rest and jump up again.

"Purple Moon, President Purple Moon, it seems that the situation is not too short!" Lu Wei said nervously as he watched the surrounding Anglo-French players.

Yeyue said disdainfully: "What are you afraid of, you are not a combat player, it is nothing more than a pain, and dropping a grade will not affect you much!"

"But I I'm afraid of pain! Isn't it better to survive?"

"Don't worry, this kind of scene is trivial." Just as I tried to comfort Lu Wei, I heard an unharmonious voice.

"Oh? Did I just mean it?"

"Crow?" I frowned and looked at the person who appeared in front of me. I really didn't expect him to be near Transmission Formation. In fact, the crow just returned to the battlefield. Before our battle was forced to stop, then he left the battlefield and went back to do something. Just after finishing the order, the crow teleported back to the position again. Not long after didn't expect to leave the teleportation point, he heard someone say that I was teleported over too, so he ran back again.

"haha, didn't expect, right?" The crow seemed very proud to see me. But I want to come too. In the previous battles, he should have noticed that he is still a little bit behind me in terms of absolute strength. In addition, the crow is not a heroic character, but has a petty citizen-like character, so he He absolutely doesn't mind relying on besieging to defeat me.

Although the fellow Crow wants to rely on besieging to get me down, it doesn't mean that I will be silly waiting for him to kill. Yes, I am indeed very strong, but I also know that the crow is definitely not a name. The current situation is that my pet only comes with Yeyue and the phantom that keeps peace with me, and also brings a fuel bottle like Lu Wei, and the enemy is not only the world battle strength with complete strength, and the second place on the list. , And also face the boundless Anglo-French allied forces at the same time. Although it is unlikely that the commanders of the Anglo-French coalition will mobilize more than 100 million troops to encircle and suppress me, they can use their strength to continuously invest in me without affecting the frontline combat. After all, I am alone, and the maximum number of people I can fight against at the same time is no more than ten people. The other party only needs to send more than a hundred people to form an encirclement, and then use the fuel tactics to consume me to death. Of course, if there were no Crow and Lu Wei, I would definitely not be held back alone, but the current situation is that I can't escape at all.

Looking at the Anglo-French players approaching, I carefully turned my head and made sure to keep my eyes on the crow. "Lu Wei, it seems that your experience can only go to this point today!" Although Lu Wei was nervous before, now she relaxes. "It's okay. I feel almost the same anyway. I will definitely write a good script when I go back. By the way, I hope you can show your strength as much as possible for a while if possible. Listen to them saying that you are the number one in battle strength list. , I really want to know what level this number one is. Of course, I won’t let you work in vain. After I go back, I can give you another stone like before."

"What? There is a stone of commandment?"

Because I was so excited, I forgot to guard against the crow, but the whole person turned around and grabbed Lu Wei's shoulder with both hands and almost lifted him from the ground. . However, the crow moved as soon as I turned around.

As the second in the battle strength list, the crow's response is not much worse even if it is not the second in the world. Such a short opportunity was actually seized by him. Almost the moment I turned around, the crow had suddenly flashed to my side, and this guy actually slashed in a despicable way. Now I am standing with Lu Wei, I can flash past this blade, but Lu Wei will definitely be cut off by everything afterwards. The crow has long seen that I want to protect Lu Wei, so this blade forced me to pick it up.

When. The magic dragon shield appeared in my hand instantly, and the crow's long knife slashed directly on the shield surface without any effect. The crow may also know that hard work is not an opponent, so he held the knife in one hand, but grabbed Lu Wei with the other hand.

"Don't even think about it." Seeing the crow's claws, I also free up my right hand to mention the Eternal Sword from the bottom up.

Hey... "Ah..." The pain caused the crow to throw away the long knife and use the right hand which was still intact to hold down the wrist of his left hand desperately, and the front of the wrist was already bare. Just now when the crow stretched out his hand to catch Lu Wei, he also noticed my pick and cut, but he stopped a little slower, and as a result, his left hand was cut off by the wrist.

How can I let go of this good opportunity? Follow is just a stab. The crow flickered in a panic a little slower, and a hole was directly penetrated through the lower side of the left waist. Nearby British and French players discovered that the crow made a mistake and quickly came up to help, but Yeyue moved faster than them. A beam of light flashed by, and the nearby immediately turned into a sculpture stone forest.

The crow has only one hand left, but he is bleeding in two places on his body. I don't know which way to cover it, so I can only step back again and again. I quickly followed up and planned to get rid of him. Who knew that when I had just rushed to the office, I suddenly felt a gloomy wind oncoming, so I quickly lowered my head in fright, only feeling a cool air blow from the top of my head.

Huh, it's so risky! Forget that this guy still has a bunch of Avatars. Fortunately, I flashed fast, but I want to run when it's overcast, but it's not that cheap.

As I squatted and dodged, I simply stretched my legs and came to a total annihilation. It was obvious that I was kicking something, and then I heard the sound of someone falling. Taking advantage of the dust on the ground to outline the silhouette of the opponent, I directly started in a squatting posture and jumped out sideways and hit the opponent sideways like a reclining Buddha. It’s okay if it's hit by ordinary people like this, but my dragon armor has a long stab at the elbow, and when it goes down, blood light splashes all over, and the invisibility effect of blood marking the opponent is also equivalent to failure. Now, even if he can't kill him now, I can kill him in a while.

Maybe I thought I was concentrating on one of the Avatars. The other Avatars of the crow quickly approached, but they didn’t expect me to jump up from the ground and swept the Eternal Sword vigorously. The blood splashed out immediately. The drop of blood flying in midair suddenly hit many obstacles. Almost all of the Avatars of the crow were more or less stained with blood. Although their body is still invisible, with these few blood stains floating in midair, don't even think of taking advantage of me.

The crow may also be aware of this. The nearby Avatar quickly began to retreat, but the speed was still a little slower. I suddenly jumped up and cut across the air. A scarlet's sword glow flew out. There was a scream, and then I saw a man who had been broken in two showing his body.

"Purple Moon, be careful behind." Lu Wei's reminding sound suddenly appeared. I reacted quickly and leaped backwards with my elbow to the back. As a result, I ran into a sneak attack. In the arms of my Avatar, the long elbow blade pierced directly into the other's stomach, following me fiercely, the Avatar's stomach was immediately cut open with a huge wound. At this moment, I turned around and punched him in the face. The Avatar staggered and fell out and couldn't get up again.

"Thank you." I waved to Lu Wei, and threw Eternity as a dart as my eyes turned fierce. Lu Wei shrank his head instinctively, and then realized that Eternal was not shooting him. He hurriedly turned his head, only to find that a transparent humanoid forehead was slowly falling softly with a sword inserted in the forehead.

"hmph, is the technique good!" The crow's body suddenly appeared behind me, followed by a stab at my neck, but the blade did not fall because I caught his wrist.

When the sneak attack failed, the crow wanted to jump back, but instead of breaking away from my hand, it pulled me back. Without letting go, I raised my leg and kicked in the crow's crotch. The whole person who kicked this guy flew off the ground, but because his wrist was still pinched in my hand, he didn’t. Flew out, but was dragged back by me again and got a kick.

Just as I was about to kick my third foot, a throwing knives flew next to me and inserted it into the joint gap of the magic dragon suit very accurately. Although I could not get in, it jammed my leg. , But instead of kicking it out, it caused me to fall. The crow's wrist was still pinched in my hand, and the crow fell from the air when I fell and hit me. Although it is generally unlucky for people who are hit underneath, it is actually the crow that is a bit more miserable now. The magic dragon suit is a big iron shell. As long as I don’t have enough strength to smash it into shape, I won’t get any damage inside, but the crow is different. He just fell directly on the iron plate. There are a lot of piercing blades on the dragon suit. As a result, this guy fell on the immortal palm. He immediately rolled to the side because of the pain, but he could not stand up quickly. As for the reason... you try the crotch quilt. Does anyone kick and see if they can't stand up? (Except for the woman and Court Eunuch)

Let go of the crow, I quickly pulled out the throwing knife stuck in the knee joint, but the Avatar who threw the throwing knife was gone. But what I am more curious about now is another thing. I obviously cut the crow's wrist before and made a hole in his stomach, but how did he become a lively dragon and animated tiger again when he turned around? To say that there are a lot of players nearby, but I did not see the priest class, which means that impossible is treated by nearby players, and I don’t think it will have such a strong effect if I take the medicine by myself, otherwise this medicine It's too bad! In addition, there is another thing that I find very strange. The one who just threw the knife is obviously the Avatar of the crow, but the problem is that I saw the main occupation of the crow before it seems to be a type similar to the Japanese warrior, which has the dual characteristics of warrior and assassin, no matter how fast his agility is It should be high enough to throw such a precise throwing knife, unless he has the assassin skill.

I am now annoyed by the crow, the brown candy, this guy has too many secrets, not only the career is uncertain, even the Avatar is so weird. But now he was kicked not lightly by my foot, and I also suffered a little injury. The two sides are considered as birds of a feather. From this point of view, if my familiars are all together, it should be better than him.

When we both were in a stalemate preparing for the next move, the Transmission Formation behind me suddenly lit up. The people around were all taken aback, but they didn't care too much, but after the people in the Transmission Formation appeared, everyone's reaction became very strange. The first is the crow. This guy's eyes suddenly widened, and his breathing rate increased significantly, and he kept looking at me as if he was afraid I would do something that I shouldn't do. Those nearby British and French players did not react as much as the crows, they just stared into bull's eyes one by one, and many people's saliva flowed out. As for me, I was mostly confused by the crow's reaction. The one who came out of Transmission Formation was indeed a super beauty, but the question shouldn’t be such a big reaction? Unless...

"Damn it, Yeyue will grab that woman for me, she is Venus!" Fortunately, my mind is turning fast. Isn't the crow kid just for Venus Is Xiantou bothering me? Except for Venus, who can make this kid react so much, he won't be the second person.

Yeyue did not respond slowly, and immediately jumped over when he heard my order. As soon as Venus walked out of the Transmission Formation, he saw a beautiful snake leaping towards her. Even if it was expert in such a short time, he couldn't react, but Yeyue easily succeeded. People nearby want to go up and help, but Yeyue’s speed is too fast, especially when there are a group of stone statues standing nearby. Under such an environment, most people can’t move fast at all, instead they follow the ZigZag route. Yeyue moved fast.

Yeyue had already returned to me with Venus in one hand, almost in a daze. The crow over there was anxious like an ant on a hot pot but didn’t dare to rush over. .

"haha, I think you are arrogant and capable..." I suddenly got a smash on the back of my head. Thanks to the strong dragon helmet, I didn’t directly I smashed it down, but soon there was a fighting sound behind me. Surprised, I quickly turned around to observe, but the crow used this opportunity to rush up.

"You are a combat professional?" I really didn't expect Venus to be a combat professional. Although I have heard of her reputation, I have never heard of her participating in combat before. . It can be said that Venus is famous in Europe only because of her solid dance skills and excellent voice. As for fighting... I always thought she was a non-combat player, otherwise it would not be so easy to be recruited!

The crow rushed to my side and didn't rush to attack me. Instead, it bypassed me and rushed towards Yeyue. While slapped, he yelled: "Miss Venus, hurry up, I'm here!"

"hmph, I'm not so weak and uneasy yet!" Venus obviously didn't plan to Accepting the crow’s kindness, and the crow actually didn’t get much time. I put my hand on the crow’s shoulder and pulled the crow back violently. I immediately brought the crow back, but the kid moved quickly and was actually in the air. He turned around and gave me a kick, but with the help of kicking me, he rushed over again to continue besieging Yeyue.

If ordinary people face the double attack of Crow and Venus, it may not last long, but Yeyue is different. She has six arms. Even if facing two people, she actually has two more arms. Arms, so the two men didn’t take advantage of the meeting for a while.

Venus may have been dizzy by unexpected circumstances before. She didn’t recognize me when she was kidnapped when she came out of Transmission Formation, so she just thought it was a normal player and didn’t immediately escape. Now After a few tricks with Ye Yue, she finally recognized Ye Yue. As one of my strongest and most beautiful familiars, Yeyue’s image in the forum is no longer a secret. Venus will definitely recognize her as long as she is not a leveling-up mad like the crow. However, I recognize that Venus's understanding of Yeyue is only the appearance and the signature skill petrification. Now she is confronted with her and found that the pictures and videos on the forum can't be used as reference materials for battle at all.

It took almost a few seconds for Venus to hit three or four swords in a row. The colorful dress on her body was ripped open several times, followed by a long tail. The crow found that Venus was in danger and immediately blocked Venus's front. As a result, Ye Yue's tail shot him and Venus out together.

"Flowing inflammation-cracking light." A red blade glow flashed by, and the crow cleverly caught Venus in the air and forced his body to twist. As a result, Venus was thrown into the air by him. I cut off an arm with a sword. Without giving him any chance, I followed the sword glow. The crow lost an arm and lost his balance, staggering to avoid it, but because I couldn't grasp the balance, I opened a hole in the side of the abdomen.

"You bastard take advantage of the danger." The crow was also pressed into a hurry, unexpectedly shameless opened his mouth to curse.

My hands keep moving, and my mouth is not idle. "hmph, I have never been a rigid person. The enemy is Knight, and I rely on Knight to fight head-on. If the enemy is a despicable villain, then I will be more despicable than him."

"Okay, you give me Remember!" The crow had already hit me seven or eight swords in the process of saying this passage. At this time, it was meaningless to speak ruthlessly.

"I don't bother to remember your kind of rubbish!"


"I want to be arrogant and wait until you have enough strength. "I ended the fight at close quarters with a beautiful provocation without letting the crow finish speaking. Although the crow is a newly famous mysterious expert, I can almost touch it after a few times. In terms of strength, the crow is indeed not weak, but the most important issue is that his ability is partial. To say that the veteran experts such as me and the gun god, the biggest feature is the balance of strength. Usually we will have one or a few outstanding abilities, while other aspects will basically remain at a medium-to-high level. As for this thing, we basically do not exist. Just like a gun god, his long-range attacks seem to be abnormally strong on the surface, but if you think about it, you will find that his melee combat is actually not weak at all. Although several fights at close quarters between him and me ended in disastrous defeats, I am the first in battle strength after all! Being able to walk more than a dozen back and forth under my hands before being brought down is not the standard of ordinary people in itself, even more how close combat is not the strong point of Gunslinger.

However, the crow is different. His special ability is very much, and it is very fancy. That peculiar Avatar not only has its own intelligence, but also seems to have a different profession. What is even more exaggerated is that all of its built-in stealth skills can also participate in the battle like the body. Such an Avatar itself can be said to be infinite in seconds, but the crow also masters it at the same time. With at least three major occupations, this is a pretty exaggerated ability. Players with so many skills and professions like him usually choose to concentrate on mastering several of these skills. For example, I almost gave up skill training and concentrated on developing the cooperation of magic pets and personal combat skills, while the gun god is about guns. All of his skills are focused on breakthrough to the top, this is the orthodox choice. The crow is good, not only does he have a lot of skills, but he has also been promoted in everything. It is true that such a complicated skill system can have a surprising effect in the first match, but as the number of matches between the two sides increases, the sudden disappearance of skills, the problem of insufficient formidable power begins to emerge, and it can be said that most expert will not like this way. After all, this is a game that is not a reality. Enemies killed by you can still be resurrected. Although it is a pity to drop Level 1, it is only a matter of time to rise back, but the exposure of the skill is the exposure, and once you fight again, you will only suffer more and more losses.

Looking at the corpse of the crow hanging on the ground, the nearby British and French players began to hesitate. They all know the name of the crow player of this world second battle. After all, in order to boost morale, the commander of the British and French coalition forces made full use of the crow’s ranking, but now everyone’s expert in mind has been killed by me on the spot, who else? Have the guts to rush up?

"Ah!" Plops. The battlefield that had just quieted down was suddenly disrupted. It turned out that Venus, who was thrown in the air by the crow, fell down again. Unfortunately, everyone was in a daze and no one noticed her. As a result, the big beauty kissed the earth passionately. . In fact, Venus is capable of flying, and the reason why he fell so embarrassed was mainly because things were too sudden and unresponsive. Speaking of which Crow and I took dozens of tricks in a row before putting him down, but this process took only a few seconds in total, and most normal people couldn't respond.

"Crow, you idiot!" The first thing Venus did after getting up was to curse the crow. Although the crow threw her into the sky just now to save her, it seemed to Venus It's better to let her be hacked to death by me.

In fact, this question is not difficult to understand. as everyone knows Venus is a big star known to all Europeans, so the image is very important to her. This is a game, not a reality, it can be resurrected after death. Even if she was killed by my sword just now, it was nothing more than a tragic death, but now it's fine, the big beautiful woman fell on her back in front of so many people, and her face was muddled. This face is a big loss. I guess the crow didn’t react at the time. After all, the beauty I like was attacked. The first reaction is definitely not wanting her to be injured. As for other things, I don’t think normal people can think about it clearly. Even I just heard Venus’s curse. The sound just thought of this.

Maybe I hadn't noticed the situation before, and the cursing stopped after only a few sounds, because the body of the crow was lying not far from Venus. Unless she is an unqualified shrew, a normal woman will not be able to swear after seeing others die to save herself. Since Venus can become a national idol, whether it is pretend or her nature, at least in front of the public, she is absolutely indifferent to the bitch.

"You actually killed him?"

I'm very curious why Venus asked me in such a surprised voice, shouldn't the battle between the two rivals on the battlefield be right? Kill each other? Besides, this is a game, not reality. What's more, even if it is a real war, I have never heard of winning without killing people?

"Why can't I kill him?"

Venus froze for a while, but then suddenly changed his face. "Oh, I'm very sorry, I forgot your identity."

"What does this have to do with my identity?"

"Of course it does. Almost everything on this land Of men are willing to fight for me, and if I give someone permission to do things for me, others will not stop the people who do things for me. But you are different."

"Why am I different? Just because of me Is the number one in the world?"

"No. What is special about you is that you don't put me in your eyes." Venus said the reason in a very elegant way with a face of black mud , But I just wanted to laugh but I laughed sorry.

"Miss, I think you made a mistake. On this Earth, I think at least half of the men don’t care about you so much. At least you don’t have many supporters in China."


"No, you don’t understand what I mean. What I mean is not to look at me, not to be attracted to me. There are indeed many men that I cannot attract, but they do not look down on me, but They have relatively strong self-control or they have an inferiority complex and dare not approach me. In short, they are out of my control for other reasons, not that they cannot be attracted to me, but you completely ignore me. Existence."

I frowned and said: "I said you are too narcissistic? This seems to be the first time we met?"

"Ha, You have forgotten this. You can’t even admit it or not. What I want to tell you is that we have met three times before, and I have spoken to you once, but you don’t even remember that we met. Isn't this completely ignoring me?"

"No? Why don't I remember?" Seeing Venus want to speak again, I quickly reached out to stop. "Okay, okay, even if we have met, what about it? There are so many people who have forgotten after I met. Could you just invite two experts in a row to trouble me because of this?"

Venus is really nodded. "As the most beautiful woman in Europe, I can't allow men who ignore me in this world."

"Damn, you mental disorder?"

"I don't Crazy, I just have a stronger desire." Venus can actually say such explicit words so naturally, the European social atmosphere is indeed much more open than the domestic one. "I must get the gaze you are watching. If you can't get this with a beautiful appearance and elegant temperament, then I have to use other methods to complete it."

"Other methods?"


"Yes. When I become your main enemy, your eyes will naturally gather unreservedly, so that I have completed my goal. I have conquered the eyes of all men of the world, you This last one must not be let go."

Huh, I can’t stand it. I know a lot of European women, and we have a lot of guilds, but people like Venus are as hot as volcanoes. It's really rare. It seems that her fame is not entirely a factor of appearance. The beautiful face only gave her a starting platform, and her almost narcissistic self-confidence and the temperament created by her strong desire to conquer were probably the main reason why she occupied so many men's dreams.

"I don't care what kind of woman you are, blocking in front of me will not end well."

"hahahaha!" Venus actually laughed. "You may not understand yet?"

"What do you want to understand?"

"I am the only one who is not afraid of you."

"Not afraid of me ......!" I suddenly thought of what Venus said, and the idea really shocked me. As Venus said, I really can't help her. The method I use to deal with ordinary enemies is actually two tricks. One is to defeat him personally, lower his level, and ultimately weaken the strength of the other party. The other is to attack the opponent's guild and destroy the opponent's power. But neither of these seem to apply to Venus.

Although Venus is also a combat professional, she doesn’t need to participate in the war normally. That is to say, the level is actually meaningless to her. Even if she is repeatedly killed, she will still have no loss, anyway. Downgrades are the same. Just as I drive devil beast to fight for me, Venus can drive men to fight for her. The crow that just died and the holy fire that I killed before are like my demon to Venus, and they can completely play with her. Even if they are not as good as my Familiars, I still have a relationship with my Familiars, but Venus doesn't care about the life and death of these people. As for destroying the opponent’s guild, Venus seems to be simply a free body. Her appeal comes from her beautiful appearance and noble temperament, so her power simply cannot be destroyed, because it is not prestige that unites her. It's beauty, and the only thing I can't kill is beauty. I can strike a player so that he loses his prestige and no one follows him, but what can I do to make Venus ugly? You can't pour sulfuric acid on her, right? Besides, the appearance in the game itself can be adjusted. If you are injured, you can recover immediately with holy light treatment, so I can't destroy her beauty at all.

I'm dizzy, what should I do? No one didn't expect that the first enemy who made me feel unbeatable was a woman whose battle strength couldn't even reach the average level!

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