Harbo replied affirmatively: "Yes, this is the last one, but different from the previous two, this is a true synthetic organism and the highest embodiment of our technological power. The big spider is just using all of our technology, but it didn’t make precise control, but the following one is different. It is a special creature planned in advance through our design, and it’s definitely better than long spear. It's a cow."

"Better than long spear?"

"It may not be as good as long spear in terms of creativity alone. After all, the idea of ​​jet flying creatures is too special, but battle In terms of strength and practical value, it definitely surpasses long spear."

"Take me to see now."

"Okay. Go here."

< p>This special composite was not put together with other experimental subjects, but was placed separately in another change of the new continent, and its storage point was actually limited by energy space. I was taken into the experimental area with my brain filled with greetings, and finally I saw the experimental body located in a huge pit similar to an arena. This guy stood there very quietly, as if it were lifeless, but I could feel the terrifying power of this guy through the magical vibration. Its stillness was not because it was docile, but because it was accumulating power for the next attack.

"This thing is very good." My sudden compliment made Hubbard startled for a while, and they started to praise me before they introduced me, which is a bit strange. "Don't be surprised, I can feel the murderous aura on this guy, it's very offensive."

"The president is really good, you can see it. Please pay attention to his actions, we let you See it." Huber said with a gesture, and several researchers standing across from the Colosseum immediately shouted to the soldiers beside him to push a huge winch. As the winch rotates, a gate opposite the Colosseum slowly rises. A huge reptile full of scales crawled in from the gate. Huber explained: "This is a swamp monster, belonging to the 800-level creature, battle method...!" I reached out and stopped him from continuing. "I have fought this thing and know what its power is."

"That's good. Please pay attention to our experimental body. He will launch an attack in a while. His speed is very fast. Please pay attention."

When I heard Harbaugh's words, I immediately started to stare at the subject and observed his body structure by the way. Unlike the previous monsters, this guy is a humanoid creature, standing on two feet and walking upright, but it is very different from humans. This guy's legs are similar to a werewolf in a beast-like state, with two joints, divided into three sections, unlike human legs that are two-sectioned. Humans are one of the few species whose leg joints are bent backwards. It can be said that this is not a good design idea. Fortunately, humans mainly rely on brain power to conquer the world, otherwise it will be troublesome. The three-stage leg structure of this creature is similar to a werewolf, and I can beasted into a werewolf form myself, so I know very clearly how obvious the advantage of this kind of legs is. In addition to running speed, this kind of leg structure has far superior sports advantages over human legs in terms of jumping power and emergency steering.

Compared with the legs, the body of the subject is not much different from humans, but I have to say that this guy has a good figure, a wide chest, a slightly thin waist, and an inverted triangle structure as a whole. In line with the classic human body structure. This structure is considered to be the most perfect human body structure. Not only is it beautiful, it is also excellent in terms of strength and balance. From his neat two rows of abdominal muscles and the entire chest muscles, you can see how powerful his explosive power is.

In addition to body and legs, this guy is also a head and two hands, but it has more wings and a big tail than humans, and its head and hands are also different from humans. The guy's head looks like a human as a whole, but his eyes are dark red, and his pupils are upright like a cat. There is actually a huge black shining stone embedded in the middle of his forehead, and with a long silver hair, it feels a little weird for no reason. The combination of the above and the cold facial features, the whole is an Archfiend. In terms of arms, he is not much different from human beings, of course the muscles are still very strong. The biggest difference is that his hands are closer to claws, and he has all five fingers, but the tips are extremely sharp, and he was born for fighting.

The tail behind the subject is quite special. It looks like a metal whip. It is made up of sections of metalized skeleton. There is also a sharp sword-shaped tip at the end. Special body for fighting. Finally, there is a pair of fully metalized wings behind this guy. The whole wings look the same as angel wings, but the angels have wings. This guy has metal wings. Each feather is made of real metal. What's more terrible is that there is a row of shutter-like openings on the lower edge of the wings, and I don't know what it is for.

As soon as I observed this guy's body, he suddenly moved. Without any warning, his body suddenly disappeared in place, and then he saw that the eye socket of the swamp beast lizard turned into a huge blood hole, and the swamp beast lizard was lying on the ground without a sound. moment. It was over in just an instant. Others may not pay attention, but I have seen the whole process. The subject rushed to the swamp monster at the moment the attack started, and then directly crushed the opponent's brain with one inserted into the opponent's eye socket. There is no way to stop such an attack, nor can it be stopped. There is no skull protection behind the eyes. Attacks from here can reach the most vulnerable brain of the creature. No matter how strong the creature is, as long as the brain is destroyed, it will be ruined. This is There are no exceptions.

"This is too fast, right?" Although I saw the whole process clearly, I still couldn't suppress my surprise.

"So I reminded you to be careful before. The experimental body we synthesized seems to be very lazy. As long as there is no attack target, he will stand motionless, and once the attack command is issued, he will act like lightning. The speed is the most direct and effective way to solve the battle with one blow."

"Do you have a 1,000-level experimental body here? I want to see the battle effect between him and the 1,000-level experimental body."< /p>

"Chairman, there are no more one-thousand-level test subjects here. Besides, it’s not cost-effective to waste a precious one-thousand-level test subject to test the attack power of this test subject?"

"That's what I said." I immediately said, "Help me find a real duel. I will go down and play a test with him."

"President, this is the duel. , We chose this place as the experimental point because of his uncontrollable battle method. Anyway, the duel field can automatically repair the damage, and the death is invalid. It doesn’t matter if there is any accident during the test."

< p>"That's good, I'm going to fight him right away. By the way, what's your rating for this guy?"

"There is no rating, this guy is a synthetic creature, and it can't be rated at all. , Even if it’s determined, it’s not accurate. Synthetic creatures’ battle strength is much higher than their own rating."

"Then what level do you estimate?"

"According to the normal devil The beast grading standard is at most 1,000 levels, but according to the fighting effect, it is at least one thousand and eight."

"OK, let me weigh how many levels of battle strength he can have."< /p>

After letting Harbo briefly prepare, I entered the duel arena, and the seats all around the venue are filled with crystal transmission devices, which are directly connected to Isengard’s military god’s information Center, this is to let him by the way help analyze and calculate the actual use value and basic characteristics of this synthetic organism.

To my surprise, this experimental subject actually has a name. He called himself Shengwu, and even Habo didn't know why he insisted on calling that name. But I don't care what his name is. As long as he is strong enough, he wants to change his name to Gautama and I don't care about him.

I heard that Shengwu has high intelligence, so I didn’t attack as soon as I came up, but first asked: "Do you know who you are?"

Shengwu He didn't respond to my question at all, as if he hadn't heard. I looked at Hubble off the court in a puzzled way, and Hubble immediately explained: “He has always been like this and rarely speaks. By the way, the president, we also designed a suit of armor for him, do you want him to wear you? Fight again?"

"Bring it to him. I want to see his ultimate strength."


The equipment given to him was not rejected, and he immediately put it on. This is a set of pure white armor, the whole body is well wrapped up, and even the face is completely covered in the helmet. The only part of his body exposed now was the big tail and the pair of metalized wings.

The holy warrior wearing a full set of armor looks a bit like an armed angel, but the leg structure is slightly special. His weapon is an elongated heavy sword, and his other hand carries a large shield. The shape of this shield looks like the two wings of an angel folded in front of him over the shoulders, and there are embossed patterns resembling feathers on the surface. The shield is wide and narrow at the bottom, and it is more than two meters tall when standing on the ground. Even Shengwu, a guy who is more than 2.5 meters tall, looks quite huge in his hand.

To be honest, I'm not sure I can win against such a big guy, and I still have some hesitation in my heart. If I win, it means that Shengwu's battle strength is not good. It is obviously a failure to spend money to synthesize such a creature; if I lose, it will make me even more happy. After all, it is something of the guild, the stronger he is, the better for my future development.

After being armed, Shengwu entered the sculpture state again, standing there motionless. If an unsuspecting person comes in, he might be used as an armor display stand. I didn’t have time to pose with him, and directly opened my mouth and commanded: “Now I’ll attack me with all my strength. Anyway, death is invalid here. You don’t need to keep your hands.” After I finished speaking, the Shengwu on the opposite side was still completely motionless. It's embarrassing to stand there. "If you don't do it, can I move it first?"

After shouting this time, Shengwu continued to install sculptures there, making me angry. "It depends on when you pretend." I suddenly started rushing over, but Shengwu was completely indifferent. His behavior caused me to suspect that he was going to make insidious tricks, so instead of hacking him directly, I stopped in front of him and quickly went around behind him and put a pose ready to hack him, but this guy still Install sculptures there. I thought about it for a while and went around to his side again, still making a fake attack, and the opponent still didn't move. I simply slammed my heart and slammed it down. With a bang, Eternal opened a hole in his armor, but finally stopped on his skin. It's not that his skin is blocking the eternity, but I didn't cut it down hard because I found that he simply didn't intend to move.

Recovering eternity, I jumped up and knocked on his helmet. "Hey! Is anyone at home? Are you stupid? Talk back! Habo, what's the matter? Why is this guy suddenly cut off?"

Hab was also confused. Hurriedly ran down with a few designers. Several researchers set up the herringbone ladder, then climbed up and took off the guy's helmet, only to find that the guy's eyes were looking everywhere.

Harbo knocked his head angrily: "What's the matter with you? Why don't you move?"

Out of my expectation, this guy actually took the conversation. "What if it moves?"

We were all taken aback by this sudden rhetorical question. After a long time, this guy still resisted! Pushing away Harbo, who was about to scold, I climbed to the top of the ladder and sat down. Sure enough, it feels better to be expert first. Standing on the ground and looking up to communicate with this big guy is really tiring. "What you mean is that you don't like to cooperate with us?"

Shengwu snorted, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"It seems that you are really dissatisfied with the current situation! Can you tell me why you are dissatisfied? Or what makes you dissatisfied?"

"Freedom. "It's a miracle that this three-stick guy who can't beat a fart actually talks again!"

I immediately laughed when I heard his answer. "Although you only said two words, I have already understood a lot of things, but you still need your cooperation to solve this problem. I first want to know what degree of freedom you want, or what do you think is freedom? "

For a synthetic organism, the brain itself is messy, so many things are judged by instinct. Shengwu clearly desires freedom instinctively. The problem is that he himself doesn't understand the meaning of freedom, but fortunately, this guy is not low in intelligence, and after thinking about it for a while, he has some clues. "I want to control my own actions and go where I want to go. I don't want to stay in this experimental field all day."

"You really haven't fully understood the meaning of freedom. Then I will first Ask you some questions." Before Shengwu refused, I said first: "How much do you know about this world of our lives?"

"I probably know a little bit, but it's a bit messy. What does this have to do with freedom? "

"Of course it does matter. The total area of ​​the world we live in is limited, you must understand this." I saw the nodded saint martial arts, and I continued: "Then, take this duel field as an example. Come on! Let’s now assume that this duel field is the world we live in, and this circle represents the duel field in which you live." I jumped off the ground and kicked the ladder, and then used an eternally changing stick to drew the saint martial on the ground. Circle. "You feel that you have no freedom now, because this circle limits your scope of activities. Is this the reason why you feel that you are not free?"

Shengwu nodded. I continued: "That's good. Now that you figure it out, I can completely remove this circle." As I said, I erased the circle on the ground with my feet. "But the circle we live in is just like this." I drew a larger circle on the ground, this time enclosing me, Habo, and Shengwu around me. "I erased this circle, but you just entered a larger circle from this small circle."

Shengwu’s intelligence is quite high, so he immediately understood my explanation and pointed out I drew a picture of the entire duel arena. "The venue is so big, why do you want to live in this circle?"

"Because of this." I quickly opened the space door and put a lot of Qilin warriors out, and then asked them to start drawing lines on the ground, The duel field was divided into small areas, and then they began to separate. In some areas, there were one or two Qilin warriors, in some areas there were many Qilin warriors, and in other areas, Qilin warrior and them stood at the same time. There are only mounts without Qilin warrior in other areas. Of course, there are areas that are completely empty. After watching the Qilin warriors take their positions, I immediately said, "This is the reason."

"You mean someone else has occupied these areas, right?"

"You really Very smart."

As soon as I finished complimenting Shengwu, he immediately started to be stupid. "They occupy these areas, why can't I go there?"

"Before answering this question, tell me what you live by? For example, what do you eat?"

" Eat. I eat meat, plants, everything I can eat."

"Okay." I took out some food and threw it to the Qilin warriors. "There is food in every area, but food does not fall from the sky. Plants need time and space to grow. Animals that are meat sources eat plants, which consumes more time and space. However, the area they occupy is limited. You go in and eat, and they can eat less. Would you like to change it for you?" Shengwu immediately shook his head, and he clearly understood that those areas could not be passed. In fact, it is not too difficult to convince Shengwu. Although he has resistance, synthetic creatures have basic thinking patterns, which are forcibly added during synthesis. We don't want to synthesize a monster, we will dismantle our laboratory as soon as it comes out. Therefore, even though Shengwu had a sense of resistance, he still regarded us as his companions.

After Shengwu understood what I meant, he suddenly walked to a few empty areas and said: "There are no people in several areas near here, can't we get here?"

"Do you know why no one is standing there?"

Shengwu shook his head.

"Because that is an extreme environment area that cannot survive, these blank areas are not suitable for everyone's survival."

This time Shengwu went directly to a Qilin warrior. The area pushed the Qilin warrior out of that area, and then asked: "Then we can grab a piece of land!"

"Actually we are doing it." I first walked right next to me Draw an area of ​​the area, and then drag the Qilin warrior into our circle, and then wipe the line between the two areas. "I drew some people and made them my own, and then their area became our area." I walked into the circle of another Qilin warrior station, and patted him on the head, that Qilin warrior Lie down to the ground in coordination. I wiped the line between the two areas again. "I killed some enemies again, and then expanded my territory again." This time I ran to an area far away, and there were many Qilin warriors in this area. I summoned a few Qilin warriors and stood behind me, and then said: "I also took some people to other people's territories, and then showed my strength, and finally settled a small area in their territory. This place Although they are still in their circle, I actually use them. The above three areas are areas where we can move freely. This is our territory. But..."

I bring The Qilin warrior in our area walked to a nearby area with many Qilin warriors, and then we fought symbolically. Then there were several Qilin warriors on both sides lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and then we returned to our own area. . "But the enemy in every area is not very weak, and there are also strong areas like this. We can't grab it, and we sacrificed a lot of companions. But I never gave up."

This time I He brought out more Qilin warrior from the space gate, and then rushed into the area just now, and then made a fight again. The two sides dropped the "corpses" and retreated to their respective areas. After finishing all this, I erased the line between the two areas, and then drew the line again, but this time the line moved a bit into the area of ​​the other side. "See? After many battles, we are gradually expanding our area, and then we attack again and again, and gradually expand the territory. However, this process requires dead people, we need to work hard, and you were made for this great Goal. If you can cooperate with us and complete the test as soon as possible, I can take you out to attack other people’s areas. Although you may be killed in battle, at least you have gained freedom."

"Okay, I will Listen to you." This time Shengwu's words were not as cold as before, but rather excited. We have abducted and sold Goddess of Light, blackmailed Celestial Court immortals, and even the super cows who have deceived the great gods of Egypt. Isn't it a piece of cake to cheat you as a synthetic creature?

After the ideological work was done, Shengwu’s entire mental outlook was different. This time without us having to help him, he put on his armor and put on a fighting posture. "Can I start attacking?"

I looked at all around and made sure everyone had exited the field before saying: "You can start. Still that sentence, don’t keep your hands, I want to know you Real battle strength."

"Okay, I will use all the strength of my body."


My voice is one After falling, Shengwu immediately opened his wings and assumed a flat posture, but he did not flap his wings. Harbo's voice suddenly appeared in my ears. "Be careful, Shengwu and Long Spear also have jet thrusters."

"Huh?" Habo shouted late. Now I know what those shutter-like things on the lower edge of Shengwu's wings I saw before do. Those are simply jet propellant jets. Just when Shengwu spread his wings flat, he pointed the jet at his back, then he lowered his body and put a shield in front of him. At the moment Harbo reminded me, his legs kicked backwards at the same time, and at the same time the power of the jet thrusters on the wings was fully turned on, and his whole body instantly slammed into it like a missile. Poorly, I was knocked out before I could react. I was knocked out of a big ditch in the audience seat of the duel with a bang. I kept flying from the first row to the last row before landing, and then I was knocked out. A pile of rubble was buried underneath.

Even Shengwu himself was a little surprised by this effect. He used to participate in experiments with uncooperative minds, so he himself didn’t know how powerful he was, because he simply hadn’t Sprinted with all strength. Habo and the researchers opened their mouths and punched their fists in, all of them froze on the observation platform. Among those who saw this scene, I am afraid that only the military god far away from Isengard did not react. This guy calmly wrote on a form: "The quality push ratio is one to three thousand six, and the acceleration performance is excellent. The positive impact is excellent. "After writing all this, the military god immediately picked up the crystal communicator next to him, and then said to Huber on the other end: "Tell Purple Moon to get up quickly and don't pretend to be dead under the stone. This impact will not affect him. Kind of."

Harbo heard it clearly, but he didn't dare to convey it. The army god is in Isengard, but he is on the scene. If he tells it, he doesn't know whether the military god is dead or not, and he will definitely not be able to run. Fortunately, I didn't make him nervous for too long, and the rubble on the opposite side shook for a while. A boulder more than four meters high shook slightly, and then was suddenly lifted out. "Bah, bah, bah, bah..." I stood up from the rubble in white and gray, and while slapping the dust on my head, I dug out the rubble next to me for a long time before I found my eternity.

"Damn, why are you hitting me so hard?"

"You want me to use all my strength!" Shengwu answered me aggrievedly. There is no place for fire, so I can only admit that I am unlucky!

"Forget it, it's not your fault, we will come again."

"Then you are ready." Shengwu's wings suddenly opened again, scared me quickly to do it Prepared to dodge. The frontal impact of this guy is stronger than that of a heavy cavalry. I am not here to fight him with more strength, or I might as well find a demon puppet to fight him!

The closed shutters behind Shengwu’s spread wings suddenly opened. With the explosion of a gas jet, Shengwu suddenly rushed out again, but this time I was prepared, and I turned around to let After half a step, the eternity in his hand had already turned into a stick shape and inserted in front of the shield and body of the holy warrior. After completing this action, I violently tightened my legs, and at the same time exerted force on my waist and abdomen to bring Shengwu's power to one side: "Ah... Turn me around!"

Shengwu's impact I was cleverly brought to one side. Although the force I received was not small, it was not a head-on collision after all. With the help of Tai Chi's imperial power, I forcibly brought the Holy Martial's mighty power to one side. A big loop came to the center, I took it half a circle and threw it back in the direction where he rushed. With the powerful inertia and the power that I helped to fuel the flames, even with the power of Saint Martial, I couldn't completely resist it. After finding that he was thrown out, Shengwu stumbled on the ground for several steps trying to correct his posture, but before he could correct his posture, I rushed up again.

Although the power is not as good as Shengwu, I am also a strong figure, and the impact force is not much lower than him. Taking advantage of the chance that he himself hadn't stood firm because of his previous inertia, he slammed into it again. This time, even if his strength was strong, Shengwu couldn't withstand it. The whole person lost his balance and fell back and flew out, but it was here. When the guy was about to fall back on the ground, his wings suddenly opened again. An air current sprayed out from under his wings, and the dust on the ground was blown out of a circle-shaped soil wall, and he himself violently jumped into the air ten meters high. I was planning to make another cut when he fell, but didn't expect him to fly!

"Damn, can you fly?" I squatted down with one wing, and then slammed on the ground and jumped up, but to my surprise, Shengwu suddenly turned in the air. It became facing me, and then the jet behind him was fully opened, and the whole person smashed down at me like a missile. I'm in the process of ascending, how can I avoid his full impact? But I wouldn’t watch myself being smashed. The moment he hit me, I hugged him abruptly, and then I tried my best to flap my wings and forced the two of us to adjust in the air, turning him into me on top of him. under. Shengwu also wanted to draw a bottle gourd in the same way, but unfortunately his own speed was too fast, and it was too late to do another transposition. As soon as I switched to the top, there was a bang. Both of us hit the ground, and the entire duel field shook. Smoke and dust billowed on the ground, and for a while, nothing was seen!

"Quickly, turn on the air extractor, I want to know how they are." Habo shouted anxiously on the stage.

The powerful exhaust fan quickly drew out the dust, and the situation in the venue reappeared in everyone's sight. Hubble saw our situation involuntarily relaxed. "Fortunately, I didn’t miss the important shots."

On the ground at this time, Shengwu and I did not move, because we are both embedded in the ground, the difference is that Shengwu is facing the sky, and I am face down. The two human-shaped pits on the ground were less than one meter apart. This was caused by the struggle of Shengwu at the last moment. Otherwise, I should have hit him, and he would be even more miserable.

After waiting a few more seconds, there was a sound of oh la la from the ground. Shengwu lifted one of his arms from the pit, and then pulled his upper body out of the human-shaped pit by supporting the ground. Just as he sat up, there was a peng sound next to him, and I also stood up from the ground.

Looking up, I immediately found Shengwu who was close at hand, and his body bounced out instantly. It is difficult to be attacked at such a short distance, so it is better to get out of the way.

"What a great trick, what is this called?" Shengwu asked.

"Tai Chi."

"It's good, but it's useless to me. Just resisting my impact won't hurt me. You have to find a way to attack." The wings opened again, and a small formidable power jet bounced off the ground, and then aimed at me again to spread the wings, there was a loud noise, and this guy rushed over with a thruster.

"It won’t work every time." I suddenly plunged Eternity into the ground, the blade rushed out, and then instantly turned Eternity into a big sword, and at the same time, I squatted against the back of the knife. , As long as Shengwu dares to hit him, he can definitely throw him in half with eternal sharpness.

While Shengwu saw my actions, Habo reminded Saint Martial Dao: "Beware, eternity is no stronghold one cannot overcome!" As an experimental observer, Habo naturally wanted to remind both parties Pay attention to the opponent's characteristics, so that you can get more comprehensive combat data, but reminding is one thing, too late to do it is another matter.

Shengwu did hear what Habo said, but his assault speed was too fast. Hearing it, it was too late to hide. In a rush, Shengwu had to twist his body to flash past from the side. However, I was not dead. When I saw him want to flash, I naturally followed him with a horizontal knife for eternity. There was a crash, and I was turned around by the huge impact twice before I stood firm, while Shengwu threw out diagonally. As soon as he stabilized his figure, he heard a creak, and when he looked down, he found that only half of the shield in his hand was left, and the other half was lying on the ground.

"What a sharp weapon."

"Eternal is a super Divine Item that can cut even space. Even hard objects can't stop him. But you can flash enough. Soon, only half of the shield was cut off. I still hope to kill the enemy in one shot!"

"That's impossible." Shengwu reached out and threw half of the shield on the ground, and then Holding the sword in his hand, he swung a few sword flowers, and then suddenly spread his wings again and rushed up.

I squeezed the Eternal Use Li, and then swiped fiercely at the Saint Martial who was still far away from me. "Eternal-Meteor Flurry." As soon as Shengwu rushed to the office, he saw a large white spot of light flying over from the crackle in front of him. Before he could react, he was hit by a rainstorm attack all over his body. Fell out. The immense power just led him to slide far on the ground before he stopped.

I clap the eternity in my hands. "I have already figured out your attack method. If you only have this ability, I can only regret to announce that you are a substandard product." Shengwu did not answer my words, but suddenly jumped up and rushed up again. "Come back?" I waved eternity again without the slightest hesitation. "Eternal-Meteor Flurry."

As soon as my skills were activated, Shengwu suddenly turned to let go of my attack, but I didn’t react too slowly. I twisted my wrist and exerted force on my waist. The whole person turned around and swung a sword in the air again. "Eternal-the stars shine."

"Ah!" The Holy Martial, who had just rushed to me, was attacked by a intensive rain of light, and was instantly knocked out.

"I said, I have figured out your attack method, such an attack is invalid."

Shengwu still did not answer my words, but got up again Rushed up. I randomly threw away a meteor dance again, but he still flashed out suddenly, and then he didn't rush to me again, but started high-speed rotation around me, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

"Don't you want to play multiple afterimages? That trick I played bad!" At this point, I suddenly lifted my head and jerked Eternity up from the bottom up. "Eternal-Divine Lightning." A beam of light jets out from the tip of the eternal sword, and shoots fiercely towards the sky. The holy warrior who is diving in mid-air is knocked out again by this beam of light, and follows in the sky The place where the beam of light hit the clouds suddenly shot out a purple lightning that hit Shengwu who was still in the air, and then the lightning followed him until he landed. However, the formidable power of this lightning is not small, and Shengwu still flashes all over his body until he touches the ground. "I told you that it's useless, you still go! This time the injury is not light, right?"

Shengwu is not angry and stopped talking this time, he really can't say anything. The formidable power of Raiden was too great, and he was numbed by the electric tongue and couldn't speak at all.

"Why are you so stubborn? I told you it's useless, you have to hit it up! You know it's great now, right? Habo, start the refresh function, we have to restart it. Game."


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