"I...I was passing by."

"Passing by?"

I turned around and saw a cute little mage MM came to me. "Yes, I passed by."

"There is a war in this place. Where do you pass by is not easy to run. Passing by is clearly the enemy."

"I really am ......" I deliberately dragged the long tone, one hand has been stretched out behind my back and started to make hands and feet.

"Say. Are you an enemy?" The little girl was not stupid, and had noticed my movements, but it was too late.

"Since you have discovered it, there is nothing to do." I snapped my fingers. Just as the little girl was about to do it, a dozen vines suddenly appeared nearby, which instantly entangled her. solid. The little girl also tried to struggle, but the whole ground collapsed. More vines got out of the ground and dragged her into the ground.

I thought it was all right. Who knew that little girl stretched out a staff before being pulled into the ground, followed by a purple red beam to shoot straight into the sky, the rays of light were not only very conspicuous. With a crackling sound, it instantly attracted the attention of other people in the city.

"Damn it!" I summoned out Xiaoxue and quickly turned over and rode up, but unfortunately, a sturdy Knight was killed before I ran away. A long-handled battle axe slid in from diagonally, and saw that the posture was going to chop me and Xiaoxue together.


Roar...a loud roar and then Steeltooth suddenly appeared in front of me, and the battle axe slashed on Steeltooth's forehead with a loud noise. Immediately after slid to the side, the axe blade rubbed a fire star on Gangtooth's head but failed to injure Gangtooth at all.

"How could this happen?" Knight with an axe was surprised at the hardness of the steel teeth forehead, but his movements did not slow down much. The axe was invalid and immediately turned the axe in the reverse direction with the force of the rebound, but this time it was a little longer, and the steel teeth went up and flew the still-rotating battle axe horizontally. The entire battle axe instantly took off its hand and spun and flew far away before it plunged into the ground, scaring a player who happened to pass by to death.

Knight saw the battle axe let go and immediately drew the Knight sword from his waist, but before the sword was cut off, he was bitten by the steel teeth on the blade, and then only heard a ping sound The long sword broke into three pieces in an instant. After discovering that the sword was also broken, he wanted to find another weapon, but a sharp triangular pyramid was accurately inserted into his throat. Knight looked up along the pole behind the triangular pyramid, and found that the triangular pyramid was originally just the tail of a staff, and of course it was me who held the staff.

I rode on Xiaoxue's back, much higher than Knight, and kicked his shoulder with my foot. "Go down." Pulling the tail of the stick out. Knight fell straight back.

I was about to leave when a nasty voice suddenly appeared in front of me. "Purple Moon, do you think I can't recognize you when you disguise yourself as a woman?"

"Ghost dancer? Is your brat addicted to being a dog for people? Isn't it a Japanese dog? It’s fun, how long has it taken you to find a new owner? Isn’t it cool to be led by someone on the street? I know a person who runs an SM club. I heard that I’m currently recruiting ***. Would you like to introduce it to you? Huh?"

"Hmph, you are the one who can speak quickly."

"I can only speak quickly, I won't even let you verbally Take advantage. Anyway, you can't beat me. What does it matter if I fail to speak quickly? Can you still find it on hand? Well, I give you this opportunity, and you just come up."< /p>

"I'm not fooled by you!" The ghost dancer is really quick to speak now. He also knows that he has to lie down without rushing up by himself.

"hahahaha...waste!" I patted Koyuki's neck, and Koyuki immediately turned around and opened her wings and flew.

"Don't be mad, look at the arrows." A crisp sound accompanied by a sharp splitting the air sound arrived in an instant, but the object suddenly turned into a cloud of steam when it approached me within two meters Disappeared into the air.

"Fighting Soul Chasing Arrow? Not bad. The one who can use this skill must be the high level archer, but the arrow is too cheap." I looked at the archer below and mocked said with a smile: "Next time Remember to buy a magic arrow when you want to shoot me. By the way, don’t buy a bargain to save money. A magic arrow with less than ten crystal coins can’t hurt me.” I said. Suddenly I found that the archer’s expression was a little weird, and then I heard a very harsh rubbing sound followed by a pain on the wings. A gorgeous feather arrow penetrated my wings and got stuck in my back armor and wings. between.

"hmph! Let you be arrogant again." The archer replied triumphantly when he saw my arrow.

I gritted my teeth and broke the arrow on my wing, then pulled out the arrow shaft and took a look in front of my eyes. "The magic crystal breaks the magic arrow, and it is a large swing guide arrow shot by the phantom arrow. You are considered to be a pass. But do you still have such an arrow? Even if you hit every arrow, this formidable power weapon does not I won't hang up with a few thousand of them. How about trying my arrows?" When I finished speaking, I did not wait for her to answer and I was already in the bow and arrow posture. A short bow composed of rays of light was immediately extended on my left hand. After the bow was formed, it immediately became an extremely gorgeous silver bow. At the same time, a flashing light appeared on my imaginary right hand. A gorgeous red light crystal arrow.

The MM below is a person who knows the goods at first sight. He just turned around and ran when he saw my arrow. "Quickly get out of the way, she uses a colorful blasting arrow, it will explode!"

After the little girl jumped to the ruins of a building, my right hand was also released, gorgeous The arrow instantly turned into a red glow and shot into the ground, and then centered on the point where the arrow hits, the 100-meter radius swelled up five or six meters, and then slammed back to the ground, but it didn’t stop. On the ground, it continued to fall and formed a huge pit more than ten meters deep. Countless people who came to stop me were buried alive in the pit. I even saw the hapless ghost dancer broken. Legs.

The little girl who shoots an arrow climbed out from under a huge boulder. Until then she said with lingering fear: "It deserves to be a top magic arrow with a thousand crystal coins. The formidable power is really big!"< /p>

"Now that I'm afraid?" The little girl was startled by the sudden sound. She raised her head sharply but found me standing in front of her. She immediately jumped back, almost again. Fell back into the pit.

"You, you...what are you doing?"

"You can't do anything." Aisha, the president of the Aisha League, suddenly appeared behind me. "Hunting team, come on."

When I turned around, I suddenly saw a dozen feather arrows coming towards me, but it was nothing to be surprised. With one of my fingers snapped, a whirlwind rose from under my feet and rushed over my head. In an instant, I switched back to Purple Moon form. All the feather arrows were blocked by my shield during the clank. Taking a look at the archer group, I just bounced over. When the Archers saw me rushing over, not only did they disperse in a panic, but instead threw their longbow and rushed up.

I am a little confused by the opponent's abnormal reaction, but I still have to fight. Regardless of the actual situation, I first raised my hand and smashed it on the front door of the two people who rushed towards me. Who knew that these two would collapse before they hit my fist. The two suddenly fell forward, and one swooped under my fist. The two flew to my feet at the same time, and then one on the left and the right embraced one of my legs.

Limited legs will seriously affect my mobility, so I must first get rid of these two guys in the way. I immediately closed my fist, and with a click, the blade and claws of both hands bounced out, and then I squatted down and smashed both fists down at the same time. As long as they were hit by me, there would definitely be three more holes in the bodies of these two people, but it was a pity that I could not hit them. In the process of smashing my fists down, two people suddenly rushed up from behind, one left and the other stretched out their arms to support my two arms from behind. Before I could react, the two of them suddenly tried their best, and they turned up with my arms and turned into riding on my arms. Then they both tightened their arms and hugged my arms at the same time. , My legs were also wrapped up like a rope, turning into a whole person hung on my arm.

While I was entangled by two people on my arms, the two people who hugged my legs climbed up suddenly, from hugging my ankles to hugging my thighs, and at the same time, my legs were also wrapped around. After losing my calf, the whole person became sitting on my feet and holding my thigh, like two koalas hanging on my lap. There were four more people on my body, and my actions immediately became sluggish, but it was not over yet.

Suddenly another person rushed up behind him, and he slammed my back in an attempt to climb up, but don't forget that I am different from ordinary people. I am Heavenly Demon Clan, with wings behind my back. The huge black wings swept this guy out with a fierce one, but then I was unlucky again. Four more people rushed up on the left and right, and they hugged my two wings at once. These four people held two wings in pairs, one wrapped around the upper half of my wings and the other wrapped around the lower half of my wings, so my wings could not be opened.

The guy who was swept away by me had already got up at this time, he rushed over from my front, and then hit my chest and hit the top of my head. I was about to run forward and throw him off. When I lifted my leg, I remembered that there are still two koalas hanging on my leg. How could it be lifted? With this dazed effort, the man on the head had already swung a punch above me, then sat down abruptly, riding on my shoulders like a child riding on the shoulders of an adult, and hugged his hands tightly. My head also covers the peephole on the front of my helmet.

Although I can’t see it, I can still observe the surrounding situation through the Phantom’s perception ability. I saw that four people rushed up from the outside, and they swooped over and hung them as soon as they came to me. On my waist. Thirteen people have been attached to me so far. Even if my attribute point is much higher than the average player, it is impossible to take 13 people to act as usual, right? Now I feel like I'm in a state of ten times the gravity. Although I can barely stand and walk, I can't make any big movements.

Seeing that the people around me were relaxed, they were not sure if this method worked for me. After all, there has never been a record of trapping me by the number of people before, so most of them People don't think that such a combination can seal my actions, but didn't expect the actual effect to be so good.

Just when they were ready to find someone to kill me, suddenly I was sacked with a ball on the court and changed again. I suddenly yelled: "wild beast form." The person holding me immediately felt that the limbs in his arms suddenly began to swell outwards. The huge force made them almost slip out of their hands. Fortunately, the limbs increased to a few laps. Then it stopped. The people in the vicinity see differently from the people holding me, they can see the whole situation. In their eyes, the ball of the wrapped person suddenly increased with a punch, and the person above my head was instantly pushed up to nearly a meter high.

Worgen transformation is the strongest auxiliary skill in my melee combat ability, because it can comprehensively strengthen all my attributes, especially the most prominent increase in strength. With terrifying brute force, I violently lifted my right foot and took a step forward, while those holding me were strangling me to try to stop me from moving.

After successfully completing this step, I started struggling violently. People outside clearly saw that my movements became very violent, and the person holding me couldn't catch it anymore. The ghost dancer with a broken leg hurriedly shouted to the back: "A few more people!"

At this moment, the nearby talents reacted and rushed up to a group of people. These people are holding hands, holding hands, holding legs, and covering me with another layer of human walls. After two strenuous steps forward, I couldn't hold the weight of so many people. I was finally overwhelmed, but I didn't plan to give up.

Although there are more than 20 people hanging on my limbs, I am unable to move, but Eternal can still move by myself. Eternity gradually melted into a liquid state under my command, and then quickly flowed into my hand and turned into an eternal sword. I stopped struggling first and started to accumulate strength, but the people holding me outside felt their bodies loose. One who reacted more quickly immediately shouted: "Not good, he wants to zoom in! Stop him."

As soon as I heard this voice, the people around me responded have nothing common with each other. Ghost Dancer has dealt with me many times, and his reaction is the fastest and the most correct. This kid turned around and ran without even thinking about it. Although he was limping on his leg, his speed was not much slower. Other people's reactions can be roughly divided into three categories. One is running with the ghost dancer, one is standing in a daze, and the other is trying to rush to help. But no matter how they reacted, it was too late anyway. I gathered my whole body and concentrated on my arm, and then struggling to lift my right arm a little bit, and then slammed the sword into the ground with the help of the pressure on it. "The thunder shines!"

With the activation of the skill, in the sky suddenly fell a dazzling white thunderbolt, and the powerful lightning energy accurately hit the pile of people I was in. The people around only saw white light flashed in the pile of people, and everyone was thrown out by the shock wave. Accompanied by a burst of screams, the people who were thrown out landed one after another, and the wailing sound of the surroundings became one after another.

"No...impossible! How could this be?" Aisha took two steps back in panic.

The previous archer MM also asked in a panic: "Why can't you trap him?"

"Because your attack power is not enough!" The sudden voice made Ai Sha They couldn't help but looked over and found that Nobunaga Guishou was standing on a pile of collapsed ruins with bruises.

"Why did you do this? Isn't it only one of Purple Moon's demon that intercepted you?" Aisha was also surprised when she saw the look of Nobunaga.

Guishou Nobunaga said triumphantly: “It’s good to be able to fight off a familiar of Purple Moon and still stand here alive. Do you think that the body of Purple Moon in front of you is his battle strength? The main source? Then you are very wrong. Let me tell you this. If the sum of all the battle strengths of Purple Moon is 100, then he only accounts for five, and the remaining ninety-five come from his Familiar. The one who intercepted me just now was one of Purple Moon's favorites that could be played better. The name was Yeyue, and it was said to be a descendant of Nuwa." At this point, Nobunaga paused. "By the way, do you know who Nuwa is?" Seeing Aisha and the others shaking their heads, Nobunaga the ghost hand helplessly said: "Forget it, I have no time to explain to you, anyway, the pet that just intercepted me is in Purple Moon. At least five to six of her battle strength can be accounted for. If it weren’t for the number of people I brought, I might not have beaten her by myself."

Actually, Nobunaga Guishou Saying this is fighting for the face of himself. If he really wants to single-handedly challenge Ye Yue, it is not necessarily that he has been beaten, but he must be defeated. If you don't consider the auxiliary factors, I can't beat the night by myself, even more how Nobunaga Guishou can't even beat me. In other words, Yeyue's petrification skills are absolutely killer, and no one can escape her petrification eyes in a heads-up. And as long as her eyes are rubbed to the side, even if your whole body is not petrified on the spot, at least your agility is completely unreliable, and once you lose the advantage of speed in the battle, it will basically be almost dead.

Seeing Nobunaga's embarrassed look, and then looking at the sorrowful situation in the field, the people of Aisha League really began to regret the decision they made before, but the battle has already begun, the so-called bow There is no turning back. Now that I have done it, I can't think about other things. Thinking of this, Asia gritted her teeth and waved forward. "Elite team, come on."

The archer MM who hurt me before jumped up first, and then quickly flicked a row of arrows from behind and put them on the bow without waiting for me. It turned out that the arrow had been shot out. In her proud smile, I squatted violently, and then squeezed upwards. The huge force made me a bang from where I was jumping, and a spider web appeared on the ground centered on my feet. crack.

Seeing that I suddenly jumped up, everyone's eyes drifted upwards and began to look for my position, but they hadn’t found it yet, just listened to the bang, and I slammed into the archer. On the ground less than one meter in front of MM. Although I used my legs to squat to cushion, the huge impact still smashed the ground into a large cobweb-like crack again, and the archer MM was almost knocked to the ground. Although she wasn't shocked, she staggered back a few steps after seeing me and fell somersault on her own.

Seeing me reaching out to grab Archer MM’s neck, Aisha anxiously shouted: "Help me."

Just when I was about to grab Archer MM’s neck The handle of the long sword was handed up from the side, but my movements were not affected at all, except that it was not the neck of the archer MM, but the blade of the sword. The warrior holding the sword was a little bit happy when he saw me grabbing his blade. He thought he could cut off my fingers or something, at least he could leave a hole in my hand. Who knew he pulled it hard? But it didn't catch it.

Just at the moment when the warrior was puzzled, only hearing a crisp cracking sound, the long sword in his hand was cut into pieces in an instant. He certainly didn't know that I had transferred eternity to the claws of my fingers and arms long after the lightning strike. Now my hands and claws are equivalent to eternity, and with the hardness of a normal weapon, they will naturally break when they touch it.

Warrior is still there, I have slapped him on his chest smoothly. Of course, this is not an ordinary palm, but a skill damage is added to it. After just one shot, the warrior was sprayed with blood and flew out, and then fell heavily into a pile of rubble without moving.

The archer MM in front of him saw his rescuer being photographed like this. He immediately pulled out a nearly transparent long arrow from behind and placed it on the bow, and then lay on the ground almost with the arrow on top. An arrow of thunder shot from my chest. However, the arrow did not shoot through my body as expected, or it did pass through my body, but it did not hurt me, because at the same time that the arrow was shot, a whirlwind was already under my feet. .

In fact, the archer MM didn’t even see her arrow actually hit me. All she saw was that I was wrapped in a whirlwind, and then the arrow shot into the whirlwind, followed by the arrow from the other side of the whirlwind. One side flew out, and then the whirlwind disappeared and I appeared in place. The whole process seemed to be my arrow, but the arrow actually didn't touch anything. That whirlwind is just the middle part of my switching between the size and the size. Recently, I discovered that my body was nihilised for a few tenths of a second in the middle of switching between the Purple Moon form and the Silver Moon form. This nihility is not the usual ignorance of physical damage, but the real nihility. Whether you use magic or Spirit Attack, everything will fail, because this nihility is not a special attribute, but... offline. Yes, it is offline. Purple Moon and Yinyue are simply my two accounts. Other players also have two accounts, and they can naturally switch back and forth. The difference is that others need to log off first, then choose another account, and then log on again. This process takes about ten to twenty seconds to complete, and their two accounts are separate. After the small account logs in, it will appear in the location where the small account was offline last time instead of the location where the large account was offline. The difference between me and them is that both the large and small numbers can move at the same time, and the switching speed is much faster, but no matter how fast, there will still be a few tenths of a second during the switching process. I am offline. As a game, no matter how realistic it is, it can't help being offline, isn't it? Therefore, a character who is offline will never be attacked, unless you are forced to go offline during a battle, resulting in your body being left in the game and not exiting. Anyway, the arrow of the archer MM was completely shot.

"Are you...?" This stupid girl saw my trumpet Yinyue appearing in front of her at first sight, but didn't react. After all, the appearance of Purple Moon and Yinyue was too different. Although the two accounts that were born out of me have a lot in common, due to the curve design problem, the current Purple Moon account looks like a handsome guy, but the Silver Moon account is basically regarded as a beauty. I staged a big change in front of Archer MM, so that she, who had seen me transform once, didn't even react.

Without giving her any chance, I raised the staff and knocked on her head. Unfortunately, I was destined to be unable to play this battle freely! There are too many people around. The previous warrior and the later transformation plus the wielding attack time were enough time for the second rescuer to rush to my side. Just before the staff was about to hit the top of Archer MM's head, a stick suddenly appeared under my staff and blocked the blow.

"No matter who you are, the enemy who helps us is our enemy." The warrior devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence said, as if he was contributing to the righteousness of the nation, in fact, he It's just a guild member.

This idiot didn’t see my first transformation before. I was already in Purple Moon form when he arrived, but he just saw my second transformation, so he Thought I was another person and didn't connect me to Purple Moon. After saying these big talks, he pushed upwards forcefully and easily picked up my staff, if I hadn't prepared for it, he almost flew out. Although Yinyue has inherited my personal style, it is a battle class dominated by mage after all. Its melee ability is stronger than that of ordinary mage and it is not particularly outstanding. Especially when it comes to a very fierce warrior, the disadvantages of mage will naturally appear. come out. But this only refers to a pure physical attack. In terms of overall strength, Yinyue's battle strength may still be higher than Purple Moon.

Seeing that I was not only easily provoked, but also staggered a few steps, the warrior, who had little brains, thought I was easy to deal with. He also didn't want to think about what meaning a mage could have when facing a warrior like him. However, with his wisdom, he probably couldn't figure out such a complicated problem, otherwise he would not have rushed up just now. In fact, when I was fighting the first warrior, there were many people nearby who were in the scope of assistance, but in the end, the reason why he arrived alone after waiting so long was not how difficult the road was or how close he was. It's that those people are afraid of my battle strength and don't dare to move forward.

To be honest, I like this kind of people who have a lot of bones. As for the reason...just like the army likes to recruit from the countryside. The children's thoughts in the city are too complicated. Although this kind of soldier is smart, it is not easy to command, and the probability of running away in battle is relatively high. Relatively speaking, a simple-minded person can command more, at least he rarely questions your orders, and basically doesn't know what sloppy-work is.

Although I like such a person, this one is my enemy, so I still have to get rid of him as soon as possible. All around The guys who looked at and delayed were stunned by my battle strength, but it was only a matter of a while. Once they figured out the current situation, I believe most people would still rush up. There is no real death in the game. Naturally, most people are more bloody than in reality. For now, this phenomenon is not a good thing for me.

The warrior rushed up again immediately after pushing me away with a stick. Without giving me any reaction time, he had already made a sound of the two-meter-long stick dancing wu wu, and then suddenly swung the top of his head and slammed it down at me.

The long stick has not yet reached the body, I have already seen that this stick is not simple. On the surface, it seems to be an ordinary metal stick, but based on my observation of this warrior and the feeling when it was picked up before, I can roughly judge that the stick is not light. I really want to be hit with a stick like this, I can't guarantee that my vow suit will resist. No matter how strong, the vow suit is a mage's equipment after all, and the forehead on the head looks beautiful, but in terms of defense, it is definitely not comparable to a helmet.

Just as the stick was about to hit me, I slammed the stick into the ground. "Corona halo." A golden halo with red color suddenly erupted from the contact point between the staff and the ground, and the speed was amazing. Before the warrior's stick could be swept down, the person was shaken off by the halo, and at the same time, it was the archer MM who had been rescued.

"A bunch of trash!" Nobunaga Guishou stood up and shouted angrily: "All back, let my people go."

Although the people of Aisha League are angry, I can't refute the words of Nobunaga Guishou. After all, the current situation is that they are so embarrassed that a group of people surround me and they are so embarrassed that they have no confidence to refute.

Following Nobunaga's summon, more than a dozen ninjas jumped out from behind the crowd, and people were still in the sky with ninja darts in their hands. I snapped my fingers directly, and suddenly the door of the Phoenix Dragon Space appeared in front of me, and a loud dragon roar came out from it. Accompanied by this dragon roar, all the ninja darts flying towards me fell from mid-air. At the same time, those ninjas spurt a mouthful of blood in the air, and then fell around me in a lying position. Even those who were farther away were shaken back several steps by the sound.

"What sound is this?" Aisha didn't understand Chinese mythology, so she didn't know what sound it was.

Guishou Nobunaga angrily squeezed his finger. "That's the voice of Divine Dragon, but the sound just now is not a normal cry, but Divine Dragon's special skill-Dragon's Might World. You have to be careful in a while. Although Purple Moon is rarely used, this monster has battle strength. He definitely ranks among the top few among his favorites."

The long voice of the ghost hand letter has not fallen yet, and the small dragon girl has already walked out of the Phoenix Dragon space. Seeing that only a beautiful woman in a green dress came out, the people around Aisha immediately forgot Nobunaga's reminder to Java Island, and rushed up one by one like chicken blood. Nobunaga Guishou saw this situation and knew something was going to happen, but it turned out that something went wrong before he called it out. The small dragon girl instantly returned to her original form on the spot, and then jumped directly to the cloud. But once the dragon enters the cloud, it means that the people below will be out of luck. Sure enough, before the people from the Aisha League below could react, in the sky suddenly dropped hundreds of white balls of light like rain. Each of these ball of light is only the size of a football, but the whole body is bright white, and the outside is still covered with a blue arc, which is not a good thing at first glance.

The people below immediately began to flee, but the balls of light began to scatter and pursue their own targets like eyes. One of the ball of light flew straight towards the ghost hand Nobunaga, scared him to turn around and ran. Before Aisha could see what was going on, she saw the ball of light falling on the place where Nobunaga Onitou just stood, followed by a loud explosion sound, and then it was on the ground with a radius of 30 meters with the drop point as the center. An arc flashed wildly.

"Spherical lightning?" Aisha finally understood that the thing in front of her was the spherical lightning, and it appeared in units of hundreds.

In fact, all the ball lightnings flying around have not landed yet. In the sky, hundreds of ball lightnings have flown out, and they are still emerging from behind. The small dragon woman’s lightning bombing is actually not as strong as it seems. The lightning coverage area is indeed large and the number is quite large, but in fact, each of them does not have a large formidable power. As long as they are not hit directly, the later inductions Electricity will not kill people instantly. Of course, this is not to say that this trick is not powerful. Although a single lightning can't do anything to people, the lightning Innate has a paralyzing effect. Although each lightning has a small formidable power, once you are hit by one, you will inevitably get hits continuously. , As long as the small dragon girl doesn’t stop attacking, it’s a matter of time to hang up.

Ghost Nobunaga dodges the ball of light and swiftly came back, and then immediately shouted to the back: "Who is good at flying, hurry up and entangle that dragon, otherwise we will never think about it. It’s better."

Ghost Nobunaga’s words reminded everyone that several people below flew up and rushed towards the small dragon girl, but these talents didn’t fly very high and felt it. After saw a flash, one of the players’ heads disappeared instantly, and the others were all taken aback. After more than a second, these talents felt that the strong air flow was unable to fly at all.

Guishou Nobunaga deserves to be an old oil who often fights with me, and he found the problem at a glance. "Be careful, the Flying Familiar of Purple Moon is near you. That thing is fast. Be careful."

"Nonsense, we also know that it is fast, but that thing is in the end..." The player finally Before finishing the words, his head was suddenly cut off, and the whole person fell straight from the air like a rock, and the people around quickly landed on the ground in fright. Such a fast speed has surpassed the range that they can handle in so-called air combat, and this speed is simply not what the player can handle.

"No, our people can't get up!" An Aishaman said, standing beside Guishou Nobunaga.

"Where's the wizard?" Nobunaga Guishou saw and didn't look at those players. "If you can't fly, won't you use a ranged attack to knock it down?"

I was reminded by Nobunaga Onito that everyone finally reacted, and all kinds of messy magic began to fly to the sky together. Go up, but the small dragon girl is Divine Dragon. Even if sh

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