Massacre went very smoothly, because the strength of the two sides is so different. Princess manipulates these low-level creatures as if they are playing, there is no pressure at all. Facing the ant army, the Japanese can only be slaughtered continuously. We may only be depressed by Zambul, because he is not good to take it even if he looks at it here. The setting of "Zero" does not mean that you can share experience by standing next to watching the excitement after forming a team. If you don't participate in the battle, don't even think about being assigned to EXP. The meaning of teaming is to increase the enemy's EXP, not to evenly divide the experience. Make an analogy. Suppose that a certain monster has a thousand experience points, and I kill a monster to gain one thousand experience points. But if I find someone to form a team, then I can get a thousand and one hundred experience points by killing one. If I keep practicing like this, of course, each will get one thousand and one hundred points, but as long as the person who teamed up with me doesn’t make a move, he won’t be able to share experience. Even if he does, the experience is impossible. , But to calculate EXP based on his damage output. This is why the same battle squad, the wizard always upgrades faster than the warrior. Because in a team, the warrior is usually used as a meat shield, and the wizard is mainly responsible for the damage output, so the wizard will always be promoted quickly in the end. Of course, the above situation excludes other factors. If all factors are taken into account, the system of "Zero" is actually very average, and each profession has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is not said that whoever will have the advantage.

Anyway, Zambol will not get much experience standing there. It seems that we didn't make a shot, but my familiar and I are not in a team relationship. Even if I don't make a shot, the EXP they produce will still be passed on. The player does not need to divide EXP with the pet. The EXP generated by killing the monster is only effective for the player. The experience of the pet is related to the monster, but it is not directly related. Therefore, the player does not need to divide the experience with the pet. I can Stand here and wait for yourself to upgrade.

Zambur at first hasn’t reacted yet. He saw me standing next to him and he stood there. It was not until the fighting had been going on for more than an hour before he remembered to ask me why I didn’t take action, and waited for him. After knowing that I was a professional in the Beast Trainer series, I almost didn't cry. However, he quickly endured his tears and turned his grief and anger into strength to torture and kill Japanese players.

The real massacre actually took only two or three hours, and later Japanese players also reacted. This kind of battle is simply meaningless, it is nothing more than giving us experience, and staying here can only be slaughtered, so they directly chose to quit the game instead of resurrecting after hanging up. Although it is not allowed to quit during the battle, the system will not be forced to resurrect after being hung up. Of course you can choose to quit.

Due to the large number of Japanese players offline, the number of people on the scene is getting smaller and smaller, and the encirclement is quickly compressed to a small range. Originally, I was wondering if the remaining Japanese people had brain problems and had to stay and let us torture them, but when I got to the front line, I immediately understood what they were doing.

I looked down from above and found that the altar was painted with various magic Talisman numbers, and the remaining Japanese who insisted on not going offline are divided into two groups. One group of people is desperately resisting the massacre of the ant Legion, while the remaining group of people is desperately destroying those symbols. If these people have the size of a normal person, knowing these symbols is actually a very simple thing, but now everyone has become smaller than an ant. It is definitely a big project to destroy the symbols that look like giant stone carvings. The Japanese are of course not stupid. They know that they can’t completely remove these things, so they didn’t plan to destroy them all. Instead, they started from the most important part and wiped out the connection points of some symbols and the wrong place. Except, the remaining part is difficult to recover, and it needs to be tried slowly like playing a jigsaw puzzle. Players are naturally not interested in doing this kind of boring work. The Japanese just want to use this to prevent us from recovering those symbols.

Seeing that the more the Japanese are destroying, I quickly activated the screenshot function to take a picture of the graphic, but when I opened it, the symbol part was completely blank. It seems that these things cannot be saved through screenshots or videos, and we must find another way. Fortunately, I am Dragon Clan, and the chip in my head can be used as a calculator and video recorder in addition to assisting control of the body. With the help of powerful information input ability, I just used naked eye to force the symbols down, but unfortunately what I saw was not the complete picture and text, and I didn't know how to put the lost part back.

Although the video is complete, I will not tell the Japanese, but will let them continue to be there desperately to destroy, and at the same time inform Princess to let the ants step up the slaughter. Since Little Japan insists not to go offline, but to protect the secret if it is N-level, then I can't stop their patriotic enthusiasm, right? If they want to be heroes, I will let them be. Do I do something like helping others occasionally?

While Princess is helping me score points, I seize the time to restore the formation diagram that I just memorized. After having this thing, there is no need to worry about improving the strength. Although each person can only use it a few times, it is better to use it than not to use it. Besides, I would not find ordinary people to be the source of absorption. If you can catch an expert like Nobunaga Ghost or Gun God, it would be more cost-effective to absorb it once than absorb others ten times.

The restoration of the formation diagram on my side has not yet been completed. Princess has already been killed to the point where no one can kill. Those Japanese guarding the formation diagram may think that it has been damaged enough, so Unwilling to stay and be abused, they all went offline to avoid them. After a while, no one ran here. Seeing that there is nothing to take advantage of, I simply ask Zambol to leave here first, anyway, it is useless to stay, no one here will kill us.

Everything in this world is the same. When you don't think of it, it feels amazing. When you think about it, you will find that there is no surprise at all. Before, we were still worried about how to get out of this area, but now it becomes easier when we think of Princess's control ability. Princess's manipulation ability is not weakened, so she can manipulate any free creature that is not higher than her level. We first found a crow to take us to fly, and met a golden eagle on the way, so we changed our means of transportation. Although these two are just very ordinary creatures, not even devil beasts, they are all normal in size, and they are also flying creatures anyway, and their speed is not too slow. It is so far away, but for them it is more than an hour's problem.

Almost as soon as we got out of the control of the phantom orb, the communication crystal on my side rang into one piece, and countless communication hoops all rushed in. It seems that the time when I lost contact was really wrong. Few people are looking for me. I said to Zambor first: "I have something to do. Since I have come out, I will not send you anymore. You should have a way to leave?"

Zambor pointed to the direction we came from: The god orb is still there, and I can’t leave now. When the time is up, I will reclaim the magic orb. You don’t care about me, you go first. Next time you have a chance to go to India, remember to find me."

< p>I laughed. "Are you sure you really want to meet me in India? I'm the king of war. No matter where I go, my guild will follow wherever I go. It won't be good if I get into a melee in India!"

Zambul swallowed by my words, but he quickly reacted. "I believe in you."

"hahahaha, I don’t even believe in myself, you actually believe in me, you are so simple and cute! Well, I will look for it if I have the opportunity to go to India in the future. Yours. Goodbye."

After bidding farewell to Zambol, I immediately connected to the guild’s communication master, Crystal, and called my information record. It turned out that all the information I received was sent by Jian Fan. Check carefully. The content is the same, but they all told me to offline. After confirming that there was nothing to deal with in the guild, I quit the game.

"Damn, isn't it?" I just cut the connection and found that I was dismantled into a state where only the electronic brain is left. Fortunately, the external devices are all connected, so I can see and talk. "What are you doing?"

A battery car the size of a trolley ran over, and the sound of roses came from above. "Where did you go before? We can't contact you by any means. You are now using a wireless connection to connect to the game. Without a helmet, we can't even find the call bell. We can't force you to log out!"

"What the hell is this doing?" At this time, I discovered that Rose's electronic brain was installed on the battery car, and I was also on the same battery car. I'm familiar with this kind of battery car. This is what we use when changing our bodies. This trolley can not only move, but also has an internal circulation system, an electronic eye and a sound pickup system, which can meet basic communication needs and can be regarded as a simple body. But what makes me strange is that there are three similar battery cars in front of them that are crashing everywhere like bumper cars. "What are they doing?"

The camera on the top of Rose's battery car turned and looked over there. "Oh, that's the three of Jian Fan, Wen Rui and Cao En. Their electronic brains have just been converted, and they are not very familiar with this kind of temporary body, so they are not very flexible to manipulate."

"Did they complete the Dragon Clan transformation so soon?"

"It would have been a few days before, but recently the laboratory had just completed the exchange of accelerators, so it was a few days earlier."< /p>

"Then why did we make it like this?"

"I heard that we are going to replace us with a new body. The base has just completed a brand new design structure that can be large This will greatly improve our survivability. This time we are called offline to first let us adapt to the new body, and secondly, let you teach Jian Fan and the three of them how to use the electronic brain and the related functions of the new body."

< p>"I see. What about our body?"

"The body is still being prepared. You can read the electronic manual first, and you can try it directly after you put on your body later."


I received the electronic information sheet wirelessly transmitted by Rose’s electronic brain after I had promised. I checked it according to the catalog and found that most of the other things were just enhanced. Numerical value, the only part that has been greatly improved is micro-mechanical technology. In layman's terms, a large number of nano robots have been implanted in our bodies.

After I read the instruction manual Jian Fan, they finally got used to their temporary body, but unfortunately they will have to change to a new body soon. It is estimated that they will have to adapt again for a long time. I was a B13 embryo before I was born, so there is no physical fitness problem, but Jian Fan and the others have been using human flesh before. Suddenly changing to Dragon Clan’s body may not be able to adapt for a while, but this is the same as riding a bicycle. It doesn't work at first, as long as you use it more and more, you will adapt naturally.

Under the guidance of the researcher, we arrived at the weapon test site. My Familiars and the more than 10,000 Qilin warriors have all been waiting here. Jian Fan was shocked when he saw so many people. "This, this... is this your summon creature? They are all Dragon Clan?"

"And me." Luckily, the thunderous voice suddenly appeared above our heads.

"Ah!" Wen Rui was frightened and sat on the ground. "It's..."

"Yes, he is the rare beast who attacked you before. But he is also one of my beasts." I turned to Lucky and said: "You have been replaced with a new one. Is there any body yet?"

"Not yet, my body is relatively large, and there is a device for replacing my body there. I just came to take a look. My son is about to replace his adult fleshy The body is now."

"From then on, the small ones will become bigger too!" Rose said jokingly.

"Of course, does the child always grow up. Okay, I'm going to replace it with a new body."

We also started to change our bodies after we were lucky to leave. In fact, it is not too troublesome for us to change our body. In an emergency, we can do it alone by ourselves, but we may have to redo special clean-up procedures such as disinfection afterwards. Now we are prepared to replace it, so naturally we don't need to do it ourselves. One researcher is responsible for every twenty of us. Researchers only replace two of them, and the rest can help each other to replace them. Since Jian Fan and the three of them are the focus of attention, Rose and I brought three researchers to help them replace them.

After nearly an hour of tossing, we finally completed the replacement work. Although the new body has been greatly improved, it does not feel much different from the original body in normal use, so we veterans quickly got used to the new body.

Jian Fan and the three of them were left by us until the end. I asked Qilin warrior to adjust to the new body, and I helped Jian Fan and the three of them to change their bodies together with Rose, the pet and the bell sound Knight. .

The newly prepared bodies are all immersed in the culture fluid. After we fished out the new bodies, we put them on the holder. Enter the password to turn on the head connection switch, and then put their three electronic brains into it respectively, and finally lock the connection even if it is completed.

"Well, the three of you now try to move your fingers."

"Oh." Cao En moved first, but instead of moving his fingers, he moved Up his arm. Hearing a squeak, the metal lock that fixed his arm was instantly broken, and then squeezed hard to the sides. Cao En himself was taken aback, and he was completely shocked not knowing what to do there.

"Really, I told you to move your fingers, what are you doing with your arms?" I couldn't help but train Cao En. "Listen to me all three of you. Your bodies have been processed before, and now this fleshy body is your new body. But you must first be clear, that is, from this moment on, you are already Dragon Clan, not a human."

Cao En's nodded forcefully, the result was too much movement, and the back of his head hit the backrest plate on the back again, stunned that the stainless steel backrest was squashed.

I was really defeated by this guy! "Please, can't you be careful?"

Cao En was scolded by me and realized that he had done something wrong again. He quickly turned around and found that the backrest was slumped by a large amount, but he This movement of turning back drove other parts of the body, and as a result, the metal fixing rings on the waist and neck also broke.

I reluctantly pressed my face with my hand and said: "Forget it, you should drop all the fixers! If you continue like this, the fixed bed will be scrapped!"

< p>Wen Rui and Jian Fan were laughing secretly next to him, and Cao En angrily said: "What are you laughing at? Didn't you mean that you haven't moved? If you don't believe me, move too, I promise you will break the bed. This The stainless steel bed is almost the same as a piece of paper, the quality is really bad!"

Wen Rui didn't rush to refute after hearing what he said. Instead, she fumbled with her finger on the button panel under her palm and pressed it lightly. The fixing devices all over her body bounced up at the same time instantly, and then the fixed bed automatically began to slowly erect, placing her on the ground in an accurate standing posture. On the other side, Jian Fan completed these tasks almost at the same time, and Cao En was the only one who was depressed there.

Wen Rui said with a smile: "The control switch is already under your hand. If you don’t pay attention, you can only say that you are too stupid! Also, if you break the fixed bed, it’s not the quality of the bed. The problem is your problem. As Shenlin said just now, we are no longer humans, and you can’t use human standards to measure the things around you. For humans, stainless steel is so hard that it cannot be twisted and destroyed by its own strength. Metal, but for Dragon Clan, as long as it is not too thick, metal can be destroyed."

pa pa pa pa...... Our applause was heard around. Rose stood up and praised: "Wen Rui is right. You are now a member of Dragon Clan, and Dragon Clan's power is different from human beings. In this state, you must learn how to control yourself again. The power of this. Now it’s okay to break a fixed bed, but if it keeps like this, have you ever thought about what would happen if you let you go out for errands? Shaking hands with others and squeezing their hands into twists? Pull it down? Want to eat an apple and squeeze the apple into applesauce? Want to turn on the light and press the switch into the wall? How do you live out like this?"

"That's really dangerous! "Cao En finally understood how important it is to control power.

I said again: "In fact, learning to control power is not as troublesome as you think. Dragon Clan is a new race improved on the basis of humans. Since it is an improvement, it will definitely be stronger than the original one. Of course, it also includes the ability to learn, but you’d better understand your body structure before you get familiar with the body. You don’t move now, I will ask you to take you to the teaching room and wait until you finish learning the theoretical knowledge before you practice."

Wen Rui and Jian Fan are nodded, but Cao En, a daredevil, has done a very idiotic thing. This guy asked, "Why did you carry us over?" He stood up and took a step forward. As a result, because of too much effort on one leg, he jumped out obliquely and flew more than two meters high before falling back to the ground. Although this is nothing to Dragon Clan's body, it is nothing to be proud of to fall into a big somersault.

After receiving practical lessons, Cao En never dared to move anymore. Now he dared not move anything except his mouth, so we had to obediently let us carry him to the teaching room. The so-called teaching room is not actually a teacher. Long Yuan has its own school for children, so there is no need to set up a classroom in the experimental base. This was originally the product display room of the base, and because it needed all the equipment, it was temporarily requisitioned by me to serve as a classroom.

After I brought all three of them over, I let them all stand in the middle of the field, and everything nearby was far away from them, lest they could not control them for a while and then break something. The work of Lingyin Knight and the familiars was finished here. I let them go and let him play by himself, but Ling still voluntarily stayed as an assistant for me. There are only three Dragon Clan "babies" in the room, Rose, and Ling, who need to be re-educated.

I first showed them the human neurological system model. "You should all know this, and you should have studied biology in middle school. The top one is like a walnut is your brain, the next small ball is the cerebellum, and the bottom is the brain stem. As for the centipede, the thing is the spinal nerve. Facts. Above this is the subject of our self-consciousness. If a person removes all other parts and only these are left, then he can still retain consciousness. Of course, the premise is that these parts must maintain Life Energy. What we call the body is just The layer shell has nothing to do with our self-awareness. It is as if you are still you after you receive visceral or bone marrow donation in the hospital. As long as the brain is not replaced, no matter how large the replacement part is, you are still you."

"We all understand this." Cao En said anxiously.

"Just understand. Then I will now start to enter the part you don't understand." I took out another electronic brain. "Have you seen this metal object? You should have seen your own electronic brain before. That's right, our consciousness is now contained in such a thing, but this one in my hand is empty." I finished lightly. With a light press of the switch, the metallic electronic brain immediately bounced halfway, and there were only densely packed metal probes inside. "Before you said that the main body of consciousness is the brain, but what I want to say now is that our main body of consciousness also includes this electronic brain. Don't look at this thing that looks like a cashew nut, in fact, it is not just a container. The outer layer The metal shell is made of the hardest material that the group can manufacture. It is anti-corrosion, explosion-proof and high temperature resistant, and it is difficult to be destroyed. With it protects your brain, your life will be guaranteed."

Jane Fan suddenly asked: "Can this thing block bullets?"

"As long as you don't get shot against the forehead with an anti-material sniper rifle, you should not have a problem."

"So strong?"

Rose interjected: "You get what you pay for. The price of the metal used to produce an electronic brain shell can bankrupt a small and medium-sized company."< /p>

"So expensive?" Wen Rui was taken aback.

"Money is not a problem, as long as the quality is good, everything is worth it." I added: "In addition to being hard, the electronic brain is also responsible for expanding your special ability." I Xiang Ling nodded.

Ling immediately stretched out a hand after seeing my gesture, and a metal container in front of us immediately left the ground and floated. The three jaws of Cao En and the others fell off immediately, one by one was surprised and didn't know what to say.

I continued: "This is not magic, but you can think of it as a special function. Its basic principle is electromagnetic induction, but the specific operation will be more troublesome. You don’t need to know the detailed work. You just need to know how to use it. But you need to practice more if you want to manipulate it like Ling, because the electromagnetic field holding up this object, if you don’t control it, it’s easy to make it fly into the sky, or you can’t fly. Stable suspension is not easy."

Jian Fan was excited and desperately nodded. "You can't practice too much for this kind of superpower."

"In fact, humans have similar abilities, but human brain waves are really weak. It is impossible to manipulate substances outside the body and accurately control electromagnetic waves. It also requires a lot of neuron assistance. With the human brain structure, it is impossible to complete such huge data processing. The result of forced use is either mental breakdown or brain blood vessels bursting. But we are different. Our brains are replaced by B13 virus. Yes, after this process, there will be a special organ in our brain that is responsible for the processing of this special ability. In addition, pay attention to this electronic brain. Its outer shell is actually very thin. The reason why you feel it is thick is because of the inside. There is a mezzanine. Special microchips from the fourth special zone are embedded in the mezzanine. They will be responsible for helping you process some data that requires accuracy or extremely boring. We all know that the human brain does not process data such as length and size. It’s very accurate. You basically can’t visually measure the exact length of an object, but with these chips, it’s different. As a result of our Dragon Clan chips, we can determine the size of the object at a glance. When the distance is less than two meters It can be accurate to one micron. Of course, this chip is not only to help us measure length, but also to calculate time and distance, as well as complex mathematical problems. Although humans can perform quick calculations after special training, but after all, the number of digits cannot be too large. Moreover, the input and output of human Innate are limited. Even if you calculate fast enough, it will take a long time for you to tell others the result. But we are different. Using these chips, we can directly connect most electronic devices, directly with Data is exchanged by radio. This determines that our computing speed is much higher than that of human beings."

"Does that mean that we will be smarter than before?" Wen Rui asked.

"It will be smarter than before, but not because of these chips. These chips only provide us with some auxiliary capabilities. What really makes us smarter is the brain structure transformed by the B13 virus. Our brain structure is Designed after Nuwa, the main computer of the base, it itself is a biological computer, so the method of processing various data is better than that of humans, and the information exchange is faster. Folks often say that God’s forbidden zone is said to have a hundred human brains. How much of it has been unavailable, thinking that as long as it is developed, people can become superhuman. In fact, it is just a group of farmers discussing the technical difficulties of the space shuttle. Part, but the functions of these parts are memory storage and control nerves reserved for body control. They have nothing to do with thinking ability."

"Isn't it?" Cao En asked, "I read many books. What God’s forbidden zone can enhance human abilities!"

"Many people are not necessarily the truth. Five thousand years ago, we thought that we lived on a land with a round sky. Five hundred years ago, we thought The sun revolves around Earth. Fifty years ago, we thought that UFOs were just a delusion of an individual. Five years ago, even the core scientists of Longyuan thought that the theory of space folding was just science fiction, and six months later, you will be sent away. Going to the outer planet, do you think that folk common sense must be correct?"

"So it is!"

"So the truth is often only in the hands of a few people , And this part of the truth is the real elite. The human brain is actually very similar to a computer. The cerebral cortex responsible for thinking is equivalent to a computer chip. You think that a computer can continue to work even when most of the chip is missing. Is it?"

Cao En desperately shook his head: "Of course not."

"Neither does the human brain. Actually, your entire cerebral cortex is working when you are thinking about problems. It’s not like you think that only part of it is working. What really affects your intelligence is the activity of cells in the cerebral cortex, not how many brain tissues are involved in thinking. As for the development of idle parts of the brain, I have to say those things are developed It’s useless to come out."


"Because the idle part is partly responsible for memory and partly responsible for physical control. The part responsible for memory is like a computer hard drive, just recording data . An ordinary home computer, even if it is connected to a super storage terminal, will not be faster than a super computer, because the disk capacity and the calculation speed are not related. The reason why a person can’t use those brain memory areas for a lifetime is because you Things that need to be remembered for a lifetime can’t take up that much space at all. Since they can’t be used up, what is the use of developing more storage space? Besides, those limbs control nerves, which are also useless parts of the human brain, but you know How did those things come from?"

The three of them shook their heads together. Of course they didn't understand such a professional thing.

"I’ll tell you how these redundant control nerves come from. Because humans have evolved from lower organisms step by step, we still retain the characteristics of our ancestors. At first, we and Earth All mammals have a common ancestor. These ancestors should be aquatic animals, and they have many limbs that we don’t have, such as fish gills. When our ancestors went from water to land, their bodies evolved to fit The lungs that breathe in the air, while the gills are degraded, but in the brains of our ancestors, the nerve system used to control the lungs is a new tissue that later evolved along with the lungs, but the nerve system that can control the gills has not disappeared. , So this part is still there. Since we no longer have gills, do you think this nerve system used to control the gills will still be used?"

The three people shook their heads again.

"Similarly. Our ancestors have tails, hairs that can be controlled upright or down, and ears that can be turned at will. Many of them have appeared on our ancestors’ bodies, but we don’t have them. Organs. These things need corresponding control modules, but then some of these modules are degraded and some are retained. These remaining parts are what you call God’s forbidden zone. If you can develop all those parts Come out, then congratulations, you will learn how to wag your tail and how to breathe with your gills."

"So there are so many useless things in our brains?" Jian Fan couldn't help asking.

"Correct it. It is not your brain, but the human brain. These extra parts of your brain have been removed, and the vacated part is used by us to place more thinking nerves. Loop to enhance your intelligence and memory, but your memory area has not only remained unchanged, but also expanded."

"Why do you want to expand if you can't use it up?" Wen Rui curiously asked.

"Humans really can't use it up. A person has spent more than a hundred years in the sky. How many things can I remember in this little time? But you are different. Dragon Clan's mitochondrial telomeres are not Worn out means that we will not age. Although we don’t know how many years we can live, it is definitely longer than human beings. So human beings can’t run out of it doesn’t mean that we can’t use it up. To be honest, I'm still worried about it. In case our lifespan is infinite, what should we do if our brain is full of memory in the future?"

"Yes, won’t I remember everything by then?"

I shook my hand and said, "Don’t worry about this. As far as your current brain capacity is concerned, the memory of tens of billions of years should not be full, and our electronic brain can be connected to an external memory. The commonly used memories are moved to the external storage, which is equivalent to unlimited capacity. In addition, our scientists are also planning to design a thinking sharing system, which is to share scientific knowledge and other things that everyone has to remember. In this way, there is no need for everyone to have the exact same memory in their minds. As long as the part dedicated to individuals is kept, other shared information can be put on a dedicated storage and used in a wireless network."

"Okay, now even our brains have become a network operation system!"

Rose said: "Not so fast! Even if we succeed in development, at least we have to wait for your brains to be full I will use it only when I'm using it!"

I clapped my hands to refocus everyone’s attention, and then continued: "In addition to being the outer shell of your brain, the electronic br

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