When I saw that I was preparing for a big move, the crows would naturally not let go of such a good opportunity. After the three Avatars approached me carefully and carefully, they did something that puzzled me. Only one of the Avatars winked at the other two Avatars, and then the other two Avatars also gestured and communicated with each other. This situation makes me very strange. It is said that even if Avatars cannot communicate with each other, they are still several parts of a person at any rate. How can they gesture to each other even if they coordinate their attacks?

Although I think it’s strange, I don’t think too much during the battle. I can only watch carefully and wait for the opportunity to shoot. Finally, halfway through my fake action, the Avatar standing behind me suddenly moved. This Avatar raised the big knife in his hand over his head and made a slash. The action was very big, and it seemed that it was deliberately exposed to attract my attention.

Since they wanted to expose me, they followed what they wanted. At the moment that guy attacked, I suddenly turned around and retreated to the Avatar who was in front of me. As soon as the Avatar saw my back to him, he immediately prepared the dagger and prepared to give me a ruthless one from behind, but even though I was facing him, I had paid attention to him a long time ago. How could I be attacked?

Just as we were about to collide with each other, we both moved at the same time. The Avatar of the crow stretched out his hands in a hug pose. His original intention was to wait for me to retreat into his arms and then gather his hands from the front to pierce my neck or heart and other vital parts, but I also made it in advance. In response, not only did he not hug me, his open arms also exposed himself.

"Ah!" The Avatar who was about to give me a knife didn't expect that I would suddenly turn around, and even a precise sword pierced his neck. Surprised, he could only do his best to hold the spurting throat and fell straight down.

The other two Avatars were stunned when they saw I put an Avatar down in a blink of an eye, but they realized it was too late when it was bad. The Avatar who deliberately attracted my attention by making a fake action suddenly felt that there was someone behind him, but after turning around in a panic, he only saw a pair of beautiful and breathtaking eyes, and then he could no longer move.

The only remaining Avatar among the three Avatars surrounding me found something was wrong and wanted to run, but unfortunately it was still a step slower. He suddenly stepped into a big pit when he was retreating. The twelve long spears plunged into his body from all directions almost indiscriminately at the moment when his body fell backward and lost his balance. This was the collective assassination of twelve ringtone Knights who had been hidden here for a long time, and Emenes' illusion skills were much stronger than the crows.

The three Avatars who besieged me were finished in an instant. The Avatar who was treating the disabled Avatar in the distance saw that the situation was not right and immediately picked up the disabled Avatar and prepared to run, but a hill suddenly appeared on them In front of. The tank's heavy hammer slammed its head down and successfully ended the battle with just one blow.

"It doesn't feel right!" Yeyue walked around from the petrified Avatar and said to me: "This is the legendary second in the world? How come the strength is so much worse than ours?"< /p>

Just killed the two Avatar tanks and said: "Yes! Just now it seems that there is no obstacle and it is done. Even if the owner is very strong, it won't be so bad, right? Back then, the gun god was the world's number one. Three are not as weak as him?"

Scott came over and said: "Could all his attributes focus on the two abilities of invisibility and Avatar? Like him, he can be completely invisible and activate The ability to attack is really deadly for the average player, especially the long-range attack type like the gun god, who can't find the target and can't beat him."

I was frowned while thinking about it and went inside the city wall. go. The opinions put forward by the familiars are also reasonable, but I always feel that something is wrong. After thinking about it for a long time, it seems that the biggest doubt is that the battle strength of the crow and the ranking on the battle strength list are too different. Even though his attribute is very partial, it shouldn't be so bad?

In fact, I am not the only one who has a headache. The leaders of the British and French coalition forces are also angry there. St. Joseph gripped his hair and complained: "Really, how could I believe such an idiot! This is too fast to lose!"

Compared to St. Joseph’s reaction, other guild leaders’ reaction is even better. The reaction was fierce, and a group of people kept calling the crows as a waste, but in fact the crows couldn't hear this at all, because at this time his body was sitting on top of a bell tower in Iron Cross City and looking down at the entire city.

"hmph, the idiot Purple Moon actually thought it was my main body. Is my dignified battle strength ranked second, really so easy to deal with? Huh, continue to despise me! In the end! You will pay for it." After saying this, the silhouette of the crow gradually faded and finally turned into a cloud of dust floating in the wind.

"Purple Moon, what do you think of the crow's battle strength?" After I returned to the city wall, a large group of people immediately surrounded me and asked me how I felt about fighting.

I shook the head helplessly. "It feels very wrong, there is a feeling of punching cotton. I always feel that this is not the true strength of the crow, it is really weak and abnormal."


< p>"Yes, very weak." I thought for a while and explained: "Let's put it this way. Assuming that the battle strength of true red is 100, the feeling that crow gives me is only about forty. I was able to force true red away before Because True Red did not want to affect the direction of the battlefield, he took the initiative to give up the pursuit. In fact, as long as there is enough time, True Red can completely deal with the crow, and with the crow’s battle strength basically impossible, how about True Red. Before, the true red was stabbed by the Crow’s Avatar. I saw that the wound was small and healed quickly, which shows that the damage power of the crow is too low. Moreover, I have fought with the gun god many times before. At that time, the gun god was the second in the world battle strength list, the crow. Since I can squeeze the gun god down, it should be better than the gun god, but today I feel that it is completely different. To say that the true red battle strength is one hundred, then the gun god is 600, my own body It's about six hundred and fifty, and it can reach more than two thousand with the addition of the familiar, but the Avatar of the crow is only less than forty, don't you think this is weird?"

" Could it be that his real body simply didn't appear just now?" Zhen Hong approached the person who had fought against Avatar, and felt that he was similar to me.

I shook the head. "It's really not clear. The sixth Avatar was not found in the illusion shown by Emenes, which means that the body either did not appear at first, or it was one of the five."

" That's weird. Ordinarily, the system shouldn't give such a big gap!"

"Could it be that the other party was deliberately showing weakness?" Ashford asked.

"It shouldn't be!" I'm also a little confused now. It is said that a person who is top-notch in the whole world should not be so stupid as he is. On the contrary, he really has something to do The recruit probability is relatively large. "Forget it, don't think about it for now. Anyway, the current situation can be stabilized. There will be no big problems for a while."

"That's it." As long as the enemy does not Don't worry about breaking through Iron Cross City.

Although the battle has erupted for nearly six hours, you really can’t imagine what happens when hundreds of millions of troops are fighting. For such a large Legion, it can only be regarded as a tentative attack with one million people for ten hours, and now the number of losses on both sides is probably more than one million, so this is actually only the two sides Testing each other is not a real siege.

I was talking to Ashford on the battlefield, when I suddenly felt a chill roll over, and pushed Ashford out. A bright light flashed from where Ashford had just stood. If I hadn't moved fast, Ashford would have been in a different place.

"Who?" The guard shouted loudly.

"Everyone gets out of the way, it's an expert." I grabbed the MMs of several bands around me and threw them far away and reminded everyone nearby to stay away.

"As expected of Purple Moon, the reaction is surprisingly fast!" A sudden voice made me sweat. Hearing the voice is definitely less than ten meters away from me, but even if I activate the anti-stealth ability of Emenes, I still can't see anything.

"Are you... the crow?" I asked tentatively.

"Of course. Do you think there are people who have avoided your anti-invisibility? Don't doubt, I know very well which familiars you have, and I also know their specific abilities."

"You did it before. It seems we really underestimated you!" I was thinking about what to do while carefully guarding for a possible sudden attack.

The crow's voice is very proud. "You can see my Avatars are already very good, but you are absolutely invisible to my body. This is the power of the law, and your skills will not work."

"The law of the law Strength?" I suddenly understood what came over. "You have a stone of commandment?"

"en? You know?" The crow's voice seemed surprised. I guess he must have been like me before thinking that only he knew the existence of this thing. The Stone of Commandment strictly speaking is not something prepared for players. It is the goal of high-level NPC forces. It is not a joke for players to be caught between these bosses, so normal players generally speaking are incapable of Own this thing. Take me for example. On the surface, the Discipline Stones are currently under my control. In fact, it is a compromise strategy adopted by high level NPC forces to avoid large-scale conflicts. I really have to rely on my strength to grab me and think that I have not reached that level. . Not to mention the foreign myriad NPC forces, the domestic Celestial Court and Monster Race alone are not fun.

Since the crow has the stone of commandment, it means that he can master the power of a certain Law, but he is different from me. This guy does not have a ring of commandments, which means that he can only apply the law to a very narrow range, and his power will be much weaker. The stone of commandment that does not have a ring of commandment is just a stone with a low-level commandment law. Great effect. However, the attribute of the fast commandment stone belt that the crow has now is completely invisible, which is really depressing!

"hmph, didn't expect people like you can also get the stone of commandment, but at your level, you probably don't know the real usage of the stone of commandment, right?"

"The real usage?" The crow's voice suddenly became very excited, but soon calmed down. "Are you kidding me? Can you know the real usage?"

It seems that the crow does not know the real purpose of the stone of commandment, but this does not prevent him from using the piece of commandment he has now. stone. I stared at the place where the crow's voice came from and said, "Since you admit that you have the stone of commandment, don't blame me for bullying you with the ring of commandment." I said suddenly and pointed to the sky, the commandment behind. The ring suddenly bounced up and immediately flew to the top of my head, where Xuan stopped horizontally.

Seeing my Ring of Commandment Crow didn't react much, after all, he didn't recognize this thing. "You plan to use this to deal with me?" Although the crow's voice is still very arrogant, he has stepped back some distance from the voice. This guy is obviously not as arrogant as the previous Avatar, on the contrary, he is even cautious. It's a bit too much.

Originally, my ring of discipline can borrow the power of the law for a short time, but the scope and time of influence are not high. The most annoying thing is that I can’t choose the type of discipline, but there is a small ring of discipline The characteristic is that it can temporarily exert the complete ability of a single commandment by temporarily fusing a real commandment stone. I took the stone of commandment that Marilyn snatched from Titans before, and I just took it out and used it now. If I use the Stone of Discipline to deal with ordinary players, I am worried that other Divine Races will trouble me, but since the crow also has a Stone of Discipline, as long as when the time comes I open the use of the Stone of Discipline, I believe no one will gossip. .

After confirming the solution, I no longer hesitate to take out the ring of commandment that the stone of commandment threw fiercely above my head. The crow was stunned when he saw the stone of commandment, he didn't 't expect I not only know the stone of commandment, but also carry one with me. If it weren’t for the small ring of commandments in the world, only one stone of commandment can be used at a time. I think there are other concentrated attributes in my body, but only this one is the most suitable in comparison, because the commandment represented by this stone of commandment is very The law of horror-perception.

In the game, the perception is reflected in the form of attributes, such as the visual range of the player when the brightness is determined, and the same as when I pushed away Ashford before. Murderous Aura reacted, so he managed to save Ashford’s head. These feelings are actually perceptions and are determined by the perception attributes in the game. Before I signed the escrow agreement with the gods, I knew that the ring of commandments is actually the framework system that supports the operation of the game, which means that they are the foundation of the game world. If I block the perception of a certain area, it means that anyone in this area will become blind, or a worse existence than blind blindness. At any rate, blind people can still rely on hearing and touch. Action and perception attributes will close all sense organs at the same time, which is equivalent to the loss of a feeling. Of course, I did not intend to close my own perception, nor did I intend to close the perception of crows. That kind of large-scale perception manipulation requires extremely terrifying energy support. My little ring of commandments is not the city of commandments. The big guy in the city of commandments is also connected to the super power core. This little ring of commandments runs on my magic power. My strength is only enough to support it to take effect on me, but it’s good. I can adjust each perception in detail, and I can do as one pleases arbitrarily.

After the stone of commandment collided with the ring of commandment, the stone of commandment immediately melted into the big gem in the center of the ring of commandment. Following the sudden disintegration of the ring of commandment, two and a half months automatically flew out Flying around me irregularly, but the eight rods of commandment and the core in the center suddenly disappeared. But right after that thing disappeared, I immediately got the perceptual adjustment attribute. With this attribute, I can control my perceptual range and intensity at will.

The crow did hide his existence, but he did not really disappear, his body was still there. When he moves, it will also drive the airflow. When he walks, it will still cause ground vibration. These inherent attributes will not disappear, but these things will not be noticed by ordinary players. But now I can adjust the perception, then these will all It becomes a very obvious weak spot.

Immediately after resetting my perception, I saw a colored humanoid object made up of red and blue-green in front of me. In fact, this was a crow, but what I saw was infrared instead of visible light. Everyone has body temperature, and objects with temperature radiate infrared rays. In reality, I have infrared vision, but in the game, I only have night vision ability but no infrared vision. Now after I obtain infrared vision with the help of perceptual precepts, I immediately saw the crow’s body temperature rays. The body temperature dropped to the same temperature as the surrounding environment, otherwise I would be able to detect his presence accurately. Although I can't see the face under infrared sensation, at least I can see every movement of the crow, which is enough for combat.

"What did you do?" The crow found that I had been doing it for a long time and he didn't feel a little nervous. Since he can use the stone of commandment, he naturally knows how terrifying the power of the stone of commandment is, but now he obviously sees me using a stone of commandment but no effect appears, he naturally feels very uneasy.

"I didn't do anything to you. I just enhanced my perception. Now your invisibility is useless to me." I said turning eternity into a long sword, pointing finger towards the crow. When the crow saw my sword pointed at him, it flicked from side to side twice, only to find that the tip of my sword kept following him and stopped moving.

"Sure enough, the power of the stone of commandment can only be restrained by the stone of commandment." The crow said suddenly and disappeared in place again.

I was stunned as soon as the crow disappeared. It is said that the perception ability of the Stone of Commandment shouldn't be able to detect the crow, but I soon realized that I was trapped in a thinking trap! Raven simply did not activate any other invisibility abilities but used teleportation skills. No matter how strong my perception is, wouldn't it be the same as long as it is not within my perception range?

Almost as soon as I reacted, I felt a strong wind pressure coming from behind. It turned out that this guy had teleported behind me. Without hesitation, I squatted like lightning, followed by a leg sweep. Crow didn't expect me to react so fast, and I was swept to the ground instantly. After sweeping my legs, I followed my hands on the ground and turned over. When my feet crossed the apex, my hands left the ground with the help of inertia for a moment and grabbed the crow's body. The crow was lifted from the ground by inertia before I knew what had happened. When I fell on my feet again, he was lifted above my head by me, and then I let him go in the air. Before he could fully control his body, he grabbed his ankle smoothly.

This series of actions completely confused the crow. Strictly speaking, the crow used to play games according to regular game routines. He simply has not experienced the battle between true experts. Experts who have been famous for a long time like me and Gunslinger actually don’t completely rely on attributes when fighting. We spend most of our time fighting with combat skills. Actions like mine are actually standard real battle skills. Now, as long as the power and reaction speed are enough, you can use it in reality. But the crow basically relies on attribute points to fight. To say that he doesn't know the skills at all, of course it is impossible, but the level is still far behind me.

In just a little more than a second, the crow went from a sneak attack from behind to being lifted above my head and caught both feet. I didn’t give him any chance to resist, just now The inertia that turned over grabbed his foot and slammed it down on the ground. The crow couldn't keep his balance even after being caught, so I was pinched to the ground flatly, and the huge impact smashed the huge bricks on the top of the city wall to pieces one after another. With a bang of the crow, the whole person was plunged into the bricks. If it weren't for his heavy armor, he didn't seem to be of a low level, this one would be enough to kill him.

In fact, this is not all my combos at all. As soon as the crow was thrown to the ground, the internal organs of the shock were surging, and before this was relieved, he suddenly felt a huge force from his feet lift him from the ground again, and flew up with his body involuntarily.

I grabbed the crow's foot and lifted him from the ground like a sledgehammer, then turned around and smashed it down again. Before the crow landed on its back, this time it turned into an instinctive hand-protecting face facing down, but it still failed to block the huge inertia. With another thud, the crow was slammed into the bricks by me again.


The crow supported it and wanted to get up, but suddenly a sweet spurt in his mouth almost fell back into the pit on the ground, but suddenly behind The sound forced him to grit his teeth again and climb up. Because he heard my voice.

"Eternity—thunder shines."

As soon as the crow crawled out of the big hole he smashed, he heard a chirp and a sword plunged into the hole he just lay on. However, before he had time to rejoice, he saw a white thunder as thick as a water tank suddenly fell from the sky. Boom...crack...crack... The high-voltage current instantly produced a white halo and spread out rapidly in all directions, but it is strange that the halo suddenly disappeared after spreading to a radius of ten meters, but this distance has nothing to do with the crow, because he is not far from the point of the sword blade. To one meter.

Almost as soon as the halo touched the crow's body, the crow jumped up. It was not that he regained his strength, but the twitch caused by the intense muscle spasm that made him jump up. The numbness and tingling caused by the strong electric shock caused the crow's tears, nose, and saliva to squirt out. As for whether or not to urinate his pants, only he himself knows. However, this guy is also very bachelor. Even with muscle cramps, he can still hug me with the inability to move in my skills. When the skills are over, this guy immediately hugged me and threw me backwards. However, There is a connection mechanism between the helmet and breastplate of my dragon suit. Although I was confused, it didn't hurt my neck, so the damage was not big.

The crow was probably confused by electricity before. I didn’t seem to be afraid of this trick until I remembered it after falling, but he was also ruthless enough. This trick was just finished and I hugged it before I recovered from the vertigo. So I rushed to the city wall and jumped down. True red, they chased me to save me, but they couldn't see the crow, they only saw me floating in the air to the edge of the city wall and then falling down again.

Although the city wall of Iron Cross City is not as exaggerated as Isengard, it has two or three 10th layers high. If you lie down at this height, it is not a joke. I found that I had recovered from the vertigo when I fell out of the city wall. I quickly turned around and hooked the city wall. The blade claws instantly popped out and inserted into the city bricks, but the speed of falling too fast, the blade claws slid on the city wall. Fire star simply cannot stop the falling trend.

The current situation was dangerous enough, but the crow, this bastard, was not stimulating enough. He climbed up along my legs and hugged my waist and legs on the city wall. The immense power sent us away from the city wall in an instant. There was no place to take advantage of it. My wings were hugged and couldn’t be opened. As a result, I could only sit and fall to the ground with the crows. But at this height, I’m not too worried. Besides, without wings, I wouldn't really fall directly to the ground.

Just when we were more than ten meters away from the ground, the ground suddenly cracked with countless large holes, dozens of rattans flew out of the ground and caught me instantly, but it’s a pity that the crow this bastard hugged me too tightly. , Rose Vine caught me at the same time he was caught!

"fuck off!" With the help of rose vine, I twisted and used the blade on the elbow joint to scratch the crow's shoulder. The crow took the opportunity to roll him with a pine rose vine. Get up and throw it away. "Damn it, why do you bastard fight like a mad dog?" I scolded as I watched the crow that landed smoothly after being thrown out.

"As long as I can kill you, I don't mind being a mad dog."

After speaking, the crow suddenly threw something out of a row. The rattan swung by the rose vine suddenly closed in front of me, and I only heard the three sounds of Indole. The tentacles of the rose vine had three more throwing knives, and the blade went straight into the handle. It can be seen that the power is very great, but the rose vine almost ignores this kind of damage. . Although Rose Vine is not the main battle favorite, defensive is surprisingly good. In fact, the defensive power of the rose vine is not high. The reason why the defensive is good is that the rose vine has a weakening effect on physical damage. Only the damage that hits the main body of the rose vine will be calculated as normal damage, the damage that hits the vine is only calculated as one-tenth of the damage value, plus the super fast blood recovery speed of the rose vine, generally unless it is directly hit by a large-scale flame magic. It is difficult to destroy rose vines.

"hmph, the name of President Purple Moon's favorite is not in vain." After the crow finished speaking, he even gently patted slaps. I thought he was applauding for me, but found him A black hole suddenly appeared behind him, and a familiar and unfamiliar creature was slowly crawling out of the black hole.

"Xiaoqiang?" I was completely fooled by the creature in front of me. didn't expect the crow's favorite was a cockroach. I remember that there is a member of our guild named Passerby, and his demon is a giant cockroach. Compared with creatures of the same level, the defensive power of this big cockroach is average, and its attack power is low, but it has two specialties-self-healing and resistance. The damage recovery ability of this big cockroach is absolutely terrifying, no matter what kind of injury, as long as it is not dead at the time, it can be fully recovered within a few minutes. There is also this kind of scary cockroach with high resistance. It can be said that the magic defense is not much lower than the giant dragon, and simply is the mage nemesis.

I didn't care much when I saw Xiaoqiang appear. After all, I have seen this stuff before. Although attributes are rather annoying, but also not too difficult to deal with, let alone this big guy can't be invisible yet. The Crow’s Commandment Stone is directly used by special methods, and its effect is very poor. It can’t show its full strength. Even an invisibility can only cover itself. If it is transferred to Avatar, it will become anti-invisibility and detectable. The kind of low-level invisibility, as for these familiars, it seems that they have no effect at all. However, there has always been an unofficially confirmed statement among Zero that the familiars are generally like their masters. Although I don't know if they are right, I feel that my familiars seem to be approaching me after following me. Today it seems that there is some truth to this statement, because the cockroach in front of me also did something that surprised me. Its suddenness is no different from that of the crow's sneak attack, Ashford. I saw that giant cockroach came suddenly and turned around and turned to face me with his butt, and then listened to the loud pu' sound before I realized what was going on, but it didn’t even fart at me. , But it's more disgusting than farting. I saw a hole opened in its ass, and with that pu' sound, the sky burst out...Xiao Xiaoqiang.

"Damn! Quick flash!" Rose vines suddenly stretched out countless vines to wrap me up and pulled me into the ground. Almost the moment we dived into the ground, the ground was completely covered by small cockroaches. When it comes up, the amount of terrifying can definitely make people sick to death.

It is said that human fears can be roughly divided into two types. First is true fear, which is human's anticipation of danger. The second is the imaginary fear, or it can be said to be the imaginary fear. The first fear comes mainly from instinct, as long as it is human, but the second comes from the acquired learning and knowledge accumulation of human beings. This fear will have different manifestations according to personal understanding and knowledge. For example, the fear of cockroaches belongs to the second fear. Everyone knows that cockroaches do not bite people, but many people are afraid of cockroaches. This fear is not so much dangerous to predict it as a subconscious rejection of dirty things. . I also belonged to this situation just now. The little cockroaches in the game should of course bite people, but I think there should be no problem with my defense, but I just can't stand it. Think about so many little cockroaches crawling all over the whole body is uncomfortable!

"haha, I didn't expect Purple Moon to be only this." The crow laughed arrogantly and laughed at me.

Boom, the ground behind the crow suddenly burst into a big hole, and a silver-gray giant egg was bounced into midair, and following the eggshell peng sound, it unfolded and turned into a pair of wings. I just stopped in midair and looked at the crow angrily. "You like eating shit doesn't mean that I have to follow you too. You are a low-level creature who treats disgusting as an elegant! Do you like playing cockroaches so much? Well, I will do something to kill the four evils today. Xiaofeng, help me I burned these disgusting things."

With a clear phoenix cry, a small flame suddenly appeared in front of me and started high-speed rotation. The flame began to grow rapidly as it revolved, and soon became a large Fireball with a diameter of more than 30 meters. Following the sudden boom of the Fireball, it exploded from it, and accompanied by the Heavenly Fire Yu Xiaofeng bursting out of flames. The flaming Xiaofeng quickly condensed into a human form in front of me, and snapped his fingers. "Flame." A small fireball appeared between Xiaofeng's fingers, and then flew out with a flick of her.

As soon as Xiaofeng shouted these two words, the crow disdainfully said: "hmph, does a little Fireball think it can burn my cockroaches?"

Xiaofeng ignored Instead, he continued to read: "Liaoyuan."

The little Fireball suddenly accelerated and hit the ground, followed by a bang as if it exploded. The Fireball suddenly expanded to all directions and quickly moved nearby. Nearly one thousand meters of the ground was completely covered by the flames. The crow himself was taken aback by the flames, but he quickly summoned something that looked like a mosquito and rode it off the ground. The little cockroaches also They spread their wings and flew up, and the flames that were close to the ground immediately lost their target. Although the area was large, it did not play much practical role.

The crow just planned to humiliate us again, didn't expect Xiaofeng said two more words: "Burning the sky."

pu... The flames on the ground suddenly exploded The blazing flames swelled into ten zhang high, a large group of small cockroaches instantly turned to ashes in the fire, and even the big cockroach was burnt with the zhi zhi scream that eventually exploded into sky-green slime, but the slime has not yet fallen. When it reaches the ground, it is completely evaporated and clean.

"Little reptiles dare to show off one's military strength in front of my hell, Fire Phoenix, and cremation for you is to give you face." Xiaofeng is not willing to be wronged either. Ignore Crow before. Speaking of strength, this will of course not let go of such a good opportunity.

To tell the tr

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