"It seems that some mechanism was activated by us."

Ling’s answer made us all immediately retreat to the door of the great hall, at least in case something goes wrong, we still have time Ran away, but the vibration stopped soon, and nothing happened in the great hall. Instead, the system hint rang first.

"Congratulations to the player Purple Moon for completing the challenge task. The Heaven and Earth monuments are both in place. Now please complete the startup process of the Heaven and Earth monument first, and then system rewards will be given."

" Wait. How do you start this monument? Didn't it start just now?"

"A special method is required to start the Heaven and Earth monument. The specific operation method is already implied, and this system cannot answer it. Thirty If the player still cannot solve the puzzle after a few minutes, the system will directly issue rewards, and the player will not be able to receive additional rewards."

As soon as the prompt ends, the system will no longer respond to my questions. I can only go back to the great hall with the familiars and start studying those stone tablets. System hint said that there are hints here, but I have researched everything, but I can't find out where the hints are.

Ling suddenly said: "The hint is not necessarily a hint hidden in the dark, and it may not be useful if we flip things around."

"Then what do you mean?"


"The so-called hint may be here." Ling refers to the pedestal under the statue of Divine Beast. The front of this thing is so full of words, if it implies that it is really hidden here, it is not a strange thing.

Since you want to figure out whether this thing is the hint mentioned by system, you have to translate the text first. Although Dingwen is also considered as a Chinese character, it is purely a specially designed character for sacrificial worship. Each character is more numerous than a picture, and it is more traditional than a traditional character, and it is not like the current font made up of horizontal folds. The lines of this kind of text are seriously abstracted, and it is necessary to connect the context and guess the meaning to figure out the general meaning. I and those familiars who already have physical bodies in reality have received thought implantation, so the knowledge in all aspects is very comprehensive. It took more than ten minutes for everyone to get together to translate the full text.

The text on this pedestal seems to be a short story, the content is roughly those of Pangu splitting heaven and earth apart, and it also mentions the content of Nuwa creating Man, but no matter how it is arranged and combined, it can’t be found. To hide the meaning, what’s worse is that we are still not sure that this must be the hint content. If it is not us, it would be a waste of time on this.

In the end, I had to divide the pets and summon creatures into several separate jobs, so as to maximize the use of human resources. as the saying goes Many people are powerful, and three heads are worthy of Zhuge Liang. I brought so many summon creatures with almost a division of labor in units of square centimeters, and the prompt was quickly found, and the so-called prompt can almost faint the popularity. Had it not been for one of the Qilin warriors who happened to discover the sculpture that was hidden on the beam, we would have almost missed it.

As I said before, there are sculptures everywhere in this great hall. Although they are not as big as the sculptures of the Four Sacred Beast and the Three Guardians, Divine Beast, these sculptures vary from one foot to two meters in size. Sculptures are everywhere. This statue on the beam is also one of many similar sculptures. The only difference from other sculptures is that this sculpture belongs to humans. The sculptures in every corner of the great hall are all kinds of demons and ghosts and Divine Beast, only this one is a person. As for the so-called reminder, it is what this fat boy is holding. The fat doll in the sculpture holds a basket in his hand, and the basket contains a basket of persimmons. According to the Chinese habit of borrowing homophones, this kid carrying persimmon should be understood as a "reminder."

Ling complained immediately after seeing this small sculpture. "Really, didn't expect the hint is here. No wonder we can't find the rules of permutation and combination after translating this inscription for a long time! It turns out that they simply don't contain any other meaning."

Xiaochun held the sculpture in his hand for a long time before asking, "Although you all said this is a reminder, what exactly is it suggesting?"

"This is just a reminder, the real The hint should be in it." I went up with a sword, white light flashed, and the stone statue broke in two in the middle. However, the result made me dumbfounded. "Why not?" I quickly snatched the stone statue and threw it on the ground, went up to dozens of swords, and then the stone statue became a pile of scum.

"It seems that I can't understand it that way." Ling rested his chin and began to think. "If the reminder is not inside the statue, it means that the sculpture itself is the reminder. What does this mean if a person is carrying a persimmon?" The small dragon woman suddenly slapped her head. "I remember."

"Do you want to understand? Hurry up and talk about it."

"In fact, the prompt is very simple, but we have made things complicated. This The so-called reminder is people."


"Look. There are Five Elements in the base of Level 1 at last, there are two instruments, four phases, and gossip. , Ye means that it contains the principles of World's All Living Things, which alone gets rid of the spirit of all things. And this person carrying the persimmon is not any Divine Beast Demon, but a human being, so the hint is a person."

"It sounds reasonable. Then we will find someone to stand up and try."

Lingpatted me: "Speaking of people, we don't seem to have one here?"


I was said to be stupid right away. I do have a lot of summon creatures, but I really don’t have a human being. Even I am Heavenly Demon Clan. Later, I mixed the bloodline of werewolf and vampire in, so it’s not a Human Race anyway. "By the way, can I find someone in the guild!" I quickly activated the ring of love. "Rose. Where are you now?"

"Isinger, what's the matter?"

"Help me find a Human Race."

"Human Race? Anything will do? What are you going to do?"

"I want to activate a mechanism, and I need a human to go to the altar."

"Is it necessary to use people to sacrifice to the sky? Then you can’t use the player! If something goes wrong and the level is lost, it’s done."

"NPCs are fine too!"

"But I don’t have this. !"


"Don't get excited! I really don't have one here."

"How is it possible? How could Isinger not have Human? Race NPC? Is Isinger's more than 10 million NPCs all alien?"

The voice of the god of war suddenly penetrated the ring of love. "Unfortunately, you are right, and you have to blame yourself. Isengard's guild NPC is more than 60% of Celestial Court heaven soldiers, they belong to the Divine Weapon, not humans. The remaining 40% of the undead accounted for 30%, and less than 10% of the share, most of which are human-shaped devil beasts, there are some elves, dwarves and so on, but there are no humans."

"What about free NPCs? My mission is not a must. The NPC of our guild."

"The number of free NPCs in this city is about 17 million, of which more than 90% are undead. Among the remaining people, there are only a dozen half-elves closest to humans. . There is no pure human bloodline."

"How could this happen?"

The rose's voice appeared again. "Don't worry, I can go to another city to transfer one for you right away. But how do I get it to you?"

"Teleport people to the teleportation point of Frost City, I will send someone to Pick it up."

"Delivered within 3 minutes."

"Okay." After I cut off the connection, I hurriedly said to Asuka and Jingjing: "Jingjing, you ride the bird over , Did you hear the location?"

"I heard, I will go now."

System only gave me 30 minutes to solve the puzzle. In a few minutes, now there are only a little more than ten minutes left. Jingjing may take another eight or nine minutes to go there, but in the end there will be less than five minutes left. If the solution method is wrong, there is probably no second time. Next chance!

Not bad, Jingjing came back very quickly, and she also carried a Human Race NPClittle girl who looked like she was only a teenager. I don't have time to know who is bringing her now, so let Jingjing take her to the pedestal and put her away. As soon as Jingjing carried the little girl on the base, she saw a white light projected from the two mirrors on both sides to illuminate the little girl, and then the little girl suddenly lost weight and floated.

"Jingjing, come back."

"Oh." Jingjing jumped down quickly.

I saw the little girl slowly rise and move to the middle of the last row of pedestals, followed by the two monuments in front of them suddenly vibrated again, and then each of the two monuments shot a rays of light, Hit two two liangyi mirrors respectively. The Five Elements ball under the third pedestal suddenly flew from the pedestal, and then revolved around the Human Race little girl.

At this time, the little girl on the stage suddenly started crying in shock. She is just a free NPC, and very ordinary. The reason why she was sent here was entirely for the reward of a crystal coin, but she had never seen this kind of battle and started to cry on the spot. But although she was crying very poorly, I was impossible to help her, because at this moment she is the core of this chain of institutions, she may be fine if she is not moved, and if she pulls it out, she may still be able to figure out what will happen!

Just as the little girl was crying, the five element balls suddenly disintegrated, and then became five beautiful fairies, but the material was still the five elements, the only difference was that the little girl stopped cry. The five fairies circled the little girl a few times together, and then suddenly bumped into the little girl one by one and merged with her. After the five elements and bodies were completed, the two monuments in front suddenly lit up again, sending out a stronger beam. The pedestal behind also flashed, the four four-phase beads suddenly floated from the four corners of the pedestal, followed by the golden Eight Trigrams Array also floated from the pedestal.

Eight Trigrams Array flipped through the air and pointed the front at us. The four four-phase beads quickly flew up to the four points on the Eight Trigrams Array. The last two mirrors suddenly lit up again. The little girl and the five elements and the fairy shape behind the body suddenly merged with the Eight Trigrams Array behind. Then the rays of light flashed again, and a towering black stone tablet suddenly appeared on the base of the Third Layer.

"The emperor...the sky...the queen...the soil! Is this the Queen's soil monument referred to by Celestial Court?"

The front of the giant tablet standing in front of us It does have the words "Emperor Tian Hou Tu", but it is not a substance. This entire monument is an illusion made up of elements, and even though it stands there, it feels erratic. Viewed from here, the stele is black, looks like a stone, and does not reflect light. The text on the front of the stele body is composed of red flames, and the colors are as bright as those written in blood, while the rest of the stele body is surrounded by a layer of golden flames, which looks very majestic.

There is nothing but its own name on such a gorgeous giant tablet, which is really strange, but when we were puzzled, suddenly the body of the monument lit up again. The text on the front suddenly disappeared. An area with faint ripples suddenly appeared in the middle of the huge monument, like the surface of water. Through this area, we can see some pictures printed in it, just like a TV.

"Isn't this Nobunaga Guishou?" Ling recognized the person in the picture first.

"Who are the few people talking to him?" Princess asked.

Ling said: "The one who is facing us doesn't know, the one who is carrying the gun next to us is the gun god, and the one with the back facing us seems to have seen it somewhere, but looking at the back, I want to do not raise. ."

"It's a shadow dancer." Xiaochun called out suddenly. "It's the Chinese player who used to fight against us. It seems that he used to call the sword to kill a lot of people, and then the new account who was forced to delete the account and retrained is this shadow dancer. He also has a bright alliance, which is the largest in China. A pro-Japanese force."

"In this way, these four are our enemies!"

"If only I could hear what they were saying. "Ye Yue complained.

As if hearing Yeyue’s complaint, the voice of four people talking suddenly appeared around her.

"The gun god, you were beaten so badly by Purple Moon, don't you want to take revenge?" This is the shadow dancer persuading the gun god.

Guishou Nobunaga also echoed. "What the Lord Gunner said is also a representative of the United States of America. Don’t you feel suffocated if you are riding Purple Moon on your head like this?" Answered: "Our American thinking, you Asians cannot understand."

"What can't we understand?" The Shadow Dancer asked anxiously.

"First, we don’t care who is better than anyone. Purple Moon defeated me, that means he is stronger than me. What I have to do is to improve myself while suppressing the opponent as much as possible, but This method of suppression must not affect my own improvement. In Chinese terms, we will not do things that harm others and ourselves. Second, you seem to have mistaken the relationship between me and Purple Moon."< /p>

"What can you guys have?" It was the guy who was talking to us, but we didn't know the oriental, but from his language, we can tell that this is a Korean player.

"Our relationship is the opponent." Gun God said very seriously, but the three of Onizuka Nobunaga and Shadow Dancer are all incomprehensible. Looking at their expressions, the gun god immediately added: "Opponents don't necessarily have to die. Sometimes opponents are valuable. Since you invited me here, I won't make detours with you. To tell you clearly, Purple Moon is indeed my enemy, but against him, our Holy Lance Alliance can find our own shortcomings, and the more we fight, the stronger. This opponent can inspire us to keep moving forward, although being pressed down does make me very It’s uncomfortable, but sooner or later I will climb up and step Purple Moon under my feet. As for you, my guild and me will only get worse and worse, and eventually become a 2nd Rate or 3rd Rate guild. Fight against the lion, even if it fails. Now, I am still a lion, and with the accumulation of fighting experience, I will become stronger and stronger. With you timid rabbits, sooner or later I will become a docile rabbit. I'm sorry. For the time being, his gaze is not too short to that point."

"You...!" Nobunaga Guishou patted the table and stood up.

The gun god is still sitting there with an indifferent appearance. "To be honest, you shouldn't find me from the very beginning. We are simply not the same person. For simple tactical planning, you can find me to cooperate, and strategic alliances will not find me. I am not interested." Gunslinger did not wait. They turned their faces, stood up, turned and walked out. In the room in the picture, there are only three angry guys who are about to explode.

Emmenes laughed when she saw it here. "Haha, didn't expect to fight so many times, the relationship between the gun god and us is actually better than that with the ghosts of Nobunaga and the others."

Ling shook his head. "It's not a question of how good the relationship between the gun god and us is, but the gun god is very smart. He knows that adversity can hone people's will, and he does it very well. The Holy Lance Alliance has fought with us so many times, indeed I didn't get beaten down, but got stronger."

I also agree with Patted Ling's shoulder. "Ling is right. Our guild has swelled countless times since the first fight against the Holy Lance Alliance. However, the comparison between our strengths and the Holy Lance Alliance has not changed much. What does this mean? The strength of the Holy Lance Alliance is growing at a rate comparable to ours. We are becoming stronger, and they are also becoming stronger. They have not been dragged down by the war at all. Instead, they have become more experienced and stronger."

The small dragon woman also said seriously: "Ghost Nobunaga and the shadow dancer are the same, their eyesight is too short, maybe this is related to their paranoid character. Not only did their power not improve in the war with us, but instead The more you fight, the worse you get. I think the Shadow Dancer could almost face us head-on when there were more people killed by knives, but now he has become the president of the exile guild, and even the second-tier players of our guild can’t beat it. Nobunaga Ghost It’s almost the same. When Matsumoto Masaga led the Japanese players, they were much stronger than ours. At that time, we could only harass them with the help of the fact that the national war system was not open, and they were unable to participate in the war on a large scale, but now it has become Therefore, we can completely suppress their strength. This change is caused by the different starting points of the two sides. After each battle, the gun god always wants to strengthen themselves, but they think about how to weaken us."

Ling concluded : "It turns out that instead of thinking about how to make the enemy weaker all day long, it is better to concentrate on studying how to make yourself stronger faster."

"putting it that way, the reaction of the gun god should be said to be normal. That's right." Emiennes said.

"Wait, don't make a noise, see what else Guishou Nobunaga and the others have to discuss."

The picture on the Queen's Earth Tablet has changed. After the gun god left the secret chat room, another person walked in outside, but we didn't even know this guy. The guy sat down between the gun gods and looked outside the door until another white man stuck his head in from the door and nodded. He turned his head to Nobunaga Onishu and they asked, "How? He didn’t agree, did he?"

"You really guessed it." The Korean who we didn’t know said, "The gun god is not willing to cooperate with us at a strategic level. He said that we The Tao is different."

"Actually, I also think we are indeed different in the Tao." It was the white man who spoke. "The gun god in our country is also a first-class expert. Even if he is defeated by Purple Moon, he is still an expert, but you need to understand one thing. You Japanese are not even as high as the Chinese in the hearts of us Americans." The guy who saw Nobunaga onis wanting to speak immediately said: "Don't get excited, what I said is also a fact. Although Americans have always regarded Chinese as a threat, we still think that we Americans still value Chinese people very much. Yes, as for you Japanese, on the surface we are indeed allies and our relationship is very close, but apart from treating you as a barrier between the United States and China, the Americans simply look down on the Japanese. Gunslinger and Purple Moon are at war, no matter what Victory or defeat is in line with American thinking, so Americans will regard him as a hero because he is attacking an enemy that Americans think. But once he announces to cooperate with you, the situation is different. Americans would think that he was mixed up with a bunch of useless people, which would only harm him and no good."

"Then why do you want to cooperate with us?" Nobunaga Guishou was slightly angry. Asked.

"I am not the same as the gun god. His status is too high. In Chinese words, he stands on the cusp of the storm. It is actually embarrassing to be in his position, although many things can be supported by the people , But once he makes any mistakes, the accusations will be as much as the previous support to the point of making him a headache. Public figures are like this, there are advantages and disadvantages. As for me... Not many people in the United States know my guild. Although our Human Rights Administration is not weak, our previous actions have been very low-key, and only recently began to be gradually known to the outside world, so we don’t care much about public opinion issues. What we need most is substantial support, not simply Popularity."

"I probably understand a little bit." The Korean suddenly touched three books and threw them to the other three people. "This is something we got from Park Yin recently. Those idiots are simply pig brains. The Chinese have made it clear that they are pitting us, and they actually jump into the pit. I really can't make them angry!"

"haha, with this thing, your Korean guild losses are not wasted, at least we know the first-hand information of the Frost Rose League." The shadow dancer turned over the information triumphantly. He praised the Korean as he watched.

Guishou Nobun long side turned and said: "I always think that many actions of Frost Rose are terrifying with precision. It seems that I still underestimated their strength before. Look at this, they are in every time The mobilization of troops and materials before the war was almost perfect, which means that they would never invest any unnecessary soldiers and any copper plates that do not need to be spent in a war. Such terrifying computing power, I am very good. I want to know who is helping them with the war budget?"

"Speaking of which is very strange." The Korean said: "Before Frost and some of our pro-China guilds in South Korea I have jointly attacked the landing operations of the American guild and your Japanese guild. At that time, Frost’s computing power was actually quite terrifying. Those of us who participated in the war said that they had never seen such a single-soldier command mode. The war is like a large-scale stage play that has been rehearsed in advance. It is completely calculated before the start of the battle to which enemy should fall. It is said that some presidents who are close to Park Eun are still there. I have seen the Frost Rose League’s advance budget report on the battle, and it actually listed the casualties and supplies in advance. To be honest, the amount of calculation of these data will crash even on a computer, and they feel that it is impossible to calculate it with human brains. "

"It's not a human brain, it's a computer." The shadow dancer said: "Maybe...I just said maybe. Frost may have a supercomputer-like device, which is a kind of behavior. It can be equipped, and its function is approximately equal to a battlefield command computer."

"You don’t have to guess." The American said: "According to our inside report, the Frost American League has a guy called the God of War all year round. Staying in a room equipped with special command equipment to direct the operation of the guild, and it is said that he is almost offline, and he is online whenever he is contacted, and the response is faster than the telecommunications service desk. They With so many people in the guild, no one has ever said that there is a waiting situation when requesting his command, which means that this guy can provide peer-to-peer response services to tens of thousands of people at the same time. This is simply not something that humans can do. Ours After analysis, it is believed that the player of Military God simply does not exist. It is just a code name. It is a false character made up by Purple Moon for confidentiality. His body should be the guild equipment we guessed, and his function It’s far more powerful and terrifying than we thought."

"putting it that way we have been fighting a computer for so long?" The shadow dancer asked in surprise with his mouth open. NS.

In fact, what they said surprised me. It seems that there are still a lot of smart people in this world. Nobunaga Guishou and the others can guess the identity of the god of war pretty close with a little vague data. Although the player of the military god does exist in terms of system, the main body of the military god is indeed a super battlefield management computer. These guys can guess the reasons why military gods are too precise in doing things, but they can't ignore their own reasoning ability. These are all talents placed elsewhere, but these are now enemies, and the enemy's talents are the existence that should be eliminated first.

I was thinking about how to find these people and kill them back to Xinshou Village, and suddenly I heard the American looking at the information and yelling: "Huh?" This guy excitedly took the information to that The Korean man pointed to it and asked, "Is this true?"

The Korean man stretched his head and looked at it. "Of course, it's not a secret."

"No wonder! This is the reason!" The American said to himself.

"What the hell are you talking about?" The shadow dancer asked: "What did you think of?"

"I finally know the share of the Holy Lance League and the Free League What's the matter with the agreement of unfathomable mystery!"

"What agreement? You have to make it clear!"

"Do you know the Freedom League?"

"I know, it is a guild alliance of your Americans, which seems to be held by the Goddess Sect Lord. Isn’t the Gun God’s Holy Lance Alliance also one of its subordinate organizations? What’s wrong? What happened to them? Already?"

"You can also say the same! The Gun God’s Holy Gun Alliance was originally just a branch of this organization, but recently the situation has been reversed. The Gun God seems to be about to control this organization. All the forces of the United States!"

"Why is this?"

"This is the reason." The American pointed out the article on the document to them.

"Purple Moon's favorite?" Guishou Nobunaga turned his own information to the same location. "Kitten? Is this demon pet the mountain protecting treasure of the Freedom League?" Looking at us with a puzzled face. "What are you looking at me for? I really don't know that I am so important to them! I only know that I was controlled by the free Goddess a long time ago, and I don't know who I was transferred to afterwards!"

< p>We wanted to continue asking the kittens, but the American on the screen was talking again, so we had to hold back what they said.

"In fact, this kitten is the ancestor of the orcs. Her blood is mixed with the blood of the top ten High Gods, which means...she is the real descendant of Divine Race."

Both Princess and Yeyue turned their heads in surprise and looked towards the kitten, and Princess even touched the kitten’s soft ears and said: "Really didn't expect that the two of us actually have a common ancestor."

Ye As soon as Yue wanted to go up and say something, she heard the American say again: "In fact, the kitten is a synthetic lifeform created by ten High Gods to show the sincerity of mutual cooperation to the heart of creation. There are ten High Gods in her body. The blood of God’s oath, it can be said that she is the oath of these High Gods. Because the ten High Gods are in charge of different energies, the energy in the kitten’s body is in a balanced state, so she can’t use any magic. But the opposite is true. Come to think about it, although her body is in a state of energy balance, it is a lifeform made by the blood of gods after all. Think about how powerful the body is!"

"So you are a god-made creature?" Ye Yue looked at the kitten and said: "It's strange that your memory is messy, it turns out that you simply have no memory."

"Wait, listen to what they say." Ling said to quiet everyone.

The American is still saying: "In fact, this kitten is not important if it is strong alone. After all, for a large guild organization, this little battle strength can be made up. The key question is that the blood of kittens can be used to create powerful fighting creatures."

"To create powerful fighting creatures? Is there a virus in her blood?" The Shadow Dancer asked in surprise.

"Do you think you are shooting Resident Evil? What kind of virus, that is the blood of God, it can assimilate the blood of any living substance with just one point. Of course, direct contact cannot complete the transformation and needs to be carried out. Simple screening and induction are effective, and the transformation of God’s blood is not to madden the creature, but to strengthen the biological body, which means that it will not destroy the original intelligence of the creature."

"No Destroying biological intelligence? Does that mean it can be used on players and NPCs in the guild?"

"Correct." The American said: "Based on the information I know, it seems that the Liberty Alliance originally planned Use her blood on the free NPCs in our guild, which not only saves costs, but also does not have to worry about the quantity supply. Imagine what if all the free NPCs in your city become high level combat NPCs? "

Nobunaga Guishou immediately said: "That will be an impossible city."

The Korean said lukewarm: "This is indeed a good one." The way to improve the battle strength is just not to the point where you can’t fall. You haven’t seen the mobile fortress of the Frost Rose Alliance. The magic crystal radiation cannon installed under that thing is more powerful than the atomic bomb, no matter how many people you have. All have to be explodes into waste."

"Speaking of that, I have some information here." Shadow Dancer said: "It is said that the mobile fortress is so powerful, and the Frost Rose League should be able to use it. Destroy all the enemies one by one, but the actual situation is that they rarely use that thing. I believe you have guessed it."

"The attack of that thing costs money?" Nobunaga Guishou speculatively Asked.

"Yes. According to reliable information, the cost of each launch of that thing is an astronomical figure, so many times the Frost Rose Alliance can attack the city without using that thing. The only few launches are for Launched to deter the enemy in large-scale battles, and artificially limited the formidable power. In addition, the Space Jump ability of the mobile fortress seems to have a similar situation, but I don’t know how much money it will cost each time."

< p>Nobunaga frowned said: "From the current situation, we know a lot, but why do we always get led by Purple Moon every time we fight?"

"Look at the last page," the Korean said.

"The last page?" Guishou Nobunaga immediately turned the information to the end, and then they all asked in surprise: "Is this true?"

" It's absolutely true." The Korean took another piece of paper and handed it to the other three people. "This was just obtained the day before yesterday."

"I knew they had direct help from Celestial Court." The shadow dancer slapped the piece of paper on the table very angrily. "What's so good about them, why is Celestial Court only willing to support them?"

"The answer is actually very simple." This time, Guishouxin has grown smarter. "Do you think about what the religions of all countries do?"

"Manage the country!"

"As long as it is management, it involves politics, so Celestial Court can be seen As a political entity, what did the Frost Rose League do?"

"They have been expanding abroad." This is what the American shouted.

Now even the shadow dancers have reacted. "What do you mean is that because the Frost Rose League has been expanding outside, it has expanded the territory of Celestial Court in disguise, so Celestial Court supports them like this?"

"If there is a group of people to help you expand your territory You will support him without turning back. This is j

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