A man who appeared to be about twenty three-four years old and very handsome came in. A gorgeous armor shows that this guy's equipment level is not below me. The equipment attribute of "Zero" has always been linked to the appearance, the more gorgeous and arrogant the higher the level of equipment. It looks like the magic dragon suit on my body, with some gorgeous gems dotted with gold threads on a black background, which absolutely overwhelms everyone's equipment from the perspective of selling elephants. Since the man's equipment in front of him is shaken like this move, his level is destined to not be too low, because anyway, such a set of things can't be worn by an ordinary person. Not to mention that it is impossible to get such equipment at a very low level. Even if a lazy person gets such equipment and still does not pay attention to upgrading, then he will definitely be robbed of equipment by others. Therefore, as long as the gorgeous super equipment appears, then under this set of equipment must be an outstanding elite figure.

"Holy fire?" everyone in the tent shouted.

"Aren't you unwilling to help us?" A French player who reacted first asked, and other people also cast inquiring glances at his question.

Actually, characters like Shenghuo are basically celebrities in France, but it is strange that this guy doesn't seem to like fighting very much. According to his own words, fighting is the act of barbarians, he is a gentleman who loves peace. However, dislike of fighting does not mean that he will not fight. At least the bottom five position of this guy in the total battle strength ranking given by the system is definitely not a fake. In the most recent battle strength ranking, I was ranked first in total battle strength, second in spear god, third and fourth, neither of whom I know, and fifth is this guy. I have never seen it before, just heard of it. It is said that the biggest hobby of the torch is to pick up girls, and this kid does have the capital in this regard. According to reliable sources, this guy's lover can form a strengthened company. This kind of affection for Saint Level and other characters I sigh.

The sacred flame leaned against the pillars in the tent in the eyes of these people's inquiries, and then did not know where to find the roots, and the rose played with it in his hands. "I didn't want to participate in your affairs, but there is no way. My little Saint Francis insists that I have a fight with Purple Moon for her. As a gentleman, how can I refuse the request of a beautiful girl?"

The command staff in the tent shivered in disgust after hearing this, but still did not dare to be too much. Even if Shenghuo is narcissistic, after all, he is still the fifth in battle strength list. Being able to stand in this position means that ordinary people cannot pose the slightest threat to him. Let me put it this way! Like the situation where I entered and exited randomly in the chaos before, the top 20 people in the battle strength list can do it, and the top ten people can do it easily. As for the top five... I want to go. !

A British president finally reacted wisely. "In that case, if Purple Moon reappears, I will trouble you." When this guy spoke, everyone else responded. "That's right! Anyway, the guy is going to fight Purple Moon, we don't have to lose anything, just let them fight!" This kind of thought is formed in the hearts of these guild leaders, but no one will say it stupidly, but everyone They all followed suit.

The Holy Fire itself came to challenge me. He didn't know the thoughts of the presidents, but he didn't care, anyway, it had nothing to do with him.

On the city wall at this time, I am watching the battle below with Ashford. The enemy's waves are like tides, and there is no stopping at all. The arrows are above the city. Like locusts, but still unable to suppress the momentum of the enemy's charge. On the ladder near the city wall, the players who rushed up crazily and NPC fought together. Although the Iron Crusade still has the absolute upper hand, looking at the enemy army behind, Ashford can’t wait to let me take the whole The Frost Rose League is called to join the war.

"This is no way to go on like this!" Ashford looked at the boundless enemy outside the city and said to me.

"Don't worry, they can't hold on for too long."

"But I can't hold on for him for long!"

"I'm not helping you Have you disrupted the enemy’s command? Don’t look at their rushing energetically, it’s actually an unorganized rush, the real threat is not big."

Ashford said with a sad face." I know that my loss is not great, but my iron cross city is not Isinger after all. My city wall is only 64 meters high. Sooner or later I can use the corpse to flatten the city wall for me, when the time comes, what do you think I can block?"

"The corpse problem is actually very easy to solve. Don't worry, I promise that the enemy will not be able to flatten the city wall with the corpse."

< p>"Really?" Ashford looked at my eyes perfectly clear, saying that I don't believe you.

Regardless of Ashford’s Believing or Not, there is nothing I can do before people arrive anyway. Battle strength is formed by the cooperation of multiple arms. The battle strength of a single arms and the strength of multiple arms are completely disproportionate. The effect of arms restraint is obvious at any time. The corpses in front of me seemed impossible to deal with, but as long as the people who promised me in Dark God Palace arrived, the people who should have headaches on these corpses should be from the British and French forces.

Ashford was complaining over there, and suddenly I saw a small group of black spots in the sky in the distance. I activated the star pupil and pulled my eyes closer, and immediately found that it was a dozen huge wyvern. It is flying at high speed. Since the enemy was outside the city and was obviously much closer to the wyvern than us, they also found the target before us. Thousands of white dots flew up from the positions of the British and French coalition forces toward the wyvern.

Wyvern has dragons in its name, but it is not a giant dragon. The dragons in the world of "Zero" are divided into four categories. The strongest is the Chinese Divine Dragon series, which is a super-strong species. The second category is giant dragons. Although they have not yet reached the Heaven Defying Level, there are not 30 or 50 ordinary high level players who would never want to get adult giant dragons. The third category is lesser dragon. This sequence includes a variety of dragon-like creatures, and even some of them are not like dragons at all. The wyvern in front of me belongs to this sequence. The fourth worst category is the special devil beast with Dragon Clan attribute. These strictly speaking creatures have nothing to do with dragons, but with the word dragon in their names.

Wyvern belongs to the lesser dragon series, and looks very similar to the giant dragon in appearance, but the difference is also obvious. The most important difference is that wyvern has only four limbs, except for the wings, only two hind legs, when landing, it has to use the forelimbs to assist walking like Winged Dragon, and the ability to move on the ground is very average. A real giant dragon has six limbs, in addition to wings and four legs, even without wings, it still has the ability to run and jump without losing any devil beast.

These wyverns in front of them are obviously no match for the giant dragons who flew up to meet them. First, the level is too bad, and secondly, the number is not large. This kind of battle is impossible to fight. Seeing this, I quickly notified Ashford and jumped on Asuka and rushed over. Those wyvern who were sitting on it were the reinforcements I had finally knocked on from Titans, if I hadn’t even entered the city, I would give it. If it's gone, it will be very lively!

The speed of the birds made me rush to Wyvern before the giant dragons. Standing on the back of wyvern in front of him was an undying creature whose body was covered by a black cloak. The reason why I know he is not human is because the Death Aura on this guy is strong enough to be seen with naked eye, and the black-green air mass surrounds his body like a protective cover.

The guy who saw me here spoke first, but his voice had a distinct vibrato, and it felt like an electronic sound, no trace of vitality. "Hello, honorable President Purple Moon. We are officially transferred to your guild by the order of the Lord of Darkness. This is our soul stone. Please keep it properly." The guy said, stretched out his hand and gave out a very beautiful one. The box was held by a black air and flew slowly towards me.

I quickly reached out and took the box and stuffed it into the Fenglong space. The soul stone is the imprint of the life of undying creatures. It is equivalent to the brain or heart of the creature. It does not matter how many times the body is broken up for undying creatures, but the soul stone must not be destroyed, otherwise it is really dead. Can't die anymore. Now the environment on the battlefield is very complicated. It is very unwise to open the box to check the Soul Stone, so I just put away the box.

"You go to the city first, and I will deal with it here."

"It is Sir President." From the moment I get the Soul Stone, I am their master. , Even if Titans comes to give orders, they won't listen again. This is the power of the rules, and Titans can't change it.

It is not a simple matter to cover the thirteen wyverns and the undying creatures on their backs. There are thousands of enemies. No matter how powerful I am, I will definitely be too busy. It is reflected.

First let out Asuka and let him do it alone, and then I summoned Yekage and rode up, and then released all the familiars that I brought with me and were able to fight in the air. "Victoria, let me see your abilities."

The newly-acquired favorite Victoria used to be the Goddess of fate before being captured, and her attributes are very peculiar. In short, the attributes are completely engaged. I don't know exactly how she fought, so in desperation I had to do a real battle test.

Because she is directly transformed into a familiar in a captive state, Victoria directly appears in a full body form, and I don't need to take her up to Level 1. Victoria didn't fall down after being summoned by me, but hovered in midair, which at least shows that she can fly. Although the loyalty is still relatively low, after all, the main task of the familiar is to fight, so the acceptance of the battle order is still relatively high.

After receiving my order, Victoria first glanced at the enemy in front of him, and then suddenly reached out and drew a big circle in front of us, and a golden roulette gradually appeared in front of us. In the center of this golden roulette is a round area the size of a washbasin. Its smooth surface can be used as a mirror, while the outer area is divided into eight sectors evenly.

"What's this?" I was confused by Victoria. The original plate was carved with exquisite patterns, and the edges were wide and complicated. It didn't seem to stick to the weapon.

Victoria ignored my question but slowly raised her left hand and stretched it forward in a virtual grip position, followed by a group of golden light suddenly appeared in her palm, and the golden light quickly divided into two. This began to extend from the top and bottom of her palm, and as the golden light spread, a golden bow gradually appeared in Victoria's hand. When the entire bow arm appeared completely, the two groups of golden light rushed toward each other quickly and finally collided, but they did not explode but formed a bowstring composed of golden rays of light, and the bowstring was still there. The center merged into a golden light group. At this time, Victoria gracefully raised her right hand on the bowstring to pinch the light ball, and then slowly pulled the bowstring composed of golden light completely apart.

As Victoria set up her pose, some magic texts burning with black flame suddenly appeared in the eight sectors of the golden roulette in front. After Xiaochun's translation, I learned that the words written on it are: birth, death, health, disease, joy, sorrow, anger, and fear. According to these words, Goddess's ability of destiny is likely to determine a person's luck over a period of time.

Just after these magic texts appeared, Victoria suddenly released the right hand. The golden light was shot out immediately and hit the area in the center of the golden plate, but the light group didn’t deal with the golden plate. It’s like this, but it passes through it and shoots out from behind the golden plate, and the speed is countless times faster than before hitting the golden plate. In the eyes of ordinary people, it seems that the golden plate was shot by the light ball and launched a golden plate. The laser is average, only a few people with good eyesight can tell that it is still a golden light, but the speed is amazing.

A giant Dragon Knight on the opposite side was suddenly shot by the light ball, followed by peng sound and exploded into a ball of blood mist in the air. "Second kill?" Everyone was dumbfounded! Although I can also kill Dragon Knight in seconds, it is a critical attack. Skeleton doesn't exist anymore? Is this too terrifying too?

I was surprised by the formidable power of the arrow just now. Xiaochun suddenly patted me and then pointed to the golden plate. Only then did I find the magic text displayed in the mirror-like area in the center of the golden plate. It just happened to be "death".

Almost when I first saw those magic texts, Victoria suddenly did something that shocked me. She turned around and aimed at me suddenly, and the golden plate turned around, and at the same time, a shining golden light group appeared on her golden bow again.

"Hey, aren't you? The first time you go to war, you have to rebel? Low loyalty is not like this, right?"

Victoria did not answer my words but suddenly let go , I saw her throwing arrows until she wanted to flash, but it was a pity that the speed of the light group was close to the speed of light, and there was no possibility of dodge. I was directly hit by the light group, but the expected explosion of my body did not occur. On the contrary, I suddenly felt full of power throughout my body. I checked the attribute, and the total attribute actually increased by 20%.

When I was puzzled, Victoria finally started to explain. "The strongest of my combat capability is this trick. It can give one of the eight destinies on Wheel of Fate to the creature I shoot, but I can't decide which attribute will appear. You just hit the joy attribute. ."

Now I finally understand that the feelings of this girl are also throwing arrows indiscriminately! "Damn, random attribute, you dare to shoot at me, what if you win death?"

"Don't worry about this. Of the eight attributes, birth, health, joy, and anger are all beneficial attributes. , Death, disease, sorrow, and fear are all harmful attributes. I can choose two of the attributes that will never appear, and I can also choose whether I want to obtain a beneficial or harmful attribute for this shooting. I don’t want the probability of an attribute to appear to be reduced. I hope that the probability of the attribute will increase. Just now I excluded the two attributes of death and disease and hoped that there will be a favorable attribute. As a result, you are in the joy attribute."

"Almost scared to death by you! Yes! Now, what is the use of your eight attributes?"

"The birth attribute is invalid if you shoot a living creature. Shooting a corpse that has just been killed for less than ten minutes can resurrect the personnel. Death Attribute After hitting the target, as long as the opponent's comprehensive strength is not more than five times that of mine, he will directly obliterate and ignore all other attributes. Health attributes can restore a certain amount of health to the target and relieve all negative states such as poisoning, petrification, weakness, and hypnosis. Diseases. Attribute can disable all skills of the target and cause attack power and movement speed to be reduced by 20%. The joy attribute you have tried, the effect is that the full attribute increases by 20%. The sad attribute reduces the target's full attribute by 20%. The angry attribute reduces the target’s health. And defensive power is reduced by 50%, stamina consumption is doubled, and attack power and agility that are more than three times the normal value are obtained. The probability of failure to release various skills is doubled, but the formidable power after release is four times the normal value. The fear attribute makes the target attack , Dexterity drops to one-tenth of the normal value, and the defensive power is doubled at the same time. The defensive power remains unchanged, but the probability of blocking doubles. This skill will directly cause it to escape if it hits an NPC or a wild creature."

"Damn, you are not invincible by this calculation? As long as one of us is dead, you come to resurrection."

"Impossible. My Wheel of Fate can only be used on the same target once in a battle "

"That's also very strong!" Xiaochun said with emotion: "Although you can only use the same target once in a battle, you only have eight attributes in total, plus you excluded two of them. Item, that means there are still six options. Even if the enemy is calculated on average, there is still a one-sixth probability of being directly obliterated, not to mention that you can adjust the probabilities within a certain range. Moreover, even if you can’t get Death Attribute, the effects of the three negative attributes are exaggerated. No matter which one you win, it’s not a joke! "

"Do you have any other combat capability?" "I asked Victoria.

"I can do ordinary combat. If I remove the Wheel of Fate, I can use the bow and arrow to attack directly. If necessary, I can also draw on your lucky attributes in a small range. "

"Sure enough, it is a very good attribute, now you shoot all the enemies in front of you. "

"As you bid. "Victoria immediately started using the Wheel of Fate against the enemy after receiving my order. The result was exaggerated and scary. The birth of the four beneficial attributes is useless for the living, and the health attributes are useless for people who have not damaged blood. So Victoria removed the two attributes of joy and anger, leaving only four beneficial attributes and two beneficial attributes that are useless to normal people. I calculated it and averaged it after Victoria adjusted the occurrence probabilities of harmful and beneficial attributes. The probability of death is about one-fifth of the appearance rate, that is to say, the probability of the two remaining favorable attributes appearing together is equal to the appearance probability of a harmful attribute. The enemy on the opposite side is shot by Victoria in an average of five people. Blast one, this lethality is really scary, more terrifying is that this kind of attack is still irresistible, even if you use a shield to block the fortune-telling, and dodge is even more impossible. The light group shot by Victoria is here. It is indeed possible to escape without encountering the Wheel of Fate, but once the light group touches the Wheel of Fate, its speed will enter a sub-light speed state, and the human response nerves can't even react in time, let alone avoid it.

Under the cover of Victoria, I rode the night shadow to the giant dragon group. The other side is not a fool. A large group of giant dragons spread out. Some of them tried to block my way, while others turned around. Wyvern, which was circling on the two wings, flew over.

"Princess, Brigitte, Emenes, you block the enemies on the left, Xiaochun, Jingjing, Lingling, you are responsible for the right, Yeyue does not For the time being, I will stay in the Phoenix and Dragon Space for the time being, Asuka, you are responsible for the harassment, and Victoria will assault with me head-on. "

After getting the exact order, the familiars separated immediately. The giant Dragon Knights on the opposite side thought that we would definitely not be able to stop them. Who knew they would suffer a big loss as soon as they met.


The long and super cute Princess blocked a giant Dragon Knight alone. The other party was stunned when they saw such a beautiful beauty. After playing the game for so long, most players have been able to adapt to monsters. It has been greatly improved. At least it is rare to run around scared by monsters more than 100 levels lower than yourself, but beautiful women are still beautiful, no matter how long they look at men, they still can’t resist the temptation of beautiful women, especially in front of them. Beauty.

Princess stared at the other party for a moment, and immediately showed a killer smile, and at the same time asked in a sweet, greasy voice: "Big Brother, how about you help others?" "

After listening to Princess, the other party shuddered all over, and slapped himself hard before he came back to his senses. "Hmph, you idiot, even the player wants to seduce him." I am not one of those dumb NPCs. "

Princess looked at the proud Knight and smiled more brilliantly, but she was stunned by the fact that Knight was stunned. "Hehe, the guy riding on the back of Big Brother, why are you so narcissistic?" ? Am I asking you for help? Are you Big Brother? "Princess said the last sentence to the giant dragon, and Knight finally reacted. He is indeed a player, and the ability to fascinate him is really useless, but the giant dragon he rides is not a player!

Almost when Knight was thinking about this, the giant dragon under him suddenly turned over and lifted the Knight on his back, and then the giant dragon suddenly grabbed the fallen Knight. He said fiercely fiercely: "hmph, I've seen you not pleasing to your eyes a long time ago. If it weren't for the damn contract, how could our proud Dragon Clan let your humble small insect ride on your back? Today I will let you know the dignity of Dragon Clan. "The giant dragon said and bit at the Knight. Accompanied by a screaming skull cracking, the knight's screams stopped abruptly.

Princess saw this scene immediately. Jiao smiled and said to the giant dragon: "Big Brother, you are so brave, don't you know who is better than you? "

This giant dragon immediately screamed at the other giant dragons after hearing Princess’s words. Of course, Princess also had to accompany it, but it did not happen that the giant dragon singled out Dragon Knight. Instead, it evolved into two dragons bullying a Dragon Knight who was still in midair without the draconian, and then the two dragons teamed up to attack other knights, but the number of dragons kept increasing, and finally became the Princess alone. With dozens of dragons attacking other Dragon Knights everywhere, the scene can be described as extremely chaotic.

Emmenes’s battle method is similar to Princess. She does not directly participate in the battle at all, but makes two of the Dragon Knights. Regarding each other as me, the two Knights rode giant dragons and started killing each other in the air. As long as one of the Knights hangs up, Eminis will immediately make another Knight come up to the battle, anyway from beginning to end. It is Emenes watching the other party playing with her.

Bridges is much worse than the first two. Emenes and Princess are both auxiliary systems, although the direct battle strength is almost Zero, the actual combat effect is surprisingly good, but she is different. Thor Brikiss and Inverite are the same mechanical lifeform, although it seems to have obvious female characteristics, but she is still a mechanical body.

When a giant dragon rushed to Brigitte's side, I was a little stunned. Anyway, there are really few mechanical bodies in "Zero". The magic puppet may be the most common mechanical body that players see. But the thing with low IQ is like a remote-controlled robot, basically not linked to life, and Brigitte in front of you can not only levitate, but also has no modern mechanical feeling in her body. Brigitte’s body is almost entirely made of It is composed of sleek curves, with few plane structures, and the shape is very complicated, with a lot of patterns. In fact, this is related to her manufacturing principle, because Brigitte is basically a semi-magical and semi-mechanical life, so she has a lot of Magic text.

According to the basic principle of "Zero" that the more beautiful things are more dangerous, the Dragon Knight took 120,000 points to deal with Brigitte, but didn't expect I slightly underestimated Brigitte’s destructive power. Seeing Brigitte suddenly released a bunch of golden balls of light from behind before Dragon Knight flew to her side, Dragon Knight immediately realized that these were not good things. But the speed of the light ball was too fast, and it quickly surrounded Dragon Knight. At this time Brigitte suddenly pointed forward, and countless Dao Idol interconnected golden lightning glows were formed between all the light balls. Knight and the giant dragon under her body shook in the air instantly like a convulsion, and violent muscle twitching even Make them unable to even yell out.

The electric light stopped suddenly after ten seconds, followed by the giant dragon and the Dragon Knight on the back like a roasted duck and planted it on the ground.

Seeing that his companion was shot down, the two giant Dragon Knights next to him immediately drove down the giant dragon and rushed up. At first, a giant dragon opened its mouth and it was a dragon flame, but those golden light groups were separated. Eight light groups formed a circle in front of Brigitte. When Long Yan was about to pass through the disc composed of these light groups, suddenly a golden light curtain appeared between the light groups, and Long Yan hit the light curtain. There was a crackle sound from above, and at the same time the golden light mixed with firelight and flew around, but there was no dragon Flame Energy that could penetrate the light curtain.

Bridges resisted the dragon flame and pointed forward with one hand. The light clusters that blocked the dragon flame suddenly gathered into a shining spot and flew towards the giant dragon’s mouth against the dragon flame. In the past, Long Yan was flying around like waves hitting the reef while hitting the light spot. The light group flew all the way into the mouth of the giant dragon against the dragon flame, followed by a bang. The eyes, nose, and ears of the giant dragon spouted flames at the same time. Knight lit it too.

Brigis paid no attention to the giant dragon in front of her, and the light ball flew back again. The nearby giant dragon was dumbfounded as soon as other light groups began to gather into a light shield. For this kind of offensive and defensive creature, they were simply like a tiger gnawing on a hedgehog.

"What are you stupid doing? Follow me. Magic attacks are not equal to physical attacks." Under the leadership of this heroic Knight, a large number of giant dragons rushed towards Brigitte. But the problem is that Brigitte is known as Thor. Just hearing the name knows that she must have a paralyzing attribute, and all creatures with this attribute usually don't mind close combat.

Sure enough, when the first giant dragon approached Brigitte, he was about to open his mouth to bite, but Brigitte did something that made all Dragon Knight dumbfounded. Only the thinnest part of Brigitte's waist suddenly flashed, and her body suddenly became disjointed and flew out in one direction. The giant dragon was originally intended to bite Brigitte by the waist, but now the target is herself It's gone, is this still biting?

In fact, the behavior of speaking of which is very weird, but if you think about it carefully, you should understand that this is actually nothing at worst. Brigitte and Inverite are both mechanical lifeforms. To put it bluntly, they are robots based on the system of magic theory. Do you think there is anything strange about the structure of the Avatar body of a robot's automatic separation part?

In fact, Brigitte’s separation of her body was not purely to avoid attacks. The legs that had just separated from her lower body suddenly disintegrated from the center, and Brigitte’s lower body disintegrated into her crotch again. There are three parts with two legs. That crotch is a little better, after being disassembled, it only quickly left the battlefield, but the two legs suddenly deformed. First, the two legs were folded in half with the knee joint as the turning point, and then the soles of the feet were turned back and the tops of the thighs were connected together, so that Brigitte's two legs became two approximately triangular objects. This is not over yet. After folding, a two-foot-long triangular pyramid popped out of the knee joints of the two legs, and then a cover was suddenly opened on the insteps of the two legs to reveal a sparkling spar. The two spars flashed suddenly, and followed the two legs to fly out at lightning speed. The thing was clearly two thrusters.

The giant dragons hadn’t realized what happened, and two dragons were stabbed by the deformed leg, almost flashing on both legs at the moment of stabbing. With terrifying golden lightning arc, the two dragons, together with Knight on their backs, suddenly began to tremble with conviction. The giant dragon as it should be by rights was severely cramped and lost the ability to fly, and fell to the ground while shaking with Knight on his back.

"Everyone spreads out, those two legs can discharge." The commanding Dragon Knight suddenly fell from the back of the dragon as soon as he said this sentence. If you look at it yourself, you can see There was a small charred hole in his forehead, and it was the cross-member who was considered to be non-threatening by everyone who attacked him. That thing left the battlefield not because it had no battle strength, but because it was a sniper-type equipment, too close to it would have no advantage.

In contrast, Brigitte's upper body is more scary. Not only did Brigitte without her waist suffer the slightest influence, she became more flexible. Brigitte's head was automatically separated from her body and flew. Those golden light balls also flew out with the head in half, while the two arms were stretched straight and then flew out like missiles and began to nail people everywhere. If you plug it in, you will get a strong electric shock. Basically, it will be a big trouble if it gets touched. But what is even more terrible is the light tú tú upper body in the middle. This upper body has no head and hands, but there are still two grotesquely shaped objects on the shoulders. Before many people thought these two almond-shaped objects were just decorations, but no one thinks so anymore, because that is In seven or eight seconds, this thing has brought down a dozen giant dragons. The upper part of the two almond-shaped objects could be raised, and then there was a seam in the middle of the thing, and a very terrifying system, an artificial lightning generator, was hidden in this seam. To put it bluntly, this thing can create artificial lightning, and the formidable power is equal to the naturally generated lightning. Don't look at the circle of sapphires in the crack that seems to be very beautiful, as long as the thing flashes, someone nearby will definitely be struck by lightning, and it will be a direct lightning strike of the level of burning carbon in an instant. The most annoying thing is that there are still two sets of lightning strike systems. The pair of "big almonds" on both shoulders belong to two different systems, so that the lightning strikes are so fast that no one dared to approach them. Moreover, the chest part of the thing is not a simple bracket. The center of the protruding chest has an oval gemstone that shines with red rays of light. When it was not disa

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