Lu Wei didn’t expect that I would suddenly throw him into the crowd. All directions are full of weapons wielding desperately. For someone who has never experienced any battle scenes Wei said that this scene was too impactful.

Almost just after landing Luwei, he found a long knife slashed against his head. In the face of this terrifying pressure, Luwei had lost his reaction ability and could only watch. The long knife slashed at his forehead. At the moment Lu Wei thought he was going to die, the knife in front and the owner of the knife suddenly became a stone sculpture together, and the petrified long knife was only about one millimeter away from his forehead.

Before Lu Wei could react, I flashed a head with a flying stone statue from the side. "Hehe, how do you feel? Do you feel the breath of Death God spraying on your face?"

Lu Wei's face was pale and touched her heart and sighed: "This... this is really true It’s so exciting!"

"hahaha, you paid such a high salary, and my service can’t be too low, right?" I said, suddenly squatting, a long spear is facing As Lu Wei stabbed over, Lu Wei immediately wanted to hide in horror, helplessly behind it was all his own personnel who couldn't escape, but the gun was held by one hand before it reached his voice.

I held the barrel of the gun with my left hand, and the right hand swept the eternally from bottom to top. I cut off the barrel with a ding sound. The barrel that lost the tip of the gun continued to advance under the thrust of the gunner. It's on Lu Wei's chest, but because I found Lu Wei a suit of armor with a high level in advance, even though it hurts to death, the long spear without the spear head can't do anything to him.

My voice appeared in Lu Wei's ear again. "You can’t understand what death is if you haven’t felt the pain. Don’t worry, the armor on your body is highly defensive and has the ability to automatically regenerate blood. As long as you don’t get a head-on hit, you won’t be able to die within one or two times, but you But remember to drink the red bottle."

"Ah? Oh." Lu Wei understood what I said, why I prepared a lot of blood bottles for him in the morning. Prepared for this.

The Anglo-French coalition personnel who broke into the city wall don't care who Lu Wei is. The living space of the remaining troops on the city wall has been compressed by us and is very narrow, and there is a final madness in desperation. Anyway, I obviously feel that their battle strength is rising exponentially.

In the melee, the Qilin warrior and the Iron Crusader’s defense forces planned to compress the defense space of the British and French solitary forces. As the formations were gradually crowded together, some of the originally effective long weapons were all useless. , But the commander of the vanguard of the British and French coalition forces had no choice but to order the troops to shrink into a small Defensive Array for close defense to resist.

"Purple Moon, save me!" Lu Wei just got rid of the enemy's series of attacks and found that he was pushed into the middle of more enemies by the flow of people. In fact, it is better for him not to shout. The battlefield is too messy and his eyes are too busy. Most of them are fighting according to the concentration of murderous aura nearby. For average players, murderous aura is impossible, but for elite players and high level NPCs, this is nothing. Now this City Wall section is the focus of the competition. Both sides sent elite personnel, relying on murderous aura to fight is far more effective than eyes. Originally, if Lu Wei did not rush, the thin murderous aura on his body would not attract the enemy's concentrated attack, but now this rush is different. Few of the Anglo-French allied forces did not recognize me. As soon as I heard this shout, they immediately regarded Lu Wei as a very important person to me, so all those who could attack him immediately focused their attention on him.

"This idiot!" Ye Yue cursed softly, and at the same time, she opened the crystal lens on the eye protection, and a large area of ​​people in front of her instantly became petrified.

"Squat down." I yelled, the eternal moment in my hand transformed into a single-backed straight knife with a two-meter-long blade. With a wave, an azure blade glow broke away from the blade and flew into the dense crowd.

Lu Wei knew that I was his protector. Hearing my shout, he naturally squatted down immediately, but the enemy would not listen to me. Of course, this is what I hope. Azure's blade glow flew across the crowd directly, and all the enemies surrounding Lu Wei stopped instantly. Lu Wei squatted on the ground for two meters and found that there was no movement suddenly around him. He looked up tremblingly and found that everyone around him was frozen, but before he stood up, the upper body of the enemy facing him suddenly changed from I slipped on my waist, followed by blood spraying all over the sky like a burst fire pipe. As the first corpse fell nearby, someone broke in two and fell to the ground. It was almost a second or two that the people beside Lu Wei fell like Jiamaizi.

I stepped on the piles of corpses and walked to Lu Wei's side and helped him up. "Next time you fall into the enemy's pile, don't call for help, but move to me secretly. You called me and I couldn't get through but you pointed out the target for the enemy, so it's better not to shout."

Lu Wei tremblingly said: "Just... I was too nervous just now!"

"Just adapt." I patted Lu Wei's shoulder to comfort him, but just patted him suddenly. Pulled behind him, and threw Eternity as a dart after shaking his hand. An archer's head instantly leaned back, eternally straight through his forehead.

The guy next to the archer is also a master who wants money but not his life. He was not afraid at all when he saw his companion being killed. Instead, he shouted in excitement. "Wow! Purple Moon's Divine Item weapon!" He threw away the weapon in his hand and reached out to pull out the eternity on his companion's forehead. As soon as he touched the eternity, he immediately trembled like an electric shock. When I got up, everyone around could see this guy dwindling quickly at a speed visible to naked eye, as if all the water on his body had been drained. In fact, it was not only him who had dried out, the corpse of the archer who had been pierced by a sword was also rapidly drying up, and the blood accumulated on the ground was quickly converging here and flowing into eternity.

"Damn it, which idiot touched Purple Moon's sword?" the commando's frontline commander roared angrily.

"Captain, it's Hart's idiot!"

"Damn it, quickly chop off his hand for me, or we will all be unlucky!"

"No way?"

"Ah!" The last scream came from Hart, and the one who just said no, now finally knows how ridiculous he was wrong. NS. I saw that Hart, who had been drawn into a man's job, actually pulled out the eternity, but his actions at this time did not look like he was using a sword, it seemed that the sword was dragging him.

Hart’s corpse just grabbed Eternity and started to slash at nearby companions indiscriminately. His companions didn't take into account their companions, but even if they were ruthless, it was useless. Hart's body has turned into a corpse, and ordinary weapons will be directly stuck on his bones, even if the scum that is chopped off will still be unable to stop him from moving forward. What is even more annoying is that the Eternal Sword has the attribute of weapon destruction, and any weapon in front of it will be broken like a toothpick.

At first, Hart’s sudden mutation was enough to make British and French players depressed, but what happened after that gave them a deep understanding of what it means to be no bad luck but more bad luck. As the enemies were chopped down one by one, the blood on the ground began to flow faster and faster into the Eternal Sword. Those who had just been chopped down began to bleed at high speed, and even some people who were just injured found that the bleeding had already been stopped. The wound started to ooze blood again.

"Not good, it is the realm of vampire!" A French player called. "I've seen this type of skill before!"

"Fuck off, that's the skill that comes with the sword. The blood-sucking domain is simply not like this!" The British player next to him took a picture of this guy. Reprimanded.

Although their argument has not yielded results, it does not affect the eternal blood-sucking ability at all. The blood on the ground is getting less and less, and the attack speed and power of Hart holding the eternal sword It rises in a straight line. What’s even more refreshing is that I and all my summon creatures are enjoying the benefits of speeding blood recovery. No matter who is injured, the wound will immediately flash through a red light and then recover as before, if it’s not for a breach in the armor. simply can't tell that he has been injured.

"Damn it, how can these monsters be hacked!" A British player finally found the problem. The Qilin warrior who fought him head-on has been cut by him more than 30 times, let alone a human, even the head zombie should be rotten into a pile of meat, but the Qilin warrior in front of him has not fallen. On the contrary, the more fights the more brave is like a chicken blood.

The commander of the Anglo-French coalition forces quickly discovered the problem. "Give me focus on cutting down that bastard Hart. The sword in his hand is sucking blood to heal all the enemy personnel!"

"Bastard, how come there is such a perverted weapon?" A British The player waved a heavy sword with both hands and rushed towards Hart's mummy, but before he touched Hart's side, his head was cut off by a touch of red light.

Eternity, which has at least sucked a few tons of blood since the start of the war, has finally begun to show the second-stage attribute enhanced by bloodsucking. In the previous battle, Eternity was just hanging on Hart’s hand and slashing at the enemy. Later, Hart’s The action gradually changed from hacking to a regular move skill, and now eternally began to bring a layer of red rays of light. With Hart's swing, this layer of red light will stay in the air for about a second, which will flow down a long track, and all enemies that hit these tracks will have the same effect as hitting the blade. However, the eternal real killing move has just appeared now, that is-sword qi. With the swing of Hart, the red trajectories that used to stay in place began to become one after another red moonblade flying around. The British player who tried to bring Hart down was unlucky and hit the first one. sword qi.

With the terrifying sword qi storm flying around, the formation of the Anglo-French allied forces was completely disrupted. It is really depressing to put such a scourge in one's own team.

The striker commander of the Anglo-French coalition knew that all the vanguards who had finally stood up on the city wall would be wiped out if this went on, so he quickly witted in an emergency thought of a breakthrough method, but unfortunately he It's really back home. Just when he was about to issue an order, a black shadow suddenly stood up from the shadow behind him, and this black shadow was me who had been turned into a werewolf.

In fact, I didn’t plan to pick it up after Eternal Throw it out. Anyway, I have system attribute protection. As long as I don’t take the initiative to give away any part of the magic dragon suit, others can’t take it away anyway. And I know that Eternal has the ability to control the corpse, so it is also good to make it attract firepower.

Under the premise that the enemy is chasing for eternity, I entered the werewolf form of the Purple Moon account, and activated the invisibility effect and directly teleported to the opponent's commander with shadow movement skills. When he noticed me, it was too late to react. Three sharp blades emerged from his chest, but strangely, no blood flowed out. Instead, my claws were rapidly turning red.

"You..." After the other commander yelled out this word, he suddenly returned to the light and violently moved forward, retreated from the blade, turned around and hugged me, while shouting loudly. Get up: "Get rid of him!"

When the surrounding English and French players saw their commander giving his life to hug me, they raised their weapons and rushed towards me, hoping to take this opportunity to hit me hard. However, my abilities are more than that. Kla, a small hole suddenly opened on the wrist of the magic dragon suit, and more than three hundred small balls fell out of the hole. Before the English and French players could react, the small balls had disappeared. The ground bounced and flew towards all directions at an unimaginable speed.

A British player saw a small ball flying head-on and hurriedly swept away the small ball in front of him across the sword, but while his sword swept against the small ball, another small ball Flew over again. With the sword strength set, he could no longer retract the sword and block again, so he could only watch the small ball flying towards his left eye. After a silent impact, the British player only felt that his left eye was abnormally sore, and even his entire head was dizzy, and the whole person lost his balance. But before he could react, the third and fourth balls arrived again. He hit a small ball in his forehead, and unconsciously leaned his head back, following the next ball accurately. Hit his throat and instantly squashed his trachea. He instinctively threw away the weapon to protect his neck, but his breathing was blocked, but more small balls hit him like raindrops, easily smashing his armor to pieces, and finally a very fast small ball finally hits again. The sockets of his eyes were lost, but this time it was not as simple as the last time. The ball went directly through his eye socket and into his head. After being destroyed all the way inside, it flew out from another eye socket, and he himself had been dead for a while.

These lively balls began to fly around as soon as they landed. As the first British player fell, nearby personnel began to be attacked by the balls one after another. The speed of these small balls will increase every time they bounce on the surface of the object, and their formidable power will increase with the increase of speed. What’s even more annoying is that these balls seem to not abide by the laws of physics. Sometimes they can bounce with only a small amount of force on the surface of certain objects, and sometimes they cause great damage, such as a flying in the wrong direction. The ball accidentally hit the chest of an Iron Crusader player who rushed too far forward. As a result, the player didn't feel that he was hit at all. He was still fighting there, but the rebounding ball hit easily. Through the skull of the enemy opposite.

The super ricochets flying around smashed the British and French allied forces almost instantly. Although the initial attack power of these small things is not high, as the number of rebounds increases, their speed and kill The strength is rising in a straight line. Seeing the members falling by my side, a wise player in the British and French coalition forces finally called out: "Don't get close to him, use skills to attack."

"Large Space Blade." A wizard player suddenly appeared near me, and after throwing a spell, it instantly teleported to the back of the warrior beside me.

"Law." The ring of commandment suddenly appeared in front of me. "Space fracture."

A black fault suddenly appeared in front of me, and the large space blade passed directly through the black fault disappeared without a trace, and a fault suddenly appeared beside the wizard, his space The blade of the unfathomable mystery got out of the fault and cut himself and the warriors around him into two pieces.

"No, we will be wiped out like this!" A French player called.

"What about Captain?" a British player called out. "Where is Captain? Bastard, don't push me."

Different from the chaos of the British and French pioneers, our team is lining up in neat rows and gradually compressing the enemy's living space.

Scott stood behind the Qilin warrior and commanded loudly, "Heavy shields and shields, give me the top. Over there, what are the long spear hands doing? Bastard, where are you shooting?"< /p>

As the forces on both sides continued to compress, the commando team of the Central British and French allied forces was finally crushed into a thin strip-shaped formation, and our high level arms began to intersect from the middle of this strip. The strip was easily torn into two relatively short sections, and then the low-level troops quickly rushed into the gap that had just opened, pushing the enemy troops divided into groups to both sides to prevent them from closing again.

After the first interleaving was completed, my four giant dragons began to use dragon flames to cover the enemy’s position. When the enemy was really chaos burned by flames, our elite team started again. After being interspersed, the two long positions were cut into four sections again, and the follow-up troops quickly followed up to fill the gaps. Soon the enemies in this section were repeatedly interspersed and cut into countless small sections, and my beloved saw the beginning of time. Destroy the enemies in these small areas one by one. Because there was no unified command and the internal arms were very chaotic, the enemy's battlefield was no longer able to function, and soon the wildfire was gradually extinguished, and the remaining British and French personnel could not control the bureau and had to retreat one after another to avoid meaningless casualties. .

Seeing the enemy's large-scale rout, I suddenly remembered that Lu Wei was still on the battlefield. Now that the battle is over, I have to go back to Ashford, so I must find Lu Wei. It was fine if I didn't look for it, but this search scared me to death.

"Lu Wei, you idiot, come out soon!"

"Ah? What come out?" Lu Wei heard what I said, but unfortunately he didn't understand what it meant. Yeyue, who had been responsible for protecting Lu Wei, noticed the huge blue magic array that was turning faster and faster under her feet after hearing my shout.

"Damn, what is this thing." Yeyue found that something was wrong and wanted to go to La Luwei to come out, but there were too many people nearby, no matter how powerful she was, she couldn't squeeze out Lu Wei in a short time.

Actually, it is not the offensive array that Lu Wei is spinning under their feet, but the scope Transmission Formation. This is a very practical Transmission Formation generated by Transmission Scroll. Although it is not sold in the system store, the wizard players can make them themselves, and many players will also specialize in this type of scroll to sell for money. The function of this range of Transmission Scroll is to transmit all creatures or specified objects within a certain range to any teleport point currently open to it. Compared with the single-person Transmission Scroll, the advantage of this thing is that it is cheaper. The price of a range Transmission Scroll is about three times that of a single-person scroll, but if the transmission area generated by it is squeezed, at least one leveling squad with more than ten people can be sent away at a time, so the unit cost is low. a lot of. However, the low price also brings a not-so-good performance, that is, it is impossible to specify the transmission of specific creatures. The person using the scroll can specify the teleport magic array to teleport away any object belonging to him or her without an owner, but it has no control over living creatures, which means that if there is an enemy attacking the user at the time, it is likely that the attacker will eventually be even the attacker. They were all teleported away together. The so-called defeat is like a mountain. The enemy must have hurriedly torn open the scroll in a panic. Lu Wei, the unlucky ghost, stood in the middle of the Transmission Formation, and even Yeyue was within the transmission range, but fortunately, The scope of Transmission Formation is not to tear off the reel and immediately flash, the array also has a start time.

Seeing that the array under Lu Wei's feet turned more and more open, I hurriedly jumped into the crowd and grabbed Lu Wei by the collar of his clothes and planned to throw him out. Who knew that a British dwarf player next to him was When the hammer hit my arm, my hands shook, and Lu Wei dropped off the ground for a short while and fell back to the ground, and unfortunately, he hadn't left the teleportation range. When I found that I missed my hand, I didn't care about the dwarf beside me planning to save Luwei, but even so, I didn't catch up.

The blue magic array reached its limit in an instant. The blue light flashed on the ground, and a small area was instantly vacated on the city wall. Following the blue light flashed behind the British and French coalition forces, Lu Wei and Ye Yue accompanied me. A large group of British and French players fell together on a huge marching Transmission Formation. All of a sudden, the British and French players near Transmission Formation and I were stupid. No one didn't expect such a thing to happen, and I actually fell into other people's positions again!

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