"haha, pick a prize, I like this."

I just feel that saw a flash was sent into an empty room by itself. I guess this It is a place used to distribute prizes. I was about to ask why I didn't see the prizes. Three platforms were raised on the ground in front of me.

These three platforms are very ordinary, the key is what value the things on the table have. I glanced. The thing on the first platform is a red pill, which looks like some kind of medicine. The thing on the second platform is a larger red sphere, which is initially judged to be the egg of an Unknown Creature, and it is suspected that it may be a rewarding familiar. The things on the third platform are a little bit special. What's placed here is actually a very irregular stone.

Before I could ask a question, the system hint sounded first. "Hello player Purple Moon, now you have seen the three rewards given by this system, please choose two of them as your reward."

"I can ask these three first Is it something?"

"Of course. From your perspective, the red pill placed on the leftmost platform increases the medicine for experience. After taking it, it can provide a certain amount of EXP. For you The current demand for EXP can raise your level to one thousand and five Level 10 at one time."

Five Level 10 is not a big problem for ordinary players, but it is for people of this level. It is basically the difference between Heaven and Earth, and this pill is still a rare experience to fix medicine. There are four medicines related to EXP in "Zero".

First is a medicine with a fixed number of levels added to the existing basis. I call this a promotion medicine. This medicine does not consider your current level, anyway, as long as you eat it, add the number of levels specified by the medicine. Relatively speaking, the higher the level, the more cost-effective it is to eat. But I actually hate this kind of medicine, because you don’t want to eat it no matter how many levels you have. When you are at level five hundred, you will want to wait for level six hundred and then eat more cost-effective, but when you reach level six hundred you want to wait for seven. After eating at a hundred levels, in the end, I kept holding it in my hand and didn't want to use it.

Second experience medicine is a promotion medicine of a locked level. This medicine does not consider your current level, but it will not increase the level randomly, but will add you to the specified level. If you are lower than the specified level, it can make up your EXP no matter how much lower it is. If you are higher than the specified level, not only will it not give you EXP, but it will also absorb EXP and cause you to be downgraded to the specified level. In short, this is a very abnormal medicine.

Third Type medicine is a medicine that doubles the experience. This medicine does not directly increase EXP, but makes you get an extra increase in EXP within a certain period of time after taking it. Relatively speaking, this medicine is the easiest one among the four medicines. After all, its function is relatively not too strong.

The fourth experience medicine is the reward medicine currently given, a kind of experience medicine with fixed EXP. This medicine does not add a fixed level to you, but a fixed EXP to you. Eating this medicine is actually like killing a monster. The EXP you can get from it is fixed. The specific level you can get depends on how much experience you need to upgrade your current level.

Theoretically speaking, the first of these four medicines has the largest formidable power, because even if it is only Level 1 type, the consequences of being eaten by a 5,000-level person will be quite terrifying, while the fourth is relatively Said formidable power is much weaker. But I still think that fourth is the best. Just like I said before, first medicine will hurt you and you will never dare to eat it. In the end, it will be wasted. On the contrary, fourth can immediately increase EXP and can be used without any worries.

According to my understanding, the experience medicine that can improve me to five Level 10 at present, the actual experience content should have exceeded one trillion, because I now need almost 20 billion EXP to get to Level 1. . It sounds like a big number, but it's not an exaggeration. After all, the high level monster that I kill at my level will not be less than 10 million EXP, and if I cut a thousand, there will be 10 billion, which is not very troublesome. Thinking about it this way, the five Level 10 experiences are actually nothing.

When I was thinking about the problem, system was already explaining the second item. "The life core is placed on the platform in the middle. It has a special function. You must have at least one familiar before using it, and then use it on the familiar to take effect. This prize will enable the familiar Return to the state of the familiar egg, and then the owner of the familiar has twenty-four hours to find various types of creatures to fuse with it. When the twenty-four hours are reached, the familiar will immediately hatch and upgrade back to the one before shrinking. After that, the familiar will have a special skill of each creature that has been fused within the twenty-four hours, and its own life form will also be promoted, but the specific evolution direction remains the same, only strengthening the original attribute. "

This second item sounds like it is to strengthen a familiar, with various creatures in the middle for fusion. On the surface, this thing seems not very good, but in my opinion, this is the really useful prize. As a player of the animal trainer system, we have to do our jobs properly, so strengthening the pet is the development path I should take. Anyway, I can choose two items. Before the system explains the third item, I shouted: "I want this life core."

"If you are sure you need the item, please take it away by yourself."

After system finished speaking, I ran to pick up the red egg, and then listened to system explain the third item.

"The last place on this platform is Keshi, which is a special synthetic item. Its function is mainly to fuse weapons or armors. This Keshi alone can only fuse one item. If two items are forcibly merged It will only waste its function completely."

"What is the effect after fusion?"

"The fusion effect depends on whether the fusion item is a weapon or armor, but the basic situation is actually the same. In the final analysis, the basic function of Deckstone is to reject Attribute Power, which is the opposite of identifying power. Therefore, whether it is in armor or weapons, the real action principle is the same."

"Repelling the opposite energy of identifying energy What kind of function is it? I still don’t understand."

"According to the principle of preconceivedness, the energy that you first contact with the Keshi is the cognizant energy. Take you as an example, your main attribute is the evil and dark attribute. , Then no matter if you fuse armor or weapons, the final result is that the item has the Attribute Power of Repelling Light. However, there will be slight differences in the effect depending on the function of your fusion item. If you fuse with protective equipment, you will It has the attribute to resist light energy. If you choose to fuse weapons, you will have the ability to destroy light creatures."

"Destroy light creatures?" I didn't understand the meaning of system.

"It's like cutting vampire with a blessing sword soaked in holy water."

I understand the explanation of system. Although the battle in the game is basically calculated based on the battle data, there are some other special calculation methods, such as critical attack and attribute restraint. Like the Light God Palace, there is a sword of blessing, as long as it is stained with a high concentration of holy water, it can achieve the effect of completely restraining dark creatures. When using this blessed sword soaked in holy water to attack a dark creature, in addition to calculating the normal damage value, there is an attribute effect. As soon as the sword body touches the dark creature, the contact point will immediately burn. If it can penetrate The opponent's body can burn the entire opponent to ashes. Using this kind of sword, a 300-level player can easily kill a large group of 600-level low-level vampires, because if the opponent is chopped off a bit of skin, it will burn immediately and there will be no bones left. Of course, system will not give such a perverted weapon that can disrupt balance. The sword of blessing is the sacrificial vessel of the Temple of Light. Its main function is not a weapon, but a sacrificial article. This weapon can only be used for 48 hours after each blessing. If it expires, it must be blessed again, otherwise it will become an ordinary weapon. The Temple of Light will not help ordinary players to bless the weapon twice in three days, so ordinary people Don't even think about it. As for the holy water, the output of this thing is quite impressive, but unfortunately the only undiluted pure holy water that can be used on the sword of blessing. The ones that were sold to the priests were all diluted, and the price of pure holy water...Anyway, thinking about it will make your scalp numb. In short, the formidable power of the sword of blessing is infinite, but the limit is too large, which is basically equal to a semi-defective product.

Although there are problems with the things in the Temple of Light, the rewards given to me by the system are no problem. Once the Keshi is fused, I can fuse the equipment of the Light Element creature, which is simply too useful for me. Although I have a little contact with various temples of light now, in general, I will often encounter opportunities to fight with light creatures. Besides, the light creatures are not necessarily subordinates of the Temple of Light. Players also have many light creatures in their hands, even wild ones of all ages, and in general they are still very useful.

Since you already know that this thing is useful, don't miss it. I walked directly over and picked up the Keshi, and then I saw that the leftmost platform suddenly disappeared, and the situation in the room also changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

As if deformed, the wall and floor of the room almost changed the situation inside the room through a series of sliding and flipping. The walls and floors that were originally bare are now steel plates, and the smooth surfaces can’t even be found.

As the room deformed, the system hint rang. "Purple Moon, player, pay attention to this system's special reward items will now be issued. There are a lot of items distributed this time, but players need to work hard to get them."

"Will there be more tasks to do, right? "I have roughly guessed what system is going to do.

"It’s not a task, it’s just a small game. This system will shoot three hundred high-elastic bumper balls into the room within three seconds after thirty seconds. The elasticity coefficient of the bumper balls has been set. It is a non-resistance mode, which means that no kinetic energy will be lost due to rebound. Each elastic ball has a certain amount of EXP, and every time you catch one, you can swallow it immediately, and you can immediately get EXP replenishment. At the same time, Each ball also corresponds to a random lottery chance. You may draw a better item than the previous two prizes, or you may not draw anything, but EXP is included in each ball. The end of the notice, the last ten The second countdown, please be prepared."

"Damn, don't you? Let me play the ball game?"

System simply doesn't give me any reaction time, ten seconds countdown As soon as the eight corners of the roof and the ground opened a hole, and then heard a sound like a rotating cannon, followed by the colorful balls hiding the sky and covering the earth flying in. The colors of these balls have nothing common with each other, the size is big and the size is small, the largest is close to the size of a tennis ball, and the smallest is about the same size as the steel ball in a bicycle bearing.

This room is more than 100 square meters in total, so many colorful balls flew out, and it stunned me in an instant. Because the speed of these small balls is too fast, what I see in my eyes is actually not steel balls but strips of colored lines, and the launching openings are almost like fountains spraying these small projectiles outwards.

The first ball bounced immediately after hitting the wall, followed by the ball hitting the wall one by one, but due to collisions in the process, many of them deviated. As a result, you can see those The ball flew around like a goddess scattered flowers.

Before I realized what was going on, I saw big balls flying straight towards me. As a result, I heard it right away. The thing hit my forehead and hit me. Knocked to the ground. I really didn't expect the formidable power of this thing to be so big.

The damn system hint didn't ring until this time. "Remind, these spheres all have the ability to attack, the damage value of each ball is the same, but according to the size of the sphere, the speed of each ball is not the same, but the kinetic energy of each ball is the same. Players must be in their own blood Finish the game before it runs out, otherwise the remaining spheres will automatically disappear and no reward opportunities will be provided to the player. This game has unlimited time, so please rest assured to play the game. In addition, please remind that any reply attributes in this game are invalid."< /p>

Damn, how can I keep on playing? In the few seconds when the system hint sounded, I took another ten more hits. The speed of these small balls is really fast and scary, and there is simply no time to react. In this way, I have to be kicked out even if I don’t even want to get a prize.


"System accepts, what can I ask?"

"If I go offline now, will it cause Mission exit?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as the blood volume is not exhausted, this game allows to quit halfway."

"many thanks." I quickly chose to go offline. Pulling off the needle-type connecting pipe behind my neck, I shouted directly at the top of my head. "Nuwa."

"What's the matter?" Nuwa's full analysis projection appeared in front of me immediately.

"Ask you, I am having trouble playing games. If I want to enable the full-featured assistance of my electronic brain in the game, how do I do it?"

As Dragon Clan, my electronic brain has powerful external auxiliary functions. To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to carrying a personal computer. But the problem is that "Zero" itself does not support auxiliary client connections, so the problem now is that I can't run my own electronic brain assistant program in the game at all.

Nuwa responded quickly to me: "It's actually very simple. Your electronic brain's computing speed is too exaggerated, and "Zero" is just a realistic game after all, so there is not such a big connection speed, which leads to So you can’t start the electronic brain’s auxiliary functions in the game. The solution is actually simpler. You can go directly to the game main server and use the special channel of the maintenance program to connect to the game. That special channel is to use a reserved international-level channel If the connector is connected to the game, its basic communication volume supports the simultaneous use of 2.4 billion people. Even with the data exchange volume of your electronic brain, it is absolutely no problem to connect to ten-twenty thousand people."

"It turned out to be like this." I couldn't turn on the auxiliary function of the electronic brain in the game for a long time because of insufficient communication. Our Dragon Clan’s electronic brain is actually an auxiliary computer. Of course, the amount of information it needs is quite terrifying. In reality, our Dragon Clan's various senses are much stronger than humans, enough to provide the additional information needed for these auxiliary functions, but the things in the game are all virtual. The system sends only the amount of information accepted by the normal human senses, so even if the electronic brain is activated in this environment, it is equivalent to not activated. But using the maintenance port is different. The system defaults this port to be fully open, which means that data requests from here are unlimitedly available, and there is no flow restriction at all.

I put on my clothes and quickly ran to the main server area of ​​"Zero". There are basically no people here. After all, the server has an amazingly high degree of automation and does not require any maintenance. Jump directly from the ten-meter-high platform to the deep well where the server is, and then climb to the top of the server. The top of this huge gear state is enough for me to lie down.

According to the design structure diagram given to me by Nuwa, I quickly pulled out a connection cable from the server shell. This thing is as thick as the wrist of a normal person, with a LY82 interface at the top. This type of interface is a dedicated interface inside Dragon Edge, and is designed to deal with spy intrusions. Even if a spy sneaked into the dragon edge, they could only stare at this special interface. Once before, there was a spy suffering untold hardships who brought a floppy disk and a super U disk to find the external central computer of our group, but found out that there was neither a USB port nor a CD-ROM drive and reading on the computer. The card device, the only thread that resembles a three-phase power plug, is not sure what it is used for.

As an insider, I certainly know what this thing does. Take the cable directly to the back of the neck, and then slowly insert it into the small hole in the cervical spine. With a click, the connector automatically bounced back and connected to the nerve connections on my spine. This kind of connector that looks like a three-way plug is actually composed of three hundred and sixty small plugs. When it is pulled out of the body, it will shrink into this three-way plug structure. It will only pop up after the Level 1 connection mode is confirmed. Open the Level 2 line. Even if an outsider knows that this thing needs to be inserted into a special connector to take effect, it is still not clear what function each wire corresponds to.

As soon as the line was connected, my body fell down like unconsciousness, but my consciousness was still there, I just couldn't feel my body anymore. What appeared in front of me was a huge information channel, and countless light spots were flying and flying around me.

"The high level connection setting is activated, and the permission password is requested." A rigid reminder sounded in my ears.

"Enable verification." I allowed the verification requirements of the game server.

The rigid voice immediately responded: "Verified, premium communication permission. You have obtained full communication permission, do I need to modify the main program or switch to internal connection?"

"Transfer Enter the internal connection.” The main program modification is equivalent to system upgrade. Although my current authority can modify the game, it will also cause the monitoring terminal of other countries to get a modification report. It doesn't matter if it is modified normally, but I am not here to modify the game. Even if it can run in a short period of time, it will be changed back soon, and the loss of Dragon Fate will be immeasurable. Of course I wouldn't do such an idiotic thing.

As soon as the internal connection was connected, I realized that this server didn't seem as simple as I thought. I felt as if I was floating in the void, but two images appeared before me. On the left is a picture of a laboratory, and on the right is a promotional poster for "Zero".

The rigid voice sounded again. "Please choose to connect to the virtual laboratory or the "Zero" private network."

I originally wanted to turn on the electronic brain to enter the game and cheat, but didn't expect actually found a virtual experiment that I didn't know about Room, it really surprised me. Anyway, there is no time limit for the game missions over there, so I simply chose to go to the laboratory to have a look.

"The selection of the virtual laboratory is complete, and the character model is being generated, ready to be connected."

The picture before me changed again, and I suddenly appeared in space. A huge planet is floating there in the distant starry sky, and there is a huge space battleship parked beside me. When I was not sure about the situation, a purple beam suddenly shot out in front of the battleship. The beam directly hits the planet ahead, followed by an explosion of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth. I was burnt to ashes in the explosion in an instant, and the spaceship was also blown to pieces. As for the planet in front, it seemed that it was the first unlucky one.

When the screen lit up again, I had fallen on the soft rubber floor, and there was a group of scientific researchers in white coats lying beside me.

"How? I said nuclear power particles are unstable?" A researcher who had just gotten up from the ground yelled at the person next to him.

"che, there must be something wrong with your Helen constant meter. If you didn't calculate a decimal point wrong last time, my intermediate energy converter would not explode."

< p>"Have you two noisy enough?" A female researcher got up from the ground and pointed to the first guy who spoke loudly and said: "You, next time I dare to be careless, I will tie you to the neutron bomb. Launch it." After he finished speaking, he pointed his finger to the nose of the guy who was smiling smugly on the opposite side. "You, I'll use you as a model to make you a disgusting rare beast when I fight against Xiao Zhang in the future."

Two fierce guys were immediately honest when they were scolded by this woman. They didn't notice my existence until this time. "Huh? Why is Little Young Master free to come here?"

"I took a sidestep. Eh...what happened just now?"

"Oh, you said just now That ah? That is a special function of the virtual laboratory. With the help of Nuwa computing core's auxiliary computing power, virtual reality environment, and then simulation scientific research is carried out in it. Such experiments are not only confidential, but also safe and cost-effective. There is no need to worry about casualties. There is no need to worry about material costs and environmental issues. For example, the verification experiment of the huge might weapon just now, in reality, we definitely dare not use a planet to play with it."

"You just experimented Can we make that thing by Dragon Fate?"

"Didn't you launch it yet?"

"I reflected?" I suddenly remembered. "Is that the space-based satellite killer system just now?"

"Almost, but this is an enhanced version, and the killer satellite's attacker is deliberately set to a state that is easy to scatter, in order to expand The coverage area reduces the penetrability. It’s no joke if you accidentally break the Earth through. But what you see is different. This is specially prepared for space migration to deal with large meteorites or other things. Weapons. And because of the existence of the fourth zone, we can already be sure that there are other life in space besides us, but we don’t know how strong the aliens are, so what we can do is to strengthen our own as much as possible. Weapons, at least this can increase your chances of winning in case of friction."

"Apart from this thing, do we have other secret weapons for Dragon Fate?"

"There are many more , We are doing tests one by one. By the way, would you like to take a look at the quantum bomb? This is a nuclear weapon in the space age."

"What is a nuclear weapon in the space age?"

< p>"Because the nuclear weapons we now have can explode a large piece of Earth on Earth, we think the formidable power of nuclear weapons is very large. But compared to the vast expanse of space, the explosion of nuclear weapons is nothing but a firecracker. I can’t even hear a sound. But the quantum bomb is different. This thing is a real Universe level weapon. A region as large as the solar system can blast off one third at a time."

"Our technology Is it so advanced?" Now I don't even believe it myself.

"It's not that our technology is advanced, but we have discovered some of the basic principles." Female Academician explained: "Quantum weapons are actually very complex theories, and only their energy is used to make Explosion is actually a very simple thing. It seems that the method of making super alloys is a kind of high technology, but the sticks made of super alloys have no technical content. We are now using the stick of quantum weapons. Knock people, but don’t understand its true composition. Otherwise, we don’t have to repeat the experiment here."

"Still don’t watch it! You take the time to experiment, I’ll go and fuck me It’s something!"

I really didn’t expect that Longyuan has already made this step of technical reserves for space migration. It’s too terrifying too advanced. Fortunately, this is our own technical reserve. The more advanced the better, the better for us. I just don’t know if we can do this step. What step can other countries do?

With such an uneasy mood, I re-entered the game again. There was still no warning time. The ball suddenly appeared in front of me and knocked me to the ground. Having received the support of traffic information, my electronic brain immediately started to prompt in my brain. "Warning, confirm the attack. Lock on the target."

The world in my eyes changed instantly, and they became lines. Each ball is marked with a triangular red marking frame, and there are three hundred connecting lines in my eyes. These are the trajectories that these balls will reach. The electronic brain uses its own computing power to predict the flight paths of these targets in advance, so that I can accurately catch those small balls as long as I reach a certain point in advance.

First I transformed into a werewolf form to increase my strength and speed, and then, regardless of the collision of other small balls, I stretched out my hands on the two flight paths to pose. Suddenly I felt my hands sank, and the two small balls flew into my palms accurately. The elasticity of these little fellows is set by the system. They will not lose their kinetic energy because of the soft palms of my hands, so they want to rebound as soon as they touch my hands, but they are grasped by me. They fly around in the room and I can't catch them, and naturally they won't run away when they fall into the palm of my hand.

The pinched ball was still shaking crazily in my palm, trying to run out, but I immediately stuffed them into my mouth. The system says this thing is edible, and it will become EXP as long as it is swallowed. I just smashed one, and immediately went up to Level 1. I really didn't expect this thing to have such a high EXP. A level 1,000 player like me can actually get Level 1 at a time. After the second ball was swallowed, I went up to Level 1. If it is not a coincidence, it means that these balls can at least boost Level 1 EXP.

As soon as the two balls were eaten, the system hint rang immediately. "Congratulations, you have got two lottery opportunities, and the system will give you lottery after you leave the game mission."

It turns out that it’s not a draw right away, so it’s better. With the current level of confusion, I should just withdraw after the lottery draw.

In this moment I got hit twice. These little things are extremely fast and the impact force is amazing. With my weight after transforming into a werewolf, I was stumbled. However, there are two fewer balls in the room after all, which means that the probability of being hit has decreased a bit. As there are fewer targets, the computer in the electronic brain has extra computing power and can predict a longer flight path, so I can have more time to react.

According to the previous method, I caught more than a dozen balls in a row. The more I played, the more comfortable I was. After the computer had more rich computing power, it even helped me figure out how to exercise to reduce the number of hits. The probability. I just threw and blocked like this, and quickly eliminated more than 30 balls, and my level has actually risen to 1,044 Level 14. The previous forecast was not entirely correct. Not all of these balls can be upgraded to Level 1, some are only half a level, but most of them can reach Level 1, and some of them can be upgraded to two Level 3. Finally, for the spheres captured so far, the average EXP is more than Level 1 for each ball. Otherwise, there will be no more than 30 balls that have risen to Level 14 by four.

Although I caught it quickly, the remaining ball damage was not small. Just for a while, my HP has dropped by more than half, and the remaining amount is running out. Fortunately, my dodge success rate has been greatly improved due to the decrease in the number of balls, and the blood loss is not as fast as before.

Think about it carefully, this time being able to upgrade so many levels should actually be counted as a system vulnerability caused by my cheating. According to the reaction of normal people, these balls can catch three to five. Therefore, the EXP obtained in the end should only be enough to increase to three Level 5. It is for this reason that the system adjusts the EXP of each ball so high. If the system at first knew that I could catch so many balls, I guess those balls would never have such a high EXP. For a player with a level of 1,000 or more, the reward of over 40 levels is too high. Besides, I haven't been kicked out yet, so I should be able to catch some more balls.

Although there are auxiliary computers to help, these balls are too fast after all. Finally, when I ran out of blood and was kicked out, I caught a total of more than 60 balls, and my level rose to 1,122 Level 13, which even surprised me myself.

It may be because my cheating method is quite special. The system did not react to this bug, but started to lottery in the way stated in advance. A huge table rose slowly in front of me, with many squares on the surface, and system quickly explained it to me.

"Purple Moon, please pay attention. Because you have too many lottery opportunities, it takes too long for each lottery, so this special batch lottery method is given to you. Everyone on this table you see now The squares represent a kind of reward, but now they are all sealed, and the contents of the prize cannot be seen. There are sixty-six marbles in the box in front of you, representing your sixty-six chances. You must spill them all at once , You can get the corresponding reward in the square where the marbles fall last. If multiple marbles fall into the same square, the bonus will be issued repeatedly for the same number of times. If you already understand the rules You can start throwing."

There are really too many lottery opportunities for sixty-six times. It's no wonder that the system gives such a special lottery method. Not to mention, this method is really fast.

I threw all the sixty-six beads in my hand into the air in one breath, and then waited for them to fall. Anyway, I don't know what exactly is in each grid, so I don't have to aim at which grid to shoot. Everything depends on luck.

In the end, the result of these small beads falling is a little surprising, because there is actually eight beads falling into a square, which means that I can get eight rewards for this square. The other beads were very scattered, but there were two squares, one with three beads and the other with two beads.

The system hint rang after the beads stabilized. "First of all, be aware of the empty items that have no rewards."

Damn, I thought these boxes have rewards! didn't expect there was still free. The chessboard in front of me flas

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