Although the other party was blocked in the alley by acquaintances, I couldn’t use my face to let her go, because these acquaintances are the goddamn ghost dancers, the first in China. The boss of a pro-Japanese force.

"This is in trouble!" When I ran to my destination, I saw the people surrounding my goal but I couldn't help it. If under normal conditions, I can just rush in and drive all these people away like a duck. After all, my battle strength means tiger entering a flock of sheep for them. There is no suspense at all, but at this time I am If you do so, it is the lightest sheep to be torn into wolves.

"hmph hum, run again!" The ghost dancer smugly blocked my target and laughed at each other.

"Don't want to succeed." The woman stubbornly hugged a strange object and desperately backed away, but the wall behind her had already blocked her in this position.

I frowned looking at the wall and trying to find a way. I was suddenly photographed behind the back of didn't expect, which shocked me a lot. He quickly turned around but saw an unexpected face. The woman standing in front of me was the one I had blackmailed for fifty crystal coins before, and didn't expect actually met her again here. Seeing she was about to speak, I hurriedly covered her mouth and pulled her aside to avoid being discovered by the ghost dancers. I don't have the ability to fight with so many of them now.

"Are you Purple Moon?" The woman asked me excitedly.

"You can recognize me when I wear this?" I always thought that no one would recognize me. The main reason for me is that I am dressed as a poor man. You must know that what I usually wear is so gorgeous. Of course, it’s difficult to connect me to my previous appearance when I suddenly changed into this one. It’s just that I didn’t expect to be recognized by this woman.

Listening to me, the woman jumped up excitedly. "Didn't expect to meet a big star like you. By the way, why are you dressed like this and wandering around here? Are you playing in disguise?"

"Damn, I think Playing in disguise? I’m doing quests, and I’m stripped of equipment because of restrictions!"

"Doing quests? Can you count me as one? I heard that the rewards for the quests you do are very generous. Yes." The woman turned her mind so fast, she immediately regarded me as a human-shaped reward for walking.

Although I can't take her to the mission, I suddenly thought of an idea. "I'm a locked mission, you can't participate. But I do need your help now. Then, I will discuss with you. Do me a favor, and wait until the mission is completed. You come to Isengard, and I will give you a reward. ."

"What reward?"

"Choose one from three, ten thousand crystal coins, one 600-level magic egg, and a set of intermediate enchanting suits suitable for your attributes. You can choose one of them."

"Can I join the Frost Rose League?" the woman immediately asked excitedly.

"I can’t guarantee this. Our guild’s income requirements are very strict, but if you really want to participate, I can give you a 50-point score."

"What result ?"

"People who join our guild first become preparatory members. At this time, they basically do not enjoy guild benefits, and then the guild will give certain assessments. There are ten major items in total, with full marks. One thousand points, as long as the final score can exceed eight hundred points, you can transfer to full membership, giving you fifty points means you only need to rely on 750 points. This is the limit I can achieve."

"Can't you give me more points?"

I looked back anxiously at the increasingly tense situation in the alley, and finally reluctantly agreed: "One hundred points, this way Is it okay?"

"What about the three rewards?"

"If you successfully join the club, you don’t need it. The standard configuration of our guild is better than that. It's much better. You can choose the other two by yourself."

"Okay, I accept." Although the woman was a little greedy, she was still very cheerful. "Come on, what do you want me to do?"

"Come with me."

I let the woman go into a grocery store next to me and buy a bunch of smoke bombs, and then we Together they went behind the wall behind the alley. I briefly explained the woman, and she quickly understood my intentions. I gestured one, two, three with my fingers, and then pulled two smoke bombs with her and threw them across the wall.

The ghost dancers over there have already fought with the woman, but since it was an extra fight, and the woman’s battle strength is also very poor, the ghost dancer himself didn’t do it, only a few The younger brother went up to do it, which also gave us plenty of time. If he did not pretend to be the boss at first, he would have completed the task without waiting for us to be ready.

The smoke bombs that suddenly flew into the crowd were high-level goods with added materials. When the woman bought it, she didn’t feel distressed at all. Anyway, I promised that all her expenses would be reimbursed and double compensation. she. For her, the better things she bought, the more profitable she would make, so when I asked her to buy smoke bombs, she immediately chose the most expensive hybrid magic crystal smoke bomb. This item is worth the price of more than a dozen ordinary goods, but the effect is also outstanding. Not only is the smoke thick, but it also has a choking smell. The tears and noses of those smoked are dripping together, one by one. Cough can't stand up straight anymore.

Just when those people were in a mess because of the smoke, I had already climbed onto the wall, and then turned my body and sat down on the wall with my back facing the smoke area. Let the woman grab my feet to help me stabilize my body, then I relaxed my waist and fell backwards, hanging upside down from the wall.

Not bad. My target instinctively retreated to this wall because the enemy was attacked by smoke. She found me as soon as I fell down. I swiftly made a silent gesture, and then stretched out my hands. She didn't expect that she didn't come around and gave me the thing in her arms first. I hugged the thing and slammed a sit-up, straightened my body, gave the thing to my helper, and put it under the wall, followed me down again, grabbed the other's hand with both hands, and pushed her upward. Pulled to the top of the wall.

This set of movements looks simple, in fact it all relies on the strength of the waist. If the average person I guess there is absolutely no way to do sit-ups with a person, but I can do it.

After I got the people and things, I took my target and ran out first, while my collaborator stayed and continued to throw smoke bombs, and was responsible for continuing to interfere with the other party after the smoke bombs were used up. Pursuing direction.

I have no idea as to how long that woman can interfere with the ghost dancers, but one minute is one minute, and I can just run now.

"Albumin, do you have money with you?"

"Do you know who I am?" The other party obviously didn't expect me to know her name.

"I already knew it when I took the task. But it's only the name."

"Oh, that's it." She suddenly asked afterwards: "That's right. , What mission did you just talk about?"

"Protect your mission. Don’t you think I just acted for justice?"

"Ah? You didn’t see I’m a girl who was bullied by so many men and came out to help?” Protein was obviously surprised by my statement.

I patted my forehead in frustration. Now I know why she named her protein, because this girl is just a protein (stupid protein and neurotic), and she actually thinks I am a hero who can help out. "I was really defeated by you. It seems that you don't have any plans for the future!"

The girl looked at me in surprise: "Plan? What plan?"

"Get rid of those people's plans to reach the destination, don't you think that you can complete the task by running straight to the destination?"

"Huh? Isn't this OK?"

< p>If time permits, I really want to faint on the spot in protest. This woman is really hopeless. "Forget it, now I will ask what you said, what do you say, what do you do, don't do the task, do you understand?"

The girl was nodded desperately as soon as she heard what I said. "Understand." If she doesn't understand such a simple request, I should hit the wall.

"Listen, tell me where your destination is."


"Don't tell me you don't remember!" I already have the urge to vomit blood.

"No, I just don't have a destination!"

"There is no destination? How is it possible?" Nuwa gave her a mission to escort her to her destination, but She actually said that she had no destination, and I was so angry. "Well, let's change the method." It seems that she has overestimated her intelligence level before. This time I plan to treat her instead of treating kindergarten children. "What are you holding in your arms."

"I don't know." The girl shook her head desperately.

"Where is this thing going to be delivered?"

"I don't know." The girl looked at me in a daze with her eyes wide open.

"Who knows this thing for you, right?"

"Still don't know." The girl looked at me with a confused look.

Okay, I don't know if I ask three questions. I'm completely convinced. It seems that the kindergarten level is still an overestimation of her level, and I think it has been reduced to the early childhood stage of talking again.

"Then how did you get the thing in your arms? You don't always carry this thing with you when you enter the game?"

The girl started shaking her head again, I was so scared that I almost fainted, but after she opened the mouth and said: "This is not on me as soon as I enter the game. This is what I just got this morning."

Good Now, I already know a lot of information from her answer. The most important one is that this woman is absolutely immune to any underlying consciousness and cues, which means that her intelligence is basically equivalent to a low-level intelligent computer, and she can only simply process surface information and has no understanding of any hidden connections. Knowing this is very important to our communication, because she will never get the answer to directly asking complex questions with her intelligence.

"How did you get it in the morning?"

"As soon as I went online, I saw a man covered in blood holding this and falling in front of me."

"Then this person didn't talk to you?"


"What did he say?"

"He Let me stop thinking, saying that I won’t hand over the Soul of the Sea to me.” The woman asked me proudly, “Do you think that person is stupid? I don’t know what the Soul of the Sea is, but he actually said I won’t give it to me, what a fool.”

I’m already praying for the man who died. I don’t know if he knew he was called a fool by such a stupid woman. I found a piece of tofu and hit it to death. However, at least this passage allowed me to analyze a lot of information. First of all, I learned that this thing is called the soul of the sea, and the task should be to send the soul of the sea somewhere, but this woman's intelligence is really... !

"Soul of the Sea?" I picked up the thing and observed it.

This thing is about one meter long, and the thickest part is no more than 20 centimeters. Its main body is composed of two perpendicularly intersecting metal surfaces, and the edge part has jagged irregularities, which looks a lot like the teeth part of a cross flower key, but this thing is obviously too big as a key , And I didn’t find anything like a handle.

"Did that person tell you anything else?"

"No!" Protein said with certainty: "He died after only saying this. "

I nodded, and then said to her: "Come with me."


Fools also have the benefits of being fools, at least command Easier. Speaking of which I always find it strange, such a delicate and pretty beautiful lady who is as long as an egg white is actually a mentally retarded woman. In fact, apart from the obvious logical obstacles when speaking, her performance in general matters is no different from normal people. But since she is the object I want to protect, then I don't have to study her thoroughly. After all, what I need now is to find out the content of the task as soon as possible in order to complete it. According to Nuwa, it seems that the task time and the final reward are directly linked, that is to say I can do this task slowly indefinitely, but then I may not get anything. If I want something good, I have to be fast. point.

Now I have too many restrictions. Although thanks to my strong motor nerves, my movement and physical performance are exceptionally good, but it is only limited to the developed motor nerves, except for the critical attack on me. I can’t meet force with force with the enemy, because I lack the vital attack power in the system attribute. If I don’t hit the key, anyone can block my attack. And without battle strength, I can't rely on battle to meet force with the enemy. All I can rely on is my brain and my relationship.

This is a loophole I found. Although Nuwa said that he would not let me use guilds and strength, he did not say that I would not let me find friends I knew before, which means that my strong relationship between people and people can still be used.

I took the protein and quickly ran to the Transmission Formation where the city is located, and then sent it to the coastal city with the funds provided by the previous collaborator. In fact, I only found out that there was no money on the protein after entering the teleportation hall. If it hadn’t been for the fact that my collaborator had asked for some money just in case, maybe we couldn’t afford it. The transfer fee was caught by the ghost dancers.

Since being listed by our guild as the first pro-Japanese guild in China, the bright alliance of ghost dancers has been mixed up in our country to the point where everyone is shouting, so I think it is difficult for him to get from the Transmission Formation The master mage in charge got our specific teleportation location, which means that he is unlikely to know that we have reached the coastal city.

I came here mainly to find some old friends. This thing in my hand is called the Soul of the Sea, which means that this thing is at least certain to have something to do with the sea, so it must be right to come to the sea to inquire.

"Huh? Isn't this Purple Moon? Why are you dressed like this?" When I arrived at the headquarters of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, I was immediately recognized by those who walked out of it.

This anti-Japanese alliance is the guild formed before Chuangwang. Later Chuangwang joined our guild, and some people like freedom and do not want to join the big guild or are unqualified and unable to join our guild. The players stayed and independently supported this anti-Japanese alliance. Although the king passed away, the current Anti-Japanese Alliance has always been supported by our guild, so it has developed well, at least it can be counted as the vanguard of the second-category guild.

Although I don’t know the person in front of me, since the other person can recognize me, it means that he has seen me up close before, otherwise I won’t even recognize me in this dress .

"Don't mention it. Will you grow up here?"

"Seastar, the big brother is coming to you." The player shouted inside.

"The big brother is the big? Where am I from the big brother?" The guy called the starfish yelled and walked out, but when he saw me he was taken aback for a while, and he was obviously caught by me. This tattered body was suffocated. "It turned out to be the boss of Purple Moon? What's the matter with you? Is it because beggar has become popular again recently?"

"Don't mention it, I'm really out of luck now. Let me go first. Can I go in?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I forgot. Come in."

I was kindly invited into the guild headquarters, and the people inside watched After arriving at me, they all froze in place, especially those who knew me, with their mouths open as if they could squeeze an egg. After we formally entered the reception room at the back, I continued to say to Haixing: "I am on a mission now, everything on my body is stripped, and there is no way to contact the guild."

Haixing nodded . "Understand. Just say what you want. We don't have high level pets, money, ordinary equipment, people, whatever you want, give you what you want."

"Don't be so troublesome, this is not a multiplayer mission. Important people are useless. I need a set of equipment that I can wear now. This thing was taken out of an NPC resident's house."

"Come out?" Haixing's eyes opened wide. Look at me: "Did you get stripped and thrown out?"

"You guessed it. I was just thrown into the center of the square. There were at least one or two thousand in the square. People, I’m so scared!"

"Boss, do you dare to run naked? I admire you too much!"

"Where did you want to go? I can let people see me Are you bare?"

"Aren't you thrown into the middle of the square? How could it be possible to run out of thousands of people in front of one's eyes without being seen?"

"Who am I? I can't handle this thing, is it me?"

Seastar is nodded. "If I really don't believe others, if it is you, it is really possible. By the way, what equipment do you want? Do you have special needs?"

"I want two sets of things, one set The warrior class is a set of wizard classes. The wizard class needs to be enhanced by flame or Light Element. The warrior class only needs to pass the basic attributes. By the way, the equipment requires no more than 135 strength, otherwise I can't wear it!"

"Huh? You even got the attribute points washed out?"

"If the attribute points are still there, do you think I can be so embarrassed?"

"That's true." Starfish stood up and said: "You wait here first, I will help you find equipment."

"You ask others to get a few more sets and I will pick them myself. , And prepare some crystal coins for me. I am now penniless and can hardly even use Transmission Formation. You stay and help me see this thing. Do you know what it is?" I put it like a key head He took the thing from the egg white and handed it to the starfish for him to see.

Haixing first ordered the things I explained to my hands, and then carefully looked at this strange item, and finally shook the head. "It looks like it's a part of something, but I'm not involved in organizing. I can't really help."

"Have you heard of the soul of the sea?"

< p>"The Soul of the Sea? Is it the Divine Item that can search for marine resources?"

"Is there this thing?"

"Don't you know?" Starfish said:" On our side, this thing is very divine. It is said that a guild took a guild mission and failed to complete it. In the end, this mission was transformed into a long-term free mission, but the soul of the sea is said to be in one. In the belly of the rare beast in the deep sea, and that thing is not fixed in its location, so it is difficult to find. Naturally, no one can complete this task."

"Do you know where to pick up this task?"

" ?"

"You don’t need to pick it up, as long as you can find it, you can start to do the quest, and then bring back the quest item as a reward. The three functions of the sea soul will come to you such a big guild as the Frost Rose League. It’s really very useful."

"The three major functions? Which are the three?"

"The first is to search for important resources of seabed. This is not necessarily a mineral deposit. Even fish schools or monster schools will be recognized as resources, and detailed resource information will be displayed on the sea soul. The holder can decide whether to mine this resource according to needs. The second function is to double the resource, just use it The soul of the sea blessing the resource area can double the resource reserves here, and the fineness of resources such as minerals will also be greatly improved. The third function is to weaken the obstacles to resource mining. The difficulty of mining resources blessed by this function will be reduced. A sharp drop. How? Is it necessary for a guild like yours that consumes a lot of resources?"

"It's really good, but how big is the scope of the exploration mine?"

"This is not clear, after all, I have not seen it, but it is said that you can find the resources of the seabed vertically, that is to say, you only need to take the soul of Shanghai to run through the sea, whether there is any available below I know everything about it. As far as the left and right directions are large, it’s not quite clear."

"Then I understand. By the way, can you prepare a boat for me? It doesn’t need to be too big. , Can sit two people, and we need a piece of space equipment, we need a large enough space. We need two sets of armor with underwater breathing function, some food and fresh water, and some necessary nautical supplies."

"I'll help you prepare it right away."

An hour later, I had already gone to the beach with Egg White. Unlike when I first arrived in the Anti-Japanese Alliance, I now have a piece of equipment that is fairly reasonable. Although it is definitely incomparable with my magic dragon suit, it is considered a high level good equipment among ordinary players, especially this set does not require weight, for people like me who have no attributes at all. It could not be better.

Based on the information I have recently obtained, the key-like thing brought by the protein should have a very close relationship with the soul of the sea. It is very likely that it is the key to the soul of the sea. The mission of Sea Soul mentioned by Haixing may also be prepared for us. The task given by Nuwa is impossible and unsolvable, otherwise it is not a task but overly pit peoples. Therefore, I think this information can actually be considered in association. If my guess is correct, something like this key can have a special effect in the sea, otherwise there is no need to give us such a thing.

After paddling a small boat away from the coast for a certain distance, I carefully put the key-like thing into the sea. Who knew that the thing suddenly lit up as soon as it touched the top of the sea, followed by a circle of light. The top of the thing quickly rushed to the surface of the sea, and then suddenly spread out like a shock wave after it touched the surface of the sea, and I hurriedly picked it up again in shock.

"What's the matter?" Protein asked me in fear.

I looked at the sea where nothing happened, and then shook the head. "I don't know, but it should be a good thing."

"That's also a good thing?" Egg white tremblingly pointed to the distance, and I followed her fingers and almost fainted. I saw a huge dorsal fin straight into the sky erected on the sea in the distance. Judging from the size of this dorsal fin, the volume of the creature below is definitely not much smaller than that of the Great White Shark submersible carrier.

I calmed down a bit and said: "Don’t be nervous, this may be a turning point, maybe this is the beginning of the task."


"It should be true!" I was a little unsure when asked by protein. After all, seeing a giant fish aggressively rushing over, there are not many people who can remain calm.

Just when the giant fish rushed to us two more than a hundred meters away, it all surfaced, but at this time we were not surprised that it was huge, because the two of us All noticed that it was rushing over with its mouth open, obviously this guy was going to swallow us in one bite.

Now we have two choices, one is to abandon the ship, and the other is to wait to be swallowed. If it is in reality, I would definitely choose to abandon the ship, but this is a game, maybe there is a mission goal in the fish's belly, this is impossible. After thinking about it again and again, I decided to block it, so not only did I not jump down, but I also pulled back the protein that was about to jump into the sea.

The protein wanted to jump into the sea again, but the giant fish was too fast, so he rushed over and swallowed us together.

Boom... "Ah..." With a loud noise, the small wooden boat under us was smashed and the egg white and I fell on a hard ground together. I jumped up first when the egg whites were still struggling with pain on the ground. Keenly told me directly that I can't lie down on the ground at this time, otherwise I might have to prepare to lie down in the Resurrection Hall in a while.

After the quick bounce, I watched the surrounding environment vigilantly, and the result made me very relieved. It seems that my guess is correct. The fish is not going to eat us, but just some kind of teleportation device, because we are simply not in the belly of the fish now. The island in front of me is clearly an island. The fragments of my small wooden boat are scattered on the sandy ground with a radius of more than ten meters. Behind the beach is a dense tropical jungle.

I walked to Egg White and reached out and pulled her up. "Don't lie down, we have no time to delay."

"But my feet hurt." Egg White cried.

I looked down at the egg white feet, but unexpectedly found that her ankles were twisted very abnormally. I really don't know what to say, Nuwa is all hurting me. Not only did I take away all my equipment, familiars, and attributes, but also lost such a mentally handicapped player to drag me down! The distance from just being swallowed into the fish’s mouth to landing is actually not far away, not to mention that we are still on the beach. If an ordinary person has a sense of balance, she will never have any problems with falling, but she twisted her foot like this. . You think I can safely land without an attribute. No matter how low her attribute is, it can't be zero, right? This can be twisted to the feet, it is completely speechless!

"Hold it up." I squatted down next to Egg White, then clamped her calf with my arms, held her feet with both hands and twisted it fiercely, only to hear a click, and immediately returned to the original. , Of course, the scream coming from behind was directly ignored by me. "I can go now, get up quickly."

"But don't we take that?" Egg white suddenly stretched out her finger and pointed it not far away, but I followed her finger and almost fainted again. .

"Damn, how did you deliberately fix me? How did this go up?"

Just in front of us, there was a tall coconut erected not far away Trees, as everyone knows, the leaves of coconut trees are actually very few, which means that they are basically bare, so they are naturally unlikely to catch anything. And right now, I actually found that the key-like thing that was still on our boat just now was hanging on the top of a coconut tree, supported by several branches. I bet it is very difficult for you to set up a ladder for you to put that thing on the tree without falling down, and I don't know how the thing flew up by itself.

"White egg." Called the egg white. "You climb up and throw that thing down."

As soon as the egg white heard it, he shook his head desperately. "I don't know how to climb trees."

"Then put down the whole tree. Are you not a Demon Sword profession? You can't cut people, you can always cut trees?"

"I'm a girl, why let me do it?" Well, this will make her smarter.

"I don't have an attribute point, and the tree has no critical attack. It will take at least a few hours for me to cut it down."

"Then slowly cut it down. "

"But we don't have time."

"Why don't we have time? We haven't received any tasks, and no one is chasing us afterwards, let's talk..."

"Okay, I didn't say anything, I'm going to figure it out by myself, OK?" My lungs are really exploding. I thought that stupid people are good to help, it seems that some small things are good to help. If they really don't do it, it's useless to talk about it. Stupid people are always a stick, and you can't find things that you can't look for in any way.

I can't count on protein, so I have to come by myself, but fortunately we have a brain. First tore the rotten clothes on his body, made a sling sling, and then found a few stones to install and threw them to the top of the canopy. With the electronic auxiliary system in Dragon Clan's brain, I have corrected all the errors after three consecutive misses. The fourth shot accurately hit the edge of the big key, and the key rolled and slammed into the sand below.

"Wow, it's amazing, how did you come up with this thing?" The albumen was very excited to see that I could use a piece of rotten cloth and a few rocks to drop something on the top of such a high tree. I guess she used it as a toy.

"Okay, don't play." Seeing the egg white playing with the cloth strips I made, I suddenly had the urge to strangle her. Carrying this kind of companion is more tiring than following an enemy, what if Rose were here! She will definitely come up with a lot of solutions, and she can work well with me when encountering things. Together, the two of us can definitely exert a battle strength of one plus one greater than four, but with this protein, it is simply one plus one. Less than one!

"Where are you going now?" The protein watched as I was about to leave before following.

"Go inside the forest first. This island is not very large. You should be able to search all of them soon."

"If you search all of them, you still can’t find anything. What?"

"I'll talk about the future things later." If Rose is around, I will definitely discuss the future things with her, but explaining the plan with the protein is simply taking my own life. Just kidding, so I decided not to tell her. If there is a problem, just think about it. She can't help much anyway.

We just walked silently in the jungle for a while, and suddenly I felt that the surrounding situation was a bit unsatisfactory, but the silly girl, the big egg white, was still playing there without any crisis. Feelings at all. Seeing that I stopped moving, she asked: "Why didn't you leave?"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I forgot that there was a problem with the intelligence of this person next to me, and along the way, I found that her intelligence seemed to gradually degenerate, and she seemed to be getting stupid. After I played the silent gesture, instead of stopping, she asked louder: "Why don't you let me talk? Did you find that there is danger around you?"

Almost finished speaking. At the same time, there was a rustle around me, and a triumphant laugh came out in front of me. "Hahahaha...Purple Moon is Purple Moon. Even if the equipment is gone, it is not a small character that ordinary persons can easily deal with. Now that we have been discovered by you, we will no longer hide. Anyway, you are now surrounded, even if you It’s impossible to run."

"haha, ghost dancer, your scum is getting better and better."

"What did you say?" The proud ghost dancer I didn't expect when I was trapped, I actually laughed out.

"So many people surround me and do sneak attacks, do you think you’re going back more and more alive?"

"Naturally, I don’t need to do this for ordinary people, but you It's different, I have to be more cautious." After the ghost dancer said, he seemed to be afraid that I would play any tricks, so he waved his hand and made his subordinates rush up.

I slammed the egg white back, and at the same time threw the key to her. "You run first."

"Then what do you do?" Not only did the protein ran out without the help of my thrust, but instead ran back, it almost angered me.

"It's even more difficult for me to do if you are here."

"Then I won't go!"

I'm so crazy, I run into such a

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