I sat on the top of the mountain with a bunch of demons and pondered for a long time, and Xiaofeng, who was more irritable, jumped up first. "No, thinking like this is not the way. We should have arrived at the target location. System is deliberately fooling us."

Ling held down Xiaofeng and said: "System will not fool us for no reason. It should be where we didn't expect."

Xiaochun also agreed with nodded. "Wasting time and complaining like this is not a solution. We still have to think about what went wrong."

"Why don't we turn to a way of thinking?" The small dragon woman said: "First assume that the system is not wrong. , That means we did not reach the goal."

"But this is what is shown on the map!" Princess whispered.

"I understand." Yeyue suddenly called out: "Master, your map may be a three-dimensional map. We only reached the target in the horizontal direction, not the height position."< /p>

This is actually a small thinking trap. As soon as Ye Yue said it, we all reacted to it. I am grateful to open the map again and spread it on the ground, and then put my hand on it a little bit. "Convert the display mode to stereo projection." All areas on the map immediately became a three-dimensional display mode like a miniature sand table. I once again circled where we are. "Enlarge this area to the full map mode."

The place where we are on the map was suddenly placed on the Great Accomplishment to cover the area of ​​the entire map, and what is displayed on it is an ordinary mountain. The problem It is the target red dot that we have always thought of before, but it is not at the top of the peak. If you look down from the top, the red dot and the latitude and longitude coordinates of the mountain are indeed the same, but you can clearly see from the side that the road map suddenly diverges after reaching the peak, one is straight up, and the other is vertical. down.

"Why are there two coordinates?" Yeyue asked first.

"This is not a problem." Ling raised his head and looked at the sky. "According to the current situation, we have two target points, and one is above our head and the other is under our feet. Although two points are troublesome, at least we know what the problem is."

Xiaofeng also said: "These two places are not far from here, don't we know if we go to see?"

I said to Xiaofeng: "system restricts my flight, you help me Go up and see what's in the target location before I decide how to go up. Trailblazer and Rose Vine, you two will start digging down now. When Xiaofeng comes down, you should be able to dig down here."

The familiars immediately started to split up. There were several other flying familiars who went up with Xiaofeng, but they soon went down together again. Xiaofeng rubbed her head and said angrily: "I'm really mad. A place more than a hundred meters above our head is a floating island, and it's completely invisible, so I ran into it. , Really, it hurts me to death!"

"Floating island?"

Small dragon female nodded: "We also saw it. After Xiaofeng hit the floating island, The island is now visible, eh, it’s not right! There is only one more than a hundred meters from the top. Didn’t you see it appearing below?"

"We didn’t see anything!" Yeyue very Doubtfully asked: "Did you make a mistake about the altitude?"

Xiaochun said: "How long have we been up here? Even if the altitude is wrong, it is impossible to fly to the distance you can't see. Outside?"

As we were talking, Eminis's shout suddenly came from the hole beside me. "You guys come down quickly, we have dug the slate."

"The slate? Is there an artificial building?" I immediately shouted to the following: "You first dig out the nearby soil layer and take a look. Can you get around."

"No, the rock on the top of the mountain is not strong enough, so that the top of the mountain will collapse when digging."

"Then just throw it off." I said to the next Emmenes said: "You come up first."


When Emmenes climbed up with two hole-punching familiars, I let the irrelevant The familiars all returned to the Phoenix Dragon space first, leaving only the familiars that could transform into a human form to stay aside for the time being. According to the depth of the digging of Emenes, we found the corresponding position on the side of the mountain, and then I let Lucky, Plague, and Xiaosan go up and dig together. The huge dragon claw is not much worse than the excavator. It digs more than ten meters deep in threes and twos, and then we see a wall of densely arranged stone slabs.

I didn't let lucky them destroy the slate, but let them dig along the slab to the sides and above. After a while, the entire hill was almost toppled down. The original peak was reduced by two more than a hundred meters, but now a huge palace-like stone building stands upright on the top of the excavated hill.

The style of this building looks very similar to the Celestial Court’s Lingxiao Temple, but it does not have such complicated materials, but is made of stone slabs. What is a little strange is that there is no entrance to this building. Not to mention the door, this thing doesn't even have a window. The all around of the building is indeed some carved out of the Buddhism window structure, but they are actually still a whole slate. Simply do not have the actual function of doors and windows, that is, they just look like doors and windows.

"Is this thing our goal?" Emenes asked.

"No, the display on the map is much lower than here." Ling said while looking at the map.

"Then dig it out, maybe this thing is just a seal at the entrance of the passage."

Ye Yue asked jokingly: "You mean this thing is equivalent to the sewer manhole cover on the side of the road?"

"Almost." I said to lucky them: "Did you move it?"

Fortunately, they leaned forward and tried it, then shook the head. "No, this thing is too heavy."

"Let me try." The small dragon woman fired a gravity reversal technique at the building, but she was surprised to see that the heavy profit reversal technique was bombed. Came back.

"The loss is not attack magic." I walked over and stroked the rock on the surface of the building, and then said to luck: "Try if you can pry the slate down. Maybe there is something else in this thing. "

"Okay." Lucky greeted the plague and Xiao San to go up and dig hard, but they really pulled them down. But as soon as the first slab fell, we were all shocked and out of ear.

Yu. What we saw was a piece of jade. The exterior of this building is just a layer of ordinary stone slabs, but the interior is completely carved from jade stone. After luckily they took off the entire shell, we discovered that this great hall did not have doors and windows, but that there were no doors and windows on the stone slabs outside. This jade palace itself has complete jade doors and windows, and they are all real doors and windows that can be opened.

Although I knew this was not the target point of the mission, I decided to go in and take a look. Of course, I didn't forget to let the Blazers and Rose Vine continue to dig down.

Pushing open the jade stone door that is more than 30 meters high, we walked into the great hall together. After coming in, we discovered that this great hall is not entirely made of jade stone, and there are other materials inside. The interior style of the great hall is a typical Chinese architecture. Several huge white jade plate gantry columns support the top beams to erect a hall with a rather large area. There are two giant jade platforms over five meters high on each side of the hall, and each stone platform stands on a statue. What surprised us the most was that the content of the statue was actually our acquaintance-four Sacred Beast.

In addition to the four Sacred Beasts on both sides of the great hall, there are also statues in the direction facing the gate, but unlike the statues on both sides, these three statues share a long table-like base. The base itself is carved from black jade. Its front has a huge panel framed by a gold-engraved Divine Dragon. The inside of the panel is densely packed text pasted with colorful Divine Stone, but the fonts are all Dingwen. It's a bit difficult to recognize. The three on the pedestal are white jade Qilin, golden Heavenly Dragon and Bi Ling.

Although the three statues on the front are a circle larger than the four Sacred Beasts on the side, they are not the real theme. There are two rows of higher pedestals behind them, and the front one. The stage base forms a stepped structure. The only problem is that there is nothing on the back two rows of pedestals.

With great curiosity, we carefully observed the statue of the four Sacred Beasts. All the sculptures use the body form, of course, the body shape will not be as big as the real body, otherwise this house will not be able to hold any of them even if it is ten times bigger. From the left and right position, the towers of Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird are located in the direction of the right hand of the entrance door, and White Tiger and Black Tortoise are on the other side. In terms of depth, the locations of Azure Dragon and White Tiger are close to the location of the three major protection countries, Divine Beast, while Vermilion Bird and Black Tortoise are close to the gate. From this position, you can see the difference in the status of the four Sacred Beasts. In ancient China, the left was generally respected, and the position facing the main entrance was the theme. Now it seems that the position of the three Divine Beasts is the main position. From their direction, Azure Dragon belongs to the left side of the great hall and is closer to the main position. It should be the highest position among the four Sacred Beasts. Although White Tiger is on the right, it is close to the main position and should be ranked second. Vermilion Bird is clearly third and Black Tortoise is the last.

A closer look shows that the materials used in the four Sacred Beast statues are different. Although the four statues are all made of jade, they have different colors. Azure Dragon uses purple thunder jade, White Tiger uses Xuerun white jade, Vermilion Bird uses red blood jade, and Black Tortoise uses Tian topaz. The four have their own attributes, but the value is all the same, not to mention such a large piece of jade stone.

Different from the four Sacred Beasts, the statue of Divine Beast is obviously not an expensive high-end Divine Jade. What makes us very strange is that the materials used for the statues of Divine Beast, the three more noble protectors, turned out to be very cheap. The sculpture of white jade Qilin is actually made of ice made of ordinary water. The only special feature is that it has been subjected to a thermostat, so it can not be melted all year round. On the other side, Bi Ling's statue was actually made of wood, and it was not a whole piece of wood. Although the level of production is quite high, we can still see the seams between the wood. The golden Heavenly Dragon in the middle is the worst. The ice of silver snow represents purity at any rate, and the wood of Biling can also be regarded as the representative of life, but the sculpture of the golden Heavenly Dragon is actually made of yellow mud. Although the color of this yellow mud is very pure, the mud is mud anyway, and it doesn't touch the nobility no matter how you look at it.

In terms of the materials alone, the total value of these three statues of the three major guardians of the Divine Beast is less than the value of a corner of the pedestal under their feet, but I believe using such materials There must be a special meaning, and the sculpture itself will not be placed there so simply, they should have a more important meaning.

Walking a few times in the great hall, in addition to the gorgeous decoration, I found a lot of sculptures of Divine Beast and Demon on the pillars and beams. Speaking of which Divine Beast I can understand, but I don’t understand what it means to have so many demons and ghosts.

I was carefully observing a lampstand in the form of a snake demon placed at the corner of the great hall. Pepper suddenly beckoned and shouted: "You guys come and see here."

I turned around. When I came, I only saw Pepper and Princess climb onto the two-level pedestal behind Divine Beast. "How did you climb up there?"

"Aren't we looking for clues!" Princess beckons with the hand to me: "Come on, there is something to see here."

< p>I and the other humanoid familiars ran over, but I didn't go straight up. Instead, I bowed to the three big Divine Beasts before jumping up. After climbing to the top, I discovered that there were two grooves on the Level 2 pedestal behind the Divine Beast. From the direction we came up, the groove on the left is square, and the groove on the right is round. The depth of the groove is about one foot. Under the square groove on the left, there is a huge "地" written out of mud, and under the round groove on the other side is the word "Heaven" written in an intaglio way. The size of the two characters is exactly the same, and they are both written in a very atmospheric official script, which looks like a very majestic and steely feeling.

Ling immediately said after seeing these two slots: "It looks like there should have been two sculptures on it."

"The problem is that they are not here now." Xiaochun continued.

Yeyue said to herself like: "The three major guardians of the country, Divine Beast, are so powerful, but they are still in front. Who can stand behind them? "

"Could it be Lao Tzu and Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning?" Ling asked.

The small dragon female shook the head and said: "Impossible. You still don’t know much about the Eastern Divine Race system. Although Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and Lao Tzu are strong enough, they are still gods after all. In Chinese Taoism Among them, there is something that even gods have to worship."

"What is it?" Princess asked quickly.

Ye Yue pointed at the two grooves. "It's these two."

"Heaven and Earth?"

I concluded: "Yes. Heaven and Earth is the largest in Chinese mythology, even if it is a god Walking between Heaven and Earth, no one dares to disrespect Heaven and Earth. These two slots say Heaven and Earth. Who else dares to stand on it? Isn’t this courting death?"

" Heaven and Earth is already the largest, so what else is bigger than Heaven and Earth?" Princess said as she pointed to the pedestal behind.

Now even I started to think about it. Although Heaven and Earth two words are written in these two slots, if there is a stone tablet carved with Heaven and Earth or simply a three-dimensional sculpture with the two words Heaven and Earth standing on it, then it is still the past. But what should I put here later? According to the custom of Chinese sacrifices, the ones placed at the back and higher position should be higher-status existences, but this level 2 has already reached Heaven and Earth, what else is higher behind?

The fast-moving kitten jumped onto the last stone platform and said: "Close what it is, go up and see first. Aiya..."

"You What's the matter?" Because these pedestals are very high, you can't see the upper pedestal plane if you stand at Level 1 below. We saw the kitten jumped up and disappeared. It seemed to hear a plop in the middle, as if it were falling into the water.

Sure enough, the wet kitten appeared from the edge of the platform again. "Unlucky, it's all water here!"

"It's all water?" I thought about it and climbed up, but I was not as reckless as a kitten, but only stood on the edge of the pedestal. It turns out that the base above is just like a large bathtub. The inside is not solid and there is no roof on it. Inside the base, there are five spheres floating there, but they do not touch the base itself. These five balls are all the same size, and they all rotate slowly. As for their materials, they are exactly the five shapes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The cat's take-off position was exactly at the middle ball position, and it ended up falling into it all at once. Fortunately, the water polo didn't touch the ground, and after the kitten fell in, it leaked out from below.

"It turned out to be the Five Elements element, no wonder it was put after Heaven and Earth. This is already a basic law-level existence." The small dragon girl immediately understood the root after seeing the things here. cause.

"Is this an Eight Trigrams Mirror?" Xiaochun found that there are octagonal mirrors on the inner walls of the left and right ends of the base, and the five spheres are just between the two mirrors. On the straight line.

The small dragon woman ran over to study one of the mirrors, and then said: "This is not the Eight Trigrams Mirror, but the two mirrors."

Yeyue suddenly said:" Wait. You said this is the mirror of the two instruments?"

"What's the matter?"

"Five Elements together is chaos, splitting heaven and earth apart means to separate Heaven and Earth. The so-called divide Heaven and Earth into two forms, and two forms produce four phases. Quickly look at the four corners of the base."

My four familiars ran to the four corners respectively. , And each found a round bead.

The small dragon girl also understands the meaning of Ye Yue. "Liangyi produces four phases, and four phases produce gossip. These four beads are the four phase beads. There must be an Eight Trigrams Array nearby."

"Here." The cat suddenly pointed at our feet. . When we lowered our heads, we realized that the simply stepped under our feet was a huge Array of Eight Trigrams.

"I finally understand." The small dragon female said: "The last pedestal enshrines the laws of nature, which is the standard for measuring everything. Even Heaven and Earth must operate according to the laws, so the laws Higher than Heaven and Earth."

"It works." Eminis' voice suddenly came from outside the temple. "Huh? What are you doing up there?"

"What's the point?" Xiaochun asked, crawling out from below.

"The hole is opened. I see the mission goal."

"That's very good. I will finish the mission first, and then come back to study this thing." I said I turned over and jumped out, and then ran to the outside of the hall. My Familiars naturally followed.

Following the tunnel dug by the pioneers and rose vines, the descending depth has been significantly lower than the ground at the foot of the mountain. It has been drilled until the depth is about the same as the height of the mountain peak below the ground level. . The mission target that Eminis and the others found was a natural cave, and we are in the cave now.

This hole is not too spacious, but it is quite high. The cave is very empty, only in the center of the cave there is a stone platform similar to the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, and in the center of the platform stands a giant tablet of astonishing height. Since the place we entered was just on the side of the stele, we couldn't see what was written on the stele, but we were all stunned when we walked around to the front. I saw the word "Houtu" arranged longitudinally in vigorous official script on the surface of the huge monument.

In addition to the vigorous fonts of this monument, the body itself is also quite strange. It seems to be made of a mixture of gold, silver, copper, iron, soil, rock, and unpolished jade. The surface color varies. But the overall feeling is quite harmonious.

The small dragon woman walked over and touched the body of the stele, and then said: "Gold, silver, copper, iron are all metals, and the five forms are gold; soil, rock and unpolished jade are all earth. Houtu It is also suitable for the monument to be mixed with the two elements of gold and earth."

Ling suddenly asked: "Do you guess that this is what is enshrined on the Level 2 pedestal of the building above?"


I looked at the base of the stele, and said: "The base is indeed square, and it should match the size."

"Then let's move it back and try it. How about trying?"


Under everyone’s unanimous opinion, we started to carry this monument, but in the end I sent everyone who could be sent Go up, but this thing is completely motionless. The small dragon woman suddenly said: "By the way, the back soil is the earth. This thing represents the earth. How can it be moved?"

"What should I do?"

"Use wood "Yeyue said: "Wood and soil are attributes with relatively high affinity, and wood can be used to pull the soil."

I thought about it and finally gave my guild guardian Tree Demon to summon, and then Let her transform into a human form to lift the monument. Not to mention, this is really everything has its nemesis. It seems that she didn't exert much effort, just like carrying a balloon, she carried away the monument that could not be shaken by several dragons.

Looking at my Shusi moving the Houtu Tablet, Ling suddenly came over and asked: "Have you received a task reminder?"

I hook the head. "Maybe the underground side is wrong, the above is the mission goal. The two coordinates given by the system are probably intentional to delay my time."

Ling nodded: "Then we will put this monument in a while. Let’s look at the coordinates above the head."

Because of the relatively large volume of this monument, we had to enlarge the hole to get it out when we went up, and this process was delayed a lot. time. When we finally went out, there were only more than two hours left until the end of the mission. But although time is short, I am not in a hurry. Anyway, the floating island is just above your head. You don't need to make holes there, just let lucky fly up with a rope and pull me up.

After the Houtu stele was moved into the jade stone great hall, a layer of light yellow rays of light suddenly appeared on the surface, which made us more certain of the previous inference. This thing must be the offering on that pedestal.

According to Tianyuan, we put the Houtu monument into the square groove where the ground is written. Not to mention, the groove and the stele seat can match exactly. Almost as soon as the stele was put in, the whole thick earth stele suddenly lit up. The previous faint rays of light were transformed into a golden light curtain, and there were many golden light spots flashing around the stele body. It floats slowly for a flash and looks very beautiful.

After placing this monument, I am going to see the floating island above. Who knows that the system notification has suddenly sounded. "Houtu returned to his place, congratulations to the player Purple Moon for completing 50% of the mission."

"Damn, it turns out that this thing is the mission goal. Quickly, follow me up. It must be on the floating island above your head. Return a Heavenly Tablet, and my task will be completed when the two are in place."

"Small, boss, give me your cable, and I will help you bring it up." Lucky stretched out one. paw.

I handed the cable head to Lucky, and then let the other familiars fly up with Lucky. After receiving the notification from Lucky Mind, I started to activate the automatic take-up function of Longjinsuo. The scroll motive automatically took me to the floating island above. speaking of which this floating island is actually not big, and it doesn’t fly high, but this thing has a very strange characteristic, that is, no matter what anti-stealth ability you have, you can’t see it when it is more than five meters away. , Which is why we haven't seen it below until Xiaofeng bumped into it and discovered that there is a floating island here.

When I climbed onto the floating island, my familiars had already gathered under the monument in the center of the floating island. The shape of this thing is exactly the same as the Houtu monument, but the material is much different. This thing is actually made of water, and flames are still burning on the surface. The front of the stele body also has two characters written in Li, but the content is changed to "Huang Tian".

Don’t hesitate this time, we started to move the Emperor Heavenly Tablet directly, and this monument is so light that it is much easier to move than the Houtu monument. It didn't take long for us to get this monument into the great hall, and then align it with the circular slot and insert it.

Almost as soon as the Emperor Heavenly Tablet was in place, a sharp metallic sound suddenly sounded in the great hall, and the entire great hall began to vibrate.

"What's the matter?"

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