I struggled in Coagulant for a long time, but to no avail. Coagulant's hardness is beyond imagination, struggling is simply useless. Shuangxue wanted to use the low temperature to help me out, but unfortunately the enemy would not give her a chance. The enemies who had been entangled were all concentrated now, and they shot together. No matter how powerful Shuangxue was, she couldn't stop so many people. She could only be intercepted and defeated and had no time to help me out.

"Don't waste your energy, you absolutely can't make ground."

"hmph, even if I can't get out, you can kill me at most once. Drop Level 1 Although it’s a pity, it won’t have much influence on me. What are you proud of?"

"You think it’s simple. Since we designed such a troublesome capture method, of course it won’t be easy. Kill you once and it’s done. After a while, you’ll know what we’re going to do.” The woman said to the other human beings: “Carry them all away.”

Shuangxue has dozens of people She was quickly caught under the siege, but the enemy did not kill her. Everyone knows that these are my familiars. It’s easy to kill them, but after a period of time, they will regain the ability to summon again. When the time comes, I am equivalent to regaining my freedom, so these people didn’t kill my familiars at all. It took us all together.

Actually, I'm not really trapped right now. Let them take us away just to find out what conspiracy they are doing. I heard from them before that these Coagulants were originally prepared for the elite group of our guild, which means that they should have some way to make players lose their battle strength for a long time or even permanently. This method is really vicious to the player, and it is likely to be irreversible, so I must understand the situation in advance, if it is really dangerous, it must be dealt with as soon as possible. As for my own safety, I don’t need to consider this at all, because I now have at least five ways to get out of trouble.

The easiest way to get out of trouble is to cut through these Coagulant with eternity. My eternity can change the shape at will, so even if I can't move, I can transform myself to cut these Coagulant. As for them to toss Coagulant again, there is no need to worry about that. We were recruited because we didn't know it before, but I will definitely not get caught if I do it again now.

The second method is also very simple, just come out summon Vajra directly. Vajra is a spirit controller. I didn't have summon him in the previous battle. Now summon can play a surprising role. Moreover, Vajra uses extreme strength as the battle method, and crushing these Coagulants is not a problem at all.

The Third Type method is also very simple. Just switch to the trumpet. Silver Moon is not as big as Purple Moon, and Coagulant loses its stickiness after drying. As long as the body is able to move, it is still very simple to break this layer of things.

The fourth method is a little bit more troublesome. You can directly activate the complete body form of the magic dragon suit and instantly transform yourself into a giant giant dragon that is a circle larger than the normal giant dragon. The explosive power of the transformation is enough Burst this shell.

Even if all the above four methods fail, I still have the ultimate skill-Absolute Order. This is a self-destruct skill, so I have never used it before, but once it is used, there will be nothing left within a two-kilometer radius centered on me, and the affected personnel will drop Level 10 at once. Of course, there are more restrictions on such abnormal skills. The most annoying thing is to drop one hundred levels at a time, so it is not an extreme situation that I would rather hang up and never use this trick. Even if I die once, I lose two levels even if I fail to resurrect. This one hundred levels is at least enough for me to die 50 times!

Because I have a lot of summon creatures, the Japanese froze until midnight before getting us back to the base camp. Probably because of their trust in the effects of Coagulant, these Japanese actually only sent a dozen people to guard us and left us in a small square. My summon creatures all have contact with me, so they can communicate even if they can't move. It was also my arrangement that they were arrested obediently and honestly before. The Coagulant can indeed seal our actions, but not all familiars can't break free, but I didn't let them move.

Now after receiving the signal that I am ready to do it, the familiars are beginning to prepare carefully. The Japanese guarding us all gathered around me at this time, and didn't even notice the movement of the familiars.

"Hey, it turns out that this guy is Purple Moon." A Japanese player slapped my face and said arrogantly: "Aren't you usually very difficult to deal with? Why can't you do it now?"

This kind of action is an insult to most of them, but in my current situation it is essentially harmless. My body is covered with Coagulant that is as hard as steel. Even if he hits me with an iron rod, I won't feel it, let alone just the palm of my hand. But insults are insults after all, and it doesn't make any difference because he didn't pat me.

My brow furrowed slightly, and the eternity that had shrunk into a sphere on the back of my hand quickly melted into a liquid form, and then I swam under my wrist and gently moved upward. With an inaudible click, a hole was made in the Coagulant on my wrist. A little red ball rolled all over the ground along the little hole in my wrist, oh la la. As soon as the small balls hit the ground, they combined into larger balls, and then each looked for the target and approached the nearby Japanese, and when they touched them, they turned into liquid again and climbed up their bodies along their legs.

"Hey, what is this?" A Japanese found the red liquid winding upward on his friend.

"Ah! You have it!"

"This is too!"

"This stuff is everywhere!"

" ......"

There was chaos around, and the liquid quickly rushed to the top of their heads and drilled into their eyes, mouth, nostrils or ears. Those people panicked immediately after being penetrated by the liquid and tried to dig them out, but they were powerless. With one of my thoughts, those liquids instantly deformed into spikes in the people's heads, and the long spikes even broke through many people's heads out of their heads.

Everyone's screams and twisting stopped instantly, and the spikes slowly retracted into their heads, and then these people immediately fell down at the same time. The red liquid began to flow out along the corners of the eyes, mouths, ears and other places of these corpses, and finally gathered into a big ball and rolled back to me. By the way, it suddenly left the ground and hit my body. oh la la The Coagulant on my body shattered like glass.

I stretched out my hand to the ground, and eternity immediately flew into my palm. "hmph, this kind of tatters wanting to trap me is a dream!"

"It doesn't seem to be their stronghold here?" Ling had already broken free and walked to my side at this time.

"Maybe the thing they said that can deal with us is around here." Ivorite said.

"Wait, someone is here." Yeyue reminded us.

I turned my head and called Emiennes. "Is there a way to disguise us?"

"It's easy. You all stand in place and keep the same posture as you just did. I create the illusion that Coagulant still exists on the surface of your upper body, so that it won’t Someone noticed that we can move freely."

"Hurry up, they are here."

Almost when we just finished the disguise, someone has already walked in. The other party first I scanned the environment here, and then seemed to find that the guard was missing, so I started looking for guards everywhere.

I gave Yeyue a wink after finding someone who had come in. The person had just passed by Yeyue at this time, and Yeyue, who had been in a freeze frame, moved slowly and silently. The sharp snake sword passed through the opponent's throat silently, then quietly disappeared, and the opponent slowly fell softly.

I said to the familiars: "Yeyue, Darts, and Emmenes come with me to take a look outside. The rest of the people here get out the Qilin warrior that is still sealed."

"Don't you need me to follow?" Ling walked over and asked.

"You can stay here to direct."

"Oh." Ling was disappointed and nodded.

I took Ye Yue and they carefully touched the edge of the square. speaking of which The building here is quite special. There is only one entrance to such a big square, and it is so small that it is difficult for three people in a row to make it through.

Before arriving at the door, Emiennes helped us all add the Invisibility Technique, and then asked the darts to stretch their heads and take a look, and after confirming that there was no problem, we followed and went out. Outside this is a small group of buildings, and after crossing the building, there is a square, but it is different from ours. There are many scary Japanese people here. I looked around and counted, at least more than 20,000 people. These people are all around an altar, and there is a stone platform on the altar. Several mage-shaped figures are surrounding the stone platform. They don't know what they are working on. It is probably not a good thing.

We moved carefully to the crowd, Emiennes removed our Invisibility Technique and replaced it with Camouflage Technique. Now, in the eyes of Japanese players, the three of us are just three ordinary Japanese players, and the darts squat directly. On my shoulders, he is a small demon familiar anyway, and most people would not think of me from him.

After the disguise was completed, we approached the crowd carefully together. The Japanese at the end seemed to sense that there was someone behind, so he looked back. After he saw us, he just took a casual look and then turned back. More than 20,000 people gathered in this place. Of course, they knew each other impossible. Of course, there would be no doubt when they saw strange faces. Moreover, in order to hide their identities, the three of us also specially disguised themselves as professional Japanese occupations. In the eyes of Japanese players, Yueyue and I are wearing Japanese warrior armor, while Emines is an Onmyouji costume. If we wear ordinary clothes, Japanese players may think of foreigners if they don’t know us, but we wear professional clothes with Japanese characteristics, and they naturally can’t think of us as enemies.

Emmenes’s skills are now very different from the original ones, not only can it transform into illusions, but also entities. People leaning against us will not find the problem even if they hit us. Unless it is possible to break the camouflage by a strong attack, even if it is a low-level true vision spell, don't even want to see through this camouflage.

Through this layer of disguise we gradually squeezed into the center of the crowd, mainly because I wanted to see what was going on on the altar in the middle, but I couldn't see it from here. It was so easy to get close to the edge of the altar, and yet to see exactly what was going on on the altar, a Japanese player next to him suddenly said to himself: "Every time the ghost fairy does something, something will happen. I don’t know this time. Will you blow us all up!"

I thought he was asking me, and it frightened me. Fortunately, another Japanese next to him said: "Then why don't you hide away? Point?"

"I heard that the things we did this time can suck out the attributes of the people on the altar and fill them with the people around. If it succeeds, don’t we just follow the light?"


After hearing what they said, I was bold enough to say: "There are more than 23,000 people here. Even if they succeed, how much can each person get?"

Although the Japanese don't know me, they are chatting, and they don't care whether they know me or not. The person a little far away from me asked, "Then why are you still standing here?"

"Hehe, the same as you think."

The two people listened It’s also nodded together, and everyone’s heart is not upset. In fact, everyone in the neighborhood knows this meaning, that is, everyone thinks that even if the attribute is drawn out, the closer the people get, the more people we get. We stand in the first row and naturally absorb more. As for the people behind Can't squeeze it can only show that one's strength is not as good as others, no wonder others.

In fact, as long as there is no direct interest relationship between people, it is easy to get a conversation, especially when everyone is very empty. Now that I said a few words, I simply continued to chat with them, using my powerful logic analysis ability to quickly get a lot of things out of their mouths. There is no order at all in this place. The experts who can squeeze to the front are naturally experts, and experts are generally important personnel, so these people know more than the ordinary players in the back.

As more and more people joined in our conversation, I learned from their words that this ceremony is not the first time it has been carried out, and it has indeed been successful several times before. It is said that the origin of this ceremony is related to Oninote Nobunaga. It seems that Oninote Nobunaga feels that the current players in Japan are generally too weak, so he wanted to find a way to mass produce high-level players, and finally found it after looking around. This method is to absorb attribute points from the enemy and distribute them to the surrounding players. Although the one or two times attribute can't be improved much, it can have obvious effects if you do it a few more times. More importantly, the attributes added by this method will not affect your upgrade, which means that the attributes you usually upgrade are still upgraded, and these attributes are only additional rewards. Players cannot directly upgrade their attributes when they level up. They only have attribute bonuses when they level up. It’s more cost-effective to get attributes directly like this, even if it’s a little bit faster than the upgrade every time. Besides, this method has another advantage, that is, the enemy who has been through this ceremony is equivalent to being completely defeated by you. If it is to defeat an opponent on the battlefield, killing him at once is a great way to drop two levels. Moreover, most people can succeed in resurrection, so generally you can only drop Level 1 as long as you are not too lucky. After the resurrection comes back, although the level drops and the attribute drops thereafter, Level 1 will not play a big role, and more practice can bring it back up. But it’s different if the attribute is absorbed by this kind of ceremony. If the attribute is gone, the level is still there. Even if you want to level up, it’s hard to go up with the current level. So people who have done this kind of ceremony will not only delete the account and re-training. There is simply no other choice.

Such a vicious ceremony is of course impossible for people to use casually. It is said that the system requires that the opponent must be caught alive and brought to the altar, and how many attributes can be drawn in each execution is still a random number, it all depends on luck. Even in one point can not be extracted, it has happened. In addition, this attribute extraction seems to allocate points based on the number and distance of nearby people, so everyone rushes forward, because the closer you get, the more points you get.

In addition to the above content, I also inquired about a very amazing news, that is, Nobunaga Onishu did several separate extraction ceremony for himself. In other words, he took out all the attributes of several people and absorbed them all by himself. At that time, no one shared the attributes with him. No matter how much he smokes these few times, why is there more than one person's attribute, right? Fortunately, I heard that this kind of ceremony cannot be absorbed infinitely. Each player can only absorb it a few times before it can be absorbed. Wanting to unrestrictedly concentrate a lot of people’s attributes on one person is purely a dream, and thanks to such attributes, otherwise Guishou Nobunaga will keep sucking it, and I won’t have to wait until I meet him next time. Was he beaten all over the floor looking for teeth?

I was thinking and suddenly heard a roar from the stage. I looked up suspiciously. It turned out that the person on the altar whose attribute was extracted actually broke away from the belt and sat up next to me. After standing in a circle, there were all mages, but they couldn't hold him down. This caused quite a lot of harassment. Several warriors jumped onto the stage to help hold that person, but in my opinion this is undoubtedly an opportunity.

Although the warriors wanted to help, people in the distance could not see clearly, they could only see a few people jumping on the altar. I took the opportunity to yell: "They want to monopolize the attribute point, let's grab it together!"

My voice has three effects. First, the people on the altar were stunned. The second was that the few people near me who had just spoken to me looked towards me in surprise. The third was my expected result. The players behind broke out. Although I don’t know what happened, but who doesn’t want the attribute? Someone wanted to rush up as soon as I called. Although only a few people were in a mess at the beginning, emotions are contagious. Some people who didn't believe me soon believed my words and started rushing upward.

Although the scene has been messed up as I expected, I have to put more fire. I took an eternal circle and chopped down all the Japanese people around me, and then shouted again: "Be careful, everyone, there are Chinese among us!"

This sound is even worse than the previous sound. To be great, the people around didn't know what was going on, and it became even more chaotic in an instant. After Yeyue and Emiennes understood my intentions, they also began to stab the left and the right, but unexpectedly the best effect was the dart. Relying on the high speed, the darts jump around in the crowd to bite people, and the bitten person will immediately attack the nearby people. As long as someone in the crowd does something, it won't be able to explain it clearly anyway, so the people around start to stand up, in fact, it's all one's own hitting one's own.

Taking advantage of the chaos below, Ye Yue and I jumped onto the altar. Ye Yue wrapped up a few warriors, and I kicked all the wizards down one by one. Holding down the player on the altar, I reminded him in his ear: "Follow me." After he flipped his wrist, the claws popped out, and the belt was cut off with a single touch. The guy who was tied up didn't react slowly, and he rolled off when he turned over. During the melee, Emenes did not forget to add a layer of illusion to him, so that except for the few nearby people who saw the illusion appear, no one could tell that he was the previous sacrifice.

I pulled this person and Emiennes together and rushed out while contacting Ling and bringing people out to respond. The Japanese themselves have messed up, and the people who maintain order simply can’t control it. Living in the scene, plus I brought Ye Yue and them everywhere to make trouble for them, the scene would not stabilize at all for a while.

Ling was also startled by the thief. After learning about the situation from my telematics, he specifically told everyone not to speak out. As a result, my summon creature slogan was silently rushed into the crowd. In fact, the chaos in Japan shouldn't last for so long. Speaking of which is still their own bad luck. When they started this kind of ceremony, they wouldn't be able to make the division of personnel a little bit like it is now. But at this time it was too late to say anything, Ling brought my summon creature all the way in.

The square with more than 20,000 people was so stupefied to let us kill until dawn, but the Japanese were not extinct. Instead, they sorted out the team. Now my summon creature and the remaining Japanese have separated their camps and confronted each other, but depending on the situation, we must leave immediately. The Japanese should have received the news overnight, and it would not be easy to wait for the large troops to arrive and then want to leave. Of course, there are not many that can stop me if I really want to run with my strength, it's just that the kind of unnecessary sacrifice is not worth it.

"Purple Moon, can you really trouble me?" Guishou Nobunaga had arrived at the scene at some unknown time. After seeing the corpses all over the floor, his gnashing teeth stared at me, as if preparing Put me alive.

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