The reason why I am so surprised is that the person I stood up to is not someone else, but the flame bunny who just fainted. Firstly, she had no reason to attack me, secondly, she had fainted just now, and thirdly, she was a mage, so she shouldn't have such a speed. All these doubts make me unable to understand why she is standing here.

"hmph!" While I was still surprised, Flame Rabbit suddenly raised the staff and pointed it at me, but her weird smile made me give up the idea of ​​cutting off her head. The flame bunny was controlled by someone, this is the information I read from that smile.

"Who is here dressed up as God, playing the Devil?" I yelled to the surroundings.

There was no response. The other party clearly understood that the response would be found out, so there was no movement at all. However, concealment can only temporarily hide one's own position, and it is impossible to hide my violent reconnaissance completely at that time.

"Don't you think I can't find you if I don't make a sound?" I snapped my fingers, and a white spider silk flew out of me suddenly, just hitting the flame rabbit. The sickle climbed out of the Phoenix Dragon space and quickly climbed to the next big tree, the spider silk quickly retracted and dragged the Flame Rabbit over. Although the Flame Rabbit struggled desperately, the difference in level made her unable to resist the power of spider silk. The sickle quickly hung the Flame Rabbit between the two big trees, and then grabbed her body with the hind limbs and quickly rotated her in the air, while the spider silk quickly entangled her body. In just a few seconds, the flame rabbit turned into a huge silk cocoon.

The action of closing the Flame Rabbit first is to ensure that she is not injured. Since the other party can manipulate her to attack me, I believe it is also possible to manipulate her to commit suicide, so she must be protected first. In addition, I can safely search for the enemy by hanging the flame bunny to the tree.

"summon...!" I only yelled two words and then suddenly flashed to the side, and a feather arrow flew past my shoulder. I am smugly smiled. "Finally fooled." I pointed my finger to the back, and then pointed towards the direction where the feather arrow flew. The wheel of discipline immediately disintegrated, and the two half-moon flying blades that were split up and flew towards the target with a buzzing whistling sound. past.

Some silhouettes suddenly flashed out behind the big tree on the opposite side, and they could no longer hide after the location was discovered. With two and a half moons, the big tree was cut into three pieces, and then they flew towards two targets. The two chased silhouettes flashed continuously behind a few big trees, but for half a month they didn't mean to stop at all. If they kept chasing them, they would not let go. Originally, they thought that half a month would only be a long-range weapon that relied on inertia and aerodynamic principles to fly, but after flashing several times in a row, they discovered that this thing was powered, otherwise, even if the inertia was great, it would not be able to fly continuously for such a long time.

Just now, a total of three people flashed out behind the big tree, chasing them for two and a half months, and I met the remaining one. This guy ran backwards, and disappeared after passing several trees in a row. I chased him under the big tree where he had disappeared and glanced around, then suddenly turned back with a sword. The red sword glow flashed and disappeared. I stood in the shape for a few seconds before hearing a squeak. A small gap slowly appeared on the trunk of the big tree, and the gap grew bigger and bigger, and finally the whole tree crashed. Fall down. A faint silhouette inside the trunk, clutching his chest, stumbled and retreated, obviously seriously injured.

"hmph, are you finally willing to come out?"

"How did you find me?" Although the other party was injured, he still didn't fall down, insisting on retreating to a little further away from me One of the trees leaned against the trunk, but at this time I had no intention of hurting him, because this guy was obviously an undead. If I guessed correctly, he should be the quest NPC of the Flame Rabbit, at least the key person who led the quest, so he must be handled carefully, if he kills him and the quest cannot be triggered, it will be over.

I put away the eternity and waved my hand, two and a half months immediately whistling and flying back from both sides. The other side saw Banyue flying fast in the woods but didn’t touch anything, and understood that these two weapons have their own intelligence, otherwise I would be impossible even if I control two weapons at the same time and still be able to fight others. .

After half a month of taking it back, I said to the guy in front of me: "I found out that you are actually very simple, because you exude the breath of necromancy."

"You really belong to them. "

"You guessed wrong!"

The other party was confused by what I said, so he asked with his eyes what I guessed wrong. I didn’t rush to say: "I don’t know who you are talking about, but I can only tell you that I am not anyone you know."

"You are not from the Fischer’s Guild ?"

"Fisher's guild? I have never heard of this guild."

"Then how do you prove it?"

"Hello Hey, find out the situation is okay? You are injured like this, I want to kill you is to raise your hand, it is necessary to go around a big bend, first deceive your trust and then sneak attack you? What about you? Can you prove that I am a member of the Fischer's Guild?"


"wu wu...!" Suddenly a few noises came from the top of my head Hum, I looked up and found that the Flame Rabbit was awake.

"Scythe, let her down."

"Oh." With the long claws, the sickle gently touched the silk on the flame rabbit body, the silk immediately broke, the flame rabbit A scream fell out of the silk cocoon.

"Pooh...!" While spitting out the leaves in his mouth, the flame rabbit slapped the dirt on his body, and at the same time hopped to my side. "This...what's the situation?"

"I think your mission goal was found. Use the mission scroll."

"Oh, here you are."< /p>

I took the scroll and threw it directly to the undead on the opposite side. "This is the task we took, and there is a Dark God Palace mark on the back. This thing shouldn't be fake, right?"

The opponent pulled the scroll to look at the last mark, and then threw it back. . "Sorry, it seems to be a misunderstanding!" As he said, he beckoned to the back, and a large group of dark creatures walked out after a patter of oh la la in the forest behind. I suddenly remembered that the Flame Rabbit seemed to be afraid of the undead, but when I was about to turn around and ask about the situation, I heard a plop, this girl fainted again!

"Damn, how can you be a priest of darkness with your mental quality?"

"Am I afraid!" The flame rabbit shook like a sieve after being lifted up by me. I I really admire her courage. Not to admire her courage, but to admire her for being able to do Small Accomplishment.

No longer caring about the trembling of the Flame Bunny, I began to look carefully at the undead that came out. Initial observations seem to be all Nether Soul undead. Such undead are closer to ghosts in Chinese mythology. Their common feature is that they have no entity. Although they look similar to humans, their bodies are translucent and can pass through obstacles without being blocked by any physical matter. Of course, the Nether Soul category I'm talking about is just a big category, and all these guys in front of you are impossible. The three that just attacked us are obviously high level wraiths that can be soul-substantiated, but the others seem to be low-level Nether Souls, and most of them are even white souls with no level.

"Is your population densely populated here?"

"Don't joke with us, we undead are all beings living at the bottom of the society, and there are a lot of them It is formed because of long-term accumulation."

I am nodded and cut directly into the subject. "Since you are the native creatures here, then I will ask you something."

"You can ask, as long as we know."

"I want to ask if there is Necromancer here. Is it? It’s written on the scroll I just gave you. Our mission needs Necromancer’s approval to complete."

"Necromancer is there, but they are now our protectors. We can’t disclose them casually. Position!"

"That's it!" I thought about it a bit embarrassingly, and then said: "What do you think of this? I'll help you solve your threats, and then you will take us there How about seeing Necromancer?"

"This is ok, but are you sure you can solve our trouble?"

"It should be okay! Let's talk about it first. "

I heard that I was willing to help solve their security crisis, and the undead immediately started talking at once and introduced what happened. I have summarized it a little bit, the matter is actually very simple, and I have to help with this! The cause of the matter is still in Jiaha archmage. The Fischer’s Guild is a French guild. Like our guild, they also engage in magic puppet research, but the technology is much behind us. I don't know where they got the information, knowing that a mage who mastered high-end magic puppet technology is temporarily living in the Evernight Forest, so they plan to come in and find this mage. I guess their so-called highly skilled mages are the Jiaha archmage I also looked for, and the reason they attacked the undead is because the undead signed an agreement with Jiaha. The content of the agreement is that the undead must defend the Evernight Forest so that Jiaha can complete the one-month experiment without interruption. As a reward, he will configure the soul enhancement liquid for the undead after completing the experiment. The problem now is that I don't know why Jiaha's news here has been leaked, and the result is that a large group of people are watching. According to these undeads, they had more people than they are now, but they recently suffered heavy casualties, and in the end they were the only undeads left. The time stated in the agreement is still three days, but with their strength, they can't hold it anymore. That's why they stare at everyone who enters the forest so nervously. Because they have lost the ability to block frontally, they had to adopt sneak attack methods to minimize damage, which directly led to the previous misunderstanding.

I nodded after listening to their narration. "It's okay to help you defend here, but I hope you can help me keep him after the mage finishes the experiment. I want to see him."

" But Lai'en Archmage said he doesn't see foreigners. Yes!"

"What? Come on archmage? Isn't Jiaha who signed the agreement with you?"

"Who is Jiaha?"

Halo! It's not a Jiaha archmage! Just now, when they were narrating, the undead repeatedly mentioned how amazing the magic puppets of this mage were. After that, I asked about the characteristics of the other party. The content of the description was very similar to the image of Jiaha that Norin described before. Similar, but this name...! Did he use a pseudonym? That's not right! There is no need for him to use pseudonyms for these undead! No, I have to meet each other anyway. Anyway, no matter whether the opponent is Jiaha or not, I have to complete this task. After all, the content of the flame rabbit's task and my purpose are coincident, no matter where it is, I have to help the undead.

But if you want to help the undead complete the task, you must ensure that the mage who signed the agreement in the last three days cannot be disturbed. The problem is that the war will start the day after tomorrow, and I don't have time to stay here for three days. But this is hard for me, anyway we have summon creatures. After opening the gate of the earth and the phoenix dragon space, I called out all the summon creatures. The undead were immediately excited when they saw this regular army. They at first were worried that I would not be able to guard here alone. Didn't expect so many helpers.

After calling out all the summon creatures, I explained the matter to Ling, and then left her to take the command of me. Anyway, she was solely responsible for the mission. I only chose Asuka and Yeying. , Xiaochun, Jingjing, Lingling, Yeyue, Princess, and the newly collected Victory Goddess Victoria and Thor Brigitte stay with him. Asuka and Nightshade are mount-type creatures, and they are not very useful if left, but they are more useful. Xiaochun, Jingjing, and Lingling are all Light Element creatures. Leaving this might affect the combat efficiency of the undead. Yeyue and Princess are basically my strongest familiars, and it won't work without them. Because the attributes of the two newly-acquired familiars are unknown, they must be brought around to cultivate loyalty and familiarize themselves with various abilities, so they cannot be thrown here. With these five familiars plus the small silver moon and two of my Avatars, the general battle should be no problem.

Actually speaking of which I left most of the familiars here, but in fact the familiars around me can still make most players envious to tears, after all, so far in "Zero" The ratio of players to familiars has just passed one to three. It sounds like a player can be divided into three familiars, which seems a lot, but you have to consider that the level distribution of the familiars also follows the pyramid principle. The higher the level, the fewer the number of familiars. This is the so-called three. Among them, there are at least two low-level familiars that are of no practical value after the 600th level. In addition, in the remaining one, we have to remove some familiars that are not suitable for combat or have extreme abilities, or disagree with the owner, so that we can calculate the ratio of the real practical value of the remaining familiars to the player. Not even one to ten. That is to say, even if ten people can be divided into a practical high level familiar, there are still a few cases like me, so there will be more people who can’t be assigned a practical familiar. So so far, players who can come up with two or three high level familiars can basically be counted as lucky.

I don’t have to worry about the familiars here. It’s important to get the business done first. After bidding farewell to the Flame Rabbit, I went straight to Egypt. Speaking of which I really should have a teleportation point in Egypt. Every time I go to other countries, I can rely on the Transmission Formation to get in and out, but Egypt has to fly over from Europe every time. It’s particularly troublesome if I don’t mention the time delay.

After finally crossing the Egyptian border, I immediately teleported to Cairo. Perhaps because of cultural relations, the number of players in Cairo is always high. Although Cairo was already in the middle of the night when I got here, the city was extremely lively at this time, and various players came to Cairo for sightseeing. Walking on the street and looking at the past, it is almost full of human heads, and more than half of them are non-combat players.

"Hey. Stop." I suddenly heard a voice shouting like this, but I didn't pay attention until a hand suddenly hit my shoulder. "Hey, call you! Why don't you stop?"

I turned around and looked at the guy who held me down. This is a Chinese player. The main reason for this judgment is that the other party speaks Chinese and has the typical characteristics of Asians. But...even though they are all Chinese, I don't have to be too polite to him. There are so many Chinese people, even if I am a patriot, I must not love everyone in China! So I didn't give a very good attitude to this very rude half-year-old child. "So many people who know who you are calling? Besides, don't you know that your behavior is very rude?"

"Ouch my little ancestor! Why are you here? Let me follow Your dad will be easy to find for a while!" A woman in her forties suddenly emerged from the crowd and pulled the youngster, who was only sixteen or seventeen years old, sighing for a while.

Youngster seemed to be very disgusted with the wordy of middle-aged women, he pushed the woman away angrily. "I'm not an idiot, can I still get lost? Hey, don't go." I didn't intend to waste time when I saw them talking there, so I turned around and left, but the youngster found out that I wanted to Leaving, so she pushed the woman away and pulled me back. "I haven't finished talking yet, what are you running?"

I took off my helmet and stared at the kid with a cool face. "Hey, pay attention to your words and deeds. Don't just pull people you don't know on the road. Also, I also have my own business. If you have something to say, I don't have much time to spend here with you."

< p>"Why are you like this? Hey..." Before the youngster spoke, the woman suddenly stepped in and pushed me. Of course, as the No. 1 combat professional, I am impossible and I have no attribute. The life class player overthrew it, and of course the woman fell on her own. The woman seemed to be very angry at her wrestling, she got up angrily and pushed me hard with both hands again, of course it was still useless. "You actually beat a woman? I fought with you!" After speaking, the woman suddenly lowered her head and rushed towards the bull of the matador and slammed into me.

In my opinion, this kind of speed "attack" is equivalent to the level of kindergarten children fighting, of course, it is not threatening, but she is a non-combat player, we combat players do not have in the city The penalty for killing such a player in a legitimate mission is very serious, so I try not to get involved with her. If she ran into it like this, of course I would be fine, but if she knocks herself to death, I don't want to suffer the damn system punishment.

In order to prevent the woman from hitting me and committing suicide, I stretched out a hand in advance to block her head and put her in front of me. The glove part of the magic dragon suit is made of a special material that is almost liquid metal, and the hardness can be adjusted according to my needs, so it will not have the destructive power that is usually as big as in battle. The woman’s head was held back and she couldn’t hit me, but she didn’t seem to give up, but she shook her arms like two windmills with my hands like this, trying to attack me, helpless although I am not a tall arm Long person, but at least still taller than this woman, so her arm didn't touch me at all.

In fact, the current situation is still very serious to me, but it is not a blow to my body, but a blow to my image. I think the number one expert on the dignified battle strength list actually had a fight with a shrew on the road. If this is seen by Ashford or Anubis, he must be laughed at!

"Are you endless?" I didn't say this sentence, but from the young man. He went up and pulled the woman away angrily. "What's wrong with you? If I say something to someone, you hit someone and you are still playing a rogue like this. You shameless, I still have a face!"

"Ah...!" The woman listened to the youngster's words Suddenly stopped, just crying like grief, but now her expression changed suddenly, and immediately became a flattering look again, and from her dry face, she didn't shed a single tear just now. pass! "Um... I said my son! Me too...!"

"Okay, don't be bored there! Get out of the way!"

"Oh." The woman is obedient He walked behind the youngster and stopped talking, as if nothing happened just now.

I am standing next to an unfathomable mystery with a face. Judging from the name, they should be mother and child, but from the attitude and behavior of speaking, the woman feels like a youngster's servant. I guess this may be an extremely doting super calf-protecting mother plus a completely spoiled little Prince son. But it seems that this youngster hasn't completely let himself go. Although the behavioral characteristics created by the environment are very domineering and insensitive to others, at least they can retain a normal attitude in terms of right and wrong.

In the face of this youngster's right and wrong, I finally asked patiently: "What do you want to do to stop me?"

"I want to hire you to take me Visit the battle scene."

As an ordinary non-combat player, this requirement is not excessive. In the setting of "Zero", non-combat players have absolute protection rights in the urban area. It does not mean that they are invincible, but the punishment for killing them will be too high for you to be unimaginable. As for the wild rare beast, of course, it is not restricted by this treaty, so most of this type of players are active in cities or in safe outdoor areas. They generally don't go to the battle area where normal players enter. However, the combat area also has its own characteristics, so it is inevitable that there will be non-combat players who want to enter the combat area, but this presents a problem. In the eyes of monsters, non-combat players without battle strength are no different from ordinary players, but they can't even escape. Therefore, once such players want to get out of the city, they must be protected. According to the principle that primordial trading will be born if necessary, combat players usually don’t mind bringing some non-combat professionals along when they go out of the city, and it is said that the professional qualities in this industry are quite high, and they rarely hear about it. If you take the task and take people out to run first when you encounter danger, most combat professionals will take the initiative to protect non-combat professionals. Of course, this behavior is mainly affected by the credibility mandated by the system. People who run off by themselves will be judged to have a decline in credibility. Such people will have various troubles when dealing with others and even dealing with the system. However, people like me who can swindle naturally also have ways to mix credibility. Of course, I won't tell anyone this kind of secret.

Looking at the youngster in front of me, I said seriously: "I have a task on my body, and the place I will go to is very dangerous, so I don't have time to take you out to play."

"No, I'm not going to play, I just want to experience the feeling of being killed firsthand."

"Huh?" The excuses I just prepared got stuck in my throat. This kid is too abnormal. He wants to experience the feeling of being killed. Is he the ultimate complete body of masochism, the legendary slaying madness? "This...then what...I rely on, you brat is abnormal? You have to go to commit suicide if you want to die! You want to find a high place and jump down?"

"But I It's not suicide. What I want to experience is the feeling of being on the scene in the battlefield where there is nowhere to escape on the battlefield of many monsters or enemy melee, and then die tragically. Of course, if you can walk on the battlefield nine deaths and still alive. The effect will be better, but I think you may not be able to protect my safety if that kind of scene happens, so my request is simple. Take me into such a venue and make sure that I live as long as possible, even if I am killed in the end. Don't blame you."

"Damn, you don't blame me, system won't let me go! The person I protect hangs up and I have to be punished, okay?"

"A little credibility is not a serious punishment, especially if I can compensate."

"Compensation? What can you compensate me? I have more money than you, credibility I can’t trade at all. What compensation can you give me? Besides, I really don’t have time!"

"The more you have no time, the more it means that you are about to participate in the battle, because of the business of combat players like you. If you fight and fight without a foreign call, you will definitely be able to run into a big war. Also, don’t underestimate my compensation.” When it came to this, the youngster suddenly turned around and asked the woman for something wrapped in silk, and then he was there. I slowly opened the thing in front of me.

"Huh...?" I couldn't help but gasp when I saw what was in front of me. " did you get this thing?"

"I found it when I went to explore a ruin last time. There were four yuan in total, but unfortunately I'm not fighting. People, I couldn’t grab them, and I only got this piece in the end."

I looked at him carefully and asked, "How do you know what this thing is for?"

"I don't know what this is for, but at the time this thing was sealed in an array of very difficult to deal with, so I thought it should be a very useful thing and brought it back. I saw you have such a big reaction today Obviously I guessed it right."

Under normal circumstances, the more you want, the less you care about it, otherwise your opponent will seize the opportunity you want so much to kill you. But in the current situation, I really can't control my excited expression. After all, what he took out was a stone of commandment! That's right. The thing that shouldn't have appeared in the hands of a non-combat player actually appeared in the opponent's hands, and it was unthinkable that he was actually treated as a reward for a transaction. Although this youngster can be said to be quite shrewd, he still underestimates the value of the Discipline Stone. He was lucky to meet me today. If anyone else knows the usefulness of this thing, I guess that even if the punishment is ten times more severe, the other party will grab it.

No longer talking nonsense with him, I just grabbed the stone of commandment and put it away. "I accept the reward. You want to experience the feeling of nine deaths and still alive, right? Just follow me."

"You agree?"

"Nonsense, you give Such a grand competition is a fool! But let me say it first, I often encounter battle scenes, but I can’t adjust the formation for you, but luck, there will be a big action tomorrow afternoon, I It is guaranteed that you have seen the largest battle."

"Well, now I will follow you until I experience the feeling I need. Then let's go."

< p>"Oh son! Where are we going?" The woman suddenly cried again after sinking for so long.

I turned my head to look at her very depressed, and then looked towards the youngster. "Do you need to take your mother?"

The youngster's first reaction seemed to want someone to follow me, but I don't know why he stopped after opening his mouth. After waiting for a long time, he whispered like a discouraged ball: "Forget it, take the three of us! That reward should be enough?"

I nodded. "One is to bring three and also to bring, but you must tell me who is the priority protection object. In case I can't protect three people at the same time, I can choose which one to give up first?"

youngster thought He said for a moment: "I want to experience that feeling, so I am the first protector, my mother is second, and my dad is the last. By the way, mom, where is my dad?"

" Here." A middle-aged man suddenly raised his hands and squeezed from the crowd. After he saw me, he looked at me up and down, and then asked: "This is the person you hired?"

The woman immediately said: "Yes, this is the son who asked for help."


"Oh." After listening, the middle-aged man immediately unloaded the large bag he was carrying on his back and threw it over. I stepped away from the bag on one side of a small area, and the thing flew out and hit another player's back directly. Although the opponent was a combat professional, because there was no combat mode in the city, and there was no defense, and the bag itself was not light, it was still smashed. The middle age person saw that I didn't take up the baggage but got out of the way. As a result, he immediately reprimanded me when he hit someone. "Why don't you have any eyesight? You can't catch everything."

As he scolded me, the person who was smashed had already turned around angrily to prepare for the squat. This guy is a white man, and looks like a strength melee professional, because the muscles on his body are like rocks, and he belongs to the kind of look that looks very strong.

The middle age person and the middle-aged woman showed a scared expression when they saw each other, while the white player walked towards us with a vicious expression. The middle age person saw that the other person was going to move rough, and kept backing away in fright. He kept saying that it was not intentional, but the other person obviously didn't mean to give up. Just when the white man was about to walk in front of the middle age person, the middle age person suddenly quickly witted in an emergency and pointed at me and shouted: "He did it. I originally asked him to catch it, but he flashed it before hitting me." It's yours!"

The white man immediately turned to face me as soon as he heard what he said. I had always turned his back to this guy just now, so he walked past me and didn't notice me. Now he turned to face me face to face. After seeing my face, he was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed. The fierce expression instantly changed to a frivolous state. "Aiya turned out to be the president of Purple Moon! Why did you come to Egypt? Aiya misunderstood, all misunderstandings!" Seeing that I haven't reacted, the guy continued, "You don't remember me, do you? Yes, we You don’t know how many such ordinary players you want to meet in a day, and you shouldn’t remember it. I’m from the Beast League, speaking of which our guild is still the outer guild of the Frost Rose League!"

I glanced at his chest when I heard him, and I found a beast head sign. This animal league is a peripheral guild developed by our guild in Europe. Although its members are not members of our guild, their main management is basically senior members specially sent by our guild, which means this is actually It is a branch guild formed by people sent by the guild. This kind of guild’s internal personnel selection is not as strict as the guild, and it does not have as good welfare as the guild, but compared with the general guild without backers, their funds and human resources are relatively rich. In addition, under the name of our guild, the guild generally dare not move them to the point of truth. Of course, our guild does not raise these people for nothing. This kind of branch guild can sometimes help us with some things that we are not convenient to do directly, and it is still very convenient to use.

For the above reasons, although I am not the president of the Beast League, to the players of the Beast League, I should actually be regarded as a bigger official than the president, because if I say a word, they will be the president. You have to get out.

Seeing that I seem to recognize this badge, the guy immediately began to close it. "I am really lucky today! Didn't expect to be able to meet Head President here! By the way, these few have not been introduced yet! Are you relatives?"

This guy guesses these three The individual is my relative because of the attitude of the middle age person just now. In his opinion, my position is already topped by Frost. As long as other guilds are not our enemies, they have to sell my face. If I dare to teach me like this, I will not resist. Then I can't think of anyone besides my relatives. .

The middle age person hasn't turned the corner yet. He looked at me and the guy from the Beast League and asked tentatively: "You know?"

The beast The guy from the alliance immediately said enthusiastically: “I know President Purple Moon, but President Purple Moon doesn’t know me.”

The middle-aged woman also came in at this time and asked: “What do you know? He doesn’t know you? You know him and he should know you?"

The guy from the Beast League said immediately: "It’s not easy to understand? I ask you, you know the Chinese patriarch. Is there a seat?"

The middle-aged woman immediately said: "Of course! How can the Chinese do not know the

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