"Why are we telling you?" A voice suddenly sounded at the door, and all of us were taken aback.

"Anubis!" I was surprised to find that the person who came in was Anubis. What surprised me more was that there was a person in his left and right hands. When he got closer, I realized that the two of them were still acquaintances. One was Nobunaga, the other was a gunman.

Anubis did not pay attention to my look, but deliberately smirked and asked me: "I don't owe you anything, why should I tell you such a big secret?"

Just halfway through Anubis's words, the beauty before suddenly jumped up in my astonished gaze and gave Anubis a horror. "How do you talk to the guest?" The beauty, instead of being scared by knocking Anubis, taught Anubis a lesson. "Do you know why you can't make friends all the time? It's because of your weird character. If you treat your friends better, you will die?"

The next situation made my jaw almost fall. Anubis, who has always been arrogant and domineering supercilious, was being trained there with his head down like a watchdog, not to mention revenge, and he didn't even dare to get out of the air. Oh my god! Who is this woman? Is it Sun God's wife? its not right! Anubis is nothing more than obedience and respect to Sun God, far from the level of such humility. Besides, Sun God doesn’t seem to have a wife, right? Who the hell is this? Anubis, who could actually scold him, didn't even dare to reply?

"Aiya, why are you hitting him again!" A middle age person with black leather armor all over suddenly walked in from the door, behind him were two guards like guys.

When I saw this middle age person, my eyes lit up and I hurried forward to salute. "Master Osiris, I am Purple Moon, don't you know if you remember?"

"Of course I won’t forget the Chosen. Besides, the Ring of Discipline is still in your hands. Sooner or later we will have to deal with each other. , How could I forget it!"

Our voice hasn't died yet, and the beauty who has been regarded as a god has challenged my psychological limit once again. She actually walked over and twisted Osiris' ears, dragged him to Anubis's side, and then pointed at Anubis and cursed. "You, a father, don't usually set an example. You talk about benefits when you meet someone. Do you know that you are a role model? Of the ten children who learn badly, nine out of ten are the parents who have problems first."

The word consternation is no longer enough to describe my mood. I feel that the entire world seems to be upside down. Isn't this woman the spokesperson of the god of water in the world? Osiris is the god of underworld, and Sun God is only half a level higher than him. Among the gods that can be seen in Egypt, Sun God Ra is the largest, followed by Osiris and Kohopura, only half a level lower than Ra himself. This woman is now teaching Osiris like a grandson, what status is she? It's no wonder that Anubis didn't even dare to breathe in the air, because this woman has such a big background. Either she is the incarnation of the water god or the spokesperson of the water god, otherwise I really can't think of anyone else in Egypt with such a high status!

Wait, things don't seem right. The water god is the Supreme God, and he even cares about wars and grievances in the world. Why is he so interested in Osiris' family affairs? Could it be...?

It really made me guess. Anubis suddenly said, "Mom, don't talk about it, Dad is for work."

Yes, let me say it! In the same way, this big beauty with a baby face turned out to be Anubis his mother. I said why Anubis didn't have the spirit of resistance at all. Now I understand it completely. However, Osiris is afraid of his wife's God World gossip. It is really amazing. I don't know if I can sell a Divine Race gossip weekly. It is estimated that it may be blocked in advance.

The family of three over there was doing family education activities there, and I suddenly found that the two who were brought in by Anubis were sneaking out. I snapped my fingers, and a whirlwind passed by and teleported in front of them. Gunshen and Guishou Nobunaga crawled well and suddenly noticed that there were two more human legs in front of them, and finally they looked up and met my joking smile.

"Where are the two of you going?"

"Purple Moon who are you talking to?" didn't expect the first person to speak was not the gunman and Guishou Nobunaga, but Cao En next to him. Unlike me, the three of them are not undead professions, so they cannot see the souls that are not resurrected after the player's death.

I didn’t answer Cao En, but I said to the gunman and Nobunaga Guishou in front of me: "Do you think I can’t see you? Hahahaha, it’s funny, Nobunaga Guishou actually There are also times when I learn to crawl with a puppy. It's a pity that I am the only one who appreciates this place. It's a pity!"

"You...!" Nobunaga Guishou couldn't help but jump up.

I deliberately stimulated him arrogantly. "What's the matter with me? Come and hit me with ability?"

Onitou Nobunaga is now a white soul, not to mention having no attack power, even if he has attack power, he knows that he does not have a weapon. It's definitely not going to beat me.

"Why don't you fight anymore? Are you not very capable?" I looked at Nobunaga, who was vomiting blood, proudly. This kind of humiliating opportunity is rare, and I must take good care of it. It's better to get this guy into a half-failure, then I'll save trouble in the future.

"President, who are you talking to?" Wen Rui asked this time.

I reached out and touched three bottles from Fenglong Space and threw them at the three of them. "One person, one bottle."

Cao En took the bottle and poured it into his mouth, so I hurriedly stopped. "Who told you to drink, that wiped your eyes!"

"Oh." The three hurriedly poured the liquid in the bottle on their hands and wiped them on their eyes.

"Ah! There are still two people there!" Wen Rui called out first. "But why couldn't you see it just now?"

"You stupid? That is the ghost before the player's resurrection. You haven't been killed before. You should know that before the resurrection of the white soul, others can't see it or touch it. Right?" Jian Fan taught.

"No wonder! But how can President Purple Moon see you?"

I laughed and said, "Don't you know what my attribute is?"

"It seems that your attributes are all red, oh yes, you are a red name, so you can see ghosts."

"Red name can not see ghosts, I just I can see ghosts because I have the ability to control the undead, or I can't even see the things I control and I'm a fart?" After I finished speaking, I turned to face the gun god and Guishou Nobunaga and laughed. "Didn't the two of you be killed by me? Why are you free to come here?"

The gun god glanced helplessly at Anubis, who was being knocked on the head by the big beautiful woman, and he realized Yes: "Did you not see that I was picked up by that guy?"

I looked at Anubis, and then smiled even more proudly. "Anubis, why did you catch these two guys back?"

As soon as Anubis heard my question, he ran over with excuses. I knew he took the opportunity to escape his mother. He’s preaching, otherwise he wouldn’t be so enthusiastic. After Anubis ran over, he hurriedly lifted the gun god and ghost hand Nobunaga one by one, and then greeted a few of us to flash people quickly. I quickly left here with cooperation. As for Anubis's fucking anger, let Master Osiris go alone. Anyway, it's not the first time he has given Anubis a human shield.

I stopped Anubis as soon as we left the room. "Why did you catch them too? Although the souls can also be killed, there is no punishment at all except for the half-hour delay in their resurrection!"

Anubis suddenly became evil! Looking towards me with a smile, all the shaggy hair on my whole body stood up, and instinctively felt that Anubis was going to yin on me. Things did not surprise me. Anubis is the most demonic guy I have ever seen. It is really evil. He actually took us to a place like an arena, and then said to me: "I think you may suffer a loss just by yourself, so I want to find a few more ordinary persons who can come into contact with me."

Ghost Nobunaga and Spear God were excited when they heard this. Originally, the two of them thought they were going to be framed when they were caught. Didn't expect Anubis to find a new spokesperson.

I got angry when I heard this. "Hey, Anubis, listen to me. I respect you as the chief god of Egypt, but you can't do that either! You are a blatant provocation against me."

Anubis listened. What I said actually made me proud. "Look, I said I can't let you monopolize contact with us gods! Look, this is already yelling at me, if you let you go on like this, you won't have to ride me Is it on your head?"

"You...!" I suddenly thought that Anubis is a donkey, he won’t be led, and he’s going backwards, so I can’t fight against him, otherwise More troublesome. I suppressed my unhappiness, I tried my best to calm my mind before opening the mouth and said: "Then what are you going to do?"

"I want to see which of the three of you is qualified to contact me , You used to say that you are very difficult to deal with, but I haven’t seen how good you are. So..."

"So what? Do you want the three of us to be here? A fight on the field?"

"Yes." Anubis first said this word that I can accept, but then added another sentence: "But what I want to test is your soul. So..." He suddenly flicked the fingers and only heard a bang. I felt a cold on my body, followed by a scream from behind me. When I looked back, I saw the phantom flying out of me. Anubis himself was taken aback. "Why do you have two souls?"

"This is my demon!" I rushed to look at the Phantom, but fortunately, it didn't seem to be hurt.

After listening to my explanation, Anubis understood it, so he flicked it again, but this time it was different. Only the sound of gold and iron mingled in front of me A red force field appeared behind it, and a white light bullet the size of a fingernail was blocked out of the force field.

I turned my head and glared at Anubis very angrily. "What the hell do you want to do?"

Anubis did not answer my words, but said to himself: "Didn't expect you brat. There are really two things, even I can't be expelled at once. Your soul. But you can block it a few times.” Anubis said suddenly and flicked his fingers again, but out of his expectation, suddenly dang~ dang~ dang~ dang~ rang in front of me. , The white light bullets he ejected were all blocked.

"Anubis, don't blame me if you do this again." I am True Fire now. Continuous attacks by unfathomable mystery make everyone angry. Dragon Clan's temper is not equal to our lack of temper.

"What can you do if you get angry?" Anubis was still so angry and desperate.

"That’s how I get angry." I suddenly waved, and the phantom immediately bounced off the ground and returned to my body, following me right hand a little bit of my eyebrows, and a red light flowed through the dragon suit On the surface of my body, the equipment of my whole body suddenly gleamed, circles of red hellfire sprayed out along the gaps in my armor, and my whole body burned like a fireman. The dark magic halo under my feet suddenly lit up with a strange green light, followed by the halo suddenly rose to my waist, and then divided into three, one rose to the top of my head, one fell back to my feet, the middle halo suddenly rotated ninety horizontally. Du stood up, and the halo that followed it began to rotate longitudinally and became two crossed halos. These two halos were divided into two halos, and then flew to my front, back, left, and right to surround me. After the halo was all in place, a circle of magic patterns immediately lit up inside the halo, and then the halo all around me suddenly began to rotate and envelop my whole person.

Anubis is nodded. "Energy aura, a very high level of active defense magic, but what can you do? You still can't hurt me."

"It's not over yet, what are you anxious about." I just finished talking about the ring of commandments. It rose from behind me, and then two and a half moons flew out, and each divided into eight and a half moons and began to fly up and down around me. The stone of commandment in the center suddenly rose and was embedded in the dark magic halo above my head, the entire halo array. They all lit up suddenly.

Anubis finally became alert. "The commandment demon array, didn't expect you to be able to use this thing, but as long as I don’t get close to you, don’t be afraid."

I didn’t reply. Instead, I clicked it on my chest again. The silhouette flickered and suddenly split into three. The wizard Avatar and warrior Avatar immediately appeared on both sides of me. Anubis just wanted to comment on something, and suddenly found that the two Avatars had returned to me again, but my body suddenly grew in a circle of werewolf.

"Avatar is doubled? When did you learn this thing? Now you have a fight with me, but unfortunately you can only fight it. How long can you maintain this state?"

I looked at the arrogant Anubis proudly and took out the true love badge I just got, and then stuck it on my chest. "Summon."

A pink heart-shaped space door suddenly opened, and the rose came out from inside. Anubis didn't really figure out what I was going to do, Rose suddenly stretched out her arms and retreated back into my embrace, while the net of swords and energy lines that surrounded me automatically passed her body. When Rose and I were in contact, a pink beam of light suddenly shot directly into the sky, and the center of the entire venue exploded a circle of pink shockwaves around the two of us. Everyone around was taken away by the shockwave, even Anubis Situ staggered and retreated more than a dozen steps before standing still.

I saw Rose and I were standing in front of me with their backs facing me and sticking to me. We both stretched out our right hand and pointed at the sky with the same motion and sound. "The Wushuang mode is activated."

The silhouettes of Rose and I suddenly became phantoms at the same time. Anubis hurriedly shot a black lightning, but after hitting my halo, he was bombed out. The arena blasted off half of it. The phantoms of me and Rose quickly merged into one in this process. Following the rays of light, there was only one person in the field, but the appearance of me and Rose was seven or eighth, but it was not exactly the same. It is estimated that if we had a child, it might be like this.

Rose's voice sounded directly in my heart: "Didn't expect and the body is this feeling, husband, the body command is handed over to you, I am responsible for controlling the defense."

I responded to Rose’s voice in my heart, and then I said to Anubis who was opposite: “Now I want to know if you still think I can’t hurt you at all?” I was a little surprised by this passage, because that The voice seems to be the voice of me and Rose talking at the same time. It feels a little harmonious. It sounds very good anyway, but it is a bit inaudible to men and women.

Anubis is probably too surprised that he can't even speak. I didn't see that he had any reaction or waited for him, the right hand hit the back of his left hand, and then pulled out, the Eternal Sword flashed with red lightning and was pulled out by me. I feel that eternity seems to have grown a lot, probably because of integration. My sword pointed at Anubis, and Anubis was immediately awakened by the murderous aura.

"Didn't expect you to reach this level. It seems that I still underestimate you."

"If you want to fight, then fight." I have nothing but Rose 3 minutes and body time, I have been delayed for more than ten seconds just now, there is no time to waste. After I finished speaking, I suddenly moved. The people around me only felt that I was gone as soon as the silhouette flashed in front of me, but Anubis who was opposite flew out screaming.

When Anubis was still in the air, he suddenly felt that someone had punched him in the head, and then suddenly countless cuts appeared on his body, and black blood spurted everywhere. In the panic, he pointed at the ground fiercely, the body in the air suddenly turned into a pile of sand, and a pile of sand appeared on the ground to form his image and quickly materialized into his image.

"Do you think it's that easy to run away?" My voice seemed to come from all directions, and everyone noticed that there was a red ball of light flashing with a black arc in midair, a ball of light. It is expanding at an extremely fast speed, and in a blink of an eye it has reached a state of four or five meters in diameter, and it is still expanding.

I myself am asking Rose in my consciousness. "How big is the limit of this ball of light?"

Rose answered me: "Follow the instructions on the tip, it should be able to expand to ten meters in diameter."

"Then expand to the limit. ."

"Okay, just to test the ultimate battle strength of the physical state. Anupis is such a strong test subject, it’s hard to find."

I’m teaching a lesson at this time. Anubis of Osiris had already run out. Such a large energy fluctuation was impossible to notice, and almost all the gods nearby gathered. Kohopra and Ra didn't know when they had already appeared near us. After seeing this ball of light, Ra suddenly cried out to Anubis: "Get out of the way, that thing can't be picked up."

"What?" Anubis heard that it was too late. Seeing me and Rose’s body dragged the ball of light and slammed it towards Anubis. As soon as the ball of light was released, it accelerated to a terrifying speed and hit the ground, followed by a sudden bright. It was lifted up, centered on the place where the ball of light fell, all buildings within a radius of 10 kilometers and all personnel below Divine Grade were directly vaporized, and the shock wave continued to expand beyond this range at supersonic speeds, and has been flattened within a radius of several hundred kilometers. After all the objects above the ground, the shock wave gradually loses its destructive power and turns into a gust of wind to continue to spread out.

After watching this explosion, Rose and I suddenly disintegrated in the air, and then both fell down. Fortunately, I still have a pet to command. Jingjing and Lingling caught me and The rose then slowly descended and turned into a large pit on the ground. The temple of Osiris has now disappeared from the shadow. The large pit on the ground is smooth and tidy, and the rock at the bottom of the pit is still crimson until now, obviously there is no one. Half a month in ten days is impossible to completely cool down.

Looking at the field again, Sun God Razheng was hovering in midair panting, with a golden halo shining beside him, and Anubis was being held in his hand by him, but Half of Anubis's body was completely disappeared, and the half that was held didn't look angry. I know he is not dead, but the serious injury is certain. Being able to inflict a major Divine Grade god, I am very satisfied with the formidable power of this trick. It can only be used in 3 minutes a day, and only such a destructive light ball can be released within 3 minutes. It would be great if it can be connected.

"Purple Moon, what the hell are you bastard doing?" Osiris's temple is gone, now on the verge of an explosion.

"Please don't be angry with Master Osiris." Rose has just shared a short memory from me, so she already understands what happened here. "It’s not what you think it is, it’s just a misunderstanding. Just now Lord Anubis said that he wanted to find a new spokesperson, so he needed to test the strength of our potentials, so we were just forced to release the strongest skills to compete for this. The position of the endorsement is just because this is a newly acquired skill, so we don’t know the strength of the skill. We didn’t expect destructive power to be so great. If you don’t believe us, you can ask the dark god Ditan of the Dark God Palace in Europe. Lord Sri Lanka, as well as the love Goddess of the Light God Palace in Europe can also testify for us. By the way, the Celestial Court in China can also prove that we have not used this trick during this period. We really don’t know formidable power."

At first glance, Rose's remarks sound very ordinary, but in fact, the hidden mystery is very deep. First of all, she said that we are fighting for the status of spokesperson, which is tantamount to proactively admitting that we are the weaker party and giving the other party a step down, at least to save face, so that this actual "hostile battle" becomes " Accident". Then Rose said that this is the search for a new spokesperson proposed by Anubis. This is to put the responsibility on Anubis. Because he wants to test, it is not our intention to show off, so we can’t let us take the main responsibility. This sentence alone allows us to cleverly avoid most of the responsibilities. Finally, Rose stated that we did not know the formidable power of this trick, and also brought out several European gods and the Chinese Celestial Court. The underlying language is: "We are not ordinary people. The power behind our guild is very big. Before us, you had better weigh your own strengths.” With such words, unless the Egyptian gods only have the intelligence of an ordinary person, they will never move us, or even hate us, and since they can become high level gods Naturally, there is not only the intelligence of ordinary persons. Their status is competed by mental and physical strength. If this is not understood, it is impossible to have today's status.

In short, after Rose explained, the other Egyptian gods who came here automatically ignored the problem. We were kindly invited to rest somewhere else, and the gods began to repair the crater level on the ground. Big hole.

I want to say that the biggest loss of this test skill is my three temporary disciplines. At that time, didn't expect the formidable power of this trick so large, none of them survived. In fact, not only them, but several of Anubis's men were not able to stop them. They were Divine Grade personnel, much better than my three disciplines, and the result was still the same. Although this trick has a large formidable power, its disadvantages are also obvious, that is, its formidable power is too big. If it is used in a defensive war, the enemy is definitely gone, and its own people are gone. It is almost the same as nuclear weapons. It has only a deterrent effect, and there are probably not many opportunities that can actually be used.

Sun God led people to quickly restore the city that was destroyed by us, Osiris quickly healed Anubis’ injury, but to his surprise, Anubis was not angry at all. , On the contrary, my relatives pulled me and said that I hadn't played so happy for a long time, and Rose and I always thought that his brain was stimulated after we defeated him. Fortunately, Anubis didn't do anything weird except to become extremely enthusiastic.

I didn’t dare to mention the fact that Egypt sent troops because I beat Anubis, but fortunately, Anubis actually agreed to it, and he promised to help. I played fiercely, and I always felt that he was looking for a chance to shame me. I always worried that when the time comes, he suddenly came forward and gave us a surprise attack. That would be a lot of fun.

With a trembling mood, Rose and I finally left Egypt. Tsao En and the three of them have been back to Isengard. When I came back, the three of them were squatting at the entrance of the Conference Hall and talking there. Draw a circle.

"What's wrong with you?"

"President, you are too fierce!" Wen Rui was the first to shout. "We still want to learn something from you, who knows that we won't even have the qualifications to watch when you make a move!"

"That's right! What was that just now? I thought it was an atomic bomb explosion. !" Cao En also complained.

"In fact, there are more restrictions on that kind of trick, and it is unlikely to be used in the future. By the way, you guys will come with me, and I will take you to meet someone."

< p>"Who?"

"Actually, you have all seen his body."

"The body?"

"Yes, I will take you It’s not a human being, but a computer."

"Computer? The number of computers we saw at Longyuan Base was not 1,000 or 800. How do we know which one it is?"


Jian Fan suddenly said: "Could it be Nuwa, the core computer of the base?"

"No, you will know if you see it anyway."

All three are pregnant. Curious mood followed me all the way to the Military God’s Information Processing Center, while Rose separated from us in advance and went to work on her own work. Nobunaga's attack plan is about to begin, and we must hurry up the past few days and make preparations quickly.

When we arrived at the command center of Martial God, he was still sitting on the console as usual and was busy pressing up and down. The biggest difference between a computer and a human brain was that he didn't know he was tired.

"Have you negotiated in Egypt?" The military god asked without looking back. He is the information center here, and he can monitor the location of all players in the guild at any time.

"It's settled!"

"Have you encountered a problem?" What kind of IQ computer is Military God? There was a huge warehouse full of processors. I only said a word and he judged that there was a problem.

I talked about the things I encountered in Egypt. After listening, the military god stopped the work on his hands for a few seconds, and then opened the mouth and said: "I used psychology and behavior Xuexue has established a personality model for Anubis. If the game setting of "Zero" does incorporate the calculation of psychological variables, then I can tell you clearly that Anubis has a slight schizophrenia."

"What? Is Anubis mentally ill after doing it for a long time?"

"It's mild schizophrenia, not mental illness!" Military God emphasized.

"Isn't schizophrenia a mental illness?"

"Analyzing from the literal point of view, what you said is correct, but I will judge the mental illness you mentioned according to your mental model. Nubis’s symptoms are actually not one thing, at least it can’t be included in this classification. Mental illness literally means that there is a mental illness. If mental illness is classified according to this standard, more than ninety-nine percent of Earth’s people can live. Entered a mental hospital. The mental illness you mentioned should actually be defined as a patient with abnormal behavior caused by mental instability, and only people with severe symptoms in this category can be considered mental illness. Anubis’ behavior can actually be classified as a psychological malformation. , This may be a special personality that has been affected by his family and environment for a long time. Its external appearance is temperamental."

"You are right, Anubis. It is the temperamental, often unfathomable mystery, and extremely like to torture the spirit of others."

"On this point alone, you and Anubis' hobby are actually similar." The military god lowered his head. While continuing to work on his own work, he said: "That's why you heard Anubis's mother say that Anubis treats you as a friend, because you two have such a hobby."

"When have I been so extraordinary? Don't talk about me like SMhobby!"

Military God suddenly raised his finger to the big screen in front of him while continuing to busy with his work. Dozens of windows pop up to play the game video simultaneously, and the content in it is actually all images of my arrogant torturing other people's nerves. The military god waited for us to understand the content of the screen before continuing to speak: "Don't think that I don't know anything unless I go out every day. Your behavior is obviously abusive, and preliminary analysis suggests that you also have a slight personality split. There are two you in your heart, a kind you, hoping to live peacefully in human society as a human being, and another tyrannical you representing your Dragon Clan identity, and seem to be trying to get rid of humanity I hope that Dragon Clan can become independent, and your behavior is more inclined to the latter."

At this time, Wen Rui and the others finally heard the problem. "Shenlin, you are not a human?"

"When did I say that I was a human?"

"But you...?"

"I remember When I was in the base, I said that we are Dragon Clan, have you forgotten it?"

Jian Fan explained: "We always thought that Dragon Clan you were talking about was the name of an organization. It’s a bit like a political party. You didn’t expect what you said literally. Putting it that way you are a new race different from human beings?"

"When you have accepted the B13 When you get out of the training trough, you will also get rid of your human identity and become my companions. You'd better prepare yourself for this."

Jian Fan said indifferently: "I don’t care about humans very much. I don’t know the identity, after the transformation, it’s still a human appearance. I don’t even know. By the way, I want to ask, um, can I do that in the future? I haven’t had a girlfriend yet!"

The unharmonious atmosphere at the scene was eased by Jian Fan with a single sentence. I can’t help saying with a smile: "Why do you guys keep remembering this? Don’t worry! Dragon Clan is also bisexual, you can still have a girlfriend. But I have to warn you first, unless you can guarantee The other party is willing to join Dragon Clan and it is harmless to Dragon Clan. Otherwise, it is better to find one of our internal Dragon Clan members."


"Because of us Dragon Clan believes that there should not be any secrets between husband and wife. Unlike human thinking, we really think that husband and wife are one body, so the identity of Dragon Clan determines that our partner must also be Dragon Clan. If you look for the ordinary person category, As long as you pass the review, you can develop the opponent into Dragon Clan. If you find a Dragon Clan member, it will be easier. But if you have to look for a human and the other party is not suitable to join Dragon Clan, then we don’t care about you, but you can’t Tell her any information about us, and you must be prepared to have no offspring, because humans and Dragon Clan are two species, and we cannot give birth to offspring."

"The request is true Cruel!" Jian Fan suddenly exclaimed: "By the way, since Dragon Clan is stronger than humans, can we do that for a long time?"

Wen Rui listened by the side. After that, she slapped Jian Fan shyly. "Why is your fellow thinking so dirty!"

I explained with a smile: "First of all, you must figure out that B13 can fully strengthen the human body, so the strengthening in that respect is certain, but not It would be too exaggerated. B13 was originally planned to be used to train super soldiers, that is to say, the original development direction simply did not include reproductive capacity, even if there are joint enhancements, it can only be regarded as one of the side effects. Longyuan is a military enterprise, not an adult toy manufacturer. Quotient, does it make sense to strengthen the ability in that area? Don’t you think that Earth’s population is not large enough?"

"I just asked!"

"Okay now. Business." I pointed to the military god said: "This is the military god. The room that resembles the huge group of tombstones that you have seen in the base is his body."

" Is it a computer?"

"It should be called a full-featured battlefield electronic forecasting command platform." Jun Shen corrected.

"Isn't it just a computer!" Wen Rui muttered softly.

"Whatever it is, you must understand the purpose and function of the military god."

"Why?" Cao En asked.

"Because the supplies will include my Little Brother when sending you to the outer planet." Military God still said in his at a moderate pace voice.

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