I ran to Purple Moon with no stamina in one breath, and I switched to the silver moon state. Ling and Xiaochun rode Ye Ying and Bai Xue on both sides to add state to me. The small dragon female released a large-scale gravity reduction technique. In this low-gravity state, I can walk seven or eight meters in one step, and the endurance consumption rate drops a lot, only a little faster than the recovery speed.

"Damn! Isn't it?" I was running well, and suddenly I found a big mountain appeared in front of me, and it didn't seem to be low. "How come this thing is here? It's over if you climb up and endurance!"

"It's okay." The small dragon woman encouraged me from behind: "I use Gravity Technique to reduce your weight. There’s not much difference between climbing and walking on the ground."

"Otherwise, we would blow you from behind with the wind spell, I don’t know if it’s a foul!" This is Xiaochun’s idea, but she As soon as I said it, I received a system hint saying that Wind Element magic can be used for acceleration, but it cannot be run by blowing people with the wind. There is no other way but to climb on your own. Fortunately, there is the anti-Gravity Technique of the small dragon woman. After the weight was reduced to one-fifth of the normal value, I didn't feel any weight in climbing the mountain. I just ran up the mountain all the way.

When I was about to reach the top of the mountain, I saw Frost and Snow, who had been riding fortunately, was already waiting for me here. Seeing me coming up, she immediately said with a smile: "We just thought of a way to help you speed up, and system has admitted that this is not a violation."

"Oh? What is the solution?"

"You'll know when you come up."

I laughed as soon as I went up to the top of the mountain and looked forward. It turns out that there is an extra ice slide on the way down the mountain, and there are protective walls on both sides of the slide to prevent people from sliding out, the whole is like a giant slide. Frost and Snow introduced: "I let luck take away the trees and rocks blocking the way, and some pits were also filled. The above layer of ice was frozen out by me and has been polished. You just have to jump on it, two 3 The minutes is over."

The small dragon woman suddenly said after seeing the slide: "By the way, master, don’t you have ice skates? If the flat ground in front is covered with ice like this, you Isn't skating much faster than running?"

"Yes!" Shuangxue hurriedly jumped on her lucky back. "Let’s go ahead and pave the road."

Ling suggested: "It’s better to release both Qilin warrior and ringtone Knight, and let Skye take them to the front to level the road, so that you can go all the way. I glide over."

"This is a good idea. Hurry up and save a little bit." While sending a large number of soldiers, I have already started to run forward. Anyway, Ling can help me close the space door behind. . Ling, who has a loyal heart, is equivalent to my plenipotentiary agent, and she can act for me as long as I can exercise the rights.

Shuangxue changed to ride Yeying in front to help me freeze a smooth ice road. I bounced the ice skates under the dragon suit and stepped on the ice to start sliding. In fact, my skating speed is only a little faster than running, but the biggest advantage of skating is that the endurance consumption is very low, which increases the continuity of my exercise. Besides, only a little bit faster is also fast. Such a long section of the road can always save a lot of time.

I was skating desperately on the ice. Frost and snow paved the way for me all the way. There were cheerleaders on both sides to help me replenish all kinds of magic. Even the civilian staff who calculated the distance were equipped. Princess and Sha Yezi took my map and rode on the back of Princess's pet, Xiaobai. While looking at the map, they told me how far ahead and which section of the road could use the mount.

Such a complete staff has helped me a lot. Everyone who can think of it helped me handle it. I can just run with my head, even some small enemies. My Familiars were killed in advance without my knowledge. When I arrived, I could only see a piece of battlefield relics and a passage that had been sorted out in advance, and there was no interception effect at all.

However, not all enemies are so impossible to withstand a single blow. At least Ling, the familiar, Chief Steward, will not rashly take my familiar with the enemy's camp. Single-player breakthrough and complete victory are not the same concept. Even if the familiar with the front stand before me fights with the enemy, it has no practical meaning. Only when I have passed can I complete the task, otherwise it will be useless to fight all the enemies. .

I slid behind to the end of a section of ice, where Ye Ying was already waiting for me. I know that when you encounter such a road section, you have entered an area where you can ride a horse. Of course, this cannot be wasted. Before I reached the end of the ice, I jumped, retracted the ice skate in the air and dropped it accurately on Ye Ying's back. Ye Ying kicked off the ground fiercely, and started unimaginable without any muddle.

At the speed of Night Shadow, I quickly caught up with the leading troops on the open for me road. Ling Zheng brought a group of Qilin warrior and Lingyin Knight to face off with the enemy there, obviously. In trouble.

"What's the matter?" I asked after Ling.

Ling pointed to the gorge in front of him and said: "On the map, you must pass through this place to be considered a journey, but some people blocked it. The mountains on both sides are filled with explosives. They blow up the mountain, and we have to clear the mountain road to get there. In that case, the time delay is not as simple as one or two hours."

"I will go up and see if I can negotiate." said Urging Ye Ying to move to the front of the formation. "I'm Purple Moon, the president of the Frost Rose League. Who are you?"

"We didn't help a nobody. You wouldn't know about the famous Purple Moon." The other party said in a tone. Arrogant and proud.

I was frowned, and after a little thought, I immediately returned to the formation and concentrated all the summon creatures. "The negotiation seems to be useless. The sentence just now has explained a lot of problems."

Ling nodded agreed with me. Compared with the players in the guild, my summon creatures are all Dragon Clan, and they have higher intelligence and a tacit understanding with me. Everyone can understand the problem with that sentence. If the other party refuses to say who he is, he has made it clear that he does not want me to retaliate, and that kind of deliberately overly flattering words combined with that tone becomes a kind of irony, which means that this is a group of people who are jealous of my achievements and look at me. People who are extremely unpleasant. For such people, there is no way to negotiate with them, because such people are often indifferent and have no overall view of the overall situation. Talking to them can only be tempted with immediate benefits or threats with other things. It is a pity that this is now. I can't give either, because I don't have time now. Now that they know that they are impossible to negotiate, it is better to start the war as soon as possible to save wasted time.

Xiaochun said: "The mountain pass is too narrow, our large corps can't open, and the other party has loaded explosives on the mountain. I'm afraid it won't work like this?"

"Then It depends on your performance." I smiled and pointed to the mountain seam in front of me and said, "The other party does not have our crystallizing detonator, so I can only use people to point explosives. Asuka and my size, two guardian long spears, are three in total. Only, it shouldn’t be difficult to intercept an enemy with explosives on the mountainside at their speed?"

"It should be possible, but...!"

"I'm afraid that there will be a leak. Is it?" I clapped my hand. "Kitten, Little Demon, Yeyue, you three ride birds and two long spears to intercept a fish that escaped the net that may appear."

Kitten is the ancestor of orcs, four thousand With the 800-level rank and the speed fighters themselves, it shouldn't be a problem to intercept a few fire fighters. And since the kitten is okay, the little demon with a rank of up to 5200 is okay. What's more, her singing Banshee has a charming voice. Even if the speed can't keep up, she can use mind control to directly burn the other party's brain into tofu brain. Of course, there is no need to worry about Yeyue. The level of 5,000 is not as good as the little demon, but she is a descendant of Divine Race, and the actual battle strength is far above the little demon. Together with her petrified pupil, any enemy One-on-one is not her opponent. Besides, the three of them are just responsible for picking up leaks. It shouldn't be encountered many enemies.

"What about the next part?" Ling asked me, pointing at the enemy in Yamaguchi.

"Let the tank make a surprise attack with heavy firepower, and then Xiaofeng restores his body and rushes over first, using the high temperature to force everyone nearby, and then Ivorite rushes into the flames. Use a large flame attack spell to injure the enemy, and then Lucky, Plague, and Xiaosan rushed into the enemy's formation to carry out fixed-point elimination. Rosevine and the pioneers sent the bell sound Knight from the underground to the enemy's vicinity, and waited for the above attack at first to highlight the ground and implement it. Raid. At this time, I will take other people to charge, but I will not fight with the enemy. Once the breakthrough, I will go all the way. You don’t want to fight, as long as you see me pass, immediately disengage from contact and follow me. Forward. If I completely disengage from the enemy, then you can organize a safe retreat. I believe the enemy is not interested in stopping you."

"This is feasible."

< p>"Okay, let's start acting right away. Our time is precious."

According to the strategy I developed, everyone immediately started to act separately. First of all, we must wait for the pioneers and rose vines to dig the tunnel, and advance under the ground, of course, does not raise. When they dig the tunnel, the bell of the ambush Knight is in place before we start to enter the fighting state. . The tank first unfolds, the transmitter on the back enters the full mode, and at the same time it starts charging.

I patted the legs of the tank: "Be careful not to knock down the mountain. Move the target point outward a bit, and use the shock wave to shake those people over."

The tank is adjusted immediately. Lower the launch angle, and continue to charge. Just after the tank was fully prepared, I swung my knife forward: "Charge."

With the cracking sound of an electric arc, the barrel on the back of the tank shot out a purple-red light ball. And rushed directly to the enemy line. The flying bird and two long spears that had been prepared a long time ago rushed out immediately after the shells were fired, and quickly surpassed the shells and flew to the front.

The launcher on the back of the tank is a magic crystal weapon. It launches energy groups instead of physical shells, so the speed is relatively slow. The speeds of Asuka and Long Spear were exaggerated. They came first, and they rushed over the enemy's head ahead of time. However, this accident attracted the enemy's attention, and the shells fell when the opponent's gaze followed Asuka and them to the rear.

The white light of the waist eye instantly makes the surrounding area bright and white, and no one can see anything under this intensity of light. But this does not affect the flight of the long spear, anyway, people only use ultrasound.

After the white light, there is a huge rumbling sound, a plume of smoke rising into the air. The formidable power of a tank is almost like a small atomic bomb, and the huge mushroom cloud even surprised us when we saw it. But this is not a killer move. The formidable power of the shock wave can only make the enemy temporarily incapable of action, and can react in a few seconds. But before they could react, our pioneer Xiaofeng rushed in.

As soon as Xiaofeng entered the enemy’s formation, the giant Fire Phoenix with a wingspan of more than a hundred meters suddenly appeared in midair, and the terrifying high temperature instantly scorched all nearby plants. The trees quickly burned and turned into torches. Before the enemy could react to what happened, Ivorite's large-scale attack magic arrived. Although it is a robotic creature, as one of the two most proud works of Jiaha Archmage, Ivorite's magic use level is still not as fast as that of most carbon-based creatures. The huge flame ring is spaced ten meters apart, and it spreads out ring after ring with Inverite as the center, and everything that is touched will immediately burn.

The horror flames of the dual Fire Element top creatures have not completely ended, and the three giant dragons have arrived. Those lucky ones who survived the flames are finally out of luck this time. The giant dragons’ targeted dragon-fire jets turned these survivors into unfortunate ones, and I took the huge Qilin warrior Legion and slammed into it, stepping the last lone into the mud.

The people who were sent up the mountain to set the fire have long been standing by the explosives and waiting. According to the plan, they should light the explosives as soon as they see the signal from the main position, but the speed of Asuka and Long Spear is too fast. , They had reached the mountain before the first shell hit the ground. These people who had some explosives had no time to see the bombardment effect of the tank before they had their heads cut off by the long spear and Asuka with their wings. Even if there was a backup lighter, they were intercepted by the three flying creatures, Ye Yue and the others.

There was a big fire at the mouth of the straight canyon. I rode the night shadow all the way through. There was no one in the flame to supervise me. Even if an enemy got in the way, I would be cut down by my hand. But when I rushed out from the other side of the canyon, I bumped into a huge dirt wall. With a bang, I forcibly knocked out a hole in the wall. I felt like I had fallen off the back of Night Shadow and knocked down a group of people at the same time.

The earth wall that I suddenly hit was definitely not formed naturally, it means that someone ambushed me here, or the interception posture in the canyon before was simply made for me, just In order to attract my attention and prevent me from noticing such an ambush behind the mountain, here is the real killer move.

Although the enemy is smart, I am not stupid. The person was still rolling and sliding forward, so I adjusted my posture first, and then supported the ground with one hand, and the whole person bounced off the ground with the help of inertia. I roughly scanned the surrounding environment. I spread my wings and patted twice, and then I landed on a rock protruding from the cliff of the mountain. Although the system does not allow me to use the flying ability to move, it allows me to use the flying ability in combat, so this is not a foul for me.

As soon as I fell on the rock, I heard the sound of a large piece of sharp weapon breaking through the air. It must be a joint blow of a large archer, but I am not afraid of the arrow, so I just opened it without moving the place. Mercury shield and spirit strength field, followed by wrapping themselves with wings. Just listened to the chaotic noise of crackle outside, the dense arrows were all blocked by the mercury shield, and even the spirit strength field of the Second Layer was useless. The arrows shot by ordinary players do not have enough penetrating power at all.

"hmph, a bunch of rubbish!" A man in Chinese armor kicked the archer next to him from one foot, then took a bow and hit an arrow to aim at me and yanked away, looking very Fierce. Looking at this guy’s equipment, I knew that he was the leader here. I didn’t dare to take it carelessly. I quickly took out the Magic Dragon Shield. This meant that there would be a fourth layer defense. Even the Spear God couldn’t penetrate it with a single blow. Protection.

The other party pulled the bow into a full moon in a very mighty posture, then raised the bow to aim at me and slammed the string. I only heard a swish, I quickly raised my shield, but I didn’t hear it. The sound of an arrow. I stretched my head and looked around, and found a long arrow with only quill left at a place seven or eight meters away above my head.

"hahahaha...I'm so ridiculous! Looking at your pose so cool, I thought you were so good? Didn't expect the arrow method to be so bad. There must be a limit to it. I went to the second uncle's house!"

"Don't be smug. Be careful of yourself!" The other party was obviously not angry, but looked at me smugly.

I instantly realized that the opponent was not shooting crookedly, but at the location where it was originally aimed. I quickly raised my head, only to see the sudden rays of light flashing on the arrow, followed by a loud explosion sound, the whole mountain was blown off by a large piece, and a large amount of rubble fell off. I was just below the explosion point, and I wanted to spread my wings and fly. I simply couldn't do it. As a result, I was hit on the ground as soon as I left the stone platform. Before I got up, more rocks fell from the sky and buried me alive. This damn bastard actually used blasting arrows!

The guy didn't feel too proud to see me buried alive, but waved forward. "Send two people over to have a look, but the stone may not hurt him."

"Do you know me well enough?" Before the two people got closer, I answered his question. . The pile of stones shook his hands twice, and then a huge boulder in the middle was suddenly covered with wind, and then the boulder suddenly shattered into fragments on the ground. I stood up safe and sound from the pile of rocks. "I won't be called Purple Moon if I can't deal with this little stone."

"I did not misunderstand you." The guy said with an aloof and remote appearance: "Join us and I will give You have a very high salary."

"Huh?" I was taken aback by this guy. I just got the title of first under the heavens guild president, and some people said that I was allowed to mix with him. It was like a financial giant who suddenly met a beggar, and then beggar said to the giant, "Follow me, promise You will be delicious and drink spicy in the future." This kind of contrast really makes me wonder how to react.

Seeing that I was silent there, this guy thought I was hesitating. "I know you can’t make a decision, but you don’t have to worry about it. Although I am only the president of a medium-to-large guild, my status in reality is not ordinary. If you follow me, I can drive you very high. Salary. I know you professional players are for money, and I won’t let you lose."

"Eh...please ask, do you know who I am? You can't find the wrong person Right?"

"Of course I know who you are. Aren't you Purple Moon, the president of the Frost Rose League?"

"Know you are still drawing me into the club?"


"Why? You don't want to leave the Frost Rose League?" Seeing that I want to speak, this guy quickly reached out to stop, and then continued with an expression that I understood you well: "I know, the Frost Rose League was established by you. Yes. Of course the things you made by yourself are emotional, so you may not be able to accept to ask you to leave. Or else! I think you are a talent, so I can accommodate you. You don’t need to leave Frost, but I join Frost, you just need to transfer the chairmanship to me, and I will let you be Vice-President. How about it? Am I interesting?"

"Thank you, which mental hospital did you run out of?"

" Yes? I called and asked them to pick you up." It is said that the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. There are so many people who use themselves as green onions these days. However, this is the first time I have seen someone like him who is obviously a green onion and has to pretend to be a thousand-year-old tree.

Hearing what I said, this guy should know what I mean even if he is an idiot, so he is angry as it should be by rights, but I am not afraid of him.

"Since you fail to appreciate somebody's kindness, don't blame me." That guy waved forward again arrogantly, and a group of players behind immediately rushed up, but at this time, in the sky Suddenly there was a loud phoenix cry. I saw a ball of flame falling from the sky, slamming into the player in front, and then grabbing him and taking him into the air. The three dragons that swooped down immediately slammed into the crowd with their huge bodies, swept all the way with their huge tails, and swept away dozens of people.

"What the hell! Don't mess up, stand it up for me." The guy was still yelling in vain.

"What a bunch of idiots." I opened the Avenger on my hand, and then hit the guy with a soul chaser. With a finger movement, the guy immediately fell from the arrow. One arrow dropped two levels, this time he was going to be unlucky.

To be honest, the Defensive Array before this group is well placed, especially the design of the real array behind the suspicious soldiers in front of the mountain is indeed a very insightful method, but unfortunately the strength of the two sides is too poor, plus The commander completely failed to play the specialties of this formation, and as a result, the opportunity was wasted. But then again, if this is an expert commanding battle, then I will be here for a long time in vain.

Order the familiars to clean the battlefield. I myself ran away before the battle was completely over. At this time, everything is for speed, as long as the goal can be reached on time, it is considered a victory.

It can be said that such a forward task is not a real test for me. My advantage is my outstanding personal strength, and the biggest reason for the failure of being intercepted is my lack of personal strength, but I just don't have any problems in this area, so the whole task is not a troublesome thing for me. Except for the time when I was off the assembly line, it took me about forty hours to reach the end point marked on the map, and the only problem in front of me was the mountain. The map shows that the top of the mountain is the end point, and I am already at the foot of the mountain.

"This height shouldn't be too high." Ling put his hand on the pergola and looked up at the top of the mountain. "At your master's speed, you can reach the top in three hours at most. It seems that you can complete this mission with Perfection."

"I hope so." I pointed to the top of the mountain. "You fly up and wait for me first, I'll be there in a while."

"Okay. Let's go." Ling took all the pets and flew to the top of the mountain. I could only climb by hand because flying is prohibited. .

According to the regular map of China, our country does not have such a mountain. So the mountain I'm going to climb is actually part of the game that has been modified, but luckily this mountain is not too high, the only problem is that it is a bit steep. The mountain all around has no roads at all. If you want to go up, you can only rely on rock climbing except for flying.

I transformed into a werewolf form first, and then liquefied the eternity and attached it to my limbs. When I walked to the edge of the cliff and looked at the top of the mountain, I was about to climb up. A dozen players suddenly came over, and I quickly assumed a fighting posture.

Seeing my defensive action, the opponent immediately took the form of Defensive Array, but did not take the initiative to attack. One of the young people surrounded by the middle asked carefully: "President Purple Moon, we didn't offend you, why are we attacking us?"

"Assault you? You are not here to stop me from completing the task. Is it?"

"Hinder you from completing the task?" The boy was surprised and said: "Our seventeen six hundred level players, even with Divine Item, can't beat you, a 900-plus level player. Expert!"

"It seems that I have misunderstood." I relaxed my guard, and continued to observe the mountain to choose where to stay. I just tried the level of these people with the Scout Beetle, and they are indeed not high. Even if I stand still, they can cut it for a long time.

Seeing that I was observing the mountain, the boy immediately said: "Um, President Purple Moon, can you bother me?"

"If you have something to say, I'm doing it. The task, the time limit is approaching, and there is no time to waste."

"It's not a troublesome thing. I just think you seem to want to go up the mountain. Can you help us bring this bunch of rope up?"

"Bring a rope?"

"Yeah! We want to go up too, but this mountain is too steep and we can't fly. Anyway, you have to go up, by the way. Busy? When you get to the top, help us find a place to fix the other end, and then just throw this end down."

I stretched out a hand directly. "Give it to me."

They immediately passed a large bundle of rope. I directly opened the Fenglong Space and wanted to throw the rope in. As a result, as soon as the rope hit the entrance of the Fenglong Space, there was a sudden ouch, and then as if there was some obstacle, the rope was actually bounced out. When the rope fell to the ground, she suddenly became a little girl, and she quickly got up and rolled to a place far away from me in a guard posture, and other people around immediately assumed a fighting posture.

"hmph, I knew you were playing ghosts, didn't expect to turn people into ropes. Oh, I understand. You thought I would carry the ropes up the mountain, and then this little girl can I suddenly turned back into a sneak attack halfway, didn't you?"

"Since you see through it, there is no way." The young man smiled evilly. "Although our level is not high, we all have special ability. This cliff is not a problem for us at all. As long as you dare to climb the mountain, we will definitely get you down."

" You have your life to play." I suddenly raised my hand, and a wind blade flew straight towards the young man, frightened him quickly dodge and evade, and I took this opportunity to turn and jump up.

The explosive power of the werewolf is very terrifying, not to mention that my own attribute point is scary, and a body is already more than ten meters above the ground. As soon as he touched the cliff, he directly inserted his hands into the rock, and then pressed down sharply, his body rose again four or five meters, kicked his feet into the rock fiercely, and jumped up again, easily grabbing the top ten. A protruding rock a few meters away, followed by another force to go up more than ten meters.

The people below didn't expect me to go up the mountain so fast, they all jumped up. Just like they said, these people are not high-level, and the skill on the cliff is not bad enough, and they climbed very high in a few strokes. It's a pity that their speed is about the same as mine, and the distance between us has never been shortened. Anxiously, they kept scolding me for being mean.

I just smiled at their insults. This group of little fellows are not very old, and their minds are a little simpler, and they are far worse than the old treacherous people like us. If I turn around and fight them because they scolded me, it only means that I and their IQ are on the same level.

Seeing the top of the mountain in sight, these guys are finally anxious. The little girl who changed the rope before suddenly exerted force and jumped up and down between the rocks and chased me. She suddenly jumped up again, trying to hug my leg, but I didn't give her this chance. As soon as the little girl jumped up, she saw two things suddenly fall off my back, and then the two things flew towards her one by one.

Hey. After half a month, the little girl kept her previous posture and attached to the rock wall again. After a few seconds, a few blood lines appeared on her head, and then slowly turned into three pieces and fell down. His body slowly fell back off the cliff and fell down the mountain.

Others were frightened by my trick, but they didn’t learn the lesson, they still chased me, but this time they stopped chasing up like they did before, because they flew everywhere at any time. Will kill them.

"Ah..." Without warning, another person suddenly fell below the cliff, and his body broke into several pieces in the air, not to mention that it was another half a month.

The remaining sixteen people looked at each other, but did not give up, but rushed up again. Their speed was obviously much faster this time, and they were probably desperate. It's just that as soon as they chased me near, they found a huge black figure suddenly swooping down above.

Lucky dived down against the cliff in a terrifying posture, and only heard a few screams. When the luck rushed past, there were only ten of the sixteen people left. Fortunately, the four paws grabbed one person each, with one in his mouth, and the tail also killed one by the way, and six were done in one go.

Following luck, the plague swooped down in the same posture, but only three people were caught because the enemy had dispersed.

I didn't care about the people behind at all, but looked up at the top of the mountain above. "Fortunately, how far is I from above?"

"You can reach the Level 1 platform in more than ten minutes at your current speed. We have seen it, and the mountain behind is better than here. Climb a little, the speed should be a lot faster.” Luckily, while throwing the five people he caught in the air and playing, he reported to me.

When I was planning to climb up the Level 1 platform in a spurt of energy, three Fireballs suddenly flew up below. Fortunately, Xiao San, who followed closely, used his body to help me block it.

Among the people chasing me, there is a mage. The Fireball just now came from a little girl who seemed to be only fifteen or sixteen years old. She was still a ruthless character, but it was a pity that she ran into me. .

Xiao San hooked himself onto the cliff with a sharp dragon claw, completely blocking the pursuit route of the remaining seven. They looked at each other, suddenly nodded. The seven people rushed together at full speed, and then violently jumped off the cliff and jumped out. You must know that these people can't fly, and jumping off the cliff is tantamount to death. It's just that I underestimated them, or the persistence of these youngsters exceeded the normal level. After the seven of them jumped off the cliff, four of them moved to the bottom and three were on the top, and then the three above slammed the shoulders of the three below, using these three as a springboard to bounce back to the surface of the cliff. It's just that the drop point has already crossed the position of Xiao San to reach a higher place. Of course, the four guys who acted as stepping stones can only fall below the cliff, but the three guys above have successfully bypassed the powerful enemy. This tactic really makes me feel impressed.

"Yeah, did you perform well!" I also saw the scene just now. Now that they can do this step, I think they are worth a few minutes. "As a reward for your performance just now, I think I should fight you head-on. But do you think about how to stop me?"

"Of course. As long as you dare to stand there for thirty seconds Don’t move."

"OK, I’ll wait for you for thirty seconds."

Surprisingly, it was not the boy in the middle who launched the attack, nor the other guy who seemed very difficult to. Deal with the youngster, but a teenage little girl. She actually thought of incantion, and it was the kind I knew very well. What surprised me was that this little girl who looked like a warrior was actually a Necromancer. If I remember correctly, the spell she was

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