"We seem to have made a mistake!" Rose took a pen and drew the route we have taken before on the sketchboard. In fact, she is taking advantage of the path we have already taken. Draw a map. We entered this huge maze dozens of minutes ago. The entrance of the maze has clear requirements. We can only cross the maze in the most common way. Using brute force to destroy the maze or using guiding props will be directly transmitted to this piece of love. Outside Holy Land, and re-entry is prohibited for several weeks. No way, Rose and I had to use the dumbest method, using the route we traveled to draw our own maps.

Me and Rose are lucky, because although this maze is entirely made of plants, because we have electronic brains, we can clearly record every route we traveled. Those plant separation walls that look the same to ordinary persons have their own characteristics in our opinion, and they can be used as road signs. However, due to the unusually large size of this maze, and the three-dimensional structure of the overpass and the point-to-point Transmission Formation inside, our sense of direction is almost completely out of order. Even if we draw the map, we have to divide it into separate areas, because we The relative positional relationship between the two areas is not known at all.

I looked at Rose and asked her: "What mistake did we make?"

"This is simply not a flat maze."

"Is it a three-dimensional A maze?"

"Not only a three-dimensional maze, but also a maze that changes at any time. You see, according to the road we have traveled, this place should have passed from the future, but we have gone back to the previous one. Road section. Look at the plants on the side of the road. We have just been here before. We are going in circles."

"It seems impossible to pass directly. Do you want to try one's luck?"

Roses shook the head. "I don't know. The labyrinth we walked in China is arranged in accordance with Five Elements Eight Trigrams and can be walked out according to certain rules. European courtship places should have similar reference standards, but we don't know it. ."

"Are there any maze-like classic legends in Europe?"

"Wait a minute." Rose closed her eyes and paused for a while, and said when she opened them again : "The maze guarded by Ox Head Man, the largest garden maze in the world, Liberia's numerical maze equation, and the theory of human maze. Which do you think it is?"

"The Ox Head Man maze is only in legends As mentioned, there is no explanation about the specific method of movement. Even if all Europeans know that there is such a maze, no one will succeed in passing it. The Liberias numerical maze equation is too big, and they understand the basics of this thing. You can be considered a scientist. There won’t be such a difficult topic. Besides, it has nothing to do with love. The garden maze and the humanity maze have greater probabilities, but although the garden maze is a famous tourist attraction, there is no guarantee that every European will know it. The specific way to go, so the probability is not big."

"That's the human maze!" Rose threw the map side directly back to Fenglong Space. "I now know what a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity!"

I smiled and stretched out my hand to Rose, and Rose immediately took my arm. We walked forward together like this, no longer caring about the right or wrong of the route, and did not plot against which curve the success rate was higher. The so-called maze of human nature is a bit similar to the Chinese Taoist's recklessness, which means that you should not deliberately pursue anything, otherwise the more you find it, the more you will be unable to find it. In fact, it is very simple to pass through this maze. As long as the two parties trust each other, it's all about walking. Anyway, when you encounter a bend, you can turn at will. As long as you finish the required length of the maze, you will naturally reach the exit. It can be said that each fork in the maze is a dead end, or it can be said that each fork leads to an exit.

According to our guess, after only walking for a while, a Transmission Gate suddenly appeared in front of us. After passing through the energy gate, we found that we had reached a mountain peak.

"Wow...! Did we reach Shushan?"

"I don't think so." I pointed to the long bridge ahead and said, "I saw that bridge. Is it? If it’s Mount Shu, it should be replaced with piles of floating rocks."

In fact, where we are standing now is a platform of more than ten square meters, and underneath the platform is a nearly vertical mountain. . It is not so much that we are standing on the top of the mountain, it is better to say that we are standing on the top of a pillar, but the pillar has reached the cloud. There is a long bridge not far in front of us connecting the real mountain on the opposite side. The only problem is that this bridge is of the type that will collapse immediately. The bridge body is made of green rattan. Although it looks thick, I know that such rattan does not have much bearing capacity. In contrast, it is not as strong as dry branches.

"I don't think this thing looks very reliable."

"I think so too. But don't worry." Peng sound My wings spread. "I can fly." As I said that, I jumped forward and waved my wings. Boom... "Aiya!" I couldn't fly when I jumped up, but instead fell to the ground in a lying position. "Damn, it's forbidden to fly in this ghost place!"

"Then you can only rely on it." Rose said that she had already taken the lead in walking towards the Vine Bridge.

On both sides of the rattan bridge, there are only two tensioned rattans acting as handrails, and the two rattans are completely disconnected from the bridge deck. You will feel empty on both sides when you walk on it, unconsciously The heartbeat will speed up. As for the bridge deck, although it seems that there are a few more rattans than the handrails, it is only a few more. On both sides of the bridge deck are two thick rattans twisted by multiple rattans, and between them is a rattan that connects back and forth in a zigzag line. That is to say, the bridge deck simply cannot be regarded as a plane, it is even better than The hole in the fishing net is even bigger, and I can only move forward one by one by stepping on the zigzag rattan.

Be aware that "Zero" can reproduce most situations in reality, which of course also includes physiological reactions. When people walk on such a bridge, they will become very tense unconsciously, which leads to muscle tightening. This reaction will be faithfully reflected in the game, and it will also cause your endurance to drop at two to six times the usual rate. In addition, we must realize that the length of the bridge is far more than 500 meters, which means that in a state of high tension, most people may run out of endurance if they walk less than half. Of course, if you fall early, you don’t have to worry about insufficient stamina.

Watching Rose walked to the bridge, and I didn't plan to go with her. It is very stupid for two people to go on the bridge together. Compared with two people, the probability of one person’s weight causing the suspension bridge to break is obviously smaller, and the shaking caused by two people going forward together will affect the smooth progress of the other person. This is very Unreasonable arrangement.

It’s a little different from the way ordinary people cross the suspension bridge. Rose did not show any tension at all, and she did not hold the cane while crying while walking or just hold the cane like most girls. Refused to leave. In fact, Rose's spirit is stronger than most men, she just opened her hands like this, and then ran all the way to rush. With the reaction and balance ability of those of us Dragon Clan members, this kind of bridge is purely a children's toy.

After the rose passed, I also walked on the vine bridge, of course I did not dare to run over like a rose. Not because I am timid, but because I am heavier than roses. In the game, my weight is 65kg. After putting on the armor, I weigh almost 130kg. The total weight of Rose's battle is less than 60kg, so she can run, but I can only climb. A single rattan can't hold my weight at all, I can only share the weight with all four limbs. This is the first time I have discovered that the magic dragon armor has shortcomings!

Anyone who knows a little about physics should know that when an object is hung in the middle of a tight rope, the rope bears the greatest tension, so the real danger lies in the middle point of the bridge. As long as I cross this area and the bridge still keeps on, then generally speaking is no problem. Unfortunately, it happened before I got to that position. A rattan that was used to support the bridge near the head of the opposite bridge suddenly broke, and the entire bridge was turned to the right. Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough, turned over quickly, and hooked the cane under Sheng. The problem is that neither of the previous two canes can hold my weight, let alone the current one?

Sure enough, this cane broke when I grabbed it. But I still won’t give up. At the moment when the fall started, I raised my hand and shot a dragon tendon zipline, which accurately nailed it into the opposite cliff. As long as the cable does not come loose, I can use the zipline to climb. Go up. However, this damn terrain completely tricked me. Just after I fell three meters, there was a plop, and I fell into the water in a prone position.

It turns out that the place we appeared before was simply not the top of a mountain, but a stone platform that was only three meters above the ground. As for the "cliff" on the opposite side, it should be called the lakeshore more appropriately. The reason why I got my position wrong is because of three unremarkable reasons. First, there is a thick layer of fog two meters below the stone platform where we are, so that I think of it as a sea of ​​clouds. Second, the wind in this ghost place is so strong that I mistakenly thought it was the top of the mountain. Thirdly, this place is extremely cold, giving me the illusion of a higher altitude. If you can ignore the above three questions and discover the actual situation here, you can just swim from below. The bridge is completely confusing.

Shortly after I fell into the water, there was another plop, and it turned out that the rose also jumped down. She thought it was a cliff like I did, and she jumped off after seeing me fall. When I shot the zipline before, my body had fallen into the fog, so she didn't see it. At least this shows that Rose cares about me very much, maybe this broken bridge is to test the reaction of lovers in this regard! Of course, it’s okay if the couple in love really jumps down. After all, they fall into the water from a height of three meters, no matter what position they enter into the water, it won’t be a big problem.

Rose actually regretted it when she jumped out. First, she suddenly heard the sound of falling into the water, and knew that the following was simply not deep. Second, she remembered that this is a game, and there is no need to live and die together. , Jumping out just now was purely instinctive, even if the cliff below was really a cliff, she actually made no sense to jump out.

"Ah... I was fooled!" Rose shouted loudly.

"hahahaha! Didn't expect that there is such a setting here in Europe, and our two intelligences are actually used!"

"I am really mad at me! Rose shouted loudly: "Husband, you can swim with my voice! Next to me is the shore of the lake."

"Don't move, I will be there soon." I simply don't need to swim. Suo had already hit the rocks on the shore, but the lake was too close to me, so I hit the lake before the rope was tight. Now as long as I tighten the zip line, the traction will naturally pull me to the other side.

"So you have hung up to the cliff?" Rose saw me so soon by her side and understood.

"hehe, who am I, your husband? Even if the cliff below is really a cliff, I will still go up. Ah...!" I suddenly covered my mouth when I was talking.

"What's the matter with you?"

I hurriedly reached out to touch the surface of the water for a long time, and then slammed something out of the water. "What's this?"

"It's kind of like a flounder."

What I hold in my hand is really like a flounder, but they are a pair of two. Stick to each other, so that each fish is responsible for one side, and the dangers on both sides can be seen, which is much cheaper than one fish. However, although this amazing fish looks like a flounder, it is definitely not a flounder, because flounder definitely does not have such a good mouth.

"This thing bites people quite badly, but fortunately there are not many." I don't know what happened today, probably because I didn't read the almanac, but what it was saying. As soon as I said that there were not many things, I heard a pattering oh la la from a distance. It was obviously the sound of many fish rushing here.

"haha, it seems that you have the potential of a crow's mouth, my husband!"

"Go up first, or you'll be gnawed into bones in a while!" I gave a hug He held the rose's waist, and then tossed it vigorously, and threw the rose directly onto the shore. With my strength, it doesn't take much effort to throw the rose to more than three meters high. Without the rose by my side, it would be easier for me myself, pulling the dragon's tendons and pedaling the rock a few times and then climbed up. As soon as I got on the shore, I heard a continuous rumbling sound from below. I don't know how many fish hit the lakeshore.

Rose was about to pull me away but suddenly stopped. As soon as I wanted to ask what was going on, I understood the reason first, because my call bell rang. "Who is looking for us at this time?"

"The ghost knows. Let's take a look offline!"

Open your eyes in reality and pull out the connection line on the cervical spine I was notified by Nuwa immediately, and then I was taken to father's office. Rose is already sitting inside.

"Dad. Are you looking for me? Is there something to do? Isn't it the party that Nuwa said before?"

"No, there is still a party For a while. You know, it’s not that simple to bring all the upper-level figures of the world together. Moreover, there is always something wrong with every special meeting. The lives of those of us are more expensive, and it’s unknown that no one wants to die. It's not white, so everyone needs time to prepare."

Rose leaned against the back of the sofa and laughed coldly. "The scammers are all gathered together, and there is no need to pretend. Although I haven't attended this special meeting, I can probably imagine what a terrifying place it is!"

The words were amused. "Hahahaha, I promise you won't think of what it will be like there. To be honest, I was scared the first time I went there."

Looking at the father, it seems a little off topic, I quickly asked again Said: "I didn't go to the party, why did you find me?"

"That's it." Father gave me a bunch of materials, I roughly looked through it, it was all student files, nothing special. Father took advantage of the time I was looking through the files and explained: "You also know that the destroyer of the solar system is getting closer. Although our Longyuan Group has just completed the development of the fusion laser cannon, it will take at least one month to produce the actual product. Time, and even if we blow up that guy in outer space, its fragments are enough to kill the entire solar system."

"Aren't we already embarking on an immigration plan?"

"But it's not enough." Father's voice was clearly concerned. "The immigration plan cannot guarantee that everyone will be brought on board, and the immigration ship will become very dangerous after it is launched. You must know that our current technology can only build a simple space immigration ship and cannot create a space battleship, so when the immigration ship is launched After that, safety work has become extremely important. You should be aware that although our country has a good reputation internationally, those superpowers and some frenzied local forces like the United States will not let go of this opportunity. They will certainly. Engage in some terrifying sabotage activities."

Rose is very calm and said: "If you give me a way to destroy the worst enemy in one fell swoop, I will not miss it."

"So Although space migration looks good, there are many practical problems and great risks. Besides, even if everyone lifts off without incident, I don’t know where the opposite end is! Our pioneer unmanned probe has already gone Maybe a few planets suitable for human habitation have been surveyed, but that takes time, and we just lack time."

I directly said: "father, do you mean that the immigration plan is going to be abandoned?"< /p>

Rose said: "How can I give up? I think I am planning to try some other measures."

"Rongrong is still smart. I just attended the special meeting of the State Council, and now the central government is going through unification. The latter opinion is to continue to increase investment in space migration as the main development direction, but at the same time not to give up any possible other methods of development and research."

"Other methods? What other methods are there? The enemy? There are only two ways to come, either kill the enemy or escape by yourself. The interception that you just said is already impossible, so only escape is left. Is there still a Third Type solution?"

< p>Unexpectedly, father said with excitement: "We really only have this move left to escape, but we don’t have to take a spaceship to run!"

"If you don’t take a spaceship to run, it’s still How can I run? I can’t drill into the middle of Earth. Anyway, when the time comes, the solar system is out of balance. A supernova explosion will blow up all of Earth’s split up and in pieces. Even if we drill into the core of the earth, it’s the same. What else can I do if I run in space? I can’t open a Transmission Gate and go to the outer planet like in a cartoon, right?"

"You are really right, our new research direction is really true. It's Transmission Gate."

"What? Father, don't you have a fever?" As I said, I had to reach out and touch father's head, but I was slapped off by the palm of the father.

"What are you talking about? No big or small!"

"Are you really planning to start researching Transmission Gate technology?"

"hehe , It’s not the beginning of research, but we are already researching and have made breakthrough progress."

"What? Breakthrough progress? Is it really successful? What technology do you use? What is the principle of operation? How to achieve it? How large a channel can be opened? Can someone pass by? Can equipment pass by? Can you determine the transfer location on the opposite side?"

Stopped my mouth. "I'm not a scientist, and I don't understand the technology. Anyway, things are there, and the primary level experiment was successful. We also sent a self-propelled robot to take a 30-minute video. By the way, that one. The robot also collected samples of soil and local creatures."

"There are still creatures over there?"

"Yes. But because only thirty minutes have passed, there is no time Do a comprehensive survey. The robot collected several kinds of small plants and several kinds of Insect, and also caught a high level lifeform similar to a mouse. Preliminary research has determined that this creature is very close to mammals. The group of the Institute of Biology It seems that the lunatic is planning to mate this kind of creature with a mouse recently, and try to see if he can give birth to offspring."

I and Rose are completely speechless. This is too fast! In the past, large-scale scientific research did not produce results in 30 to 50 years. This space gate experiment was only a few days old? There are so many results! Not only could it be transported and recovered, but a living planet was found, and even samples were brought back.

"How did you study this? This is too fast!"

"Quick? I don't think so!" Nuwa's full analysis projection suddenly appeared in the room . When my father saw Nuwa happily threw away the task of explanation, Nuwa also patiently said: "You can ask me any questions you have. The research is conducted by me. I have all the information here."

"Why is the research progress so fast?" I asked anxiously.

"Because we hardly studied anything." Nuwa's answer was rather unexpected. "The so-called Transmission Gate should actually be called: the basic energy channel. Its main technical principle is very similar to the working principle of the super-electromagnetic engine. The difference is only the way of use. So many of these are off-the-shelf technologies. With some minor modifications, we completed the development of the first experimental space door. As for connecting to a planet suitable for life when opened for the first time, this should be considered lucky!"

"Halo, how much space in the vast universe, this can make you come across! It's really unacceptable!"

"So we are lucky!" Nuwa said with a smile hehe.

Rose suddenly asked: "On what principle does this space gate operate?"

"This speaking of which is a bit complicated, I can only say it as simple as possible......."

I listened to Rose for a long time and finally figured out the principle of this thing, but before understanding this principle, we must first figure out what energy space is. The so-called energy space is actually space. In the initial stage of the universe, the energy of the entire universe was gathered at one point. At this time, the outside of this point should be called the outside of the universe. However, the outside of the universe is actually just a concept, it does not actually exist. There is actually nothing outside of the universe, including space. At this time, if you have an object and you want to put it outside the universe, it is basically impossible. Because there is no space there, where do you want to put the item? If you want an item to exist, at least there is enough space to hold it. There is no space outside the universe, so nothing can appear outside the universe.

It is difficult for humans to understand the concept of "No" outside the universe. Anyway, you just treat it as if it doesn't exist. However, when the universe is concentrated at one point, it will explode due to energy overload. The first thing that is ejected from this explosion is the basic energy, and we call this energy space. Anything within the scope of this energy is within the universe, but even if you can’t understand it, you must remember that the universe has only the inside and no outside, because the outside is the "No". Nothing means nothing, so there is no such thing as outside in the universe.

This spread of "space" energy is the foundation of the entire universe. If you find it difficult to understand, you can simplify it a bit. We can flatten this three-dimensional structure and imagine the universe as a table with a tight, high-elastic rubber film acting as a table top. Substances are objects on the table. You can put objects on the "table", but you must never put them outside the table, because there is no place for you to put things. But objects have "weight", and this "weight" actually corresponds to mass. Because this "table" is elastic, a depression is formed when the object is placed on the table, and the size of the depression depends on the "weight" of the object. At this time, you can put an iron ball on this "table" first, as it should be by rights the iron ball will press a wide range of depressions on the table top made of rubber film, this time you put another one The ball is placed on the table, because the table is no longer flat, so the newly placed ball as it should be by rights will roll to the position of the previous ball, because that is the deepest part of the depression, and if If you regard these two small balls as two planets, you will understand what gravity is. The so-called universal gravitation is nothing but a kind of traction produced by the collapse of space caused by mass. Because universal gravitation is caused by mass, all objects with mass have universal gravitation, and the magnitude of this force varies according to the density of mass. In summary, energy space is a form of energy, and its main function is to form a supporting force field so that matter can exist in it.

After understanding the energy space, you can understand what a black hole is. Let's go back to the side of the "table" just now. At this time, you can put a particularly heavy object on the "table". Because the "desktop" cannot bear this huge "weight", the objects on it will crush the desktop and fall to the table, and a hole will be left on the desktop, which is a black hole. Therefore, a black hole is the collapse point of space. It is an energy phenomenon formed when matter is too concentrated and exceeds the upper limit of the energy space. Of course, although a hole is opened here, the tilt of the energy space still exists. Therefore, according to the above principle of universal gravitation, a black hole will naturally attract everything that has a material attribute that passes through it.

After knowing the above things, I understand the concept of space and distance, which means I understand half of the knowledge of space gates. The remaining half is matter.

When the energy called "space" in this layer has spread, "matter" may appear. This part is easier to understand. According to Einstein's famous mass-energy equation, energy and mass can be converted into each other. In the process of Universe Great Explosion, energy is transformed into matter, thus forming three elementary particles: protons, neutrons and electrons. However, some energy conversion is not complete, such as photons. Everyone knows that light has wave-particle bidirectionality, which means that light can be regarded as matter or energy. In fact, it is a kind of energy that has not been completely transformed. Everyone heard that quantum actually refers to this kind of incomplete particles. In fact, quantum does not refer to a substance, but all unstable particles can be regarded as quantum. This is why many countries regard the development of photonic computers as the development of quantum computers. The main reason for the premise is that light is also one of quantum, and it is relatively easy to control.

The above-mentioned protons, neutrons, and electrons form various atoms, and then atoms form molecules to build objects. These are the contents of high school physics and belong to the most basic knowledge. But once you understand this, you only need to understand the concept of speed to formally explain what a space gate is.

According to Einstein's theory, the fastest speed in the universe is the speed of light, and no matter can move faster than light. This theory is actually well understood. Let's imagine the concept of space again. Now we can imagine space as a water ball, and matter exists in this water ball. Water itself has surface tension, so it can heal automatically, and the energy space also has similar characteristics. When you move in the water, the water will separate in front of you, and then reclose behind you, but when the matter moves in the energy space, the space does not separate in front of you, but acts as a conductive substance to allow you to pass through it. But the space here also has the same limit of healing power as water. If you move too fast in the water, it is possible that you have passed through a certain area of ​​water, and the water there has not come to close immediately, it will be in the water. A vacuum zone is formed below. Space is the same. If you break through the speed of light, the space may be torn apart by you. The result is not that you exceed the speed of light, but that you made a big hole in the space.

Since there is a hole, you must have flew out of space. As I said before, there is no space outside of space, and matter cannot exist in a place without space. But don't forget that matter is also transformed from energy, and there is no essential difference between it and space itself. So what happens when we break through the space at the speed of light? It's very simple. You will be decomposed into basic energy and then become spatial energy to fill the hole you tear out. Simply put, you don't exist anymore. Because you no longer exist at the moment of breakthrough the speed of light, you simply do not have the breakthrough of the speed of light, so the speed limit in the universe is the speed of light, but the space gate can subvert or bypass the above limit.

First of all, we need to understand that the speed of light is only valid in the universe, and basic energy has no concept of speed, because basic energy is everywhere. It sounds a bit like a myth, but this is the true nature of energy. The function of the space gate is to interfere with the existence of space with a strong magnetic field, thereby creating an artificial black hole. However, the key technical difficulty of the space door is not in the tearing space, but in how to stabilize the torn space. As long as the energy is strong enough, speed, electric field, magnetic field, any energy field or universal gravitation can be used to tearing space, so tearing space is actually not too much trouble. The key is that you must tear out a stable hole, that is to say, you cannot let the space in this place collapse while tearing, otherwise the strong gravitational force will suck in the space gate generator together with the nearby matter and break it down into energy again. Fill that big hole. What the space door generator has to do is to tear up the space and keep it in a stable state. In this case, the space door is safe and reliable. Otherwise, it is not a space door but a space bomb.

When the artificial black hole is formed, the rest is relatively simple. After you walk into the black hole, you should actually be called energy, but because this is a stable black hole, although you are no longer matter, you are not torn apart by space energy, you are still maintained in energy form Your basic structure is very important. As long as every bit of matter in your body still maintains their original state, even if they become energy, you will still not disappear, you will still be you, but at this time you are actually a person composed of quantum. According to what I said before, energy has no concept of distance. You can enter another location through any space obstacle in an instant. This process is called Space Jump or long-distance transmission. The meaning is the same anyway.

After leaving the black hole, your body will instantly restore the material attributes after being supported by the energy space again. Even if the teleportation is over, the difference is that you may already be infinitely far away from the starting point. Another place.

Although Nuwa said a simple explanation, we still listened to it for a long time, but finally we clarified the operation principle of the space gate.

Rose asked father: "Since the experiment is successful, what are you looking for?"

"I am looking for you because I need explorers."

"What You don't want us to play Crossing, do you?" I asked father in surprise.

"You are willing to let me not do it!" Father pointed to the information in my hand. "You are all my relatives, and the mission is too important. How could I let you take risks. The information you have is the list of volunteers we have collected. I came to you this time to ask you to choose one of them." To carry out human body transmission verification and different planet primary level exploration."

"Then why are all the college students in the data?" I shook the data and asked: "Isn't it better to choose from the army?"


"Soldiers and college students only have advantages in physical fitness and fighting will. Because this time we decided to giv

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