During the violent turbulence, our car rolled sideways out of the road and overturned the barrier before lying on all fours in the middle of the sidewalk. I almost stopped when the car stopped. The sound of the alarm has been heard. Of course, this is not the traffic police to deal with the accident. Even if China develops a hundred years of police, it is impossible to have this kind of reaction speed. Obviously, if these police cars didn't happen to pass by, they must have been chasing the car that hit us just now.

Although it was blasted off the road, our car had five people in it after all, and it was a medium-sized vehicle. Although it turned over a few laps, the damage to the car itself was not too serious. The upper posture is troublesome. I used my nail to lightly touch the seat belt and cut the seat belt easily. Dragon Clan is good at this point, it can be used as a weapon everywhere in the body. Without the restraint of the seat belt, I immediately turned upside down and stood on the roof of the car, and then quickly looked at the other people. Huang Gang and Cao En were the luckiest. They were on the other side of the car that was hit, and the car had side airbags, which happened to protect their bodies. Lin Xiao sat in the middle of the second row and hit Cao En's right shoulder. On the surface, it seemed that there was no trauma, but it was not light from his expression. Zhao Zhiping may be the most unlucky one. He and I are directly on the side of the impact, but he is not as "sturdy" as I am after all. Now he looks badly beaten and looks very scary, but he can still show up. Humming should be no major event.

Now we must quickly get everyone out. I turned around and grabbed the deformed car door and lifted it strongly, and then pushed it outward. With a sound of metal deformation, I forcibly removed the door. First, I went to the opposite side and pulled off the front door. A few passing pedestrians had already ran over to help drag Huang Gang out. I continued to remove the rear door, and then pulled out the three people in the back row one by one.

Among the four, Huang Gang was the least injured. Except for some dizziness who was shaken, he was basically fine. When he was carried out, he could stand up by himself. Cao En is about the same as Huang Gang, but he has been clutching his right shoulder, and it seems that he was hit by Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao was more miserable than Cao En, both shoulders hurt, and there was blood on his face, as if his head had been bruised, but it was not a serious injury at all. Zhao Zhiping was able to sit by himself when he was lifted out, but he couldn't stand up yet. His legs, shoulders and head were all injured.

I didn't have time to watch them now, but rushed directly to the car that hit us. This car is not actually the culprit. It was hit by someone else after it hit us, and the car that was really speeding turned over on the other side of the road.

There were three people sitting in the car that was hit and hit us. The body was severely deformed. The woman in the co-driver's head turned into a pile of rotten meat. There was a ten-year-old man sitting in the back row. The boy seems to be dizzy. The driver was a twenty-two-year-old young woman, but now she was face covered in blood and she couldn't tell what she looked like.

The person in the co-driver was obviously saved. I plugged in the rear door directly, and then reached out and forcibly pushed back the metal deformed and squeezed into the car body, and then the one stuck in the cushion The child pulled out. I first handed him to a youngster who followed, and then went straight to dismantle the front door, but the car was too deformed, and I heard a creak with a violent force. The door was torn off in half, leaving behind The part is too sharp to start at all, and the exit cannot pass alone. I looked at the support beams between the front and rear doors, and then in the shocked eyes of the youngster who had just helped me pick up the child, the support beams were forcibly broken and twisted, and then the entire roof was rolled up like a carpet. After finishing this, I hugged the front driver's seat and violently lifted it up, and I pulled the entire driver's seat from the chassis with a sound of sour metal distortion.

Turning around to the young man and said: "Forget what you just saw, you understand the consequences of nonsense." I am not a threat. Although it is troublesome to find a reason to arrest him, it is quite easy to send him to a mental hospital if he tells the story of my rescue.

Seeing youngster's wise nodded, I jumped directly across the road to the side of the vehicle on the opposite side of the accident. Although we ran into two of our cars in succession, the injured vehicle itself suffered very light injuries, because it was a modified civilian Hummer, and a set of pure steel impactors were installed in the front, not to mention the collision. Even hitting the wall is bad luck to the wall, it will definitely be fine. The occupants in the car apparently suffered only a slight shock, but the door was a little deformed, as if it could not be opened.

Although we were very unlucky when we were hit by him, it was just a car accident after all. I walked over and grabbed the doorknob and pulled it hard. The slightly deformed door was opened easily. After all, it was only deformed a bit, which was much better than our car. Who knew I had just pulled the door open and the person inside jumped out, and then quickly flashed behind me and hooked my neck, and a self-made short-tube sandblasting gun was placed on my temple.

"Don't move."

There were four people sitting in the car. They saw the door open here and they got out together. The police arrived quickly, and immediately surrounded these people and me.

"Don't come here, I'm a hostage." My kidnapper shouted loudly, and the police stopped immediately. The law and order in China is relatively good compared to many countries, so most of the police officers do not carry guns. Among the policemen who came after them, there were a few pistols. Unfortunately, they didn't dare to move when they saw the criminals being hostages.

I am helplessly sighed. "Really, I always run into bad things. Hey, bastard, if you don't want to spend the rest of your life lying in a hospital bed and can't even control your bowels and bowels, you'd better take the gun off my head right away."

"Shut up. If you quarrel, you will be hit immediately." The guy with the gun smashed my head with the barrel.

"Oh...no culture is terrifying!" I suddenly raised my hand and pinched the barrel of that guy's barrel at a speed that no one could see, and then I squeezed a plastic straw. The same squashed his barrel. Before he could react, I grabbed his neck with my backhand and lifted him off the ground with one hand. "Remember what I just said, you bastard?"

"Hey, what are you doing?" The four gangsters next to me saw me lift the man with the gun, and immediately took the weapon. I want to say hello to me, but only one of them has a pistol that I don’t know where to get, and the other three only have machetes. I directly used the person in my hand as a weapon and smashed the person with the gun. Then I let go of the big knife on one side and flicked my finger on the back of the knife, and the machete immediately broke into two pieces. The two guys at the back chopped down with two knives. I turned around and let go of one's blade again and snapped his knife. The other reached out and pinched the other's blade with two fingers. The guy's knife was instantly under my control, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the knife off my finger.

When the two people saw that the knife lost control, they immediately started to kick me with their feet. I turned around and flashed to one of them, with my index finger on the back of his head, and the person immediately faced his whole body tense and straight. Before he fell on the concrete road, his nosebleeds sprayed all over the floor. Another person missed a foot, but I had already killed one and reached him again. The corner of his foot was moved on the only foot on which he landed. He immediately fell forward unsteadily, and I lifted my knee slightly. It happened to hit the bridge of his nose just as he fell, and the guy instantly ran with nosebleeds and tears, lying on the ground and rolling.

The guy who was the first to break the blade and the two guys who fell into a pile have gotten up from the ground. I stretched out my hands violently, leaned forward, supported the ground with one leg, and the other The leg was raised to the back, right between the legs of the guy behind, and the guy behind immediately heard a scream as if a chicken had been pinched by the throat, and then he fell like a shrimp. After going down, his face turned pale.

Among the two people who crashed into a pile, the guy I used to hit someone was actually in shock before being thrown out, but the person with the gun got up. He touched his gun again and raised it up. As soon as he wanted to find a target, he saw a shoe sole appeared in front of him, and then he fell down full of gold stars.

"hmph, a bunch of trash!" I took out my ID and walked towards the police. A responsible police officer came over and looked at the ID and handed it back to me. I patted his shoulder. "This is up to you."

"Okay, you go first."

I returned to the crowd on the side of the road, Zhao Zhiping still sitting on the ground with his face His blood was also wiped off, as if it was basically a nosebleed, and the injury on his head was not serious. I touched his leg in the past, and he screamed in pain.

"What are you doing?"

"No bones were injured, just muscle bruises. There may be some swelling in the past two days, and it will be fine after two days."

< p>"It seems that I can't go to Longyuan Base with you now!" Cao En said.

"No, let’s go to Jianfan first, and then to the Longyuan base. The equipment over there is much better than the hospital."

I heard that there are also medical equipment over there. The individual immediately agreed to go with us. I made a call and asked the people from Longyuan to deal with the aftermath of the crash. I took the remaining people and borrowed a police car and drove to the agreed place.

Jian Fan was obviously taken aback when he saw us driving the police car with injuries all over, but he didn't say much. After we got in the car, we talked to him about the situation just now.

Six people in a car is a bit crowded. I still let Huang Gang drive because this guy is too big and sitting in front will save us some space. The co-pilot handed over to Zhao Zhiping. He was seriously injured. He would often encounter wounds when he squeezed with us. Fortunately, the four human figures behind us are relatively small, and they are not too small to sit down.

Huang Gang drove the car to a Longyuan branch under my guidance, and asked the company's people to help return the police car. By the way, he borrowed a spacious commercial vehicle and returned to the base.

"This is the Nanjing branch of Longyuan?" Huang Gang asked in surprise looking at the huge entrance on the surface of the mountain in front of him.

"Of course, since calling the base is naturally a place for security purposes, otherwise just call the Nanjing branch. Okay, don't stand stupidly, come in, their girls are better than you Much faster."

I took a group of people into the base, and then first went to the guard room to register for temporary entry and exit, and then went to complete disinfection and deal with the injured. Officially descended to the base. Faced with such strict security measures, these college students couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning. Rose has already brought two girls to the restaurant first, and they even ordered the dishes when we arrived. The time is just right for dinner. According to our Chinese habits, discussing things at the dinner table is often faster than at the negotiating table.

Rose specially ordered a few special wines, and then under our persuasion, no matter how many men and women, they drank a little. In fact, this so-called wine is simply not wine. The alcohol content in it is at most two degrees by degree. Its main ingredient is a nerve relaxant, which can effectively relax the nervous mind and body without causing confusion in the brain. , Is one of the favorite drinks of base researchers. Of course, we order this thing to have a special meaning. Although this kind of wine is not intoxicating, it still has the effect of speaking truth after drinking.

After a few glasses of wine, these unsuspecting college students immediately began to be silent. The guy Huang Gang said loudly: "To be honest, I don’t care if this volunteer can be selected. Anyway, I think that even if I can’t be selected, I will at least leave a good impression on Long Yuan. It will be easy to think of Long Yuan going to work in the future. Some. I heard that your Longyuan has a computer-related system, which can record all the people who have contact with your company, and use various information to design the affinity between these people and the company. People with different affinity do the same. The reaction of the company will be different, right?"

What Huang Gang said is true, but it is not an independent system, but a branch function of Nuwa. In the past, the country planned to let Longyuan contract the national computer system to replace the current government management model, but later it stopped because of many personnel reasons, but the infrastructure of this system was completed at that time, and later this set of mainframe networks were merged. Under the control of Nuwa, plus the national household registration management system and file system, as well as the traffic management system, personal credit system and crime monitoring system, these major systems will have the current nationwide personnel goodwill system, which is basically High Level therefore conducts a rough behavioral monitoring of each citizen in advance, and selects suitable people from them to do the corresponding things when needed. Of course, Longyuan has never admitted to the outside world that there is this set of things, because the thing itself is actually illegal, and it has actually been extended to the issue of personal privacy, but because outsiders don’t know whether this system exists, so There is nothing we can do with it.

Of course I can’t answer this positively, so I had to haha ​​with them. Fortunately, these guys talked about it unintentionally and didn’t delve into it. The only thing that caught my attention was Jian Fan. Unlike others, he just smiled clearly after I deliberately avoided this question, and he had obviously guessed it. It seems that there are still capable people in this group of people!

After a meal, Rose and I winked at each other, and then took the seven of them to the elevator at the entrance of the base. They didn't understand what I was going to do. As soon as I changed the smile and kind attitude that I had maintained since the meeting, I said in a cold voice: "The previous conversation is almost going on, I think I already know your general situation."

These people became quiet when they heard what I said, and they obviously realized that I had to make a choice.

My gaze swept over them, and then I shouted: "Lin Xiao."

Lin Xiao froze slightly, and then walked out. I said to him: "Sorry has bothered you for so long, but since you volunteered to participate in this plan, you should understand and support our actions. This plan is very important, and we have to choose carefully and eliminate most of them. People. Your abilities in all aspects are very good, but your personality is too weak. I sometimes choose to give in when I encounter problems, but the premise is that this can better solve the matter. You blindly give in. His character is really incompetent for this task."

Lin Xiao also seems to know his shortcomings, but nodded stands aside. Rose comforted him and said: "Don't worry, if you can be received here alone, it means that you are already outstanding characters, so even if you are eliminated, Longyuan will still invite you to join the company after you graduate. Lin Xiao, you Although his personality is weaker, it is very suitable to deal with technical aspects."

I continued: "Huang Gang."

Huang Gang was also taken aback for a while, and finally scratched. Scratch your head. "I didn't expect me to be eliminated."

I said with a smile: "Your question is just the opposite of Lin Xiao. Remember, steel is very easy to break, and sometimes innocuous things are perfectly fine. Give in, don’t do everything with others, so that you will suffer sooner or later."

"Actually, I know, but I have this character. There is nothing I can do about it!" Also stood aside.

I turned to face the others and continued to shout: "Zhao Zhiping."

"Why me?" Zhao Zhiping's reaction was obviously different from that of others, and everyone else was calm. He can't accept reality.

"Because you are obviously overly emotional and have a certain anti-social tendency. To put it simply, you are cynical."


Zhao Zhiping was stopped by me as soon as he opened his mouth. "No need to explain, the choice has been made. I won't change it because of your explanation, so your explanation is useless. You should learn more about Lin Xiao and Huang Gang. Their shortcomings happen to be something you don't have."

"Their shortcomings?"

"I will help you point out the shortcomings, don't be angry, it will be good for your future, but even if you will hate me in the future, I don't care, anyway Based on your status and ability, it is impossible to do any substantial harm to me. As I just said, the shortcomings of the two of them are what you lack. Lin Xiao has a weak personality and takes the initiative to give in when he encounters everything. This is actually A kind of excessive mental humility. And you just don’t know how to advance or retreat. Many things are simply accidents, and they will pass. If you fight every inch of the land for this trivial matter, then you lose more than anything. You have to fight back. Although Huang Gang’s and Lin Xiao’s personalities are completely opposite, there are things you can learn from. Huang Gang’s temper is a little straighter, but he is hard and thorough. But you are different. For general things, you are indeed able to fight every inch of the earth, but when you encounter tough enemies, you soften again. To say that it is not good is to bully the soft and fear the hard. You must understand that some things are even You must pay a heavy price and you must fight without letting one step, otherwise you will lose everything."

After I have said so much, Zhao Zhiping’s face is quite ugly, but I didn’t intend to treat him too much. Take care. Being able to help him find his shortcomings is actually helping him, and it doesn't matter to me whether he accepts it or not. We, Dragon Clan, only teach people how to fish, but never give a man a fish. Those who have to wait for us to give the fish will just starve to death. We will not pity these people.

After excluding three people, I said to the remaining four humanities: "You have passed my preliminary approval, but as I said, this task does not require too many people, so among you There will still be people who will be eliminated. You’d better prepare for this first. The three of you are now going up the elevator, and someone will receive you on the elevator."

The first time the seven people were screened, three were killed. I also made a drastic cut. According to the advice given by Nuwa, only one person is enough this time, but Nuwa also mentioned that you can choose two as backup candidates to prevent accidents, so at least one of the four will be eliminated, and the remaining three will be eliminated. Must also choose the primary and secondary.

After the three people left, I explained to Rose, and then took the remaining four people to do a spy test. This level must be passed, because the place to take them will involve Confidential. The three people who left just now saw only the auxiliary subsistence area of ​​the base, which was not classified at all, so the inspection was relatively simple, and it would be different if it went down.

Not bad, all four of them passed at once. This is also normal. After all, these people are selected from a large number of volunteers. They have passed the political review N times. I guess that the interpersonal relationships of the eight generations of the ancestors of the seven people I got the information were all affected. I've reviewed them all, if they can still get involved in the spy's political trial, I should prepare to go home and eat myself.

It was already past seven when the four of them returned to me, and I took them all before an elevator gate. After the elevator door opened, I walked to the gate and blocked all four people outside. "Although knowing that it is nothing to say, I still have to say. Before you actually enter the area below, you may choose to quit. Once you walk through this door, your life will change from now on. Many of you used to think Unexpected things will completely subvert your perception of this world. I am not being alarmist, because it is not necessary. If you enter this door, it means that you agree to join the special scientific research unit of Longyuan Group. Even if you lose the election, you still cannot leave. The management of the group. The mass department of Longyuan is no different from ordinary companies, but the special scientific research unit does not withdraw. Once you join, the only way for you to leave is in the form of corpses. Therefore, I solemnly ask you one last time. Do you want to give up?"

All four of them were selected through layers, and the response was really good. They walked in immediately without impulsiveness and were not really frightened, but thought about each other for a while.

Unexpectedly, the first of the remaining four people to speak was Wenrui, who has always been very elegant. The girl is 1.73 meters tall, but her body is very thin. She doesn't have the slouchy figure that satyrs like, but her face is very delicate and pretty. With the pair of pretty gold-rimmed glasses, she exudes a kind of culture. The breath belongs to the kind of intellectual beauty whose temperament exceeds her appearance.

Wen Rui said in her very clear voice: "Joining Longyuan was originally one of my wishes. As for quitting, I never thought about it. But I really want to know about Longyuan Group. What is the special scientific research unit? Why are we not joining the research plan but a unit?"

"This is really hard to explain, because it involves confidentiality and cannot be told before you join. But. Don’t worry about this. Although the name contains the word “military”, it is not used for warfare. The function is closer to the scientific research support organization, and it is similar to ordinary company employees, except that the things you touch are more confidential. It’s a regular army and has a civilian job. You don’t need to care about this."

After listening to the explanation, Wen Rui immediately nodded: "Then I decide to join." Wen Rui had already walked past me and entered the elevator. Inside.

The second person who walked into the elevator was Jian Fan. This guy didn't say anything, but I knew he should think things through. Although Cao En moved third, but the speed was relatively fast, rushing into the elevator ahead of Jian Fan. "Being a soldier and joining Dragon Fate are both my desires. Now it is not good to be able to join the two of them."

In the end, one Liu Yiling was left, and he scanned the other three people. Then she focused her gaze on my face again, but a few seconds later she also walked in.

As the elevator doors closed, I said to them: "Since you have walked in, you are already members of Longyuan. While opening all the secrets to you, you must also bear Corresponding responsibilities, sign this now." I handed over a few electronic forms.

Jian Fan looked at it and said, "How do you feel like a contract for selling your body?"

Cao En jokingly said next to him: "Does anyone want you to sell your body?"

"You two are really evil!" Wen Rui said angrily.

When several people filled out the form and handed it to me, the elevator door opened, but to their surprise, it was not a laboratory with cold white light but a large grassland outside. The broadness of this grassland surprised all the people and asked them from ear to ear. Cao En first asked: "Are we underground?"

"Yes." I nodded. "This is our No. 7 weapon test field. In the base, this is only a medium-sized field. The No. 1 test field is the largest."

"How big is this?"

"I don't know the exact number."

"Why doesn't the roof collapse?"

"Because of the electromagnetic support system and super-hard and ultra-light special materials, It can support such a large space without supporting pillars."

"How high is the mountain over there?" Wen Rui asked, looking at the woods in the distance of the grass and the mountain peaks further away.

"The mountain is fake." I said directly: "Don’t think that this place seems to be invisible, but the space is not too big. Although our Dragon Fate has a strong technical force, It has not yet reached the point where it can create something from nothing. The actual area of ​​this site is about the size of sixteen Tiananmen Square, and it is pulled up by 3,600 electromagnetic support systems. The ground is covered with 30 meters of soil. The layer can basically simulate the ground environment. The grass you see is real grass, and the trees over there are real, but only the first few rows, the large forests behind and the mountains further away are all fully analyzed projections. We What looks like a cloud above the head is actually a cloud of water vapor, and the lighting equipment is hidden in it, which can completely simulate the sunshine situation, and there are also large-scale air-conditioning and spray systems, which can create various weather environments. We are generally here. Test the road adaptability of various vehicles in extreme weather."

"Is that river real?"

"Yes." There are fish in the river, I I have caught a few fish last time, and they taste better than the farmed fish available in the market.

"Dragon Fate is so strong, all of which can be done. I really feel more and more that my choice is correct!" Cao En exclaimed excitedly.

Jian Fan suddenly asked: "Why did you bring us here?" He asked the other three people to recover from their excitement, and they all looked at me with curious eyes.

"I brought you here to complete the rest of the test."

"What can be tested here? Is it a test of physical fitness?"

" No, it's a test of the will to survive." After I finished speaking, I suddenly pushed Jian Fan and Cao En forward, and then jumped back into the elevator by the reaction force, and the elevator door closed instantly. Cao En and Jian Fan tried to open the door before they rushed to the elevator door, but they couldn't find the elevator switch. The doors inside the Longyuan Experimental Base are basically electronically sensitive, and there are no buttons at all. They have not installed a chip yet, and for them, the automatic door is basically the same as an immobile door.

After a few smashes, a few people gave up. They are all selected elites. They will not be as hysterical as an ordinary person. After a few smashes, they realize that the door is not opened. Smashing is just a waste of energy. Although the few people who could not leave the gate were a little nervous, they were not afraid, because there was plenty of light here, and the sights around them were wide, and there was nothing scary. But the real reason they didn't show fear was that they thought I wouldn't really hurt them. After all, this was just a test. Unfortunately, their idea is completely wrong. This is not because they have problems with their reasoning ability, but because they don’t know a key piece of information, that is, as long as they move fast enough, Longyuan has the ability to treat any injuries other than brain damage, including beheading or heart damage. Same.

According to Longyuan’s research, the human brain can maintain an independent living state for 3 minutes without being damaged. For example, some people fell from a not too high place and broke their neck. It seems to outsiders that he might die when he landed. In fact, his brain was not damaged. The heartbeat and breathing stopped only because of a broken spine or suffering. The neural circuits that control breathing and heartbeat are interrupted by compression. This kind of wounded was actually still alive at the time. If an EEG test is done, it will be found that the wounded actually has brain wave activity. According to international medical standards, as long as the brain waves still exist, it cannot be regarded as death, and even if breathing and heartbeat stop, it can only be regarded as shock and not death. However, although this kind of patient did not die at that time, it is actually almost dead, because the brain only has 3 minutes after that, and even if you broke your neck in the hospital in the above situation, the doctor will definitely not have time to respond. Besides, the only thing that can do human brain in vitro cultivation is our Longyuan Institute of Biology. The hospital does not have this technology yet.

Of course, the four test subjects didn’t know this, so they didn’t think I would really hurt them, but I just really dared to hurt them. To the extent that you will die soon after being saved.

The nerve system in vitro incubator of the biological laboratory has been on standby at another entrance of the test area. As long as I think they need to be rescued, they can be sent into the incubator within one minute. Safe time than 3 minutes, even if there is an accident, there is time to remedy it. Although the testing process will be painful for them, it is not worth mentioning compared to the reward I will give them in the end.

When I reached the observation room above the test area from another road, the four volunteers below had already started walking around on the open grass. However, they are not wandering around, but looking for a way out along the wall. At least this shows that they are very positive in dealing with problems. This is a very necessary feature. If the explorer is not enthusiastic about the problems encountered, it is still What kind of risk?

Rose sits leisurely on a chair while drinking a cup of beverage in one hand while observing the video and sound signals transmitted by the miniature flying saucer. This kind of flying saucer relies on anti-magnetic field to get rid of gravity. The advantage is that it is fast and has no noise. The disadvantage is that it can only fly in the area where the magnetic field support module is laid in advance. However, it is still very good for the observation method inside the base.

None of the four people noticed that more than a dozen unmanned flying saucers were tracking them all the time. We prepared four flying saucers for everyone to ensure that everyone’s performance after encountering various situations can be fully recorded. .

I made a start gesture to Ling who had been standing aside for a long time, and Ling immediately pressed the start switch. On the side of the experimental area covered by trees, a gate rose silently. Lucky with a smirk on his face, he took his wife and child and walked out from behind the gate.

"Son, you go up first, scare them, and be careful not to use too much effort. These all are ordinary person, they can’t be like the master, you know?"

" Daddy, you said it N times, I’m not stupid, don’t worry, there won’t be any trouble." Now the little bit is two full laps bigger than when we went out on a mission with us last time, and it looks like there

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