"It’s okay! I just calculated that Celestial Court owes us a total of 17 billion crystal coins in benefits, but I said, no money, it can be converted into soldiers to supplement. .Unfortunately, the Jade Emperor said that Celestial Court also had time to train the heavenly soldiers, so they couldn’t give too much at the moment. I think they were more embarrassed and only brought out seven or eight million heavenly soldiers. Celestial Court has a lot of treasures, and then I converted the treasures into money to offset part of the accounts, and finally pulled a lot of equipment back to Isengard. What's the matter? The Jade Emperor is angry?"

"No. You didn't get angry enough, but the Jade Emperor made you crazy. Now this is a beggar den. When I first arrived, I thought Celestial Court was robbed, and now it seems that I met a bandit! Buddhism turned the face and Celestial Court has never been so miserable, you are simply more powerful than the whole Buddhism together!"

"People are not all for you yet, you still talk about them!"

"I didn't say you did something wrong. But speaking of which, how can you figure out that Celestial Court owes us so much money?"

"Hehe, this is just a little clever , If you need it, it’s easy for me to say that we owe them back."

"Admire and admire. Then you will be busy with you first, let me see if I can find a way to negotiate with Celestial Court. Let’s do something good."

As soon as Rose heard me say this, he quickly reminded me: "You can't ask for a baby anymore, or the Jade Emperor will be stunned! I think I can get some soldiers or Divine Beast or something is OK, otherwise Celestial Court is willing to send Divine Immortal to the battle."

"You said it is light, forget it, I'll find a way to talk to them." After cutting the connection. I turned back to the Jade Emperor's side, and saw that the Jade Emperor was tasting tea while holding a broken teacup that was missing. I deliberately walked to the vicinity of the Jade Emperor and took a long breath. "Aiya, incense, it's so fragrant. This super high-quality tea is rare in the world! I don't know how the Jade Emperor took such a broken teacup to drink such good tea? Isn't this ruining things?"

"pu..." As I said, the Jade Emperor sprayed out all the tea in his mouth. Although he changed his equipment and clothes, Celestial Court is Celestial Court after all. The Jade Emperor asked the fairy to make tea. Of course, the fairy habitually brought the tea that the Jade Emperor used to drink. It seems that someone is crying with you over there while gnawing on a bear's paw.

"This is the last bit of superb tea left in Celestial Court. We are seeing you here today, so everyone will bring good things out to welcome you. After you go, we can drink it again. There is not such a good tea!" Taibai Jinxing is really cunning cunning, and Jiang is really old and spicy.

"Oh, that really saves me face." I deliberately picked up the tea and pretended to drink it, brought it to my mouth and put it down again, and at the same time forced two rows of tears in my eyes. "No, Celestial Court has taken me so well. How can I just ignore it! Let's do it! Since the economic crisis broke out in Celestial Court, how about letting me fund you to ease it?"

" You want to give us money?" The Jade Emperor heard that his neck stretched out like a giraffe. I guess I shocked him too much. In their impression, the people in our guild are basically the same as debt collectors, but I actually said that I would give them money. Wouldn't you say that the Jade Emperor was surprised?

I deliberately nodded very seriously, and then went on. "I'm not the kind of ungrateful person. How could I really look at Celestial Court without helping? Besides, it's not a major event that I can't do. It's just a matter of money, and it doesn't count for me. What."

"Ah! It’s really adversity to see the truth! You are really my good brother!" The Jade Emperor doesn’t care about what kind of image this will be. No money, just a bit of saliva.

A wicked smile crossed the corner of my mouth inadvertently, but neither of the Jade Emperor saw it. The smile was fleeting, and I quickly put on a pitying expression again. "Then the Jade Emperor thinks how much money can I fund you to solve your urgent needs?"

"This...?" The Jade Emperor suddenly backed away, then waved his hand slightly, and the nearby Divine Immortal all took out. With a lightning-like identity, he surrounded the Jade Emperor, and then a group of people whispered in a circle, and finally the Jade Emperor turned around and smiled and stretched out a finger.

I can roughly guess how much he wants by looking at Jade Emperor’s fingers, but I naturally have my plans. Seeing the one he made, I immediately shook the head and stretched out five fingers. At the same time, I said: "How can one billion crystal coins be enough? I think it will cost 5 billion. Jade Emperor, don't be too small. ! I can’t get any more brothers out, this is the limit I can mobilize!"

"Ah? Five billion?" I know why the Jade Emperor was so surprised, because he was so surprised. In fact, it was 100 million crystal coins, which increased by 50 times when I turned around. He was not surprised. But... is my money so easy to take?

"Hehe, it's mainly brother. I'm going to fight recently. I really don't have any spare money! Otherwise, I won't only spend 5 billion out."

The Jade Emperor listened. I immediately smiled. Rose just knocked a good thing worth 10 billion crystal coins from him. This will bring me back 5 billion, which can be considered as filling some of the shortfall. After the Jade Emperor smiled, he immediately pretended to say: "But you have seen the economic situation of Celestial Court. We probably don't have any money for a while. Look at this...?"

The meaning of the Jade Emperor is already obvious. He is fake and polite, meaning he doesn’t want to pay back the money, so I don’t want to ask for it in the future. Even if the five billion is given to them, but I used five billion as a big chunk. The meat comes to hang the fish, how can it be possible to return empty-handed?

I immediately said impassionedly after the Jade Emperor finished speaking: "Jade Emperor, don’t say anything. I know your difficulties and the attitude of Celestial Court. In fact, it’s better than what I meant. Even if the money is sponsored by Celestial Court, you don’t need to pay it back.” The Jade Emperor was excited and wanted to say thank you when he heard it. It will take advantage of our small guilds in the lower realm. The Jade Emperor, you have a long-term ambition and high quality, and naturally you will not accept alms."

hehe. Regardless of your actual situation, I will first give you a qualitative character. Celestial Court loving face is not a day or two. The so-called it is easier to change mountains and rivers than to alter one's character, so they are definitely not shameless. Let Celestial Court remember that some advantages cannot be accounted for.

Looking at the great change in the face of the Jade Emperor, I immediately followed with pride and said: "The Jade Emperor is so high-righteous. If I insist on not, then I look down on you and the Celestial Court, so I can’t get it for myself. A reputation for generosity has destroyed the reputation of Celestial Court. I can't be a villain for Celestial Court. "wow ha ha! First use high hats to lift you up to the sky and see how you will step down in a while. "So, I decided to follow the method of borrowing. Although others will say that I am not generous enough, in order to preserve the integrity of Celestial Court and the face of the Jade Emperor, what can I do if I am aggrieved?" Humph, I don't believe this passage. Celestial Court still dare to take me.

The Jade Emperor was obviously stupefied to me, but Taibai Jinxing, who was next to him, reacted quickly enough. Since he knew that he could not step down, it would be better to find out the current situation first. "Well, what kind of loan method does the Purple Moon fairy plan do?"

"According to the general loan principle, I pay the money, and the Celestial Court takes the money, and then we set a time, according to the time The watch pays back slowly. Of course, in order not to let others poke Celestial Court’s backbone and say that you are taking advantage of me, this interest will naturally not be saved.” Taibai Jinxing knew the interest was bad when he heard it, but it’s a pity that he is getting older after all. Faster than us, but I was ahead of it again. "But you can rest assured that I won't charge you such exaggerated interest on loan sharks. In fact, this interest is to preserve the reputation of Celestial Court, which is nothing more than a meaning. In fact, I personally don't care about money or not, so You don’t have to pay back the money. How about just fold it into the real thing?” The Jade Emperor just wanted to interrupt and I opened the mouth and said: “By the way, isn’t the Jade Emperor worrying too many people to support it? Give it to me? I'll help Celestial Court raise so that Celestial Court won't have to spend money to raise so many heavenly soldiers in a short time."


" Don't be polite with me." I said first: "I can raise a few soldiers, so how do we determine the time and interest for paying back the money?"

"This...! "

"I don’t need this or that. We are the Frost Rose League and Celestial Court. We don’t need to be polite with me. I don’t think I need to pay for this method of repayment. Divine Beast is not bad. On the one hand, it continues to reduce the burden on Celestial Court, and on the other hand, it does not allow outsiders to poke the backbone of Celestial Court. It seems that others are still taking advantage of you. Celestial Court definitely has more face. Don't worry, I don't care about others poke. My spine, as long as I keep the face of Celestial Court."

The Jade Emperor has been told that I’m going to be dying, but I’ve been unable to intervene, so I can only mutter in my heart: "Celestial Court will continue to do this. It's a beggar nest."

Of course I know what the Jade Emperor is thinking, but I won't give him a chance to say it. "That Jade Emperor! I think that the heavenly soldiers are converted into funds to cover my losses. In fact, I am helping Celestial Court to share the crisis, so I don't have to count it as expensive, so I can help you share more! So, I think the heavenly soldiers are all. How about giving me one discount?"

"One discount?" I interrupted the Jade Emperor as soon as he called out.

"I know that the Jade Emperor is afraid that I will suffer, but don’t worry, I will fully assume it. It’s better to do this. After the discount, I will reward Celestial Court with a five-thousandth return. The burden is a little smaller, Celestial Court doesn’t have to worry about it."

"Anti-interest? What is anti-interest?"

"This is a long story, you Let me explain it to you slowly..."

I can talk to the Jade Emperor for more than two hours in one go. Anyway, it is a lot of economic terms. In short, the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court was completely stunned by me. In the last part of the discussion, the Jade Emperor really realized the feeling of being a Divine Immortal, because he has been in the clouds and mist listening to my speech there. Anyway, he Did you understand it or not?

After I spent a whole afternoon chatting with Divine Immortal, a bunch of dizzy Divine Immortal signed the following agreement with me.

About the Frost Rose League’s funding agreement for Celestial Court:

1. In line with the principle of friendly reciprocity between Celestial Court and Frost Rose League, Frost Rose League will pay Celestial Court a total of five Special loan of one billion crystal coins. The funds are paid in three installments, except for the first one-time payment of three billion crystal coins, and one billion crystal coins for each subsequent two payments.

Second, in line with the principle of reducing the burden on Celestial Court, the Frost Rose Alliance can transfer five million Heavenly Soldiers and three types of Divine Beast cultivation licenses from Celestial Court at the same time on the effective date of this agreement.

3. Considering the repayment ability of Celestial Court, the repayment method of the special loan will be changed to the in-kind repayment method. Celestial Court will begin to repay the loan 30 natural days after the agreement comes into effect. The repayment method will be 2.5 million soldiers to the Frost Rose League each time, and the ratio of troops can be selected by the Frost Rose League. The interval between two repayments is a natural month in the human world. For example, Celestial Court has the ability to repay the next month's share in advance. The arrears will be settled after 100 months of total repayment.

Four. The interest on the capital ratio has been included in the monthly repayment range. If Celestial Court fails to provide the full amount of heavenly soldiers on time in a certain month, each heavenly soldier will be calculated based on the monthly interest of one crystal coin. For extra interest, sending the sky soldiers in advance can reduce the interest according to the calculation method that corresponds to one gold coin per month for each soldier.

Fifth, the extra benefit difference arising from the exchange of special subsidy funds will all be repaid using special items or personnel selected by Celestial Court, but the selection must be approved by the Frost Rose League to take effect.

The above five items don’t seem to be too much. In fact, the content is so ruthless and ruthless. If the Jade Emperor had not been completely stunned by me, it is estimated that he would not sign if he was killed, but after all, this thing was notarized by the system. Even Celestial Court can’t repent of the agreement.

After signing the treaty, I immediately put away the agreement with a smile and prepared to wipe out the items, and then flashed people. Unfortunately, the Jade Emperor was too prescient. Now there is nothing left in the entire Celestial Court, thinking It's not easy to find valuable things to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain. Fortunately, how can I say that we also brought so many heavenly soldiers back, and this trip finally did not go in vain.

Speaking of which This agreement is plainly that our guild used 5 billion crystal coins to sign a giant contract with Celestial Court. The content is that Celestial Court will send 2.5 million heavenly soldiers to our guild every month. , And it will take one hundred consecutive months to finish. Calculated in this way, the price of the Celestial Soldier is almost the same as for nothing. It's really cheap. Of course, these five billion are impossible for Frost. Besides, I don’t have that much working capital, don’t I? My idea is to sell soldiers. Anyway, our heavenly soldiers are very popular in our own country and a few foreign guilds that are friendly with our guild. As long as I am willing to sell, they will definitely eat as much as I take out. They will be angry if you sell less. Don't worry about not being sold. I did a preliminary calculation myself. As long as I sell half a million of the 2.5 million Heavenly Soldiers every month, the remaining 2 million is equivalent to a penny that has not been spent in our guild, but I guess Rose may not There will be so many left, the most likely way is to sell 1.5 million, and only keep one million per month, so that our guild will also better arrange the mission of the heavenly soldiers, otherwise the NPC will have a headache if the force is too large! I can't play a total war with others in two days, right?

When I returned to Isengard with the agreement, before I had time to show it to everyone, I saw someone fast as lightning rushing in front of me and hugging me. Legs. "Purple Moon, you must help me!"

"Hey... Ashford, let go, what are you doing?"

"Unless you agree to send troops to help , Otherwise I will not let go." Ashford played a rogue with me.

"You're a bit of a damn spirit, okay! Don't you Teutonic warrior claim to be afraid of not knowing what it means?"

"I am not a Teutonic warrior, I am the leader The leader is the leader. If I can save my guild by being soft, it’s okay for me personally to lose a little face."

"You will be able to grasp the point." Anyway, I and A Xiufu Dedu is considered a veteran figure, and I can understand that Ashford’s words are indeed the last word, but... this guy is too disgusting! "Hey, can you get up first, okay? When will I say that I won't help you?"

"What?" Ashford bounced three feet high and turned his head and glared at Hong Yue. "Purple Moon said he didn't say it, why did you tell me that your guild didn't want to help us defend the city?"

Hong Yue immediately yelled with a louder voice than Ashford, with a straightforward look. Went back. "I said I didn't plan to help you defend the city, but we planned a strategy of relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers. Who told you to run without listening?"

"Ah? Is that so?" Ashford pretended to be stupid with my simple expression.

I patted Ashford’s shoulder and said: "Why do I feel that you have become more and more street hooligan recently? Where is the aristocracy of your Ashford family?"

"You must be blamed for this speaking of which." Ashford fought back: "You have a saying in China, "You have a saying in China, "A person who is close to Zhu is a person who is close to Mo is black." It’s dark."

"You dare to say that I dyed you black? Okay, I decided not to help you."

"Don’t! I give up, myself Isn’t it possible to be black? But then again, what are you playing relieging a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers? Isn’t it stressful for you? Don’t you mean anything?"

"I said, why did you run Isinger all the way to do! Love is here for good?"

"Hehe, speaking of which is still your harm. Otherwise, we won’t be involved in the Iron Crusade. The Japanese don’t have any grudges with us. Are they all doing you wrong? Shouldn’t it?"

"Then you don’t want the benefits this time."

"Why don’t we have benefits? Even if there are benefits, it is our own ability to get them. Yes, why not? Anyway, if you don’t give me some benefits, I’ll rely on you."

"Okay, I’m afraid of you!" I helplessly took out the share of The agreement signed with Celestial Court actually only mentioned the general rules before, and there are a lot of details behind it, which is covered with a scroll more than ten meters long.

Axiuford took the scroll and watched it for a long time, and finally yelled: "Your country’s Celestial Court is too good to cheat, right? This thing is obviously a unilateral treaty! Look at this The figure conversion is almost the same as a forced purchase. Are you too dark?"

"You don't need to worry about it. Anyway, you know that we have a stable supply of 2.5 million Celestial Soldiers per month. I'm fine. It means to dig a part from here and sell it to you. Of course, the price is impossible. I still want the profit. After all, I spared my old face to shave it back. Our favors offset part of the funds. This intangible You have to acknowledge the expenses."

Ashford usually pretends to be stupid with me, but the critical moment is a bit unambiguous, and immediately nodded and said when he heard my words: "This way. I will mention ten at a time. I will give you 100 million crystal coins. From now on, I will give you 50 million crystal coins every month. Today, you will give me 800,000 heavenly soldiers, and you will give me 500,000 heavenly soldiers every month. I can't afford more."

I thought about it for a moment, and then nodded and said: "Theoretically, I agree to your request, but I have to add an affiliate agreement. You can't sell these heavenly soldiers to the outside, and you can't use them to do our guild. Unfavorable things."


As soon as Ashford signed the agreement, he handed me a document and said: "This is Hong Yue just showed me Your offensive coordination manual, I think some parts have to be changed, you can look at it again."

I took the messy manual drawn by Ashford and flipped through it, but the above There were so many things that I couldn't finish it for a while, so I had no choice but to call the army god to help. The speed at which the military god turned the book was definitely not much slower than the money counter counting money. After turning over the crash-bang, Ashford was shocked.

"Your friend's reading speed isn't this too ridiculous?"

I leaned into Ashford’s ear and whispered: "How do you feel?"

"How about what?"

"I said, what do you think of the efficiency of my subordinate?"

Ashford nodded. "Absolutely first-class."

"Do you want to buy one?"

"Buy?...One?" Ashford's expression instantly changed exaggerated. "Is he...?"

I quickly held his mouth. "Buddha said, don't say... don't say..."

"Oh, I understand. Can you really sell this thing? There is no such thing in the national import and export restrictions, right?"


"Hello, how did you become Crown Prince, a German industrial conglomerate? You don't understand this? Let's put it this way. You said that the Americans restrict the export of high-tech products to China, but why don't they restrict How about exporting flying saucers to China?"

Ashford is not a fool, and immediately exclaimed: "This thing is not known to the Chinese government that it has been successfully developed?"

I Smiling nodded, in fact, he was muttering in his heart: "The Chinese government does not know that the military god’s research is successful, but even if it knows, it dares to sell it, because the military god is only a large-scale management computer, and semi-biological and semi-electronic computers are not replicable. , Selling will not cause technology proliferation, and there is no need to ban exports. Of course, I can say that Ashford’s attitude towards us is much better. After all, he thought it was because I was hiding it from China. The government secretly decided to sell him, how can it not give me some emotional points?"

"By the way, how much do you want?" I asked Ashford. "This is not a home computer, it is very troublesome to produce!"

Axiu Fude suddenly asked some sorry: "That... sells technology?"

I nodded: "The price is right enough to sell, the problem is...!"

"Yes, don't tell me, I don't think I can afford it. How much is the finished product?"

< p>"It depends on what you plan to do. This thing is called the Battlefield Information Management Center, which is actually a fully automatic unmanned management platform, but it must be specifically optimized according to different needs. The national internal affairs service system has 30 billion renminbi for each unit. , The comprehensive battlefield management system can be purchased for 8 billion, and the local battlefield guidance type is 100 million."

"Then you guys?" Ashford asked me, pointing to the military god.

"It’s a primordial model, and its function is probably similar to the national internal affairs service system, but because it has not been optimized, the actual computing effect is between the performance of the integrated battlefield management type and the local battlefield guidance type. "

"What can he do?"

"Can command soldiers, and...accurate to individual soldiers."

Ashford surprised He glanced at the military god again and asked: "Individual guidance?"

I nodded: "It doesn’t matter if he is in a low-level officer or not, and he can accurately calculate everything. It is also based on the battlefield environment to roughly estimate the battlefield situation after a period of time and react in advance. We used him to guess the behavior pattern of the enemy leader before, and the hit rate was as high as 70%."

"Damn, doesn't that mean turning the opposing commander into his own spy?"

"Theoretically, it's almost the same."

Ashford frowned said: "This thing It’s not something used in the game. You can use it for estimation, that is, to test the performance. I can’t afford to play it, but it is definitely used in our country. When I go back, I will ask my old man to get a general situation and tell you about the situation. , But I guess I will definitely buy a few. It’s a fool not to buy such a good thing."

"It’s okay. I didn’t plan on this thing anyway. I just said it casually. It depends on everyone’s relationship. If you want to sell you, it doesn’t matter if you don’t."

"So what do you say about the battlefield?" Although Ashford said to me, his eyes have turned to the god of war. After all, the manual he revised was read by the military god, and I didn't even read it at all.

The god of the army immediately said after getting my eyes to indicate: "In general, the modification is still feasible, but some areas need to be improved, such as the issue of dispersing forces you mentioned. It’s a complete failure. It’s already clear in our manual that the gathering of troops is to focus on the defense of key cities. Anyway, you can occupy a large number of enemy cities. When the time comes, you will find that your manpower is simply not enough to manage so many cities. I have to give up some small cities. Since we must give up in the future, isn’t it a waste of our troops to waste troops to defend now? In case a certain large city falls for the sake of that strength, I don’t think you would want to end up like that. See it?"

"Do you have any idea?" I asked casually.

Military God quickly said: "Although Ashford’s opinion is not feasible, he gave us a creative opinion. You two also know that I lack creative thinking, but I sort out the ideas that have already appeared. It's much more comprehensive and detailed than yours. Although Ashford's suggestion cannot be adopted, it has opened up an idea, that is, why should we send these small cities out for nothing? Can we sell it!"

"Sell it? Yes! Why didn't I expect!" I and Ashford yelled. The Japanese combined with the French forces to attack the Iron Crusade in order to attract the strength of our guild, and those small cities are neither good nor good either. Instead of selling them all before the battle begins. Anyway, the goal of the Japanese is to attract us. They certainly don't want to involve irrelevant guilds to increase their burden, so the cities sold are absolutely safe. Although we will lose these small cities for this, but after all the money is available, it is not a loss in terms of the total amount of funds alone. Moreover, as the military god said, after the war, we can't manage so many guilds anyway. If the time comes, it’s better to streamline it now and sell all the cities that are out of control or unnecessary.

Once this idea is finalized, we will be much easier to handle afterwards, because there are no more worries. After making a major change to Ashford’s plan, the military god quickly wrote a new manual. After reviewing it, we found it to be very good, so we decided to follow this one.

After Ashford left with the cooperation manual, I called the rose back. The Iron Crusade sold to the city and we had to sell it. Our bank has a policy of focusing on the elite, so there are too few personnel. We usually rely on the NPC army to support the scene, but when we can't take care of this kind of large-scale battle, it is better to deal with some poorly located or worthless cities first.

After listening to my opinion, Rose immediately began to move around and contact the leaders of various guilds to establish a city auction. It may be that my guild leader is too incompetent. I didn't know that the total number of cities in our guild had exceeded double digits until we sold cities. I don't know when these cities were shot down.

Seeing how surprised I was, Hong Yue explained to me: "In fact, it's not that you are incompetent. The main reason is that our guild’s Legion division of labor is too detailed. Each leader brings a group of people. Fighting outside, no one knows what they are doing except for the soldiers they bring. Just like the Frost Rose Alliance American Front in the Asura purple clothed belt, they have already occupied six cities in the United States, but we don’t even know. As for my side in Japan, let alone, sometimes there are two or three cities in one day. Although most of these cities are sold immediately, after all, some of them are particularly well-positioned. We stayed, if you didn’t say today that you would sell some cities to streamline the size of the guild, we didn’t know that there were so many cities in our guild."

I was talking to Hong Yue. In this meeting, the Rose has invited people from domestic and foreign guilds. After all, we still have the title of the world’s first guild. The invitation letter is still very heavy, and those international guilds are still paying. Give us some face. The people who heard that we are going to sell the city will of course be there. First, they can sell us face, and secondly, they also know that our guild will leave behind good cities. Now buying them will definitely bring a lot of benefits.

Of course, everything has two sides. While we and the guilds of various countries were opening the auction lively, Nobunaga Guishou was bringing a large group of people from the Anti-Frost Alliance to a meeting.

The shadow dancer first spoke: "Do you think the Frost Rose League is selling the city against us at this time?"

Ghost Nobunaga shook the head: "It looks like we are now The plan hasn’t been leaked, so it shouldn’t be, but such a coincidence is really...!"

The president of a Korean guild suddenly said: "Frost sold so many cities in one breath, their The remaining forces will definitely be concentrated in the remaining cities, which will increase the difficulty of our raids."

A well-dressed Korean MM also said: "I counted. The cities sold are more than half of the cities currently occupied by Frost, which means that the defense power of other cities except Isengard will be doubled. If this goes on, our odds of winning will be halved. Do you think we still have Is it necessary to continue to implement the plan?"

"There is no turning back in the bow. The plan has been launched. We have used such a large amount of manpower and material resources. Once we give up all these things, we will throw them all in vain. We can't give up. "The Shadow Dancer will become more determined than anyone else.

"But in case...!"

Guishou Nobunaga smashed the table in front of him with a bang. "Nothing in case, we will definitely win the final victory."

"This is a multi-party conference, not your guild internal affairs meeting. Please pay attention to your tone." The speaker was a Frenchman, Although he looks very young, the rays of light in his eyes show that he is a sharp-minded person.

"Shanks, what do you mean by this?" Nobunaga Guishou was obviously not happy.

Shands sneered. "Joint action is based on interests. If we determine that the interests of this war no longer exist, withdrawal is also a matter of as it should be by rights. But so far I still think that this matter has implementation value, so I You’re still sitting here. But you’d better pay attention to your attitude. Although you are the commander-in-chief of this temporary alliance, we are not your subordinates. It is only for the sake of interest to wait for dispatch for the time being. I heard that in Japan and Japan In South Korea, your boss can beat and insult your subordinates at will, but I am French. We advocate freedom. It is best not to bring your set of things to us. Besides, I am not your subordinate."

"I think it is better for us to put those messy habits aside first, otherwise we will start the civil war within ourselves before we can fight the Frost Rose League."

"Then you guys What do you think we should do next?" Shanks asked.

The Korean MM said: "It is indeed

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