"Is it you?" I looked at the speaker in surprise. I saw this youngster once before. It was the youngster we saw when we first arrived here. At that time, he shouted to kill the national weapon holders to grab equipment, but it was a pity that he was killed in the battle at first. It's right to think about it, it's weird that people like him do not die in the battle among us state weapon holders. It's like a group of Tyrannosaurus rex fighting, your little ostrich has to follow along, and being trampled to death is also as it should be by rights.

I glanced at the large group of people behind him, and then asked him puzzledly: "What are you doing?"

"Does this need to be said? Of course it is to steal Equipped! I'm oops... Boss, what are you doing when you hit me?"

The guy was hit by the mage professional next to him before he finished speaking. "You mean to grab the boss of Purple Moon?"

The mage's expression showed that he was on the verge of exploding, but the youngster was still saying stupidly: "I didn't plan at the time. Who are you going to grab? Just look at when the time comes and whoever is left will grab someone."

This time I didn’t speak to the master, a group of people around me had already rushed up and pressed this guy down. After a fat beating, one of them still apologized to me and Zhenhong. "Sorry, we really didn't come to snatch things, but this fool solemnly vowed promises that there are high-level equipmen fighting here, saying that we can pick up some cheap, so we came here! If we know that you are here, we will definitely I won't come!"

I waved my hand to show that I didn't care. "This is a monthly test for national weapon holders. Even if they die, they will not explode their equipment. Besides, you can't get involved in the battle between national weapon holders. If you come, you will die. Now the battle is over, we have to go. Now, what do you guys do." After I said, I raised hand backwards, the familiars immediately got into the Phoenix Dragon space, and I quickly chose to finish the game. Since True Red had voluntarily surrendered before, I was identified as the last winner. Although Zhenhong took the initiative to quit, it may be because there are only two of us, so the system still sent down the free points she represented and the lottery support skills.

After confirming to exit the mission, I was sent to a special space alone. It is estimated that Zhenhong was also sent to a similar place. This kind of all around pitch black and only a bright spot in the center is used by the system for rewards and punishments to individual players. I usually come to lottery in this environment, and this time is obviously no exception.

Sure enough, the prompt rang soon. "Congratulations, as the final winner, for entering the reward link for the holders of the national equipment. First of all, please confirm whether you understand the use and function of the lottery auxiliary skills obtained before."

"I don't understand."< /p>

"Then do you need me to explain for you or ignore this skill and go directly to the reward distribution link?"

"Please explain for me."

"lottery auxiliary skills It is a special skill specifically used for reward distribution. This skill is invalid under normal game conditions and only takes effect when the reward is obtained. Different skills will have different effects on the lottery result. Because there are many skill items, please draw your skills first I will explain based on the skills you have acquired." Oh la la popped up around me to say hello. "Each question mark around you represents a skill. Please touch any question mark to extract specific skills."

Because I don’t know what skill each question mark corresponds to, I didn’t look at it too much. Just click one and it's over.

"Congratulations, the skill you have drawn is 50% blocking. The function of this skill is to block half of the results you don't want to appear in the lottery process according to your wishes. Example: Suppose you get a task reward There are ten unknown items in the package, and you can only choose one. At this time, you can use this skill to select the five best-performing items or the worst five-items, and you can even ask the system to choose you based on your attribute. The five most useful or useless items. After using this skill, although your choice is narrowed, the probability of getting a satisfactory reward will be greatly improved."

I nodded: "Understand Isn’t it just to get rid of half of the unsatisfactory results!"

"Your understanding is roughly correct. May I ask whether you can proceed to the next step?"



"So..." Suddenly there was a white wall in front of me, with a hundred squares of ten times ten on the wall. "What you see now is the reward wall. According to the completion of your previous tasks, each square has a different set of numbers behind it. You can choose a square in it to flip it, regardless of the number behind it. , You can get free attribute points corresponding to the value. Tip, this reward can use skills. In the future, when you encounter a lottery event, if you can use lottery auxiliary skills, the system will ask before lottery. If there is no inquiry, it means the lottery activity Lottery auxiliary skills are not allowed. May I use it this time?"


"Please state the characteristics of half of the options you wish to block?"

"I want to block the half of the smallest value option."

"Done." Fifty squares on the wall in front of me suddenly disappeared at the same time. "Please start to choose rewards."

Anyway, try one's luck, I simply closed my eyes and touched a square lightly.

"The free attribute points you draw are 8,500 points. The highest reward point in this reward is 10,000 points, the minimum score before blocking is 1,000 points, and the minimum score after blocking is 6,000 points. ."

Not bad. Although I didn’t get 10,000 points, but 8,000 is not too much. If you don’t consider skills, people who are extremely degraded may get 1,000 points. That super low reward.

system soon began to enter the second reward project, the flap array in front of me suddenly disappeared, followed by a lot of spheres of different sizes and colors. I recognized these all are Familiar Eggs at a glance, and it seemed that they had all types of myriad.

"Your second reward item is to get a Familiar Egg. You can use the skill this time. May I use it?"

"Yes. Please help me block it. The lowest grade is the least suitable for the half of the options I use."

"Sorry, this skill cannot be cross-shielded under double standards. Please choose to shield the lowest half or the least suitable half. , You can also redefine the blocking standard."

I thought about it for a while, as if what I just said is indeed a bit problematic. "Then I want to shield the least half of the benefits to me." This request is actually very vague, and it is equivalent to making multiple requests, but it sounds like a single request.

Not to mention, the system can handle this kind of fuzzy data. "Request acceptance, you can start to choose."

The egg in front of me is reduced by half. It seems that the least useful half has been removed, which means that the remaining half is at least certain Good things for usefulness. I carefully walked between these eggs a few times to evaluate the various eggs, and then carefully selected a few eggs and gathered them together to conduct the experiment carefully.

I'm also a professional in the animal trainer series that relies on demon pets for food anyway. Of course, demon pet eggs are very researched. Although on the surface they are almost the same, but they contain many things that ordinary people don't understand. Only us senior animal trainers can see the secrets.

First point: The size of an adult pet has nothing to do with the size of the egg. Don't use common sense in reality to think that a creature with a large egg must be large when it hatches. It is not the size of the egg that really determines the volume of the pet, but its density. Use the drainage method to accurately measure the volume of the egg, and then weigh it to calculate the average density of the egg. The denser the egg hatches, the larger the volume of the pet hatched. For example, a dragon egg is only the size of a watermelon, but most people can't even hold it, while the snow fox egg looks almost like a winter melon, but it is deadly light.

The second point: the aspect ratio of the egg determines the attribute of the monster. Although some of the familiars in Zero have no eggs, for example, many unhatched angels form angel crystals instead of angel eggs, but there is one thing in common-that is, the shape ratio of the egg phase determines their future attribute. Taking the golden ratio of 0.618 as the dividing line, the longer the egg hatches, the more it leans towards the physical attack type, the thicker or even the rounder the egg, the more inclined it is towards the magic attack type. If the aspect ratio of a certain egg is exactly 0.618, then it is cool, and the hatched must be an all-powerful creature familiar.

The third point: the quality of the pet depends on the hardness. No matter what type of pet egg, the hardness determines the battle strength of this pet. The simplest example is that you can break an egg with your forehead (although it will hurt), but you can break it open after all. But if you smash the dragon egg with your forehead, I promise that it will be your head that smashes first. Of course, we are impossible in order to verify the quality. The familiars in "Zero" are so scarce that an average of ten people can be assigned to one familiar. In addition, there are many people like me who bring a bunch of pets by one person, so even if a real ordinary player finds only one The slime egg is absolutely reluctant to smash it. in case of Who is responsible for accidentally smashing? The pet egg doesn't have insurance! Therefore, do not knock with objects during the test, but use a sword to gently scratch. If even a sharp weapon cannot cause scratches, it is usually a very good creature.

Based on the third point above, I am currently using eternal extreme care to gently scratch those eggs. Although eternally sharp, it doesn't cut everything as long as it doesn't work hard. As for the eggs that will rot as long as they are touched by eternity, this is directly unnecessary. Anyway, when I choose eggs, system won’t hold back how many eggs I broke, as long as I choose the right ones at the end.

Try to try and it seems that there are only four eggs and three odd monsters. The hardness of the body is good, and they all seem to be high level goods. According to the first and second points mentioned above, I roughly judged the situation of the eggs. The final result is that five of these familiars are only physical attack types, one magic type plus one all-around type. Based on the results of the density test, I determined that the physical attacking creatures are relatively large, while the magical creature is surprisingly small. As for the hybrid creature, the size is moderate.

After getting these conclusions, I directly ruled out the five physical creatures. The remaining magic creatures are not egg-shaped, but a large piece of giant white crystal comparable to a refrigerator. As for the other The hybrid creature is a colorful egg. Although I finally selected two creatures that might be very good, I could only get one in the end, so I have to continue to screen.

At this time, my fourth point is used. The fourth point of choosing a familiar: the faster the energy absorption of the familiar during the embryonic stage, the stronger it will be in the future. Based on this feature, I gritted my teeth and took out two crystal stones and used them as experiments. First, stick one of the crystal stones on the surface of the large crystal, and the crystal is completely gone with just a flash of rays of light. It seems that this creature is very strong. I did the same experiment with the egg next to it, but it was significantly slower.

Pointing to the big crystal, I yelled at the top of my head: "I have chosen it, and I need this."

"The demon pet has been assigned, you can use it yourself. You can choose to transfer it or sell it."

"I'll keep it for my own use." As I said, I had already dropped a drop of blood on the crystal. As soon as the giant crystal touched my blood, it immediately sparkled a piece of while light. As the rays of light became more and more unstable, the white rays of light began to change to red, and finally turned into red completely, and then the crystal Suddenly it melted into a pool of liquid like ice cream, and finally gasified into a cloud of red glowing mist.

I looked at the creatures in front of me in surprise, but didn't expect to go dogshit luck and chose an invisible creature. According to the convention in "Zero", invisible creatures are like military police in the army, see the official level 3. Under normal circumstances, a four-hundred-level void creature can single out most creatures below 600-level, while a 800-level void creature can usually defeat non-attribute restrained or unrelated creatures within a thousand-level without suspense. The so-called unrelated creatures here do not refer to a certain kind of creature, but that the attributes of two creatures are not related to each other. For example, Spiritual Body and Golem are typical unrelated creatures. The Spiritual Body has no entity and has no physical attack power. It can only hurt the soul of the opponent, while the magic puppet can only attack physically without a soul. When these two creatures come together, they can only stare and stare at me. You can't help it.

Now that the one I have obtained is a nihilistic creature, it means that he at least has the actual use effect beyond his own rank, which is a huge profit. Holding back the excitement, I carefully stretched out a hand to this demon pet, it slowly floated to my hand, and then began to gradually shrink the body and finally formed a red ball of light that is probably slightly larger than a basketball. This light ball is basically semi-transparent, and from the outside, you can see a particularly bright core in the center of the ball flickering.

"system, expand attribute." I dictated the operating instructions.

oh la la There is a big explanation in front of me, which contains a detailed introduction about the creatures in front of me. The name column reads: "Sparkling Spirit". It is said that it is a special energy creature without subjective consciousness born in an environment where natural energy is highly concentrated. There are quite a lot of attributes in the latter part. I took a look around and found that this monster actually didn't use any attack power. It was completely a magic battery.

This shining spirit can use the automatic recovery ability of me and all my summon creatures to accumulate energy, and it also has a strong recovery ability. In other words, it is always in a "charging" state. However, when we enter the state of combat, it is its turn to "discharge". This guy can release the energy that is usually accumulated according to different attributes, which means that it is not light energy to replenish magic power for us, and it can even replenish all health points. In the battle, if we release magic or are hit by an enemy and cause the magic power or health value to drop, it will replenish real-time energy. No matter how many knives we are cut, as long as its energy is not exhausted, our own health value will never be exhausted. Will decline, no matter how much magic we put, as long as its magic power has not bottomed out, our magic power will not be exhausted.

As I turned to the second page of the attribute introduction, I discovered that the above battery-like ability is just its ordinary ability. This guy actually has a lot of auxiliary skills, such as strength enhancement and magic. It is almost all common auxiliary skills such as strengthening, and all kinds of special auxiliary skills also include the extremely abnormal skills such as Transformation Technique and low-level creature control. After I read the list of skills, I will check the attributes again. Good guy, this guy's rank is actually 1,500, so it's no wonder the skills are so abnormal. Although it has almost no offensive power when there is no helper, even if there is a rabbit fighting with it, it can make the rabbit defeat the unicorn. This is the terrifying point of super auxiliary creatures.

I am naturally very satisfied with such a strong creature, and finally I chose to hang it under Lingling's name. Lingling is a human-shaped pet, and she can bring two demons, one of which is occupied by a ghost lamp, which happens to have a space left. Now the shining spirit is also hung up, just filling it up. Since the name of the shining spirit is relatively long, it is not convenient to call it, so I named it Caiqiu, so that the summon will be faster. In the battle, a creature with a long name, summon, will slow down by a few tenths of a second, and the possible victory or defeat in an expert battle depends on this few tenths of a second.

After the completion of the two rewards, the system started to award me the last reward, but this time it was a reward for which I could not use the skills. The reward content is very simple, there are only three things in total. The first is a badge, the name is called the infinite mission badge, the function is to turn everything I do into a mission. In other words, no matter what I do in the future, a task mode will be formed, as long as I complete it, I will get extra rewards, but once I fail, the punishment is also very serious. The second reward item is a basin of water, whose function is to have the special ability to transform into water after drinking. The third reward I am most familiar with, this is a golden gear. If the average person must have no idea what this is, but I am one of the few people who know it.

This golden gear should be regarded as a familiar egg to be exact, it is an unformed familiar. The reason why it appears in the form of gears is because the species of this creature belongs to the mechanical lifeform like Inverite. On the surface, it looks like the various attack methods Myriad Transformations in "Zero", but in the final analysis, there are actually three types: physical attack, energy attack, and Spirit Attack. Outside of this, you simply cannot find a fourth attack method. Corresponding to these three attack methods are three attack immunity, and as a mechanical lifeform, the biggest advantage is that all creatures in this series have the characteristic of Spirit Attack immunity, because most of them have no soul, even if some high-level goods are available. The soul is also solidified, and Spirit Attack doesn't work at all.

I am a professional system dominated by animal trainers, so naturally I chose that gear. No matter what, the animal trainer wants to accumulate as many high-level familiars as possible. This gear represents Since the creature can be put as one of the prizes at the end, it must be a very high-level species, and the creature rewarded by the mission may not be obtained within the normal game range. It would be a shame to miss it.

As I picked up the gear and confirmed that this was the prize I wanted, the system stopped being polite to me. Lima kicked me out of the task space and threw me back to Isinger. I happily held the gear and ran to the field to test the nature of this demon pet.

The flowing light flashed on the gear after the blood dripped, and with a click, two metal rods suddenly bounced from the gear, and then the whole gear oh la la violently unfolded into a pile of hedgehog-like metal There is no body, following this guy in my eyes like a deformed Vajra crash-bang layer by layer, and finally turned into a humanoid object more than two meters tall. At the moment she took shape, I felt like I was thundered, so I have to use her to replace the title.

The creature in front of you is very peculiar. Her shape allows you to see at a glance that she is a mechanical product, but she does not have the slightest sense of metal, on the contrary, it looks like a work of art. The body constructed in proportion to the human figure has the basic shape of a human being. The difference is that most of the body surface is made of silver white metal, and many places are dotted with golden gems. Her head looks like a triangular cone, the position of her chin is the top corner of the cone, and the entire face is a blue crystal cover with a curvature. The two golden lines extend from the position of her chin along the lower jaw to the ears, and then do not follow the curve of the head to fold back, but continue to extend outward into two elegant wings. These two wings and an obliquely inserted rear wing-like object on top of her head just formed a perfect spatial shape, giving people a cold beauty.

The body line of this metal creature can hardly find a straight line, and the graceful arc constitutes all of her. I call "it" "she" because the curvature of her chest and waist gives a very feminine impression. It is obviously inappropriate to call it "he". Such a mechanical body that combines mechanical coldness and feminine femininity in one body really makes people wonder how exquisite her 3D stylist's artistic skills are.

Just when I realized her beauty, she suddenly spoke. The blue mask actually flickered regularly with her voice. "Master, Brigitte Thor, the preparation is complete, the initialization information is normal, and the current status: standby. Please indicate."

The electronic sound with a clearly female voice explained a very serious problem-she No soul!

"Ivorite, Ling, you all come out to help see our new partners."

The main reason for calling out the familiars is for Ivorite to come. Help me confirm the guess just now. Although mechanical lifeform is immune to spirit, what I want is the kind of immunity of a solid spirit transformation, not the immunity without soul. A mechanical lifeform without a soul can only be regarded as a living machine, and cannot be called a creature. If the machine in front of her is only a soulless machine, then she is nothing more than a high-level demon puppet at best.

Ivorite circled the mechanical lifeform three or four times, and finally scanned it with a special beam, and then said to me: "I can’t observe her internal structure, but since With such a high level of defense, it should be an advanced mechanical lifeform with a soul."

"But her performance is more like a magic puppet than a normal lifeform."

"It may be the result of the limited intelligence of the primary level state." Ling suddenly said.

"It's possible!" Inverrit also agreed with Ling.

I thought about it for a while and said: "Then don't delay, let's take her to level up and see what happens after her level rises."

Usually, the magic pet The level of upgrade is much faster than that of the players, otherwise my level here will not always limit the level of the familiars. Now that we have so many familiars, leveling is a very simple matter. Everyone beat the enemy together with one breath, and let Brigitte take care of it for the last time. Although "Zero" distributes experience in proportion to blood damage, there is a special experience reward for the last cut, and we must take Brigitte to the high level monster area. At Brigitte's current level, it is basically High Level has jumped hundreds of levels to kill monsters, and cross-level rewards will be very scary.

After deciding to level up, I brought everyone to Japan together. The reason I came here is because I want to check what's happening in Japan by the way. The time for Nobunaga's conspiracy, shown on the soil tablet of the Empress, is approaching, but we haven't been able to figure out how they played. This time, I brought Brigitte to leveling anyway. Where should I practice? Another advantage of leveling in Japan is that you don't have to kill monsters here, and Japanese players are the same for us. Anyway, killing players from other countries after the start of the national war is tantamount to killing monsters, so why not do it?

With this thought, I put away the pet and sent it to Fulcrum City in Japan. Once the Transmission Formation is out, you can clearly feel the tension that is completely different from that in China. The huge urban construction area has been demolished so far. The dilapidated houses can be seen everywhere, as if they had been looted. The fulcrum of this city was originally named in the hope that it could become a support point and a beachhead for our attack on Japan, and it did play such a role in the subsequent battles. Now due to the continuous victories of our players and the shrinking defense of the Japanese, the surrounding area of ​​Fulcrum City has become a liberated area, so there is no need to go through various battles here. However, because the transnational Transmission Formation is here, it is still the main transportation hub for Chinese players to enter Japan.

I haven't been to Fulcrum City for a long time due to the mission. I didn't expect to see such a dilapidated environment when I came here again. The transportation team on the street was busy and happily, and it didn't look like it had just been fought, but why did the city be like this?

"Huh? Why are you free to come to Japan?" It was Hong Yue who was speaking. She was one of the military directors of our guild. She was there wherever the battlefield was.

I didn’t answer her words, but instead asked, "Why is this happening here?"

Hong Yue turned his head and looked at it and then explained clearly:" Oh, you said this! This is what I asked to demolish."

"What? Why do you let people demolish the house?"

"The frontline war requires wood and stone, from Not only is the cost of domestic transportation too high, but the speed is also a little too slow. Rose originally intended to let us collect materials on the spot in Japan, but unfortunately the Japanese are too ruthless. All the mining areas that can’t be guarded will try their best to destroy them as much as possible. Now our people Basically they are piled up on the front line. Almost all the second-line reserve teams have become transport teams. There is really no manpower available for things like developing mining areas!"

"Then you can't demolish the house!"

"What should I do if I don’t demolish? The frontline warfare urgently needs siege equipment, especially the wood consumption is too fast, ours can’t keep up with the transportation, so I simply ordered the cities along the way to be demolished except for the functional buildings. The materials are temporarily used as military materials."

"The wood is not enough. Can't you find players who can work on the front line to process it? Although the land area is small in Japan, there are still a lot of trees!"

< p>"My Sir President! You are not in charge and you don’t know how expensive firewood is! Do you know how difficult it is to mine resources here in Japan?"

"Is it impossible to mine resources in Japan? It shouldn't be! I remember that in the game, for the sake of balance, the difficulty of mining ore is the same in all countries!"

Hong Yue shook his head and said: "The difficulty of mining I said is not a natural problem, it is Man-made. You also know that there are not many Japanese players, but there are many ninjas. What do you think ninjas can do? You can't fight warrior hard. Playing ninjas is not the opponent of Taoist priests. Isn't the best at assassinating? Mining wood has to go into the forest, right? That ghost place is simply a ninja paradise, and we can’t manage it once the workers are scattered. We can’t transfer all the front-line troops back to protect the forest farm, right? Those life skill professionals who have just learned to mine either have no battle strength or super battle strength Low, it’s not a ninja’s opponent at all. We can’t use people to fill in, right? So now we can only rely on materials from the rear except for a few forest farms that happen to be guarded by our army. Besides, the transportation team is not absolutely safe. Little Japan finds people to ambush our transport team for three days. It really made my head bigger!"

"That's right." I said happily: "I am going to Japan to bring New familiars to level up, just use these little Japan to practice hands!"

"This is a good idea. Anyway, you have enough Summoned Beasts. As long as you cast the net, you can definitely find some ambush teams. ."

"Well, tell me which area is most vulnerable to attack recently?"

"This one slice. "Hong Yue spread out his personal map and drew a range for me. "Along the highway, there are lots of spots." "

"Okay, I'll go find it now. "

In fact, suppressing bandits is a very troublesome thing, because bandits are destined to be different from the regular army. They will not be defeated and play great decisive battle with you. What bandits advocate is the strategy of guerrilla warfare. Young talent is king. When the Japanese invaded China, we did not lose our guerrillas' losses. Now it is our turn to have a headache! But I am not a second fool. Although I usually like to be brutal, it is because that is more efficient. Stupid me. I will never do it. For example, this time against the guerrillas in Little Japan, I will definitely not do it when I cover the mountains and plains. We have a second counter.

Different Yes, there is a seemingly unremarkable transport team in this accident-prone area. This team is very large, with a team of 50 soldiers escorting the front and back, and there are more than 100 beast carriages in the middle. The contents of the car are all covered with canvas, and there is no obvious thing from the outside, but the weight of the goods is judged from the rut.

With such a large amount of materials, the escorts are not too few, it seems It seems to be nothing, but this team has several important characteristics. First, there is a lack of wizards in the team. Although the heavenly soldiers are very strong, after all the units are too single, the success rate of raids should be very high. Second, the weight of the goods, guards It’s not that much. Instead of splitting up some squad teams, it’s better to concentrate on killing this battallion team. The third and most important point is that the things carried by the car are likely to be very expensive. Each car pulls. There are not many things, but the ruts are very deep, which shows that the density of goods is very high, and this generally means that the goods are of high value. Such a transport team is simply the favorite of robbers, and their appearance will naturally bring the nearby ten miles away. The Japanese harassment team from Palgo has all gathered.

Actually everyone should have guessed that this is not a normal transportation team, but my summon and I faked it. The team is responsible before and after. The escorted heavenly soldiers and the workers in charge of driving the vehicles are all real, so no matter what the enemy uses for reconnaissance, they can’t find the abnormality. After all, they are originally real. If you can see the fake, you can only say that your eyes have problems. My All summon creatures can temporarily summon, so all real teams can be used in such a team, as long as you entrain me in it.

At my request, the team deliberately came out in the accident-prone area. A little situation. A transporter suddenly dropped a wheel when it turned over a pit, and then the car body tilted to one side, and the box that was originally covered by canvas fell to the ground. A crystal clear and near-transparent magic crystal Rolled out from under the canvas, and suddenly there was an insignificant commotion in the nearby mountains and forests.

The facts are as I expected, the Japanese are eyeing this team, just because they have more defensive forces, they have been hesitant to know whether they should do it or not,

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