"It is my honor to be able to trouble you, but unfortunately I can't directly piss you off, otherwise I would be a national hero!" I deliberately pissed off Nobunaga, just thinking Let him lose his composure. Although fighting with me is not one or two times anymore, the guy Nobunaga Oniteda does not have the calmness and strategy of Matsumoto Masaka, and has been irritated by me many times, and this time is no exception. The angry Guishou Nobunaga immediately rushed over without the slightest hesitation.

"Hands." I yelled in contact with my soul when Nobunaga Guishou rushed over. The familiars around me moved almost at the same time. Contrary to ours, the people on Guishou Nobunaga’s side because they didn’t expect Guishou Nobunaga would suddenly rush out and couldn’t keep up with him. As a result, Guishou Nobunaga rushed into my devil alone. Among the pet group.

Lucky and the plague, a few dragons directly crossed Guishou Nobunaga and fell behind him and immediately bluffed with dragon flames and forced all the Japanese players who wanted to come up to help back, and Yeyue But the two of them and the king gathered around Nobunaga Onishu. As the two most adept at fighting skills among many familiar familiars, Yeyue and King's expressiveness in close combat far surpasses the level of players at the same level. Ye Yue's six-handed snake sword slashed up together, instantly suppressing the arrogance of Guishou Nobunaga, only then did he realize that he had made a big mistake. However, to his surprise, Nobunaga was suppressed, but he didn't immediately fall down.

"This guy has become a lot stronger!" Lingling standing next to me whispered.

"It may be the result of the attributes that those people said before. It is said that Nobunaga's absorption has not reached the upper limit. If he fully integrates those attributes, it will be stronger. Now it seems that in the future I can't be too contemptuous of him." I patted the two little ghosts next to me. "Come over and help." The two little ghosts immediately disappeared where they were when they heard what I said.

Guishou Nobunaga is very depressed now. This depression is not that he can't beat the enemy, but that he can't find a chance to shoot. After absorbing the attributes of many people, Guishou Nobunaga has the strength far surpassing Yeyue, but after all, he only has two hands. Under Yeyue’s howling wind and torrential rain-like attacks, even if the attribute is too high, he can only be exhausted. It can deal with intensive attacks, and there is no chance to fight back, no matter how high the attribute is, it can’t be reflected. What's worse is that the king standing next to him would take a cold look at him from time to time. Although the number of times was small, it was a matter of time before he recruited meat. However, even though it was so unfavorable, it could be resisted for a while, but he encountered something worse than this.

Ghost Nobunaga, who had just been pushed back by Yeyue’s sword for two steps, wanted to stand up and fight to get a chance to fight back. Who knew that two strands of ice cold aura suddenly came on his legs, He just set his leg in place. The upper body and the legs were not coordinated, and he almost fell out without rushing to attack Nobunaga. In a hurry, Guishou Nobunaga didn't have time to see what was holding his leg and swung a knife to slash, but as soon as he felt the sensation of slashing something in his hand, he spouted an unfathomable mystery in his chest. blood arrow, the wound was so big that it was unimaginable, almost causing Guishou Nobunaga to fall straight down.

Enduring the pain, Nobunaga shook his knife again to shake Yeyue away, and then took the time to look down and found that there was a small doll with pink jade bracelets standing on each side of him. The two children on both sides are only six or seven years old. They are obviously a male and a female, but their lovely looks give people a sense of lifelessness, which makes people feel so cold to the bones. Guishou Nobunaga also has many Onmyouji under him. Some of them have seen little ghosts. He instantly realized that these two cute little dolls were simply not living people, but two little ghosts. Just now, he slapped one of the little ghosts on the shoulder with a knife. The blade pierced a little bit from the front of the shoulder blade, and cut straight into the chest cavity to cut out a horrible big opening. The shape and angle are the same as that of Guishou Nobunaga's own body. The opening is exactly the same. Although Guishou Nobunaga had a violent temper, and he was still not stupid enough, he immediately realized that attacking these little things is the same as attacking himself, so it is impossible to get them down by violent means. But the problem is that there are still two expert stations waiting outside. Yeyue’s attack was originally unstoppable like howling wind and torrential rain. Now his feet are locked and unable to move, it is even harder to dodge.

Just when Guishouxin’s long sweat came down, the two little ghosts did something that shocked him. It turned out that two little fellows suddenly bit his thigh together. Demons and monsters are not high-level ghosts. They will not absorb direct life energy, but they can obtain life energy through some stupid methods. This method is-eating meat.

Strictly speaking, demons and monsters are the Chinese version of ghoul, but it is different from the disgusting monsters that are more than three meters tall in Europe. The Chinese version of ghoul not only looks super cute, but also has a much smaller body. But no matter how beautiful, ghoul is ghoul, and the habit of eating meat cannot be changed. No matter who it is, no matter how good your mental endurance is, you will definitely have a nervous breakdown when you see other people eating your own flesh. At least Nobunaga Guishou can't stand it anymore. This guy actually screamed and fell down without an expert demeanor. Climbing back desperately, the whole stray dog!

Ling said: "Sure enough, everything has its nemesis! Physical attack professionals will run into demons and monsters. If Onmyouji has a look at the undead at this level, they will not take a look. One expulsion is done!"

"Unfortunately, Nobunaga Guishou is not Onmyouji, so no matter how strong the attribute is, he is not an opponent of demons and monsters."

Xiaochun suddenly patted me. Said on the shoulder: "Should we withdraw?" As she said she put a crystal ball finally clasped fist in front of me.

I glanced into the crystal ball and quickly blew a whistle: "The wind is tight, crap. The king should stop playing, it's time to flash."

The king heard what I said. He immediately walked to Guishou Nobunaga in twos or twos, and Guishou Nobunaga was still crawling back, not even noticing anyone approaching. The king stepped forward and stepped on Guishou Nobunaga's back and stepped on him, then he held the sword in both hands and slammed the tip of the sword downward. The moment the sword tip pierced Guishou Nobunaga’s spine, Guishou Nobunaga also completely lost his life, and my demons quickly ran over to me, and the Phoenix Dragon space opened one by one in front of them and recovered instantly. All familiars. Ring tone Knight and Qilin warrior are faster, and they all entered the gate of the earth as soon as the familiars finished running.

The rest of the Japanese saw that I was only one person left and immediately rushed up to take advantage, but they didn’t run two steps before the ground suddenly collapsed. Oh la la pitted thousands of people in at once. people. I laughed proudly, and then blew the whistle again, Yekage ran out of my shadow and stopped by my side. I turned over and rode on the saddle. The night shadow man made a long hiss and then jumped off the ground instantly, and a black arrow feather flew from behind, but unfortunately, there was nothing else to do besides following me and eating farts. I just saw from the crystal ball that the Japanese reinforcements arrived at the back before I decided to retreat. Don’t you run at this time, don’t you wait to be surrounded before you run?

The Japanese never gave up the opportunity to chase. Unfortunately, Yekage’s shadow jumping ability is too scary. He can get in from one shadow and then out from another. There is really no shadow we can still use Other people's thought space makes a dream jump, which is more ruthless than the shadow jump, but it consumes a little more magical power.

A large group of Japanese with flying creatures can only watch me disappear into the air in three hops and two hops, and they can’t even chase after me. It didn't take long for me to be proud, but I suddenly remembered something as if something was wrong, and I always felt as if I had forgotten something! At the same time, a warrior in the Japanese encirclement was looking around nervously.

"Why do you have to hold on to me?" the warrior asked nervously.

"hmph hum, we don’t have the chance to cooperate anyway, why don’t we take full advantage of the last benefit?"

"But even if we can’t become allies, At least we can remain neutral? You don’t want to have more enemies, do you?"

"hahahaha! You are so innocent and cute!" A Japanese came out and said, "in this world simply There is no neutrality. The so-called neutrality only represents two things. One is that there is not enough interest to be too lazy to manage, and the other is that the time is not up and I want to wait for a better time to give up neutrality. Therefore, all neutrality is false. Lies. As long as you live in this world, it is impossible to achieve true neutrality. I am afraid that only those who are truly detached from the world have the ability to achieve true neutrality!"

"That person said although It’s cruel, but it’s not wrong. Earth is a whole. Since you live on Earth is a part of it, don’t think about false neutrality. Unless you are not a part of Earth. Humans are facing two groups. Ants can be neutral, but an ant can never be neutral in two groups of ants."

My voice instantly attracted everyone’s attention, and the Japanese around them were all surprised. , Only the trapped warrior in the middle was full of excitement. In fact, this is what I just forgot. Reluctantly, I just saved him from the altar and fell into a melee without having time to look at him. After I fought well, I found a large Japanese army, so I had to run away quickly, and in the end I gave him forget.

This warrior originally thought that I ran away. He had absolutely no hope of running away. Of course, he was excited to see me suddenly come back. "You finally came back, get rid of and save me quickly!"

"I won't come back if I don't save you, stand still." The Fenglong space suddenly opened, and the plague flew from inside with a sickle on his back. Came out. The sickle immediately launched a web of spider silk towards the ground, which accurately stuck to the warrior's body, and then the plague soared to the sky and dragged the guy up.

The Japanese nearby found that the crowd had been rescued, and they yelled loudly and used long-range skills or flew up to block each other. Unfortunately, although the plague could not keep up with the speed of the flying birds and night shadows, the giant dragon itself was also fast. It was not too slow, all the subsequent attacks failed, and none of them hit.

After the warrior was pulled onto the dragon's back by the sickle, I summoned Asuka to let him climb up, and then took the plague and sickle back. Ye Ying was also admitted to the Phoenix Dragon Space, and I myself jumped on Asuka and he was lying on Asuka's back to escape. Originally, no one could catch us at the speed of Asuka, but the problem is that there is a kind of magic called forbidden air domain. I really didn't expect that among the Japanese, there are mages who can do this kind of partial spell. As a result, Asuka took us down with one head. Fortunately, I have enough things. After collecting the flying bird in the air, I took out the crystal bubble and installed me and the warrior together. The crystal bubble is a confinement container for the enemy, but it can also be used as a protector for me. Affected by the forbidden air field, we all lost the ability to fly. It's almost impossible to fall from this height, not to mention that there are still a circle of Japanese standing around ready to cramp us at any time.

The two of us rushed to the ground in the crystal bubble. The bubble immediately deformed as soon as it hit the ground. Although the vibration was great, it didn't cost us any health. After the huge buffer force disappeared, the bubbles bounced back quickly, so we jumped up again and flew tens of meters high in one breath. The Japanese National People's Congress came all the way around thinking that we could easily catch us after landing. Who knew that this big soap bubble was so flexible that it bounced when it landed.

Seeing us jump out of the crowd circle, the Japanese immediately caught up, but this bubble just bounced like a bouncing ball and flew far away, except for those with high-speed mounts. They were all dumped and disappeared.

The warrior took this strange vehicle for the first time and asked me excitedly: "What kind of baby are you? Didn't expect so easy to use!"

"che, this thing is used to imprison the enemy. It is only used for emergency. I didn't expect it to run very fast."

There was so much more on the game forum that night. Video. A huge crystal bubble leaped forward on the plain, followed by a large group of Japanese people shouting and screaming, it was so funny. But our good days will soon come to an end. A small hill suddenly appeared in front of him, but the crystal bubble failed to reach the top of the hill but stopped at a place only a step away from the top of the hill. The crystal bubble that had been consumed by inertia stopped on such a steep mountain, of course, so he rushed back along the slope of the mountain, but it was not only the Japanese that was unlucky this time.

Before, the crystal bubble jumped all the way forward. Although it was a bit bumpy, it was still bearable for us, but this time it was different. The bubble did not bounce back, but rolled down the mountain. You can imagine what it feels like to roll a person into a ball from the top of a mountain. As the sphere rolls down from the top of the mountain, the speed is getting faster and faster. The warrior and I feel like sitting in the drum of a washing machine. The huge centrifugal force combined with the irregular rotation momentarily makes our cerebellum balance completely disordered, and worse The two of us are not fixed in the bubble and always collide with each other. Of course, the Devil Dragon armor is stronger than the opponent's armor, so in general he is more unlucky.

In fact, it is more than us who are unlucky. When we rushed to the top of the mountain and stopped, the Japanese people behind all smiled triumphantly, because they thought we had been caught, but their smiles didn't last long. After the sphere lost its balance, it began to roll back along the mountain. The Japanese below looked at it and found that the situation was not right, so there were more videos in the forum that evening. A large group of Japanese ran desperately down the hillside, chasing a huge crystal bubble behind. But how can one run the ball rolling down the hill? Seeing that the speed on both sides was getting closer and closer, the Japanese who ran at the end had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​escape and planned to turn around to resist. Who knew the distance was too close, he just turned around and was pressed under the bubble before he drew his weapon. What’s even more unfortunate is that the bubble appeared in a pit and stuck him on it, and then we continued to roll forward with him, followed by a few more Japanese tricks and got stuck on the bubble. Rolled down together.

Before I heard people say that the snowball will roll bigger and bigger. Although we are now rolling the human ball, the effect is almost the same. The Japanese in the most mountainside only see a huge human ball patter oh la la Rushed down the mountain. A small Japanese boss was shocked when he watched the adult ball rushing towards him, he could only instinctively hugged his head and squatted down, but I don’t know if it was his good luck or a miracle. The crystal bubble suddenly rushed in front of him. I hit a war horse. Because there were too many people stuck, the bubbles could no longer stick to the horse. As a result, it was as if a bowling ball was put on a pin. With a ping sound, all the people and animals stuck outside were thrown together. When I came out and flew to all directions, a small-scale rain of people broke out in the area instantly, and it was truly a rain of people from the sky. However, our crystal bubble flew out of the crowd, and after bouncing up to Lao Gao, it fell again.

Onitou Nobunaga just came back from his resurrection, only to chase here, he saw a big ball smashed at him before he knew what was going on. The bubble did not bounce again when it hit the ground, but exploded. The rescued warrior and I lay on the ground all over, there are still circles of spiral curves in our eyes spinning there!

The little boss who was almost hit at first said after a while that he was okay before he carefully opened his eyes and stood up. As a result, he saw that people were lying all around, so he squatted. The little place in the house was intact, and he was happy with it. But he almost didn't cry when he turned his head, because he saw the tragic experience of his beloved boss.

The warrior who was rescued and I were both dizzy and dizzy. It took a long time after we fell to the ground before we could barely move. I almost left the place by crawling on all fours, and the warrior simply rolled aside. We left in a hurry not because we were afraid of the Japanese chasing us, but because we were uncomfortable lying in the position just now, and I always felt uncomfortable with something underneath. In fact, the object that makes us uncomfortable is even more uncomfortable, because this object is the ghost Nobunaga who has just been resurrected. Speaking of which he was wronged more than us, and he was smashed into hemiplegia before he came to this end.

At this time, a group of Japanese players rushed over to help Nobunaga Guishou up, but his chest was obviously deflated, and he was already venting and breathing. not enough. The rest of the Japanese remembered and arrested the two of us, but even though we knew that we were arrested, we had no strength to resist. Now we are really dizzy. Don't talk about attributes that are not attributes. That thing is only related to combat capability, and has nothing to do with balance. If you don’t believe me, go grab a Divine Immortal, put him in the ball one minute and make more than 3,000 laps, come out and make sure that he can climb out of the S-shaped route with us. What? You say go? I am not stable enough on all fours now, do you still say walking on two legs? Those who can stand up can enter the space center and directly apply for an astronaut!

After a few Japanese stood up the two of us, they also found that the two of us were as soft as noodles. This state was really difficult to carry, so we had to find someone to carry us back. Of course, we can’t be stingy about the Japanese who are willing to be rided by us, so we both vomited out of our mouths what we ate yesterday and gave them to the two Japanese who were carrying us. Unfortunately, they don’t appreciate it. I was still angry and wanted to work hard with us, but the two of us were busy vomiting things out to give people away, and there was no time to resist. Since I have a memory, this is the second time I have experienced the feeling of motion sickness. Dragon Clan's physical fitness is so good that it is difficult to experience motion sickness. If it weren't for too many turns this time, I wouldn't be fainting like this!

The Japanese who were waiting at the base waited eagerly for a long time and finally saw the large troops return, but didn't expect the casualties to be so heavy. The people who came back climbed back almost by supporting each other, and many of them were still carried back or put on horsebacks. This is also impossible. After all, when we rolled down, many people were crushed, especially those who were glued to the ball and rolled with them. It was worse than us. We just fainted, but they bumped and bumped all the way, no matter what the internal or external injuries were, they didn't pull them off.

"How did you do this?" A Japanese player who didn't know the situation rushed up to help carry the wounded, and asked about the situation by the way.

Behind a somewhat better person explained: "It's all the fucking murdered by the asshole Purple Moon, that guy is simply a disaster for us Japanese!"

"Not so exaggerated?"

"Exaggerated?" The player pointed back: "Look at our situation, this is not exaggeration? How many people did we say chased it out? How much are you coming back? Is half enough?"

What he said was true. The people who were glued to the ball actually changed several batches before and after. After all, it is normal for the people who were glued to roll down all the way and kill them. Therefore, the person in front fell off when they died, and then the newcomer was attached. Roll down until Zhuo Shi has killed a lot of people. Of course, these are all accidents, not my intention. Even if I knew that this method would kill people faster, I would never consider doing it again. The feeling of dizziness is really unacceptable!

The Japanese behind were completely unclear about what happened, but some Japanese players immediately understood it after showing the video at that time, so everyone was prepared to put us on the altar and suck dry. attribute revenge. Speaking of this is their real purpose. After all, no matter how many people are crushed to death, they are not themselves. Even if they are united, these Japanese are impossible to take their companions too seriously. It doesn't matter if they help each other in battle, there is nothing to be sad when they die. Anyway, they can be resurrected. What they really care about is the attribute. My attributes are notoriously high. These people absorb my attributes but they are the best. Can you say that they are not excited?

I was quickly placed on the altar amid the urging of everyone, and the ceremony supplies were quickly prepared, and I was ready for the ceremony. However, mutation always occurs at the last moment. Just as the little Japan was preparing to do something to me, the warrior who was rescued by me did something that shocked everyone. He didn't know where to get a red ball, and then threw it out. At first everyone thought it was a bomb, but who knew it was scarier than a bomb. Red's ball suddenly exploded as soon as it hits the ground, but no substantial damage occurred. All we saw was a light curtain spreading suddenly. Later, according to others, the light sphere became super large at that time, which can be seen in the coastal areas of China, and as for Japan, it can be seen nationwide. However, after the explosion of the light ball, no trace was left except for the tens of thousands of Japanese players within the explosion range and the two of us.

I was lying on the stone slab faintly, my hands and feet were fixed, so I didn't know anything about the explosion. I was still in a daze at the time. Basic High Level It was already ten minutes later when I regained my thinking ability. The first thing I did after regaining consciousness was to confirm the environment, and it turned out that the surrounding environment was something I didn't know at all.

This place is an endless plain, but it is not very flat, but the ups and downs are relatively gentle, and the difference between the highest place and the lowest place is not more than one person high, so basically it can be regarded as a plain of. There is no soil on this plain, and there is a hard rocky ground under your feet. As for the plants and animals, you can't even see the shadows.

"Strange, how did I get here? Phantom, do you know what's going on?" Although I lost consciousness just now, Phantom has been in harmony with me. He should know something what.

Phantom heard my question and immediately replied: "I don’t know very well. After those Japanese tied you to the stone platform, I was about to manipulate your body to escape when suddenly the warrior we rescued. I threw the red thing out, and then the thing suddenly burst into a circle of energy shocks, and then I felt that the surrounding environment had a Heaven and Earth turning upside down change."

"In other words You don’t know why we came here?"

"Almost! But no matter where it is, it must be related to the red sphere thrown by the warrior just now, but I don’t know him now. Where did I go!"

"Then it will be troublesome!" I looked around, how do I get out of such a big rock wasteland?

When I was worried, I suddenly heard something next to me. A red energy ball suddenly appeared on my side, and then the light ball began to expand rapidly, and finally turned into a person-high light ball. When the light ball stabilized, a person suddenly walked out of it, and I immediately became happy when I saw it. It turned out that this was the warrior I rescued.

"Where did you go?"

"Actually, I didn't go anywhere, but you can't see me." The warrior's answer made me unfathomable mystery. I don't understand what he is talking about.

"What do you mean?"

"You just have to look at what it is." The warrior pointed to the distance, and I was surprised when I looked up and saw An ant monster about the size of lucky is rushing towards us at full speed.

"Damn, there is a rare beast!"

"It's not a rare beast!" Warrior explained calmly: "That's actually just an ant." After speaking, I was afraid that I would not understand He emphasized again: "A very ordinary ant."

"Wait, you said it was an ordinary ant? Ordinary ants can grow to..." I suddenly stopped. Because I seem to understand what he meant. "You mean that the ants are okay. We are the one who has the problem? Are we shrinking?" At this point, I couldn't help but step back and looked at the warrior in front of me again. Although this guy is wearing a standard warrior suit, his facial features have obvious Southeast Asian bloodline, so I always thought he was Thai or Burmese, but only now I discovered the curry smell of this guy. "Are you an Indian?"

"Finally, did you see it?"

"Hey, do you guys in India shrink your skills?"

< p>"Why?"

"Last time I was shrunk by a Divine Ox in your country, and a large group of us were chased and killed by earthworms. The face was really lost to my grandma's house. , This time you played this trick again, what do you want me to look good?"

"Do you think I am willing? If I didn’t use your attributes just now, I couldn’t keep the situation. I saved you. Don’t you thank me?"

"I thank you for saving my thoughts, but as far as the action itself is concerned, I have nothing to thank, because even if you didn’t act just now, I won’t be drained of attributes. "

"Do you have a way to get out?"

"Nonsense. Don't you know who I am?"

"You are Purple Moon, the first in the world A party will be the president of the Frost Rose League."

"Do you think it is possible for someone like me to be easily caught?"

"That's not necessarily the case."

"Okay, let's not talk about this. You quickly make me bigger, let's run first while those little Japan is still small."

"I'm sorry I can't help it!"

"Ah? What did you say?"

"I said I can’t do it. It’s not my skill that I used to make us smaller. It’s a Divine Item equipment, a team battle equipment used by the guild. , I just happened to take it with me."

"What about now? You can't use that thing to enlarge us?"

"In theory, it is impossible. Once the phantom orb is activated, it must wait for it to release all its stored energy before it can stop, otherwise no matter who is in this area, as long as it walks in, it will become smaller."

"Then that. What's the matter with only ants?"

"The magic orb is only effective for us players and their summon creatures and NPCs. It has no response to wild monsters and natural creatures."

"Damn, isn't that dead?" I felt dizzy looking at the ants rushing in the distance. "Tank, block that ant."

"Ant?" The tank hadn’t figured out what was going on when it came out, but after seeing the ant, I immediately understood why I let him block the ant because of the ant in front of me. Only a little bit younger than him. "Wow, what a big ant!"

"It's not that the ants are big, but we are getting smaller!"

"What?" The tank was also taken aback.

"Don't worry about this, go and kill the ant."

"Don't worry, even if I shrink, I'm a devil beast. Natural creatures are still not my opponent."

In fact, the tank is indeed as powerful as he said. The ant and the tank fought as soon as they met, but the tank itself is an Insect-type devil beast, and even if it is reduced, it is bigger than the ant. After a little bit, the power that takes advantage of volume naturally also takes advantage. The little ant persisted for only two seconds before being knocked out of his head by the tank. Although the rest of the body remained vigorous, the body without a head would only move around, and it was not lethal at all.

After killing the ants, I immediately turned around and asked the warrior: "By the way, I don't know what your name is?"

"My name is Zambol."

< p>"That's so Zambol, how can we get bigger? I'm talking about not waiting for your mana to consume energy."

"It's an illusion orb. Actually, it doesn't matter if you want to get bigger. Difficult, as long as it can be out of the range of action."

"Then what is the range of action of your magic orb?"

"Two hundred kilometers."



"Radius?" My voice couldn't help but rise by an octave.

Zanbur is nodded. "And I need to remind you that we are not as big as an ant now. Two hundred kilometers is not as big as we imagined."

"Wait." I opened the Fenglong space and took all the demon pets. He called out, and then told them about the current situation.

Ling has the best brain, and he naturally reacts the fastest. She first compared the ant's corpse, then looked at us, and then said: "According to Zambol, this ant should retain its normal size. According to my observations, this is just a worker ant, which means that Its body length is about three millimeters, which is three thousand micrometers. Compared with its volume, our current height is only about fifty micrometers. Using this as a scale to convert, one millimeter now feels like Forty meters, one meter is forty kilometers for us. The radius of two hundred kilometers that Zambor said is basically equal to eight million kilometers for us. The fastest among us is Asuka, although he uses supersonic speeds. He can fly to more than twice the speed of sound during an assault, but he can’t assault at supersonic speeds for 8 million kilometers. After considering the endurance of the bird and our mana assistance, I think the average speed of the bird remains at subsonic speed. That is, 333 meters per second shouldn’t be a problem. Of course, now that the volume becomes smaller and it’s impossible to fly to the normal subsonic speed, so the subsonic speed I said is compared to the 8 million kilometers. In other words, flying birds can fly out of one kilometer we feel in three seconds. That 8 million kilometers requires 24 million seconds or more than six thousand hours."

"What? We want to fly six." It takes more than a thousand hours to get out of the coverage of this thing?" I quickly turned my head and asked Zambol. "How long can the magical orb's own mana last?"

"At most 48 hours. This depends on the number of people entering and leaving the area durin

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