Seeing my expression, Nobunaga Guishou was not scared, but smiled evilly. "Haha, I also prepared a great gift for you." With Nobunaga Guishou's smile, Guren Phoenix suddenly jumped out of the ground behind me. I was surprised to see what was going on when she couldn't react for a while. I have already seen Honglian Phoenix be killed once before, so why did it pop up again?

The battlefield time is changing rapidly, and there is simply no time to give me a daze. Guren Phoenix knew it was a good opportunity when she saw my expression. She immediately cut the red Japanese sword in her hand at me, but at the crucial moment, a steel gun suddenly stretched out and just listened. With a loud sound, the steel gun immediately tilted and hit me sideways, but with it, the power of this block has been reduced a lot, and it does not constitute a huge might at all.

Gulian Phoenix immediately glanced at the person who was making trouble when he missed a hit, only to find that he didn't know the gun Dame. Just when she was surprised, she suddenly felt that there was a huge pressure behind her. She immediately rolled to the side and hit us with a tomahawk. If Hongren Phoenix was still standing there, she might be right now. Has become two pieces.

"Who are you guys?"

Dame shot up and played a fancy move, then raised a long spear and aimed at Honglian Phoenix. "I am Lord Red Lion, Cossack cavalry, Russian national weapon holder."

The wheel battle axe was also lightly picked up by a giant muscular man nearly three meters tall. "I am a violent bear, a barbarian and beast god warrior, and the holder of Russian national equipment."

"We are dealing with Purple Moon, what is the matter of you Russians crossing the gap?"

"Purple Moon can't die." Lord Red Lion stood in front of me and said, "We and him still have common interests that have not been completed. Now we will not let him die."

I laughed He pushed aside the Lord Red Lion in front of him. "I'm not that easy to die. Guren, originally this was for Nobunaga Guishou, I will send you off now." I said, suddenly raising a finger to her, Guren Phoenix thought I wanted Enlarged the move, hurriedly wanted to run, but did not feel any magic gathering. She was hesitating, and suddenly heard a commotion on the side, she quickly turned her head to look, but it didn't matter if she didn't look at it, she almost fainted.

It turned out that while we were talking, I had already used my touch to order the ringtone Knights to bring a large group of Qilin warriors to the side to form a triangular cavalry formation, Honglian Phoenix, they are not fools. , Seeing this formation, I knew that I was going to use cavalry to rush into the formation. Qilin warrior is indeed much lower than the battle strength of their national weapon holders, but the battle strength of the cavalry formation is calculated according to the team battle strength when charging. In this case, let alone expert, even if the defense is low. The city was also knocked down.

Scott, riding a heavy armored dragon, stood at the forefront of the Triangle Cavalry Array, holding a long spear high and shouting: "The javelin is ready."

oh la la, Qilin behind The warrior all took out the long javelin and entered the shooting posture.

"Twelve directions, seventy-four distances, three crosswinds, four fixed speeds, three echelon projections. Shooting"

Our national weapon holders only listen With a bang, they turned their heads and looked at them, only to see a large black javelin flying from the cavalry formation not far away. Many people were scared by the sight in front of them and wondered what to do. When faced with a javelin, everyone still knows to hide, but the black is pressing down on a large piece of javelin like a dark cloud, and most of them have no idea what to do. This is not over yet. A large black javelin flew up after the first javelin had not landed, until this time the people here saw the first javelin fall down.

My current level can summon more than 11,000 Qilin warriors. The national weapon holder who had dealt with the United States only lost a few hundred Qilin warriors. Now there are more than 10,000 Qilin warriors. , Even if it was divided into three steps, more than 3,000 guns flew over each time, and the momentum was not ordinary. Everyone only came to the point that the javelin group with wu wu's wind whistling sound was suppressed, followed by a puff that penetrated the armor and the human body. It took a few seconds for the screams to sound, and many people didn't think about it until this time. They got up to make a response, but unfortunately their response was a little too late, because the javelin of the second tier came again.

Lord Red Lion stood beside me with his mouth open and stared blankly at the rain-like javelin, which accurately landed on the target area three meters in front of us, and in that land of Death, almost everyone was nailed to the ground, and the wailing sound became a whole.

Because the projected area is relatively large, there are not a few people who are affected, but this is the last game with only one player left, so no one will say anything about me. After all, even if you deal with your own enemies first, The rest will ultimately have a decisive victory. Of course, Guren Phoenix, who is the target of the projection, will naturally not have a chance to escape with the semicolon. She is the center point of the target, and she will not survive wherever she flashes.

I no longer care about the situation here, but turned and looked towards Nobunaga Guishou. At this time, he was fighting with the second world and Ye Yue. Before I dared to ignore him because my two familiars are behind me. They are both my eyes and my hands, as long as there are my familiars. The place is within my observation range. As long as I summon the familiar, it is not a big problem whether my back is facing the enemy.

I turned on the system help while watching Nobunaga Onisou there and my demon desperately. "Excuse me, how is the current fighting situation?"

"The third to sixth annihilated countries have just appeared, and they are currently waiting for their punishment. In addition, there are currently remaining countries that maintain a complete organization. Only Iceland, Germany and Zambia are left." The voice paused for a while and suddenly said: "New information, all the holders of the national equipment of the United States have been killed and become the seventh team to be wiped out."

" Haha, really tall trees attract the wind." I say this because I didn’t hear the prompt to kill the gunman and the woman, which means that they were killed by others on the way to be chased by my summon creature. , But now this place is in turmoil, it is not surprising that anyone cuts anyone.

I'm just happy, suddenly the system hint sounded again. "Attention, there are currently less than 100 remaining national equipment holders, and the reward mode has been activated. Now, every time a national equipment holder is killed, you can get 500 points of any attribute reward. Please work hard." /p>

"Reward?" I wrinkled and didn't glance at Lord Red Lion and Grim Bear beside me. They both quickly stepped aside. We could have worked together for a while, but suddenly there was such a reward, and even they began to waver. The five hundred rewards speaking of which are not much, but definitely not a lot, but the more critical issue is that this attribute can be added to a certain attribute at will. It can be said that even the most powerful players in the game are impossible to allocate their own attribute points. There will always be some attribute points that are too high and some are too low. This is impossible to avoid. Relatively this can be determined by yourself. Adding some attribute points makes it more useful.

Benefit is everything. Although Lord Red Lion saved me once, this is not the time to talk about friendship. I can make friends with them after I go out, but I can't release water during the game. I quickly put my finger in my mouth and blew a loud whistle. "Scott, here, the cavalry is charging." After I shouted, I immediately rose into the air.

Seeing that I had lifted into the air, Skye didn't worry about anything, so he immediately raised his gun and waved forward: "Tread the enemy line down."

"Tread the enemy line down. "The Qilin warrior yelled at the same time. Thousands of Qilin warriors started at the same time. With the roar of the beast, our heavy cavalry battallion finally slowly entered a state of acceleration.

The holders of the national equipment have also begun to notice the abnormal vibration on the ground. The rest are expert except for a few lucky ones. Seeing this situation, all those who can fly are flying, but they don’t. It's miserable to fly. It must be impossible to run. I have never heard of anyone running faster than the cavalry. Block, this is no way, but everyone knows that no matter how powerful the expert is, it cannot be compared with the city wall. The people flying in the air only saw a neat triangular array rushing into the chaotic crowd. Some people resisted like stubborn rocks in a stream at first, but were soon submerged in this black torrent.

The cavalry formation ran across from the crowd. I heard the news of ten people who were the first to withdraw from the country and were full, and after that, I heard the reminder that I got five hundred reward points. This one The charge killed at least thirty or forty people.

Don't look at the cavalry's one-time charge that caused the national weapon holder to lose one third. In fact, this shows how strong the national weapon holder is. You want to! My cavalry is not one or two people, but it is more than ten thousand cavalry? After these people experienced the previous battle, more than 50 people actually came over. Isn't this kind of battle strength called horror? In fact, my cavalry lost more in the charge just now. More than 10,000 Qilin warrior lost four to five hundred men in such a charge, which is ten times that of the enemy. But there are so many of us, we don't care ten times.

The Qilin warrior battallion, which was downgraded by four to five hundred people again, plus 21 ringtone Knights, was just enough for ten thousand. The battallion soldiers rushed out of more than a mile and then turned around and immediately launched a second charge. This time the holders of the national weapons were completely messed up, and even those who flew up in the previous charge could not please them. Qilin warrior all carried ropes, and many people who flew up were trapped and dragged down. Afterwards, they were even more miserable. It would be better not to fly.

Seeing the cavalry squad approaching again, I don’t know which national weapon holder suddenly shouted: "Don’t be afraid, let’s use big moves together. These summon creatures have very low defense."

In fact, these words are what they can call out for state weapon holders. Qilin warrior has 750 Level 10 even if it is scum. Can that be described as low defense? However, it is true that this group of national equipment holders cannot be called high defense, just like in front of our Longyuan Group, the assets of less than one trillion renminbi can only be regarded as small enterprises.

The propaganda of that national weapon still played some role. When the cavalry team was about to hit the enemy, I only saw a flash of light and shadow. The skills of these guys are more fancy than the other. Kinds of light blade activator are flying everywhere. The number of remaining personnel of Qilin warrior in the attribute reading on my side is declining faster than the Japanese stock market, and it is only half left in an instant. But this big move only killed half of the Qilin warrior after all, and the remaining 5,000 Qilin warrior still rushed past.

The national weapon holders who have just finished the big move are in a weak state. As a result, although the number of impacts has decreased this time, the results have expanded. The system suddenly reminded us that the remaining people on the scene were less than 20, and notified us that the reward for destroying an enemy rose from 500 attribute points to 1,000 points.

One thousand free points, this is definitely an attractive reward for anyone. Almost instantly, all national weapon holders are on guard and are automatically let aside from other national weapon holders. .

I opened the help system again and asked: "Is there any country that maintains a complete establishment?"

"Yes." System's answer caused everyone in the vicinity to be stunned. . Because I was in the broadcast mode, the few remaining national device holders all heard the answer from system.

Just now the system reminded that there were fewer than 20 national equipment holders at the scene, but in this case, there is still a country that maintains a complete organizational system. How can such a result not be surprising?

True Red suddenly reacted and opened the help system and asked: "Which country is the rest? How many state holders do they have?"

"The remaining countries are Iceland, the country has three national weapon holders, and all of them currently exist."

"What?" This is not what we yelled, but the ghost of Nobunaga. Although this guy is our main goal, the battle strength is really good. It is not easy to survive such a strong blow. It was precisely because of his hard work that he reacted so much. He worked so hard and only survived. The other two national weapon holders were all killed, but this Iceland does not look like a strong country. There will be three national weapon holders, and all of them will survive, which really makes Guishou Nobunaga's heart very unbalanced.

Zhenhong suddenly shouted to me: "No. There are not so many people on the battlefield. The three Icelandic national weapon holders are simply not here."

"What? "This sound was almost made by the rest of the people. Now it's not just that Nobunaga oni is unbalanced, even we are unbalanced. Although the gold coin had a careless element in it, the German national instrument holders we were trying to protect later actually died. Although it was the penultimate ranking that maintained the integrity of the establishment, it was not the last one after all. A country that maintains a complete organizational system. What we couldn't obtain under such hard work was actually obtained easily by fraudulent means. How can this not make people angry?

"Main system, we want to sue the holders of the Icelandic national equipment for shame."

"The accusation is invalid." System's answer is very simple. "All the actions of the holders of the Icelandic national equipment are not in conflict with the rules, so the accusation is invalid."

"Everyone, shall we put aside the things at hand first?" A country I don't know The holder of the device said: "I believe you don’t want us to be killed by three Icelandic players when there is only one person left in the battle? By playing it by yourself, I will admit it if I lose. I really can’t accept this kind of failure. ."

"I agree." Immediately, a national weapon holder raised his hand to agree.

I pointed to Nobunaga Guishou. "I don't care what you do. If you want to kill Iceland's national weapon holders first, I can stop fighting you first, but I will kill him first."

People here probably know me Nobunaga and Guishou also knew about the grievances between our two countries, so they both nodded and said that they had acquiesced to me, and followed me to let Qilin warrior get out of the way to let them leave, and he took a large group of summon creatures to send the ghost to the letter. There are three tiers inside and three tiers outside.

Guishou Nobunaga was a bachelor, and when he saw that he hadn’t run away, he suddenly yelled to the sky: "I abstain, please send me back."

"Request Accept." Onihand Nobunaga was sent back to Japan in a blue light, but I could only stare at him. This kid knew that he couldn't beat so many summon creatures of mine, so in order to prevent me from getting the thousand free bonus points on him, he opted to quit the game, so that although the result was the same for him, I would lose one for nothing. Thousands of reward points, this guy is really ruthless.

Now our enemies are all gone. I temporarily took back the summon creature, and then called Kaima Durse over. Baham had just been killed by other national weapon holders when I sent Qilin warrior to attack the national weapon holders. Because of the mount, Kema Durs ran fast, so no one could hurt anyone. To him.

"Kema Durs, after you go back, you tell Ashford, it’s not that I don’t help you, there is really no way."

readily. "You don't need to say, I know. You really can't take care of everyone in the kind of melee just now. It's a benevolent thing to send so many people to summon creatures to protect us. There will be no problem with our allies, iron The Crusaders will remember their friends. But I want to talk about it. If we are all there after those people are killed, then I won't keep my hands."

I'm nodded. "Outsiders are eliminated. Of course, we don’t need to keep our hands inside. Just let go and compare."

After hearing this, Kaimar Lius immediately turned and walked towards the nearby forest. It seems that he was also caught The holders of the three national instruments in Iceland are very angry. Had it not been for the use of such rogue tactics by the holders of the state equipment of Iceland, they would have been the last country to lose its integrity. I have just checked. In the end, the ten countries that lost their complete establishments draw rewards, although it does not mean that the ones that leave in the end will be the best, but they are most likely to get the best benefits. The detailed description in the regulations is that the more persistent the country, the higher the probability of getting a high reward in the final lottery. For example, although China may also get the best thing, it must be better luck. .

Although Iceland’s national weapon holders have been hiding until now with the help of tactics, since everyone already knows the truth of the matter, it is not too difficult to find them. After all, before the official battle begins, the system The scope of the game has been restricted, and crossing the line is equivalent to an automatic waiver.

In fact, things are not much different from what I thought. The players in Iceland were quickly turned over by the remaining national weapon holders.

"When on earth do you want to hide?" Yiming African player stood in front of a clearing and asked loudly, but no one in front of him answered his words, and we didn't even see what was there. people.

Just as we all stared at this African national weapon holder and didn't know what he meant, a noble and cold voice suddenly came from the front. "Since it has been discovered, there is no way." The air in the open space in front of us was twisted, followed by a huge ice crystal suddenly appeared in front of us, and then the ice crystal suddenly exploded in front of us into countless fragments. Out of the three people wrapped in it.

"Invisible ice crystal?" I was a little surprised, and then asked the frost and snow that had just been taken out by summon. "Do you know how to use this skill?"

"This is not a pure frost type magic, it also blends some light spells. I am a pure frost type and cannot use such a skill, but since I know What kind of spell is it, I think I can destroy the generation of this kind of spell."

I nodded, then turned my head and looked at the three people who suddenly appeared in the court. These three are a man and two women, and the one who uses spell is obviously the female national weapon holder in the middle. The figure of this woman is very tall, she looks like about 1.5 meters. A white mopping long skirt with a faint blue color is all dotted with snow-white fringe, which makes people feel noble and full of distance at a glance. In addition to this scary dress, she also wore a gorgeous crystal crown on top of her head, and in her hand she held a giant crystal scepter that was more than two meters long. It would be a bit of an idiot if you don't think of her career after seeing this.

"Ice Queen?" A national weapon holder said it first.

Yes, this woman's profession is the Snow Queen. Although there is a wild monster called the Snow Queen, there is indeed a profession like the Snow Queen among players, but it should be noted that the Snow Queen is not a profession that everyone can do. First of all, you must be a woman, the ladyboy and the man all stand aside, of course, at least you have to be an ice and snow mage. In the end, you must apply for advanced career missions, and then successfully pass the missions and get the highest evaluation, otherwise you can only evolve into the ice and snow Banshee instead of the queen.

The man among the two standing behind the Snow Queen is dressed in a silver Battle Armor. You don't need to look at it to know that it is the special profession of Iceland Blizzard Knight. As for the other woman, this girl's red and black armor appeared a bit abrupt among the crowd, but this is also the representative profession of Iceland's characteristic profession-purgatory hunter. This class is actually very similar to the Demon Sword. The difference is that this class only allows you to use Fire Element and Earth Element magic, but these two types of spells are already very terrible, and other types of spells are not and there is no big problem.

The queen spoke first after the three Icelandic national weapon holders had a stalemate with us for a while. "Since there is no hiding, let's rely on strength to fight for victory."

The other two Icelandic national weapon holders are nodded. "Before hiding was only because we had more brains, not how weaker we are than you, now let you see how good our Icelanders are."

A French national weapon holder suddenly stood up Said: "Everyone can talk big words, if you have the ability, just take him a sword and try." I was taken aback by this guy because he actually pointed to this remark I said. When he first stepped up, I thought he was going to challenge that guy by himself, but didn’t expect this bastard but pushed me out vilely. What’s worse is that in this case, he knew he was testing me. The enemy's battle strength means that I must go, otherwise I will not lose face but the country. Here are the holders of national instruments of various countries, and what really needs to be maintained is the dignity of their own country.

I glared at the French national weapon holder, then took a step forward, and the staff wrapped in eternity struck the ground forcefully. "I know you may not know me, but I believe you must know my other account. I am Purple Moon in China. If you are sure to challenge me first, I am of course willing to accept. Then, please choose me. , Or that guy?"

The Icelandic national weapon holder couldn't help but looked me up and down, and finally shook the head. "If you want to fight, find the strongest opponent to fight. Fighting with those stinky hands will only become more and more useless. I will fight you, do you dare to fight?"

"hahaha...Someone asked me Do you dare to fight? You are so brave! I admire your courage, so I promise you that I will not use my strongest means of attack."

"I don't need you to let me." That Icelandic national weapon holds Some suddenly jumped over. I flashed his sword slightly to one side, and then lightly stroked the staff on the ground, and a wall of flames immediately rose up to separate us on both sides. That guy didn't seem to be completely bragging. The technique was really good. He immediately bounced from the top of the flames and planned to start a second-stage pursuit, but it was a pity that he was not dealing with ordinary players. There are a lot of things that are easy to play with expert, but they are absolutely unusable, otherwise you can only wait to be stepped on.

This time the blizzard Knight just jumped over the wall of flames and hit a string of flame bombs head-on. The whole person was hit in the air and turned over a dozen somersaults before he landed a dozen meters away. on the ground. If you deal with an ordinary player, his continuous attack can definitely suppress the enemy and there is no chance to fight back, but I am an expert, so my speed is faster than him, his reckless continuous attack will only make myself no time to analyze My battle method, this is definitely a major mistake.

After the other party landed, he realized that he couldn't treat me as an ordinary person, so he didn't immediately rush up again, but stood there. "As for a woman, you did a really good job."

"What?" Raging flames burst into my body with a bang. "You dare to laugh at me?"

The people around me were taken aback for a while, and most of them realized what was wrong. Of course, some people didn’t know what was wrong, such as the one over there. The guy who made the wrong words still looks confused and doesn't know what he said offends me.

I didn't give him any opportunity to explain. With one arm, the whole person immediately floated up slowly, and the long hair behind his back began to slowly dance with the blazing flames.

"What did I say?" The guy still didn't figure out the situation.

The queen of Iceland finally thought of the problem at this time. She hurriedly shouted to her team members: "He just said that she is Purple Moon, didn't you hear it?"

< p>The guy said hello and asked, "I heard it! But does that have anything to do with her performance?"

The woman next to the queen yelled. "Don't you stupid know who Purple Moon is?"

"Should I know?"

The woman originally wanted to say something, but finally said helplessly Sentence: "You are not saved!"

At this time, I was about to fly to that guy. He had to deal with my attack wholeheartedly. Who knew I wouldn't give him a chance at all. I lifted the staff in one fell swoop. "The sun is summon." My whole body was golden light flashed, and then the whole body became a luminous body. The strong radiation caused the surrounding air to heat up rapidly, and the vegetation on the ground was quickly dried and dried and then burned. In the end it turned into a pile of gray ashes, and even the soil quickly dried up and pulverized and finally crystallized into other substances again. The surrounding air also began to gradually become restless, and even the light became sparkling in the billowing heat wave.

"Hey, didn't you say that you don't need the strongest trick?" That guy also started to be scared at this time.

At first, the Frenchman who urged me to fight laughed loudly and shouted: "Haha, his strongest skill is Summoned Beast. As long as you don’t see his summon combat creature, he doesn’t use the strongest skill. ."


"It's nothing, because you will immediately understand how big a gap is in our strength." I walked towards that guy in the air He started to back up continuously as I approached, because the nearby temperature has made him unable to stand, and the high temperature is rapidly melting his armor. Although Blizzard Knight's armor looks like silver, it is actually made of ice. It will melt if the temperature is too high!

The guy returned and said, "Don't think that you are afraid of you if you use this skill to prevent me from opening my eyes." Then he suddenly swung a sword in my direction. "Ice storm."

"hahahaha! You stupid used ice storm against the sun, don’t you know how to write death words?" His ice storm was already in the moment I spoke. It evaporates halfway.

"I...I...I...!" The guy finally started to be scared.

I lifted my staff and pointed to him: "Prominence jets." A flame suddenly ejected from the tip of the staff, quickly bypassed the guy and flew back to the tip of my staff. , The guy was surrounded by the flame ring and still don't know what happened. But at this moment, the flame ring suddenly lit up, and the guy instantly turned into a puff of blue smoke and disappeared into the ring before he even screamed.

After I killed that guy, I waved my staff, the flames around suddenly disappeared, and I landed smoothly on the ground. Only the crystallized ground was still telling the terrifying heat. But as soon as I turned around, I suddenly realized that the guy I had just killed appeared next to the woman again.


The guy looked at me with lingering fear, and then asked the queen next to me: "Big sister, what trick did she just use? formidable? Power is too strong, right? I feel that all my health was emptied in an instant!"

"That's not a trick, but it vaporizes you instantly with absolute temperature. You didn't see it at the time. , Your body only leaves a wisp of blue smoke."

"Could it be that halo?"

"Idiot, that is a prominence, which claims to be a giant that can instantly vaporize a planet Energy ring! Of course, his skill impossible exerts the power of real prominence to vaporize a planet, but it is definitely enough to burn you idiot."

"Where did I go wrong? I'm an idiot?" This guy hasn't even figured out what went wrong. It's really idiot enough.

The purgatory hunter couldn’t help but explain to him: “Didn’t he say that his tuba was called Purple Moon before? Didn’t you hear that?”

"I Of course I heard, but I don't know who Purple Moon is!"

"I...!" The woman slammed this guy with a violent shudder. "I'm so mad at you! Purple Moon is the number one player in the game. The president of the Frost Rose League, the world's first guild, can flatten a small country with a finger."

" It’s him? But how did Purple Moon become a woman?"

"Are you going to piss us off? Don’t you watch the forum? Purple Moon is very beautiful in-game. The tuba and the trumpet are set up in a complementary way. His tuba is to strengthen the male characteristics, so the trumpet is more feminine. However, the personality of this Purple Moon is extremely dark, and I hate others for calling him a woman. Now Do you know why she was angry?"

"It turned out to be a ladyboy!"

"I...Forget it, I don't know you!" The woman made a strangle Think about his actions and give up again! She turned around and shouted to me: "This guy is an idiot. You can deal with it as you like. Anyway, our country is the last country that retains a complete system, and it won't matter if he is missing one!"

< p>I have calmed down at this time, because I already know the reason that the guy offended me just now, and I am more concerned about why the guy was suddenly resurrected after being killed by me. If this is a skill, it would be too strong. Isn't it? Doesn't this mean more lives in vain? Xiaofeng's resurrection skill can only be resurrected once, and it can only retain half of his health. This guy can actually resurrect completely. This skill is really too strong!

Seeing me staring at that guy, the queen in the middle spoke suddenly. "Want to know why he could escape from the attack just now?"

I shook the head. "Don't want to deceive me. If he does have the possibility of escape before the prominence is completed, but after the prominence is completed, he has the space slash ability. The absolute energy can be cut off with Space Law. He is absolutely impossible to run out of the middle, So-he just didn't just run away, but was resurrected again."

The queen who was exposed by me did not have the slightest nervousness, but very said in a tranquil voice: "Yes, he is indeed resurrected." , But it’s not his ability, but mine."

"Are you trying to negotiate terms with me?" Listening to her tone, I knew that she definitely wanted to use me.

Sure enough. The queen opened the mouth and said: "My request is very simple. Don't take part in these people's fight to encircle and suppress us. When there are only you and us on the battlefield, I will tell you why he can be resurrected again without being kicked out of the mission. "Seeing

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