"The difference does not have to be manifested in appearance." Huber told me: "They were already set up to accept the command of a certain force or individual before they were planted. What we set up is to let him accept the command of the Frost Rose League, so you have the power of First Finger, and the members of the guild have the command power of different levels according to their level."

"I can Command this thing? How do you command it?"

"Just dictate the commands directly, these guys can understand human speech, and their intelligence is not low."

"Then they What can I do? What do I want to order them to do?"

"Let me demonstrate this first." Hubble said, turning to face one of the big trees and commanded: "Guard, I order you Entering a state of combat."

The soil on the ground suddenly moved, and the big tree in front of us actually used its roots to lift itself up, revealing a big hole underneath it, and followed it. A creature that looked like a crab crawled out of the hole. This guy has a body similar to a swimming crab, except that the swimming crab's body is horizontally long, with pointed left and right sides, and wide in the middle, while its body is vertically long, both front and back, and wide in the middle. In addition, it does not have as many legs as a crab, it has only six articulated limbs, but each one is very thick, not as thin as the crab legs look. There are a total of fourteen eyes on this guy's body, six of which are in the front, two on the left and right sides of the body, and four on the back of the buttocks. There is simply no blind spot.

"Why is this thing green?"

"Because after all, it was designed based on plants." Huber explained: "You may have noticed that it has no mouth. , So I can’t eat. Nutrient absorption depends on this.” Habo ordered the plant beast to lift a leg, and we found something like fish gills on the ground part of its leg.

After Harper’s explanation, I learned that the planted beasts are actually two companion organisms. The part that I described as a big tree before is indeed an immovable tree-like organism. Its main function is to absorb water and inorganic matter from the ground to produce nutrients through photosynthesis to supply itself and the animal body parasitizing under it. Survive, but when the beast leaves the tree, the beast itself can also get energy by absorbing the enemy’s blood and body tissues. At the same time, the green body color is because this guy can perform light and action, that is to say, this thing It is solar powered.

"How is this guy's battle strength?"

"About equivalent to the strength of a 600-level battle creature."

"The level is not high!"< /p>

"We didn’t intend to use its single battle strength to do anything. This thing is just cannon fodder. It only serves as the outermost cordon. We usually win by quantity. Besides, the beast body is After being destroyed, the implant will automatically regenerate a beast body after a certain period of time. As long as the forest is not destroyed, the beast body will be endless."

Now I understand, this In fact, planted beasts are like ants, completely relying on terrifying numbers to bury their enemies. Regardless of your strength, millions and tens of millions of planted beasts rushing to pile up a mountain of meat is enough to crush you to death.

Harbo seemed to know what I was thinking, and immediately added: “As long as one planted animal seed can create a forest, it will also copy the characteristics of nearby plants, so it won’t Changing the surface environment, as long as they do not enter the animalized form, they will not look any different from the original forest. If we plant a lot in some specific areas..."

"Is this thing drought-resistant?" I suddenly interrupted Harbaugh and asked.

"Basically it is acceptable, but it will affect the growth rate, so the coverage area of ​​each seed may only be one-tenth of the area covered by the seeds of Isinger."

< p>"That's enough."

"Where are you going to take me?" I picked up and ran wild before I finished speaking, and he kept yelling in fright.

"You pipe down for me. How many planted animal seeds are there in your experimental area?"

"Seven, what's the matter?"

" Bring them all, and go with me to plant chemical beasts near the steel city."

"Bring them all? Do you want to turn the entire desert into a forest?"

"You still How clever!"

"Haha, it can finally be planted on a large scale!" Habo was excited like a child, but now he is held in my hand and can't dance and cheer, otherwise he would be sure Already dancing!

According to the content previously seen from the Empress’s soil monument, Nobunaga Oni and the others plan to plan a shocking raid, and the target is our steel city. My plan is to use this information that I know in advance to arrange an anti-sneak attack, so that the only unlucky one will be Nobunaga Guishou. However, considering that the desert terrain around the steel city is too empty, I plan to make a large area of ​​greening. In a densely forested place, it is much easier to engage in sneak attacks and anti-sneak attacks, and the key is to see who has the initiative.

After I got enough seeds, I took Huber to the vicinity of the steel city. According to the surrounding terrain and the growth of the planted beasts, we roughly selected the planting site, and then the flying magic sent by me Spoil yourself to perform seeding tasks. Taking into account the terrifying growth rate of the seed outside Isengard, in order to prevent the steel city from being damaged, we deliberately set the planting site a little farther away from the city this time. We would rather let the plants not extend to the edge of the city. Let them grow into the city. Previously, the planted beast outside Isengard grew too fast mainly because the Habo magic essence was too much. This time I only let the monster performing the task soak a little magic essence with the crystal rod, even if it exceeds the expected growth The speed should not be too much.

After all the flying familiars flew out, Hubble and I waited in the sky above the steel city. From here, I can see the position of my flying familiars in the distance. As they dropped the seeds they carried, we saw huge core flowers popping up on the ground from a long distance, and then began to radiate terrifying green shock waves to all sides with the core flowers as the center. Those terrifying plant rhizomes spread to all directions faster than the periphery of Isengard. If it weren't for all flying creatures I sent, maybe even the seed-throwing people would be buried together.

Only ten seconds at most, the seven green cores have become seven huge green circles. If you look down from space, you can definitely find that this area is gradually turning from yellow to green at a speed visible to naked eye. If there are plants that grow so fast in reality, we don't need to worry about global desertification.

The crazy growth of the plant beasts continued for about forty minutes and then gradually slowed down. By an hour, it was almost impossible to see that the plants were still growing. According to Habo's appraisal, the magic essence that the planted beasts had when they were planted has been exhausted.

The green forest formed by the planted beasts has covered most of the desert where the steel city is located. At least 80% of the area has become dense forest, but because These plants have just grown, and there is still sand on the ground. However, since the ground is covered by plants, the sand cannot be blown away by the wind, and the roots of the plants are fixed, so that the ground will be covered by a large number of fallen leaves in a short time.

The only thing that made me unsatisfied during the whole planting process was that the distance between the forest and the steel city was not well grasped. Since we do not know the conversion relationship between the amount of magic essence and the growth rate, and it is impossible to control it so accurately, we can only roughly estimate the growth coverage area before planting, and finally calculate the distance to the steel city based on the coverage area How far is the safest to plant. The direct result of this is that the forest has grown into the steel city in some directions, but in some directions it is even more than a kilometer away. Fortunately, there is only one direction that grows to the inside of the city, and it only penetrates a little bit, without causing any forest.

After planting the plants, I asked Habo to return to the continent first, and then I went to inform the military god to equip the steel city with defensive facilities and personnel, and I will come again after making sure that the military god understands what I mean. When I arrived at the new continent, the experimenters here were already waiting for me.

As soon as Harbo saw me, he couldn’t wait to pull me to the row of carts that showed me the item. This time he removed all the drapes from the carts. . The things on these carts look the same, all look like almonds, but the colors have nothing common with each other. Huber picked up a reddish-brown "almond" and handed it to me.

"What is this?"

"Heart of the Rock." Harper answered me with a smile.

"What is it for? Is it planted on the ground to grow stones? Or directly grow buildings, city walls, or something?"

"No, this and the first The phytochemical core for you is the same type of item, which is specially used for synthesis with organisms."

"Oh? It sounds good." I looked at this thing carefully and asked Said: "What is its specific ability?" Habo was about to answer after I asked, and I stopped him first. "Don't tell me, let me guess. The vegetative core you gave me before is to make people obtain some of the characteristics of plants, which can make people have the ability to regenerate broken limbs like plants, and it can also increase the health value and wound recovery speed. Putting it that way the heart of this rock should be able to give people some of the characteristics of the stone. In my opinion, this thing can increase defensive power."

"Correct. But not complete." Habo added : "The heart of the rock does not only increase defensive power, it also allows users to gain stronger muscles and greatly increase their strength. But there is a side effect here."

"What? Are there any side effects?"

"In comparison, it is only a negligible effect, so don’t worry too much. This side effect only slows down the speed, because the muscles are partially petrified. Although the defensive power and strength go up, the speed is It slowed down, but the drop was not very obvious, and we did not intend to let everyone use the heart of the rock. This thing is prepared for heavy weapon users and shield players. You can also consider giving a strong devil beast. Use some, this can greatly strengthen their outstanding ability, and thereby improve their battle strength."

"Good idea."

Harbo proudly said: "In addition, After using this synthesis, you can also get a special attribute."

"What attribute?"

"The enemy’s damage deepening and wound tearing and other attributes are invalidated, and the enemy’s shock Retreat and stun attack attribute effects are halved."

"So awesome?"

"This is just an additional ability, is it useful? I thought it was more important to increase strength and defensive power Some!" Huber is not a combatant after all, and he doesn't understand what is most important to combatants. Strength and defense are indeed useful, but they are only basic attributes. In fact, not everyone thinks it is good. On the contrary, negative attributes resist this attribute. Sometimes in the game there will be some attribute weapons with a bunch of attributes like my eternity. Although these weapons do not attack very high, they carry a bunch of negative attributes, and they can make you slash your skin. As long as this negative attribute resists, there is no need to worry about weapons like the face team.

I didn’t answer Hubble’s question. He was not a warrior anyway, and he couldn’t understand the explanation. It's more important to ask the actual questions directly. "The heart of the rock you just saw is only good for heavy weapons users, what about other professions? Are the other things you show here for other professions?"

" Of course." Huber immediately gave me another green crystal "almond". "This is the heart of life, which can increase the speed of blood recovery and the speed of mana recovery, which is good for everyone. And this purple is the heart of magic. After the merger, the magic attack power increases by 30%, and it has Five may cause magic to evolve, and a higher level version of magic appears. But this thing also has side effects, it will reduce the user's power value, warrior class is absolutely unusable. And here is the soul of the wind, you can Used by the archer, it can increase the hit rate, increase the damage and puncture effects, but it also has side effects...."

Habo introduced a lot of things, basically specific to a certain type Synthetic items used by personnel basically have side effects, but occupational side effects can be ignored as long as they are used for specific groups of people. For example, the warm heart that strengthens the magic power recovery speed and the speed of interpretation but will cause the decline of physical defenses can be used by the wizard to ignore the side effects. Anyway, the wizard usually relies on the magic shield to fight the warrior's melee attacks. After the shield is broken, the wizard's Whether the physical defense falls or not is killed by a single knife. After the shield is broken by the warrior, it is basically finished. There is no need to care about the problem of physical defensive power.

Because the functions of these things are too complicated, and the applicable groups need to be identified one by one, I finally chose to pass the formal production of these items first, but asked the military god to help me check the personnel attributes and arrange the corresponding groups. The combination method.

As a set of fully automatic war planning and command computer system, the primordial function of the military god includes the division of battle program. This program allows the military god to arrange weapons and equipment for each soldier according to the personal characteristics of each soldier. And place them in the most suitable team. The things that Hubble and the others have come up with that can improve attributes are like weapons and equipment. Only when they are given to the right people can they have the greatest effect, otherwise they may reduce the battle strength. It’s like throwing a single-soldier six-barreled Gatling cannon to a ballistic missile engineer who has nothing to do with his hands, while equipping a muscular special soldier with a ballistic missile launch vehicle, two weapons and two people. It’s very difficult to deal with, but the wrong combination is completely equal to a pile of scrap iron. If it is allocated in reverse, letting a muscular special soldier hold a six-barrel cannon, he can completely knock down a company of enemies, and the engineer will get The launch vehicle can kill large groups of enemy forces thousands of kilometers away. This is called a reasonable match.

After handing over the assignment to the military god to calculate, I ran back to the new continent to listen to Hubble and they introduced me to their other composites. This time, all the things used to synthesize with the human body have been displayed, and the rest are synthetic organisms. Huber first showed me a mount. Since it hasn't been named yet, we are not yet sure what this thing is going to be called.

Harbo introduced to me excitedly: "This is a creature we obtained after an experimental combination based on the experience of manufacturing long spear. Its biological part is based on pegasus, while the non-biological part is mainly magic. crystal and some metal components."

"Are you sure this thing is designed based on pegasus? How do I feel that it is not like pegasus except that it has four legs and a head like pegasus?"

"Eh...this is mainly because we also used dragon blood and nightmare blood."

"giant dragon? This speaking of which is still reliable."

The creature in front of me is more like a dragon than a horse, but its body structure is neither like a Divine Dragon nor a giant dragon. The ratio between the parts of this guy's body is close to that of a lion. Its head is relatively large and very close to that of a giant dragon, but it is not exactly the same. It does not have a symmetrical dragon horn like the giant dragon, but its skull extends backwards with a large crown similar to the Three-Horned Dragon in the Jurassic era. The edge of this crown is full of long bone spurs, with the relatively short neck itself, enough to ensure that no animal can injure it by attacking its neck. As for its body, although it looks very well-proportioned, the bulging muscles all show how powerful it is. And this guy's body is covered with scales, even if he doesn't equip additional armor, his defensive power won't be too low. The proportions of its limbs are closer to cats than pegasus. Although it is relatively long, it is very thick and strong. The tail at the end is easier to recognize. This is exactly a dragon tail with an arrow-shaped bone blade on the tip. If it is used to sweep people, it will be very difficult to deal with.

It is such a thing that looks like a giant dragon without wings. Harper actually said that it is based on pegasus, which is really unbelievable.

Harbor explained to me: "Although we used pegasus as the core to combine when synthesizing, our refining array can be automatically optimized, replacing the relatively weak attributes with superior attributes. So although pegasus is the core of the synthesis, the powerful attributes in the blood of the giant dragon still completely transform the synthesized creatures. I can only say that the giant dragon is too strong compared to the pegasus."

Hearing Harbo said that the attributes of giant dragons are relatively strong, I suddenly thought of a question. "Harbo. Isn't this thing capable of breathing fire?"

"Eh, how did you know? I haven't said yet!"

"Damn, this guy is long I have a dragon head with no horns, and everyone can guess that it can breathe fire."

"Spitfire can breathe fire, but after all, the synthetic core is not a giant dragon, just a little dragon blood. As for the ability to spray dragon flames. This is the same as the experimental body can indeed spray fire, but the fire formidable power sprayed out is far less powerful than that of dragon flames, only high temperature effect, no adhesion, burning and corrosiveness."

The reason why the giant dragon's dragon flame is so powerful is not entirely achieved by the flame itself. The adhesive burning and powerful corrosion of the giant dragon itself are the real terrifying point of the dragon flame. Long Yan is like oil. It will stick to something and burn for a long time when sprayed on it. Even if you can withstand high temperature for a short time, it cannot withstand continuous burning. Moreover, Long Yan itself is extremely corrosive, even if your equipment is fireproof. It can corrode a large hole, and then rely on the characteristics of continuous adhesion and burning to continue to burn your body through the hole with high temperature. However, what Habo said was very clear that the fire that this thing spit was the high temperature at that time, it would not stick, and it had no corrosive ability.

After Habo said, he continued: "In fact, the flames emitted by this subject are not only without Long Yan’s two Top Attributes, but the temperature is not as high as Long Yan, and the spray distance and coverage are also It’s much smaller and can’t be sprayed continuously."

"I understand, it’s just a simplified version of giant dragon."

"Almost exactly what it means."

Suddenly I discovered that the guy's legs were not connected to hooves but big claws like beasts. "This guy has claws, can he use it?" This thing is based on pegasus. Even if it has claws, the ghost knows whether pegasus is used to grabbing people with claws.

Harbo was very excited and said: "We have experimented with this. It may be that the consciousness of pegasus automatically has the ability to manipulate the new body after synthesis. It will not only use its claws to grasp, but also bite, and The personality has changed a lot more fiercely than Pegasus. It can be said that this is a completely independent new lifeform, and does not have the docile personality of Pegasus."

"That's good. Even if you put sheep His body has been transformed into a Tyrannosaurus rex. If it still retains the sheep's mind, it will be chased by wolves everywhere."

"That won't be possible, our experimental body is terribly fierce. You see, we all locked its limbs to the ground with steel locks. It is because this guy has a bad temper. He started the fire and even demolished the fence."

"Be fierce, be fierce. There is battle strength. Oh, by the way, how about this guy’s attack power and defensive power? Do you have special skills?"

"The attack power is not bad, because we use some metal when synthesizing, so it’s The teeth and claws, as well as the bone blades on the tail are actually alloyed, and the sharpness can be imagined. In terms of attack power alone, it is actually not much inferior to the eight or nine hundred level creatures."

"That's enough. The battle strength equivalent to the mounts of the eight or nine hundred creatures, that is equal to the doubling of the guild combatants, which is definitely a good thing."

Habaugh continued: "The defensive power is not bad. After all, it has a layer of scales on its body. Besides, it inherits the Energy Shield of pegasus. Its defensive power will not suffer even if it is defended against the main combat creature. However, its life force is relatively low. So although the attack and defense are not weaker than the 900-level creature, it may not even fight against the 800-level creature."

"It’s okay, this thing itself is used as a mount, I I didn’t intend to let the people of our guild use it as a meat shield. So, apart from these, how about the combat skills?"

"The combat skills include claws, mouths, and tail sweeps. The fire-breathing ability mentioned before, in addition, under strong emotional states such as anger, excitement, or excitement, the four feet, apex, nostrils, and eyes will ignite hellfire."

"Hellfire? Pegasus plus How can dragon blood have hell fires?"

"Because we also added nightmare blood."

"Are these fires attacking?"

"Yes, but the performance is not very high at ordinary times, only relying on contact burning damage is not strong, but once the hellfire burns, each attack will automatically add Fire Element and Dark Element dual-system damage, which is quite powerful . "

"Are there any other skills?" "

"Yes. This guy can fly. "

"This is expected. Giant dragon, nightmare, and pegasus can all fly. Although this guy has no wings, since he is based on pegasus, he can fly normally. "

Harbo suddenly said to me very mysteriously: "There is another thing in the synthetic material is the magic crystal synthesizer, so..."

"So what? "Actually, I have roughly guessed what Hubble is going to say.

"So this experimental body can synthesize low-level magic crystals. "

"Synthesize low-level magic crystal? Can't it be used? "

"Of course it can be used, but it can only be used as a bomb. Because it is a low-grade magic crystal, it cannot provide energy and mechanical consumption. "

In the world of "Zero", the magic crystal is the source of all power. In the real industry, there are coal and oil to choose from, and nuclear and wind energy can also be used to produce electricity, but this is how it is In the environment of the world, countries in the world still fought for oil and coal. I don’t know how many big and small battles. Although coal and oil exist in the game, they can burn and generate heat like in reality, but because there is no high-level internal combustion engine that can be produced here, they can burn these. The power generated by minerals is much lower than the magic crystal power system, so these traditional energy can only be used as an auxiliary. The magic crystal system is the king of power in the game.

Since magic crystal is so important, all guilds Naturally, they are competing with each other as a strategic reserve. However, magic crystals are not all the same. The substances collectively referred to as magic crystals are actually a general term for a series of ores, and their performance have nothing common with each other, even if it is the same piece. The energy value of the white magic crystal produced by the mine also varies greatly. For general equipment, the purity of the magic crystal is not very important, but for some large equipment, it cannot operate without high-purity magic crystal. For this reason, our guild has to send a large number of people to perform manual beneficiation of magic crystals. Only the magic crystals that meet the requirements can be used as energy blocks, and more low-level magic crystals can only be sent for production. Magic crystal powder and magic crystal bomb.

As everyone knows, magic crystal is a kind of energy-rich and extremely unstable mineral energy, and because of the technology of extracting and using magic crystal energy, it is still A few guilds master the high level technology, so the most direct way most guilds can think of is to detonate the energy in it, and use explosive radiation to directly transform the magic crystal into a bomb.

"Habo , You said that this thing can make a bomb-level low-level magic crystal. How do you make it? Isn't it from...? "What I actually wanted to say was to pull it out of my ass, but the word is really not very elegant, so I didn’t ask it. Anyway, Huber should also understand what I mean.

Harbor immediately heard what I said. He laughed. "Not from the back, but from the front. It will devour the enemy's corpse in battle, and the food it usually eats is the same. After digestion, the excess energy is stored and condensed in a special organ in the body to form a magic crystal, which can be vomited out through the esophagus when needed. "

"The ability to spit bombs is a good ability, at least it can be used as a mine-laying vehicle. "

"In fact, what the subject spit out was not exactly a bomb! "Habble explained as he pondered: "Although most of the subjects still spit out low-grade white magic crystals that can only be used as bombs, sometimes individual subjects can also produce high-grade magic crystals. If our guilds all Equipped with this kind of experiment body, it probably everyday all will produce a large number of standard magic crystals and a small amount of red pattern magic crystals that can be used in the energy system, and even a colorful magic crystal that appears every few days is not impossible. "

"You mean that as long as the quantity increases, the probability of producing high level magic crystal will increase? "

"It is not the probability that the probability rises, but the overall possibility of the rise. After all, each subject has the same probability of producing advanced magic crystals. The larger the base, the higher the probability of occurrence. This should be well understood. "

"According to you, the battle strength of this thing is indeed pretty good. As a mount, it is already very high level. It's just the output problem. Do you have a way to solve it? That synthesizer in the laboratory cost a lot of money. If I want to build another seventeen or eighteen, I will go bankrupt. Don't expect to ask me for any more money! "

"Don't use it. We only need to synthesize one or two hundred heads first, and then we can produce them through inter-species breeding, and we don't necessarily need to synthesize all of them. Besides, there is a certain possibility of mutation in the naturally reproduced individuals. It would be better if there were strengthened individuals like your flying birds. "

"How long will it take to synthesize these two individuals at your speed and reproduce to the number required by our guild? "

"We have synthesized more than a hundred individuals for testing. If you invest in a Life Essence production line for us, as long as there is enough Life Essence to give birth to it, it will take at most ten days. Make enough numbers that the guild needs. "

"So fast? "

"You too underestimated the birth rate of Life Essence. This is the result I calculated after removing the unqualified individuals. If only the birth rate is calculated, it will be at most eight days. "

"No problem, I will ask Rose to allocate funds for you to build two large-scale Life Essence production lines. Anyway, they can be used in other places. If there is more production, they can be sold. "

"Then it's very good. "Harbo said excitedly: "I will take you to see other synthetic organisms." "

"Do you have any other synthetic organisms?" "

"Of course. "Harbo replied affirmatively: "With only such a thing, how dare I trouble you to take a trip in person?" Besides, although the experimental body just now looks good, it can only be regarded as a verification type when it comes to the technical level, and it has little practical value. The next one to look at is the real embodiment of the existence of our technology. "

"What the hell is that?" "I asked as he walked forward with Harbaugh.

"It is an assault-type synthetic creature used in guild battles. Let's call it a multi-legged turret for the time being. Oh here it is, it's in this yard. Because it is very important, we used a phantom wall to keep it behind. "

We passed through a gate and entered the back room. On the ground here stood a giant creature whose size can no longer be described as large. The giant dragon is next to it with a sparrow. Almost, the war mammoth is like a little white mouse compared to it, and even a giant beast standing next to it looks like a kitten.

"This, this...what the hell is this? "

What Habo showed me was basically a scorpion, but the height of this guy is definitely more than 350 meters, and the length should be no less than 900 meters. Six strong and powerful The chelate feet support the ground, and the sharp ends of the feet are four to five meters deep into the ground. A pair of giant tongs in front of you can pinch one or two giant dragons as easy as pinching a gecko. These are not counted, they are really terrible things. In fact, it should be the tall scorpion tail. If it's just an ordinary scorpion, no matter how big it is, the scorpion tail is only slightly more lethal, and there is nothing to be afraid of. But the problem is that this is not an ordinary scorpion. , But a semi-mechanical scorpion.

The scorpion simply has no poisonous needle on the tip of its tail. Instead, it is a compound multi-barrel weapon. I don’t need a Hubble introduction. The thing is too familiar. The long strip of launching port in the middle of the thing should be the magic light cannon, and the six surrounding the magic light cannon should have a relatively larger caliber, but the shorter extension tube should be the magic crystal cannon. The magic crystal barrel is surrounded by a magic light barrel in the form of a revolver, so that a single salvo of terrifying compound weapons is enough to open a large hole on any city wall except Isengard.

I wouldn’t be too surprised if the scorpion only had the integrated weapon on the tail. The key is that this guy’s two large pliers each also hides a magic light cannon barrel, and it’s on its back. The densely packed rows are full of magic crystal cannons, and there are some small magic light cannon launch ports scattered all around the body and legs. This guy is simply a mobile artillery position, and

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