"This is it." Moring suddenly reached out a little on my forehead, and fell straight after me.

"Ah! Master! What's wrong with you?" All the familiars who saw me faint suddenly surrounded them nervously.

Ling put his hand on my forehead and closed his eyes, and then stopped Xiaochun who was about to perform the treatment. "It's useless, the master's soul passed away."

Just after Ling Gang finished speaking, my body sat up again, followed this body while rubbing my temples and said: "What's the matter? Master's My soul suddenly disappeared!"

"You..." Someone around me suddenly fell down without knowing what happened. I suddenly sat up again.

Sitting up again, I seemed to understand the misunderstandings of the people around me, and quickly explained: "I am a phantom, and the master’s soul suddenly disappeared just now. My body!"

Hearing Phantom’s explanation, my familiars immediately surrounded Moring. "What the hell are you saying?"

Moling explained in no hurry: "Don't worry, don't worry, this is the task that Empress Nuwa explained."

"Task?" My familiars are very smart. Hearing Moring said that the task quickly realized that this should be some kind of special test, so he calmed down first. As the leader of my pet, Ling asked everyone: "Even if you want to test, you have to be awake to test? How do you play if you faint?"

"This task is to test Purple Moon true strength, so all interference factors must be eliminated. Just now I used the special mana that Empress Nuwa left me when I was in the lower realm. Now Purple Moon’s soul has been drawn directly from the body and sent to the task space. Here Whether this body is dizzy or not has nothing to do with the mission itself."

"But we are not here. How do you want Purple Moon to fight?" Xiaochun asked.

"Didn’t I say that? This is a test of Purple Moon’s own strength. All external factors must be eliminated. Bloodline, skills, familiars, equipment, additional attributes, all of these are auxiliary abilities It doesn’t come from his soul, so none of it can be used. I don’t think you need to worry too much. Anyway, there is no punishment for the test. What’s great is that the mission fails. Besides, since Empress Nuwa let him be in this state Enter the task, then you will definitely choose the difficulty according to his situation, and will not come up with the task that you think is impossible."

"This is the same." Ling nodded, other monsters look at Lingdu Nodded and did not continue to pursue it, anyway, Moring said that this is a task to test and give rewards, and there is no punishment for failure, simply there is nothing to worry about.

Without me, she became the boss here in Ling. She clapped her hands and gathered everyone together and explained that most of the demons took Qilin warrior and Lingyin Knight together to find a place to level up, professional herself Together with a few other clever familiars, they helped me deal with the work that I should have done, such as entertaining Moring and dealing with some guild affairs. In short, they could not let the guild work during my absence. Delayed because of me.

Although the outside affairs settled down smoothly, I was sent to Nuwa's task space in a muddle-headed manner. I just saw Moring nod to my forehead and felt saw a flash, and then I came here unfathomable mystery. I instinctively bounced off the ground, and then watched the surrounding situation vigilantly. I am currently on the edge of a forest. From here, I can see a small village not far away through the gaps in the trees. I wanted to go to the village to see the situation, but didn't expect just two steps before I suddenly hit an invisible wall and was bounced back. After touching the invisible wall, I found that I was actually surrounded by a barrel-shaped space. As for whether the top and feet were enclosed, it is not clear for the time being, because I was surprised to find that I was stripped naked. NS. Yes, I was indeed stripped, not only the equipment, but also the underwear. I squatted down quickly because of this discovery. Fortunately, there was no one nearby, or I had to be regarded as an exhibitionist.

"Hello." A soft voice suddenly appeared on the top of the head, and I quickly stretched out my hand to cover the vital part. Just kidding, I'm naked now, if a woman suddenly runs out, wouldn't it be all seen?

"Who are you? Where are you?"

"Don't remember my voice?" The other party seems to be good at playing with other people's will, but this sentence hits others Psychological language has no effect, because Dragon Clan has a data retrieval system in its body, so there will be no hallucinations and uncertain memories. I simply checked the memory bank and soon I knew the owner of the voice, but the result surprised me even more.

"Empress Nuwa! Don't scare me as a pitiful person!"

My answer made the other person apparently taken aback, because Nuwa obviously didn't expect me to think of her the sound of. According to the general trick, this way of pretending to be an acquaintance that the other party can’t remember can make the other party allocate a lot of energy to guess their own identity, thus achieving the effect of weakening the other party’s thinking ability, but I actually remembered that. That is to say, not only did this sentence fail to interfere with my thinking, but because it exposed her own identity, many of the following strategies were useless.

"What a disappointment, you guessed it!" Nuwa's voice looked quite disappointed. "Since you have all guessed it, then don't joke with you. I think you should know why you were brought here, right?"

"I only know that your maid clicked on it. Send it here, that means you mean it. But I would like to know what you called me here to let me do?"

"The mother of the earth says you are smart, now look This is indeed the case. Talking to you really saves effort. Let's put it this way. I have some rewards I want to give to you, but I don't know if you are eligible to receive my rewards."

"Rewards? What rewards?" "

"This will naturally know when you are qualified. You only need to know that you must be tested now."

I nodded: "In this case, I don't seem to refuse It may be possible!"

"Very good. Then I will tell you the content of the test. This time the test is mainly to examine your personal strength, but this does not include your external strength."< /p>

I am nodded again. "Understand, all the familiars and equipment are invalid." I no longer flinched like before, but stood up and opened my arms. "Seeing you pick me up like this, I probably guessed it."

"What makes me pick you up like this? I'm like a female pervert. I just spread your soul. Come here, let you appear in the most original form."

"Please, even if you want me to rely on myself, at least leave me a pair of underwear?"

"In fact This is also one of your test content."

"What?" This time it was my turn to be scared. "Don't you mean...?"

Nuwa's triumphant laughter came over her head. "A smart child can always know in advance that the danger is coming, but unfortunately, even if you know it in advance, it may not bring any benefits. I will just say it straight, I will send you to the normal space in a while."

"Normal space?"

"Yes, and it's bare."

"Naked?" I almost came out of my throat. It’s depressing enough to be transported to this ghost place with no panties left, but at any rate there are only NPCs in the mission space, even if it is seen, it can be tolerated, but if it is transported to a place where there are players...I am behind. I don't dare to continue thinking about it anymore.

Nuwa continued to proudly announce her plan. "I'll just transport you to the central area of ​​a city like this in a while."

"No! Great God, you can be magnanimous, forgive me this time! How can I offend you? Say, can’t I change it right away?"

"You didn’t offend me!"

"Then you are so cruel to me?"

"This It’s just a test of your resilience in a special environment. It’s not a grudge against you. Otherwise, I can kill you at all. Why should I do this test to give you prizes?"

"Prizes I No more, let me go!"

"No." Nuwa crushed my last hope. "Once the task starts, it won't end until it's completed."

"Then I won't be offline, and I will come back when the task expires."

"hehe, this task is not Time is limited. If you don’t finish it, you can’t end it forever."

"Okay, let me be cruel, leave me a pair of panties, right? Or give me skins!"

"As I said, the reason for not giving you clothes is to test your ability to cope in special situations, so I won't give you any cover."

"I got it! "Now that I understand that there is no room for change, I don't bother to do anything more. Dragon Clan has always been more practical, and will not waste a bit of strength for unreachable goals. "In that case, what task are you going to schedule me for?"

"Your task target is her." A beautiful woman with a beautiful smile suddenly appeared in front of me, scared me quickly again Crouching to protect the vitals, but soon I stood up again, because I found that the figure in front of me was just a projection, not a daoist at all.

"This is the mission goal? How can she offend you and ask me to kill her?"

"Not to kill her, but to protect her." Nuwa's voice was slightly angry. "Your mission is to find her in the city I sent you into, and to deliver her safely to her destination, then your mission will be completed."

"Understand." I nodded Asked: "Can you ask a few more questions?"

"I can tell you what I can say."

"First, is the target character an NPC or a player?"

"It is an adventurer."

"It is a player? Will there be a large number of players and NPCs intercepting us in the middle?"

"Of course."


"Then can I know the interceptor's information?"

"No. I can only tell you that there are your acquaintances."

I am nodded. "Can I call for reinforcements?"

"You can't use any other power except yourself, otherwise I will increase the difficulty of the equivalent value, and the end result is that you will cause more people to work in vain. "

"About how much is left of my battle strength?"

"It depends on your own performance. You can think of your own weapons and equipment, but you are not allowed to use them. The previous funds, of course, if you make money in the mission and then buy any equipment, I will not stop you. You can never use the familiars, unless you can get new ones during the mission, but I Seeing that this possibility is minimal, besides, even if you get a familiar, you can’t train in such a short period of time. The battle strength of high-level and low-level familiars and enemy-level familiars will not be too different. As for your own strength, you can Check the attribute by yourself, it won’t be very high anyway. You may not be able to use any of the skills."

"Last question. Can my trumpet Silver Moon be used?"

"You can still switch to the silver moon state, but the silver moon is now as bare as you. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

"The mission goal is clear. You can Send me over. By the way, what's the name of my goal?"


"Albumin? This name really has a personality!"

Nuwa reminded: "Okay, now I'm going to start teleporting. You will appear in the central area of ​​Yancheng in China in a while, but you can rest assured that no one will see you within five seconds of where you appear. This is My only guarantee is for you." Nuwa said here that I started the countdown without even letting me prepare. "Three, two, one, start."

"Five." As the surrounding pictures flowed, I recited this number in my heart, because Nuwa said that I would be safe within five seconds.

"Four." In reality, my body suddenly tightened, and the life readings on the biochemical reader inserted in my body instantly rose above the red line. Several researchers who frightened me thought I was What happened? I hurried to ask Nuwa, the main computer of the base, to find out that it was a normal reaction. It's a pity that Nuwa, the main computer of the base, and this Nuwa in the game are not alone, otherwise I wouldn't be forced into such a desperate situation. In just this second, I had forcibly improved my biochemical indicators, and my brain instantly processed the information that would normally take several seconds to calculate.

I now know that my location is indeed in the city center, and it is still in a square full of people. Can you imagine yourself appearing naked in a square where at least a few thousand people stand? But... Nuwa’s words are at least believable, because the place she teleported me to was just below the huge sculpture in the center of the square, and at this moment, a huge image of Nuwa appeared in the sky above me up ahead, and The image was synchronized with Nuwa's equally loud voice. Because of the attraction of the huge image and sound, all the people on the square are looking towards the position of the image, which means that the people on the side of the sculpture are all their backs to me, and the people on the other side I can’t be seen because of being blocked by the sculpture. Although this situation does prevent me from being noticed for the time being, Nuwa can never be wrong to say that there is only five seconds. As soon as she collects the image in time, someone in the crowd will turn back, and when that happens, I will immediately appear in the eyes of everyone. I can even think of the title of the forum hot post for a while.

No, I definitely can't let that happen. I just analyzed all this in just one second, so the remaining four seconds are how to solve the problem. Thinking is the easiest thing for me at the moment. The super-high-speed metabolism has brought the ability to think at full speed. I completed the plans and vetoes of thousands of plans in my mind in an instant, and finally chose the most promising one. Successful plan.

"Three." As I counted the number silently, I started to move, lifted my leg and pushed hard on the sculpture behind me, and then I bounced out. At the same time, my precise measurement system has checked its own attributes. What surprised me was that my athletic ability seemed to be only slightly lower than before. My own guess is that Nuwa’s seal just allows players to reflect the reality. I’m so strong in reality, so even if the attributes in the game are washed out, the action is as fast and scary as possible.

I rushed to my previous goal-in front of the beverage stall in 0.5 seconds. This booth is less than two meters away from the sculpture I just stood, and my goal is the tablecloth on the booth table. This stall is actually a long table, covered with a white cloth larger than a bed sheet, and the fruits and everything are placed on the table cloth. I crouched down from the feet of Boss and rolled into the bottom of the table just before arriving at the table. Since Boss was facing back to me, and he was still looking up at Nuwa Divine Vestige in the sky, I didn't find me rolling into the table. end.

There was almost no pause. After I rolled into the bottom of the table, I rolled out from the opposite side. The difference was that I even took off the tablecloth. Because of my quick movements, none of the fruit fell after I took off the tablecloth. But we are such a big person who came out in front of him and was impossible without being noticed. Fortunately, when I stood up, the tablecloth was already rolled up on my body. All he and the people around saw were a head wrapped in the tablecloth. mysterious person.

"Two." Don’t give anyone around me any reaction time. I jumped out before the boss made trouble for me. It was three seconds after the boss reacted and wanted to recover the tablecloth. And this At that time, I was twenty or thirty meters away from him.

The Divine Vestige in the sky disappeared, and people started to walk again. Although it was easy to recognize me wrapped in a white cloth, the flow of people quickly made the Boss lose his goal. I almost rushed into the alley next to the square, but what was hateful was that the city defense team was chasing after me. The leader of this man is a player, followed by a group of NPCs. They just saw the Boss chasing me, so they immediately believed that I had stolen something and chased me up.

When I ran into the alley, I found that this was a dead end, but there were chasing soldiers behind and I couldn’t go back. Once I was caught, I would be found streaking on the street. , I can't afford to lose that person. Seeing that the alley was to the end, a two-meter-high blue brick wall appeared in front of me. I suddenly accelerated. After rushing to the wall, I immediately used my inertia to kick the wall and rushed up with my hands on the top of the wall. Already on the wall.

The chaser behind looked at my perfect action of crossing the wall in one go and thought that I had encountered a professional thief. They were all stunned, and I had jumped into the yard behind the wall. Fortunately, this place happened to be the yard of a certain free NPC house, and there were some clothes in it. If this is the player’s yard or a commercial unit, it’s all over. Those places are impossible for people to wash clothes, let alone find the clothes. Although these are all clothes without attributes, at least they can hide the shame. I instantly threw away the white tablecloth and pulled down a pair of semi-dry trousers to put it on, and then found another piece of clothing to put on.

I feel more at ease with the clothes, but this place can’t stay for long. I jumped over the opposite wall and jumped into another alley, where a man and a woman are kissing passionately. I was taken aback by suddenly jumping off the wall. The man who was flying into a rage out of humiliation wanted to reach out and grab my collar. I suddenly squatted, swept him to the ground with a leg sweep, and then jumped to in midair, kneeling down and knelt on him. With only a click on his neck, that guy's head immediately tilted at a strange angle, and I also received a hint of increased evil, but instead I smiled smugly. It seems that even if the attribute points are gone, I can deal with these ordinary players, at least my attack power is enough to kill the opponent in a critical attack state.

The woman was stupid when she discovered that the man had hung up, and she even forgot to scream. I didn't bother to care about her. I picked up the Mountain Splitting Saber that the man fell on the ground. This guy is obviously a warrior, but unfortunately he was killed by me before he had the time to draw the knife, and unfortunately he exploded the weapon.

Even though I was wearing clothes without attributes, but with real warrior-like weapons, my attack power immediately increased by a large amount. I couldn’t deal with high-end players. Most people still don’t have to be afraid. It's a pity that there is no defense now, and it's very troublesome if you get hit!

The woman behind me didn’t think of attacking me until this time, but I suddenly looked back at her first, and only this one looked scared, she retreated back to the wall and stood obediently. There. With a flip of my wrist, I quickly pressed it against the woman and pressed her against the wall, while the blade was also against her neck.

"Are you rich?" I needed money urgently, but it was too slow to go out of the city, so I chose the fastest method. I knew that the woman in front of me was just frightened. When I really fight, I may not be her opponent in my current state, but I don't know that there is no difference between a lion and a sheep who resist. I don't need to be afraid of her until she reacts. Under my coercion, the woman was nodded, and I immediately threatened: "Lend me fifty crystal coins, and I will pay you back in the future."

The woman seemed to have recovered a little thought and immediately realized This is not reality. You can be resurrected when you die. There is no need to be afraid. It is a pity that if she encounters ordinary gangsters, she might still be able to get in there, but I am not an ordinary gangster. I am a high-level gangster who has received a comprehensive study of psychological knowledge. Before she became rebellious, I had already said: "You can indeed be resurrected when you die, but the Palace of Resurrection is not free. You can't get away with two crystal coins. Besides, you can't get away with Level 1 or two. Certainly, even if you are lucky only to lose Level 1, how long do you think it will take to practice Level 1? Is it worth it for 48 crystal coins?"

"It's fifty."

"You have to give those two crystal coins to your resurrection anyway. No matter which way you choose, you will have to spend these two crystal coins. So actually lending me money is just an extra 48 crystal coins. Besides, you can Guarantee that you won’t explode something after you die? I don’t think the equipment on your body is worth more than 48 crystal coins, right? Besides, I didn’t say not to pay you back. Even though you think I might be an open grab, you can guarantee Will I definitely not pay back the money? If the two are compared, do you still want to choose to die?"

I suddenly noticed that the woman's eyes were wrong, and immediately warned: "You better don't think about it. Start the female protection system. The only thing I am in contact with you is this knife. The main system will not accept the application."

The woman who found that the strategy was found out immediately gave up resistance. After all, I said clearly. , If you cooperate, the loss is relatively small. After successfully extorting fifty crystal coins, I quickly ran to the city magic center, which is mainly responsible for the various messy needs of the players, and I am here to print photos. I spent a crystal coin to print the screenshot of the woman I saw before into a photo, and then I used ten crystal rental city announcements to publish a missing person revelation, and finally I used the remaining thirty-nine crystals Coins are used as a bonus to reward the reward for finding the person I am looking for.

I think my mind is pretty good, at least for now this method has really played a huge role. After only ten minutes, I managed to get this woman's attention, but the good news also contained bad news. The good news is that I know where she is, but in bad hours she was actually stuck in an alley by the person who intercepted us this time, and the person who intercepted her was actually my old acquaintance.

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