After all the falling dust was removed, a giant necromantic creature finally broke out of the ground, but I was stupid.

"Giant horseshoe crab?"

The creature in front of you is simply not the creature that should be here now, and there seems to be a problem in both time and place. The guy in front of me is clearly a Cambrian marine arthropod, a super ancient creature that is several times older than the dinosaurs. I didn’t expect to be able to summon the undead of this thing in the territory of Anubis. It stands to reason. It shouldn't have appeared on land at all, and the era is so different, right?

I watched this monster, which is larger than the sports field, slowly stood up. His body looked like a crab with a long tail, but its shell was not like a crab shell. With edges and corners, its shell looks smoother, like an inverted saucer.

The monster turned around after standing up, because it doesn’t have eyes, so I don’t know if this thing is paying attention to me, but it must be looking for the crystal powder I sprinkled just now breath. For undead creatures, black liquid crystal powder is the best nourishment, but the summon thing in front of you does not seem to be of much use. What I want is to randomly summon a skeleton or Nether Soul to ask for directions, but in the end I summon such a big guy, don’t say whether it can communicate, even if it can speak human words, how much crystal powder do I want it? Are you willing to help?

After thinking about it, I still plan to change my position and call again. This big guy is not the one to ask for directions. Who knows that I just turned around to fly away and felt the huge wind pressure behind me. In the panic, I slammed into the air, and a huge steel whip fell vertically, almost taking me along to withdraw.

The steel whip missed a hit, and several identical steel whips flew next to me. I hurriedly twisted my body and passed between these thick steel whips.

"You hateful monster, why did you attack me? I didn't let you do anything. I sprinkled a handful of crystal powder and didn't ask for it. You actually want to attack me, do you have a conscience? Huh you?"

"Give me all the crystal powder you carry, and I will let you go." didn't expect this monster can really speak, and speaking of which is quite fluent, that is The sound was a little loud, and it almost caught up with the sonic attack.

"You want crystal powder? Yes, I want to ask something, if you tell me this crystal powder is yours." I took out a handful of crystal powder and shook it.

"I want everything."

Damn, I guessed this big guy has a bigger appetite. "No, just this one, just say it, don't say it, pull it down."

"If you don't say anything, I want crystal powder."

Now I'll listen. Understood, this guy is simply not bargaining with me, he just wants to take away all the crystal powder, and simply doesn't want to help. I also know a little bit about creatures like it. After all, they lived in a relatively old age. There was no moral code in that era, and everything was based on strength. As long as I am stronger than you, if I am happy to bite you, I will bite you. If I am happy to kick you, you can kick your feet. Anyway, you can't beat me. There is no need to worry about your revenge.

"Okay, you want crystal powder, don't you?" I smirked and took out a handful of bright crystal powder from the Phoenix Dragon space, and then sprinkled it over.

Black liquid crystal powder can enhance the power of undead creatures and play a nourishing effect, while the effect of bright crystal powder is exactly the opposite. It can burn the soul fire of the undead, which is very for the undead. Something dangerous. Like ordinary high-level undead, you don’t have to worry about this thing. After all, crystal powder is not a shotgun. As long as it can be blown away by a gust of wind, the thing in front of you is still a low-level undead. Ways to deal with these crystal powder. I saw the crystal powder with dazzling rays of light falling on the monster and immediately ignited the white holy fire. The monster screamed and rolled desperately in the flames. At first, he could still go crazy with his whip and strong tentacles. Later, I couldn't even move, I could only make a low groan.

I flew onto this guy and landed directly on his body, then knocked on its shell, only to hear a metallic echo. "Your shell is pretty good, let me test how hard it is." As I said that, I smashed it with an eternal change hammer. at first I didn't use too much effort, but I made a sound when the hammer went down, and Eternal was actually bounced back. "Yes, it is useful. Small dragon female, Ling, Crystal, come out. How about you help me see this thing?"

Ling first tapped with his hand, and then smashed it with a stick. Two times, it turned out that it couldn't move. The small dragon girl is so simple. She directly stretched out a green jade finger to draw a circle on the edge of the carapace, and then lightly pounded the center of the carapace to cut a round carapace.

"The hardness of this thing is very high, and it is almost on par with the sharp claw of our Divine Dragon Race."

Ling took the disc cut by the small dragon woman and held it in it. Palm, and then a green flame suddenly rose from her palm. The disc quickly shrank and condensed in the flame, and finally turned into a mass of ink-black matter. As Ling's fingers tapped several times, the black substance floated above Ling's palm and gradually unfolded into a circular thin plate.

"Didn't expect this thing to be tempering."

"How hard is it?"

Ling gave the thing to the small dragon woman, the small dragon woman I tapped a few times with my nails, and then shook his head. "It has exceeded my dragon claw. It seems that this is not the limit hardness. If there is good equipment for finishing, I believe it should become harder."

The crystal took the slice and looked at it. Said: "Although the hardness is very good, this thing will cut off the transmission of magic power. If it is used as armor or weapon, then it can be used as a whiteboard equipment?"

"That's not afraid, we can use it to produce A magic puppet. Anyway, magic puppets don’t know how to use magic, as long as they are hard enough."

We have worked out the best use of this thing in a few sentences, but I still find it a pity. "Although this guy is not small in size, there should not be much material left after tempering. It seems that he can only produce a few very strong elite-level magic puppets!"

"I don't think it is necessary." Ling Pointed to the ground. "I just felt it. I just discovered a lot of soul induction similar to this thing. There should be a lot of this kind of creatures here. If all of them are dug out to refine this kind of substance, I think it will be enough to make magic dolls. "

"Perhaps Aiya...!" I suddenly felt a pain in my feet, and quickly jumped away. I saw a strange creature with arc flashes lying where I was just standing. "Damn, it's a shame to be bitten by this kind of little thing!"

"Why do you look so familiar with this thing?" Ling pointed his finger and the little thing immediately flew up, and then in Ling Under the command of, he turned all over the air and turned into an upturned look. We looked at this little thing and then at the big guy lying next to it, and now we understand completely. This little thing is the larva of the big guy.

"I think our resource supply problem has been solved." Crystal looked at the little thing still in the lightning arc and said, "This little fellow is still alive. Just take some back and raise it. "

" After living in the mother for so long and not dying, shouldn't this little thing have a long growth period?" Although I don't know so many economic laws as Rose, at least I am not stupid. , If the growth period of these things is too long, then there is no feeding value.

Fortunately, Ling answered our questions. "I just checked the soul of this big guy with a soul search, so you don't have to worry. The reason why these little fellows have not died for so long is because they are guarded by the mother's soul in the mother's body. The motherhood of this creature Very strong, even if he is still defending his child, he was injured too badly by the bright crystal powder, so he could not control the protective space in the body and caused the little fellow to run out."

"How long is their growth period? Can it be put into practical use?"

"The growth period is only six months."

"What? Six months?" I looked at it. Floating in midair, this little thing is more than a crab at worst, and I look at this big guy with more than two football fields under my feet. I really can’t imagine how this thing can make itself more than a hundred thousand times bigger in six months. Yes, is this almost the same as blowing up a balloon!

Ling suddenly moved the little thing in front of me and said, "Actually, I don’t think these things simply need to be killed."


"Because of this It is a kind of arthropod. Their shells cannot grow with the body, so they need to shed their shells continuously during the six-month growth period, which means...!"

Small dragon female In the past, he said, "That means that without our hands, the raw materials will naturally fall from them, right?"

"Correct." Ling continued, "When the new inner shell is formed, the outer shell will be The musculature is cracked, and we only need to collect the fragments to refine this high-hardness raw material. There is no need to kill them. Moreover, this kind of creature can actually be domesticated and can be used when necessary. The war machine is used."

"The real machine?" The small dragon girl couldn't understand Ling's meaning.

I helped explain: "The adult body of these things is the size of two football fields, and the shell is hard like a city wall. As long as you do less on its back, you can build a heavy artillery position. , When the time comes, we have a mobile fort."

"Not just a fort." Ling added: "The giant horseshoe crab is an aquatic arthropod. Although it can move freely on land, in the final analysis It is also a marine animal, so its biggest role is not to act as a fort, but to act as a diving battleship. With its shell hardness, there is basically no need to worry about the opponent’s artillery, and it itself is an aquatic animal, so diving is for it to take a walk. It’s as simple as that. Also, although this thing is not magical, it can discharge electricity. There are dozens of steel arms thicker than oil pipelines. Physical attacks alone can dominate the ocean. Even on land, The damage power of its tentacles is sure to be okay to destroy the city wall."

"Is there any weakness in this thing?"

"Yes. It has only a soft shell on its abdomen The hardness is not as good as our armor, so...!"

"So as long as someone gets under its stomach, it can be killed easily, right?"

Ling nodded: "Theoretically, this is the case, but the premise is that you have to avoid the charged arms and feet first. Also, if it is suddenly pulled off, it is estimated that no one can guarantee that you will not be crushed."

< p>After listening to Ling's introduction, I made a decision as it should be by rights-raising giant horseshoe crabs on a large scale. This thing is really useful. The shells that shed during the growth period can be used as smelting materials, and when they grow up, they can still fight. After the war, the shells on the body can be recycled. There is basically no shortcoming except that the meat cannot be eaten.

Since I decided to recycle and raise, I have to collect a large number of small giant horseshoe crabs and bring them back to scale up. For this reason, I specially opened the space door and released Qilin warrior and ring tone Knight to help me collect everywhere. The shell of the giant horseshoe crab undead and the larvae are still alive. In order to make it easier to close the space door after a while, I left Ling also. She can help me with the space manipulation door and summon creatures. Considering that it might not be safe for Ling to go back alone, I also left the small dragon girl and Baixue for a while to protect each other, and Baixue could also serve as a mount for Ling.

Explain that they will return to Isengard to wait for me after they have finished moving things, and I will leave here with other familiars to find the fruit of the wish. I left this place of right and wrong first, and I found a place where there is no big guy. I sprinkled a handful of crystal powder. Fortunately, this time I didn’t climb out any weird things, but stuck out one from the ground covered with beef jerky. Arms with dry muscles. I didn't wait for him to crawl out slowly, grabbed his hand and pulled him out.

"Don't pull it, it's about to fall!" The guy under the ground yelled as soon as he was pulled out of his head. Unfortunately, he was too late. It was light, but the guy fell back to the ground again, leaving only half of my arm in my hand.

"Eh...this...I'm sorry, didn't expect it to be so weak!" I hurriedly returned the half of my arm to him, and then sprinkled black liquid crystal powder on the fracture. The arms immediately butted together. For these undead, black liquid crystal powder is spiritual medicine, which governs everything.

"What are you doing to summon me up?" The corpse fiddled with the new arm and said: "I have no abilities. If you want me to fight, I will fall for sure."

"I don’t want you to fight, and I won’t call you like this anymore? I want to ask something."

"That’s fine, as long as I know, I can tell You, but you have to give me some crystal powder."

I immediately took out a handful of crystal powder. "I want to ask if you saw a girl in a green dress passing by?"

"Is it the girl who wears a tree leaf and still has a fruity fragrance on her body?"


"Did you see?"

"Yes. She ran from where I lay, and then ran to the other side."

I looked When he clicked on the direction he pointed, the fruit of the heart's desire and desire had indeed changed the direction of progress. It seemed that Xiaochun's analysis was correct. "Then many thanks." After I handed the crystal powder to him, I chased forward immediately.

This place in the underworld is a ghost place not just in name only, but also in reality. It can be said that there are ghosts everywhere. I can easily trace the whereabouts of the fruit of wish all the way. It seemed that she changed her direction many times after she changed her direction, and finally turned into an advancing in the opposite direction of the starting direction. Fortunately, she didn't change her direction anymore. I speculated that her destination should be Bizo City based on her moving direction. This is a relatively large undead colony under the leadership of Anubis, in which a large number of undead and dark creatures live, and it is said that many low-level gods can be found there.

Since the destination was predicted in advance, I didn't have to bother to ask all the way, but flew directly to the destination to find it. The shape of the city is rather dilapidated. The city wall more than five meters high is covered with loess, which looks tattered as if it would fall away at any time. The houses in the city are basically civil structures, and the appearance is similar to the city wall, and I have all been listed as dilapidated houses.

On the city gate, I asked the necromantic warrior who was guarding the gate, only to realize that the fruit of the wish had just entered the city from here a few minutes ago, and I did not follow the wrong direction. After entering the city, I flew all the way to the first fork in the road, and then used crystal powder as a bargaining chip to inquire about an undead businessman on the side of the road. Hastily chased it.

Many people think that the underworld is a transit point for souls. When people in Yang Sector die, their souls will queue up here to wait for reincarnation, and then return to Yang Sector. In fact, that's not the case at all. There is a permanent population in the underworld. These undeads simply won't return to the world. Some undeads are even native natives. They are simply not the souls left behind by the death of creatures in the upper realm. Like my Familiar Phantom, it is a Spiritual Body that is generated in the human world. It also has many characteristics of an undead, but because it is naturally generated in the human world, it is not afraid of light magic. Since spiritual bodies can also be generated in the human world, let alone the underworld, it is really normal to generate spiritual bodies here. Because there are permanent undeads here, there will naturally be some simple transactions before the undead, but because the undead's desires and needs are not many, this kind of transaction is still very backward and not very frequent, but anyway, the transaction It still exists. For example, this undead shop in front of me is one of them.

Seeing me walk into the store, a wet-eyed MM immediately greeted me. This MM is wearing a large robe, but because the whole body is water, it looks more close to the body, as if it is a little bit transparent, if the average person thinks that blood energy should flow up, fortunately, I have always been resistant to beauties.

"Sir, do you need anything?" MM asked enthusiastically.

I didn’t answer her words, instead I asked in surprise: "Why are you like this? You fell into the water? There seems to be no river nearby!" The undead didn’t need to drink water, of course they wouldn’t fight. Well or reserve water, and there is no natural water nearby, I am curious how she can do it like the one caught in the river.

The girl used a very plain tone to explain why I almost passed out. "Um... Actually, I was dragged into deep water by a Nile crocodile to drown when I was cleaning the clay pot by the river a few days ago. Because it takes a long time to reincarnate, I got a job here..." The girl was missing and even rolled up her robe a bit to show me her boneless calf. According to her, the meat was bitten off by a crocodile. I gasped as I listened.

Now that I understand, this MM is just a ghost, so it's wet. In fact, the water on her body is simply not water, it is her memory of death, like a ghost who burned to death in the underworld, often with fire like all over her body. As for her big eyes, they seemed to be staring out because of the feeling of suffocation before drowning, so they felt very big.

I didn't say anything about it. Instead, I pretended to ask about the products, and then I asked about the fruit of my wish. I lied to the water ghost MM and said that it was my friend. The two agreed to meet here and asked her if she had seen it.

The water ghost MM immediately said that my friend followed a few undead who came to buy things and the boss went to the back, and then she was very enthusiastic to take me in. I politely declined her kindness and went to the back of the store. As soon as I opened the door curtain, I smelled a burnt smell with a slight meaty smell. After a closer look, I found that there was a scorched corpse lying on the side of the door curtain. Many places are still on fire, most of its body has turned into coke, and the smell should be on its body.

I didn't care about the corpse. I was about to step forward and suddenly felt that my ankle was caught. Turning to see, it was the charred corpse that did it. If the general mental quality is not good, this will be dizzy, but my mental quality has always been abnormal, and there is no response at all. "Let go." I said lukewarm.

Not only did Jiao Shi not let go, he also stretched out his other hand. Seeing him so uncooperative, I didn't bother to talk nonsense with him. After a few clicks, the scorched corpse lay down again, and I continued to walk into the yard with two burning arms on my ankles.

The houses of the Egyptians are very strange. They obviously have land, but they like to build the houses very densely. The backyard looks like a maze. I pushed open the deepest gate of the yard and stepped in, only to be stunned on the spot.

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