Faced with the huge foot that suddenly fell, I almost rolled out of the area of ​​my foot, but as soon as I rolled out of this area, I felt a huge shock wave. Before he got up, he was shocked back to the ground, and his head was dizzy!

"Damn war trampled!" Although my head is confused, I still have this extremely famous battlefield skill.

"Be careful, master!" I was still dizzy and suddenly felt that I was teleported out. It turned out that the phantom was manipulating my body. Almost when I was transported away, a huge ivory nearly half a meter thick swept across the place where I was just lying on my stomach, and even the ground was scraped off.

"Fuck, the crow can actually find the reloaded mammoth, it's damn right!" I complained as I got up and quickly moved away from the large and small creatures. However, it is obviously not the first time these creatures have used this trick with crows. I just got up and saw a power grid falling from the top of my head, forcing me to dodge urgently, but the direction of the power grid flew me. Most of the dodge directions were blocked, and after dodge, I reluctantly found that I was within the attack range of the mammoth again.

Without giving me any reaction time, a huge nose swept across at once. In desperation, I had to roll forward and flew over the nose, but I just landed and followed Another heavy war trampled on me and almost shook me to the ground.

"Mother, the crow, this bastard, the frontal strength is not good, the level of the vulva is good!" After climbing up from the ground, I suddenly found a skeleton wearing a black rag cloak and holding a sickle flying towards me. . I instantly recognized that this was the upgraded version of the night spirit king-the law enforcement Death God.

Death God law enforcement is also Death God, but its level is slightly lower than Death God, but these guys have very terrifying battle strength, especially their skills are exaggerated. Once they are entangled, it is difficult to get out. Seeing this Death God flying towards me, I had to use the teleportation skill that had just passed the cooldown to fly behind it again. Who knew that the damn law enforcement Death God suddenly turned around, and his eyes flashed fiercely.

"Damn it! It's death gaze!" I only felt a chill spread across my body in an instant along my eyes, followed by my feet and hands, I lost consciousness, as if I simply didn't Same hands and feet.

The Death God who succeeded in one blow did not rush up to attack. On the contrary, it suddenly flew upwards. I was wondering what he was going to do. I looked behind him and realized that he was going to Create attack opportunities for your companions. Death God’s skills are indeed very powerful, but Death God’s direct attack power is not outstanding, so this Death God took the initiative to give up the attack position to his companion that giant war after using the skills to block my actions. Mammoth.

Although my defense is very high, being hit by something like a siege tank is not a joke. I used to experiment with the familiar Mammoth from a lucky member of the guild. If I don’t use special skills, this creature can completely deplete my health in just five effective attacks. Of course, I have a guardian collar. You can use the life force of the pet to survive, but you will still suffer a loss if you count it, so it's better not to be touched.

Seeing the mammoth rushing over like a tank, a black whirlwind suddenly rose under my feet. When the whirlwind passed over my head, the bottom of the whirlwind began to leave the ground, but as the whirlwind moved What appeared below the ascent was no longer the dragon suit of arrogant and domineering but the hem of a rainbow-like robe.

Mammoth is not an intelligent creature. He may have some advantages in strength, but he is actually weak in intelligence. He did not show any reaction to my sudden change of image, but continued to dash forward hoping to trample me into a meatloaf at one time. However, as the whirlwind swept over my head even the idiot-like mammoth discovered my change. NS. The gorgeous rainbow robes under the glittering crystal colored diamond armor of the vow suit fluttered automatically without wind, and my face and the weapons in my hand had also undergone tremendous changes from Heaven and Earth turning upside down, except for and People I know very well can hardly recognize that this is another account of mine.

Although he was stunned for a moment, the mammoth’s charge was not interrupted, and the familiars of nearby crows did not give up on attacking. They just thought that I was using some kind of illusion-like skill. It's not the me just now.

I gently pointed forward, and a black space door suddenly opened in front of me, followed by a golden lion-like creature rushing out of the black space door. The little lion almost saw the wind after leaving the space door, and when he landed, it had grown into a golden giant beast not much smaller than a mammoth.

"Roar..." After angry roar, Steelfang slammed into the forward mammoth and slammed into him and made a loud noise like The earth shook and the mountain quivered. Although the first collision with Steel Teeth didn't take advantage at all, he was a Divine Beast after all, and his body was based on carnivores. The battle strength was far from comparable to that of a mammoth that grazes. As soon as the two sides stopped the steel teeth, they flashed to the side of the mammoth like lightning, and then bit on his neck. Two fangs more than ten feet long cut into the mammoth’s neck fiercely, cutting off most of them in an instant. His muscles were connected, followed by the steel teeth's fierce body, and the neck pressed forward, only hearing a few clicks, the mammoth’s neck was finally twisted off by the steel teeth, and the huge head was softly slumped on the shoulders. Any response.

After breaking the mammoth’s neck, the steel teeth loosened his mouth and stood on the two front legs on the corpse of the mammoth lying on the ground, and then let out a deep and deep roar from the sky, the sound was shocking The low-level creatures near the battlefield were all cowering and not daring to move forward. This is the power of the king. The overwhelming Divine Beast is far from being able to cope with the mammoth fighting with muscle power alone.

In an instant, after knocking down the mammoth with the strongest damage output, Steelfang once again focused his attention on a giant snake in front of him. The snake instinctively stood up his upper body completely and presented a picture ready to attack. Posture, but a silhouette that appeared suddenly interrupted the battle that was about to begin. In fact, this person was not willing to come over.

Just now, the crow used a special skill to swap my position with him and took advantage of the advantage of knowing what is about to happen in advance. However, he still underestimated the battle strength of my pet. The silhouette that flew over was the crow himself. He launched a surprise attack just after reaching my familiars. Unfortunately, he directly ran into the nearest Yeyue. As a result, his raid was not only unsuccessful. On the contrary, he was surrounded by the demons, and finally a lucky wagging completely solved the threat of the crow and took him back directly.

The sudden appearance of the crow made my pets empty, so my pets immediately rushed into the group of crows’ pets and launched a group attack, and I naturally ran directly to the crows .

"Dare to yin me, this time I see if you die." I flew fiercely in front of the crow while holding the staff.

The crow just got lucky and hurt, but he couldn’t react for a while. He clutched his chest and looked at me and asked, "Beauty, why do you want to help Purple Moon? I don’t seem to have any. Offend you?" The crow didn't recognize me!

"What do you call me?" My most taboo thing is that someone treats me as a woman, especially someone I hate.

"Beauty!" The crow looked at me with a look of confusion and pain, and it was completely unclear why I was angry.

"You bastard dare to insult me!" I angrily pushed the staff to the ground, and a ring of flame immediately swept across the ground, and the crow's body was instantly coated with flames, burning This guy crawled backwards and dodges, but the flame has already burned up, and it won't be easy to get rid of it.

"Master, don't move, I'll help you put out the fire!" A long duck-like familiar of the crow shouted to the crow.

"Don't even think about it." Lucky jumped up from the side and hugged the giant duck and rolled and disappeared.

"Be careful, master." I was proud that the crow's demon was knocked down by luck and suddenly heard Ling's shout. Unfortunately, I turned back a little slower. I don’t know who kicked me behind my butt, and followed the whole People flew out like cannonballs.

"I'll save you." The flying bird rushed over like lightning to catch me, but a pillar of flame suddenly sprayed out from the ground. Fei, after turning dozens of somersaults in the sky, he finally opened his wings and stabilized his movements.

"Master, be careful." The reminder that appeared again made me have to start the teleportation, but after the teleportation was over, I realized that it was not my familiar who was calling but the crow's familiar reminding him to avoid the plague. The attack, but the battlefield is too chaotic. We both listened to each other. The person who should be hiding didn't avoid me, but suddenly came a teleport.

After playing in vain for a moment, I wanted to go back to find the crow to settle accounts. Who knew there was a real red voice suddenly behind me. "Boss, beware, the front line of defense has been pierced!"

"What?" I flapped my wings and flew high in the air and looked forward, only to see that the defense line composed of Lich summon's zombie was broken through. A gap, many enemies are coming through the gap to the city wall. It's okay for me to deal with the crows alone, but I can't stop those siege enemy forces, right? It's not that I'm afraid of their miscellaneous soldiers, but because there are too many opponents, I can't let them and these miscellaneous soldiers consume my peak power here, right? After confirming the situation, I put my finger in my mouth and blew a loud whistle, and my familiar looked back towards me. "The situation is not good, flash first."

Ling's reaction was the fastest, and immediately a black lightning blasted the enemy in front of him and turned around 100 meters away. Fortunately, they were being entangled by the enemy. I couldn’t get out and suddenly I saw the white meteors in the sky. These white meteors are small in size and the rays of light are very dim, but the speed is very fast. However, the crow’s favorites and I quickly discovered these meteors. It is targeted, they will automatically avoid my beloved and look for the crow's beloved to hit it.

Ling saw that everyone had no reaction before shouting: "What are you still doing? I helped you drag the enemy, and they all flashed quickly." We heard this voice and realized that it was Ling supporting. With this magic.

"Quick flash." I shouted loudly. With the help of meteors, the familiars quickly disengaged from the enemies around them and ran into the city. The crow wanted to catch up to take advantage of the opportunity. But seeing me flashing golden light like a little sun, I had to give up in front of them. With his strength, even if he rushed to my solar field, it was a waste of effort. What cheap.

Since there was no hope of pursuing it, the crow simply received the demon pet and disappeared invisible. After I entered the city, I immediately said to Ashford: "My Lich has been blocking you for so long, and it's time for your people to move around."

Ashford didn't say anything. What? The troops were directly transferred to the front line of the city wall for defense. Since the zombie defense line set up by the Lichs in the front has not completely disappeared, and there are always people falling down on the battlefield, the enemy’s attack is not as violent as before. The scattered enemies have been targeted by the archer. A large group of enemies will immediately provoke heavy artillery attacks. Anyway, don't expect half of the lives to be lost under the city wall.

Due to the chaotic line of defense, the Lichs were unable to concentrate on using the Undead Transformation technique, so while the consumption increased, the number of undead creatures actually transformed decreased, which further caused the pressure under the city wall to increase. I looked at the enemy’s skirmish line gradually approaching the city wall and had to temporarily order the Lichs to rest for a while. Although Lich itself is an undead creature that doesn’t know about fatigue, their magic power is not endless after all. If you use it like this Will consume clean soon.

Ashford realized that there were fewer and fewer undead army outside the city, and realized that it was wrong. He immediately ran to my side. "Purple Moon, why did your Lich stop?"

"Lich's mana is not infinite, and if it continues like this, it will be completely exhausted soon. If you don't want to see the enemy's army crush the city, you can only Let them take turns to rest. After the corpses under the city wall are piled up, let them go to summon. The efficiency will increase a lot, at least it can help you defend for a while."

"Then I will let the troops strengthen their defenses. ."

Actually, whether Ashford ordered to increase defense or not, the guards on the city wall are of course impossible. Watching the enemy climb up the city wall, the enemy naturally wants to attack when they come near the city wall. Even if Ashford didn't say to strengthen the defense, they still had to fight.

The main combat arms of the Anglo-French allied forces are basically human warriors. These NPC soldiers are of very low level and are pure cannon fodder. Their only function is to consume the enemy’s patience and ammunition, which is prepared by Ashford. It is also very full. The human soldiers screamed and rushed to the city wall and then began to erect the ladders brought by the troops in front to the city wall, but the defenders above would desperately greet the people who escalated the ladder with their bows and arrows. Almost anyone would dare to touch them. The ladder will turn into a hedgehog full of arrow feathers in an instant, if unfortunately it encounters the mage in the vicinity, it will even blast off the ladder.

Of course, the siege party is not completely passive. The Anglo-French crossbowmen rushing to the city wall under the intensive rain of arrows will hide in the crowd and carry out a sneak attack on the Iron Crusader troops above the city. However, as soon as these archers are found, they will immediately recruit Iron Crusader mages or artillery. The result is that even the people around them are explodes into waste together. Occasionally, the Anglo-French allied forces would send some small cannons to the city wall and put them a few times, and then followed by a magic cover, and finally use the fast climbing ladder to set up the passage and send powerful troops to seize a small area as a breakthrough point.

This breakthrough point tactic of the British and French forces can be said to be quite successful, at least they have indeed hit the city wall many times, and it has indeed caused considerable casualties to the Iron Crusade. Since the breakthrough point is opened, players are used instead of cannon-fodder NPCs to attack, so the defense force of the Iron Crusade against cannon-fodder troops cannot stop these enemies at all. In the end, they can only rely on the reserve team to extinguish these wildfires. .

I was sitting next to Ashford looking at the entire battlefield. An Iron Crusader’s communications flag commander suddenly turned to Ashford and said: "President, Area 714 I was broken by a breakthrough."

"Just let the firefighting team go. Didn't I say that this kind of thing will be directly transferred to the firefighting team?"

"But extinguishing the fire The team has already lost there. The two teams still haven't plugged the gap. Now some enemies have entered the city!"

"What?" Ashford jumped up from his seat. "What's the matter? Who is the enemy?"

"I don’t know, there are high level players. Our fire fighting team is not as strong as them. It can’t solve the enemies who guard the gap. More enemies are coming up."

As soon as Ashford was about to get angry, I was caught by me. "Don't get excited, you should have thought of this situation a long time ago."

"What do you mean?" Ashford turned and asked me suspiciously.

"Have you seen high-level players after playing for so long?" Ashford shook the head, and I followed up: "That's right. If it were you, you would always use Can cannon fodder fill this bottomless pit?" Ashford shook his head again, and I continued: "So! The role of cannon fodder is to fight for various advantages for the main force, but what is correct if the main force does not participate in the war at all? ?"

"Do you mean that the current force is the main force?"

"Bingo. The previous trash fish is attracting our main force and paralyzing us To the effect, this breakthrough point means that the enemy has officially started to attack the city. It was just a warm-up before."

"What should I do now?"

"What should I do? Your high level troops go up and stand it up!"

"Oh, yes, I'm so confused!" Ashford hurriedly turned around to order someone to plug the gap, but was pulled by Lu Wei NS. Ashford looked at Lu Wei suspiciously. "What are you doing?"

Lu Wei turned to me and said: "Purple Moon, can you take me over?"


"I want to experience the feeling of battle more closely. Although I can see it standing here, what I see here is the same as what I feel in the battlefield. Don't worry, I will try to be careful, and I don’t blame you if you hang up, as long as you protect it seriously."

I thought about it and eventually it was nodded. I can't justify it myself if I try my best! "Okay! I'll take you over." After saying that, I glanced at Ashford, who was standing on the side with a smirk. "hmph, it's cheaper, you brat. The reserve team doesn't need to be dispatched. I just need to be there!" After explaining, I pulled up Lu Wei and ran to the place where the accident happened.

Although the rigorous style of Germans may feel somewhat rigid in life, it can really show great benefits in work. Before the siege took place, Ashford sent someone to number the city wall of Iron Cross, and he also worked out a signal flag system in advance, so that no matter where there is a problem, you can directly let the command station see it. Before there were problems in various places, Ashford also sent many people there, so I am also roughly clear about the order of the numbers. According to the previous rules, it is easy to find the problematic section.

When we arrived at the scene, the problem had been severely magnified. Not only in the area 714, but also in the adjacent areas 713 and 715, a large number of enemies appeared. There was resistance on the spot. The power has been completely replaced by firefighters, and the low-level NPCs in charge of defending the city at first are basically dead. However, thanks to the fact that the defenders are all high-level personnel from the firefighting team, if the average city defense force can't lose sight of it, it is not as simple as the two adjacent areas.

As soon as I got to the place, I immediately erected the gate of the earth, and after he rushed out of the gate of the earth with the ring tone Knight, Skye immediately began to command the Qilin warrior array, my beloved They also ran out of the Fenglong space and started to block the city wall.

Many people from the Iron Crusade knew me, and the commander who saw my presence immediately ran over. "Purple Moon, why are you here?"

I pointed to Wei. "My client wants to experience the feeling of fighting at close quarters, so I'll help Ashford a little bit. I'll assemble the team and kill from here to block the city wall. You'd better take your people All are concentrated on the other side of the city wall to prevent the enemy from moving there. After a while, we will squeeze in the middle together. As long as we can isolate the enemies on the city wall from the enemies outside the city, those who enter the city are just dead. It’s just a soldier."

"Understand, President Purple Moon don’t worry, I’ll make arrangements."

The high level players of the Iron Crusade are very fast. The Qilin warrior led them to take over from the enemy on this side, and they quickly detoured from the route in the city to the other side of the city wall. As the forces on both sides were concentrated to one side of the city wall, the defensive pressure immediately dropped a lot, and the enemy felt as if they had suddenly hit an iron plate and could no longer advance.

It is said that the Qilin warrior's level is not as good as high level players, but in such battles, they can exert a battle strength much higher than normal players. Compared with the chaotic player team, Qilin warrior has uniform equipment and good cooperation training. In battle, they can often play a combat effectiveness of one plus one greater than two. Assuming that the battle strength of a player is one hundred and the battle strength of a Qilin warrior is eighty, then the battle strength of one hundred players together is definitely less than 10,000, and the battle strength of one hundred and Qilin warrior will definitely exceed eight. Thousands, if it is actually calculated, the battle strength of one hundred Qilin warrior even surpasses one hundred players.

When confronted with the high level players of the Iron Crusade, these commandos already felt quite strenuous, and now they encountered Qilin warrior and were immediately blocked back. According to my request, Sgoth asked the troops to block the enemy first and not rush forward. The Iron Crusade team over there quickly got in place and signaled the completion of the deployment.

We immediately responded as soon as we received the signal. The first thing that was dispatched was my four giant dragons plus the small dragon female Divine Dragon. The small dragon female first flew up to the sky to cast a thunder purgatory. Countless lightning entangled and swept all the way along the outside of the city wall. In an instant, the enemy on the city wall and the enemy under the city wall were cut out. Following Lucky and Plague spraying dragon flames and flying across from both sides, the two dragon flames prevented the enemy from closing the incisions and further eliminated the enemies who had just escaped the lightning purgatory, ensuring that the passage was indeed completely cleaned up. .

After the five dragons completed the task of cutting the troops, Xiaofeng suddenly landed on this unmanned passage from the sky, followed by a dozen walls of burning flames and began to burn one after another. The terrifying high temperature forced the follow-up troops to dare not approach the city wall, and the enemy on the city wall could not retreat.

Seeing that the situation is under control, I waved and gestured towards Skok, and Skok immediately said to the tank standing in front of him: "Brother, it's time for you to perform."

"Small meaning."

After getting the answer from the tank, Skod immediately ordered Qilin warrior who was fighting the enemy in front: "Keep out of the way."

Qilin warrior listened. Upon the order, he immediately started to move to the inner side of the city wall, giving way to the outer side of the city wall. The remaining enemy troops caught between us and the Iron Crusader immediately realized that this was an opportunity, and they began to concentrate their efforts to get closer to this side to tear a gap in our line of defense. The flames that Xiaofeng put out only blocked the area 714 on the city wall and the three short city walls on both sides. There are no flame areas on both sides, as long as the enemies on the city wall can touch those areas. It can be connected with enemies outside the city. When the time comes with their help, more follow-up troops can climb the city wall and destroy our blockade plan. However, all this is just their fantasy. When the Qilin warrior separated, the vision of Emenis also automatically withdrew, and the huge silhouette of the tank suddenly appeared in front of the enemy.

"Quick, shield formation!" The commander of the British and French coalition forces attacking the city wall yelled as soon as he saw the tank.

Because it is an elite assault force, the enemy's reaction speed is quite fast. Several players with large spaces immediately took out a large number of shields, and other NPCs and players took the shields from them quickly Formed a heavy shield position.

"Put the gun, get on." The commander yelled again.

In the Anglo-French coalition team, a front-row commander immediately shouted: "The first team, shoot the gun."

A row of high level NPCwarriors quickly rushed to the back of the shield formation while running with the help of The moving force threw the steel gun in his hand. This trick was originally the signature skill of the Ringtone Knights, but they have rarely used it recently. The reason is naturally that it is not effective against high level players. Although the tank is not a player, he is a large creature, and he is good at defensively. The shots hit him until all of them hit his body, but unfortunately none of them could break the shell of the tank. The sharp steel gun hit the carapace of the tank and wiped out a fire star, and then slid out along the curve of the carapace.

The enemy immediately thought of the mage after discovering that the spear was ineffective. Unfortunately, the distance was so close that they could cast a round of long spear. Thanks to the Qilin warrior's slow withdrawal, which hindered the tank's impact path. Have time for the mage to prepare magic?

As soon as the Qilin warrior cleared the channel, the tank rushed forward, using the tank as an arrow, and the ringtone Knight led Qilin warrior to follow the tank and advance forward. Since the tank is attacking along the outer edge of the city wall, the Qilin warrior behind the tank actually only needs to deal with the attack from the enemy inside the city wall. Now there is still a fire sea outside the city wall. It is impossible for someone to pass through this. The fire sea came to siege the city.

Led by Ringtone Knight, the Qilin warrior expelled a wedge-shaped formation and forced the enemy away from the outside of the city wall and squeezed into the inside of the city wall all the way along the passage where the tank had crashed. When the passage is always through, the Iron Crusader warriors on both sides immediately begin to move inward along the outer edge of the city wall to form a new line of defense to completely isolate the connection between the inside and the outside of the city wall. My Qilin warrior and Ringtone Knight began to advance horizontally toward the inside of the city wall, while the Iron Crusader warrior inside the city wall pushed outwards. The assault troops of the British and French allied forces were squeezed in the middle. We can compress the living space a little bit by us.

"Ye Yue." I called Ye Yue over loudly.

"What's the matter?"

"You are responsible for Lu Wei's safety and protect him. Let us rush into the enemy's position together."

" Huh? Rush in?" Lu Wei looked at the British and French coalition forces crowded in the middle of the city wall and was also taken aback.

I took Lu Wei's arm and rushed forward and said: "Don't you just want to experience this feeling? Come on, I will let you enjoy it all at once."

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