"What you lack is not your own strength, but a strong support team." I patted Matsumoto's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, you will be established in Japan in the future. After the guild, you can naturally continue to eat and drink spicy food. You can play whatever you want. Of course, the premise is that you have to work hard to cooperate with us." When I said this, I turned my head and asked Rose: "How many funds do we have to call now?" "

"Almost four billion crystal coins." Rose replied casually, our people are just nodded, but Matsumoto Masaga sat down on the ground.

"Four...four billion crystal coins? That is 40 billion renminbi..." Masaka Matsumoto took his finger for a long time before exclaiming, "God! That's fifty. Three trillion new yen! How can you mobilize so much money?” (The era of "Zero" is not modern, and economics experts passing by don’t say I don’t know the exchange rate of renminbi to yen!)

Rose heard Matsumoto's words and said angrily: "It's all to blame that damn ghost Nobunaga idle to plan any counter-offensive plan, so we have to urgently strengthen our defenses. The NPC army in the guild in the last few days is stunned. The number of people has been expanded by five times, otherwise the liquidity will be at least six times more than now!"

"You are too rich, right? According to this calculation, how much do your members pay each month? Huh?"

Sumei said disdainfully: "It's a small guild's method to collect membership fees. Our guild not only does not charge membership fees, but also pays monthly benefits. We also get bonuses when we go out to do business. It is the most stupid way to make money from people. Collecting membership fees will only make you poorer and poorer. If you want to get rich and wait for the next life!"

I congratulated Masamoto Matsumoto: "Somi’s words are a bit extreme, though. But the truth is good. There are many ways to make money, and there is no need to rely on members to support the development of the guild? Besides, don’t you Japanese know the knowledge of fighting to raise war the best? Why do you get confused when encountering this kind of thing? What?"

Matsumoto Masaka immediately bowed to me ninety degrees. "Teached. So how do I start my new guild now?"

"The establishment of the new guild still depends on you. When you were able to build the Black Dragon guild, you should understand The various methods and methods. In terms of capital, I will first allocate 100 million crystal coins to you as the start-up capital, of which 20 million will be directly transferred to your personal savings, and the rest will be kept by the assistant I arranged for you." With a fragrant finger, a ninja walked in from outside. "This is Yuzhe, a senior member of our guild. He is the first time he landed the game in Japan, and he was also a Japanese citizen before. He only returned to China after he grew up. He has a very clear understanding of Japanese customs and habits. He hides his identity. It is not a problem. He will be your contact person in the future, but in your guild, don’t assign him too high a position, so that it is convenient to hide. If you need him, he will naturally come to us if he can’t handle it. "

Matsumoto Masaga nodded, and then asked me: "But this time I was drawn by you. Many players in Japan have seen it. If I go back this time, the other party will announce it. , How can I expand the guild?"

"Aren't you always listening when we were discussing it?" I asked.

Masaga Matsumoto looked at me suspiciously and didn't understand what I meant. So Mei really couldn’t stand it before she helped to explain: “Since you have listened, you should know that the people’s tendency has two major characteristics: blind obedience and profit-seeking. Blind obedience means that public opinion can easily influence the people’s thinking, so your Personality and patriotism are not important at all. As long as a group of people say that you are patriotic, then even if you are a traitor, the people will still recognize you as a patriot. Given your previous failures, it seems that publicity is not your strong point, so in terms of publicity methods We will handle this for you, so you don’t have to worry about it. Another feature of the people is to chase benefits. In the current state of society in Japan, it is to give money. If your guild does not charge membership fees, and you will also give a small amount of basics. Welfare, then you can quickly gather a large number of people. Heroes of high integrity do exist, but the people are just a group of ordinary persons. Maybe they will talk about the bottom line of integrity on the issue of principle, but as long as it is not a matter of principle, the people are very It’s easy to be seduced by benefits. I promise, as long as you don’t charge membership fees, at least one guild of about a thousand people can be set up within a week, and then a few small victories will be played, and then some benefits will continue. Within a month, you Can pull up a large guild. In the future, we only need to cooperate with each other to perform a few perfect offensive and defensive battles, are you still worried about not being able to draw people?"

"Is it too easy to think about it? Something?" Matsumoto Masaka asked in disbelief.

"Then how complicated do you think it is? Yes, humans are indeed a high level species, but we are still a kind of animal. If you are an animal, you cannot avoid chasing benefits. You Japanese are not very knowledgeable about Chinese culture. Is it? Human beings will die for riches, birds die in pursuit of food, should you know the truth?"

After listening to this, Masaka Matsumoto seemed to have made a lot of determination nodded: "Damn it , I’m fighting. Anyway, I’m a barefoot beggar. If I fail, I can’t be worse than now. At the worst, take a gamble!"

There is no need to gamble. We will do it if we say yes. If you can even do this kind of thing for us, then you might as well jump to Tokyo Bay and have fun."

I will take it. Afterwards, he said to Matsumoto Masakazu: "Since the matter is clear, we must implement it as soon as possible, so you'd better leave for China immediately in reality."

"I understand. You give me two first. In the next few days, I will arrange work to come here." Masaka Matsumoto said that he was about to go offline, and I quickly stopped him.

"Eh eh eh...what are you in a hurry? You have a problem with eating now, what do you want to smuggle over? is it possible that you plan to swim to China?"

Masaga Matsumoto scratched his head awkwardly. "I used to be big-handed, and I never considered money matters. Now that I say this is really...!" At this point, Matsumoto Masaga couldn't help but blush. He used to be a formidable person anyway, but now this one is really miserable!

I pulled out a cloth bag from Fenglong Space and handed it to Masaga Matsumoto. "Here is 10,000 crystal coins. You use them to deposit in the bank, and then use them as funds for your smuggling in reality. After arriving in China, find an Internet cafe to enter the game, and then I will tell you where to go."

"Understood, I will do it now." Masaka Matsumoto turned and left. Yuzhe immediately followed along and shouted: "Slow down, this is the core area of ​​our guild. You run around by yourself and be careful when the NPC cuts you off!" Then I said: "Purple Moon I really have nothing to say. I used to see you kidnap a little girl, didn't expect even the Japanese devils now!"

"How do I listen to you. Why is it so awkward? What is kidnapping a little girl? Who did I kidnap me? I even said that I kidnapped a Japanese devil, and it made me feel like I came down from the mountain! Up. I swept the screen and shouted: "What are you laughing at all? Are you okay? Hurry up to work and beware of my deductions from your wages. Don't use me as a boss!"

It seems prestigious It depends on the usual accumulation. My words not only did not play a suppressing role, but made these people laugh more unscrupulously, but everyone knows that work is tight now, so after a while, they laughed and cut off contact to busy themselves. Things are gone.

After everyone left, I also returned to Japan. After all, the familiars are still there! After finally finding them with the soul chain of the demons, they found that the scene was chaotic. Not only are my familiars present, but there are also a lot of summon creatures such as Ringtone Knight and Qilin warrior, all of which are fighting on the field. Their opponents are a large group of Japanese, at least seven to eight thousand people in number, the scale of everyone is quite large.

With so many people fighting together, Ling actually noticed my arrival immediately, and immediately moved to my side.

"What's going on here?"

"We originally came to level up, didn't expect a large group of Japanese people were preparing for a ceremony, so As it should be by rights, it’s a fight! We can’t deal with so many enemies with the familiars alone, so I even called Skott and them."

"What about the opponent’s battle strength? How?"

"Mid-upper level, better than average players, and a few of them are top-level personnel. Those who are surrounded by Yeyue are the ones." Ling pointed to the front. The battle group in the distance.

I glanced at the enemy Yeyue was fighting. It was a Japanese warrior, with a long Toyo Sword Dance's sword shadow flying around, but it was not elegant at all, but rather embarrassed. To deal with ordinary people, his Blade Technique decided that the sword qi could be supported, but it was not good for Ye Yue. Anyway, Yeyue also has six arms, and the six-handed snake sword dances together, even if you don't talk about Sword Art and hacking up together, it is enough to make others messy, not to mention that Yeyue is not hacking. Her housekeeping skill is snake dance. Although it is indeed a dance like the name, it is a sword dance, and it is really very difficult to deal with. The six-handed snake swords cross each other like flowers and butterflies, and the warrior's clever Blade Technique is only left and right.

In addition to Ye Yue, there are several small battle groups next to him. I scanned it roughly. With three ringtones, Knight is besieging a sword ninja, and the other dozen ringtones are surrounded by twin sisters. Jingjing and Lingling carried a heavy sword warrior, while Lucky and Plague were chasing and killing a large group of flying devil beasts in the sky. They seemed to be playing quite happily.

"Does it seem that you are having a good time playing?"

"The enemy's strength is just right, of course he is happy. Oh, by the way, look over there." Ling stretched out his hand Pointed me the direction.

"That's Brigitte?" I looked towards the new familiar being in amazement. "How does she fight?"

"At first, we were shocked. Her attack methods are divided into face-to-face attacks and single attacks. The trick you saw just now is for a single Attacks used by the players. We have been deliberately giving her EXP, so she upgrades very quickly, but after all, it’s only more than 300 levels. It looks like it has formidable power, but in fact it doesn’t hurt much. . But according to my judgment, as long as the level rises to more than 800, it is estimated that no one will dare to resist such an attack head-on."

"People who don’t know the truth probably won’t dare to resist it now. The light and shadow effect is indeed too exaggerated!"

Ling explained with a smile: "Brickett uses a pure energy attack method, so the light and shadow effect will be more gorgeous."

"Has her intelligence improved?" In fact, this is what I care about most. Everyone knows the difference between an intelligent familiar and a high level puppet.

Fortunately, Ling gave me a positive answer. "The increase in intelligence is not bad. Now you have the basic thinking ability, and it's not as blunt as before. The reaction to various things has begun to appear humane, and after the five hundred level, it is basically similar to human thinking. That's it."

"That's good." I scanned the entire battlefield again. "You go and help first, I should practice my hands too."

The target I chose was the pair of sisters who were besieged by a dozen ringtone Knights. Although Lingyin Knight is not comparable to players at the same level in battle strength because of being a demon servant, they still have 950 Level 10, and most of the players are still below 850 Level 10. With the strength of two people alone, it can withstand more than a dozen ringtones Knight at the same time, and it still has the upper hand, which is not something ordinary people can do.

"Get out of the way." I yelled into the formation. Ringtone Knight has cooperated with me many times, and I am very used to my battle method. Hearing my yelling and ringing, the Knights kept attacking and left a way for me.

Although this pair of twins are Japanese players, they are not using a special Japanese profession, but a professional of the Magic Musician series. The number of speaking of which magician in "Zero" can really be described as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, and so far I have never seen a resembling one. It seems that every magician is an independent profession. Few professions have many magicalists. Of course, this may also be due to the fact that I have seen fewer magicalists. But in any case, the number of magic sound masters is very small, and each one is very strong, there is no doubt about this.

Although these two are magic musicians, their instruments are quite special. The two of them used bells, and not one or two bells. There was a bell in the form of a forehead chain on each of their foreheads, but their bell shapes were different. One of them was a round bell, and the other was a crescent. Their earrings also have different bells on their foreheads, as well as the necklace on the neck, the bracelet on the ring and bracelet, the waist chain on the waist, and the ankle chain on the ankle, all with bells, as long as When they move, their whole body is ringing.

I instantly realized that these two are not simple magic sound artists, but magic dancers. Our guild is not without such professionals, such as the four-member dance angel group I recruited from Europe. The four quadruplets are exactly the same length, and they dance in a surprisingly coordinated manner, but their dances are not just for viewing. Compared with the graceful dance, the hidden is also the ultimate move in the dance. It's a real point of precision. The two people in front of them are obviously similar people. Although they are not as many as the four-person group, sometimes their strength and the number of people don't matter much.

Anyway, I had already rushed in at this time, without giving the other party any chance. As soon as I got up, I threw a crystal bubble to cover the crescent-shaped bell, and then rushed towards Another one. Multiplayer groups generally have the characteristics of Formation. As long as the number of people decreases, the formidable power will decrease in a geometric progression.

Sure enough, after discovering that his companion was trapped, the other one obviously did not perform well, and was knocked out by me. The surface of the magic dragon's sleeve was covered with shrunken blades, and the blade at the contact point suddenly popped out when it hit her. Not only did it make seven or eight holes in her body, it also took it off her clothes when we were separated. A large piece of fabric. However, the underside of the fabric is not snow-white skin, but a piece of red flesh and blood. The blades that pop up on the magic dragon suit are all barbed, so it's easy to cut in, and it's impossible to pull it out without pulling a piece of meat.

The MM was called out pitifully immediately after being knocked out, but she was still quite severe, and she was so badly injured that she just called out. Of course, her injury index may not be high, girl It seems that I don’t like to adjust the real degree of injury very low, but this index is also linked to the damage power in battle. If you adjust yourself so that it does not hurt regardless of how many injuries you receive, you will be hit by the enemy. Pay some extra health points. To put it simply, you die faster. So many people would rather endure the pain before setting the pain index to the top. For example, I am fully open.

"You finally appeared." After the other party stopped steadily, he didn't rush to counterattack, but calmly said to me: "I know you will come when I see your familiar here."< /p>

"Are you waiting for me?"

"I didn't wait for you, but since you are here, it's the same."

"Then you think What are you going to do?"

"Do this." The woman suddenly put her finger in her mouth and gave a whistle. I immediately heard the sound of a spring bounce in the distance, and then I saw dozens of wooden barrels flying up. We haven't waited for us to realize that the barrel has reached our heads, but we are not afraid.

Chili suddenly raised his hand and fired a light bomb to the control. The light bomb hit one of the wooden barrels, and followed Peng Sound to all split up and in pieces of the wooden barrel, but the barrel was cracked. , But all the contents in the bucket spilled out. We didn't expect that the barrel was filled with liquid, and oh la la would fly away at once. The liquid on this side hadn't landed yet, and the rest of the barrels were also automatically exploded in midair. The liquid poured down like rain, drenching us all.

"Bah." I spit out the liquid in my mouth and looked down at myself. Now I can't find a place to dry it. There is a sticky jelly-like thing on the armor. Although there is no strange smell, the cyan-green clumps still look quite disgusting.

"What the hell is this?"

"hahahaha!" The Japanese nearby all laughed triumphantly. The woman standing opposite me said: "This was originally prepared for the elite team of your guild, but it is not a waste to deal with you."

"What the hell is this?"


"You will know in a while."

"humph." I turned my head and found the location of Xiafeng, and then shouted to her: "Help me."


Xiaofeng immediately flew over and landed beside me and changed into human form and put a hand on my shoulder. A ball of flame followed Xiaofeng's hand and burned onto my body, and then my whole body was wrapped in flames. The liquid started to smoke in the heat, but the woman on the opposite side didn't have any intention to stop it. I immediately realized that the flame It shouldn't be affects the effect of this thing, so the other party has no fear.

"Frost and Snow." I immediately changed the treatment method.

After Xiaofeng extinguished the flame, Frost and Snow immediately cooled me down, and the liquid really quickly froze into blocks of hard ice. The woman on the opposite side finally started to get nervous, she rushed up without the slightest hesitation, but the target was not me, but Shuangxue beside me. Now it seems that low temperature has a great influence on this thing, otherwise the other party will not be so nervous.

"Don't want to make trouble." Yeyue gave up her opponent and planned to come and help us block the enemy. Big resistance.

Ling yelled suddenly. "Quickly get rid of the things on your body, this is a kind of Coagulant!"

Ling yelled too slowly. The things stuck on our bodies began to extend to all sides after they fell on us until they reached us. The whole package went in, and now this thing began to quickly solidify and harden, and our movements were completely restricted. Although I had asked Frost to help me freeze the liquid on my body, the speed was still a bit slower. After a few seconds, we were all sealed in this thing except Frost. Shuangxue originally had these things on her body, but the low temperature made them very brittle, and all of them shattered and fell off after a little struggle. The freezing on my body was not thorough enough, so it didn't break.

"hahahaha! How is it? The Coagulant we prepared works well, right?"

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