Looking at us shaking hands with Aisha, the elite Knights of our guild were all whispering behind them.

Knight A sighed: "Oh...why did the president and his wife be so treacherous? They said they bought technology for seven million, but in the end they only gave some horses. !"

Knight B asked in confusion: "But don't we return the pegasus?"

"What do you know? Do you know what's popular recently?"

< p>"What is popular?"

"Popular stallions. You have never been responsible for raising horses, so I don’t know. Pegasus is simply the god of stallions, and the fertility is absolutely terrifying. Seven million can only be bought Seven thousand pegasus, according to the fecundity of pegasus and the holding of our guild, as long as they do not control their reproduction, two days will be enough!"

"Damn, the guild leaders are not very good. Black?"

"Damn, are you new here? The president and his wife are both demons. This is already a thing that everyone knows!"

"Snee." I Suddenly and Rose sneezed at the same time. "Strange, why did we catch a cold together? Is anyone talking bad about us?" Rose and I turned our heads and looked back at the same time. The Knight behind saw the cold light in the corner of our eyes shuddering together, and was still muttering: "It really is the legendary couple of demons, terrifying intuition!"

"Then return our ore to us first?"


After the agreement was reached, our things went very smoothly. Aisha probably considered that Bai Ye would be easy to get angry on both sides in our guild in the future, so she deliberately cooperated with us to prevent Bai Ye from being a bad person. We didn't intend to bully people, but the two sides deliberately eased and became very harmonious. After completing various transaction regulations, Rose actually recommended our guild's urban construction team to contract the urban reconstruction work of Aisha League. We are probably the first one to demolish people’s city like this and ask people to spend money to invite our own construction team to rebuild the city. Anyway, I think it’s weird, but Rose is very comfortable with it, and still I got a pretty good contract price, and I really admire her business skills!

While Rose was here to finish the follow-up question, I directly chose to send it back to Isinger, and then went offline. Jian Fan's three new bodies should have adapted to them.

"Boss, are you back?" Wen Rui yelled as soon as she saw me.

"Boss? Who told you to call me that?"

"You are usually called that way in the meeting!"

"But this is not a game, It’s better not to call the boss here, or people who don’t know will treat us as gangsters!"

Cao En smiled and said, "We are not powerful in gangsters."


"That's it." Jian Fan casually lifted a dumbbell and floated on its own. "This kind of superpower-like technology is really amazing."

I frowned and watched them three for a while, then beckons with the hand asked them all to sit on the chairs in the lounge area. Finally, I stood in front of them and said seriously: "It may be because of the reason that I left, but your performance really disappointed me."

Listening to my tone seems to be criticizing people, Jane All their smiles faded.

"Do you know your abilities?"

Cao En originally wanted to say that he understood, but he quickly changed my expression to not understanding.

"If you don’t understand, just listen to me. Your ability looks like a super ability, and according to the general definition, it can indeed be regarded as a kind of super ability, but this kind of super ability is basically magnetic control. Do you know how much energy it takes to lift objects with this ability?"

The three people shook their heads together.

"Thirteen six times. This is the exact value we calculated. In other words, for the same dumbbell, you lift it with your own hand and hold it with a magnetic field. This process The energy consumption difference is as high as 13.6 times. Our Dragon Clan's body temperature itself is higher than that of humans. Although you are using third-generation bodies, the overheating problem has been solved, but the energy consumption is still very high. Under normal circumstances, we have to consume twice as much energy as humans to maintain normal life characteristics. In battle, we may be able to consume a human’s energy used in a week every minute. By comparing the two, you can understand ours. The energy consumption is huge. You may already know that Dragon Clan eats a very large appetite, which is also a consequence of insufficient metabolic skills, but you should at least know the importance of saving."

Wen Rui asked in a low voice: "You mean it's best not to use superpowers?"

I'm nodded. "If you can do it with your own hands, never use special ability, because it will increase your energy consumption by ten times. Although our blood contains more energy substances than human blood, our average energy supplement The interval is only one month, that is to say, if you don’t replenish energy for more than a month, you will starve to death.” I took out an energy replenishment liquid to show them. "This is the emergency energy solution we use. It can take effect within 3 minutes by intravenous injection. Each can support energy for high-intensity combat for half an hour, or one month of normal life. But we generally don't like to use these things. , It’s still mainly eating, after all, you can also enjoy the food by the way."

Wen Rui said with a smile: "Hehe, it’s the dream of most girls to not eat fat."

< p>I continued: "Now you have nothing in the base, but you will be sent to explore in the future, so energy supplementation is a problem. What if there is no suitable energy supplement in any situation? So you must From now on, develop the habit of saving energy, so that you can survive longer in dangerous and complex environments."

Jian Fan nodded: "I understand what you mean, but we You still need to exercise these special abilities now?"

"I didn't say that you are not allowed to train, but usually you don’t need to use it, and don’t use electromagnetic control to manipulate it even when you pour the tea. It's in trouble!" Seeing that all three of them accepted my statement, I didn't continue talking about them. "Well, let's take a look at your training success now."

"What do you want to see first?" Jian Fan asked excitedly. It seems that he has long wanted to show his results. I have expressed this mood before, as if a child suddenly got his beloved toy and was eager to find a friend to show it off.

I thought for a while and said: "Although our body is thousands of times that of human beings, I don't recommend blindly pursuing physical combat, so the most important thing is still the use of weapons. You let me see first Look at your shooting ability."


We found a shooting area in the training area and started to check their shooting ability, and the results were quite satisfactory. The shooting speed of the trio of Zhongrui is the slowest, but the shooting rate of the trio is almost the same. The fixed target error within the effective range of the gun is within one millimeter, which means that the gun has ten rings. After activating the cross-wind and thermal convection system in the shooting test field, the hit accuracy is still as high as 99.9% per thousand, which can almost be regarded as error-free shooting. The shooting hit rate of the moving target in the complex state is slightly lower, but still exceeds 999 per thousand, and dynamic target capture can be carried out in the two-way motion state, of which Jian Fan can even hit two irregular flights with one shot. This is a little bit of surprise to me.

"It seems that your shooting ability is very good, so let me take a look at your fighting ability." I took them to the special training room, and then pointed to a pile of steel bars and asked them: "You can Did the kick break?"

"Huh? So thin?" Jian Fan hesitated looking at the steel bar.

I walked to the pile of steel bars, picked them up and handed them to the three of them, then turned around and drew a few meters away from them. "One by one."

The three people looked at each other, then simultaneously lifted a steel bar and threw it over. As soon as the steel bar flew in front of me, I suddenly took off and kicked in the air. I only heard the sound of a thumb-thick steel bar breaking in two from the middle. The broken steel bar popped out and plunged into the ground. Jian Fan immediately ran up to look at my legs in surprise. "Doesn't you hurt?"

"I knew you were worried about this." I rolled up my trouser legs and showed them, leaving no trace at all. "Although you have acquired the body of Dragon Clan, your mind is still at the human stage. You are afraid of injury and pain. You are afraid to try the limit that you could not reach before. You don't know that it is no longer your limit."

"What do you say, but this is not something that can be overcome in a short while?"

"That's why you are required to practice. For humans, the result of kicking steel bars can only be It’s kicking off your leg, but your skeleton is a heavy alloy. Compared with your skeleton, steel bars are like the difference between sand wood and iron wood. Even more how surrounds this layer of skeleton is a biochemical body comparable to steel. You can easily bend the steel bar with muscle strength, and kick it off. It only requires speed control. But for us Dragon Clan, accuracy is not a troublesome thing. Just think about it, and the specific operation can be left to your head. The electronic chip inside is responsible. The extremely precise electronic chip is responsible for precise control, and the biological computer that is good at logical calculations is responsible for the macroscopic thinking. In addition, you inherited from the human individual called the moral autonomic nervous system, this is Dragon Clan The control center of the Trinity, Dragon Clan was designed in this way when it was finalized, so complicated problems for humans are not a problem in front of you at all."

"Really? Why don't we feel it?" "Cao En asked.

"Because the integration is still going on, there is no impossible for three to five months to fully penetrate, but if you can already use it, look at this if you don’t believe it." I wrote three words on the ground with steel bars. The ten-digit multiplication counts, and then turned around and asked them: "You should know the answer if you see it. I think you definitely didn't have this calculation ability before, right?" Cao En said in surprise:" Yeah! I used to be very slow to calculate, didn’t expect to know the answer at a glance now."

Wen Rui cleverly said: "If the electronic chip in our head really If we can think synchronously with us, I think we can mentally calculate the result even if there is an astronomical calculation problem."

I nodded: "You can do a small amount of astronomical calculations easily, but the real astronomy You still can’t afford to calculate your electronic chips. I’m just telling you that your body is different from before. Okay, now try to kick a steel bar."

Jian Fan, they heard what I said. They all started to throw a steel bar and kicked it by themselves, but the result was that they all kicked the steel bar away, let alone broken, not even bends.

"You are still worried about injury. This is a self-protection instinct. It will take some time to overcome it. I suggest you consider imagining that you are in front of you with a newspaper roll. Just try more. . What you have to break through is nothing more than psychological barriers. As long as you break through, you can greatly improve your battle strength."

"Ok, we understand."

In mine Under the guidance of the three people, they began to step up training on how to break through their psychological bottom line. Among them, Cao En, the stupidest, turned out to be the fastest. People say that idiots are heartless, but at this time such people are more open. People who don’t know the rules are not easy to be restricted by the rules. Smart people know that people are constantly kicking, so the mental obstacles are much more serious than stupid people.

It will take a while to see them training. I just let them practice first and then go online again. The efficiency of Rose is very high, the affairs of Aisha League have been basically handled, and all the magic crystals have been shipped back. I happened to see the eagle running towards the Conference Hall when I was online, so I quickly followed along.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Purple Moon? I just plan to let people call you."

"What's the matter? "

"Don't you move back to the empress earth monument that shows the most important things to us?"

"Yes. Is there something else on it?" Is it?"

"Of course. Speaking of which you moved back to that thing is really useful, all threats can be notified to us in advance, so that many threats are not considered threats, and even Some inevitable threats, at least we can spend a lot of time to prepare."

"You still didn't tell me what happened this time?"

" It's not a new problem, it's the joint attack planned by Nobunaga and the others last time."

"Are there any changes?" I asked in surprise.

"It's not a change, but it's annoying."


"Well, those damn bastards contacted Indonesia The people on the side plan to come to a Danger Land counterattack, wanting to take back the land we occupied in Indonesia."

"Indonesia?" I couldn't help laughing. "Is Nobunaga Guishou's head caught in the door panel? Indonesia? Hahahaha......!"

"Why are you laughing?"

"Huh? You don't understand? "I looked at the eagle in surprise.

The eagle scratched his head helplessly. "I'm not you guys full of bad water. Tell me what the hell is going around here?"

"I don't understand this?" I explained: "Indonesia is indeed destroyed by us. , But the land was later sold. That is to say, this place is now owned by the United Nations. Everyone will occupy a piece of land and I will occupy one piece. The Transmission Formation has just been repaired here, and then it becomes a transportation hub between countries. You Think about it? How profitable is the world material transfer station? Such a big piece of cake makes these countries with vested interests spit out, who does it? Not to mention the Japanese inciting Indonesians, even if the United States and China instigate together, I guarantee this place It will definitely be a piece of iron."

"The problem is that the side is already moving now."

"Huh? Cough cough cough..." I was choked by my own words. Cough straight up. "What are you talking about?"

"I said that the Indonesian side is moving. Every country seems to have its own plan. Anyway, there is a continuous increase in troops there. It seems that all the guilds of the world I plan to have a great decisive battle over there."

"How could this happen? It shouldn’t be!"

"We don’t know why, but the Empress’s monument This is the picture shown above. I want you to come in and see what's going on."

"This is all right, then you should discuss the countermeasures first, and there will be results. Rose told me that I will go to Indonesia first."

"Okay, you go."

I touched the teleportation ring and appeared directly in the city of Garland. Although our guild occupied a large area of ​​land in Indonesia, most of them were later sold. Now there are only Garland (formerly Tanjung Garland, Indonesia), Surprise City (formerly Pekanbaru, Indonesia), and Master City ( Indonesia’s original Tranepura), Lingzhi City (Indonesia’s original Palembang), Pure City (Indonesia’s original Padang), Sentinel City (Indonesia’s original Mataram), Bangka City (Indonesia’s original Bangka Island expansion) Although the number of these seven cities is small, they are all located at strategic points, and they can hold the main outlets to the sea firmly, which is considered to be a classic defense arrangement.

As soon as I walked out of Transmission Formation, I saw a large number of foreign players running around like ants. The level of excitement was definitely more scary than Beijing Railway Station during the Spring Festival.

"Halo, what's wrong with this?" I looked at the scene in front of me and really didn't know what to say.

"Hey, are you going to get in or out? Don't stand in the way!" A player pushed me away and shouted, but his voice became smaller and smaller because he had recognized I am coming.

I knew he knew me when I saw his expression. I immediately lifted him up, and then jumped up to a sculpture next to him. "Do you know me?"

"Hehe, kidding, how can anyone in our business not know you?"

"Oh, what do you do?"


"I? I run for transportation."


The other party found me looking at him and quickly explained: "I have space equipment. Even if you are The boss of Frost, you don’t know the business opportunities in Indonesia. Those of us who have space and equipment will partner with those who can move fast. The flow of materials between countries is in thousands of tons per minute. As a unit, no country has a way to handle this throughput independently. At present, the fastest transportation between countries is the transnational Transmission Formation of your guild, but that thing is too expensive and there are restrictions on material types. Besides, there are some things people don’t dare to let you see! The second fastest way is to pass here. After these cities in Indonesia are bought by other countries, even if they are their territory, their domestic Transmission Formation can be directly built here. In this way, they only need to spend the money sent domestically to transfer the materials here and then transport them to the neighboring city. It is considered to be abroad, and only use the Transmission Formation of the other country to send it back to the other country, so that the transportation process is completed. Although halfway through. Pour Transmission Formation twice, but the advantage is that the throughput is large enough and the price is cheap. Of course, it is not impossible to directly transport it by land or sea, but it is estimated that no one can wait at that time."

"Are you fully aware of the fundamentals?" I smiled and jokingly said with him.

"Let’s just use a car of Boss, and use this person’s space and equipment to get some private work. I said, the boss, what are you doing when you arrest me? I’m still carrying the goods. The money is deducted!"

I threw a crystal coin to him. "Ask you for something, it won't take long."

"You said you said." This guy really sees money, and he seems to be a Chinese expert when he speaks, so he has a rustic flavor. This is the first time I have seen this foreigner.

"I want to ask why there are so many people here? Shouldn't the usual transportation volume be so large?"

"Hehe, you really can ask questions." Then The guy put away the crystal coins and explained: "I'm also a boss, so I don't know too many secrets, but according to you Chinese, it is called snakes, snakes, rats, and rats. I do know something."

"Don't talk nonsense, just say it."

"Hey, it's like this. Recently, there has been news from Japan that the Japanese side intends to launch military operations on the Indonesian side. , So the traffic here may be delayed for a period of time, but the supply and marketing relationship has not disappeared, but once the commercial road is stuck, no matter when it is opened again, it will definitely affect the business system that makes a living. To cope with this problem, all capable Bosses are hoarding goods crazily, hoping to hoard some things before the business route is broken, so that if the closing time is short, they may be able to survive by warehousing supplies."

"The idea is good. Then I ask you, do you know that there are a large number of troops in other cities?"

"Oh, you said that all countries are increasing troops? This is also Isn't it easy to understand?"

"en?" Suddenly, I was stunned by a small vendor's rhetorical question, but my intelligence is not low, so I understand after thinking about it. "Understood, you can go." I threw him down after I said it.

In fact, the so-called car boss is right. I should have thought that the problem is not as complicated as I thought it was. I was too worried, so I made things complicated. In fact, the increase in troops from other countries is not to join the war, but to put pressure on us and the Japanese. In fact, just change the positions of the two sides to understand. If France and Germany are going to go to war next to our border, can we not place more troops to guard it? Even if people say it is to pinch each other, you can't worry about it! Nobody knows what to do if he doesn't let go. Besides, what if the other party is cheating? Clearly fighting, in fact, is taking the opportunity to increase troops to invade, don't you just be able to block one block and buy time to send back up?

Although the above understanding is fairly simple, I am not a small business hawker after all, and my overall outlook is much farther than that. The increase in troops can be regarded as an attitude of self-defense, but maybe the wolves will suddenly rush out to take a bite if they are too excited. Therefore, you must be careful about the addition of third parties during the battle. Which of these countries that have increased their troops is self-protection, and which ones are in collusion with the Japanese, this must be clear, otherwise it will be bad if someone stabbed them from the back when the time comes.

I randomly found a place to switch to the silver moon state and then I summoned a little snow, and then I slid all the way to a nearby city and started to inquire one by one. I spent an entire night checking most of the nearby cities, and the situation is pretty good. Most countries are just worried about their cities being affected. This means that my guess is correct. The Indonesian region is still a country so far. The main interest area of ​​the country, so no one wants to let the balance here be disrupted. But I have to say that people who have had brain issues still exist these days, because I found one soon.

"Is there any mistake, such a country actually wants to participate in the battle of this level?" They didn't know whether they should cry or laugh when they heard the news that I sent back through the ring of love of Rose Eagle , Because the country I inquired about that wanted to cooperate with the Japanese inside and outside is actually Nicaragua. To be honest, I didn't know that they bought land here, but I didn't know that it should be because they were not buying a city, but a village. How much money do you think a guild in such a small country can have? I am already surprised to be able to buy a village.

"Are you sure it's Nicaragua?" Hong Yue's voice also came out.

I leaned against a sculpture and whispered: "Please think about how to deal with the problem here, okay? I haven't found out that it is possible to tell you?"

"Damn, what do we say for that kind of country? You just kill it easily." Hong Yue's answer was really simple.

"You said it is light, do you know where the village bought by Nicaragua is?"


"Close to Fiat Castle !"

"What? You mean the fortified city built by the French after he bought the land?"

"Of course, besides it, what other city can I didn't even dare to move? You said these two places are so close, what if the French think I'm going to attack them after I fight?"

"Just let me know. "The big pot of rice speaks without going through the brain.

In the image displayed by the ring of love, Su Mi knocked on a big pot of rice: "You grow up so big that you don’t even use your head. We just attacked the Aisha League in France, although the reason lies with us. Side, but from the standpoint of the French, they are at a disadvantage. The so-called if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves, the French naturally don’t have a good impression on us now. Besides, in this chaotic situation, we were afraid that the French would take the opportunity to fish in. troubled waters, if they don’t notify them, they still don’t know the situation and don’t dare to move. Once they really say hello in advance, I promise that Purple Moon will arrive in Lima as soon as they do it."

" Do you dare to confront us?" Da Guofan said again.

"Of course I dare not do it openly. It's okay to secretly spoil it. Maybe they will bring a group of people to occupy your labor in the name of helping you defend. I have done it, and even if we are occupied, we can’t really turn our face against them. After all, we don’t plan to start a full-scale war with France."

"Politics is really troublesome!"

Su Mei said: "Politics is about the exchange of interests and the control of human nature. From now on, the overall attitude towards our guild in France is neutral and hostile. Therefore, in order to ensure normal entry and exit from France in the future, it is better not to create disputes."

Suddenly asked Rose: "If I can find you a strong helper?"

"Helper? Are you trying to send her here?" My tacit understanding with Rose The degree is always high, and I know who she is talking about with just one mouth. At present, there are a lot of guests in our guild, but only two people can really send out to help me fight. One of them doesn't cooperate very much, so I just ruled it out, and the remaining one would definitely not run away.

Rose heard that I guessed it and immediately asked: "Should you want? Somehow they are Nuwa's maid, and High God has no area restrictions, and it’s okay to go abroad for combat. I use my eloquence to tell her. It should be okay to help. What do you think? Do you want me to send her there?"

I thought a little bit: "I was worried that she came accidentally and played a Lu Chenshu to take the entire Indonesian peninsula. Send seabed down!"

"She's just a maid after all, isn't she as strong as that?" Rose didn't speak very hard, obviously she didn't have any background.

"Otherwise, you can first ask what battle strength she can achieve. If you understand it clearly, I will go to the French to go around, maybe I can find something."

"Well, I will contact you in 20 minutes."

After cutting off the communication, I quickly left the village bought by the Nicaraguan, and then went directly to the Fiat Castle. Speaking of which French people's thinking is really not easy to understand. You said that this place in Indonesia is wet and rainy. The ground is rotten like a swamp. Large weapons are not available at all. They actually built a fortress-like city. Law understanding.

I took advantage of Rose to learn about Moring's situation during this period of time, I first made a round of the entire castle. Europeans’ castles are not as big as those built in our country, and they were finished in a short time. The overall feeling of Fiat Castle is more like a military fort than a commercial stronghold. Generally speaking, Indonesia is not a strategically important place. The reason why the status is important now is that the commercial transportation hubs of various countries are here, so it becomes so important. But once anyone uses force to break this pattern and grab all the land, then This piece of land is worthless, so generally speaking, no one's mind will be moved here. But now my reconnaissance results show that the French do not seem to intend to only do business here, because according to the current development of the city, it has far exceeded the requirements of defense.

I just checked the situation here. Rose’s contact has arrived. "Husband, what's the situation on your side?"

"One or two sentences on my side are not clear, please tell me what Moring said first."

"She agreed to help, But she is not in our city now. It will take some time to get from Nuwa’s residence in God World to the Nether, so you have to wait another three hours. As for the attack power, you can rest assured that she can’t release that level of magic. , Secondly, she will try to restrain the use of power. Okay, let’s talk about your situation now."

"My situation is that the French Fiat Castle has a problem."

"Problem? What is the problem?"

"You know that the road frame in Indonesia can no longer be described as bad, but they are almost like a swamp. A super fortress was built in the place, what do you think this is doing?"

"Anyway, it's not doing performance art."

"So I infer that the French are secretly carrying out a certain It’s something we don’t know, but I can’t even think of what they are going to do for a while. But here’s the worst inference."

"You don’t need to say, I have already thought of it." Rose seems to be also Understand what I am worried about. "In that case, how about let's beat the grass to scare the snake?"

"Do you mean...? Hehe, it's my wife, I want to go with me."

"Let’s start then."


I quickly left Fiat Castle and ran to the small village bought by Nicaraguans Outside, Ling was called out and asked her to be responsible for manipulating my summon creature, and I only took Emenes and darts and ran back to Fiat Castle. After I issued the order through contact with my mind, Ling began to mobilize my summon creature to quietly surround the small village bought by the Nicaraguans.

This village is basically not a village, this place should be called a field supply point. The entire village is an irregular approximate square with a side length of less than 30 meters. The buildings in the village are all grass and wood structures, except for the slate ground, almost no masonry can be found. The center of the village is a small square, in the middle of the square is Transmission Formation, but this Transmission Formation is very small, even if you stand close to the point, you can transmit at most three to five people. There is a circle of houses on the periphery of the square, including the necessary grocery stores and blacksmith shops in the leveling area, but the grocery stores only buy small medicines, and you can hardly find special medicines. Except for blood tonic, they are all in small bottles. . The blacksmith shop is even better. It can only repair equipment and not sell anything, and because the blacksmith level is too low, it can only repair equipment up to the elite equipment level, such as Holy Spirit equipment and Divine Item. In addition, the remaining houses have a small restaurant, a village chief’s house, four villagers’ houses, and two warehouses. These are all the buildings in the village. On the periphery of this circle of houses is a circle of wooden fences with a height of only 1.9 meters, and they are all made up of sparse twigs, which have basically no effect except blocking the wild beast. Don't talk about siege weapons, just come to a mage, and it won't take long for people to knock down the fence without using magic to strike with a wand.

This village is a bit broken, but considering the number of people in Nicaragua and their wealth, it is not easy to buy such a village.

Ling Qi on Yeying’s back carefully observed the situation in the village through Eagle Eye Technique, and then slowly raised his right hand and waved forward. Seeing Ling's gesture, Skye immediately shouted: "Down the bow."

Oh la la, all Qilin warriors took off their riding bows from their mounts and put on one. The arrow, the neat movement brought a neat noise. In fact, the people in the village have long discovered that they are surrounded outside, but they are too few and don't know what to do.

Scott doesn’t care so much. Seeing that Qilin warrior is ready, he immediately continues to order: "Lift."

Wow, more than 10,000 longbows are simultaneously stretched and aligned. Inside the village.

"Starting from the first echelon, each echelon is tos

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