"Ashford? Why did you make it like this?" I was surprised to see Ashford, who was scorched all over, and a very sexy blond woman supporting each other. The edge of the forest in front of us.

"Purple Moon?" He was obviously surprised to see us Ashford. "Why are you here?"

"I haven't come to you yet!" I looked at the beauty next to him. "Don't you introduce me?"

Ashford quickly introduced: "Oh, this is Purple Moon and Blood Rose. You should know that they are Frost’s president and finance minister. Purple Moon, This is my girlfriend Alice."

"Hello." Rose extends the hand and Alice shook hands. As a result, Alice was used to reaching out to hold Rose’s hand, but she held Ashiu Fu De was thrown away. After losing his support, Ashford fell to the ground with a plop, and his girlfriend exclaimed to help Ashford.

"Ashford, what monster did you run into? Why did you make it so miserable?"

"Monster? Is there any monster that can make me so miserable?"

"Isn’t it a monster? Is it for a mission? It’s wrong! Haven’t you already got the ring? Why didn’t the love Goddess help you recover the damage from the journey?"

Before Ashford could answer, her girlfriend said first: "This hurt is left by the love Goddess. We wouldn't have been hurt so badly if it weren't for her!"

"Love Why does Goddess fight you? Are there different rules in Europe and Asia? I remember the Spiritual God who issued the ring doesn't care about fighting!"

"In fact, it's not a question of Eros." Ashford One The face said unluckyly: "It's just that we came at an untimely time, and we just ran into another great character."

"Great character? Who?"

"Di Tans Walkma."

"The Lord of Darkness?" I cried out with Rose.

"Yes, it is him." Ashford said with a grieved expression: "Originally, we completed the task and were preparing to accept the baptism baptism of Eros, but Ditans suddenly appeared, and then he Ask Eros if he has considered his previous problems, but Eros said that he would not be with him, and then Lord Titans persuaded Eros. On both sides, the more you said and the more I said, the more wrong the way, and then the persuasion became The quarrel, and the quarrel finally developed into a martial power confrontation. Alice and I were waiting for the blessing of Eros. Who knew they would fight suddenly, but the blessing did not wait, but we waited for a big Fireball from Titans. Then we are like this!"

"haha! That guy from Titans actually fell in love with Eros. It's really funny." I said to Rose: "In this way, you and Ashford will first Go back and discuss the issue of collaboration. I will meet Ditans alone."

"Cooperation? What is cooperation?"

"Anyway, it’s a loud voice. Hurry up and follow me." Rose took Alice and Ashford and walked outside the courtship, while I walked deep into the forest.

In fact, our offline location was already very close to the final destination. I heard the rumble explosion in front of me not far away. I continued to move forward and didn't take a few steps, and suddenly I found a wind blade flying by. I quickly lowered my head in fright, and with a loud noise, a big tree next to me suddenly began to tilt to the side, and then crashed to the ground. "Damn, if this is cut to my head, I won't be in a different place?"

"Don't want to succeed!" A very beautiful female voice suddenly rang. "I won't succumb."

"hmph, I can't get what Titans wants."

"Master Titans is really majestic. No reduction!" I said loudly and walked out of the forest.

After passing through the trees, I entered a small clearing. The environment here should have been beautiful before, but what I can see now is a ruin. A beautiful woman in a pink dress is standing on a colorful boulder with a cold face, and on the opposite side of a tree trunk lying on the ground stands a black armored Titans.

"Who are you?" The woman looked towards me with a slightly angry look.

Ditans just glanced at me stared wide-eyed and was surprised. "Purple Moon? Why are you here?"

"Isn’t it weirder that you are here? I’m also an adventurer at any rate, appearing in this kind of specially prepared for adventurer lovers The place is not strange, right? It's you, the great Dark Lord, what are you planning to do when you come here?"

"Of course you know why I came here. The question is what you plan to do. "Ditans's tone is quite ruthless. He can hear that Eros is very important to him, so there is urgency in his tone. I know very well that sometimes people can't be forced too tightly, because a dog will jump over a wall when anxious, and I don't know what I can do when I'm anxious. Ditans’s tone has shown that Goddess is his reverse scale, and who dares to attack is ready to withstand irrational revenge as soon as it moves!

Of course I don’t want to be retaliated by Titans. Besides, our relationship is pretty good. At least compared with the Dark God Palace in Asia, we have not had any obvious unpleasantness with the main European temple. The relationship between everyone Not too bad.

I smiled and said to Titans: "What can I do? It's just to watch the excitement, maybe it's just a little help when Lord Titans needs it."

< p>"Help? I'll thank God if you don't mess with me!" Before Ditans spoke, he saw me winking at him, so he cooperated.

The god of love on the opposite side is obviously not stupid. Hearing what we said, it seemed that the relationship was not very harmonious, so I immediately thought that I was a helper who could develop. "This adventurer, it seems that your relationship is not very good! Or you can help me? As long as I can get rid of this evil guy today, I can give you a lot of rewards."

"For example What about?"

"Well...how about a love ring?" I raised my left hand and showed it to her. Eros changed his mind immediately. "So how about giving you the second ring while keeping the first one?"

I shook my head. "I'm not interested in this."

"So what about this?" Eros took out a very small crystal bottle. The bottleneck is very long and the opening is made into a heart shape. It looks quite beautiful . There is a pink solution in the bottle, and rays of light are still flashing. "This is a charm potion, each drop can add a little basic charm, how about it? This is a good price?"

"It sounds good, but..."

"I still You can add this." Eros directly took out two badges. "This is a true love badge, which is much stronger than the function of a couple ring. As long as both parties wear the badge at the same time, they can get two hours of transformation time. During this time, the personal attributes of the couple will be superimposed on each other, and the equipment can be free Choose any equipment owned by both parties to copy, so that two people can obtain the same equipment at the same time, and can be replaced at any time within the time frame, as long as the equipment owned by two people can be replaced at any time. The two hours of use can be used at will Control. If the battle is completed in only 3 minutes, it can be cancelled immediately, and then the time will automatically increase slowly. The recovery speed of this time is that one minute of use time can be obtained for each hour of online time, but this online time requires both parties at the same time Online, there is no reply when there is only one person. In addition, the two badges can also allow both parties to use the 3 minutes limit and body, and all attributes within the body time are calculated according to four times the sum of the total attributes of both parties, and the skills and summon creatures of both parties are all available. , And it is allowed to specify the summon thing of both parties to make the summation, but the summon thing of one side is not allowed to be the summon thing and the body of the other party. The summon thing attribute behind the body is also calculated in the same way as the master and the body. How? Okay? You should be satisfied with this thing? But you have to help me get rid of this guy and I will give it to you."

I was planning to pretend to make a deal with Eros and then help Titans Yes, but after hearing about the function of this badge, I changed my mind. The ability of this thing is too strong, and it seems that I have never heard of what task can get this thing before, this thing is really precious to me and Rose. After thinking about it, I immediately looked towards Titans. "Master Dark Lord, originally I was going to help you, but I really want this equipment..."

"I can give you something better."

"More Okay?"

"I know you are a trainer, I can give you a Dark Element top hidden familiar, you can't find it outside!"

"Specific Can you tell me something first?” I’m so depressed. Ditans actually offered such a condition to tempt me. My will has never been firm in the face of interests, but the badge I really think is very good, but Ditans After all, it is the Lord of Darkness, family property is definitely much richer than the God of Love, and the things he gives will certainly be stronger. It's really hard to decide!

When Ditans realized that I was tempted, he immediately said: "Dark Temple, do you know?"

"Yes. There are also many Dark God Palaces in Asia. Shouldn't you want Send me the Dark Temple, right? Although this unit is very difficult to deal with, it has a large number. It is not a top hidden creature, right?"

"Of course not. I want to give your creature a memorial It belongs to the compound creature of the Dark Temple and the Night Spirit God, and it is a special variant version that has been specially strengthened. There is only one in the whole world. Not only its own battle strength is amazing, but it can also summon all levels lower than its own within a certain range. Dark Element creatures help. How? This thing is more useful than that badge, right?"

"It is really useful, but the things on both sides are very good. It's really hard to decide!" I look to the left Look at the right, after thinking about it, still feel that the temptation on both sides is similar. The badge of Eros is an equipment that can be used by both people. It is equivalent to strengthening two people. The improvement of the battle strength of two people is indeed much better than that of Titans’ familiars. However, Rose is basically a civil service and rarely goes out. This thing is basically useless to her, only I have use value, so the actual use effect is almost the same, and it is impossible to say which is better. Moreover, the things given by the two parties are out-of-print, and the meaning is different. If the things on both sides are things that I can get at random, I can definitely find another one later, but now this one absolutely belongs to this village and there is no such thing in this shop, I always feel that it is a pity that I have lost either!

"You have to choose one of us, right?" Ditans looked at me and asked uncertainly. He had discovered that I was really hesitating.

After thinking for a long time, I suddenly winked at Titans again, and then said to him: "Then sorry. Although the things you gave are also very good, but after all, God’s thing is The total value of the two-person use is higher than this magic familiar." I said that I had stood by the side of Eros.

Eros saw that I finally agreed to help her, she was finally relaxed on the surface, but she was still quite nervous. Eros knows who Ditans is, and of course he also knows how strong he is. Speaking of which Eros doesn't think I can play a decisive role in the battle. The reason she tried her best to win me is because she didn't want to make the battle worse. Of course, the desire for miracles is also one of the reasons why she wooed me.

Ditans was a little bit annoyed by my actions, but after thinking about it, he said, "In that case, let's speak with strength." Almost at the same time he had just finished speaking, he already threw his hand away. A black ball of light came out. Eros didn't expect that he would make a sudden move. After seeing the ball of light, he simply couldn't hide. However, I stepped in front of her just before she thought she was going to be shot.

"Holy Shield——thunder mirror image." Jingjing suddenly flashed out of the Phoenix Dragon space and blocked me. After hitting the holy shield, the ball of light still pushed Jingjing forward. It disappeared completely after retreating in front of me.

Since I want to act, I can’t act too fake. I jumped out from behind Jingjing when the ball of light disappeared, and when I was still in the air, I had already swung my sword out. A red crescent shaped sword glow flew out. Although Titans easily blocked the sword glow, it delayed the attack time. When he recovered from the blocking action, I was in front of him.

"Eternal-Magic Dragon Lightning Slash."

Ditans only felt the silhouette flashed before his eyes, followed by countless silhouettes flying towards him, and he wanted to block it. Now, it's a pity that there are too many shadows in front of him, and he simply doesn't know which one to block. Eros also saw me suddenly become a light and shadow and hit Titans. After a second, I bounced back and landed again, but Titans was in a panic, with almost nowhere on his body. A good place, there are sword wounds everywhere, and even his god armor has been poked full of holes, as if he had just been hit by a shotgun.

After seeing the result, Eros gave me a surprised look, but at this time she had no time to praise me, so she just waved the staff in her hand and launched a magical attack. I stood behind the goddess of Eros and rushed towards the wounded Titans desperately gesturing to let him leave, while Titans looked at me with a look of astonishment for a long time until the spell of Eros's attack was completed. He suddenly reacted and avoided the attack.

Eros missed a hit and immediately began to cast spells, while Titans pointed at us and shouted: "Okay, today, your sneak attack took advantage of you. It will never be that simple next time. Yes!" After speaking, a black aperture suddenly appeared under his feet, followed by a flash of the aperture from bottom to top, and Ditans disappeared in place.

"Huh... Almost finished!" After seeing Ditans gone, I immediately sat down on the ground.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just too much effort! The trick just now looked great, but it actually hurts others and yourself. If it can't be done in one blow All work, then we have to wait for it to be killed. Just because the strength gap between me and Titans is too big, there is no way I can only break out this strongest attack!"

"I understand, it's just that you didn't expect you to be so powerful." Eros handed me the reward he had just promised, and then threw a bottle of green liquid to me. "This is your prize. The green bottle can be restored to its full state. You can drink it quickly."

Replenish the full state in an instant. Such an exaggerated potion is very valuable, and I can't bear to waste it. After looking at the bottle, he threw it into the Phoenix Dragon Space, and then summoned Xiaochun out. Anyway, the battle is over, and we have a small nurse on hand. There is no need to waste this precious potion that is almost a life. You think, if you drink this thing in a dangerous state with only the last trace of blood left in the battle, wouldn't it be a waste of life?

Eros didn't say much when he saw my actions, but instead released a few spells casually to restore the scene environment to its original state. Trees that have fallen to the ground stand up again like time and space. Plants emerge from the ground that has been turned over, and then quickly grow up and bloom multi-colored flowers. The muddy fountain of true love that had been disturbed quickly became clear and flawless under the fingers of Eros.

"Did you know Titans before?" Eros asked me as he hurriedly.

"en. We have done some transactions before, so we have some friendship. But we are only a trading relationship. Today, you have given more benefits. I will naturally do a transaction with you. Anyway, with whom Trading is not trading?"

"You will be able to do business when you arrive."

"By the way, Lord Eros, I have a question to ask."

< p>"Just ask?"

"I heard Ditans talk to you before, he seemed to like you very much, but why did you reject him?"

< p>"Why do you think of asking this?"

"Just curious. If you might be angry, I think it is more than enough to match you as Titans, why should you refuse What about him?"

Hearing this, Eros suddenly turned and looked towards me. "Have you forgotten who I am?"

"You are the god of love!" At this point, I suddenly realized. "I understand, the reason is that you don't love him, are you? Is Titans very annoying?"

"Simply is not the problem in this regard, but our camp. I am a subordinate of the Lord God of Light Auxiliary god, and Titans is...!"

"Is it because of the faction?"

"Of course, I don’t love him. And our faction is hostile, I I will never fall in love with him."

"I always think you two are a little absurd!"


"I will ask you another question. Regardless of the faction issue, what do you think of Titans from a personal point of view?"

"Hmm...! He is very strong. Proud, headstrong, manly, and smart... …But it’s very noisy, always doing bad things with good intentions.” At this point, Eros suddenly laughed. "It's a weird person anyway."

"Does it sound like you have a good impression of him!"

"But he is an evil guy, and this is something I can't tolerate."


"Evil? I admit that, but Light God Palace may not be cleaner than him."

A staff suddenly hit my forehead. "Dare to blaspheme Light God Palace, don't you want your life?"

"Oh...! Sometimes I really find it strange that Light God Palace's methods are so stupid, but they are still big Put a lot of people fooled! Do you really think that the name is very bright, don’t you do dark things? Then what do you think is the state where the temple is divided into two and two Goddess are in power at the same time? Is there any plan inside the Bright Alliance? Multi-party cooperation?"

"you are courting death." Eros suddenly raised his staff to hit me, but was blocked by a small sign.

I held up the crystal and said, "I have been their mediator since the split of the European Light God Palace. I have a say in this matter than you. This sign is my token. Use this Things can go to any place in the temple and contact Goddess at any time. By the way, who do you support Marilyn and Felindir?"

"Of course it is Lord Felindir."

< p>"Oh, wait a minute." I heard that she supported Filindir, and immediately searched for it in Fenglong Space. Based on the common habits of men, I rarely organize things, so there are too many messy things in Fenglong Space. I rummaged through it for a long time before finally finding what I was looking for. This is a crystal ball the size of a watermelon. "Take it and see for yourself."

The content recorded in the crystal ball is the content of the negotiations between me and Filindir. The last time the Light God Palace and the Holy War of our guild ended with the disintegration of the Light God Palace In the end, in the end, because the internal conflict of interests in the temple turned my enemy into a mediator, I have a record of the dark transactions on both sides.

"How do you feel after reading it?" I looked at the dazed Eros. "You should know that this adventurer itself has no magic cultivator to modify the content, so what you see is the truth. Do you still think Dark God Palace must be dark? In fact, I think Titans is a bad magnanimous , It’s much better than Light God Palace’s three indiscriminate methods."


"It’s nothing, darkness doesn’t mean bad."


"Why do you always speak for the Titans guy?"

"I'm not helping him, but helping myself, because I'm also from Dark Element."

< p>"Okay, count me wrong. At worst, I will not discriminate against you people from Dark Element in the future."

"That's good."

Speaking of I think it should be almost done, and quickly bid farewell to Eros and left the place of courtship. After leaving the bush of thorns, I did not go to Ashford and the others. Instead, I greeted the roses with the ring of love, and then rushed to the Dark God Palace in Europe.

Ditans went into flames as soon as he saw me, staring at me with both eyes, as if planning to kill me with his eyes. However, I didn't frustrate him, but sat directly on his desk with a grin. An angry Titans wanted to explode on the spot, but I yelled at the moment when it was about to explode, "Eros' intelligence... "I stopped immediately after uttering these five words, and then squinted to look at Titans. This guy was just on the verge of a volcanic eruption, but he was forcibly pressed down. Now his face was blue and red, and he was competing with him.

I smiled hehe and looked at Titans and said: "I really didn't expect that cold guys like you will also like women."

"It's Goddess."


"Goddess is Goddess, it's the same if you push it down anyway."


"Calm down, if you hit me, I will leave immediately. I didn't bring my head back."

"Okay, count you cruel!" Ditans took a deep breath again, but his face had begun to turn red, and it was obvious that the surge of blood had reached the peak.

In order to prevent his humanoid volcano from erupting, I decided not to play him anymore. Instead, I took out the crystal ball and dragged it in my hand, but when Titans wanted to take it, I was I took it back. "Do you want it?"

Ditans looked at me with an idiot look. I didn't shake him at all, I stretched out one hand directly, then rubbed my thumb on the other fingers, making a gesture that is universal in the world. "What are you doing?" Ditans knew the consultant.

"Benefits! Do you want me to do it for nothing?"

"Okay, this is for you." Ditans casually threw a piece of colorful magic crystal onto the table.

I quickly put away the magic crystal and continued to rub my hands.

"Didn't you give you a benefit?"

"I want the demon pet you mentioned earlier."

"Shape, count you as ruthless "Dittens obediently threw a black crystal stone to me, and then extended the hand.

I looked at his hand. "What are you doing?"

"The magic crystal just now...!"

"Calculate the compensation for you staring at me." Damn, I still want to eat what I eat I spit it out. Could it be that Ditans is also in a state of love and his IQ has deteriorated?

"Well, I don’t want it anymore! Give me the crystal ball." I smiled and looked at Titans, but didn’t move. As a result, Titans stared at me with big eyes at small eyes is bigger than anyone else's eyes there. Finally, after ten minutes, Titans finally softened. He casually threw a piece of colorful magic crystal. "Is this down? No matter what you have, you should pay the compensation. Give me the crystal ball!"

I took the colorful magic crystal into my arms like lightning, and at the same time passed the crystal ball. Past. "Really, I didn't ask for it, but you suddenly gave me a piece of colorful magic crystal. But since you are so active, I am really kind, so I have to reluctantly accept it."

< p>Dittens is half to death by my anger, but he is now anxious to look at the crystal ball in his hand, and he has no time to reason with me. While he was watching the crystal ball, I quickly ran to the door and shouted to the outside: "I talked with Lord God, and you don’t give us some magical fruit to moisturize our throats. At the moment, people don’t have any vision. ! Send two big baskets of magic fruits, and then bring a bucket of Mana Gathering Fountain, move faster."

After more than ten minutes, Ditans, who just finished reading the record, saw me as soon as he looked up. I was pouring down the Mana Fountain like a cup without money, and in the other hand I was holding a half-bitten magic fruit, and there was already a pile of magic fruit pits on the ground.

"I ▲■№☆......what do you think of me?"

"Huh? NPCs are also silenced for swearing. It's a rare discovery. Ah!" I took the time to say something from my busy schedule, and then continued to gnaw the fruit.

Ditans panting with rage rushed over and snatched the remaining fruits and spring water. "This thing only produces one a year, who let you eat it?"

"Myself. This is your prepaid remuneration."

"What am I asking you to do? "

"I don’t know yet, but will I use it in the future."

"You...!" Titans was about to throw me out, suddenly Stopped again. "By the way, I saw the things just now, but I still don't know how to please her."

"Send flowers and art. Anyway, send more things."

"I sent something! I used to give her a Corruption Beast that I personally improved for her to use, but she threw me out very angry!"

"Damn, you are so great. You are usually smart. Why do you see a woman, oh no, it's Goddess. Why do you get stuck in your mind when you see Goddess? You take something as disgusting as a corrupting beast to give to the girl. It’s good if you list it as a refusal! Remember, you must give women things that are not practical, and the less practical, the more likely to break, the better. For example, you can consider sending a rabbit or a kitten."

"Rabbit? Cat? That thing is level zero! My corrupt beast is a high level creature of 980 Level 10, and 100,000 cats are not its opponent!"

"What's your mind! I just told you to useless things, the less practical, the better. For example, sending flowers, you can't eat or drink, you can't use it as a weapon, and it will wither after a period of time. , This kind of impractical and short shelf life thing is a woman’s favorite."

"I still don’t really understand, how about you send it to me?"

" I'll send it for you? Is it you picking up a girl or me? I'm going to send something, and whoever can I pick her back for?"

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