"What happened?"

"A Qilin warrior who was watching online just told me that Isinger has an emergency."

"Damn, isn't it? How long did it take me to have an accident, what is it so annoying?"

"I don't know, anyway, it is very serious. Hong Yue and Ying are doing I'm looking for you."

"It's really troublesome." I turned to Rose and said, "You will take them to familiarize yourself with the use of the new body, and wait for me to see it." After I went online in a panic, I ran quickly When he arrived at the military god's command center, he must know that there was something in the guild anyway, as long as it was here, it was better than finding anyone. "What the hell is going on?"

"This." The military god threw a crystal over without turning his head back.

I nervously caught the crystal and looked at it. "Isn't this just an ordinary white magic crystal?"

"Yes, but it is not shipped separately."

"How does it matter to me?"

"Because all the things that were transported with it are gone, this is the only thing left."

"Wait, you mean our transport team has been Snatch it?" I angrily squeezed the magic crystal on one of the handles to the ground. With a boom, the magic crystal immediately exploded, and the shock wave turned me into a big somersault. "Damn, I forgot to catch the white magic crystal! The god of war, tell me who dared to rob us, I will level them."

"I don't know."

< p>"Ah? What are you talking about?" This guy, the god of war, has always been known for omniscient here. Now this guy actually tells me that he doesn't know, which is too surprising!

"I said I don't know."

"You don't know? How could you not know? Our things are robbed, don't you ask?"

"It's not that I didn't ask, but no one in the transportation team knows what happened."

"You elaborate on what happened."

"You'd better ask those escorts for the specific situation. I only know that our transport team in France and the small guild you befriended together mined a high-quality colorful magic crystal to be shipped to Isengard. But our goods were shipped to Isengard all the way without incident after being loaded there, but when the warehouse here was opened, the trucks were found to be empty."

"Empty? What about the thing?" Did it evaporate halfway?" At this point, I suddenly noticed a problem. "Wait, you said that the car is pulling a colorful magic crystal?"

"Yes. The car is pulled half of the car of colorful magic crystal, and then in order to prevent being attacked, we also specially cover it The white magic crystal after half a car was disguised, and then we sent an escort team to carry out the escort according to the normal transportation method. Everything was carried out in secret. I can guarantee that there is absolutely no problem on our side."

"But the problem is that things are passed away now!"

"That's why I said I don’t know!"

"Damn! This kind of bizarre theft will happen? Have you encountered an international thief?"

The military god shook the head: "The things were loaded in front of more than a dozen people at the departure place, and then a escort team of dozens of people came after the box was sealed. , And then I didn’t stop the car along the way, and the seals of the goods were all intact. I just don’t know why the things were missing!"

"Damn it! This is fine too? Okay, I get it, I’m going to ask the escort. Where are they now?"

"The eagle is in the small conference hall with them, and Hong Yue is also there. The trucks are in the warehouse area, and they have been supervised by special personnel. I got up, I also sent people to check on the roads along the way, but I haven’t gained anything for the time being."

I left the military god and quickly ran to the small conference hall, only to find that there was a large group of people here. People are sitting in town. Hong Yue was discussing the theft with Su Mei and the others, and ran over immediately when he saw me appear. "Where did you go? It's really anxious to be missing with Rose at such a critical moment!"

"Sorry, there is something wrong with our family. How? How is it going?"


Hong Yue shook the head. "Not at all. The escorts have guaranteed that the seals have not been opened along the way, and our guild transport team will keep a full video for data. We have just let people watch the video, but we still haven't found it. What's wrong."

The eagle also came over and said: "What the fuck, you can lose things in such a short distance."

"It's not close from France to Isengard !"

"But things are not always shipped in this way. The mining area is near Paris, and the mining area is now built by us like a bunker. There is an impossible opportunity to start, let alone that. There are a full ten cars of colorful magic crystals, even if each car is only half installed, the remaining half of the white magic crystal is not left. So the enemy stole a whole ten cars and no one found it."

"Where did the thing go out of the mining area?"

"Out of the fortress, it is an ordinary road, passing by a service station of the guild on the way to supplement the drinking water, but they are all guards The team sent a few people to replenish it first. When the team arrived, they would follow along. The team did not stop in the middle. After passing the service station and then over a hill, Tianyu City was sent directly to Ai by the use of Tianyu City’s transnational Transmission Formation. Singh, it's impossible what's wrong with this paragraph."

I lowered my head and thought for a moment, then looked at the group of guards in the field with frowning faces. According to my thoughts, the enemy used some kind of stealing method that we don't know, and it should be possible to rule out the possibility of the guards stealing themselves. First of all, our guild’s review is very strict. I have always emphasized that the bank’s income is better than indiscriminate, so the quality of members is first-class. Besides, our welfare is so good, and those with a little brain would not think of betraying us. Taking a step back, even if some people have different intentions, what about others? An escort team has more than ten player guards, forty to fifty NPC guards, and more than twenty NPC laborers. How can it be so simple for a dozen players to defect together? Besides, what about NPC? It is indeed possible to buy NPCs in "Zero", but that is not something that everyone can do. It must be a talented person with high affinity, such as me. But buying individual NPCs is easy to understand. How to buy so many NPCs? This project is a bit too big, right? What's more, our guards are randomly matched by military gods. Players don't know which NPCs will be escorted before participating in the mission. How can this be bought? Can't you buy all the NPCs again, right? Do you still have the money to steal our colorful magic crystal? The money he spent on this is probably more expensive than Colorful Magic Crystal!

After deliberation, self-pirate can be eliminated directly, then the enemy's strategy is left. The problem is that the confessions and videos of these people show that they did not stop along the way. So how did the enemy remove the ten carts of supplies?

Seeing that I haven't spoken, the eagle also knows that I was thinking hard, he patted my shoulder. "Don't worry too much. Although such a loss is hard to accept, it won't hurt the roots, so don't hurt your mind too much."

"I'm not hurting those colorful magic crystals, but thinking about the future. Since the other party Can we get the colorful magic crystal out in front of one's eyes, what about other things? Have you ever wondered how much damage this can cause us? In case our ammunition and materials are lost during the expedition, then How do you fight the battle?"

"I didn't expect, but you don't have to be so anxious, we all think together, we will always come up with it."

Hong Yue Also comforted me: "Yes, don't worry. If you can't figure it out, you might as well think about it from another angle."

I nodded: "It really doesn't help to stop here and think about it. These guards should not embarrass them, I believe my members will not do such a thing."

The bodyguards immediately stood up excitedly. "President...we...!"

"I know. You must not feel good if you lose something, but it's useless to blame yourself. It's better to go back and rip the video or search again along the way. Are there any clues?" After I finished speaking, I turned around and said to a member of the guild next to me: "Go tell the military god to block the news, don't publish this matter first."

"Understand."< /p>

"Forget it." I stopped the member again. "I'll go by myself! I still have things to find the army god. Hong Yue, you go and work first."

After dismissing everyone, I immediately returned to the army god. As soon as the military god heard the footsteps, he immediately asked: "Should I do global calculations?"

I am nodded. "Start now."

"Understood. I will cut off all connections for a few minutes when I run global data retrieval. You have to wait for me."

"I see."

The military god immediately closed his eyes when he heard my answer. In reality, the various indicators on the military god’s entity in the laboratory began to flash wildly, connecting to the power consumption of the laboratory. It rose ten times in an instant. The continuous operation lasted more than ten minutes before stopping, and the military god opened his eyes and turned around. I looked at him and asked: "Have you found it?"

Military god nodded. "But only a little bit, and it seems that the probability is not great. I just think about it and it seems that there may be a problem."

"Go ahead."

"I just I searched all the data during the time of the accident, and found a few differences." The military god was talking, and suddenly two screenshots were displayed on the crystal screen in front of me. The military god continued: "These two photos are from Tianyu City and Isinger’s Transnational Transmission Formation. What is the difference between the transport vehicles in these two photos?"

I went to the image I watched it carefully for a long time, and then suddenly discovered what the military god called the difference. "I understand. Things were lost during the transmission."

"Although my guess is the same as yours, I can't understand why. Now that you have found the problem, you should have noticed I said the place."

I am nodded. "The bending rate of the damping spring when the vehicle enters the Sky City Transmission Formation is about 5% higher than that after Isinger, which means that the weight of the car is different when it enters the Sky City Transmission Formation and Isinger's Transmission Formation. The reason for the relaxation of the spring must be because the cargo was passed away, so the lighter body caused the spring to lift up the body. However, the magic crystal itself is not very heavy, and there are not many cars on board, so the escorts did not pay attention. To the weight change."

"Correct." The military god showed a few more photos. "The ones on the left are the rut marks of the vehicles before entering Tianyu City, and the one on the right is the marks left by one of the cars accidentally pressing on the flowerbed after arriving at Isengard. They once again prove our speculation."

I also affirmatively continued: "Yes. Although it seems that the rut made by Isengard is deeper, but Isengard is all stony ground, and the place where it is pressed is the flower bed, which is itself extremely The soft loose soil is definitely different from the soil on the road that has been compacted many times. The weight of the car can be calculated by calculating the relative hardness and elastic deformation rate of the two."

Military god followed Said: "I have sent someone to take soil samples from the two places and tested it, and the results proved to be the same as our guess. The weight of the vehicle at Isengard was no longer correct."

"That is It is said that the vehicle was still loaded with goods at the beginning of the transmission, but the things on the vehicle were already not in at the end of the transmission. But who can steal during this transmission? By the way, time, is there a time record?"

"I have checked. It only takes 35 seconds for the goods to be delivered from the beginning to the end, and the trucks can be seen for 10 seconds before and after, which means that there are only 15 seconds for the vehicle to leave us. However, the goods should be in the state of transmission during this period. I really don’t know who can steal things in this state."

"Have you checked that this time is normal? How long does it normally take for normal transmission?"

"It’s five seconds shorter than this time. Under normal circumstances, the image of the goods in the first ten seconds when Transmission Formation is activated will gradually blur, and then at the tenth It disappears in seconds, and after waiting for ten seconds, a blurred image of the goods will appear on the received Transmission Formation, and then it will become clearer, and it will be fully visible after ten seconds. The whole process has three parts, each part is ten seconds, and I did it ten times The experiment, the time is all the same, the accuracy is more than one thousandth of a second, only this transmission took 35 seconds, as for the reason, it is difficult to say."

I nodded. "Remember that there is a law that says this. When you eliminate all possibilities, then no matter what is left, it must be the truth. Although I can't understand who can accurately teleport within five seconds. The status item was stolen, but since all the probability points to it, there must be nothing wrong. Now we need to think about how to find this person. Although the lost magic crystal is very precious, it is not Indispensable, I just don’t want similar incidents to happen again. This situation of being solicited by others but powerless makes me bear it!"

"Know what is the best way to deal with this headless case Is it?" The military god asked me suddenly.

I shook the head: "I don’t know, but you must not tell me that I prepare something for others to steal. Even if the other party is really greedy to commit crimes, I don’t think there is a way to track it down. Go to the enemy’s location. Since it is the hands and feet that move during the teleportation, it may be any teleportation point in the world. The Sky City is a transnational Transmission Formation, and there is no teleportation point that it cannot connect to!"

Military god also shook the head: "Of course I wouldn’t think of this method. Any thieves with a little brain can figure it out. Besides, the first thing they do after doing this should be to disappear and observe our reaction. If they are sure that there is no problem, they will do it again, otherwise they will not do it."

"Then what is your opinion?"

"My opinion is to use this The guild’s intelligence network looks at it from the direction of shipment. Colorful magic crystal is not a general commodity. In "Zero" it is just like the uranium ore on display. Everyone knows the preciousness of uranium, but it is not a country. Uranium ore is used here. The same is true here. Small guilds generally don’t use colorful magic crystal at all, and even large guilds may not have the corresponding extraction technology."

"So yours It means to keep an eye on those guilds that can use colorful magic crystals. Since the thief has stolen this thing, they must find a way to ship it, and those who buy these colorful magic crystals must be among these big guilds, even One of their guilds will make a hand."


I'm nodded. "Then I understand. You will immediately open the hidden intelligence network of the guild. I want to check all the transaction records that we can find right away. Also, contact the Iron Crusade as soon as possible and ask them to check it out. In Europe. Their intelligence network should be spread out than ours. After all, that’s their lair!"

"I'm already in contact." While talking to me, the god of war was in contact with the Iron Crusade and at the same time The secret agents of our guild issued tracing orders, but I had to go offline to teach Jian Fan to familiarize themselves with the new body, but the speed of the army god was unexpectedly fast. I was called again in just three hours. String.

"What's the situation?" I asked the military god as soon as I went online.

"It's all here, see for yourself." The military god handed me a crystal. I took it to the monitor next to it and inserted it in and checked it. The information recorded in the crystal was really wrong. Less, but all the information processed by the military gods, so it is very clear, and the coherence can be obvious at a glance. I just simply flipped through it to figure out all the content. "It looks like there is a guild that is not afraid of death!"

"human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food, nothing strange." The military god threw a crystal again. .

I took it down smoothly. "What is this?"

"Don't want to know the enemy's specialties?"

"Have you even checked this?"

"Forget that I am What's up? Collect enemy intelligence and provide it to my warrior. Comprehensive and complete information is my main job. If I can't even do this, I am not a scrap?"

"Understand, I will go Processing."

——Half an hour later, Tianyucheng’s French export——

Since Frost Rose League opened the direct Transmission Formation service business from France to China, all places need to go to China. Will consider going from here. Although the fees for transnational Transmission Formation are not cheap, it is more cost-effective than running by yourself, so everyone will not care too much about those fees.

Cervantes is such a French player. He is the president of a small guild. He has to go to China for something, so he came here today to borrow Transmission Formation. It is not the first time that he has taken this Transmission Formation. It can be said that he is a frequent visitor here. However, today he saw a strange event that he had never seen before. Just when Cervantes was walking outside the city and preparing to enter the city, he suddenly heard a bang, and it felt like the sound of a very heavy object hitting the ground. After this loud noise, the city gate suddenly heard the rumbling sound of the machine. Amidst a huge metal rubbing sound, Cervantes had never seen the main city gate that had been opened before, actually rising slowly.

The structure of the city gate of Tianyu City is a three-hole type. The middle door is relatively large, about 30 meters wide, and there is a small door about 10 meters on each side. Cervantes came so many times, every time he walked through the small gate, and the stone gate in the middle was always closed by the huge gate, which had never been opened at all. But what is the wind on earth today? Why does the main city gate that has never been opened suddenly open?

There are many people who share the same idea with Cervantes, and most of the laymen who have passed through here are not the first time, so they all know about it, so everyone thinks See what happened to open the main city gate. Watching the lively hobby is a bit more or less personal, it's all curiosity at work. Pedestrians on both sides of the road stopped at the same time and looked at the main city gate. With the rumble of machinery, the huge jack gate finally rose slowly. The first thing people saw were two horseshoes, but the burning flames on these hoofs made everyone understand that this impossible is a real horseshoe, because there will be no horseshoes on fire that can stand there safe and sound.

As the city gate gradually rises, people gradually discovered that the horse legs above the horseshoes are surprisingly long. It was only at a height of one meter and six that they just saw the lower edge of the horse's belly, and the horse's back It's more than 1.9 meters. People noticed the boots hanging on both sides of the horse-shaped creature's abdomen, which were the feet of a Knight. The tightly drawn steel boots indicate that this is a heavy armor, and the Knight above is definitely not a simple figure.

As the city gate continued to rise, people began to gradually see the Knight and the animal's head above. "It's Purple Moon!" Finally someone from the crowd called out. "It's Frost's boss!"

"No wonder the city gate is going to be opened, it turns out that their boss is here."

A young man who was envious and jealous mumbled: "che, again Isn’t he a great player? Is it necessary to make such a big show? He is a human and we are not a human? Isn’t it the same to go out of the city and walk the side door?"

"No." A person next to him called out: " There is someone behind him."

Actually, I am not someone behind me, but there are many people behind me. This time, I went to the guild to settle the accounts, and not to do the task. Do you want me to call the door alone? Although I do have the ability to singlehanded in the guild of others, the premise is that the guild of the other party cannot be too large. I have enough summon creatures of various types, and I don’t need help from other people to deal with ordinary small guilds. But this time I have to deal with not a small guild, but a medium and large guild that is relatively well-known in France. So this time I brought out the elite Knight group from the guild, which is considered as a pre-war against Japan. The actual combat training.

The players standing on both sides of the Tianyu City road were a little bit disdainful at first. They felt that they didn't have to do such a thing when going out of the city, but when the team really opened up, no one would say anything. The strength of the Frost Rose League is not achieved by the strength of a certain person. In terms of personal overall strength, I am definitely the first in the game, but even if I never fight again, Frost will be as strong. If I have to say what benefits my existence has brought to Frost, I think there are only two points: goal and style. I pointed out future goals to all those who joined the guild, and my existence is also their goal. It can be said that I personally are similar to the banner on the battlefield. It doesn't matter whether the banner itself has battle strength or not, but standing there can bring morale and battle strength. My other role is to influence the atmosphere. Personally, I prefer to institutionalize everything as much as possible, and I like to deal with problems in an orderly and regular manner. At the same time, I advocate the principle of survival of the fittest, so this bank will only want the elite. However, one must be clear. As long as the elite does not mean to shut out the ordinary person, but to selectively arrange the elite's ability to engage in the elite cause. There are usually so-called wastes, but there are definitely not many. There are one or two things that a person is particularly good at. The advantage of our guild over other guilds is that we can find what the member is good at, and then let him do only the things related to it. The result of this choice is that everyone seems to be able to do things with an elite level of efficiency. In fact, I only recruited a group of ordinary persons.

Long Yuan has a slogan: "Strong comes from professionalism." It is also suitable for our Frost Rose League. Except for a few real elites like Hong Yue who are better than others, most of the players in this guild rely on their professionalism to show their talents. Although the sheep is weak, if it can keep facing the jackal with its horns, the jackal can only choose to retreat.

Most of the elite Knight groups I brought out are ordinary persons. When we guild recruits, we focus on character, character and intelligence. The battle strength we usually show is for reference only. These Knights might have been ordinary people at first, but after entering the guild, they began to receive special training. They are all concentrated together for leveling, the learning of various skills is specially arranged and guided, and the supply of equipment is specially allocated in the guild. The advantage of big guilds is that they can coordinate the distribution of various equipment internally.

Through our arrangements, the current elite Knight regiment has basically abandoned the method of comprehensive development of personal strength. Instead, it allows most people to train strong positive breakthrough capabilities, and a small number of people with innate talent Training various auxiliary abilities, so that we have a professional cavalry regiment. Since most people don't need to be distracted to train auxiliary skills, the Knights of the elite Knight group are far stronger than the Knights of the general guild in terms of battle strength.

The French players standing on both sides of the road listened to the rumble of horseshoes and watched the uniform cavalry rushing past like a torrent of steel. They were immediately shocked by the murderous aura. Of course, the murderous aura they feel is not a psychological effect, but the special ability of our guild. Since this guild is the dominant guild in China, the system has given us a special ability-murderous aura. As long as the number of people in the guild’s team actions exceeds one hundred, there will be a murderous aura, and it will change with the number of people. The more people there are, the stronger the murderous aura. The phenomenon of this attribute function on the player of the neutral cube is that the other party will feel the temperature drop, there will be a very cold feeling, and it will feel like the body is too electric, the hair will stand up all over the body, and the breathing will be better. The change was a little bit hurried. If it is an enemy person in the vicinity, in addition to the above feelings, the two attributes of its own strength and agility will be reduced to a certain extent. If it is a hostile NPC, morale will be low and even deserters will appear. Appear.

Although the title of regional hegemony guild has caused a lot of trouble to our guild, this additional attribute is already worth the fare. Today I came out with more than a thousand people, and the number was over one hundred. The murderous aura level was much higher than the basic value. People on both sides of the road couldn't help feeling the cold from the bones and eyes, and some even couldn't bear it. Live shivering.

The collective action of more than a thousand cavalry is impossible. No one noticed, and I didn't intend to hide anything. This time I went to the other guild to settle the accounts. There is no need to be too careful, anyway, the other guild can't escape there.

The psychological effect of being a thief with a guilty conscience is that the thief will be a little bit, and the Aisha League is now in a mess.

"I said earlier that the Frost Rose Alliance can’t touch things, you don’t believe it, now it’s okay, people are looking for someone, what do you think?" Roderick patted the table hard Question the others in the room loudly.

A loud explosion sound, Knight, who was sitting across from Roderick, sank a large piece of the tabletop. "After the fact, there were a lot of farts, why did you go? Why did you go when we said that we could earn the grand competition benefit? Now you know that we came to talk to us?"

"Okay, give it all to me Be quiet." Dame, who was sitting at the end of the long table, suddenly stood up from his seat. "The enemy has quarreled like this before yourselves, how can you fight this battle? Is it time to hold accountable? Have your brains been used to feed the cows? I summon you to discuss the next coping strategies, you guys. What's the quarrel? Who can beat this incident is the hero, and the others are useless."

"But with our strength, it's okay to bully ordinary small guilds, like Frost. The super guild, we are afraid...?" A mage's reserved whisper reminded everyone of the current situation.

A lovely mage MM suddenly said: "Elder sister, why don't we run away?"

"Run?" The knight who shot the table asked immediately. "Where do you go? We are not a few people in a guild like this, so where can we not be found? Besides, if we run away all day long, how can we level up and make money in the future, let alone develop the guild!"

The little girl mumbled as if she was wronged after hearing Knight's words: "Then you can't just sit here and wait for someone to call you, right?"

Rodrik was suddenly tentative Asked everyone: "If we can return the things and compensate for some losses?"

Aisha stretched out three fingers. "First, the things have been sold to the Lionheart Club. Although the goods have not been delivered yet, they have paid for it. If we regret it, we don't need to come forward with the Frost Rose League. The Lionheart Club will tear us up first. Second, the Frost Rose League. One item called the plague, although with derogatory elements, it also illustrates the strength and style of the guild from the side. Do you think it is possible for them to accept our apology? Third, no matter how weak we are, we are also a second-line performer. The vanguard in the meeting is incomparable to the first-line guilds, but it is definitely not the garbage guilds. Do you think that if we bow our heads so easily, there will be some chaos afterwards?"

"Yes, we must be tortoises Go by yourself, don't pull us together." The grumpy Knight scolded angrily.

A person sitting in the shadow on the other end of the long table suddenly made a sound. "Why don't you try to resist?"

"Since there is no chance of winning, then why do you want to make senseless resistance?"

"Have you never heard of Final Struggle? As the saying goes a centipede dies, but never falls, as long as you are willing to resist, no matter how difficult it is, there will be no chance of winning."

"We are French, and we don’t have the set of your Chinese Understand, we can’t accept the theory of worms for the time being."

The person in the shadow stood up and walked into the light. If I were here at this time, I would probably fight him immediately. , Because this guy is a ghost dancer.

"If you are willing to resist, I think I can help you get foreign aid."

"oh?" Knight also stood up. "What you said is true? Who can you find to help us? What is the strength of the other party? Can you stop the Frost person?"

"I can't tell you the origin of the helper for the time being, but Don’t worry, if you’re willing, people can come right away. As for strength, although Frost can’t compete head-on with Frost’s people, I believe Frost will not pull the entire guild in. It is at most a small unit, so it blocks. They won’t have any problems."

Aisa didn’t get excited right away, but asked carefully: "But if the first attack is blocked, will Frost not increase the manpower? The second time?"

"But if you don't have this first success, you don't have to think about anything, because the frost will definitely trample your guild into pieces and there will be no scum left."

The lovely mage MM also stood up and glared at the ghost dancer. "You'd better leave our guild right away. The cause of all this lies with you. Originally, our guild developed well, but you suddenly came to sell us some information. Let us use our Transmission Formation. The bridge technology steals the magic crystal of the Frost Rose Alliance, and only after stealing it back, I found out that it’s not a white magic crystal but a colorful magic crystal. How could we get to this point if it weren’t for you? Then what colorful magic crystal we haven’t even heard of before Now, by watching Frost Rose’s reaction, you can know how important that thing is to them. Now you encourage us to fight Frost again, what do you mean?"

Without a smile, he continued: "You don’t have to doubt my intentions, and now yo

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