Actually, when I asked this question, I realized that Masaga Matsumoto was very "ill", so I deliberately angered him. Anyway, an irrational enemy is better than a calm enemy. Besides, I am really curious about Matsumoto's current situation. The Matsumoto Masaga in front of me is far from the Matsumoto Masaga. Matsumoto Masaka, who was at war with me at the beginning, was a confident and powerful enemy. Although he eventually lost his position because of me, the scene before him was a bit too shabby.

At the beginning, I remember that Masaka Matsumoto had a very good suit, but now I look at him... a plain ninja outfit that can be seen everywhere, and the weapon in his hand is not a ninja for ninjas. A knife, but a katana with a long handle. To most foreigners, the Toyo Sword is the Toyo Sword. There is no distinction of any kind. However, after having fought so many times with the Japanese, I am naturally impossible to not know Japanese weapons. In Japan, different people use different knives are strictly different. Although I don't know the specific classification, at least I know that the ninja uses a knife that is definitely not that long. The ninja sword should be shorter and more curved. This kind of long and straight weapon is not a ninja weapon. As a ninja, he doesn't even deserve a decent knife. Such treatment is really difficult to associate with Matsumoto's identity. Looking at his clothing, besides the obvious damage, the grade is also very low. It is simply a garbage item that is not popular enough. I really can’t imagine why Matsumoto Masaka would appear in this kind of equipment wearing such a set of equipment. It doesn't seem to be very important in the ambush team.

In fact, after hearing my sarcasm, Masaka Matsumoto’s expression became very dim. His original arrogance and confidence I can’t find in him now, and it feels like It's the same as changing individuals.

"Just laugh at me." Masaka Matsumoto said in a tumbled jar: "Are you satisfied with how I am now?"

I looked at Masaka Matsumoto again. He's expression felt that he was not cheating, so he put a smile away and asked, "Could you be squeezed out after being ousted?"

"hahahaha...!" Masaka Matsumoto Suddenly burst into laughter, but the laughter was full of desolation. "It's really self-inflicted and can't live! I sacrificed so much for the interests of Japanese players, didn't expect, didn't expect, and finally the person who really understands me will be your number one enemy! Hahahaha..." Matsumoto Masaga At the end of the day, it was not clear whether he was crying or laughing. He always felt like he was a little nervous.

Actually, I can roughly guess the current situation of Masaga Matsumoto. Before the start of the national war, Masaga Matsumoto had always been the leader of the Japanese. Even when Japan lost consecutively at the beginning of the later war, he paid for most of the battlefield funds by himself. However, in the end, the war still appeared to be one-sided. s failure. Onitou Nobunaga is the new generation leader among the Japanese players who emerged at that time, and the responsibility for the previous defeat in the war was all pushed to Matsumoto's head. To say that there is no credit for the impossible contribution to Japan, Masaga Matsumoto, but the irony is that it is not the Japanese who knows this best, but my enemy, because all the resistance we encounter in Japan is basically caused by Masaga Matsumoto. , If it weren't for him, Japan would have been annihilated before the national war started. Unfortunately, I know these Japanese players but don't. When there is only one person in this world, this person will use his brain to think about things, but when there is a group of people in this world, only a few people will think about problems. Most of them prefer to be lazy. Think about it. This kind of behavior is called following the big slip. The new generation of Japanese leaders who need to completely control all will inevitably undermine the status of the predecessors, so the black pot is all on the head of Matsumoto Masaka, and most of the people who are unwilling to use their brains also believe. With these black pots, Masaka Matsumoto was supposed to have carried it on his back, so Masaka Matsumoto instantly fell from the altar of the national hero. The hero turned into a bear overnight, his status was withdrawn, and the Divine Item was robbed. Now he is confused. A decent set of equipment is not available. Matsumoto's ability to hold on to such a big gap shows that he has super self-control, if the average person would have collapsed early.

Masaga Matsumoto was crying and laughing crazily when a vicious voice suddenly interrupted his voice. "Matsumoto Masaka, what are you going crazy there? Do you want to disrupt the military's mind and help the Chinese pig? Don't hurry up to deal with Purple Moon, haven't you beaten him before?"

Just a few words and I have roughly figured out the relationship between the people next to them. The one who spoke just now was obviously the leader of the team this time, and Masaka Matsumoto was not the Chief-In-Charge this time, he was reduced to the point where he could only be a pawn. Therefore, the huge collective of the people is the most demanding group of interests. Although in line with the principle of non-responsibility, few people dare to point out that the people make mistakes. However, the fact is that the people group is the real entity of interest. Although every citizen who is a part of the huge collective of the people may be an ordinary kind person, the sum of this collective actually shows the most extreme greed and greed for profit. The absolute pursuit of interests makes the large collective of the people impossible to tolerate any loss of profit. If you can create value for this collective, then you are a hero. If you do not do well, then this collective will instantly deny you. Although it sounds unpleasant, the people as a collective are actually fulfilling the survival principle of "the milk is the mother". Masaga Matsumoto has now been drained, so he is no longer the protector and spiritual leader of the Japanese people, but has become a "mother" who is eliminated, who is inferior to ordinary members. In fact, Masaga Matsumoto was not the first person to encounter this kind of thing. Just think about the social revolution in the Soviet Union. When the Czar was overthrown, he shouted that communism is good. After that, he couldn't stand the Americans' money offensive and began to shout that he was pro-capitalist. It was nothing more than to see who gave the more benefits.

To be honest, Masaka Matsumoto's fall into this field also has his own factors in it. People who don't understand the nature of the people are not worthy of being a leader. To control the people is to play with fire. If you play well to burn out the enemy, that is ability. If you don't play well, you can't blame others. At first, such as Masaga Matsumoto, who can't play with fire, shouldn't sit in that position. Those who can't control the social carriage and want to be leaders should better prepare for self-immolation by playing with fire. But... Although Masaga Matsumoto has overplayed with fire, I am very happy because I have discovered a huge opportunity.

I take advantage of the second. I believe that no one dares to recognize the first. Although Masaka Matsumoto has become the abandoned son of the Japanese, those who abandon him are ignorant ordinary players, many of them I haven't even met Masaga Matsumoto. They just listened to others and followed them. But I am different. I am not a member of the people, at least I am no longer in the position of Frost boss. I am the one who is playing with fire, which requires me to have far-reaching insights than ordinary people. Masaga Matsumoto still has use value, and it is very valuable. His mission in Japan has been completed, and the remaining value should be for me to use.

I glanced at the speaker, I raised my hand to throw away a throwing knives in the middle of the guy’s throat, and after watching him fall to the ground, I smiled and stretched out to Matsumoto Masaka The olive branch. "Really didn't expect you to be so miserable! How is it? Are you interested in talking to me?" It's not a good idea to start soliciting. Masaga Matsumoto also classified what I consider to be the enemy, no matter how many good things I say, it can be classified as nonsense, unless he excludes this knowledge of me, it is possible to solicit.

Matsumoto was obviously taken aback when he heard what I said. Despite being abandoned by everyone, Matsumoto Masaka is Matsumoto Masaka after all. He fell from the altar for his own reasons and objective reasons, but that does not mean that Matsumoto Masaka is a stupid person. In fact, I always think that Matsumoto Masaga is still quite powerful, at least the gun god is not as good as Matsumoto Masaga in his mind. As for the current leader of Japan, Nobunaga Onitou, that guy is a gorilla in my eyes. The battle strength is not a star and a half stronger than Masaga Matsumoto, but his mind is million miles apart. I plan this plan all the time. The frequency of launching is very high. In the eyes of a stupid ordinary person, it seems to be very positive, but the effect is far Not as good as the original arrangement of Masaga Matsumoto. Think about it, when Masaka Matsumoto relied on a monthly battle plan to block us for more than a year, on average Nobunaga's three-day offensive plan lost one third territory. Whichever is more powerful will come out.

"Do you want to buy me?" Masaga Matsumoto guessed what I meant.

I did not deny it. Since we intend to solicit, we can't use the set against the enemy. I'm still good at this level of talking to people and talking nonsense to people. "If I were down, would you let this opportunity pass?"

Matsumoto was affirmed without thinking: "No."

"So neither Yes."

"You, this bastard, want to sentence the country, I cut you." A ninja behind Masaka Matsumoto suddenly stabbed Masaka Matsumoto, and I just wanted to laugh. I really want to thank this idiot, or I guess it will take at least a few more days to convince Masaka Matsumoto.

Although Masaga Matsumoto's strength is not as good as Oni Shou Nobunaga, and the current equipment is too bad, it is all relative to our high-end forces. Compared to these garbage soldiers, he is still very strong. Although the knife was indeed stabbed, Masaka Matsumoto gave way to the point, so he was only seriously injured and died on the spot. The people behind wanted to make up the knife again, but was immediately hit by an arrow on his forehead and fell straight back. A few nearby who wanted to do something were immediately knocked aside by the ring tone Knight who rushed up. Skye grabbed Matsumoto's back collar and threw him out. The king and King II stepped forward to help me catch Matsumoto's and put it on the ground. Xiaochun immediately began to use healing techniques to help him heal his wounds.

Matsumoto Masaka looked at me and then smiled bitterly. "It's stupid, isn't it?"

I gave him a very sincere smile and stunned Masaka Matsumoto. This may be the first time he saw me smile like this. I stretched out a hand to him while he was still in a daze. "Since you stand in this position, you should know what you can get and what you might lose, don't you? Don't you think this is also interesting?"

Matsumoto did not hold my hand but himself He tried to stand up, but after that he showed a very calm smile, I knew he was connected. "Until now I am very unwilling to lose, because I found that my subordinates are always inferior to yours, so I think I lost in the auxiliary strength, not my own strength. But today, I suddenly understood These subordinates did not bump into your arms by themselves. It is your ability to gather them, and this is our difference. You are destined to be a leader, and I am only qualified to be a commander, I am convinced!" After speaking, he heartily stretched out a hand and shook it with me.

"What about the plot of your country?"

"Everyone has their own view of the world. I used to think that patriotism is everything to me, but I lost my hand when I played with fire. I have no right to talk about patriotism anymore. Japan is no longer my homeland. It is not that I want to betray her, but that she abandons me. Then, I have nothing to feel guilty about." Speaking of which, Masaka Matsumoto Suddenly he said very heavily: "Do you know why I am so miserable and still playing "Zero"?"

I shook the head. Speaking of which is really weird. If most people can't stand such a blow and leave the game in anger, they will never play again, but Masaka Matsumoto still insists on staying here. I haven't figured this out yet.

After seeing my puzzled face, Masaka Matsumoto said with a wry smile: "You might laugh when you say it. You probably don't know that I have a company in Japan, which was left to me by my father. Strictly speaking I should be regarded as a wealthy Young Master. In order to prevent the establishment of your fulcrum city, I invested a lot of money in the war Early-Stage. In the end, I even used the company as a mortgage to form an army to fight back, because I believe "Zero" is a wide financial game. , As long as the operation is good, it can generate actual benefits. However, the war fails, so the benefits do not exist. Without funds to repay the loan, my company is gone. After my parents pass away, the company is my entirety, and now I am even living expenses. It's all a problem. I can get a few crystal coins every day for participating in such an attack team, which is barely enough for me to eat. Do you understand?"

"I really don't know what to say about you Okay!" I casually comforted him a few words to let him not worry, our guild will help him solve the difficulties in life.

Actually, Masaga Matsumoto got into this situation not entirely because he took a loan to bet that he would win the war against China, but the real reason is confidential. I’m impossible to tell him this Japanese. In fact, Rose has already said that "Zero" is a financial bomb, it is not a simple game. Many people who have a little knowledge of the economy might laugh at us and say: "Can you make money from a game alone can drag the economy of other countries?" I can only say that people with this kind of thinking really don't understand the economy. Yes, "Zero" is indeed a financial bomb, but what it is really absorbing is not money but human time.

The social system of a country has a strong self-healing ability. Even if "Zero" can make money, it is impossible to win other countries by making money. Money is a credit certificate, so it can never be earned. Absorbing funds is good for us, but it is not the main purpose. Our goal is to truly control the core of a country-the labor force. When everyone is playing "Zero", you will find that many people have made money in "Zero". This makes "Zero" no longer a simple game, because it not only collects money, but also Some players pay. In this process, the nature of "Zero" changed from a pure game to a job. Although most players regard "Zero" as an amateur professional, it is absorbing people's remaining time anyway. So, what happens when the remaining time is absorbed?

The answer is social adjustment. Since everyone's time is spent in the game, all kinds of real-life entities in the *** industry are transforming into the game, which has caused the disorder of the social order. Take the catering industry as an analogy. People actually can't eat many things in order to survive every day, such as snacks and soft drinks, these things basically have no meaning to human survival. Now, everyone is enjoying more High Rank food in the game, and the real food consumption is naturally greatly reduced. What happens if the restaurant has no business? Firstly, there are not so many service staff, and secondly, there are not so many cooking materials. This involves two aspects. The redundant service staff will be laid off, and these people will have no jobs. And other industries are layoffs just like the catering industry. These people can't find jobs, so they can only focus on "Zero" that does not limit everyone's money. Of course, most of them don't make much money. However, "Zero" is a huge cyclical mechanism, which is constantly using the first-filled money to pay the previous interest, which means that those who are forced to be attracted can still rely on "Zero" to survive in a short time. But this is actually drinking a dove to quench your thirst. Of course, the more you drink, the thirsty and the thirsty and the more you drink, so the collapse is not too far away.

In fact, things are not as simple as they seem on the surface, otherwise, as long as the country creates more jobs. The reason why "Zero" can become a financial bomb is that it is irreversible. It's the catering industry just now. It was mentioned before that restaurants reduce the consumption of food materials, so all kinds of food supply units will be affected. In Japan, this phenomenon is first manifested in the marine fishing industry. As the consumption of fish drops, the number of fish caught in the ocean will decline accordingly. You don’t need to catch so many fish, you don’t need too many fishing boats, and you don’t need too many fishing workers. Workers will still be laid off, which further exacerbates the employment crisis, and the wealth of ships affects two industries. One is the shipbuilding industry, and the other is the fuel industry. There is no need to build a ship if you don’t need a ship, and the workers in the shipyard are still paid for nothing. Of course, the bosses have only one option left-layoffs.

Just push down according to the above sequence. The role of "Zero" at the same time affects the entire country. The result is to repeatedly accelerate and promote the continuous cycle of the above things. The final result is to gradually increase the social unemployment rate. At the same time, the social economic system gradually deviates from the track. The final complete collapse is nothing more than a matter of time. .

Society is a huge machine. We messed up one of its parts, and as a result all parts were harmed. I want to make it work again to be impossible, but it takes time and money, and we are making time and money in this short period of time. The end result when the time comes is to mess up the social systems of other countries.

What? You ask our country what to do? This is not simple yet? The "formidable power" of the financial bomb is that it "blows up" the economic chain, and the economic chain is money. Our country is a bomb maker. Of course, we know the seriousness of the economic problem. Therefore, we will try our best to do all kinds of diversion. As long as the key points are kept in line, it will be beneficial for the peripheral economic system to suffer a little impact. Everyone knows that we are doing financial bombs for the upcoming space immigration. Everyone is about to flee for their lives, leaving a mess is easier to give up. Moreover, the alien invasion is impossible and has been concealed. Once the matter becomes public, the wealthy labor force generated by the impacted peripheral industries can naturally be invested in the immigration industry immediately, saving the country. Forcibly mobilizing the people will make irresponsible reluctance. As long as we hold onto the pillar industries, other industries have broken up just to facilitate the transfer of production. Where can we find such a good plan?

Things are getting bigger. Come back to Masaga Matsumoto. As I said before, this kid is a very capable guy. With his ability, he shouldn’t have even eaten food, but now he is indeed mixed to the point where he won’t have food if he doesn’t return to the game. This actually means that the effect of the financial bomb has begun to take effect, and it has already taken shape. A certain scale.

The impact of "Zero" on the society adopts the method of boiling frogs in warm water, and the progress is very slow. It is difficult for other governments to realize that there is a problem, and it is too late when they really realize the problem. NS. After they discover the problem, it takes only a while to find that the core of the problem lies in the game "Zero", but they must choose to ban or let the game go on. Let this fool know it's no good, but it's not easy to ban it. No matter how high the national education level is, ordinary people are always blindly obedient and prone to incitement. When other governments discover problems banning games, many people can't live without games. At that time, "Zero" was not only entertainment but also their source of life. Suddenly banning games will bring all the hidden social problems together and all of them will explode. At that time, it is not a simple social unrest. The occurrence of coups and civil wars is already the most conservative estimate. Of course, the first two possibilities are still based on the premise that we don't interfere. If we intervene, the consequences will go by ourselves. Don't you think terrifying, otherwise, how can you say that this is an absolute household trick?

After Masaka Matsumoto joined, I didn’t have time to train with Brigitte. I had to ask Ling to help me train with Brigitte. Anyway, my pet IQ is higher than the player’s, so I don’t need it. I watched by the side.

I took Matsumoto Masakato and first teleported back to Fulcrum City, and then jumped back to Isengard. As soon as Isengard’s Transmission Formation came out, I listened to the sound of dozens of long halberd points from the periphery. Come here. "The president stepped aside, that guy is Masaga Matsumoto!"

"Nonsense, of course I know who he is."

"Have you still...?"


"Put away all the weapons, this is the helper I just dug over."

"What?" The leader of the team pointed to Matsumoto in surprise and asked me: "You should Don’t you want him to join our guild?"

"Just do your job well, I won’t do stupid things."

"Yes." That The members immediately returned to their positions with the team members and NPC guards, and I took Matsumoto Masaka and ran out of the Transmission Formation.

As soon as Transmission Formation came out, Masaka Matsumoto couldn't help being sucked in a breath of cold air. "This is the real Isinger?"

"Didn't you see it?"

"The last time I came here was a sneak attack, how can I glanced around like walking around? Ah! Besides, it was at night, and there was no such thing on my head!"

I looked at the top. "Oh, you said the Sky City above! That was built later. Now Isengard is divided into twin cities, the new city above is called Isengard Sky City, and the place where we are standing is Isengard Ground City, there are Isengard Underground City and Isengard Core City below, and Isengard Mobile Fortress up the Sky City, which is the mobile fortress that blasted Tokyo out of a large area."

< p>"I know the gap with you now!"

"Actually, I can't talk about the gap, it's nothing more than spending money! Whoever has more money, who has more soldiers, is a good reason everywhere. "

"But I just can't get so much money!"

"Hehe, it's not that you can't get so much money, but you don't know how to use people." I mean He went down to a huge building in the distance and said: "Did you see the building with a scale sculpture on top?"

"Well, I saw it. Is that a court? Really didn't expect Your internal system has actually been strengthened to the point where a court needs to be established!"

"What the hell! That's not a court!"

"Not a court? What is that?"< /p>

"It is the financial center, which specializes in money management. Our bank will have a professional financial management team of 500 people, who is responsible for economic affairs in all parts of the world, so all our regions are making money."

Shoga Matsumoto sighed: "I used to spend money everywhere, and I never heard that I can make money!"

"So you don't know how to use people. Okay, I want to visit and have some time. Now come with me to meet a few people."

Although Masaka Matsumoto has been to Isinger before, afterwards Isinger has changed a lot. Even if he met before, he still followed The country bumpkin asked all sorts of questions all the way, but it turned out that it took only ten minutes to walk for almost an hour to arrive. I was so tired that I was almost ready to use the teleportation ring. As soon as we entered the command center of God, Masaga Matsumoto excitedly rushed to the huge crystal wall and asked: "Is the information displayed on this real-time?"

"Of course, otherwise you What do you think I rely on to command global strategy?" Military God asked back.

"What? Can you command global strategy here?"

"Of course." A battlefield picture suddenly popped up on the crystal wall. "This is a battle scene in Japan. It seems that the Second Army group of our guild is fighting against the guild in the alliance controlled by Nobunaga Onité. On the side of the screen is the channel of the commander of the guild, and the right is the front line. Reconnaissance of the battlefield information sent back by the mosquitoes, here I am also connected to the channel of each team member on the battlefield, and if necessary, I can command each person individually."

"Can you command with accuracy to a person?"

"What do you think?"

It wasn't until this time that Masaka Matsumoto began to look at the god of war. "Have you seen me?"

"No. This is the first time we met, but I know that your name is Matsumoto Masaka, the former president of the Black Dragon Association of Japan, and now you are reduced to a part-time job. You, but you were persuaded by our chairman to join us just now."

"Do you know everything?" Masaka Matsumoto has been following me, and he doesn't know when I notified others.

Military god explained: "I can monitor everyone around at all times. Purple Moon also has a crystal communicator for connection. Of course I can know his situation as long as it is not in the shielded area. Actually you are in I already knew when I came back."

Matsumoto Masaka shook the head: "It's really willing to go down. You have such a command system. We are simply unable to resist, and failure is normal." Speaking of which, Matsumoto Zhenghe suddenly stopped in front of a picture and asked in surprise: "Is this picture taken from space?"


"Do you have satellites?" "

"We are not sure whether it is a satellite or not." I explained: "That is the picture returned by Babel Tower's attack on the locking system. That thing is a treasure I dug back. How to do it? We are not quite clear. It is estimated that there may be a bunch of satellites serving it in the sky."

As I was talking, the door was suddenly opened, and the eagle walked in. "Matsumoto Masaka?" Hawk was startled when he saw Matsumoto Masaka, after all, Matsumoto Masaka's status in our country is too impressed. If Stalin walked into his office during World War II and suddenly found Hitler sitting in it, it might be the same reaction.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I invite you to come back." I quickly reassure the eagle, lest they get into trouble here.

"What? What did you invite him back for?" Eagle is a military commander type character. I can't say that I don't know anything about politics, but he is definitely not good at it, so he doesn't have as much fun as we do.

I first spoke to the military Shinto: "All the main leaders of the guild have a meeting."

"Do you need to call here?"

"No, even Just get on the communication line."


After explaining the military god, I said to Eagle again: "It just so happens that you are here. Today we will discuss something."< /p>

I was talking about a rose silhouette suddenly appeared in the crystal behind me. "What's so urgent? Huh? Matsumoto Masaka? Why is he here? Oh...I understand!" Rose is different from Eagle. She was really taken aback at first, but she reacted immediately. "Husband, you are really amazing. Even Masaga-kun Matsumoto has invited me!" Masaga-kun Matsumoto said with a wry smile: "I have a problem with eating now. As long as you give me money, who will ask me? I can’t refuse!"

"Isn’t it so miserable? You used to be a real emperor in Japan?" It was Hong Yue who suddenly appeared on the screen, and she obviously heard the previous if.

"The emperor?" Masaga Matsumoto said with a smile: "That's the past! Now if I can't get three million yen before next week, I will give the house to the bank, when the time Don't talk about the emperor, I'm afraid I can only find a carton box to sleep under the overpass like a beggar!"

"Really didn't expect dignified Masaka Matsumoto can even get into this one. "This time it is Asura purple clothed. This girl is different from us. She doesn't understand politics, but she is good at management, and her patriotism is surprisingly high, so she doesn't have a good face for Matsumoto Masaga.

The heads of the guild leaders appeared one after another on the crystal wall, and the others were all there before I pushed Matsumoto Masaka to the middle. "Matsumoto Masaga is familiar to everyone, right?"

Crush the king: "I still remember about the Victory!"

The Victory is one of the Eternal Level super battleships. The displacement is as high as 197,800 tons, which is only two hundred tons smaller than the first Eternal Level ship Eternal, but it is one section faster than Eternal. Unfortunately, it was attacked by a Japanese torpedo ship on the way back from the completion of the combat mission. Unfortunately, he sank, and King Chuang was on the Victory at the time. Can you say he can forget it?

Matsumoto Masayoshi said helplessly when he heard King Chuang say this: "Although I was not in charge at the time, after all, I was the commander-in-chief of Japan at that time. I can't help you blame me!"

I hurriedly rounded up: "Let the past happen! Everyone is smart, and it’s useless to find out things that don’t benefit us. I am calling you this time to tell you something. Masaga Matsumoto Jun has now agreed to join us, I believe you can understand the meaning?"

"What's the point?" On time, the big pot rice guy really came out first.

"I knew you didn't understand!" So Mi said in another screen: "Although he is now abandoned, Matsumoto Masaka is the former Japanese commander after all, and he knows many secrets. Even if he participated directly. Even if Nobunaga Onitou would change a lot of things after taking over, he would give up all impossible. In other words, Masaka Matsumoto can understand at least half of the Japanese defensive deployment. In addition, Masaka Matsumoto is a native of Japan. Japanese players, he understands the advantages and disadvantages of Japanese occupations and the psychology and habits of Japanese players. As long as he studies more with him, he can formulate many targeted tactics and strategies to play the role of twice the results for half the effort. His identity is also very special. It should be possible to have contact with some NPC forces in the upper echelons of Japan. This is a resource in itself, and it is believed that not everyone hates him among the players. There should still be some tendencies towards him. People. Although these people cannot influence the overall situation, they are still valuable."

Matsumoto’s mouth is already open and he can swallow an egg. He didn’t expect it. Mei looks so good at a young age.

Hawk asked: "putting it that way, are you planning to let him be our Japanese tactical consultant?"

"That's too wasteful." Hong Yue said: "He knows a lot. It's a waste of talent just to be a consultant. I think he can act as a commander of the front army."

Hawk glanced at Matsumoto Masaga and said to him: "I speak frankly Don't be angry. Although you said you want to take refuge in us, after all, it is you who said that we have nothing to restrain you. The commander of the front army is very important, so I call you... to be honest, I don't worry!"

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