Looking at the sudden voice, Rose and I found nothing, but when we were about to look around, I suddenly felt a chill without warning. After instinctively, I felt a pain on my face. I touched it and found that there was a lot of blood on my hand.

"Yo. Is your intuition very keen." A male voice suddenly appeared behind me. Without waiting for the voice's master to act, I had already taken the distance by holding the rose in a vertical leap. In midair, when I turned around and looked back, I only found that the place where I was standing just disappeared in the smoke and dust.

Rose reminded me in a low voice: "The opponent is not fast, it seems to be a stealth-like skill, but not exactly like it!"

I am nodded. "You don't get down in the air first." After I said that, I threw the rose upward, and the rose immediately spread its wings and floated in the air. The small dragon girl also re-transforms into a human form and descends to Rose to protect her.

As soon as I landed again, I started looking around, and suddenly a silhouette appeared at a distance of less than two meters in front of me. I was taken aback by the person in front of me, not because of her sudden appearance, but because of her image. The woman in front of me is wearing a very elegant long dress, and I don’t see any influence of gravity on her, as if she is floating in the water, the dress is drifting slowly with her movements, and it makes What is surprising is that this woman is actually not a physical entity, but a translucent state, with a strong white light radiating from her body.

The woman who appeared suddenly looked at me with a smile, and then suddenly waved one at me. I didn’t see a physical weapon in her hand, but she held a The handle is a long sword composed of rays of light. In any case, the thing in front of you is decided not to be touched, and I can still be sure of this. Without stopping, I slammed my entire body back on the ground, but the phantom reminded me that there was danger behind me. Without hesitation at all, I twisted my body again, and my body stubbornly broke free from inertia and flashed a lightsaber dangerously.

The man who ambushed me saw no hit and was not in a hurry to pursue it. Instead, he turned around slowly and said to me: "It's worthy of being ranked first in battle strength. I always thought your ranking was not reliable. Look. Is there something for you to come here?"

I didn't feel angry after hearing this man's words, but it was kind of absurd. It's like a beggar saying to the richest man in the world: "I always think you don't have much money. Didn't expect you brat still have two small dollars." How would you feel after hearing this?

I didn't answer his words, but looked up at the roses in the sky, then pointed at the man, and then at my own head. Rose couldn't help covering her mouth and laughed, but the man on the other side immediately jumped into a rage. A fool can also see the intelligence I am laughing at, and what makes him most angry is that even his own people seem to have the same meaning.

This guy is a special member of the Aisha League who has been hiding for a long time. I don’t think there are many people who really know his strength, but the people from the Aisha League have already understood my battle strength in the previous battle. It's very thorough, so these people will think that the guy in front of me has problems with their brains just like me. There are many people who are arrogant in this world, but those who dare to continue madness in the face of world Number One Powerhouse are usually brain problems.

"Do you dare to laugh at me?" The man started to act while he was angry. His silhouette suddenly disappeared in place, and suddenly appeared next to me the next second, but he called out his surprise. When he cut through me with a sword, he didn't feel any hindrance. The man’s face instantly changes so hard that I suddenly appeared behind his back.

"Don't think that only you can teleport." I slashed at the man's body with a fierce sword, but the result also surprised me. Although the Eternal Sword cuts iron like mud, it still has a sense of how much it cuts, but when I cut this man, I didn't feel any power feedback, as if I cut a mass of air. Originally, I had used a lot of strength to control the enemy with one sword, but the result was that I couldn't hold back the momentum with a single sword, and I turned around in the same place, almost throwing myself out.

The man swept away his surprise just now, but he slashed again with a sword, but he didn’t feel anything when he hit me. My image just disappeared in front of him, leaving only a trail on the ground. Sword marks.

My image over there completely disappeared and suddenly appeared far away from the man, but the other party also suddenly disappeared in place, and then came out from my side and swung a sword again, I Had to teleport again, but the guy followed up again. The people watching the game outside only saw the two of us playing hide and seek intermittently on a large area of ​​ruins, but none of them hit each other.

I can’t help chasing for more than a minute. "Damn, neither of us can use physical attacks. Why are you always chasing me?"

"How can others know that I am better than you without chasing you?"

"Okay, you brat enough, I'm going to see if you are truly invincible." I said that a whirlwind swept across my body, and the next second I switched to the silver moon form.

The kid was stunned when he saw me, and Guishou Nobunaga quickly reminded: "Don't be afraid, that is the second account of Purple Moon, he is the only double-number player in the game."

"Oh, it turned out to be a trumpet." The man said triumphantly: "Even your large size is not my opponent. Can you beat me by changing into a trumpet?"


I laughed too, but the current image is really not deterrent, but it makes the other person stunned for a while: "If only battle strength is used to distinguish between large and small, then I must tell you, in fact, this It’s my tuba."

"Oh, then I’m going to weigh you." The man suddenly disappeared again when he finished speaking, but when he appeared next to me, I had already The rod was inserted into his body, but he didn't mean to dodge in the slightest.

"hahahaha...have you not noticed yet?" The man said triumphantly: "My body is nihilized, such an attack is useless."

" Oh? Is this really the case?" I suddenly turned the staff while I was speaking, and the surrounding air instantly heated up. The powerful heat seemed to explode and formed a shock wave. The nearby ruins were blown out, leaving the rest on the ground. The object quickly melted into crimson's mixed solution, and then began to constantly turn bubbles.

I thought this would be enough to kill the other party, but didn't expect it still not working. The other party unexpectedly got close to my body again, and then pierced my chest with a sword.

"Your mother forced me to do a trick!" I stepped away and raised my right hand to aim at that guy. "In the name of Flame God Amoral, burn everything."

With a boom, all the nearby areas suddenly burned up, and the crowd of spectators nearby had to retreat quickly due to the high temperature. The area in the center is melting and sinking underground at a speed visible to naked eye. The man who was directly attacked by me looked at his body in surprise, and then looked at me again. "What is your ability? It can actually work on me! But the damage is too weak."

His words did not bring me any comfort, on the contrary, it surprised me even more. Flame God Amolad’s power is already High God’s divine force. Ordinarily, even if Erlang Shen and their gang of Divine Immortal are hit directly like this, they have to hold their butts and jump around, but the guy in front of them is only slightly affected. Influence, it seems that he doesn't take this kind of injury seriously when he is not in a hurry or in a hurry. How can there be such a perverted player in this game? Did he cheat? impossible! The core of "Zero" is a biological computer of the same level as Nuwa. It should have an intrusion prevention mechanism. Even if it can't stop it, it can at least report to the police in time. It is impossible for someone to cheat successfully without others knowing it. So, his ability is given by the game system in accordance with the regulations, but this ability is too abnormal, right? No, such a perverted ability is impossible. He is so strong in defense. There must be an extreme flaw in some aspect, otherwise the balance cannot be guaranteed at all. What I want to do now is not to enhance the damage, but to find out where his flaws are.

Now I have proved that this guy is completely ineffective in physical attacks, which means that melee attacks and physical weapons can absolutely not hurt him. I have just tried flames and high temperatures. It seems that High God’s flames can only cause minor damage, that is, he is still an energy body, otherwise the flames will not take effect, but he seems to be relatively immune to flames.

Since fire is useless, I don’t know if water is okay. I raised my hand at him again. "In the name of the Supreme Water God, freeze this target." With a thud, a large standard diamond-shaped huge ice crystal suddenly appeared in front of me, but what surprised me was that the guy walked out of it without any damage. .

"Is the water useless?" I looked at the very proud guy, then helplessly put down the right hand and raised my left hand. "In the name of Pangu, the god of creation, please grant me the ability to penetrate all illusions."

Suddenly there was a golden rays of light on my body, and the whole person drifted up naturally, the vow suit His colorful robe is in the air without any wind, and looks quite bluffing, at least in terms of momentum, it can be evenly matched with the guy on the opposite side.

"Oh, this looks interesting." The man suddenly appeared in front of me, and then reached out and touched my face. I flicked his arm casually, but at the same time I waved it, I already thought something was wrong. His body is illusory, so I should not be able to touch him, so the barrier is actually meaningless, and that guy’s thinking now is similar to mine, he also thinks I can’t touch him, after all Unless he himself wants a certain part to materialize, there is simply nothing to touch him. However, this time we are destined to be surprised.

Slap. There was a crisp sound when my hand and his arm collided, and the two of us were taken aback at the same time, but he was obviously more surprised, and the speed of my neural reflex was by no means comparable to that of an ordinary person. Without any pause, I flicked my wrist and locked his arm, then I pulled him in front of me with force, followed the right hand across his right shoulder and slammed to the right. Bang gave this guy a bang. With a beautiful fist swing, the guy's head was slammed by me, and at the same time he spouted a mouthful of blood shining with white light.

"haha, let you be arrogant again." I succeeded with a blow, but the other hand didn't relax, I slammed him back again, and hit him directly on the bridge of the nose with a punch , And immediately slapped him all over the face.

It wasn't until this time that the other party reacted and hurriedly punched to my face, hoping to force me to let go, but this kid only knows the skills in the game and does not understand the real fighting skills, so what can I do? Can't stop me. Seeing his straight fist, I simply didn't let go as he expected, but continued to pull his arm, and at the same time, my upper body fell back and fell back.

When a person stands up, he will instinctively control his balance to prevent him from falling. I suddenly pulled his hand back and naturally made him lose his balance, so his fist was immediately retracted and started to maintain his balance. , And at the same time try to lean back to prevent the tendency to fall. But unfortunately, I fell ahead of him, and the center point of the two of us was already tilted, so he couldn't correct it anyway. But his struggle at least allowed me to lie down on the ground very smoothly and not to fall straight to the ground.

The guy who was pulled down by me fell straight on me after losing his balance. At first he was very lucky. After all, there is a back cushion below, but will I make him so easy? Without stopping, I suddenly curled up my legs at the moment I fell to the ground, and then slammed the guy’s stomach upwards, and the guy followed my legs from me by the inertia of falling forward. He flew over, and because our hands were still held together, he was turned over in the air and turned into a head-and-fore-foot posture with his back hitting the ground.

With a bang, this guy fell straight to the ground. At that time, he was sprayed with blood from his mouth and nose, and he almost lost his breath, and I didn't plan to let him go like that. Just when he was kicked up, I had continued to hook up his legs and hooked his legs, so I followed him to make a big loop, and when he turned over 180 degrees, he lay on his back. While on the ground, I turned one hundred and eighty degrees and became riding on him.

When the onlookers nearby only saw me falling backwards, who knew that I turned up in the blink of an eye, and they didn't know what to say. But the next thing let them know that they should hurry up and help, because the mysterious man should go to the resurrection hall to report if he slows down. After I rolled over and rode on this guy, taking advantage of his being thrown and unable to move, I immediately transformed the eternity into two helmets full of nails, and then I hit this guy’s head with a combo punch while still beating me. Read it as you go. "Calling you to be arrogant...Bl... to pretend to be B...Bl... to look down on Laozi...Bl... to be supercilious next time..."

Although he was hitting someone with a boxing helmet The face feels refreshing, but my life is even more important. After a set of unrecognizable punches, I have to flash people, because the people nearby have been surrounded, including the one that has not moved before. The woman who appeared with this man.

The people who surrounded him dragged the guy to safety. It seems that his illusory state is also separate. It doesn't seem to be inhuman to himself, otherwise others want to pull He can't even pull it. However, although he was pulled out, others were helpless about his condition. After all, we were professionally trained, and all the actions were the key points. His ability to persist until the meeting had not died was entirely due to his special condition, if it were ordinary people. Hung up early.

The woman was not idle while others were busy saving people. She floated directly in front of me in a very light manner. Now that I knew that I could hurt their body, I no longer feared their special attributes, so I went straight up and prepared to put this woman down. Who knew she was holding it lightly with one hand.

I looked at my fist in surprise, and then at the woman’s hand. I didn’t understand what was going on, but the woman knew her abilities very well, so she was not surprised. Reacted quickly. I only saw her gently raising her hand, as if throwing a small stone, but I felt a huge force sending me out. Spreading wings in the air and spinning more than ten times in a row is considered stable, if ordinary people have to lose half their lives in this one.

I didn't rush up immediately after landing, because I was wasting my life even if I rushed up before I figured out her situation. But although I didn't understand it right away, the rose above my head seemed to have discovered the problem. Just after we were separated, Rose suddenly opened her palm to the ground and grasped it empty, a small stone flew into her palm immediately out of gravity. With a light shot at the woman, the stone shot out immediately, and it exploded into stone dust as soon as it hit the woman.

Rose smiled slightly, and then prompted me: "Although she and the man look the same on the surface, they are not the same in substance. The man is completely incorporeal, but the woman is an entity. Although she is also glowing, she can’t be blurred, but she seems to be abnormal in all aspects of her attributes."

The woman didn’t show any panic when she heard Rose’s prompt, but just slightly smiled. "Purple Moon, I know your strength. If you don’t understand my strength, you can’t defeat me. I already know something about today. The fault is indeed on our Aisha League side, but even if there is a mistake, we will You can’t just watch your own guild be destroyed, so as long as you plan to continue the attack, we must fight back. If you can’t defeat me, then I can kill all of your people sooner or later, so fight to the end for everyone No good."

"Are you trying to persuade us to retreat?"

"Yes." The woman admitted her point. "Then what's your opinion?"

"Impossible." Rose and I replied in unison. Rose heard that I answered this question with her, so she stopped talking, and instead let me speak alone. In public, Rose is always more willing to let me stand in front. "Attacking Aisha is not a goal, but a gesture." I seriously replied: "No matter how strong the lion is, it can't accept challenges endlessly. Only by killing one or two opponents can the number of challengers be greatly reduced. You guys. If we stole something from our guild, if we can’t find it out, it’s our incompetence. But now that we find it, no matter who you are, we must use the strongest means to deal with it, otherwise the Frost Rose League will be in this brief moment Stop. I don't want to see this result, so it is inevitable to attack your guild."

The woman was nodded after listening. "I am not a person like you. I can't understand such a complicated relationship, but what you say seems to make sense."

"If it weren't for this reason, then what do you think you are qualified to make? Am I here in person?" I asked unceremoniously, but everyone with a brain knew that I was not arrogant. A rabbit said he was not afraid of foxes, it was arrogance, a lion said he was not afraid of foxes, it was humility.

The woman seems to understand what I mean. "In that case, let me tell you my name."


"I thought I didn't want you to be defeated for the first time but I didn't know the name of the opponent."

"Hello...Miss, are you talking too much? Defeating me is not that simple. Besides, as long as the two of us touch, we can see the opponent's attack prompt in the system announcement. , How come you don’t know your name?"

"That's not necessarily."

I looked at my system notice information column with confusion after listening to her words. I found that there was really no attack prompt inside. Generally speaking, during the battle, you will definitely receive a prompt that you are attacking a certain player or that you are attacked by a certain player, but now I only see the prompt that you are actively attacking the XX player in my information bar. That XX was not blocked because of bad words, but really could not be displayed. After playing "Zero" for so long, I discovered for the first time that there are still people who can use the reverse name to fight. Putting it that way, shouldn't her previous sentence be true? Is she really capable of defeating me?

Seeing that I haven't responded, the woman said, "Don't believe me? Come and try it and you'll know. Ah, remember, my name is Baiye."

< p>"Are you Japanese or Chinese?" Her name obviously has an oriental structure, and the woman also seems to have some Asian bloodline.

"Neither." Bai Ye said: "I am French, but I have a 1/4/2021 Chinese bloodline."

"putting it that way your grandfather One of them is Chinese."

"No, my grandfather is Chinese and Korean, my grandma is Chinese and Japanese, so I have a Chinese bloodline of 1/4/2021, and I still There are one-eighth Japanese bloodline and one-eighth Korean bloodline. In addition, my mother is also a hybrid, so my bloodline is very mixed. Because of this, you should not have any illusions about my bloodline. You are a Chinese, so you are very kind."

"hahahaha!" Rose and I couldn't help laughing. This white night is too bold!

"Don’t think I’m talking big, I simply don’t bother to lie to you, I won’t lie to you, because it’s not necessary at all."

I suddenly switched to Purple Moon form and attached eternity to both hands and claws, and then the whole person quickly turned into a werewolf and jumped out directly. "Is it right? I'll know if I've tried it."

"Good point." Bai Ye suddenly raised his hand and grabbed my wrists and raised his legs to my knee joints. With one foot, my hands were held forward by her, and a foot was hit in the leg. The whole person fell into a face-down posture while still in the air. With a bang, I smashed a big hole into the ground, and my hands slammed directly into the hard rubble. Whether it was a stone or metal, it did not play any obstructive effect like cutting tofu.

I immediately tried to get up after a big loss, who knew that the woman jumped on my back and stomped down on my neck, just listening to the boom With a sound, I was trampled on both ends, but my neck seemed to be about to break.

The woman thought that this one should be able to solve me, but who knew that this step not only failed to kill me, she actually felt a huge energy spreading down her feet, accompanied by With a scream, Bai Ye's whole body was shot out, and he fell into a house with a missing half with a bang, and the remaining half of the house collapsed and caused a large amount of smoke.

"Ah... my neck!" I rubbed my neck and climbed up from the ground with difficulty.

With a bang, a huge wall in the rubble formed by the fallen house turned up completely, and then a person with golden light flew up from below. "It seems I still underestimate you!" Bai Ye said seriously.

"You not only underestimated me, but you also overestimated yourself."

"That may not be the case." The ground space where Bai Ye stood suddenly flashed, the next second She had arrived in front of me and cut down my neck with a knife.

"Damn, how come you all do this!" My silhouette disappeared in a flash, and then I emerged from behind her again. "Look at the sword."

When Bai Ye heard my silhouette slamming sideways trying to hide from my sword, she felt a kick in her waist as soon as she came over. The huge force made her fly out horizontally, breaking three or four pillars left by the broken buildings all the way, and then falling into a pile of ruins, but then oh la la bounced out of the rubble again. . "You cheat!"

"This is called all's fair in war. You still have a 1/4/2021 Chinese bloodline. Really, Old Ancestor's stuff is lost!"



Suddenly Bai Ye disappeared again, but when I saw her disappear, I squatted down and inserted both hands and claws into the ground without waiting for her to appear.

"Electrostatic radiation." My hands and claws suddenly emitted a huge electric current under the ground. As soon as the white night appeared, the strong electric current called out pitifully and threw it out. I drew out the claw the moment she left the ground, and at the same time slammed into chasing after her. While she was still in the air, I suddenly squatted under her, then violently stood up and sent her into the air with an upward punch. At the same time, I jumped up and grabbed her legs in the air, pulling and pulling again. She hit the ground. With a bang, the whole person smashed into the rubble, and a ring of smoke and dust was shaken on the ground, and the people outside couldn't see what was happening inside.

Although Bai Ye was very strong, she was confused. She didn’t expect that as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw me rushing down towards her from the sky, and she quickly rolled to the side. With a bang, I slammed into the place where she had just lay down and smashed the ground down more than a meter deep. Bai Ye watched me rushing to the air and rolled back quickly, and climbed directly on my back, but she seldom fights people with wings before, didn't expect me to lift her out with a single wing.

I got up and wiped the dust from the eyepieces. "Your defensive power is really good, so see if you can't stop it." I suddenly made a lunge, and then opened my hands in reverse and walked out a Tai Chi pattern. "Double Dragon Breaking Technique-Heavenly Dragon Kills." My silhouette suddenly disappeared from where I was. Before Bai Ye could figure out what was going on, I was slammed and knocked into the air. Before I landed my head, I was knocked out. The legs were clamped, and at the same time he felt a huge rotating force, and his body was shaken uncontrollably. As a result, the two people entangled and played more than one hundred forward somersaults all the way on the ground. They had already run after landing. Outside the crowd, let alone White Night, even I started to faint. But the skill is not over yet. The last time I landed on the ground, I pushed her with both hands on the ground and my legs slammed her up in the air. The legs passed between the arms supporting the ground and bounced upside down. This trick is impossible for ordinary people to practice in seven or eight years, but as long as the body is activated in the game, the body will move on its own. I don’t have to worry about it at all. Besides, it is possible to do it with my ability to imitate. .

Bai Ye only felt that she was flying upwards, but suddenly she got a kick under her chin. He raised her whole body again. He had flown more than 20 meters, but didn’t expect it suddenly. A light bullet hit the sole of his foot and blasted himself higher again.

Bai Ye flew all the way to an altitude of more than 50 meters, and then began to regain control of her body, but the previous rotation had turned her dizzy, and it was obvious that she wanted to restore balance in the air It's not that easy. I can only watch myself hit the ground again, but I don't want to just throw her down. Just before she was about to crash into the ground, I suddenly rushed over at a high speed from a dozen meters away, and just before reaching below her, I jumped up violently and then stood on top of one knee in the air, facing her with the sharpest knee joint. Bumped his stomach.

"Hmm..." Bai Ye squirted blood on the spot when she was hit, and flew out sideways with the whole person, while I slammed back to the ground because I had withstood all of her downward momentum. With a bang, I stepped on the ground under my feet into stone dust. I can imagine the impact of Bai Ye's fall.

Bai Ye was hit by me sideways and flew out and fell into the crowd. After overwhelming four or five people in a row, she was caught, but she didn't seem to be hurt by her appearance. I always feel weird after playing for so long, although I can't remember what's wrong for a while, but I always feel uneasy. I generally won’t think hard about things that I don’t really think about for a while. Anyway, as long as I keep hitting like this, I believe that even if the defensive power is high, there will be times when the defensive power is too high.

Sure enough, Bai Ye got up right after I landed and stood firmly. If she hadn't seen her vomiting blood before, it would be the same as not being injured. It's really abnormal!

"Is this skill your strongest skill?" After Bai Ye stood up, he actually asked such a question.

I frowned looking at the smiling white night, it seems that she is not pretending to make me nervous, she should be really fine. Although the two tricks just now are not my strongest skills, the attack power is definitely not low. At least Nobunaga and Gunshen would definitely not dare to take such a trick. Life value, even if the white night defense is relatively high, one-sixth of the blood will always be lost, right? But how does she look injured now? Since "Zero" started the real damage setting, the player's blood injury can be seen from the body. In the previous game, the player can run around like a okay person as long as there is even a drop of blood, but now as long as the injury is injured, it will be like reality. All kinds of negative effects appeared in the same way, but Bai Ye didn't look like injured.

After thinking about it, I still replied: "This is not my strongest skill, so are you going to see if my strongest skill can beat you?"

"I didn't mean it at first, but since you said it, it didn't matter if you tried it. But... I think your skills may not be able to do me well. Just now this is not your strongest skill. , But at least it’s a big move, right? How many of these skills can you put? Five? Ten? I can boldly tell you that within twenty such skills will not cause much damage to me at all, even if you I can play it 30 times in a row and hit every time, and I can't die either."

"Your confidence is enough, but it's a pity!" I shook the head.

Bai Ye looked at me with some doubts: "Do you think you have a way to deal with me?"

"It was not possible at first, but seeing you being so arrogant, I still think There is a way. There is a saying in China that the arrogant soldier must be defeated. You are now fully in line with the description of this sentence, so I think your failure is only a matter of time."

" It makes sense. I have learned your tactics before, now it’s time for me to take action. Get ready to pick up. Be careful, don’t hang up with one move. It’s rare for me to find a suitable opponent like you!"< /p>

After Bai Ye finished speaking, she raised her hand and pointed to me lightly. An orange red ball of light suddenly appeared before her fingertips. The surface of the ball of light seemed to be surrounded by four rotating flames. I was already in a defensive position almost immediately when the ball of light was formed, but I didn't expect the line of attack of the ball of light was not straight. Bai Ye just flicked the ball of light and suddenly flew towards me. Along the way, it brought up a cloud of smoke and dust on the ground, but at the moment when he was about to contact me, the ball of light suddenly turned around and reached mine. Suddenly bumped up behind him.

When Bai Ye saw the ball of light bypassing me, she assumed a gesture of victory, but her smile quickly froze on her face, because after the ball of light hit me, it was unfathomable The mystery came out from in front of me.


Guishou Nobunaga, who has been watching us fight but can't help, suddenly shouted: "Be careful, Purple Moon starts to use magic pets. Now, it shows that he is getting serious."

"What? Was he playing before?" For the first time, Bai Ye realized that my strength was not what she thought it was.

The rose hung in midair and said to Bai Ye: "You have to be unlucky. My husband started the fire but it is very terrifying, especially for outsiders like you."

"hmph , Don’t think that your summon pet is amazing, don’t say that summon pets are not ability, what can you do even if you have a pet? Can you win me?"

"Then But not necessarily." My voice suddenly appeared behind Bai Ye, and Bai Ye immediately disappeared in place, followed by her suddenly appeared a few meters away in front of me, and turned to face me. With a wave of her hand, three dazzling white lights shot out from the tips of her fingers, and the light swept over like a cutting machine with her wave. My silhouette suddenly disappeared in place when the light hit me, and the land I just stood on was cut into three deep gullies.

After losing the target, Bai Ye immediately looked around, and soon she found me at the top of a pillar, so she waved the white light again and cut it over, but I disappeared from her again. In sight, only the pillar fell down, and it didn't hurt me a bit.

"Are your attacks sharp?" When I reappeared, I ran behind Bai Ye, and at the same time, the Eternal Sword had been swung out, but Bai Ye also teleported away before the sword.

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