Now everything is clear. Don’t tamper with my mission from the very beginning. The mission objective simply has nothing to do with this damned soul of the sea. The reason why Nuwa was set up like this This task is purely paralyzing my nerves. This kind of task is actually very similar to the special spy training subject I have learned before. Its content is to train spies to rely on their own judgment to determine the truth of the matter and find a solution when everything is unreliable. Nuwa gave me false missions and wrong mission goals before. This is a wrong starting point, and if I follow this wrong starting point, I can only reach the wrong end in the end. The key to the mission is simply not to find The end, but jump out of the task. Now I have done the hardest part, so the rest is to complete the last part.

It seems simple to kill all the people who are causing me trouble. In fact, the problem is very big, and the reason is still with Nuwa. She cleaned up all our attributes. Without attribute points, my damage is too low. The battle in the game is not a fighting game, but you can win by the accumulated points of effective blows. There is no power blow here, even if you hit tens of thousands of times, it means you missed.

After much deliberation, it is better to rely on sneak attack to kill the peripheral personnel of the ghost dancer as much as possible. In the end, the ghost dancer himself may have some difficulty relying on the sneak attack, but you can wait when the time comes to think about it, maybe In the process of carrying out the task, I can think of a good way but not necessarily.

After determining the strategic objective, I began to harass the ghost dancers and the others. Anyway, the mission objective is fake, and I don’t care about the soul of the sea anymore. I just found a place to put it. Once the stuff is buried.

The ghost dancer may have been prompted by the protein I killed. He soon gathered the team together, and my sneak attack became more and more difficult. Just as I was hesitating how to deal with the remaining enemies, I suddenly heard a voice behind me. As soon as I turned around, I was stunned. "Wife? Why did you come here?"

"People from the Anti-Japanese Alliance informed us." Rose walked towards me and said, "After you were suddenly teleported away, we started looking everywhere. You, our alliance guilds, we also sent notices, didn't expect the Anti-Japanese Alliance said that you have been there as soon as we received our notice, so I chased it over. How is your mission done? Need woo..." Halfway through the words of "Rose" in front of her, she suddenly found a blood line on her neck. She looked at me holding the dagger in surprise, completely unclear of the situation.

While wiping the blood on the dagger, I said, "I said it’s not good for you to pretend to be someone, you have to pretend to be my wife. If you become an eagle or Hong Yue, I won’t do it for a while. You must recognize it, but if you have to pretend to be a rose, that’s impossible. If you don’t even recognize your wife, do you think I can still get this thing?" I said brightly the love in my hand Of the ring. This thing may be the only piece of equipment that Nuwa hasn't stripped me off, but it may be because the ring of love acts directly on the soul, so it won't be affected.

Seeing this fake rose’s confused expression, I smiled and added: “I don’t understand? Although your appearance is very similar, but your actions are too fake. You don’t have any small habits of roses. In my opinion, you are simply the two people who are one million miles apart. Besides, there are too many loopholes in what you said just now, right? It’s not a while and a half since I was passed on to the mission. I’ve been looking for me in the guild. After the notice was sent, how could it be sent there after we have been to the Anti-Japanese Alliance? Besides, of course a person as smart as Rose knows what to do and what not to do. Her specialty is not fighting. Even if you want to help me, you don’t have to come in person? "I shook the ring of love again. "I really want to contact me and use this. When I need help, I will naturally take the initiative to find her. She doesn't have to come to me at all. Besides, even if someone really needs to be sent, it should be my familiars who come first. There is not enough manpower. I would only consider the people in the guild. How could it be her turn to come over in person? But just such a lie from you made me guess who you are."

That fake rose He clutched his bloody neck and couldn't help shaking his body when he heard what I said. I said with a smile: "You are egg whites. After being killed by me, I was resurrected and ran back in a different way, pretending to be a fool. Don’t you think it’s okay to pretend to be my acquaintance? Tell you, unless you are in front of me Don’t say anything, or I’ll be sure if you’re pretending to be. If you’re killed this time, just give up the mission. Everyone is doing your own mission. I don’t blame you, but if you come back, don’t blame me for doing it. After finishing the task, I will trouble you. When that happens, you may be ready to go back to Xinshou Village to re-study. I think you don’t want such unpleasant things to happen, right?"

The protein is nodded, and then suddenly falls down Go down. The cut just opened was too big, even though she tried to cover the wound, it hung up for nothing. According to my observation, the protein seems to be able to change the appearance of any player or NPC at will, but her attack power seems to be very mediocre, and she is not even sure to deal with me who has no attributes, otherwise she would have attacked me early. Use dressed up as God, playing the Devil to fool me by pretending to be acquaintances?

pa pa pa pa. I was about to leave when I heard a bunch of applause from behind. I didn’t need to turn my head to know what was going on, so I didn’t look back at all. Instead, I turned my head over the egg white corpse in a profound manner, and turned my back at the same time. The ghost dancer said: "Eavesdropping on other people's conversations is not a good habit."

"I just think that you are very difficult to deal with, and the helper I hired can be helpless to fight back. Don’t be humble, play crafty plots and machinations. I admit that it’s not your opponent. But..." The ghost dancer paused, and his tone suddenly became vicious. "Even if your intelligence is superior, what if you are not surrounded by me? I don't believe that you can run away."

"Believing or not is your business, but what is the end result? You have to do it before you know."

"Good, good." The ghost dancer waved forward. "Kill him."

A warrior professional rushed forward and stabbed with a sword. I slightly stepped aside and let go, the right hand lifted the guy’s wrist and followed his strength fiercely. As soon as I sent it forward, the guy suddenly lost his balance due to my traction and his own strength and rushed out. With a bang, this guy hit the big tree in front of him, and then he was bounced back by the trunk and fell on all fours and climbed up for a long time. Does not raise.

I got up and turned and stood out with a bow horse. Then he drew a Tai Chi naturally with both hands. While playing Primal Chaos Fist in a very slow posture, he said: "Yes, my attribute point is really not able to play out now, but you really think it’s anyone. Can you kill me?"

A guy next to the ghost dancer yelled immediately: "Damn, it’s great to learn Tai Chi from the old man in the park for two days? You treat us as idiots? "

I just finished a set of actions at this time, and I naturally stood up and settled. "Is my Tai Chi the same as the old man in the park? You might as well try it yourself."

Actually, I don’t want to use Tai Chi if I’m not forced to do it. It seems that I really don't have any tricks available. Without attribute points is nothing in reality, but this is a game. Everyone has me but I don’t. It's as if everyone else has a cheat device, but I can only rely on my own strength. How can I simply win? But Tai Chi is different. Tai Chi pays attention to the use of energy without strength, and the emphasis is not on the practice. I'm just powerless right now, I can only use my breath and intentions, which is just right for me to play.

The enemy on the opposite side doesn’t think I can really rely on Tai Chi to deal with them, because the Primal Chaos Fist in reality is mostly used for fitness by grandpas and aunts. Few people have seen Tai Chi for real combat. Everyone Tai Chi battle skill only stays at the level of wuxia novel. Most people don’t think that Tai Chi really has any battle strength. Besides, these people are the subordinates of ghost dancers. They all know that I am a soul-substantial body, and there is no attribute point at all. , So they are not afraid of me at all. If I still have the usual physical attributes, let alone Primal Chaos Fist, I will beat all these people to the ground even if I do a set of radio gymnastics.

The most arrogant lackey screamed and rushed up immediately. He was very smart, so he threw away a sword qi first. In this state, he still attacked me with skills. This guy’s despicableness is evident, but even though I don’t have the attribute, my reaction is not slow. I have discovered his intentions and started to dodge before his skills have been shot. I'm already not in the attack point on the skill. Naturally, I can't touch me with that skill.

This guy rushed over after following the skill, completely stubbornly picking up cheap cheeks. He didn't expect the skill to miss, but he himself was caught by my ankle in midair. Before the other person fell to the ground, I squeezed his ankle fiercely and swiped up. The other person couldn't change his position in the air, and immediately touched the ground with a face on his head and feet. No matter how strong his attribute is, it will definitely be uncomfortable to jump into the air and touch the ground with his face. This guy definitely gets more mud than his lunch.

While the kid hadn’t got up, I immediately turned over and jumped onto his back. The dagger in my hand was thrust into his staying power. He was struggling to stand up immediately after this blade. With a fierce flick, he squatted down straight.

"Who else?" I stood up and demonstratively looked towards everyone.

Ghost dancer fiercely glared at me, then waved again. "Let's go together. This is not a fighting game. You don't need to be fair to him."

I became nervous as I watched the crowd suddenly surrounding me. Even if I can play Tai Chi with so many people, I can't do it, but Since these guys can blatantly follow Ghost Dancer, a well-known traitor in the country, it shows that they don't care about face and integrity. They only care about immediate interests. They don't care about anyone except themselves, let alone talk about benevolence and morality. Seeing them rushing up fiercely one by one, I have no way to deal with it. Skills can only enhance the display of their own strength within a certain range, but no matter how good the skills are under the absolute difference in strength, it is useless. Although the highest Profound Truth of Primal Chaos Fist is said to be four or two, but I haven’t heard that Tai Chi expert can open the tank, right? With so many people in front of me, even if I can pull them away one by one, what should I do with the rest?

Just when I thought my mission was going to fail, suddenly a golden silhouette fell from the sky. "Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist Thirty-First Style-Earth Dragon Turns the Sky." When I heard this skill, I already knew who was falling, but I was more worried now, because the true red skills have always been The formidable power is terrifying, and she is next to me. I don't have any defense right now, and I have to get rid of half my life if she wipes it off.

Fortunately, Zhenhong rarely acts alone. Just as True Red fell, I was already entangled and pulled up by a ribbon, and True Red landed only after this. I saw her fist hit the ground with golden rays of light, and suddenly a shock wave visible from naked eye spread quickly, and those who were just charging forward immediately flew backwards at a faster speed. After coming out, even the nearby trees fell in pieces. The place where the true red landed on the ground seemed to have been hit by a meteorite. The surrounding trees fell radially towards the surroundings. The ground was turned over. There was nothing left on the ground except for a scorched black surface.

"Why did you come here?"

"We also received a task reminder." Gold coin explained: "It seems that all the national weapon holders We have received a test mission from the gods of our country. Our task now is to escort you to the sacred altar as soon as possible."

"What altar?"

"We are not quite clear, anyway. You can send it to the place."

"What should I do here? My task seems to be to destroy all the enemies here."

"Sister Hong has gone down and paid Can there be a living person?"

"That's true."

The ghost dancers originally thought that bullying someone like me without an attribute is a sure thing. Who knows to kill halfway through? Be a national device holder. Really red battle strength, no Chinese players don't know about it, but this time it is for them to have a first-hand experience of what constitutes absolute strength. True Red's battle is simply a big Yamato posture. She doesn't hide from the enemy's attack at all. Whether the enemy uses a knife or a skill to blow up, she always punches it up. Under normal circumstances, her skills will be shot apart, weapons will be broken, people will fly to unknown places.

Massacre is over after 30 seconds. No one can beat a move except the ghost dancer who punched it twice. After getting here, Zhenhong flew to my side immediately, then took out a scroll and threw it into my arms. "This is for you."

"What is it?"

"The two hundred and five waitress of Empress Nuwa gave it to her. It seems to be part of the mission, but she had I forgot to give it to you."

"What? Can this be forgotten?" I was so mad at her that I forgot the props that should be given in the mission. I really admire her! I opened the scroll and almost didn't vomit blood and died. It turned out that there was a reminder on the first line of the scroll. The content is as follows: "The content of this task 1st stage is a special task. Please use your wisdom to find out what is unreasonable. Locally, when all the clouds and fog are removed, the truth means the end."

Although this sentence does not directly say anything, at least it points out the direction of the mission. If I had this scroll at first, I would never be fooled by the egg whites, at least I could find out that she was a spy half the time in advance. I took a few deep breaths in a row to calm down the urge to strangle Moring, but she is Nuwa's maid, and this wish will probably be impossible to experiment forever, so I can only grit my teeth.

After watching the first stage, I started to look at the following content again. The latter part records the next tasks, of course, the writing is also very vague, but with this thing at least know what to do. I said why at first's mission was messed up. I couldn't even figure out the direction of the mission. I didn't give me the most important props during the mission for a long time, which made me mess around there!

"By the way, it's really red, what task did you two take?"

"It seems to be a regular test for the holders of national equipment. For a period of time, the holders of the national equipment will be tested. So Mei said that since we have received such a task, it is most likely that holders of the national equipment of other countries will also receive similar tasks, so maybe we will get a similar task for a while. We will meet the holders of national equipment from other countries."

True red tone barely fell suddenly a layer of pink rays of light lit up on us, and after the screen flashed, we had appeared in a huge On the altar. This altar is very simple. In the center of the stone platform composed of white stone ground is a huge pool with a diameter of ten meters, and a golden ring is suspended about four meters above the pool. The inner diameter of the ring is about seven meters, the width of the ring is about one meter, and the thickness is about ten centimeters. The surface of the golden ring is engraved with densely packed unknown characters, which looks very mysterious.

"Huh? Why were we directly teleported back?" Gold coin looked at the surroundings in confusion and asked.

I looked at the surrounding situation and understood the meaning of gold coin. Obviously, the two of them were going to bring me here before, but there is still some way to go. Didn’t expect will suddenly be passed on. came back.

Heard the problem of gold coin, a guy who wears the same clothes as an Indian chief standing near us said: "Everyone is here, just wait for the three of you, and it just so happens that your mission is over. , We collectively requested to send you back directly."

"Oh, thank you."

"You don't need to thank us, we just don't want to delay time because of you." She is an Asian queen woman, but I don't know her, but I found her equipment seems a bit familiar.

The woman noticed that I always stared at her, and immediately scolded arrogantly: "What do you look at? Have you never seen a beautiful woman?"

"He is looking at your equipment. "It turned out that the spear god was the one who helped me out. In fact, I have only now discovered that the spear god is also on the scene, and he is standing next to the woman.

The woman looked at her equipment suspiciously, and then explained proudly: "This is an American national instrument. You may have seen it before, but now it has changed its owner."

I knew nodded, and then the pool in the field suddenly flashed, and the colorful pool water suddenly became brighter, and the colorful rays of light illuminated the nearby area. The golden ring above the pool also emitted golden rays of light, and then it vibrated and made a sound as if a man and a woman were talking at the same time. "Welcome all the holders of the national equipment, I believe you have understood the purpose of calling you."

"I don't know." I yelled quickly. If you don't figure everything out at this time, you will suffer. Originally, after shouting, I thought Jinhuan would explain it to me, but it didn't expect it to ignore me. "Is this just a recording?"

"I said why the sound is so weird? It turned out to be a recording." Gold coin also compounded my guess.

Gold Coin seems to be a recording. It simply didn’t respond to the words between me and gold coin, and continued to say: "You come here to test whether you are worthy of the National Instruments’s trust and help you, because the country’s The device is used to resist the invasion of other countries, so the standard of assessment is the combat capability of the national device holders of other countries."

"Then what level is it necessary to pass?" I Asked again. Actually, I don’t want to get an answer, I just want to test whether this thing is really just playing a recording.

Sure enough, it is not a recording at all. "The test standard is very simple. I will teleport all of you to any location in a while. After that, you will start fighting at will, but it is forbidden to leave the teleportation point within a radius of 30 kilometers during the battle, otherwise it will be considered a waiver."

< p>"How to calculate the result of the battle?" This was asked by a black man.

"The test results will be determined according to multiple standards. First of all, the first ten people eliminated will lose their status as national equipment holders, and the new successors will be obtained by competition from other nationals of the countries where these ten people are located. After the elimination of the ten people, you still have to continue to fight and don’t stop. I will record the ten countries that were eliminated first by all their national equipment holders. The first ten countries’ national equipment holders will be eliminated. Responsible for the selection of a national penalty. After that, you still cannot stop the war. I will once again record the ten national weapon holders who were eliminated and the ten countries that finally retained the complete establishment. These ten countries were finally eliminated. The winners will be responsible for drawing a national reward, and the ten national equipment holders who are eliminated will receive their respective rewards according to the order of withdrawal, which means that the screening will not end until the last person is the last one. Then, the requirements Do you understand everything?"

I asked, "What about the rules? What if you say that the random battle location is teleported to a special location? You know, all of us are impossible. Lonely family, what if we are teleported to near whose guild? We are supported by our own people in the vicinity, even if the other side is not on the battlefield, as long as we send a group of priests to continuously add blood to our people, we will be annoying."

"It depends on your luck, but I think this probability is very low, and you can choose to kill each other’s guild first. I believe that based on your battle strength, it’s generally It’s hard for players to get in."

I whispered: "Then you can teleport us to the vicinity of Isengard, I will show you how I don’t do anything. Let these people die."

"It depends on your luck. If you really teleport you to the neighborhood, I can only say that you are more lucky."

"I There is another question. I’m in the soul state now. Are you planning to let me participate in the battle like this?"

"When you enter the mission location, you will enter the state of full body, the mission given to you by Nuwa It has been completed, you will get all the attributes, and the rewards have been issued to your account, and you will experience it later."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's get started." at The black player who spoke first said urgently.

"Then, the teleportation begins."

The surrounding pictures flashed, we suddenly appeared on a large grassland, not far away there was a large forest, and on the other side was The vast expanse of the sea. The choice of this place is really good enough, there are all kinds of terrain, and it is completely possible for each player to play their own specialties.

I was observing the real red terrain and gold coin, but suddenly retreated to my side, leaning on my back and became alert. Gold coin looked around and asked: "What's the situation?"

True red said: "It seems that our Sir President is usually not very good!"

I am helpless Laughed: "Do you know what tall trees attract the wind? It is now."

The first time I found out that being too strong is not a good thing, at least when your enemies are aware of fighting alone It's definitely not a good thing when it's not your opponent. Now the holders of the national instruments of Japan, the United States, and Indonesia have completely surrounded us, and there are even holders of the national instruments of other countries outside.

Currently, Japan’s national weapon holders are three people, and Onibu Nobunaga bears the brunt, but the equipment on his body is not a national weapon, because my wish for the fruit of a wish was destroyed by me, and he failed The equipment is nationalized, but he has an independent national implement like me, just like my Divine Item Sifang Zun, this thing is a complete set, and one is a set of national implements, so even though he is not wearing a national implement Nobunaga can still be considered the holder of the national equipment. The other two Japanese national weapon holders have also changed from the past. One of them is the lady Hongren Phoenix who had contact with me, but I’m not quite clear why her fiery-red equipment actually matches The last time I met, I changed so much. Although the style is still very similar, I feel that the imposing manner is much more ostentatious than before. There is another national weapon holder who is a female ninja, but her equipment is rather miserable. Although it is a national weapon, she is not complete. Originally, Nobunaga oni was planning to transform her own equipment into a national weapon and then help this guy complete the equipment. Yes, I didn't expect 1st Step to be disrupted by me.

The first among the holders of national equipment in the United States is the gun god. His equipment has been automatically upgraded to one of the United States national equipment after special tasks. The two are new faces. One of them was the Asian woman who had spoken to me at the altar before, and the other was a guy who was at least two meters tall. To be honest, this guy looks more like a robot than a human. That piece and armor are really scary.

There are only two people here in Indonesia, and we played against each other last time. I remember that one of them seems to be Walima, but I have automatically excluded them from the threat. This The two were simply rubbish, and I won with one hand.

Behind these three countries, there are still several national weapon holders, but not all of them have surrounded them, but they have surrounded themselves in their personal capacity. One of them seems to be Korean, I remember seeing her once from a distance before. The common feature of these people is that their powers are not unified with each other, so although they will not attack each other, at least they help different people. Like the two national weapon holders in South Korea, one helped the Japanese deal with us, while the other stared at Nobunaga Guishou and the others eagerly, clearly helping us.

The situation on the scene is so tense, no one dared to move. Although everyone thinks that we are relatively strong, we are not stupid to be able to get into this one. Everyone knows that no one nearby is a softie. Once we do it, they are all experts of world shacking, no one. I can guarantee that I can retreat. The scene was frozen in this abnormally low pressure, and no one wanted to be the first to break the deadlock.

"Is it Purple Moon?" A sudden voice made everyone's spirit jump, but no one moved. There are so many playhouses in the whole world, each country has two to three national equipment holders, and there are four to five hundred people on the field. It can be said that except for one or two people in their own country, they are all enemies. Who dares to move? Ah?

The voice immediately asked again when I saw that I didn't answer. "Is it Purple Moon, the chairman of Frost?" The owner of the voice is a youngster, and the kid walked towards me ignoring the tense atmosphere around him.

"Don't come here." I loudly shouted.

The guy stopped in fright by what I said, but he didn't mean to leave, instead he asked. "What's the matter? Are you...? Are these your enemies?"

"Where is this?" I ignored his question and asked directly.

"This?" The young man was taken aback. "This is evil wasteland." The other party looked confused and didn't know why I asked this.

"hahahaha..." I laughed triumphantly. "Nobunaga Guishou, you are miserable this time. We were passed to China. Although it is not close to Isengard, it is China after all. I will call for reinforcements and we will be there soon."

< p>Zhenhong also proudly said: "Even if there is no reinforcement, at least we don't have to worry about other people from making trouble."

Gold coin suddenly said: "By the way, this is the evil wasteland, I know. Here, this leveling area is very famous, especially for high level monsters and evil creatures. The boss of Purple Moon, you happen to belong to Dark Element. This time, you have taken a big advantage."

Nobunaga frowned looked at the sky, but he noticed that there were clouds above our heads, and we couldn't see the sun at all. Although such an environment has no weakening effect on their ninjas, it strengthened me and weakened them indirectly. They were not sure about defeating me at first, but now he is even more worried about this situation.

"What the hell are you doing?" The youngster who was scared and stopped by me finally began to come over curiously again. "This is the leveling area. You have a large group of people standing here and don't fight the monsters and just give way. Why stand here to block others from leveling?"

Nobunaga Guishou listened to his words Sacrificingly mocked me: "It seems that you Chinese don't buy your account very much?"

"What are you happy about?" The young man pointed the sword at the ghost hand Nobunaga and cursed: "We are here. It’s a contradiction among the people. You little Japan has come to our land in China yet dare to be arrogant, you are believing or not my mother doesn’t recognize you?"

"hahahaha..."I am big He smiled and said to the young man: "That’s good, but I advise you and your friends to stay away. The worst of these people you see now can easily kill all of you, so you are the best. Don’t come over and mess up."

The young man said in disbelief: "You are expert, I know, but if you say that this is all expert, I don’t believe it. There are so many experts in the game. "

True Red said while guarding nearby enemies: "It's rare at ordinary times, but today is different. We are doing the national weapon holder test. This is all the national instruments of the world. Holder, do you think it is possible for you to intervene?"

It was nothing to say that she was really red, and everyone around her screamed. "What are you talking about? These are all national weapons holders?" The young man suddenly turned his head and yelled behind him: "Everyone grabbed them! These are all national weapons, grab one and send it out!"

I shook the head helplessly, and then threw the eternity to the sky. A whirlwind swept over my body. I immediately switched to the silver moon state. The national weapon was on the silver moon. The Purple Moon was not considered a national weapon. When the whirlwind passed by, the people around only saw the colorful mage robe flying with the wind, I extend the hand, eternal just fell back into my hand. "If you want to die, just let go."

"The damn is you." The gunman suddenly raised his gun and shot, and the red lightning teleported to me and fisted the bullet out.

"Earth Dragon exploded." After real red shot the flying bullet, he suddenly hit the ground with a punch, and the gun god’s feet immediately exploded with a bang, and the whole person was blown up. Got out.

Seeing that the others had already moved their hands, they didn't care about it. Nobunaga Guishou took the lead and rushed up to me, and I immediately pointed the staff at him sideways. "Aurora blasting."

"Ah!" Before Nobunaga rushed up, he was blown into the sky by a beam of light, but Guren Phoenix who was following him suddenly came from behind him. It shook out and jumped over my head.

Zhenhong turned around and stood in front of me again, raised her hand and hit the sole of Guren Phoenix's feet, turning her over in the air and falling back to where she was. Seeing that others were about to rush up, gold coin immediately drew out the Heavenly Venerable sword for a horizontal cut. "The sky is divided." A half-moon-shaped blade of light flew out like a lightning, and almost all the enemies in front of us were attacked, and those who were beaten turned their backs on their backs in an instant. However, just when we were about to pull away first, a person suddenly jumped out of the ground. The place where this guy appeared was so accurate, he actually appeared between me and Zhen Hong.

"This is yours." The person in front of me is the Indonesian national tool holder Valima. We all didn't expect him to know how to use topography.

Seeing him slashing over, I can only lean back and get out of the blade. Zhen Hong had found him wh

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