While speaking, there was a sudden commotion in the Temple of Anubis, and the sound seemed to be a large group of people running. Almost when we just noticed the sound, I suddenly felt my body's chills stand upright. It seemed that there was a powerful killing intent covering my whole body. Almost instinctively, I suddenly tilted my head, and a feather arrow flew past my face. Before I could tell what was going on, another two-foot lance flew out of the great hall. I pushed Lu Wei out by my side, and at the same time turned around and caught the lance backhand, and then threw it back to the original road with the inertia of the rotation.

"Anubis are you crazy? Why are you attacking me?"

"Look clearly and speak." Anubis's voice suddenly appeared in my ears, but he The person did not show up. Although I was a little puzzled, a closer look revealed that the two people who ran out of the great hall were obviously players and not Anubis.

"Damn, what are you doing? Someone attacked me in your temple, don't you care about it?"

"Why should I care?" Anubis I was taken aback when I asked.

Speaking of which I was a guest from afar, and I was attacked at the temple of Anubis. Naturally, his master should take care of it. However, Anubis is an Archfiend as a whole, and his personality is definitely a perverted type, so the thing as it should be by rights is no longer as it should be by rights to him.

While speaking, the person who threw the spear on the opposite side has rushed to the outside of the hall, and I only saw the guy rushing up again with a blood-red broken spear. Judging from the blood stains on his body, this guy had been injured by the lance I threw back just now, and the broken and shortened lance is also one of the evidence. However, it seems that this guy is wounded, but his desire to fight is unabated. Seeing me is like seeing his father and enemy.

"Sipur retreat, you can't beat him alone." A thick throat sounded from the temple, followed by a brawny man over two meters tall rushing out. "Everyone surround him first."

Shuaa~ A large group of people rushed out of the temple and immediately surrounded me, but what was even more strange was that behind these people they chased out a large number of Death Gods. Soldiers of the guard. These kobold Death God soldiers quickly surrounded these people with me. Obviously, it was not the same way with these people.

"What is this?" I asked the direction of the temple. Anubis just talked to me and explained that he is not far away, at least he can see the situation here.

Sure enough, I saw Anubis walking out of the temple in a while. "These are your enemies. Some of them discovered that you were in Egypt and guessed that you were coming to find me, so they stopped you in advance. Unfortunately, they ran too fast and rushed here to fight my people. I just waited until you came."

"Didn’t you say that you didn’t help?"

"They attacked me first, don’t I fight back? Let’s talk about my love. How is it, you can't control it." At this point, Anubis's conversation turned. "Hey, I will help you clean up the miscellaneous soldiers. You should take care of the rest yourself?"

I swept the people around and laughed. "It's a trivial matter. It's a matter of a few minutes. You can help me protect the one at your feet."

After listening to me, Anubis looked down in surprise and looked for it. It turned out. A person was found lying on his feet. Just now the enemy suddenly launched an attack, and I pushed Lu Wei anxiously. Obviously, it was a bit harder, and as a result, this guy was almost beaten up. The reason why Anubis hadn't noticed him before was because Lu Wei was a non-combat player, and his strength was too weak. High level NPCs could easily ignore this kind of creatures that have low life response and watch animals. Anubis waved to the guards of the dog's head: "Come and protect him, don't worry about it over there."

The guard of the dog's head quickly ran back and guarded Lu Wei in the middle, while the people in front of the temple Because he no longer worried about the guards behind him, he turned his attention to me.

The super brawny man who led the team yelled to the people around: "Everyone, get on together and kill him."

"Hey, how can I offend you?" I He grabbed the long spear barrel of a guy and asked.

"hmph, don't talk with him, just go straight up." A delicate and pretty-looking elf archer so that he shouted and shot a sharp arrow.

I couldn't move because I was holding the gun body of that guy, and it was a little late to see the arrow. It was just a gap between one side of the head, and a sharp arrow flew past my face. Feeling a slight cold on my face, I pushed away the guy in front of me and stretched out to touch it. My face was bleeding! "Damn it, you are a blessing to be polite to you! Don't even think about leaving today." Nodded hard, the helmet visor automatically slid from the top of the helmet to protect my face, followed by the visors on both sides. Two cross-section armors slid out in the middle and folded in front of me to form a new one-layer mask.

"You are so tightly packed." The archer said triumphantly.

I didn’t answer to her at all. I raised my hand to point at her and moved my finger. When it was time to get out of the way, the other one shot out.

After killing the shooter, I immediately turned around and an uppercut, blasting the barbarian who used the jump cut skill to fly in front of me back in the same way, holding the Eternal Sword smoothly, and slashing in place, just listen. With a messy scream, a group of people rushed up and flew back at the same time.

"Don't be mad." A female warrior held lance and suddenly jumped in from outside the circle. She was clutching the tail of the spear, and the spearhead had reached me three meters away. I turned around and a sword hit the tip of her spear. The sharpness of the spear and sword is originally not suitable for carrying strength, but I know that the opponent’s weapon is longer than mine. If I can’t stand it, I will suffer, so I can only use my precise positioning ability to hold it with the tip of the sword. The tip of the opponent's spear.

The other party saw that Lance was held back by me for a moment, and then the other hand was also put on the tail of the spear, and then both hands rubbed hard: "Fire Dragon wears inflammation." This is obviously some kind of Skill, the entire lance was instantly covered by a layer of flame, and at the same time, lance was spinning at high speed in her hand, just like a drill. The violent vibration from Eternal shook my hands a little, but Eternal still withstood the opponent's lance unscathed.

"such insignificant ability!" I suddenly poured magic power into eternity, followed by yelled: "Broken." Then I rushed forward. Eternally, like cutting tofu, directly broke the tip of the opponent's spear and inserted it into the spear body. I kept rushing forward with eternity behind, and lance was smashed from the center to the end. The whole gun burst into countless fire stars and flew towards all directions.

After slicing the opponent’s lance, I didn’t stop, eternally moving forward, a sword pierced through the female warrior’s throat, followed me with a slight pick, and a beautiful head flew out immediately. Smashed on the face of a mage MM. Mage MM was frightened and immediately fell to the ground. I raised my hand and shot an arrow in the past. The two warriors next to him immediately flew to block arrows. The mage in the battle is the main force of the team's damage output. It is a role that must not be given up in any case. Therefore, the warrior would rather sacrifice himself to keep the mage, but their behavior is only for me to increase two battle results.

After the flying arrow shot through the warrior, he still nailed the little mage to the ground, followed me and jumped into the rest of the few people immediately, slammed a fist and smashed one, and turned his hand back. The other guy's head was lightly swept, and that guy immediately turned around in the air and I hit the ground hard. Until this time, the person next to him reacted, but the action was too slow. These people suddenly stayed where they were before they shot, and then I walked past them and Ye Yue, who was standing behind them, slapped the palm.

"che, a group of idiots. I didn’t pay attention to the surroundings when fighting with me. Don’t you know I’m an animal trainer?" When we walked back to Anubis, the sculptures behind suddenly shattered. . "Lu Wei, come here. This is Anubis you should know, you don't need to know other people. Now you wait here first, I will go in and talk to Anubis, and the people here will receive Yours. If Hank and the others come, you ask them to wait for me here, and I will be back soon."

After explaining Lu Wei, I hurriedly called Anubis to run back. Anubis followed me and didn't know what I was going to do. "Hey, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Important things." I looked around, and then asked, "Is there a more hidden place? I need that kind of absolutely safe room. , Because the next words are heard, I’m going to be extremely unlucky!"

"That’s it! Then you stand still." Anubis came over and grabbed me, and then we suddenly A black aperture was opened. The aperture quickly surrounded us, and then quickly opened, but the position where we stood was no longer the previous temple.

"Where is this?"

"My mansion, and this is a secret room. Unless High God appears, most people are impossible to overhear here."

"That's good." I quickly opened the Phoenix Dragon Space and found out the Discipline Stone that was originally obtained by Ditans and was later snatched by Felindir. "Do you know this?"

Anubis sucked in a cold breath. "This is the Stone of Discipline? Why are you...Oh, yes, the Ring of Discipline is where you are, and if someone finds it, you must send it over." Anubis' excited expression immediately disappeared. Originally! This stone of commandment is like a huge check to them and gods. It means almost the same to us, but if the huge check in front of you doesn't belong to you, then of course there is nothing to be excited about!

After seeing Anubis’s expression, I smiled and lifted the stone of command and shook it. "Do you want it?"

Anubis' eyes lit up instantly. "This thing has no owner?" Anyway, Anubis is also a very powerful god, not low in wisdom, and soon realized the problem. "Wait. If this thing is ownerless, then you can take it out to show that it was discovered by you. Then you don't need to bring it to me? Then this thing still has an owner, but you got me again Here I am asking if I want to...Is this stolen goods?"

pa pa pa pa...I applauded Anubis. "As expected to be the No. 1 God of Yellow Springs World, and his intelligence is not low! That's right, this is stolen goods. I brought it here to wait for your help."

"oh?" Anu Bis's voice was instantly full of playful meaning. "Is it a scapegoat? The exchange is that you can use this thing?"

"Yes again." I asked Anubis with a smile. "How about? Is the deal done?"

"Don't be busy." Anubis got serious this time. "Tell me who originally owned the thing first, and who else stole it. I need to assess whether the value of the benefits and troubles is worthwhile."

"The thing originally belonged to Titans. As for The stealer...!"

"Is it Marilyn or Filindil?" Anubis was a sensible person.

"Since you have all guessed this, does it make sense to know who it is?"

Anubis is nodded. "Even though the power of Dark God Palace is not small, it doesn't seem to be able to do me anything. In this way, the exchange is still very valuable. As for the Light God Palace...the power is much weaker than me, that means me You can get a relatively high usage rate. Well, it’s a good business. But I want to know why you don’t find the Celestial Court in China to help you fight this black pot?"

"You really don’t know Still angry with me?"

"What did I say?" Anubis pretended to be innocent.

"Please forgive me! Don't you know that I am China's 11th Temple King Yama?"

"What happened then?"

"What's the matter? Do you think! Who is the person who can attack Titans? It must be a god? But I can also be regarded as a member of the Chinese gods. Although I still belong to the periphery, I still have a name. Let’s not talk about what Titans would think of me, just what would Celestial Court think?"

"Just kidding, don’t you need to react so much?"

" Is this kind of a joke?" I asked angrily: "Do you want this stone of commandment any more?"

"Yes, of course. Then let me talk about the specifics. How to do it? There must be a limit, right?"

"It's like this:..." First of all, I told the story of Titans being robbed, just in case Titans really At least he can't wear a gang when he comes to the door. Then I confessed to Anubis: "Then the responsibility you have to bear is to admit that you did it if Titans comes to the door, and there is also the use of this stone of commandment. Generally speaking. It’s when you and Filindir’s request conflict that neither party can use the Stone of Discipline, and as long as there is no conflict, then the number of times you use it will be equal. That is to say, if you use it once, the other party You must also use it once. If you want to use it a second time but the other party is not useful the first time, you can discuss with the other party, and you can use it if the other party agrees. You can also use this to blackmail the other party. Of course, as Intermediary, my benefit is that I can also use this stone of commandment, and the number of times is the same as yours. What do you think?"

Anubis nodded: "Quite fair."

< p>Since Anubis is in the wrong, it is easy to handle. After continuing to discuss the details, I was sent out of the temple by Anubis. Lu Wei's parents and Hanke have already arrived here, waiting for me to come out.

The mother who saw the image of Anubis was very careful to ask Hank: "What is the monster with the dog's head?"

Hank was scared He covered her mouth. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? What's so scary, anyway, these computer guys can’t do anything to me."

What the middle-aged woman said actually made sense, because she is a non-combat player, so regular NPCs can’t attack or Embarrass them. On the contrary, those of us combat professionals with high battle strength are those who really need to be careful of these NPCs. Although general NPCs will not attack players for no reason, NPCs with status must not be offended. However, the middle-aged woman may not have been to a similar place before, so she does not know one very important thing, that is, NPCs with regular power can ignore the above rules.

The opening of system is just to make the world in the game appear more orderly, otherwise those non-combat players who can’t control it will definitely become more and more arrogant, and eventually they will definitely affect A game for ordinary players. Therefore, NPCs with regular factions can attack non-combat players. Such a setting can play a certain suppressive effect on non-combat players, and because NPCs with factions have roughly fixed behavior patterns and will not actively provoke players, there is no worry that they will wantonly harm non-combat players.

Hanke obviously knows that there are such regulations, otherwise he would not cover the mouth of middle-aged women. Unfortunately, Anubis has a dog's head and even has dog ears. , Although it is more windy, but the hearing is absolutely good. After Hank covered the middle-aged woman’s mouth, he immediately wanted to see if Anubis noticed. As a result, he turned his head and met Anubis’s gaze, and he immediately let go of the middle-aged woman’s retreat. Keep your distance from the boss.

"Why did you run so far?" The middle-aged woman waved to Hank act recklessly. "Come here! Don't be afraid! These computer people dare not touch me."

"Do you really think so?" Anubis's voice suddenly appeared behind the middle-aged woman , The middle-aged woman turned her head just to face a row of fangs, and jumped back in shock. "What are you doing? You suddenly came out trying to scare people? Don't be ugly, don't mess around, okay?"

I patted the exposed shoulder beside me: "Go. Pull your mother away. , Don't let her talk!" At the same time Lu Wei ran to pull the fucking away, I also walked to Anubis and blocked Anubis. "You are a great god, you don't care about such a nobody, do you?"

"No, I care!" Anubis' words almost fainted me. I forgot that Anubis has an Archfiend character!

"Sell me face."

"Why should I sell your face?" Anubis said as he pulled me aside and continued to walk towards the middle-aged woman .

"Please, this is my protector. Even if you want to kill her, wait for my protection to end, okay?"

Anubis looked at me, and then suddenly Put his face in front of me and put a finger to his mouth. "Look at the shape of my mouth: I... don't... want to... meaning."

"Damn it, you will make trouble!" I gave the middle-aged woman angrily, then said to Lu Wei loudly shouted: "Take your parents away. Hank, you stand back."

Anubis glanced at me with interest, and then asked proudly:" Oh? Are you planning to do it with me? Hahaha, it’s not bad, it’s not bad to be able to fight with you, as long as you can make me enjoyable, I will definitely give you face and let her go."

I’m frivolous Said: "Your proposal is good, but...!" I suddenly jumped up, and the bird suddenly slid above me, and I directly climbed onto the bird's back with one arm on the bird's wing. Anubis noticed that I was escaping and immediately wanted to catch up. Unfortunately, the Asuka started the jet afterburner as soon as I climbed up. We instantly accelerated above the speed of sound, leaving only one for Anubis. Circles of steam clouds produced by sonic booms. But Anubis quickly thought of Hank and the others, but when he lowered his head, he only saw a group of golden lights flashing in a distant place, and he couldn't even see the silhouette!

"hmph, you will feel better next time!" Anubis turned angrily and walked back to the temple, I wiped the sweat from my forehead with a guilty conscience. "Okay Asuka, slow down, let's go back and find... Huh? Where did you fly here?"

"It just seemed to have passed through a strange cloud, and just followed here."< /p>

"Does your positioning ability still work?"

"Yes. According to my observations, we don’t seem to have flown far. This should be some airspace near Cairo. But I don’t know why there is a Transmission Formation in the cloud!"

"Don’t worry about this, turn around right away, we need to find Hank and them."

"Understand "

Because the distance itself is not too far, the flying bird quickly returned to the vicinity of Cairo, and we saw a group of golden lights moving at high speed on the ground from a long distance. Asuka quickly approached the area where the light cluster was located, and then slowed down to parallel them. I shouted into the light group: "Brigis, slow down."

"As you bid." The speed of the light group gradually slowed down, and finally stopped on the desert. I jumped off Asuka and landed right next to Brigitte. Thor, Brikiss said to be a god, in fact, it belongs to the mechanical lifeform just like Ivorite. Unlike Ivorite, Brigitte has a large storage space in the body besides the combat capability. This space is connected with a compression space device. The outside looks small, but the inside is actually very spacious, and the most important point is that it can hold living people. Just now I asked Brigitte to lead everyone to escape, otherwise Anubis could easily catch up with them even if they set off an hour earlier.

"President." Hank ran out as soon as he saw me. "I feel relieved when I see you! I was really scared just now. I was able to run away from Anubis. We are also experts! Hahahaha..." Hank was obviously a little excited and abnormal.

I turned my head and looked towards the middle-aged woman, then walked over and said harshly to her: "I will still take you to experience life, but you'd better manage your own stinky mouths. Belittle others It can’t exalt yourself, especially if you belittle a powerful existence in itself, it can’t bring any benefit to it except to reflect your stupidity and ignorance, so... as long as you say a little more nonsense, I will treat you immediately. Lost to a place I can’t see anymore. Now, do you understand?"

The middle-aged woman scared witless looking at me desperately nodded, I turned helplessly to Lu Wei and said: "Look at your dad. Mom, especially your mother, none of the people I meet with are enemies or allies that you can offend, so it’s best not to trouble yourself and me. Understand?"

"I understand, but my mother...!"

"Even if she doesn't understand, make sure to control the situation before she speaks it out."

"I will try my best!"< /p>

I was nodded, and then turned around and said: "Hank, am I good to you?"

Hanke felt tight when he heard what I said. Take it, now it's time to repay the debt! "That... Sir Head President, my strength is just like this, can I prepare some tasks that I can complete?"

"Of course. If you can't finish it, I will send you What are you going to do?"

"Oh, then I'm relieved!" Hank said relieved, but his expression didn't seem relieved at all. "But, that, what exactly do I want to do?"

"Your mission is very simple." Hank looked at me nervously and waited for the next step. "The content of the mission is to attack the Light God Palace." Plop. Hank fell straight after hearing my task. "Hey, don't faint! Hey...hey...well...you won't get up, are you? Then I will take back all your equipment!"

Hank suddenly jumped like a corpse Get up and hug my leg tightly. "Please, boss, you will kill me! Light God Palace is that I can attack casually? Didn't you push me into Fire Pit?"

"Don't tell me It’s like a prostitution, I didn’t want you to do anything to Light God Palace, just a little surprise!"

Hanke cried and hugged my thigh and begged for mercy. "I really want to do with Light God Palace, but I have to have that strength! Even if it's a simple surprise, with my ability, I must explain it in Light God Palace!"

"It's stupid! Did I say that you were to attack the main hall? You won't find an orderer?"

"Ordered? But is this useful?"

< p>"Oh...the newcomer now! Forget it, do what I said. You just go...so, so, so, and so...okay, do you understand?"

" so that's how it is!" Hank's expression finally stretched out. "Then you can rest assured, I promise to complete this little thing."

Actually, Hank's task is not complicated. The task I arranged for him is to pretend to be a high-level member of Dark God Palace to attack Light God Palace. Of course, the purpose of going out is not to kill these people, but to let them bring back a message. As for the content of the news...hehe, anyway, the benefits are huge.

After explaining Hank's mission, I quickly took the others back to Tianyu City. Lu Wei and his parents are not combat personnel, and once they leave the city, the system's protection for them will be greatly reduced. When the time comes, even ordinary players dare to move them, so bringing them is very troublesome. As for the battle scenes Lu Wei wants to experience, I intend to take him to experience it when the Anglo-French guilds attack the Iron Crusade. Anyway, they will definitely die in the kind of chaos, and they will definitely be able to experience Lu Wei's hope. That feeling. As for now... the most important task is to knock something out of the Light God Palace first.

Under my account, Hank quickly found a squad Light God Palace outsider, and then started to launch an attack plan according to my account. I watched in the distance for a while, and this kid performed pretty well, so I didn't need to intervene at all. The next period of time was basically a vacuum period, and suddenly I felt that there was nothing to do. The tasks given by the military god have been completed, and the only thing that still needs to be considered is whether to let Park Yin know.

Although Park Eun’s Celestial League is a Korean guild, it is a completely pro-China guild in terms of policy. In this Japanese Danger Land counterattack plan, many Korean guilds are Participating in it, if Park Eun’s Celestial Alliance can help us settle these guilds, at least we don’t have to bother to defend the Union City! In fact, according to at first's plan, Union City belongs to the kind of small and medium-sized cities that are optional, but the problem is that our guild is just such a city in South Korea, and it is also an important part of our plan to make money in Japan, and it is a lifeline city. So the problem now is that defending the Union City will inevitably disperse our forces and cause loopholes, and failing to defend it does not seem appropriate. It is a pity that such an important city has been lost.

I was worried here, and suddenly the voice of a rose rang in the ring of love.

"Husband, where is it?"

"In France. What are you doing?"

"Hurry up and come back, Park Eun is here."

" p>

Halo. Everyone else speaks of the devil and he will appear, I just thought about it and she appeared immediately, really fast!

"Let her wait and I will be there soon."

After sending back to Isengard, I quickly ran to the reception hall, but I opened the door and found that there was noisy follow The same as the vegetable market! Rose saw me appear and immediately walked over to my ear and whispered: "These all are the people brought by Park Eun. It is said that they are the representatives of all Pro-China Guilds in Korea."

I smiled. Nodded, and then took the initiative to walk towards Park Silver. "Why do you think of running here today?"

Park Eun looked at me a little unhappy. "According to my meaning, I didn't want to come! But my father's order is hard to violate, so I have to go this time!"

"Are you father?"

Park Yin is nodded. "Although you are very powerful and your leadership skills are also very good, your performance in Korea last time was a bit too famous!"

Park Eun said that the rose hurriedly pressed to my ear and whispered:" The last time we helped the Koreans to expel foreign enemies was very successful, but you know this...In short, it hurt their self-esteem. So only recently will many Koreans help the Japanese fight against us."

< p>The degree of tacit understanding between Rose and me is very high, and I am not stupid. When Rose said that, I also figured out what Park Yin’s attitude was. Speaking of which is not to blame for us. It can only be said that Koreans have a very peculiar psychology. Their vanity is really unusually strong, and is basically strong to the point of abnormality. Last time the Korean mainland was invaded by the Japanese, and then the Koreans asked us to help. As a result, we easily drove the Japanese out of the sea with an overwhelming force. It seems that this matter should be the Koreans remembering our favor. After all, we helped them drive away the enemy, although we also took the benefit, but it was always helping them. But this is not the way Koreans think. They thought they could not beat the Japanese, and then we easily flattened the Japanese, which made them very useless, and then they thought it hurt their self-esteem, and over time, this idea was not only useless. Being corrected by reason is actually getting stronger and stronger! What’s worse is that this perverted self-esteem actually caused the Koreans to conclude from the results of the war that the Chinese’s helping behavior hurt them seriously, and the Japanese were innocent because they were defeated, so they understood that they should be with Japan now. People cooperated to beat us on the grounds that we tried too hard the last time we helped them.

I believe that most Chinese people will definitely feel unfathomable mystery when they hear such a reason, but this is what the Koreans think, and a large number of them turn it into action! As for Park Eun and the pro-China forces, although they still retain their sanity, their attitude is still very rude to us. The worst thing is that I can't say directly in this case, because if you criticize a Korean as an equal, you can only provoke a war between the two. The premise of wanting to criticize them is that you and them are natives, or that you are in a much higher position than him.

After understanding the psychology of the Koreans, the behavior of these people in front of me is much easier to understand. "Our dispatch of troops is only at your request. If you think there is something wrong with what we have done, you can tell us directly. I think we can improve as a long-term ally."

I This is rather modest, but it doesn't have the effect of inferiority. On the contrary, I put the opponent into force. Koreans do have extraordinary self-esteem, but they are not without understanding and judgment. I asked what we did not do well to make them angry is to bring up their anger, through their own understanding, and then in turn with them. Conflict between his sanity. On the one hand, they know that the place they are angry is very good made by the Chinese. On the other hand, their reason tells themselves that this seems to be something that shouldn’t be angry. As a result, no matter what conclusions they draw from their analysis, it is them who have the headache anyway.

After I asked this sentence, all the Korean chairpersons sank for a while, and they all fell into a state of thinking as I expected. I waited for a while before patted my hands to focus their attention. "Actually, I don’t think we need to care about some things like this. Everyone who can be a guild leader is not an ordinary person. They have some knowledge and experience. The problem of Korean friends is simply not our problem, but It’s your own problem.” I pointed to my head and said, “Use this to think about everything.” I pointed to the position of the heart. “Don’t always let it dominate your actions. Now, I think we have to consider first. Isn’t it the problem we’re facing right now instead of hurting our minds for these nihilistic things?"

"It’s not your face, of course you said it’s easy!" The president of a Korean guild Finally said it.

"Of course, it's not my face, but how do you think about face?" I paused for a while and then continued: "You have thought about why you are so big for the sake of face. Reaction? You can try to use empathy to imagine our reaction if Americans or we Chinese encounter such a thing. In fact, the first is that we will not encounter such a thing, and the second is that we fundamentally I don’t mind. Because what? Because we have the strength.” I patted Park Eun’s shoulder and said, “Giants don’t get angry because others call themselves short. Only real shorts can avoid others calling themselves short. You think you are like this. What else can you gain from behavior other than showing your own shortcomings? When one day you no longer need our help; when one day you can easily beat the little Japan to the ground; when one day you can become a true powerhouse, go to that At that time, you will no longer be taboo against any slander and derogation. Mount Everest will not mind others saying that they are not tall enough, because no matter what others say, it will always be the top of the world, and you can always stand on the highest apex and look down on the people."

My words completely stunned the Koreans. Although my voice is not loud, it is the shock of the soul. To be honest, the truth of these things is very simple. After reading it, many people will feel that they understand it before, but most peop

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