"How can you know so clearly?" Assassin looked at me in surprise, apparently he also realized that his show off had failed.

"Purple Moon, why are you here?" One of the two horses in the front of the cavalry team stopped by my side and asked. His question also happened to explain the problem of assassin, because the other party is obviously very familiar with me, so I know their organization is also normal.

I didn’t look at the assassin again, but turned around and asked the cavalry: "How did you run out?"

Knight immediately said in an anxious voice: "That... …That’s it! Master Ditans found a stone of commandment, and...!"

I reached out and stopped her from continuing. "Then you don't need to look for it, things are here with me."

"Huh? What?" Knight was taken aback for a moment, and then listened to a riot of cavalry behind her, and several of them drew their weapons. . Knight regained her composure only when she heard the sound of the weapon rubbing. She quickly turned around and reprimanded: "Take me the weapons. Have your heads been purified by Light God? Does President Purple Moon need to grab the commandment stone? We got it. Isn't it going to be sent to him?"

The cavalry all got off their horses and apologized to me. Knight who took the lead also jumped down and took off his helmet. I only heard a surprised inhalation sound from behind. I know it was the ones who were thundered by Knight's appearance. The Knight in front of him is not only a female, but also beautiful and not human-like. If it weren't for this body armor, it didn't look like a fake. Maybe others thought it was a fake. Actually, this strictly speaking cannot be regarded as a regular cavalry, because she is one of Titans' personal guards. This time she was sent out because the things she lost were too memorable, so it was inconvenient to send ordinary people out to find them.

The female Knight said to me sorry: "That...Purple Moon, it’s not that I don’t believe you, but can you show us the stone of commandment?"

"It's okay, it's the same for you to hold it for me first." I took the stone of commandment out of the Phoenix Dragon space and handed it to her.

Knight carefully took the stone of command with trembling hands, and then handed it back excitedly. "Then that...President Purple Moon, you should hold it first! We hold it ourselves and we are afraid of losing it again!"

I didn’t mind taking back the stone of commandment and said: "You now Come back with me?"

"Well, of course, it doesn't make sense to run out since we found it." Dame seemed to notice the players behind me. "Are these the friends of President Purple Moon?"

"Oh, they are preliminary members waiting for the assessment. If they pass the test, they will become our full members."

" Oh, that's it! Let's go together."

With the protection of the internal guards of the Dark God Palace, we soon returned to the Dark God Palace. The leveling squad I brought was blocked by guards. After all, they are not full members of our guild. Impossible enjoys the same treatment as me, but the mage MM has received special care. The biggest advantage of Dark God Palace over Light God Palace is that it never puts on airs. All the service departments for players are like for-profit shops. They treat customers as gods. All players who come to complete the procedures will definitely realize Dark God Palace. How enthusiastic the service is. In contrast, Light God Palace is just the opposite. They generally regard themselves as God, negotiate with players on the shelf, and sanction you if they don't agree with it.

Led by Neiwei, we walked through the office area that received ordinary players. The wizard MM was also left here. The area behind was a secret part to Dark God Palace, and most people were It's absolutely impossible to get in. As soon as I passed through the foreign affairs area, I was completely shocked by the sight in front of me. I remember the last time I came to Dark God Palace, it felt like a mixture of majesty and dignity, but the buildings in front of me looked like they had just fought a battle. The originally gorgeous black gilt walls are now full of large pieces falling off, and many places even have big holes that can see the sky. The ceiling where the fairy tales were originally depicted is now the same as the screen, but it feels that the sun is a lot more abundant than before.

I was a little surprised to ask the inner guard who led me. "Isn't this done by the people who grabbed the stone of commandment?"

"Who else do you think can make me like this besides them?" The answer to me was not the inner defender who led the way, but It's Ditans. Following the voice, I quickly found Ditans standing in the courtyard outside. In fact, according to our current relative position, I should have been unable to see him, but at this time there was a big hole in the wall that could run the carriage, and Ditans was able to stand outside and talk to me directly.

"Hehe, I bet you will definitely not be in the temple when you are looted."

Ditans shook the head. "You guessed wrong this time. Not only I was in the temple, but a few of my friends were also here at the time. It turned out...!"

"It turned out to be robbed?" I don't think so. Trust the question.

Ditans is nodded. "I know you don't believe it, but this is the truth. My temple is not an ordinary stone building. Every inch of land here has been strengthened by magic all the year round. The defensive power of the wall between us is definitely no better than an ordinary city. Wall is so bad, but you can see it! By the way, someone who just listened to me reported that you found the Stone of Commandment?"

I didn’t need to hide Titans, so I just handled it. The stone of commandment in it was taken out. "Look at the one you lost?"

Ditans teleported to my side and stretched out his hand to snatch the commandment stone from my hand. "Yes, yes, that's it. How did you get it?"

I took the Stone of Discipline back from Titans again casually. "Does this still need to be asked? If it weren't for the stone of commandment that was robbed this time, wouldn't you still want to hand it over to me?"

"Yes! I forgot all about it! The ring of commandment is here. In your place, it’s useless to have the stone of commandment, even if someone else snatches it, it’s still going to be sent to you! Why did I didn’t expect it!” Ditans seemed very regretful, and he was probably regretting it. At the beginning, no one was sent to me to stop the person who sent the stone of commandment. But even if he sent it, it was useless, because I took it at the Light God Palace this time, and it was not delivered by anyone at all.

I smiled and comforted Titans: "You are caring and chaos. I am a bystander, so I can see the whole thing clearly."

Ditans asked me a little excitedly: "But this stone of commandment was snatched from me, isn't it...?" I reached out and stopped Ditans and continued. "You don't understand the rules, don't make me embarrassed, okay?"


"Nothing but, what has happened doesn't exist, but it doesn’t happen. It didn’t happen. Yes, I do know that you found this stone of commandment, but so what? It was not you who gave me the stone of commandment in the end. Can I change the ownership of the stone of commandment at will? It’s like a person’s money is robbed. The robber uses the money to get a VIP card for the leisure center. Could you run to the leisure center and tell the leisure center that the money is yours. They want them to provide services to you instead of paying for services. The person? Yes, the money is indeed robbed by that person, but he is the one who spends the money. The party who is the transaction unit can only recognize the payment party. As for the origin of the money, should the merchants check it? Then these stores are not as good as that. Let’s switch to being a private investigator. It’s the same situation here. Things are in my hands even if they are finalized. Yu Si, I believe that things belong to you, but Yu Gong, I can’t deprive others of their ownership, do you understand? "

Ditans' fingers creaked, but they finally pressed it down. "Then what if I can let the robbers come and talk to you?"

I shook the head. "It doesn’t matter who robbed me. What’s important is the person who gave me the stone of commandment. If you can get the other party to agree to the transfer of authority, then I naturally have nothing to say. Don’t say that this thing is originally yours. , Even if it’s not yours, as long as you can let the other party nodded transfer, it will be no different from yours."

Ditans frowned looked at me and said: "What you say is like me Is it like a robber?"

I shook my head helplessly and patted Titans's shoulder. "My lord god! You have been the lord god for so many years, why don't you even understand this? Forget it, let me tell you clearly! In fact, there is no point in whether you are reasonable or unreasonable in this matter, the key question It's your strength. As long as you can make the other party think that the cost of possessing this thing far exceeds the benefits it can bring, then there is nothing wrong with it."

Dittens looked up through I could see the roof of Baiyun and looked at Heavenly Dao: "Then I only ask you one thing."

"Do you want to know who robbed you?" Ditans nodded. So I opened the mouth and said after a bit of embarrassment: "Actually, I shouldn't have told you, but if we are an intermediary, we also rely on this to eat, so...! "My fingers rubbed in front of Titans at the right time and made a world-wide gesture.

Ditans glanced at me, and then immediately reached out and called an inner defender to say something to him and then sent him away. "I have already got the things, tell me who robbed me first?"

I frowned: "Since you were here during the robbery, and you were fighting like this...!" I stretched out my hand and gestured for this. Buildings. "Fighting so fiercely, how much should you see from the opponent's path?"

"The opponent uses all spirit puppets, which can enhance your own strength and change the attack during the battle. The method, and the body will return to normal after the death of the battle, which means that there are more lives out of thin air. The most damning thing is that the dead puppet will melt, and there will be no clues. In addition to the permanent decline of the body's strength after use. Spell is almost flawless!"

"Putting it that way, you didn't see who attacked you at all?"

Ditans was definitely nodded. "If you know what I am asking you for?"

"Then I can rest assured!"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Ah no I mean, then I'm upset!" Phew, I told the truth with excitement! "Well, Titans! You know, this...according to the rules, I absolutely can't tell you, but since you paid the benefit, then I can only reluctantly do it, but I won't tell you the specifics. Whose is it."

Ditans was not stupid, and immediately nodded and said: "I understand your difficulty, you just need to follow what I said and tell me right or wrong." See me nodded Ditans immediately said: "According to my guess, there are only three possible attacks on me. One is the Light God Palace, the other is the Goddess Palace of Freedom, and the third is your Celestial Court in China."

"You Why do you think it is these three?"

"Light God Palace and I are old opponents, so it is normal for them to attack me. As for the Free Goddess Palace, this is my reason. Please forgive me. It’s convenient to tell you."

"What about Celestial Court? Why do you think they have the possibility of committing crimes?"

"Am I right?" Titans did not answer me Instead, I was very excited to ask if I guessed correctly. I shook the head, and Titans immediately said: "It wasn't made by Celestial Court? Is that the Goddess Temple of Freedom?"

I deliberately asked: "Why don't you guess the most probable Light God Palace? ?"

Ditans shook the head: "To be honest, I was indeed the first to think of Light God Palace at first, but then I thought about it again, it seemed impossible, and listed it as The post-selection sequence just habitually thinks that they are possible, but I don't really believe it myself."

I looked towards Titans with a lazy smile. "Oh? It's weird that you have such thoughts!"

"Actually, this is also as it should be by rights." Ditans explained: "Originally, Light God Palace is indeed suspect. The biggest, but I thought about it later and felt wrong. If the previous Light God Palace was nothing, but the Light God Palace now is no longer as good as before. Since the Split of Light God Palace, there hasn’t been much battle strength anymore. For now For the Light God Palace, the top priority is to develop and consolidate. I don’t think they would do anything stupid like robbing me."

Huh! Ditans is really a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity. He himself is a clever person and thinks that everyone else is as shrewd as him. He didn’t expect it to be such a stupid idiot. What he did, of course, what made him didn't expect is that I also participated in this deception project. Clearing my throat a little bit, I interrupted Titans. "There is some truth to your guess, but I can only tell you that none of these three is the correct answer."

"Neither?" Dietans frowned after thinking about it for a long time before asking in a low voice. "If these three are not, then only the Odin Divine Race and the Christian gang will be left, or are they from Allah?"

I continued to shake my head. "Think about it again."

"That's not right? But these Divine Races are the only ones who have direct contact with my sphere of influence! That means someone has launched a cross-border operation? But there is no Divine Race. Can you move around in other Divine Race territories without being discovered?"

"Ah...Aren’t you usually smart? Why are you confused for a while? Think about you Dark Where is the base camp of God Palace?"

"Of course..." Ditans suddenly paused when he said that. "You mean the other party came from the underworld?" Before I nodded, Ditans immediately confirmed his answer. "Yeah! Why didn't I expect it! The other party appeared so suddenly, there must be a special way to enter. It turns out that they came from the underworld, so it's not surprising that they weren't discovered by the guards here. Yes! Lean on me! Several recent Divine Race forces have weak control over the underworld, so they did not find a foreign Divine Race that crosses the border. However, the underworld is full of rare beasts and insurmountable except for a few major settlements. The sea of ​​silence, unless it's..."

Seeing the gaze that Ditans casts at me for verification, I am slightly nodded to encourage him to continue. After Ditans was encouraged, he immediately proceeded to analyze.

"Unless the opponent has a Netherworld River boat, that is to say, the opponent is not a branch of Divine Race, but a high level Divine Race force with a higher god, and a powerful Middle God clan in charge of death. Meets There are not many Divine Races under this condition. You have already stated clearly that it is not Celestial Court, so the only ones that are closer and meet all the above conditions are left... Is it the Egyptian Divine Race? The Egyptian Divine Race is a Pang Deity with all the systems. Clan forces, among them there are high-ranking gods like the water god Nu. Among them, Anubis, the mummy god, takes the place of his father, the god of the underworld, Osiris, who is in charge of the underworld. The strength is absolutely strong enough to easily take the commandment stone from me. Level. It’s all right to say that, all doubts can be met. But how did the Egyptian Divine Race know that I have the stone of commandment?"

I shook the head: "First, this You guessed it yourself, I didn’t say anything."

Dittens knew that I was getting rid of it, so he followed nodded and said: "Yes, I guessed it all. You kept your promise very much and you didn’t tell me anything."

I continued: "Secondly, I don’t know the question you just mentioned, because the person who gave me the stone of commandment also Didn’t tell me how they knew you had the Stone of Commandment, you have to check this yourself."

"Understand, since you said that...oh, your stuff is here." Di Tans pointed behind me to remind me.

As soon as I turned around, I was taken aback. I saw that the inner guard who had just ordered by Titans to fetch something came in with an iron chain, but there was a chain behind it. It's not a devil beast, but a very weak and pitiful Qianqian beauty.

"Come on, Titans, you want me to be killed by Rose, right? I am very greedy for money, but I am ugly!"

Explaining my question, instead I asked: "Do you think I am the kind of person who doesn't understand have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex?"

I hook the head. "You know life well, you can say that you have a pretty good taste among the various Divine Races I know."

"That's it. If I want to give you beautiful women, then they should Wearing a translucent blue yarn dancing a snake dance and walking into this room to increase their worth...!"

When I heard this, I reached out and stopped Ditans and continued talking. "Stop, I understand what you mean. Since you can be tied with a chain, she is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. Can you ask who she is? Or what abilities does she have?"

Ditans still didn't answer my question directly, but turned the topic off again and asked me: "Do you know Athena?"

"You mean the war of Odin Divine Race's subordinates Goddess Athena?" After I finished speaking, I pointed to the beautiful woman in surprise and stared at Titans waiting for his answer.

Ditans immediately laughed when he saw my expression. "Hahaha! Where did you want to go? Athena is a War God, do you think I beat her?"

"Then you just asked me who Athena is?"

"I mean, she has a very important relationship with Athena."

"She is very familiar with Athena? Then I can't even ask for it. Isn't this going to be a beating? Forget it, You still tell me what her name is?"

Dittens is very evil laughed, and then stretched out her head in a mysterious voice and whispered: "Her name is Victory."


Ditans frowned, then said: "Turn off your translation."


< p>Ditans opened his mouth again: "Her name is Victoria."


"According to the ancient Roman pronunciation, it should be Victoria, which was later directly used by the English language family. Borrowing the pronunciation, the meaning is translated as victory. But because her name directly called Shengli is easier to confuse with the adjective Shengli, so the European language system later evolved her name into the pronunciation of Victoria."

"Wait, you mean she is Victory Goddess Victoria?"

"Nike Victoria, to be exact, Victory Goddess."

"You want Give her to me as a reward?" I didn't believe in Titans at first, because with the stinginess of Titans, it would be a miracle not to bargain with you. How could you take advantage of him? Ordinarily, my help is not worth the value of winning Goddess. Titans will never do this obviously losing trade, unless there is something hidden in it that he didn't tell me.

Ditans may have also seen my guess, so he further expressed his position. "Don't worry, I really intend to use her as a reward. In your opinion, revealing that information is just a very simple matter, but this matter is of great significance to me, so I don't suffer from such a generous reward. "

I glanced at Titans with a suspicious look, and then said: "Then I will deference is no substitute for obedience!" Although I suspect there are any traps here, I won Goddess. The big cake is there, I can’t help it if I don’t touch it! The so-called human beings will die for riches, birds die in pursuit of food, even if I knew there was a problem, I decided to eat the bait first.

With the help of Titans, I quickly made Victoria Recognizing Master successful, and then I didn’t rush to check the attributes. Anyway, she couldn’t escape, so it’s more important to talk about business first. I talked to Ditans about the Japanese plan to besiege our guild, and Ditans naturally stretched out two fingers after listening to it. "Give me two opportunities to use the Ring of Discipline. I will help you solve the problem in Europe."

I thought about it for a moment, and then said: "One chance, you make another condition. "

Ditans thought for a long time and finally shook his head: "Two opportunities, I will send you a special force of 1,000 people to ensure your satisfaction."

"First Let me see what kind of team it is."

"Come with me."

Ditans took me to an underground barracks, and then sent the soldiers from it. A very strange force came out.

"What is this? A group of refugees who have fled?" I was completely dumbfounded when I looked at the large group of people in tattered clothes in front of me.

Dittens was also stunned by the sight before him, but he quickly recovered and shouted at those people: "What are you doing? Hurry up and restore!"

Just as Titans yelled, the thousand-year-old, sick and disabled suddenly stood straight. Although the clothes were still in tatters, their temperament was immediately refreshed. After the formation of the team was completed, the entire team began to deform slowly, as if the melted liquid was reshaping its shape. Soon a thousand "refugees" became a thousand almost translucent ghost mages.

"This is the ghost force?"

"The correct statement should be the phantom law division." Ditans pointed to the ghost wizard in front and introduced it to me. "As you can see, these ghost wizards all have the ability to simulate illusions, and due to some special reasons, their simulations can be said to have no weak spot."

"No weak spot? Any illusion is not. There is a weak spot, unless... shouldn’t they use Polymorph Spell?"

"Strictly speaking is not a Polymorph Spell, but it has similar functions. In fact, this unit was born in an accident, since After that, they have the ability to transmove various creatures, and the creatures they transfigured can maintain a physical state, which means they can transform into a warrior."

"But they are still wizards after all. What if they turn into a warrior? Can they still fight the enemy like a real warrior?"

"In fact, we can." The ghost wizard who took the lead stood by himself Come out and say.

"You can really fight like a warrior?"

"Yes, but when we become a certain kind of creature or individual, we can only use the ability of this individual, and Lost the original ability. For example, if I choose to transform into a Thunder Eagle, then I can have all the abilities of Thunder Eagle, but at the same time I also lose the ability to be a wizard, but when I transform into a wizard form, I can Use the power of the wizard again."

"Then if you are transformed into a giant dragon, don't you have a giant dragon-like battle strength?"

"This needs to be explained." Mage Seriously said: "Although we can transform into any creature, the rules of this world will not change. That is to say, we are impossible to do as one pleases to gain power. It's like even if I transform into Titans The image of an adult is also impossible to obtain the power of Lord Titans. Moreover, I cannot change the form unscrupulously. This requires a complete understanding of the target. I need to understand all the characteristics of a creature to become them, otherwise It’s useless."

"But at least you can become some of the more common creatures, right?"

"Of course."

I didn’t wait for the mage As I continue speaking, I will preemptively say: "Then I will understand that your advantage is not in your battle strength, but in that you can turn yourself into the most suitable creature for this environment no matter what environment you are in, that is to say, no matter what In combat, you can all become creatures that restrain the opponent's ability or are particularly adapted to the battlefield. This makes your adaptability and battle strength play a greater than normal value. For example, ordinary ghosts are afraid of Light Element magic, while you are You can completely transform yourself into any creature that is not afraid of light magic. In this process, your battle strength has not changed, but because of attribute restraint, your combat effectiveness has actually been improved."

In fact, I can understand that these have a certain relationship with my demons. Nobunaga, the gun god and ghost hand, often complain that no matter where I fight against me, I am always restrained. This is actually because of the attributes of all kinds of strange things of my pet. I can always find a pet that suits the environment. Combat. It’s like if it’s on the land, as a mermaid Princess, Anana can only be used as a nurse to replenish blood, but when she is in the water, her battle strength can even reach my first-line battle favorite. This is the terrain plus The contribution of mutual restraint with the attribute. If I can have a variety of troops that can change forms, it means that they can always overpower the enemy. However, satisfaction comes from satisfaction, and bargaining still has to be carried out. I won't mind getting more benefits.

"Dittens, although I am satisfied with your army, you also know that it is not a simple matter to get you access to the Ring of Discipline, so I still suffer a lot from you. Please make up for something!"

Ditans may also feel that the Ring of Discipline is indeed not something that can be used easily, so in the end it did not lower the price. "Well then! In addition to this phantom method division, how about I help you make a shadow stand-in for 100 people?"

"What is a shadow stand-in?" Although I am also the main player of Dark Element, after all I still don't know as much as the Lord of Darkness, so I don't know what kind of shadow substitute, but I can roughly guess the purpose of this ability based on the name.

Dittens explained to me: "Shadow stand-in is actually using his own shadow to make a shadow warrior."

"You mean letting my shadow come out to fight?"< /p>

"It is to let your shadow participate in the battle, but instead of attacking the opponent's body, but attacking the opponent's shadow."

"Attacking the shadow?"

" When you are fighting, you can let your shadow separate from your body and go out to fight alone, and then your shadow will attack the enemy's shadow. When the enemy's shadow is attacked by your shadow, his body will be equally damaged. Attacking has several advantages. First, it is useless for others to attack your shadow. In other words, you only need to worry about your own body, and your shadow will never die in front of you. Second, you and Your shadow’s behavior is separate, but the enemy’s shadow and body are synchronized. When the opponent is facing you and your shadow at the same time, they must make each of their actions accurately and simultaneously avoid both attacks. , Otherwise it’s the same no matter which side of the move. The third is that the shadow does not have defenses, so if there is an enemy you cannot break the defense, you can let your shadow deal with him, and the damage output will be very stable."

"It is indeed very useful to say that I came here, but we have a discussion, how about you help me make two hundred shadow doubles?"

Ditans thought for a while and nodded . "Two hundred shadow doubles, plus this help and the phantom law division just given to you, for two opportunities to use the Ring of Discipline, I have no problem with you, how about you?"

"Transaction ."

"Happy cooperation."

After the transaction was concluded, Ditans and I briefly explained how to deal with the matter. In fact, there is not much to do with Titans. The French and the British plan to jointly attack the Iron Crusade in Ashford and then force us to send reinforcements to achieve the purpose of mobilizing our guild forces. However, because we knew the contents of the plan in advance, it's definitely impossible to deploy our troops. We The only thing to worry about is whether Ashford’s Iron Cross can block the attack of the British and French forces, and Dark God Palace is nothing more than insurance in my opinion. Even if Ditans did not bring a large army to help the battle, even if it was a hint, it was enough for him to release the message that he would openly help us deal with the Anglo-French coalition forces.

After the plan was arranged, I bid farewell to Titans and left the Dark God Palace. Of course, I had to bring the mage MM who came to change my job with me. I walked out of the temple and found that people were already there waiting for me. "Ah, really sorry, have you waited a long time?"

"No, I just came out." Mage MM handed me a scroll: "This...!"

< p>I opened it and looked at it. It turned out to be a job transfer task. Generally speaking, the dual-professional transfer only needs to do tasks before obtaining the dual-professional license, and if you get the task again while the license is delivered, it means you may enter a dangerous game mode. The Second Revolution job mission belongs to the kind of love and hate for most players who have obtained the second career license, because getting it means you may get two extreme results. If you are relatively moldy and fail to complete the task, the result is that you will lose your second career transfer permit, which means that you have changed back to an ordinary single-professional player. But if you pass by by luck, congratulations. Not only can you get someone else’s yearn for something even in dreams’ second career transfer, but you will also open the career evolution function. For example, if you get a full-professional license, and then choose a black mage class hoping to change your job, if you receive the Second Revolution job quest when you change your job, you will not only get the black mage job, but also lead to black mage. The mage profession automatically evolves down to Level 1 and becomes a stronger black mage branch special profession, and these special professions are usually professions that players with only one profession cannot change.

After reading the scroll, I handed the scroll back to the mage MM, and then patted her shoulder. "Congratulations, there is a probability of one in ten that you will run into it!"

Mage MM looked at me with confusion when he heard my answer. "This...is it a good thing to get such a task?"

The warrior MM who was with the wizard MM also curiously asked: "Isn't the scroll saying that if the mission fails, you will lose the chance to change your job? Why? Do you think it is a good thing?"

I smiled and explained it to them. "If you receive such a task alone, then you are trying one's luck. It's not good or bad. But don't forget, you still have me beside you." Seeing that they still don't understand, I have to continue. Explain: "You should have discovered that you have been in the game for so long. The mission of "Zero" is not in vain. Completing the mission means reward, so getting the mission under the premise of guaranteeing the completion of the mission is equivalent to getting the mission. To the reward. Now you get this important task that happens to be very important to you, that is to say, you have a chance to get a super reward. If you complete this task alone, it can be a mixed result, but I can help. You work on the mission together. What do you think is the chance of failing to complete your mission at this level with my battle strength?"

If anyone doesn't understand now, that's an idiot. Since I have become the number one in the world battle strength list, it means that the battle strength has reached the peak state among players, and I was not there when the Mage MM took the task, so the difficulty of this task is calculated according to her own

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