"Ah...!" I staggered and fell out of the room with a scream that pierced the clouds and mist, still apologizing: "sorry, sorry , Accident, purely an accident."

I almost crawled out of the room with my hands and feet. The reason is not because there are rare beasts inside, but because there are beauties inside. Beautiful women are of course not as scary as rare beast, but if you find a man and a woman hugging each other naked when you enter someone's room, and the woman screams after seeing you, it is a very embarrassing scene.

After exiting the room in a panic, I still patted my chest thinking about how unfathomable mystery would rush into the room of the young couple, and luckily, I happened to hit someone who was doing inheritance human bloodline. Wei major event industry, wait, there seems to be a problem here. I stopped where I was. A man and a woman? Doing that? "Oops, I was fooled!" I suddenly reacted, and kicked the wooden door that I had just exited into pieces. The room was already empty.

Really, our Dragon Clan is much higher level than human beings, but after all, we live in human society, and habitual thinking is really too terrifying. In fact, I should have thought of it when I rushed in. This is not a human world, and the undead has no sense of touch. How could they be interested in the opposite sex? Even if there is, it is also appetite, not the *** just these two are clearly cover, they may be the guards guarding the entrance of some secret passage, or the person who is responsible for blocking the tracers from delaying time so that others can transfer, in short These two are trusts, that's for sure.

Although it took me only a few seconds to react and rush back to the room, the place is now empty. Obviously the other party evacuated during the few seconds I was out. "Plague, pioneers, demolish houses."

Two familiars appeared at the same time, and the plague swept across with their huge tails, and suddenly a large area of ​​dilapidated houses turned into ruins. The Blazers circled the underground to expand the scope of their search, and soon sent me a report. "Master, there is a secret tunnel underground."

"Dig it out."

Boom, a big hole was opened in the ground, and then the pioneer sank into the ground again. I jumped down the big hole and directly entered the inside of the passage. When I looked at both sides, I immediately determined a direction and chased it. Because the Blazers were blocked on the other side, it was obviously telling me that there was no connection, which saved me from running the wrong way.

Recovered the pioneers and plague and quickly summoned out of the white waves and jumped up, and then the white waves took me into the tunnel like lightning. Because they are particularly good at using the technique of rebounding by force, the white waves can rush all the way without slowing down in the narrow and winding tunnels, which most creatures can't do.

Although it took a while for us to find a tunnel, the person who ran away in front was definitely not as fast as the white waves. In just a few minutes, we found the person in front of us. Looking at it now, these two guys are clearly the same man and woman I saw just now, but the way they look now makes me stunned for a moment. From the back, the man is still a normal human, but the woman's back is basically bones, and the muscles seem to be torn by something. Obviously this is also an undead, but her injuries are all behind her back, so she didn't notice it before.

I immediately jumped off Bai Lang after seeing these two undead. Bai Lang's speed skyrocketed without my burden, and he slammed up to the man who was running behind. The man was photographed in an instant, and only then did I realize that his front had basically rotted away. No wonder he didn't look back when I entered the house just now. It turned out that he couldn't look back. Both he and the woman can only meet one side.

I didn't care about the male ghost who was shot down. Instead, I jumped over him and rushed to the front. Then I raised my right arm while running. With a finger movement, a crossbow arrow shot out. The female undead suddenly rushed into the curve quickly, and the crossbow arrow was nailed to the wall, but I immediately speeded up and rushed up, kicked the wall and bounced back from behind and hugged the female undead and rolled out.

The female undead reacted very quickly after the fall, and immediately bounced again when she rolled on the spot, but she was too simple to think. I followed the ground with the help of the impact I just turned over and grabbed the spine exposed on her back, and then pulled her back with force. The female undead still wants to struggle, but I have already pushed the eternal top on her chest and fiercely inserted it. There is the Soul Fire of the undead. As long as the undead is crushed, it will be completely finished.

In the process of bringing down this female undead, Bailang also set his own goal, and it just happened to chase him. I turned over and rode on the white waves and continued to chase forward. Didn't expect to turn a bend in front of me and the passage ended without taking two steps. There is a wooden board above us and a ladder is leaning against the wall. Obviously this is the exit.

"Storm of Swords."

A sword glow suddenly shot out from an ordinary building in the city, which not only split up and in pieces, but also the yard. Was affected. Before the people around realized what happened, the ruins of the house suddenly flew upwards. A three-headed dragon wielded its huge wings and struggled to stand up. The rubble all around flew towards like an explosion. all directions.

"Did you see anyone?" I looked up and asked Xiaosan.

"It's over there."

Summon's Little San came to clean up the ruins, and secondly, he played the role of a lookout. The houses in this city are densely arranged and the streets are narrow. It is very troublesome to find people in this place, but the giant dragon is different. People are tall and have long necks. As long as they put their heads up, almost the whole city is in front of him. of one's eyes.

With the help of spiritual contact, I observed the target we were looking for from the sight of the junior third. Wish Fruit ran in the middle alone, with a dozen undead surrounding her, as if protecting her. It seemed that she was not kidnapped, but bound by the rules and had to run away.

Since it’s easy to see people, I put away the other familiars and I just spread my wings and flew over in the air. A city is not big, and of course it is much faster to fly. When I landed in front of the fruit of wish, she was still a little stunned. After seeing me, she didn't mean to be embarrassed. Although she lied to me, it was not her intention. In fact, she still wanted to be caught, so that her mission was over, and she didn't have it at that time. If it is more valuable, it is safer.

"You really didn't let me wait for too long." Wish Fruit did not run away immediately after relieving, but smiled and smiled at me with a sense of relief.

"You can let me find it for a while." I said as I walked forward, but the few undead quickly ran between us and separated us. "What do you mean?"

"In fact, it's not interesting." Wish Fruit calmly said: "If you can find me, you should understand my difficulties, so...!" She stretched out her hand and drew something. Take a look at these undead in front of you. "I have to trouble you!"

"Xiaochun." I took a step back and gave up my position. Xiaochun, who had just walked out of the Phoenix Dragon space, immediately took the wand to the ground, the tip of the wand A golden halo with a mysterious symbol immediately appeared. Although the light emitted by the halo was not too strong, the underworld itself was relatively dark, so it still looked very bright. I didn't feel any problem in this light, but those undead were unlucky. After they were exposed to the light, they started to smoke all over their bodies like they had been splashed with sulfuric acid, and even the painless zombie rolled all over the floor in pain.

I walked over the undead rolling on the floor and walked to the fruit of Wish. Almost as soon as she left the ground, I heard the system hint: "The fruit of the wish is successfully captured, the wish fulfillment rate is 100%, and the wish comes into effect."

"Why is there a fulfillment rate?" I said Put down the fruit of wish and asked.

"This represents the way of wishing to be fulfilled, and this probability is controlled by me. If I feel convinced that I lose, the fulfillment rate is 100%. If I feel that the opponent caught me not by ability, but by accident , The realization rate will be very low."

"Understood. So my wish has been fulfilled now?"

"Of course."

As soon as I got the affirmation of the fruits of my wish, I immediately switched my account to the Silver Moon status. As a result, I heard a piercing siren before I had time to check carefully. "Warning, you are now wearing a national weapon into a foreign country. Please make sure that the attitude mode is hostile, disgusting, neutral, friendly or alliance."

"Is there any attitude setting for the national weapon to enter another country? "

"Zero"’s intelligent system immediately switched to the help mode replied when I heard my question: "Guoqi is the representative and symbol of a country. It represents the country’s high-end martial power, so it cannot be used as a general Personnel treatment. When the national machine enters the territory of another country, you need to confirm the attitude mode to confirm whether the system attribute is in effect. If you choose the hostile mode, you will be treated by the red player in the country, and killing the country’s personnel will not increase evil Value only gains experience and merit points. In this state, all patriotic NPCs in the country will treat you as hostile and attack actively. The villain NPCs in the country will treat you as an ally. You cannot enter the opponent's city in the disgusting state. , And killing the opponent’s nationals does not increase evil. The patriotic NPC of the country will still be hostile to you, but will not actively provoke you. The villain NPC of the country will have a good impression on you. In the neutral state, you will be completely neutral, and will enter non-competitive with ordinary players. The status of hostile countries is the same. In the friendly mode, the patriotic NPC of the country will be more friendly to you, and the penalty will be doubled when the player of the country attacks you or you attack the player of the country. In the alliance mode, you cannot actively attack the player and the patriotic NPC of the country. Patriotic NPCs will be extremely enthusiastic about you, and most of the requests for these NPCs will be accepted. But in this state, the country’s advanced patriotic NPCs and the top 100 players will be able to check your location at any time until you leave the country."

"I choose the attitude and state of alliance." For a while, I have to ask Anubis to talk about dealing with the Japanese siege. Although I can't attack the people here after the alliance, I will do it to Anu. Bis’s negotiations will be much easier, anyway, this attitude is set every time you enter another country, there is a chance to modify it, so there is no need to worry about not being able to fight with people here.

Since the alliance mode has been selected, we can’t kill the undead on the ground, but Xiaochun has burned them all almost transparently. If I choose to slow down, they should hang up. There is no way, since they have formed an alliance, they have to be good people, so I had to take out some crystal powder to help them replenish their vitality. Fortunately, the crystal powder is made of Isinger's industrial waste, and it doesn't cost much.

Wish Fruit became a free man after completing her mission. She hoped to go outside and see this world. I didn't do much to retain her. Besides, it didn't make much sense to retain her, so I separated. I flew to the giant horseshoe crab cemetery in the direction I had come to see the progress of the collection, but didn't expect rushed for nothing. The speed of Qilin warrior is really fast enough. After such a short period of time, it is actually finished. There are only large pits on the ground, which feels like the surface of the moon.

Since they had already left, I simply flew directly to Anubis’s mansion, and as a result, I just landed in front of the gate of the God’s Mansion and found King II greeted me.


"Aren't you with Anubis? Why stand alone at the door?"

"Anubis Si encountered something, so he left temporarily."

"What? Left? Then who should I talk to?"

"Just talk to me." A gentle A sweet voice suddenly appeared behind me, causing the cold hair to stand up on my back. I turned my head quickly, but I was stunned. It's not a rare beast that appears in front of you. A creature with such a sweet voice rarely has a rare beast form, and at least it must have a beautiful face to match it. The one in front of him looks like a complete human form from top to bottom. To say that he is special, it may be his height and appearance. She is only about 1.5 meters tall, but her figure is very well-proportioned. It feels like she has reduced the proportion of a big beauty.

This 1.5-meter-high little beauty is extremely beautiful. Although her eyes and previous voice prove that she is an adult, the baby face can definitely be in a silent state. Let you mistake her for a teenage girl. In addition to looks, the costumes of the little girls are also very distinctive. She was wearing a black gauze. The top looked like a small dress. The cuffs, neckline and waist were tightly closed, but the other places were loose. The trousers on the lower body are similar, the waist is very tight, the trousers are also very tight, but the trouser legs are super fat, not paying attention to think it is a skirt. This kind of clothing has a strong Egyptian style. The tightened neckline and cuffs are actually designed for wind and sand. It is very common in Egypt, but her somehow made it is actually too Arab, and it seems to have borrowed a little from European clothing. style of.

In fact, none of the above is very important. The key issue is that a beauty who looks so "delicious" appears in the underworld of the undead all this time. This is more abrupt. Judging from my experience, if she is not a family member of a great character, she is a great pretender.

"Who are you?" No matter which answer is above, I am sure that the beauty in front of me is definitely not to be trifled with, so the attitude must be respectful, so as not to cause trouble later.

The other party did not answer my question directly, but smiled and said: "I am here to talk to you for Anubis. I heard that you are different from him. I don’t know what it is. ?"

As soon as my eyes rolled, I immediately analyzed the current situation. It should be true that Anubis has something to do. Even if he wants to slick his head, he will not play in this aspect. Since the person in front of him who can negotiate on behalf of Anubis is a person he trusts very much, then she is surprised by her identity. It's really not simple. "It's more complicated, can we find a place to sit down and talk?"

"Oh, I was negligent! Let's go in and talk." The beauty immediately led us into Anubis' mansion , Along the way, only the passing guards and attendants were saluting this beauty, it seems that her status here is indeed not low.

I started to ask the second generation before I walked to the room. "Do you know who she is?"

Second shook his head. "Anubis only said that someone would take his place and listen to our requests, and that this person can be the master for him, so let us just say what we have."

"Then I understand, right Now, does Ling You come here?"

"No, Sister Ling went back to Isinger directly, and your three students have arrived."

"Oh , They are here? Where are the people?"

"In the room over there, do you need to call them over?"

"Call here."

" I know." The second ran to call someone, and I continued to follow the beauty in front into a great hall opposite.

"Let’s talk about it here." The beauty led me into a large living room. The furnishings here are very gorgeous, not in the style of the underworld at all, and it does not seem to be Anu. The style that Bis should have, on the contrary, matched this beauty's clothes very well, as if it were a room specially designed for her.

I first looked at the furnishings in the room, and then said: "just a moment please, my people are not here yet."

"Don't wait, we are here. "Cao En first opened the door and walked in.

"Cao En, please be polite." Wen Rui who followed Cao En said angrily.

After seeing me, the three people immediately stopped, I beckons with the hand to them, and when they all approached, opened the mouth and said: "Don’t call each other by real names in the game, although You are not familiar."

"I see." Jian Fan looked at me and asked, "What should I do?"

"You don’t care, because your account is This name is not known to others. Their account is different from your real name. If you call each other your real name, once someone attacks you, you will find that the account name is different. As long as you are not an idiot, you can think of you calling each other. Real name."


Wen Rui suddenly asked: "What should we do here?"

"You guys now My mission is just to follow me to listen and watch, see how I deal with various dangerous situations, and listen to how I confront various forces. I hope you can learn from it some different attitudes towards different characters and forces."

"The only thing you can do is to meet people, talk to people, and talk to ghosts, do you have to learn it?" Cao En asked impatiently.

"Nuclear weapons are nothing more than the flexible use of the mass-energy equation. You build one and let me see? Those who can sum up the truth may not be able to do it in accordance with the principles he summarized, let alone you are just Hearing this truth, I dare to say that I understand it without even touching the corners?"

"We will pay attention." Wen Rui assured me sincerely.

"Okay, now pay attention to watching and listening. Don't do unnecessary things." I deliberately spoke to the three of them in a very bad tone. The purpose is not to vent their anger, but Test their response under pressure. Some people usually behave well, but when they are overstimulated, they will show the opposite personality. This kind of person is actually more dangerous than the mediocre person who has always been mediocre. In case you entrust a very important task to this person. Raise, then you are not far from the end. Therefore, before a certain or all of the three of them are sent to another world, I must investigate any of their psychological loopholes and help them fill these holes. Only people with impeccable mentality and personality can be competent for this long-term separation from humans. The task of the society, otherwise they are likely to be psychologically abnormal over there and eventually lead to the failure of the task.

After teaching them, I went back to the beautiful lady. She gestured us to sit down very politely, and then all the attendants in the room withdrew. "Okay, now you are all here, I want to know what do you need help?

"This thing is like this..." I talked about things with the beauty in front of me.

The beauty asked after listening to my explanation: "Then what do you need us to do? "

" Attack here. "I unfolded the map and clicked on a point. "At all costs, occupy and completely destroy this place. "

"This is...? "The beauty watched for a while before she suddenly exclaimed, "England?" You let us fight the British? Why? They are not within the range of the people who attacked you? "

Cao En, who has been muted by me, also called out: "This is not right!" The British didn't mess with us? Even if we want to attack, we shouldn't be at this time, right? Wouldn't it be more difficult to drag an enemy into the battlefield? Even if you want to relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers, you should fight the United States instead of the United Kingdom? "

I glared at Cao En, then looked at Wen Rui and Jian Fan with questioning eyes. Both of them sank, and I shook the head helplessly. Although they are elites, they are still It’s just a college student. Even though I’m only one year older than them, I’m a Dragon Clan member who has received elite education since childhood. Of course, it’s not the same as their half-way monks. "I don’t understand the reason, is it? "I didn't just ask the three of them, but also the beauty.

Seeing that they are all nodded, I began to preach to the three of them. "Remember, Earth is a whole , Anything that happens here will be related to the social structure of the planet, so don't think that it is not an enemy without directly participating in the war. On the surface, the forces that attacked us were only part of the personnel of the United States, Japan, and South Korea, but in fact it was the beginning of the formation of a pattern of international interests. It is said that the root cause of this battle should be the contradiction between the Japanese and the Chinese, but why are the Americans and Koreans getting into this mess? Because they each have a purpose. "

"I also know they have a purpose, but what is the purpose? "Cao En asked anxiously.

"Of course, the root of the purpose is interest, but you haven't found the connection point between interest and appearance. The reason why the Americans participated in the war is actually very simple, and that is national support. The United States is a highly democratic country. Although we have always liked to vilify our enemies, we have to admit that the Americans are better than us in terms of democracy. But democracy has its advantages and disadvantages. The main manifestation is that if something is done too much, the government will not be able to carry it out anyway. In reality, considering the country’s macro control and the safety of their own lives, Americans still know to converge a little bit, but in the game this wind of freedom has been unrestrictedly amplified, which leads to a very special phenomenon-the United States The guild’s staff is highly mobile. In the United States, it is entirely possible for a large guild to retire 30% of its players because of a defeat, and a victory can attract countless members. This is the national condition of the United States. "

"But what does this have to do with the Americans participating in the war?" "Cao En still doesn't understand the whole story, but he doesn't understand that someone understands it.

Jian Fan suddenly opened the mouth and said: "I think I understand. "

"Oh, let's talk about it, I will hear your analysis right. "I am very interested in waiting for Jian Fan to explain. Jian Fan has the best score in this test. Long Yuan has high expectations of him, so as long as he can be trained, everyone else doesn't matter.

< p> Jian Fan saw that I asked him to explain that he didn't start speaking right away, but first organized the language and then opened the mouth and said: "The situation is actually not complicated. Purple Moon has just stated the most important key issue, and that is public opinion. The gun god’s holy gun alliance was originally the most popular guild in the United States, but recently the holy gun alliance and the guild failed to compete for the world’s first guild. In addition, the gun god has been damaged by Purple Moon many times before, resulting in the holy gun alliance. There is a crisis of confidence. In such a turbulent moment, domestic forces in the United States will immediately think of replacing it. But unlike China, Americans have too much freedom of behavior, so civil war, which is obviously inconsistent with public opinion, is basically impossible to fight. If you can't fight a civil war, you can only go abroad, but the American big-power chauvinism makes their people's vision too high. If they simply look down on the small African countries, then there are not many goals left. Japan is the watchdog of the Americans, and it will certainly not show prestige when hitting its own dog. Besides, this dog has been beaten by China and almost died. European countries until now are all supporters of the United States, and they are relatively exclusive internally. Australia is the sphere of influence of the British and cannot move at all. India is a third-rate country. The Americans look down upon them. Russia is too ruthless and they dare not move. They are concentrating their efforts to pinch Japan, and they don’t have to worry about us retaliating against the United States. With this understanding, the Americans decided to provoke a war against China, and the battle between China and Japan and our association in several cities in the United States became the best excuses. According to the American bandit theory, those cities in the United States can be regarded as acts of aggression, so they are rebelling for'justice', which is justified. It just so happened that the Japanese wanted to make a Danger Land return. The Americans just cooperated with them so that we could not care about the other. Once the war is won, the leading guild will inevitably draw in a large number of members. . You must know that the American guild is not the same as our guild. Our Frost Rose League makes money and pays wages. Other Chinese guilds are self-sufficient by pooling money, while the American guild is a profit-making organization. The money paid by members is ultimately used for guild spending, the president and main leaders. The personnel can also make money from it, which has caused the American guild to behave like a private club, which is completely a toll center. Dora membership means making more money. Now the Holy Lance Alliance is experiencing a setback. It is a good time for them to develop. Therefore, the Americans must participate in the war, and must fight well, no matter how much investment, as long as we defeat us, all losses will be thereafter In return, this is the American theory of war economy. In reality, they played this trick very well, but in the game it seems that they intend to play it again. "

"It sounds reasonable, so why did the Koreans participate in the war?" "

"I haven't figured this out yet. "After all, Jian Fan still has too little contact with these things. It is already very good to understand the Americans’ combat motives.

I took the topic and said: "The motives of Koreans are different from those of Americans, and the situation is also different. Different. It can be said that Americans can be regarded as a collective will. Except for some people who understand it, most people actually want to fight this battle, but South Korea is different. Their behavior is individual will. The forces participating in the war in South Korea are only part of South Korean guilds. This is mainly because South Korean citizens have a rather chaotic attitude towards China. Some people are pro-China, and some hate China, so they cannot agree. Park Eun’s Celestial Alliance is a typical pro-China force. There are also a large group of pro-China guilds under her. Although these people dominate in South Korea, they cannot represent all South Koreans, so this battle can be Said to be a private action by some Koreans who hate the Chinese, but the motive is actually very simple. They think that Park Eun can dominate in Korea because of the support of our Chinese, and once we defeat us, they can get the support of the Japanese, so that they can surpass Park Eun and become the dominant guild in Korea. This is it. The plan to attack our Koreans. "

"Now I understand, but what does this have to do with the British?" "

"The relationship with the British has grown. "I continued to explain: "It's as if we know that the Japanese are standing behind the Americans. Others are not stupid. Everyone knows that our guild has an extraordinary relationship with the Iron Crusade. Once our guild is attacked, iron Is it possible for the Crusaders to sit and watch the excitement? "

"Should not be possible? "

"So, the enemies of the United States, Japan, and South Korea need an ally who can drag the Iron Crusade to Europe. "

"Did you get the intelligence that the British wanted to deal with the Germans?" It turns out that you have additional information. Where can we analyze it? "Cao En as it should be by rights said.

"No, I didn't get any information, and it was not the British who came forward to drag the Germans. "

"It's not British, why are you hitting them?" "

"Because they are the source of the turmoil. If the Americans want to hold down the Germans, they need to have allies in Europe, and the only ones who can compete with the Germans in Europe are Britain and France. However, in terms of American intimacy, Britain is easier to join the war. However, you may not know that the British are a vulture in Europe, but the French are a jackal. This vulture hopes to eat meat, but does not like to catch prey by himself, so the best way is to incite the French to join the war. The Americans are also aware of the behavior and habits of the British, so they know that as long as the British are moved, France will inevitably join the war, which is equivalent to two more allies. The British can take advantage of the Germans during the confrontation between France and Germany, and he still has air divisions to come to China to make money. Such wishful thinking is certainly understood by the British. So, on the surface, Britain did nothing, but in fact they instigated the French to drag our biggest ally. At the same time, as long as we show a little sign of failure, Britain will immediately be eliminated from the standpoint of'international morality'. Evil Chinese forces. "

Wen Rui tried whispered: "That is to say, it seems that Europe is the war between France and Germany, but it is actually the British manipulating the battle? "

"Correct. "

The beautiful woman who had been listening suddenly spoke. "So you want us to fight against the United Kingdom, so that the British will still ask the French for help in order to protect themselves. They just attacked Germany and turned back to the United Kingdom. In this way, the Germans are free to help you beat the Americans, and you can concentrate on putting the Japanese and Koreans down together? "

"Haha, I'm not that gentle. "

Several people were stunned by my words. "Sven? "

"Yes, I'm not that gentle. I always eat with my belt bones. "

Jian Fan suddenly understood. "Are you going to swallow England and France together?" "

"You are thinking in the right direction, but we are overestimating our strength. Even if the belt bones are swallowed together, it is impossible to eat the English and French together, right? Do you really think that these two established powers have now become second-rate countries? a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse "

"Then what do you mean? "

"Egypt sent troops to fight against Britain, attracting the French to Britain to help, and then Germany attacked and occupied French territory across the board. After the French figured out what was going on, they would return to aid. At this time, the task of the Egyptian forces changed from attacking Britain to intercepting the returning French fleet. In my estimation, when the French all came back and the Germans stabilized the battle line, the German side should have taken up a lot of land. Of course, this piece of land is not entirely owned by the Germans, and part of it belongs to our guild, because the premise of my summon German offensive is to tell them that I can help them get all the French to the UK, so that they can one day be there. Playing horse racing on the French territory, of course, the rewa

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