The new continent, a floating island in the sky, has now become the research center of the guild. Many research institutions in Isengard and Steel City have been moved here to conduct research. It can increase the security density, and in case of danger, it will not spread to other units.

At present, the most important research facility of the new continent is the biological laboratory I am going to go to. As a high-level research institution that successfully merged long spear, a cross-age biology, I have always strongly supported them Of various studies. However, compared with my input, the recent output of these researchers is really unacceptable. Fortunately, this time there is finally a successful experiment.

As soon as I opened the door of the experimental area, I saw a group of Old Guys running over, and then this bunch of lunatics with agility no more than twenty actually lifted me up at a speed that I could not see clearly. The lab rushed, and I thought they were going to throw me into the fusion experiment device. Fortunately, I was put down as soon as I entered the laboratory, and then the former director of the Sky Clan Imperial Family Research Institute, now the director of the Isinger Institute of Biology, Habo, ran in front of me. "Finally, I invited you. It's not easy!"

"What are you doing? What are you going to do?" I looked at this Old Guy and felt my whole body hairy when I looked at my eyes.

"We have just completed a few experiments and originally planned to use it for promotion, but the management in the guild said that they could not use anything you did not confirm. So we had to invite you !"

"Just confirm it. What are you always staring at me for? It makes me feel like a little white mouse in a cage."

"Hehe, don’t worry, We’ve done experiments on everything this time, and it’s very safe."

"Let me see the results of your experiments!"

No need to tell me this time. , The other researchers had immediately separated to operate, and a few others ran outside to move things. I can see the super biosynthesizer in the center of the square outside through the three-layer reinforced crystal board. This thing is currently only one of our guilds, and its cost can make any middle guild go bankrupt, but just like other expensive experimental equipment, the output value of this thing is also very impressive.

Several researchers quickly pushed a row of trolleys to me, and each trolley contained something.

Harbo introduced to me: "This is a synthetic direction that we only recently thought of. Because the previous large-scale biological experiments always failed, we thought, if we use a certain biological basis to unilaterally strengthen Is it feasible, so we made these things. Please see, this first item." Huber took out a green crystal from the cart and handed it to me, but the thing felt awkward. It is warm and rough like wood, not as cold and smooth as crystal.

"What is this?" Because it is a synthetic item, it belongs to an object that the system did not originally have. I have technical expertise and cannot see the attributes of this thing.

Harbo explained to me: "This is the plant-based core we synthesized."

"What is it for?"

" Combatants are combined."

"Combatants? Are you referring to players or NPCs?"

"All, as long as you think you need to fight, you don’t even need to consider race And form, as long as it is a creature with a solid body."

"What does it do? What effect will it produce after merging?" I continued to ask.

"Resilience is enhanced." Harbo was very excited and introduced: "As long as it merges with this thing, it will have super strong rejuvenation like a plant, and it can regenerate even if the limbs are chopped off. Of course, it takes a long time to regenerate such a large wound on the limbs, but after all, it can be regenerated. There is no need to find a high level clergy or life mage, which can save time and money, and there are some who can’t find clergy and life mage. The place will play a bigger role."

Like the creatures in reality, most of the creatures in "Zero" can automatically heal their wounds. Of course, the speed is generally very slow, but this ability It is only limited to wound recovery. There is no way to grow limbs from an injury as big as a broken limb. If this vegetative core really has the ability to regenerate from severed limbs, it would indeed be a good successful experiment.

I just wanted to ask about the specific performance of this thing, and Habo added it in advance. "In fact, regeneration of severed limbs is only one of its auxiliary functions. The real function of this thing is to make organisms have certain vegetative characteristics. For example, if plants are cut off, they can regenerate. After using this core, combatants will have In addition, plants will not die immediately after being chopped off, and they can grow up again after connecting the broken branches. Our vegetative core also has similar capabilities. If our personnel arms are even in battle The head is chopped off and will not die immediately. At this time, you have 30 seconds to connect the severed limbs back. Although you can’t go into battle immediately after the connection, at least you won’t die."

"What? You said that even if you lose your head after merging with this thing, it's okay? Doesn't the critical attack mean no effect?"

Harbor explained: "It's not completely okay, it can only take 30 seconds. That’s it. For example, if your head is chopped off, just pick it up and put it back in within 30 seconds, and you don’t have to die, but because the newly connected head is not firmly connected, you are impossible to continue fighting and you must find it. Go to a place to heal your injury, otherwise your head will fall off if you move too much."

"It’s okay, at worst, just hold the head with one hand to prevent it from falling. Just have one hand to hold the sword. Enough."

"If you do it, I don’t care. It’s just that you should find a place to wait for your head to grow up before you can join the war again. But anyway, it’s better than having your head cut off at the time. It’s much better to die immediately, at least a little more chance of survival. Another thing to note. The fusion of the plant core does not mean that you are the Immortal Body, it is only effective for cutting damage, if it encounters it, it cannot be recovered. The damage is the same as the end."

"What is unrecoverable damage?"

"For example, if your head is chopped off, this is the same as cutting damage. Just put your head back. In fact, the parts on your body have not been reduced, so you will not die. Or the arrow in your heart is a critical attack under normal circumstances, and you will definitely die, but our plant-based core can save you 30 seconds. If it is a sword Stabbing, then you can continue to fight as if nothing is wrong, but if it is a bow and arrow, it will be different. After the bow and arrow hit the heart, it will block the heart, so the wound cannot heal, and you will still die after 30 seconds. But if You can pull out the arrow within 30 seconds and it’s okay. But if you are hit by a gunpowder weapon in your heart, it’s troublesome. Because bullets will blow up the tissues in your heart everywhere, you can’t do anything about it. It will be restored within 30 seconds, so it will die in the end."

"I see. You mean that if there is damage that cannot completely restore the damaged part within 30 seconds, it must be Will you die?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

After getting confirmation from Habo, I understand. However, it seems that the gunpowder weapons in the game are very underdeveloped. Although there are many cannons and muskets, the formidable power is incomparable with the reality. Most people still fight with magic and cold weapons. Most of the damage caused by magic is irrecoverable, and this kind of damage is definitely useless. But cold weapons are mostly cut wounds, as long as you don't get smashed by heavy weapons such as sledgehammers, you shouldn't have trouble. After thinking about it for a moment, you can find that there are obviously more creatures fighting with cold weapons and claws and teeth in the game than using spell to attack. In this way, the plant-based core is still very useful, at least it can completely defend against cutting throat tactics.

"With so much investment in you, I finally figured out some results, which is worthy of praise."

After hearing my words, Habo immediately looked unconvinced. "What is such a result? This time we are not just to let you see such a result. The plant core just now is actually the first finished product of a simple synthesis series, not to say that we don't have other products. "

"Oh? What else do you have? Let me see."

"These are all our products." Hubble pointed to the row of small Cart. "We were so excited just after getting your financial support, so we were a bit dazzled by happiness for a while. In fact, we simply don't have the ability to synthesize large creatures immediately. Such aimless synthesis is just a waste of time. Later, we Summarized the lessons, conducted a summary study of the previous ideas, and decided to start the research from the lowest-end synthetic type, and the results really got a lot of results. The vegetative core you just saw was produced under this idea. According to this idea , We also got this." Huber handed the contents of the second cart to my hand.

"Melon seeds?"

All the researchers in the entire laboratory fell down, and it took a few seconds to get up from the ground one by one. "This is not melon seeds, this is a seed!"

"What's the seed?"

"This will not be clear for a while, I want to ask you to take me to Isengard Go, and I will show you on the spot."

"Is there no danger?"

"Absolutely not."

"Well, I will Take you there."

Anyway, there are Transmission Formation and Flying Familiars. It doesn't take long to go back and forth. We soon arrived outside the city of Isengard, but Huber asked me to find someone to clean up the trees outside the city. He said that he would use this kind of seeds to replace these big trees.

I asked Hubble with some suspicion: "Are you sure you need to clean up the nearby trees? This large forest is our natural barrier. It doesn’t take much time to clean it up. If you want to plant it again, It's that easy."

"Don't worry about this, I naturally have a way to add these trees to let you clean up."

"Well then! Something happened to you You can be responsible."

"Don't worry!"

Under the solemnly vowed guarantee of Huber, I mobilized a large number of logging tools and a large number of workers. Some of the destructive power staff also came to help. Anyway, the task now is to dispose of these trees, not to obtain wood, so destructive mining does not matter.

Although this forest area is very large, it took more than two hours to clear out a large blank area near Isengard under our fire and insect sea attack tactics. There are more trees in the distance, but they will not be cleared for a while, so I didn't let anyone move. Besides, Huber asked me to seal off this area to prevent others from seeing that the trees here have been destroyed, so keeping the outer forest just can play a role in blocking the line of sight.

As soon as the clean-up work is over, I immediately said to Huber: "Can you start showing me now?"

"No problem, but please make sure that there are no enemies nearby. Observers are good."

"No, there are all worker bee units in this city. Impossible someone has escaped their reconnaissance."

The worker bee units are not one. Heap bees, they are the members of the insect race that our guild received the support of the insect race and later came to our guild, among which is included various types of insect races, but we are used to calling them the worker bee troops. These insect race battle strengths are not very strong, but all of them have amazing reproductive power without exception. The number of any single type is millions of times the number of all players and NPCs in the guild, and their race types are also As many as hundreds of thousands of species. Of course, such a huge insect race cluster cannot be raised in the city, so we arrange them to be responsible for the guard and the first line around the cities controlled by the guild, which can be regarded as making the best use of it.

Harbor didn't hesitate to get my affirmation, and immediately began to demonstrate to me the role of the "melon seed" in his hand. He dug a small hole in the ground, then put the "melon seeds" in it, and then gently covered the soil, and then he took out a small bottle from behind, cautiously opened the lid and fell down. Two drops of green liquid onto the little pile of ground. After completing this action, Huber quickly closed the bottle and put it away, then turned around and took a deep breath, then pulled me up and ran. The speed really made me wonder if the Old Guy was hiding his age.

We rushed back to Isinger's gate like a gust of wind, and then slammed the brakes. Huber turned and looked at the place where the seeds were buried in the distance, then took a pocket watch out and counted: "Five, four, three, two, one, start."

Suddenly the place where the seeds were buried seemed to be hit. It was turned over with a bang like a cannonball, and a huge green flower bloomed like an explosion at the seed location. Its huge flower body spans at least 30 meters, and the highest place is more than 10 meters high. It is really big. Unusual.

After the flower body was in full bloom, there was a faint rumbling sound from the ground, and then I saw numerous strips of soil like field ridges on the ground centered on the flower body, following these above the ground The soil ridges began to stretch out towards all directions like tentacles, and the speed was amazing. As the soil strips got faster and faster, suddenly the soil strips in a certain place were completely opened, and a huge green rhizome as thick as a seabed tunnel penetrated from the ground, and then it resembled a diving Divine. Dragon plunged into the soil again, and continued to advance for less than a hundred meters before it came out of the ground again, and then plunged into the ground again in the same posture as before. The other roads are the same. The terrifying green rhizomes quickly emerge from the ground and then dive down again, just like a bunch of rare beasts walking through the ground.

"The growth rate of these things is really fast! When will they grow to end? Why do I look like it is not right?" Watching those things quickly spread to all directions, Part of it that extends towards Isengard is already obviously under the city, and I always feel that it doesn't seem to be reassuring.

When I asked Hobbo, I was stunned. "Stop? Eh... I seem to have forgotten this!"

"What? You mean this thing simply won't stop?"

"It seems...looks like ...Probably...probably..."

"You stubborn scientific madman!" I pushed Habo away, and then took out the leaves of the city tree. "Activate Isinger's power core and raise the super magic shield." At the moment I finished shouting, a thick root suddenly jumped out of the ground and slammed into us, scared Both Harbo and I involuntarily stepped back a few steps, but when the thing was about to reach us, they suddenly hit an invisible force field. With only a bang, a circle of purple ripples in front of us quickly spread to the surroundings. The huge rhizome slowly slid down the invisible barrier like a big snake fainted. Following this rhizome, our all around has repeatedly collided again, and Isengard’s entire side of the city wall rang like fireworks, and the purple ripples kept rippling and flickering endlessly.

I looked at Harbo with a cold face. "Don't you say it is absolutely safe?"

"It is absolutely safe when it grows, but I forgot that the growth process is more dangerous."

"Then how long does it take? When will it stop? Does it have to cover the entire Earth surface to stop it?"

"That won't be enough. Just wait for my previous drop of auxiliary growth magic power concentrate essence to run out. It's okay."

"How long will it take to run out of things?"

"At the current rate, it should be about one or two days at most."

The voice of the god of war suddenly came through the leaves of the city tree. "Let me inform you that the growth rate of that thing outside the city is gradually increasing. Counting the growth rate at the current rate, they will be able to grow to the nearest other guild city in one or two hours at most."

I immediately grabbed Hubble and asked, "Is there a way to slow down the growth rate?"

Hubble thought for a while, and then suddenly screamed. "By the way, sunlight. That thing relies on sunlight as its energy. If you can cover the sunlight with something, you can stop it. Anyway, the rate of emission of the magic essence is fixed. Once the essence is released, even if the sun comes out again, it will be stopped. At best, it grows faster than normal plants, it won't grow like this."

"Did you hear?" I asked the city tree leaves.

"I know, but I can't help it. The only thing in this guild that can block the sun is the large-scale evil cloud in the necromantic spell, but the speed of release now can't keep up with its growth rate. "

"What should I do?"

"I have already calculated the method." The calculation speed of the battlefield computer, the military god, really terrifying. "I can immediately start the Isengard mobile fortress to move to the sky above this plant and turn on the wind chimes of the gods to increase the coverage area, which can reduce the growth rate by about 85 percent, which can buy you ten more hours. Time, but afterwards they will grow to other guild cities. But you can use this time to find Celestial Court to borrow their skysails, as long as the area is completely blocked and there is no sunshine for two days. It’s up."

"A good idea, I’ll go to Celestial Court to cover the sky sail. You quickly activate the mobile fortress to block the sun."

The god of war immediately said: "Transfer The guild’s air force lift off can also play a role in shielding. Will all those who can fly be dispatched?"

"Yes, wait for me to come back anyway."

Suddenly a huge broadcast sounded in the sky above Singh: "Attention all non-guild players in Isengard. Due to special circumstances, this city is about to close the city area. Please enter the nearest Transmission Formation within ten minutes and leave the city. After the time limit expires, the Transmission Formation will be used. Non-members of the bank who are still stranded should go offline. At least 48 hours before they can go online again, otherwise they will be regarded as a challenge to the bank. The end of the announcement."

It’s good to have a big fist. After hearing the broadcast, all the people who were not from our guild started to move. Ten minutes later, Isinger had no one who was not from the guild. After the crowd disappeared, the mobile fortress on top of Isengard suddenly vacated and moved out of the city. Wyvern and Pegasus in the city also flew out to help block the sun. Some smart players also pulled huge giants in groups. The canvas flew out so that everyone grabbed a corner and pulled the canvas apart to cover a large area.

Everyone is working hard and I am working hard too. I rushed to Celestial Court as quickly as possible and found the Jade Emperor directly and told me about the matter. The Jade Emperor didn't find it difficult for me. Anyway, he just borrowed it, and he didn't lose anything. A god who has been ordered will return to Isengard with Zhetianfan and release the magic weapon immediately. Fortunately, no time was lost along the way, and the crazy plants hadn't grown to the point of being uncontrollable. After the sun was blocked, its crazy growth gradually slowed down after only two or three minutes, and finally gradually became a slow growth rate that naked eye could not detect.

Because it takes time for the concentrated magic essence to evaporate, the God General and the Sky Sail will have to stay for another two days. I can only invite the God General to live in Isengard first. After arranging for the god general from Celestial Court, I went to Hubble again. This guy may also know that he was in trouble, and he was very nervous when he saw me.

As soon as I came up, I put out my hand to stop his defense, but directly reminded him: "I can ignore your negligence, but there is absolutely no next time." He was about to open his mouth and promise me again. "Don’t rush to make sure that this kind of thing can be done without guarantee. I think the key issue is to improve your management from the system. In this way, after I go back, I will set up an experimental appraisal department, and they will not participate. Experiments are specifically designed to evaluate and appraise the dangers of various experiments. Experiments that do not have much permission cannot be carried out, and products without safety certification cannot be produced."

"Understand, this is true It’s a necessary measure. It’s just this kind of...?"

"This thing is too dangerous, and it must not be put into practical use before a solution is figured out. Isinger’s side has already planted this one. You can’t grow it in other places. Thanks to the experiment done next to Isengard this time, if you are in other places, it is estimated that the indemnity will surely make roses rush over and beat you into a pig’s head."

< p>"Accident, this time is an accident. Similar incidents will never happen again in the future."

"Also, it must never happen again. Okay. This is the end of the matter. Let’s start now. Let’s see how the planted tree works. By the way, I forgot to ask, what is this plant called?"

"This is an experimental product, and it is impossible to name it before it is finalized. Yes. The number we use now is the planted beast type 17."

"The planted beast? Isn’t this a tree?"

"Have you ever seen it grow so fast? The tree?"

"But there is no animal that grows so fast?"

"So! It is a planted beast, with the dual characteristics of plants and animals at the same time. And this growth rate is only the Early-Stage developmental period. In the future, even if the magic essence is poured every day, there will be no more such speed."

"Thanks to the fact that there won't be this speed anymore. Otherwise, the enemy will not have to fight with us in the future when attacking Isengard, just pour a bottle of magic essence on this thing and we will be wiped out."

Harbo dragged me amidst my criticism. When we arrived in a large new forest, there was still a clearing of land ten minutes ago, but in such a short period of time, the clearing that we spent a few hours to clear was already covered by this terrifying plant. It is completely covered.

"This is a planted beast? Does it look like a normal tree?" I asked, patting the trunk of a big tree.

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