After a tense and quiet night, we finally ushered in the morning when the war was about to break out. Last night, all of our personnel were in their positions and took a rest off the assembly line for a while. Now we are waiting for the enemy to move first. According to the content shown by the Empress’ soil monument, the British and French coalition forces should be the first enemy to become active, while the Asian side depends on the performance of our guilds. As long as we don’t move, theoretically speaking, the Japanese and those who oppose us in South Korea. Will all be immobile.

Since I picked up Emenez last night, I have been staying in Iron Cross City where I haven’t moved. Anyway, according to the military god’s intention, I just want to show my existence here, so I’m not only in The market in Iron Cross City ran around and had some small friction with a few people from the hostile guild, I don't believe it, they wouldn't notice me.

I finally took a break in Europe at dawn. The offensive of the British and French forces should start at noon in European time, which is the evening time in Asia. After a break for more than an hour, I went online again. At this time, there was no movement from the enemy here, but the intelligence team of the Iron Crusade had discovered the Anglo-French coalition team, but the distance was still far away. After a brief discussion with Ashford, I ran to the market again, and it happened that I met the guild members who attacked last night, although these people were not the ones who were in conflict with me. A few, but after all, they belonged to a guild, so they could just borrow the questions.

"Hey, you guys." The guys from the Aratha Alliance across the board pointed to themselves nervously. I am nodded. "It's just you guys, don't point it!"

"May I ask what's going on?"

"It's okay, but do you know where the one-eyed is?"


The eyes of those guys changed when they heard the name of One-Eyed. Obviously they already knew what happened last night. "Why are you looking for him?" those people still pretended to be unaware.

"What are you doing? Of course you squashed him." I scolded with a bad tone: "If you don't tell me, don't blame me for fighting with you." It is a pity that the other party also knows that it is not the time to be angry.

"This...that one-eyed has gone offline! We also know about your conflicts last night, but it was a little misunderstanding. I don't think there is any need to kill to the last one, right?"

"Small contradiction? Hit me and call it a small contradiction?" I continued to play rascals.

"What's the matter with a bump?" Those people obviously didn't expect me to design and frame them.

"Isn't it a big deal to hit it? Then let me try it?" I continued to lure these people into the trap step by step.

The other party didn't think much about it at all, and just said: "Then how about you hit us and balance it out?"

"Okay." Hehe, finally put it on. "You stand up, don't blame me for anything you bump into."

As soon as I uttered this sentence, the other party thought of the problem. The meaning of the word "bump" is actually very vague. Walking on the road and rubbing against others is considered a collision, and being hit by a locomotive is also considered a collision. The difference is huge! Although I am not a locomotive, I am a more than 1,000 level player anyway, and my strength and attack power are extremely high. It is no joke to be hit by me with all my strength. It is no exaggeration to say that, let alone people, even the city wall gates of towns below the middle level can be knocked open at once. You can think about what happens when people are hit by me. However, it was too late for them to think of this juncture. I didn't give them any chance to repent. As soon as I heard their promise, I immediately distanced myself from them. While those three guys waved repeatedly, I calmly bent over and turned one shoulder forward and hung up the magic dragon shield. Of course, this is not enough, I yelled: "Strong collision."

I didn't care at all when the skill was activated, and my body jumped out by itself. The three people on the opposite side were hit by a golden light and flied out without even reacting. First, there was a bang, a person on the left flew into a shop on the side of the road, and finally killed after knocking over a few people. The guy on the right flew a little higher, leaped directly over the house on the right side of the street and flew into the backyard, causing a burst of object crushing noise. Of course, the most unlucky one is the one in the middle of the station, who directly withstood my head-on collision. The huge impact made him fly straight out like a cannonball. After seven or eight people were blown down in a row, he broke the sculpture at the intersection with a bang and was buried in a fountain with a pile of rubble.

"Who is making trouble here?" The city management team that had been ambushing for a long time suddenly rushed out. Of course, they had arranged it a long time ago.

After the urban management team appeared, the people on the nearby streets did not stand, but began to attack each other. With the excuse of being hit, these people began to beat the people around them. In fact, this is not a general urban riot, but a premeditated melee. These beatings are all hired by us. Most of them are extras from our guild's outer guilds or from some friendly guilds in China. Their task is to involve all the ambushing spies through the chaos. .

The urban management team knew what happened for a long time, and it was a quasi-skill to catch people. Soon the extras and real spies were arrested for fighting in the non-combat zone, although This is not all the enemy lurking personnel in the city, but it is not bad that at least some of them can be just and honorable to be cleaned up before the war.

As a super ally of the Iron Crusade, I naturally have diplomatic immunity, so even if I knew I was the culprit, those hostile guilds would not suspect that we had seen them because I was not caught. Offensive intention, this is the advantage of my identity.

While we happily sent those players to temporary prison, the command headquarters of the British and French coalition forces were also noisy. A handsome Elf Race player said angrily: "Don't you think this battle is very strange?"

"What's so strange?" the person next to him asked rhetorically.

"Have you studied Purple Moon?"

A goblin player with heavy makeup immediately said: "How could we not study Purple Moon's behavior? He is a battle. No. 1 on the strength list, who doesn’t keep your eyes on him?"

"But what you are staring at is not the key point." The elf player said excitedly, "Purple Moon has a typical oriental character. , Cautious and humble. He takes his dignity very seriously, but he is very humble in small things. Do you think he will get angry just because he is hit by someone? This is obviously not his style of behavior. And he came later. These urban management teams are also very weird. Our people were caught so clean, which is obviously not normal."

"Xiaocao, you think too much! Besides, even if it was deliberate by Purple Moon. What are you going to do?"

"Stop almost, our strategic intention seems to have been discovered, we must stop the plan immediately to find out how much the other party knows, if it really knows everything, then I It is recommended that we give up this plan immediately, otherwise it is not that we are attacking them, but that they are sent to the door and killed!"

"Impossible!" The person who rejected Xiaocao was a giant nearly three meters tall. "Our people are already in place. There is a saying in your favorite Chinese art of war that warriors and horses should go ahead before they move. Do you know how much money it costs for so many of us to move? If we leave without doing anything, then these The money is all gone!"

"But in case it is really as I expected, we will lose more!"

"Then pray that you guessed wrong Let's go!" Xiaocao was choked by this sentence and didn't know what to say. In the end, he had no choice but to sit aside and sulking.

Since Xiaocao's opinions were not taken seriously, the British and French coalition forces continued to move forward as planned. In fact, this does not mean that the people in the Anglo-French guild are all fools. Xiaocao’s opinions can be said to be conceivable by individuals, but the performance of the Anglo-French guild presidents has to be like this. It is not that they did not expect it, but they Can't think about it this way. This is like a gambler. When you have put most of your property on the gambling table, even if you know that you may go bankrupt if you don’t withdraw, you will still continue to suppress it, because you know that if you don’t give up, there is a glimmer of Survival, if you give up, you will immediately become a loser.

War is not as simple as most people think. It fights money, power, popularity, trust, wisdom, everything... When analyzing wars, many people will always say what they would do if they were at that time. In fact, when you stand in that position, you will find that many things are clearly wrong and must continue to be wrong. Just like the current president of the Anglo-French guild. Not to mention that they are still not sure whether we know the content of the plan, even if they do, so what? Although they must lose in battle, they can still return in a swirl of dust. There is no good general who does not lose the battle. As long as he does not lose his entire life, there is still a chance to make money. But if they don't fight, they will lose more than a little profit. The gathering of so many people does not mean that they can retreat. If they now announce that the plan may reveal that they must retreat, then they don't have to expect to be the president again. The next battle will still happen, but they will be impossible to stand in this command post, and it is even impossible to be a soldier. Which one do you think people with a little brain would choose under such a choice?

The reason why those British and French guild presidents did not listen to Xiaocao’s suggestion was not that they were stupid than Xiaocao, but on the contrary, it was precisely because they were smarter than Xiaocao that they chose not to listen to Xiaocao’s advice. Suggest.

More than an hour later, the Anglo-French allied forces finally entered the field of vision of Iron Cross City. It may be because they knew that people could not be hidden at this time, so Ashford’s report was almost on the observation post on the city wall. At the same time the enemy was discovered, the opponent's war book was received. In fact, both sides were ready for combat at this time, but the British and French forces did not know it.

"Warning, the bank will receive a declaration of war from hostile forces, and now we will close the Iron Cross City. All players who do not want to participate in the war are asked to leave the city quickly." Almost at the same time when the notice sounded over the city Immediately Summon got out of Ye Ying and turned over and rode up. Pulling the reins, the Night Shadowman stood up and violently turned and rushed towards the City Lord's Mansion. Because my black cloak and Ye Ying’s four-hooves with fire image are too eye-catching, this way I naturally became the goal of everyone, of course, this is also deliberately made by me. Now my task is to attract everyone's attention. I must let the enemy know that I am in Iron Cross City, so that they can be sure that our guild is coming soon, not because we knew the news in advance and were prepared.

When I got to Ashford’s side, I didn’t discuss anything with him. Anyway, what should be said was arranged long ago. Now it is nothing more than to come here for a cutscene, the purpose is to be for those in the British and French guilds. Let them know that our guild already knows the situation here.

The basic development of the matter is similar to what we expected. The Anglo-French allied forces stopped ten miles outside the city of Iron Cross and began to expand horizontally with the large forces. The total number of players and NPCs in the Anglo-French Allied Forces is over 100 million, and a large swath of black and heavy stretches to an invisible distance, looking like endless.

"Good guys, how many people are there?" When we arrived at the city together, Ashford saw this scene, which scared the heads of the Iron Crusade on the spot. Shivering.

"Don't be nervous, that is, there are more people." I comforted Ashford, after all, he had never faced such a large-scale city offensive and defensive battle before.

Ashford’s very hard patted chest. "I'm not nervous, but the legs are a bit soft. Are you really not going to help us?"

"Don't worry, my dear, we can survive it!" Ashford pursued hard. The successful girlfriend also comforted Ashford, but she didn't think it was possible to realize it by looking at the expression.

In fact, they can’t be blamed for being afraid. The mission of the Chinese-British-French coalition forces was originally to attract and contain our guilds. There are not many people and it is impossible to achieve the goal of this campaign. So these forces not only count the Iron Crusade, but even our guild’s strength. Counted. The Anglo-French allied forces used battle strength that could fight us and the Iron Crusade against Iron Cross. Of course, Ashford didn't think he could defend it.

I patted Ashford. "Don't worry. Although our guild will not send troops, I have passed both Light God Palace and Dark God Palace. After the war, Dark God Palace will directly send troops to help deal with the British and French guilds, while Light God Palace will be in France. Try to find a way to drag some of the French or British guilds back in the territory. In short, you don’t need to take all of the enemies in front of you. Also, I will give you a reassurance. I have just been notified that I will be responsible for the defense of your Iron Cross in this battle. , When the time comes, if the city gate breaks, I will be nailed there. What are you worried about if I block the door?"

Axiu Fude said with a guilty conscience: "So much After all the people are dead, my city can be filled with corpses. How can you block it alone?"

"Aiya, what are you worried about before the battle? Even when the time Comes really can't stop me from using this." I said and took out an azure scale.

"What is this?"

"This is Azure Dragon scale, which was given to me by a very good boss in our country. He said that as long as I put my blood Drop it on this and you can temporarily borrow his power within 30 seconds."

"Isn't it? Thirty seconds to fart?"

"Fart? Other Azure Dragon One's fart can blow the Alps into the Atlantic Ocean. If you can really beat him, it's enough."

"Really so powerful?"

"Of course."< /p>

Ashford finally relaxed a little after hearing my confirmation, but he didn't know that I was actually comforting him. Azure Dragon scales are indeed given to me by Azure Dragon, and it does allow me to temporarily borrow the capabilities of Azure Dragon, but it is not 100%, but only half. Of course, half of strictly speaking is not bad. I thought that Vermilion Bird blasted my Isinger into two stages in minutes. Even if I only borrowed half of Azure Dragon's power, it would not be a problem to kill 1.8 million enemies in 30 seconds, right?

I went back to Isengard first after checking the outside situation with Ashford. After all, there are still a few hours of protection time in the city after the declaration of war. . "Zero" has a strange setting in this regard. If it is a declaration of war, you must wait for several hours to start a war. If you do not declare a war, it will be a sneak attack, but there is no time limit for the start of the battle. The purpose of the British and French forces was to attract our guilds to help defend the city. Naturally, it was impossible to engage in sneak attacks directly. If they knock down the city at once, what are they talking about to lure the enemy?

After returning to Isengard, I first found Rose. As soon as I saw the rose, I knew that it must have started on the Iron Crusade. After she saw me, she immediately asked: "Do you want to start now?"

I am nodded. "Start as planned. Must make sure that the spies see our arrangements."

In fact, there are spies in the Frost Rose League. This matter is also in the hearts of our guild leaders. It's not a secret. Of course, since you already know who the spies are, it is more useful to keep the spies than to eradicate them. For example, now is the best time to play their role.

Under the notice of the military god, the leaders of the guild quickly "rushed" back to Isengard from various places. On the way back, they deliberately passed the vicinity of the spies, and Intentionally let them know that they are coming back to discuss the emergency.

When Ying and Hong Yue rushed to the main information room of Military God, Rose and I were leisurely holding cups of tea there. After they entered the room, they also changed their complexion, and then began to hehe haha. All the arrangements are in place, and calling them back is for the spies to watch. We actually have nothing to discuss at all. Of course we can only chat and beat them together!

After calculating the time is almost up, Rose and I pretended to be energetic and bustling and ran out of the information room to the city square. At the same time, all the high level players and management-level NPCs in the guild got them. After the order to gather in the square, ordinary players and other regular NPC Legion began to gather at designated locations in the city.

When Rose and I arrived on the square, the station below was densely packed with players and NPCs. I first walked onto the rostrum and said to the players below: "Attention everyone, I am here to notify one thing. Just now, the Guild of the Iron Crusade’s Guild Metro Cross City received a war note from the British and French coalition forces. I happened to also At the scene. According to my observations, the number of enemies is very large, and the Iron Crusade alone will definitely not be able to defend. So...I plan to send troops to reinforce Iron Cross City."

After saying the above paragraph, there was no sound at all. I have always emphasized that the Frost Rose League should take the elite route, and now it looks really good. If the general guild encounters such a thing, there will definitely be noisy discussions below. Our guild is so quiet because most people understand the truth about lip and tooth cold, and also because everyone has a relatively high personal quality and knows that such large-scale meetings cannot speak privately.

After scanning the following players, I continued and said: "You guys didn’t raise any objections. I think you understand the key points, so I won’t explain more about this. Now yours The task is to go back to gather the people under our team. We will go to Germany to participate in the war in Transmission Formation. I will give you one hour. Can it be done?"

"Yes." I screamed neatly. There was a roar in the ears, it seems that this quality is too good and sometimes it is troublesome!

These players in leadership positions belong to the second-line command force of the guild. They are many people, and they are in charge of some people. The advantage of this is that they can quickly mobilize everyone. Of course, these people are not impossible to go to Germany, but there is actually one person who really wants to go. The censorship of our guild is too strict, so it is very difficult for spies to get in. The most high-level spy so far has only come to this second-line command Level 1, and only one person.

After these commanders went back, they gathered the people they were in charge of, and the speed of the NPC was even faster. Soon a large force was assembled. Under the command of Rose and I, the large force began to move forward to the transnational Transmission Formation. The spies who were in the team were looking for opportunities to report the letter while watching a team of players and NPCs disappear in the Transmission Formation. Of course, I had to give them this. Opportunity, so we deliberately replaced the Transmission Formation energy spar to make the team stop midway. The spies immediately took the opportunity to urinate, and used the opportunity of claiming that the offline toilets switched to their own trumpets and sent out the news that our guild troops had begun to reinforce Germany through the trumpets, and then these people quickly When he came back, he changed into a large size and continued to follow the troops.

In fact, despite the fact that Transmission Formation has been flashing, these advanced troops were simply not sent to the German side, they were sent directly to the steel city. Although transnational Transmission Formation cannot be used for domestic transmission, we did not activate transnational Transmission Formation at all. Instead, we used a group of domestic Transmission Formation personnel temporarily installed in transnational Transmission Formation. As for the glittering lights of gems, they are magical effects. Disguised, it seems that the transnational Transmission Formation keeps sending people away. In fact, it is simply not the case.

Because of many people, even if the transnational Transmission Formation is fully operational, it takes a lot of time. It was not until more than an hour later that the team where the spies was actually opened the Transmission Formation. Of course, their team really started. Transnational Transmission Formation, and I deliberately stood on Transmission Formation with them.

After the rays of light flashed past, I appeared in Tianyu City with this team of players, and the outside of the Transmission Formation was densely packed with troops coming for reinforcements. Of course, the real troops have been sent to Steel City long ago. The phantoms here are all illusions made by Eminis. Only the squad where the spy is located is a daoist. However, the marching team is impossible talking nonsense, even spies like phantoms can't see it. As for the players who are in a squad with them, they are all arranged in advance. Since we knew that those people are spies, we have been deliberately adjusting the people around the spies. The end result is that the players around these spies are all special players we have arranged. These players all know who the spies are, and their task now is to help us confuse these spies.

In this strange situation, our "big force" grandiose was teleported to Iron Cross City, and Ashford also made arrangements in advance. Those of us who received the reinforcements were confidants that Ashford had notified in advance, and the teams that might be mixed with spies were sent to the city wall, so no one here might find that the reinforcements are fake. .

After transporting the large forces, I once again said to the following players: "I have already told Ashford, the battle will be carried out independently by the Iron Crusader, and our mission is only here. As a reserve team, as long as the enemy doesn't reach the council hall, we don't need to dispatch." In fact, this passage is meant for those spies. The crowd in front of this large black-and-white crowd is an illusion, and the real players are all people in the know, nothing more than playing with those spies. Of course, these spies will definitely not be able to keep them after this campaign. Once they find out that the troops around them are fake, then they should know that they are exposed even if they are stupid, so my use of them will only stop here. But it's not bad to be able to yin Japanese at a critical moment. Besides, the Japanese will not just give up the act of sending spies to our guild. As long as we deliberately release the water and get two spies to come in, then is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain?

After setting up the battallion players, I ran to Steel City and re-explained the current situation to the regular members of the guild, but I still didn’t tell them that there were spies in the guild. I was just explaining to them why they were sent to Gangcheng. Since the quality of the members of the guild is very high, everyone understands my decision. There are no people who deliberately troubleshoot. As for the NPC, they are basically the regular army. In addition to obedience, they know obedience. When fighting There will be no random comments.

After finishing the business here, I ran all the cities in the guild again, checked the defense status of each city in turn, and finally went back to Tieshicheng City and took Lu Wei with his parents. Bring on the city wall. Ashford was more confused about the family I brought, but I couldn’t explain to him that I had accepted a stone of commandment and agreed to take them to experience the battlefield feelings. In the end, I could only say yes to him. My friend is up.

Lu Wei was immediately dumbfounded when he reached the city wall. His mouth was open enough to fit an egg, and his eyes were staring like two copper bells. Lu Wei's parents are worse than him. Lu Wei his mother sat on the ground almost as soon as he climbed the city wall, while Lu Wei's father shuddered back and almost rolled off the city wall.

In the real world, most people facing the enemy's army will feel a powerful oppression, but after all, it is only a psychological effect, but it is different here. Once the Legion in the game is assembled, there will be an attribute called murderous aura value. This thing will be brought into various attribute calculations with special calculation formulas. The most prominent one is that the enemy personnel will obviously feel that they are being affected. It adds several times the gravity-like stagnation, and this feeling is usually accompanied by a cold feeling, which is basically the same as the negative effect brought by the fear in reality.

At present, the British and French coalition forces outside the city have hundreds of millions of troops in genuine. No matter how many of them are cannon fodder trash fish, this number alone is definitely dozens of times more than ours. The so-called "reinforcements" I brought are all bombs (bombs in the local idiom means fake and inferior, I don’t know if there are similar usages in other places). They have no actual combat capability at all, so they will not be calculated into battle strength. . After the two military forces are compared, the system automatically calculates the battle strength difference and it will be converted into the pressure and murderous aura value of the British and French allied forces. Due to the huge disparity between the forces of the two sides, the pressure value on our side is surprisingly high. Naturally, non-combatants like the Lu Wei family are naturally unable to resist this kind of murderous aura that is similar in nature. In my opinion, the weakness of the legs is already a good performance. I originally thought they would pee their pants!

I have been adapting to the city wall for more than ten minutes. The three talents improved slightly. Lu Wei’s father walked to me and asked me in awe: "These are all your enemies outside?"


I am nodded. "That's right!"

"Then that...then can you keep it? I think there are millions of troops under here, right?"

"100 million Many, but most of them are cannon fodder of one or two hundred levels. They are used to scare people. People like me can knock down three-four hundred with one move."

"More than 100 million ?? One stroke of three-four hundred must be used for hundreds of thousands of strokes, right?"

"Don't worry! I don't need to kill one by one." I pointed to the heavy artillery lined up on the city wall. . "We have cannons. The enemy will be killed at least one tenth before rushing to the city wall."

"But that's over ten million?"

"Aiya, I Why are you in no hurry?” I patted Luwei father’s arm and said: “Uncle, please feel at ease! They can’t fight in. Besides, you are non-combat players, and you are not afraid of losing ranks, but you are dead. It’s just a pain when it’s the worst, right?"

Lu Wei interrupted his dad and asked, "What shall we do when the city is attacked?"

< p>"You?" I looked around and said: "The city wall should be safer during Early-Stage, but there will definitely be enemies attacking the city wall later, when the time comes, I will take you to the city gate. But once the city gate is breached, I can't keep you guys out."

Lu Wei nodded. "It doesn't matter, I'm very satisfied to experience this feeling now! To tell you the truth, I am a movie screenwriter and I am here to find inspiration!"

"You really know where to choose." I laughed casually, and then said to Ashford next to him: "How long do you estimate that you can block it?"

Ashford said with some embarrassment: "It depends on how the opponent hit! If they don’t account for the loss, I guess I can’t stand it in two or three hours at most. Of course, this is calculated on the premise that the helpers you hired did not send troops."

I pondered for a while, and then said: "I guess the Anglo-French allied forces at first will not attack the city. After all, they are attracting troops and they don’t really want to take it down. When things are revealed, the pace of the attack will speed up. If the helpers I invite start to attack the rear of the British and French forces, the British and French forces may retreat immediately, but if when the time comes your city has signs of impending collapse, they may also stake all on one throw, hit this place first and then come back. In short, it depends on the follow-up development."

As soon as he heard this, Ashford said anxiously: "Hey, this is my guild headquarters. I lost it. If you do, my loss will be great! I'm helping you in acting, can't you make me lose money?"

"Don't worry! I won't let the enemy do what I want, even if it is captured. Now, can I pay you for the loss?"

"Okay, I am relieved with your words."

Axiu Fude, don't worry, I don't worry! I said this to appease Ashford, and to be honest, I'm really not sure whether I can hold on to this side. I don’t know how many cannon fodder of the more than 100 million enemies below are and how many are regular troops. Even if the ratio reaches one to one, it will definitely not be able to hold it. However, compared to the benefits after the plan is completed, even when the time comes is really important. We don't lose if we lose a city to Ashford.

In everyone's nervous mood, the protection time is finally over. Almost immediately when the protection time is over, the British and French allied artillery kicked off the prelude to the war.

"Fall down!" I pressed Lu Wei to the ground, and a cannonball with a whistling sound followed closely, only to hear a bang on one of our side cannons. The cannon was lifted off the city wall along with the base, and nearby players and NPCs suffered heavy casualties, with blood and broken limbs everywhere. As soon as the explosion of this shell was over, it began to be continuously shot in succession. The enemy's first round shelling lasted for a full one minute before it began to gradually diminish. Lu Wei's mother fainted almost as soon as the first shell landed. I had no choice but to let someone carry her away first. Even if she wakes up immediately, she will faint again. Lu Wei's father is a little better, but still looks pale. After all, few people in peaceful times have experienced shelling on such a scale.

I quickly got up from the ground and kicked the Iron Crusader player who was still squatting next to the density of the shelling. "What are you doing in a daze? Fire back! Are you cannons on display?"

"Ah? What? Oh yes, fire!" That player was beaten up just now, and now I am It reminded me that I quickly kicked and beat a few people next to him and pulled them into th

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