I was dragged by Hong Yue to the guild storage area, where the guild’s various spoils of war and merchandise were lost. Anyway, as long as I haven’t decided the final Basically all the whereabouts items are piled up here. Now it is surrounded by a large group of players and NPCs from the guild.

"Get out of the way." Hong Yue pushed aside the crowd and pulled me to the inner circle. "The earth monument of the Empress you found it becomes like this as soon as it arrives here, you quickly see what happened!"

The earth monument of the Empress in front of you is still there with perseverance, But the problem is that the inscription has been flickering, and the content of the image on it has also changed from time to time. When this monument was just moved back, everyone discovered his second place, so there have been people here recording the various events that are most relevant to our guild, but the image at this critical moment has actually become unclear, and it is still time. Intermittently, anyone who sees this situation will be anxious.

"Do you know what happened?" Hong Yue asked anxiously: "I was here watching a group of Japanese players agree on a specific attack plan against our guild. The result is about to come out, but there is no image of the unfathomable mystery here. It's really anxious!"

"Don't worry, I just found this thing. I don't know what it is. The problem! Let’s calm down and analyze and analyze.” I suddenly thought that there were three students behind me, so I turned around and said to them: “Don’t stand stupidly for the three of you. Think about the problem together. You will definitely meet again in the future. All kinds of problems need to be dealt with. This is just an exercise."

Listening to what I said, the three of them immediately began to meditate. After thinking about it, I asked Hong Yue: "Did something happen while you watched it? Was the image suddenly unclear, or did you do something that made the image unclear?"

Hong Yue thought for a while and said: "We can be sure that nothing has been done here, at least nothing special happened in this great hall."

The earth monument of the Queen of Heaven is connected to it. The great hall was hoisted back together, so the protection should be considered more comprehensive. Since Hong Yue said that it had not been touched, it should have been truly untouched. I was frowned thinking, Jian Fan suddenly asked, "Did the image disappear suddenly or is it a problem gradually appearing?"

Hong Yue glanced at Jian Fan. She didn’t know Jian Fan, but after all Jian Fan came with me, and she also carried the badge of the guild, so she thought about replied: "The image gradually went wrong. At first, it just flashed a bit. We didn’t take it seriously. Then The image flashes more frequently at the beginning, is the character in the image still out of shape, sometimes the sound becomes weird, and finally the image becomes basically unrecognizable, and now even the image is gone. "

After Hong Yue finished speaking, everyone sank again. After all, this sounds like a normal process of equipment damage, and everyone can't think of any problems. The Empress Earth Tablet itself is a virtual image. It is composed of the energy projected by several Magical Artifacts nearby. It can't be repaired even if we want to repair it. A large group of us are standing here and there is nothing we can do with it.

"Is there something interfering with its normal operation?" Wen Rui's words made everyone stunned. Wen Rui watched us staring at her and quickly explained: "The radio in my dormitory is the same. Every time a mobile phone is near it, the sound will start to lose tune. The closer the distance, the more serious the tune."

"It sounds alike, but this emperor's monument is not a radio device. What is interfering with it?"

I thought about it suddenly: "The Giant Butterfly City is now in Where?"

"Just stopped in the warehouse area." Hong Yue replied immediately.

"Let her come over right away and hang the Empress Earth Tablet to the Isengard Mobile Fortress for me. Also, classify all the materials in this storage area, and bring them close to the Empress Earth Tablet in the same way. Let’s see what is interfering with its normal operation."

My order was executed quickly. Isengard is the base camp of our guild, and it is well-staffed and completed soon. This lifting transfer work. During the hoisting process, Hong Yue and I have been keeping a close eye on the Empress Earth Tablet. As a result, when it left Isengard Ground City, a large number of snowflakes began to appear on the surface of the monument, and when we ascended to Isengard Sky City When the height is high, the screen has all been displayed, but occasionally there will be some staggered stripes, but it can be used normally.

"The situation is now obvious. It must be something in the storage area that is interfering with the normal operation of the Empress’ earth monument."

Hong Yue called several men to continue recording the monument. On the screen shown above, she ran to check the list of goods by herself. Although there are a lot of things in the storage area, what we are looking for is only the things that came in during the time when the disturbance occurred. Fortunately, the NPCs in this guild are all elite, so the entry and exit records of the warehouse management unit are all accurate to the second. It is easy to find those things through the records. Under the command of Hong Yue, these things were collected separately, and then one by one they were brought up close to the Empress Earth monument to determine which thing interfered with its normal operation. However, things sometimes make mistakes when you think you can be sure of it.

"Are you sure that this is the complete list of goods in and out?" Hong Yue asked the NPC who was in charge of recording with the list.

"I'm sure." The record is a high level dead soul. He took the security checklist and said: "When the goods in the storage area come in, the goods list must be submitted, and then the receiving staff must write an inspection list. There are two inspections in the process of storage and transportation, which means that a piece of goods will leave four records in the process of entering the storage area. We have just checked the four records, and the contents are all the same. This can prove our work There is no error. If the time you provided is correct, then the goods you want should be here."

Wen Rui suddenly asked: "So what about the things that were shipped out during our review process? "

"Nothing was shipped out during the review process, because the chairman of Purple Moon said at the time that the transportation would be closed for a period of time, so we stopped all the goods."

"That's weird!" Cao En touched the chin: "Why don't you transport the earthen stele of the Empress and have a look?"

"It seems that this can only be done!" Me and Hong Yue reluctantly accepted this seemingly stupid method, but after all, there are no other methods to choose from.

The round-trip transportation delayed us a lot of time. The test result is that the interference source is still there. In the end, we are really not half-reversed. We had to let the Giant Butterfly City take the Empress and fly around Isengard in a circle. Test the specific location of the interference source. According to the different intensity of the interference on the Empress’ earth monument, we can draw the area with the same interference level, so that several concentric circles are obtained, and the center point of these circles is the location of the interference source.

Because there is no digital display on the Empress Earth, we can only calculate the approximate location of the interference source based on human feelings. In the end, the Empress Earth monument was hoisted to the Isengard Mobile Fortress, and we also A lot of things that were suspected of interference sources were found.

"Is the source of interference here?" Hong Yue asked, looking at the pile of things in front of him.

"Almost! We have been testing for a long time and can only set the scope within this area." Several members responsible for testing the interference situation said.

The NPC administrator who has been following us said: "This is not right! The things in this area were already here before the Empress’s earth stele arrived. If the source of interference is here, then the emperor There should be no signal when the Tin Hau Earth Tablet was delivered. How could something suddenly go wrong until today?"

"What? This stuff is already here?" Hong Yue was surprised. looked towards that NPC.

The NPC manager immediately floated to the edge of a box and tore off the white note on the box, saying: "Look, this is a label that was affixed after the supplies were shipped in. This date is clearly a long time ago. Just come in."

I suddenly thought of a probability. "Recently, has anyone touched things here, such as opening the box to check the items in it?"

"I don't know about this, as long as the things don't leave the storage area or change the storage warehouse, we will not have a record , But there should be work content in the staff attendance record. If you gather everyone and ask about it, you should be able to know the result."

"Send the order, immediately gather all the people who have been there during the period when the Queen's Earth Tablet was disturbed. Managers in this area."

The bank’s good management system and the super efficiency of elite NPCs enabled us to see all the managers who have been here within ten minutes. . Fortunately, we only saw three people, which means it's not too difficult to find.

"The three of you have been here during this period of time. Do you remember that you all touched and got something?" I asked the management NPCs.

One of the NPCs said: "Specific things may be remembered not quite clear, but our work is recorded, and we should be able to think of it by comparing the records."

"Okay, now The three of you compare the records and show us all the things you have moved one by one."

The three NPC administrators immediately started to work. We checked these boxes one by one, but they didn’t seem to find any. What's the problem, in the end I can only ask them to put these boxes together. After everyone's careful inspection, we suddenly found a suspicious target because the seal on the box was broken.

"Who broke this seal?" I asked the three of them.

One of the NPCs stood up and said: "This box was only moved by me during this time, but I clearly remember that the seal was still good at that time!"

Hong Yue walked over He held up the seal and looked at it and asked: "Why do you put this kind of seal on the box?"

"This is not what we posted! The box is there when it is shipped."

< p>"What? Isn't this the seal of the storage area?" Hong Yue was surprised.

I ran over to check the seal, frowned thought about it for a long time. "Strange, why do I always think this box looks so familiar?"

"Have you seen it?" Hong Yue turned around and asked me.

"It seems that I have seen it somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while. Wait a moment and let me think about it." I stood there thinking hard for a long time and suddenly divine light flashed in my mind. "Ah! I remember. This is the box I grabbed from the storage space of Pluto, and there is a treasure storehouse connected to the box. I also remembered this seal, which I asked the small dragon girl to post on it. , In order to prevent it from being opened accidentally during this process."

"What? What about this seal...?" Hong Yue pointed to the seal in surprise.

I also instantly understood the seriousness of the matter. "Someone sneaked in and opened this box."

Wen Rui asked us in amazement: "Is there no defender in our guild's storage area?"

"It's because there is We were surprised.” I said to her: “Isinger’s surveillance system is all over the city tree, and these things are connected to the military god’s thought management system. If anyone makes any abnormal behavior in the city, it should be immediately I found out that this guy actually broke in and opened the box so violently, it only shows that he has a way to bypass our surveillance system. If such a person exists, then our city can be no more It’s not safe anymore. You think, if someone intrudes into the city’s power core and turns off the power spar during the battle, what will happen?"

My words made everyone nearby feel huge The crisis, after all, this is not bragging, but it is really possible. Since the person who opened the box can get here with the top secret, it is entirely possible to reach anywhere in the city. It feels like our city is not fortified.

I quickly took out the leaves of the city tree and contacted the god of war through the city tree. "Do you have a video record of the location where I am standing now?"

"I have a video record of Isinger's entire range at all time periods. What are you looking for?"< /p>

"There is a box in front of me. The seal on it is broken. Can you find out who did it?"

"Wait." After about ten seconds The voice of the military god sounded again. "The box was not opened from the outside, but something opened the box from the inside, and the seal was broken. Also, things coming out of the inside can be invisible, and the city monitoring system cannot find the target, but the traces around it Seeing that the target is a humanoid."

"How do you know?"

"Because I can roughly judge the target's body contour by monitoring the surrounding dust flow."


Halo, the military god’s monitoring ability is really strong, even if you can’t see the target, just checking the dust flying caused by the surrounding airflow can calculate the target volume and outline, you can find it even if it is invisible. After all, invisibility is just invisible, not really disappearing, as long as it moves, the surrounding airflow will still change, which is enough to expose the target.

Sure enough, the military god went on to say: "Based on what you said, I speculate that something has sneaked into our city and is engaged in some activities that may be detrimental to us. I have just started all the normal activities in the city. The dormant testing device, guess what I found?"

"Will that guy still be in Isinger, right?"

"Let you be right. "

"Where is he?" This is not what I called, but Hong Yue next to me. The broadcast mode was activated when I activated the leaves of the city tree just now, so the people around me Can hear it all.

"The target has just entered Isengard Sky City through the Ju Ling twin towers, and is currently trying to get out of the central area to the outer part of Isengard Sky City."

"Don't alarm him, let's go over immediately. By the way, notify the members and NPCs near him to gradually evacuate, and it is best to create a no-man's land around him."

"I'm already doing it. "

Military God’s work efficiency is high, and there is no shortage of personnel in our guild. When we rushed to the designated place, the neighborhood was completely evacuated, and there was no one on the street. The building not only closed its doors, but also lowered the closed gates that would never be lowered.

The target we tracked, even if an idiot sees this situation, should know that the situation is wrong, so he is trying to escape at this time, but all his escape routes are blocked. With the aid of the city tree and the god of war, Isengard has achieved full automation of city management, and Isengard itself is built on the basis of a war fortress. There are liftable protective gates between the streets, and street corners. The sculptures and the stone statues on the roof are basically golem troops, and there are Transmission Formation exits between the various buildings. Any enemy entering Isinger is equivalent to entering the center of a prison. Now this invisible guy has been surrounded by countless golems and NPC guards on a street. The buildings on both sides of the street are all closed, and there are protective gates covering the doors and windows. He wants to hide in it simply impossible. , As for the alleys between the buildings, they are all closed by isolation gates now, and you don’t even have to think about using them to escape.

A cold voice suddenly sounded over this street. "Attention unknown intruders, you are now surrounded, please cancel the invisible state to cooperate with our work immediately, otherwise we will be forced to use martial power."

We waited for a while, but there was nothing on the street. Any response, it seems that the other party does not intend to cooperate, or thinks that we have not found him yet.

The guild communication crystal on all of our ears suddenly rang at the same time. "Confirm that the invaders have no intention to cooperate, please prepare the combatants for battle, open the eyes of hell, and start tactical induction."

The Hell of the Hell between the two inverted towers in the Twin Cities of Isengard When the eyes suddenly opened, a yellow beam of light shot out from the Eye of Hell, shining straight on the street in front of us, and suddenly a magical creature appeared on the edge of the street against the wall.

"The battle golems from 21AE-1C16 to 21AE-1D01 of the Golem Troops began to advance."

"Slow." I loudly stopped those golems from advancing because I clearly remember that the creature in front of me was not a strange thing, but the highest-ranking creature I had ever seen.

When Demon rebelled, I went to Demon’s lair with the four Sacred Beasts to catch Dalun Pluto. At that time, we encountered a mirror space there, and we found Dalun Pluto’s treasure. . Among those treasures, there is a coffin that is very special. At that time, we found a channel entrance in the coffin, and finally found a seemingly gorgeous Nuwa Divine Idol in it. Later, because of the constant incidents, I handed over the coffin to someone else to deal with it, but in the end it was obvious that something went wrong in the handover process, so that the coffin was actually got here. I said why this box looks so awkward, it turned out to be the original coffin.

I remember that Nuwa Divine Idol that I found in that space was very special. It was different from the image of Nuwa in many local legends, so I doubted her identity for a while, but later Yeyue, who is a descendant of Nuwa, confirmed that it was the image of Nuwa, and the creature displayed by the eye of hell in front of him was clearly a reduced version of that statue. Then this mysterious creature is not Nuwa. At least her family. Assuming that the above guesses are correct, the current situation is more troublesome. I actually brought so many people here to surround Nuwa or Nuwa’s kinsmen. I thought that the first Vermilion Bird could easily split Isenger in half when he was angry. If I changed it to one that was N times stronger than Vermilion Bird. Empress Nuwa, this result is not so good if you think about it with your toes.

"Why terminated the operation?" The military asked me puzzled.

"This one will not be clear for a while, anyway, don't move." I quickly jumped out of the crowd and walked towards the creature hiding in the corner. She is exactly the same as the creature we saw at the beginning, and there is no difference in the armor on her body. The only difference is that she is relatively small and is a living creature.

She seemed very panicked at this time, because she suddenly discovered that her invisibility had disappeared. She eagerly wanted to hide, but the yellow beam emitted by the Eye of Hell always shrouded her body, no matter what Wherever she hides, the beam will move with her, and this beam will penetrate the wall, and even the shadow of the building cannot block the normal irradiation of the beam.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we don't want to hurt you, you see, I don't have a weapon." I stretched out my hands in a soothing motion and approached her carefully. Obviously, her thinking seems to be very unstable, at least she sees more emotional things than her rationality.

After hearing what I said, she stopped for a while, and then began to run around more flustered. I was afraid that she would not dare to chase after her. I could only make the crowd retreat, at least for now. She didn't seem to have any threatening nature, and letting this group of people surround her would only make her more nervous.

"Military God." I moved the portable intercom to my mouth.

"What's the matter?"

"Let the large troops withdraw. I can do it here, but don't let the team disband. It may not be necessary to use it."< /p>

"Understand." The eyes of the surrounding golems and golems suddenly flashed, and then turned and lined up to leave the scene in a neat and uniform movement. The NPC guards also gradually withdrew under the command of Captain of each team. The number of people on the scene is getting smaller and smaller, and the spirit of the other party has gradually settled down. It seems that my method is indeed effective.

"Yeyue, Princess." I opened the Phoenix Dragon Space, and then released Yeyue and Princess. Although the appearance of the two of them looks very different, according to Princess, she and Ye Yue are both descendants of Nuwa. If the creature in front of you is really related to Nuwa, then the two of them are at least of the same race even if they are not of the same race as her. Close relatives.

Princess and Yeyue were stunned as soon as they saw the creature in front of them, and the creature on the opposite side was also stunned, and then they actually made the first bold move since they were discovered until now. Swim over to us.

Until now I found out that her body is actually very large, but because her upper body is like a human female, and the tail behind is relatively long, so she looks very slim, only when she is really Only after fully unfolding can she find that her actual volume is much larger than it looks.

Yeyue took the initiative to greet her after seeing her swimming over. The two of them approached only two meters before stopping, and then Yeyue stopped moving, but the other party slowed down. The speed is still moving forward slowly.

Ye Yue looked back at me, and I quickly pointed to the Unknown Creature. "Pacify her."

Yeyue was nodded, and then continued to approach her slowly, but the other party began to feel a little timid, and seemed to be afraid of getting too close. I hurriedly called Yeyue not to move. The other side stopped after seeing Yeyue not moving, and suddenly the golden light flashed on her shoulder. The twelve arms were merged into two, and the sixteen wings on the back were also Merge into two extra large fluffy wings. After the transformation was completed, she suddenly stretched her right hand to Ye Yue timidly, and then tried to move forward a little bit.

Ye Yue looked back at me again, and then moved a little forward and stretched out his right hand. The right hands of the two people are only less than a foot apart in the air. She looked at Ye Yue, then glanced at our side, and then moved forward again. This time her hand could already touch Ye Yue’s hand, but she did not touch Ye Yue, but shrank her hand in fear, but seeing that Ye Yue did not move at all, she boldly stretched out her hand again. .

Two white and long jade hands tentatively touched in the air, she retracted her hands like an electric shock, but after looking at Yeyue’s expression, she stretched it out boldly Hooked up with Ye Yue's fingers.

After the two people’s hands were completely clasped, the two of them suddenly took a strong breath at the same time and then made a gasp of incomparable enjoyment together. The sound was lazy and seductive as if it was in your heart. I scratched it up, I only felt an electric current flowing through my lower body like an electric shock, and all the cold hairs on my body were standing on top of each other. Individuals, and all males, whether they are players, NPCs or devil beasts, as long as they are male creatures, all seem to be within the range of influence.

I only feel my legs are soft and floating under my feet, as if they are about to be paralyzed. It feels too hard to tell, but it's easy if you have to describe it. In fact, it just felt like the feeling of a man at the moment of sex, and the few people who passed out were obviously over-excited. I didn't expect Yeyue and this Unknown Creature to let us pour a blockbuster here with just a gasp, which is too terrifying!

I concentrated my mind a little and my mind immediately became sober. Dragon Clan didn’t strengthen much in terms of fertility, and we mainly strengthened the intellectual ability. The instinctive impulse for primordial only needs oneself. If you want to suppress it, you can easily suppress it, but it's a pity that all of my subordinates have become soft-footed shrimps, and they seem to be dying.

I quickly contacted the military god: "Remove all male players and NPCs, and the opponent can release unknown types of mental interference, which is extremely lethal to most male creatures."

"I have intercepted the signal just now. In fact, it is only a kind of diffusive primary energy. The only problem is that this energy directly stimulates the life energy of male creatures, and the result is this kind of similar impulse effect. If not If you want to divide it into categories, this is actually a kind of blessing magic, not an offensive magic."

"Damn, there is this kind of blessing magic?"

The military god is very sure Replied: "According to your previous guess, this creature is likely to be related to Nuwa, and Nuwa is the god in charge of life. Reproduction is the fundamental way for life to derive, so it is normal for Nuwa to have this ability."

"Go, you guy is also known as a supercomputer. You actually call Nuwa the same as an obscene god."

"I am a computer and not a human being. The one who is obscene or obscene is your carbon-based Biological matters, in my opinion, reproduction is nothing more than an electrochemical reaction. I really can’t understand why you are so avoiding such things. I..."

"Wait, there is a reaction on the spot."

Unknown Creature in front of us suddenly approached Yeyue again, and then she extended her other hand to Yeyue's goggles, as if she wanted to take it off. Ye Yue hurriedly stretched out her hand to stop it, but the other party resolutely pushed Ye Yue's hand away and took her eye protection off. Ye Yue quickly closed her eyes in fright and didn't dare to open them. Her gaze had a petrified effect.

The other party didn’t seem to know Yeyue’s ability, or she just wanted to see this ability, she actually smiled and stroked Yeyue’s face, and then gradually pulled Yeyue’s head towards herself , And then she stretched her head over.

Cao En, who has been standing next to me, shouted in surprise: "They didn't want to...!"

"pu..." Sitting in the information center and watching the scene with the military god The eagle in the video was drinking tea, and when he saw the scene in the scene, he sprayed a sip of tea onto the monitor.

Just now Cao En hadn’t finished talking about it, and the other party actually kissed Ye Yue’s lips, and it was a very technical long kiss. I only heard the sound of drooling next to me. The male player who came with me this time completely accepted the extreme stimulation today, and most of them are still in the crash.

In fact, compared to us watching from the side, the real surprise should be Yeyue in the field. She opened her eyes in surprise when the other party kissed her lips, but she When I opened my eyes, I found that the other party was still kissing her intently, unaffected, and he actually pulled her into his arms and hugged her and continued kissing.

I actually noticed that Yeyue’s eyes opened, but it was obvious that the petrochemicals were restricted, and some unknown force suppressed her petrochemical attributes.

"Who are you?" Yeyue took a lot of effort to push the opponent away from her. She is now completely confused. It may be easier for her to deal with a hundred enemies at the same time. .

The other party turned a deaf ear to Yeyue’s words, she looked at Yeyue, and then suddenly pulled Yeyue towards herself again, but this time Yeyue was prepared, so she quickly blocked her Wolf kiss. "Who are you?"

Although the other party found that Ye Yue refused to cooperate, she still looked very excited with a smile, and her eyes met Ye Yue's eyes at each other. Ye Yue may not notice if she gets too close, but we can see a real arc between Ye Yue and her eyes from a distance.

"Is this the legendary beauty with electric eyes?" Cao En patted my shoulder and asked me.

"I don't know, I haven't been charged like this anyway."

"Wait, what is she doing? Is there any offensive power?" Wen Rui asked cautiously.

The voice of the god of war suddenly rang. "Warning, abnormal energy fluctuations are found, and the energy isolation in the HR39-6100-1317 area begins."

With a boom, four square water crystal pillars suddenly rose in four directions around us, and then water The top of the crystal pillar suddenly emits two rays of light and two adjacent pillars form a square frame. After the frame was formed, a bright blue light curtain suddenly appeared around the center of these rays, sealing our area.

"What is this?" Jian Fan and the others have never seen this thing.

"The energy isolator is used to prevent enemy mages from making trouble in the city. As long as the energy barrier is deployed, the magic of the inner space will lose its vitality. Normal magic cannot be released in this area, even It is a high level magic, and the formidable power will drop to an acceptable range."

"It's a good thing." Cao En felt.

I am nodded. "The price is good."

The discharge behavior of Yeyue in the field has become more and more exaggerated, and now the tiny arc has completely turned into a blue beam of light. Ye Yue's eyes almost turned into receivers, and the blue beam of light from the opponent's eyes shot straight into her pupils. At this time, the energy barrier that had just been deployed nearby suddenly retracted automatically.

"Military god, what's the matter?"

"I just detected the abnormal magic power accumulation situation, so I raised the energy barrier to prevent accidents, but now it seems that the opponent is not asking Gathering attack magic, but injecting energy into Ye Yue’s body, she may be improving Ye Yue’s attributes."

Almost at the same time as the military god finished speaking, Ye Yue and the blue beam in the opponent’s eyes Suddenly disappeared, but Ye Yue suddenly fell into the arms of the other party. She helped Ye Yue straighten her hair very gently, then gently kissed Ye Yue on the forehead, and fell down with her herself.

"What's the matter? Why are the two fainted together?"

The voice of the military god sounded again. "The life indications are all normal, but the energy level has dropped to zero, and both of them are just in a coma."

I finally walked over with the courage. First, I patted Yeyue and that Princess near Unknown Creature, although all descendants of Nuwa, she seems obviously not as close as Yeyue and the creature’s blood relationship, but I don’t know why she hasn’t moved since she stood there, didn’t expect After I took this shot, she actually softened, so I hurriedly hugged her up in shock.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" I patted Princess's face, but she didn't respond at all, except for breathing normally, there is no difference from a dead body.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Sorry, the information is incomplete, unable to analyze the cause of the incident, you may have to wait until one of them wakes up to understand the truth of the matter , Maybe they can’t even answer your question. Oh wait."


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