Those who have played "Zero" in the so-called B1K19 experiment will have a deep memory, because it is the legendary "Zero" with the highest penetration rate and the most popular monster in the world-demon wolf.

Demon wolf is known as one of the four representative creatures of the magic world monster system. The other three creatures are giant dragon, griffon and unicorn. As long as these four monsters appear, you can basically think It's the magic world. In 80% of comics, novels, games, movies, TV and other works related to magic, one of these four creatures will appear more or less, and more than 50% of the works will appear two to three at the same time. From this we can see how popular these four organisms are. If the above four creatures do not appear in a cultural work about Western magic, it would be as bad as not seeing the vixen and Celestial Court in Chinese myths.

The demon wolf in the game is almost all over every mountain in the game, and the difference is nothing more than quantity and variety. The demon wolf that appeared in front of Wenrui's three people now has a height of at least 1.7 meters at the shoulder and a head and tail length of more than four meters. The big hairy cow is as petite as a lamb beside it. This guy is covered with pure white long hair, and looks very beautiful on the surface. If someone's dog can have this look, it is definitely one of the capitals that is Master's boasting, but the family pet dog will never grow to it. So big.

Wen Rui and the three of them immediately recognized this guy's identity when they saw this guy. Among them, Wen Rui knows demon wolf best. While the demon wolf hadn’t come close, she quickly said, “This is an extremely Earth Demon wolf. Some people call it a snow wolf because it’s all white. However, this monster’s character has absolutely nothing to do with its appearance. , Not only is the offensive super strong, but also the hobby who plays with its prey."

"What skills does it have?" Because of the snot slime before, now three people believe that these monsters and the monsters in the game should be It's the same, so I quickly want to gather some useful information in advance.

Wen Rui introduced: "The snow wolf is the largest in the demon wolf family and has the greatest strength, but its agility is not at all faster than its peers."

"That means this thing is fast?" Jian Fan asked.

Cao En immediately scolded: "Nonsense, idiots all know that demon wolf has two advantages. One is to win in groups and numbers, and the other is to be fast and like to engage in sneak attacks."

"It looks like there is only one here!" Jian Fan said.

"But we don't know the sword skills and magic in the game!" Wen Rui said with a sad face: "By the way, remind you two to pay attention to the fact that the snow wolf is a dual attribute of ice and wind, which can emit split blades and Frostbolt."

"This is the real world anyway, It shouldn't be magic?" Cao En said this in a hesitant voice, as if he didn't even believe it.

"If it is Dragon Fate, it might be really possible." Jian Fan said: "Before Shenlin said that the things here will completely subvert our understanding of the world. Maybe magic will actually appear. ."

"What are you kidding? Magic is against common sense of science, it is impossible to exist." Cao En solemnly vowed this time.

Wen Rui patted Jian Fan and Cao En who were arguing at the same time, and then pointed to the demon wolf ahead. "I think we really encountered something that subverted our understanding."

The two boys looked at Wen Rui’s fingers and found that the demon wolf was more than a hundred meters away from them. The place stopped, and it was still facing them with his mouth open. Just when Wen Rui pointed it to them, a blue and white ball of light suddenly appeared in the demon wolf's mouth, and the ball of light was still rapidly expanding, and soon it was as big as a volleyball. After the ball of light grew to the size of a volleyball, demon wolf suddenly shut his mouth, and the ball of light flew forward as if being squeezed out of his mouth.

"Not good, flash."

The three people ran very fast. The data read on the instrument in front of Rose and I broke the world record. It seems that people Sure enough, Wenrui's potential is great. Even Wenrui, who seems to be gentle and gentle, has ran out of the men's 100-meter track and field level.

Just after the three people flew and avoided, the blue and white ball of light also hit the ground at the same time. A visible blue halo of naked eye quickly spread to all around around the place where the ball of light fell, and the ground followed With the spread of the halo, it quickly froze and hung a layer of terrifying hoarfrost. Finally, when this halo stopped spreading, a terrifying ice zone with a radius of more than four meters had formed on the ground. All three of them felt a fierce cold from behind, and Wen Rui, the slowest runner, fell to the ground fiercely. There was a faint layer of hoarfrost on her legs. Fortunately, she was only frozen when she ran. The edge of the power has been wiped away, otherwise she should change to ice sculpture.

The two boys were fairly good, did not run away alone, and immediately ran back after discovering Wen Rui had fallen down, picking up her and running. Cao En ran and complained: "Damn, don't you say that it uses Frostbolt? How did it become a frozen ball? This is Level 3 magic, and it is completely different from the Level 1 magic of Frostbolt. High-grade stuff!"

Jian Fan rushed to Cao En in an angry voice: "Who just slapped his chest and said that this is the reality of the world impossible with magic?"

"This...! "Cao En was completely dumbfounded.

Wen Rui interrupted them and said: "Once you are done, don't make any noise, hurry up and concentrate your efforts to escape! If we don't run away, we will have to become snow wolf ice cream!"

Jane Fan immediately said, "Cao En, you will see if Snow Wolf is chasing him." Cao En looked back obediently, and finally staggered at his feet and almost didn't take the three of them down together. Jian Fan complained: "What are you doing? Do you want to kill us?"

"You might have weak legs when you look back." Cao En exclaimed angrily.

Jian Fan turned his head when he heard it, but it turned out that he almost fell on the ground. It turned out that the snow wolf behind it was gathering that kind of light ball again, and the diameter of the light ball this time was more than twice that of the previous one. It seemed that the snow wolf meant to continue to expand. Last time, the ball of light that was only the size of a volleyball had frozen an area of ​​more than nine meters in diameter.

Wen Rui said suddenly: "You put me down, and sooner or later the three of us will be finished if we run like this. You two leave me alone and run to both sides immediately, at least there is some hope of survival. "

"No." Cao En replied without even thinking about it: "Throwing a woman away and running on her own, that's what Court Eunuch can do. Even if there is something underneath such a man, his spirit is already I was castrated."

Wen Rui said with a blush on her face: "You can't be more elegant!"

"I also agree." Jian Fan said: "Even if If we run separately, we definitely can’t run Xuelang’s four legs. It’s nothing more than a matter of time. I don’t want to go back and fight with it now. This is the only hope. Once we are separated, Xuelang can do it in 3 minutes. We put them down one by one. And by that time even the chance to fight is gone."

"That's good." Cao En stopped suddenly and followed Jian Fan and Wen Rui with him. Come down. The three of them turned to face the snow wolf together, but this time they did not step back but rushed up. Rabbits bite people in a hurry, let alone people?

Because of their fast running, Jian Fan and Cao En rushed to Snow Wolf first, but Snow Wolf didn’t seem to have much interest in the two men. The two flew over their heads and landed firmly in front of Wen Rui.

I saw the two boys so desperately Wen Rui also intends to go up and help, but didn't expect Snow Wolf actually fell directly in front of her, this frightened her directly to sit on the ground, but this stubbornness The girl actually reacted quickly and used the branch in her hand to insert the wolf's mouth. Of course, branches are basically equal to toothpicks to Snow Wolf, and their lethality is negligible. When the two boys noticed that the snow wolves had bypassed themselves, they immediately turned around and wanted to get help, but they were swept away by the tail of the snow wolves after they rushed in. Although the Snow Wolf is not currently a mass-produced weapon of our group, it is an artificial creature after all, and even a tail cannot be resisted by humans.

After a simple sweep of two people, the snow wolf bit the branch in Wen Rui's hand to pieces, then threw it away, lowered his head and held Wen Rui's thigh, and raised his head fiercely. Flew into the air. The bloody water instantly covered the ground nearby. Wen Rui's corpse with a leg missing fell on the grass seven or eight meters away, and a broken leg was still held in the snow wolf's mouth.

The computer next to Rose and I suddenly turned on a red light. "Warning, the subject had excessive blood loss, multiple fractures in the chest cavity, respiratory failure, and the countdown of neuron activity began." A red countdown suddenly appeared on the screen, but there are still seven minutes left. We said that the last saving time of 3 minutes is under the premise that the brain is completely ischemia. Although it is no longer good according to the general medical concept, it is not really dead after all, so there is still seven minutes in time.

I directly notified the snow wolf that the performance was over with the radio function of the electronic brain, and the snow wolf immediately threw away the broken leg in his mouth, and then rushed to pick up Wen Rui, who had almost become a pile of rotten meat, quickly Ran to the exit. The two boys wanted to catch up, but unfortunately they didn't have the speed at all, they could only watch Xuelang take Wen Rui away. But if they knew the truth, they should now worry about themselves instead of Wen Rui, at least Wen Rui has passed the test, and they will have to be tested more.

In fact, this test of mine is simply not to test the effect of personal resistance. After all, they are all humans. It is difficult for them to deal with the snow wolf, a biological weapon specially developed for mountain special forces. NS. So, what I really want to see is their willpower and their response in critical moments. In this situation, talents will show their truest side. Some people who usually look respectable will abandon their relatives and companions to step up for themselves in this situation. Some people who usually seem mediocre will be brave at this moment. Leave to block the enemy to protect your companions. Some arrogant wicked people will be frightened and even pee their pants in this situation. Some people who usually look weak will suddenly break out and fight the enemy to the death. These are what I want to see. Yes, I want to know whether these people’s deep in one's heart is buried with a devil or an angel.

Wen Rui was sent out of the gate and immediately put into the training cabin, but in the end, what kind of surgery to perform on her has not yet been decided, it depends on her own performance. Of course, even if she doesn't cooperate, she will at most regain the body of an ordinary person. The cloning technology is not a high-tech for Longyuan, and she can do it at any time if needed.

Soon Wen Rui was sent over like Liu Yiling before, but her appearance is much worse than Liu Yiling. With only half of her body left, she was floating in a glass jar filled with green culture fluid, and her consciousness was still in a coma. I glanced at the buttons under the incubation cabin. One of the buttons fell down and bounced again without anyone touching it, while Wen Rui in the cabin woke up like an electric shock.

Wen Rui, who suddenly found herself in a liquid environment, was flustered, but soon calmed down because she found that the liquid did not affect her breathing. She was put in a coma, and now her body has naturally adapted to this liquid environment, so she didn't feel any discomfort even if she regained consciousness. She quickly noticed my presence, but only a bunch of bubbles came out of her mouth.

I walked over and knocked on the glass surface of the incubation chamber. "You don't need to open your mouth to talk. This thing has the same function as the "Zero" game helmet. You just need to think about it. The speakers on this will synthesize the analog sound source and pronounce it synchronously."

"Um... …" After trying the sound, Wen Rui began to say smoothly: "Why do you want to do this to us? Don’t tell me this is just a test. Now I’m so injured. Even if the test passes, it’s impossible to perform any more tasks. So, I thought I know why this is done to us."

"The reason I want to explain is precisely what you think is impossible. This is indeed a test."

"Such a test? Are you planning to let the last person pass the test after we are all dead? Simply no one can pass such a test!" Wen Rui's voice became quite excited at this point. The speaker in the training cabin is connected to Her thinking can also show emotional changes such as anger and excitement.

I stretched out my hand and made a downward pressure movement. "Calm down. As a person of Dragon Fate, you should remember not to let yourself lose your composure at any time."

"People of Dragon Fate? I'm all injured like this. What are you doing with me? "

"I know you are very emotional now, but please answer me a few questions first, and then I will give you a satisfactory answer." Wen Rui stared at me for a while, and then nodded, So I continued and said: "What I want to ask now is if I give you another chance, do you think I will sign up for this volunteer activity?"

Wen Rui was a little surprised I would ask this But she still answered this question, just thinking about it for a long time. "I think I will sign up again."

I stretched out a finger: "The last question, this question is very important, please answer it carefully. Do you think there is something wrong with our selection personnel this time? You can Try to answer in detail."

Wen Rui thought for a while, and then said: "If there is indeed a task that requires people like us, then the selection is not wrong, but your method is too wrong. No matter how important the task is, this way of choosing is too extreme."

pa pa pa pa ...... Several of us applauded in the room. "Congratulations, now you have upgraded from a civilian to your own."

"Your own?" Wen Rui was a little confused by our abnormal behavior.

I explained with a smile: "In fact, the problem is very simple, but it is really difficult to calm down to analyze the situation based on your current situation. We hurt you like this to intentionally stimulate you and make you panic. And in this case, if you can say what you said before, it has already shown that you are capable of major events, otherwise you should have been hysterical like Liu Yiling."

"Liu Yiling? She? Didn’t die?"

"I didn’t die just now. I don’t know it now. But even if I didn’t die, it would be soon." Wen Rui frowned again, but I quickly said: "She did The current situation is not good, but it is not because of the previous injury. As I said earlier, the problem is actually very simple. The key is that you failed to use your usual wisdom in the panic."

Hear my words, Wen Rui She started to think about it, but she still didn't expect what she had missed.

I guided her: "Since you can't remember, let me remind you. Do you remember the creature that hurt you?"

"Snow wolf? "

"You can call it this way, but the full name of the thing should be called: a specially improved version of the biochemical battle beast for the infantry-type high Cold Mountain."

"It is a biochemical beast. "

"Otherwise, do you think it is a wild animal?"

"So...?" Wen Rui eyes shined suddenly.

I slightly laughed. As expected, she was not a carefully selected high-level talent, and she reacted so quickly. I stopped teasing her and answered her questions directly. "You are right. The real core research project of Longyuan is actually not electronics and machinery, but genetic coding. We can already manipulate genes manually within a certain range, and we can replicate any organic organisms with reference to the blueprint. Your injury looks serious, but you are still alive, so it is simply not difficult to use your genes as a blueprint to clone the injured part. But we are not planning to clone your body."

I Wen Rui was stunned by the words. She was still immersed in the joy of repairing her body just now, and she didn't suddenly learn that it would not be repaired. This kind of stimulation was indeed too great. I quickly explained: "Don't be nervous, I just said that I won't help you clone your body, and I didn't say not to treat your injury!"

"How to recover without cloning?"

"In fact, it is not a recovery, but a complete replacement."

"Complete replacement? Are you going to help me change my body?" No matter how strong the core is, I will inevitably be surprised. After all, replace the body. This kind of thing sounds too exciting.

I picked up a pen from the table next to me, then dragged it in my palm and stretched it out in front of me. Then I suddenly put my hand down, but the pen was still floating in the air, all around there was nothing to support With it. "I know you may be surprised to see this, but what I want to tell you is that this is not a magic show, and I have not used anything to deceive your eyes, but please also note that this is definitely not magic or any divine force. Yes, this is actually a very simple physical phenomenon."

"How did you do it?" Although I am still confused about what I say about her body, Wen Rui is facing an abnormal situation. Forget about physical problems for a while.

I seriously explained: "In fact, this is very simple. What you see is just a high level application of magnetic field. Although on the surface it looks like this pen is floating on an unfathomable mystery. In the air, but the actual situation is that it is only suspended in midair under the influence of magnetic force."

"There is a magnet in the pen?"

"No. This is just a very ordinary pen. And there is no electromagnetic device in the nearby wall. In fact, I am holding this pen, and the power comes from here." I pointed to my head.

"This is impossible!"

"On the surface it is indeed impossible, but in reality it is completely possible." With a wave of my hand, the large screen next to it automatically lights up. . "The picture you are seeing now is not a film synthesis, but a real experimental record." In the picture, a human brain is being stripped from the head and then loaded into a metal skull. After the screen was over, I immediately turned off the screen. "What you see now is the process of my own transformation, and that brain is my brain."

"Can Longyuan do brain transplantation?"

"Yes, But not all can be done. In fact, it is not possible to do this to the human brain for the time being, and I...maybe in your opinion I am no different from you except gender, but what I want to tell you is that from a biological point of view, I have It can’t be regarded as human. My primordial gene is derived from a virus cell code-named B13. In fact, this virus no longer has the concept of a general virus. It should be regarded as a source cell with virus characteristics, and I am The high level manifestation of this kind of creature. When this source cell divides in a large amount and then local alienation occurs, and then a lifeform like mine is produced. We named our race Dragon Clan."

Wen Rui is really smart. Although her major is not biology, she quickly understood what I meant. "You mean, your basic life form is actually a virus-like cell, so cutting your body will not be fatal, because you originally used a single cell as the lowest biological basis, so even if you dig out your brain, you Really won’t die, right?"

"It’s roughly the same, but not quite right. In fact, even if I separate each of my cells separately, my cells will still maintain life force, but this At that time I should have actually been judged dead, because it is countless my cells that are alive, not me as a whole as a person. You can imagine me as a country, and the citizens of this country are my cells. Even if the people are alive, if they can’t communicate with each other, then the country will be over. The minimum requirement for me to live is that my entire brain must be intact and not lose Life Energy. But I’m better than human life. The force is much stronger, so even if my brain is completely stripped from the cranial cavity, it can survive independently for three to five hours without blood supply, while humans only have less than 3 minutes."

"So you can do terrifying surgery, but I can't?" Wen Rui asked.

"No, you can too." I continued: "I just said that B13 cells have the characteristics of viruses, and their main feature is to replicate and replace the original cells. You should know that even if you are a college student The human body has been undergoing metabolism. Your whole body cells are dying all the time, and your other cells will divide into new cells to supplement the vacancy of dead cells, and those dead cells will be carried by the blood to the human excretion system. Excreted from the body. Under normal circumstances, a person may need to replace all the cells in his body countless times in his life, so if you look at the cells alone, there is no one cell that is the same as you today and you in a few years, but you are still you , Which means that this alternative method does not cause death. Therefore, we can inject the B13 virus into the body of the ordinary person, and then your human cells will be gradually replaced until you become an existence like me, and At this time, you are still you, and the metabolism of a normal person is the same, except that the new cells after metabolism are no longer human cells. At this time you can undergo such an operation."

"Then I am Isn’t it possible to get a new body?"

"Yes, as long as you fully acquire the ability of B13 cells, you can replace your body at will. Of course, the premise is that you have to give up your human identity. Don’t be busy. Hesitate, I have something to say. Although you can no longer be considered a human after being replaced by B13 cells, the actual situation is that there is no harm at all except your consciousness. First of all, you have also seen that we are no different from humans in terms of appearance, and Since the brain can be transplanted, as long as you want, we can help you change into any form of body at any time, but the premise is that this form must at least hold your brain. Also, accepting the B13 transformation is equivalent to becoming a Dragon Clan , And our Dragon Clan is smarter and stronger than humans. We won’t get sick. No bacteria and viruses are opponents of B13 virus. Even if they invade your body, they will only be assimilated. If you are injured, then you don’t have to worry. , As long as you don’t die on the spot, any injury can be healed, and even if you are in a hurry, you can change your body to save time for recuperating. As for those minor injuries, I can only tell you the healing speed of Dragon Clan’s wounds. It is a thousand times that of humans, and the wounds that humans need to heal in 100 days can be completely healed in just over two hours. Of course, the benefits are more than these. Dragon Clan's vocal cords are adjustable, and you can have any voice you like. , You can have whatever look you want, whether it’s a hot figure or an angel’s singing voice, you can easily get it."

"To be honest, the temptation is great!" Wen Rui now basically knows She will be cured anyway, so she no longer worry about the wound. Besides, it is very comfortable to soak in the training cabin, so she can now discuss the issue of identity with me at ease.

"putting it that way, did you agree to reform?"

Wen Rui shook the head: "I need to know a few more questions. First of all, I want to know, I can talk about it Are you in love?"

"Love itself is not a big problem, but I don't want to lie to you, so there are still two points of trouble. The first is that your identity cannot be exposed. Even if you are in love, you must never let the other person Knowing that you are not a human being. The second is the child problem. I know that you will be a bit sorry when talking about sex with you, but I still have to say. Although Dragon Clan also has sexual abilities, Dragon Clan is not the same race as humans after all. So if you find an ordinary person to fall in love with, then you have to be prepared to not have a child for the rest of your life, because your two genes can’t match and you won’t be able to give birth to a child."

"Fortunately, this It’s not a big problem. I’m not the kind of conservative-minded person. I still want to know if there will be changes in my personality?"

"Yes, but not much. The main reason is to become more calm. A lot of things would have been impulsive, but now they will become quite sensible. The other basics are your previous character."

"You just said that Dragon Clan is smarter than humans. How smart can it be?"

"Any text or image information can be unforgettable, and unlike humans, we can selectively delete our own memories, which means that some useless things can be deleted. There is also the ability to archive information, so I think problems are usually faster than humans. At the same time, Dragon Clan's neural response is much faster than humans. We can flash bullets. From this point, you should have a general idea."

"These are just memories and reactions. What I want to ask about is intelligence."

"Intelligence is not very easy to describe. We tested it with the more popular computer test questions, ordinary person’s The score is between eighty and one hundred and twenty. Anyone with a score of more than one hundred and two can be called a smart person, and a person with a score of over one hundred and thirty is considered a genius, but we have not found anyone with more than one hundred and forty among human beings. "

"What about you? How many points can you get?"

"Two hundred points. And this is the maximum score of the title, so what is the specific standard of Dragon Clan's intelligence? I don’t know. Anyway, we can understand many complicated things at a glance. By the way, our Dragon Clan’s intelligence is not entirely our own intelligence, and the electronic brain. The brain is projected on it. "The skull-like thing you see is an electronic brain. It is made of special materials, and its hardness is absolutely unimaginable. Using it instead of the skull to load our brains can protect our brains from external forces, and this thing Built-in simple circulation system, even if your head falls, it can guarantee that your brain will not die within a few weeks. There is an electronic chip inside this skull-shaped shell, which can be directly connected to the brain after transplantation, so that you are equal to With the addition of a personal portable computer, it can be connected to any external computer equipment at any time."

"Sure enough, it has a huge advantage. Is it arithmetic with this kind of chip implanted in the brain?"

"As long as you don't calculate astronomical data, it's generally okay."

"Have such a strong ability?"


< p>"Then I have decided, I want to accept the transformation. I study mathematics, this calculation ability is very helpful to me."

"Hehe, I believe you will not regret your decision. "I smiled and said: "Seeing you have decided, then we will start preparing your body right away. This will take one month to complete, and it will take about one month for you to fully integrate B13 cells, when the time comes. Just in time. By the way, why don't you choose your appearance first? If you are not satisfied with your current appearance and figure, you can change it. Anyway, it's the overall remodeling, just do it in one step."

Next Help Wenrui turn on the computer-assisted function, and let her and the computer determine the final body appearance that she needs, and we can help her produce a suitable body after she confirms it. Besides, our Dragon Clan is not just a physical body. Our skeleton is a complete robotic skeleton. This thing also needs to be tailored.

Wen Rui is there to build a beautiful blueprint for her future, and I have turned my attention back to the experimental field. The two people in Midsummer can say that I am very satisfied. They are already making weapons and traps during my conversation with Wen Rui. This positive attitude is very good. Because the Snow Wolf was called back by me, the venue is still safe now. The two of them are busy discussing countermeasures, but I am considering whether to continue to increase the difficulty. After all, I need to choose the strongest among them. They are dispatched to perform tasks, and it is impossible to judge who is stronger without increasing the difficulty!

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally decided to use a more extreme method to stimulate. Anyway, these two have passed the previous test and their tolerance should have improved a lot, even if they see something more terrifying. Live it up, right?

Along with the dragon's roar, the heart of the people beating with a shock, Jian Fan and Cao En were all stunned, and even the branches they had used as shovel before fell to the ground. Unlike the appearance of the previous monsters, the lucky way to play is definitely shocking. Although the dragon can fly, fortunately, it didn't fly. Instead, it knocked down the big tree in the front row and rushed into the grass field before spreading its wings and flying.

"Giant dragon! It's really a giant dragon!" Cao En trembled and said: "The one who attacked us in front may only be a larva. This is the big one."

Everyone grabbed Cao En and ran into the woods. "Don't be in a daze, we are not its opponents in the open space."

"Not even in the woods." Cao En said as he ran.

"At least it's not convenient to move in the woods, it's better than outside."

Jian Fan stopped suddenly when he finished talking about Cao En. "Damn it, it's to the side!"

This experimental field is mainly of grass type. The trees are only planted in a circle around the surrounding wall, just like the isolation belt, and it is not very thick, Jian Fan and Cao Not long after Enxiang ran into the woods, he ran into the wall. Only then did he remember that this place was not a real grassland, but a base experimental area.

"This is over!" Cao En turned around helplessly and asked Jian Fan. "What should I do now?"

"Nothing works. Single force subduing For Shihui, this guy is too far from our strength, and it's useless to fight."

" Then we just sit and wait for death?"

"No, we can try to run and watch, but I think we are going to explain here today!"

Jian Fangang said After being lucky, it has arrived, accompanied by another dragon roar, followed by Jian Fan and the two of them saw the sky full of flames spraying towards them, and the two immediately split up and ran away, but the flame still left them behind. Singing, the two immediately began to roll all over the floor.

Cao En was the first to extinguish the flame, but the flesh and blood that had been burned behind his back, the piercing pain made his heart dying. Although Jian Fan was slow to put out the fire, he had good luck. He hid behind a tree before he was burned, so only the sides of the body caught fire, and the back and the front were not damaged, but the b

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