The gun god is going crazy. Even if his own formation was chaotic by the cavalry, those enemies who came to make trouble were still pestering him to death, and the people who caused him couldn't assemble at all. In front of the position, the guild’s large forces were advancing in a neat pace, with a row of heavy shields at the forefront, and the Holy Lance Alliance responded individually to the players who fired here are all tempered by this row of shields. NS. In fact, these heavy shields are simply not humans, they are all magic puppets. Lifting a shield to move forward is simply not a complicated task, as long as there is strength, it doesn't matter whether the brain is bright or not. If you have to talk about the technical content of the shield, it is that the pace must be neat, the team must advance at the same speed, and there must be no gaps or breaks. But these are trivial to the magic puppet. Have you ever seen a robot troop that walks irregularly? The pace frequency and pace of the same model of magic puppets are simply the same. The heavy shield formed by them is neatly measured as if measured with a ruler. You can only see a black straight line advancing at a uniform undulating speed, even because of the terrain. Or the attack ahead temporarily lags behind, and it will be made up again immediately.

The magical shield players are all heavy-duty magical dolls weighing five and a half tons. These magical dolls are all specially designed, and their movement speed and agility are slightly lower than ordinary magical dolls. . They can't even run fast, and the highest movement speed is equivalent to the average running speed of the player, thanks to their terrifying height of more than three meters. A big step is big, although it looks slow, but in fact it is not slow. The armor of these specially modified guys is especially thickened, and the output power has also been greatly improved, far surpassing their counterparts in terms of strength. The heavy shields lifted by them are up to three meters high. The surface of the shield is engraved with the emblem of the guild and a circle of Magic Talisman. When necessary, the magic puppet can output its own power to the shield to make these Magic Talismans. Shine and create a magical barrier. Although the price of this kind of all-defense shield is not cheap, its effect is definitely the best choice. At least so far I haven't seen any regular troops crash through this shield formation. Except for the super large devil beast, these guys are basically not afraid of anything. Even the enemy's heavy cavalry can't hit this city wall shield.

Behind this indestructible shield is the ordinary magic puppet troops of our guild. Although these magic puppets are just ordinary magic puppets, they are still magic puppets after all. The powerful defensive power determines that they are very suitable to replace heavy infantry units. Previously, the loss of the magic puppet was the least when it was encountered by an enemy sneak attack. These guys do not have the problems that humans would be stunned. Their thinking and judgment are very simple. Was actively attacked by them. Now, the remaining 200,000 magic puppet army is forming the backbone of the guild, and the celestial army is composed of the Gou Siqi and the archer army, which are mixed in the heavy infantry phalanx in a very complicated structure. Although this arrangement is more complicated, it is, after all, the formation calculated by the military god. It is said that it can give full play to the strengths of various arms, and use the perfect small corps to cope with the advantage of restraining most of the enemies.

There are almost one million NPC heavenly soldiers and magic dolls left in the guild. Such a large number is absolutely amazing. The enemy on the opposite side finally stopped completely. The cavalry charge just now made them aware of the approach of death, but at this time, there is no big difference between being aware of the danger and not being aware of the danger. The gun god is a bachelor. He just took his own person and ran to the side. He hoped to retain the last vitality to deal with us later, but I would not be so stupid to let him. Ran away.

"Cavalry, rush with me, don't let them run out of the encirclement."

"As you bid." A large number of cavalry followed me and ran in the direction of the gun god retreat.

Four legs must run faster than two legs. Our cavalry team rushed to the front of the Gunners and stopped them all. There was a relatively horizontal guy who wanted to rush up and knock me down. As a result, Ye Ying turned around and kicked him with his butt. Then the guy leaped over everyone’s head and fell into the back. Among the crowd.

"hahahaha...Why do you run away when you see me, the gunman? It's impolite!"

"If you get a bargain, sell it, you and he...!" The guy beside me wanted to scold me, but before he could finish speaking, he was shot through the head by the archer behind me.

"Aiya, this is an accident! Gunner, don't you mind? I know you have always been very magnanimous."

The gunman is mad at me. His face was flushed and his body was trembling, but he didn't dare to move. The tens of thousands of heavy cavalry behind me are not well-placed, but they are a large group of people.

"Purple Moon, you don't have to do this to me, right?"

"What am I doing to you? Am I very polite?"

"Okay , Count you cruel!" The gun god suddenly lifted the gun in his hand, but I moved faster than him, and put the sword on his throat first.

"You see how bad this is!" I smiled very proudly. At the same time, I raised my left hand and waved forward. The cavalry behind immediately passed me and entered the enemy formation. The formation can be said, and the people killed by the cavalry instantly turned on their backs. I deliberately pushed the sword forward: "After fighting for so long, I think you look the most pleasing to the eye now."

"I am the opposite of you."

"I Guess you think so too."

The gun god suddenly retreated when I was smiling proudly, and then squatted down and planned to flash back, but he only made a trend. Obediently and honestly stood up, because only then did he realize that there were two moon blades hanging behind his back, and one of them was on the back of his heart. When he flashed backwards just now, he had already been stabbed, so he stood back honestly.

"You see, I am always very polite, but you are not very cooperative."

"Next time you better not fall into my hands." After the gun god said to me, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed a switch on his waist. My hand without the slightest hesitation brought a piece of blood light from his throat forever, and at the same time two and a half months passed through his body. past. After finishing the work, I immediately made Ye Ying retreat a long way, and at the same time reminded everyone around not to come close. Sure enough, the gun god who had just wiped his neck exploded with a bang as soon as he fell down. This guy is simply a terrorist, and he carried so many bombs on his body. Thanks to my cleverness, otherwise he would be a backstop!

After the fall of the gun god, the military mentality of the holy gun alliance is completely finished. There is no organization and no president, and under such a chaotic situation, they only have to be slaughtered. The guild’s heavy infantry phalanx just used a shield wall to surround these people, and then drove them to the edge of the lava pool a little bit. As the pressure outside increased, the person closest to the lava pool was the first After squeezing the lava pool, more people were pushed down one after another. Our oppressive tactics are very effective, almost equivalent to having two fronts at the same time slaughtering the enemy.

About half an hour later, all the enemies were wiped out, but our losses were minimal. Of course, the regular army lined up to attack the chaotic crowd can only have such a result. Now the remaining task is to clean up the enemies on the nearby islands, but this task can be handed over to the king's fleet. Anyway, the previous "mole" has almost solved all the enemies.

Rose stood beside me and handed over a form: "This is the loss of this battle. It will be supplemented to us after following the system hint, but I don’t know in what form. There is also a collection of this Guild revision opinions adjusted after the second campaign information."

"Isn’t it? You can dig out so much research information after a battle?"

"It’s not me. It turned out, this was summed up by the military god. Do you think I have the energy to write reports in battle?"

"That's true."

"Right, Here you are." Rose suddenly handed over a red pill.

"What is this?"

"See for yourself. I have something else." After Rose said, she turned and ran to the other members of the guild.

I took the red pill in my hand and looked at the attribute, but it almost didn't jump up. "Evolution pill?" How come I didn't expect the attribute of this thing to be so exaggerated, it can actually promote the evolution of the user. When I was about to take a closer look, I suddenly heard the system hint ring.

"Congratulations to the player, Purple Moon EXP is full, now he is officially upgraded to the first one-thousand-level player in the system."

"I'm at full level?" I looked surprised. Under the attribute, it really is at full level. Because I am the president of the guild, I have extra EXP rewards for the players in the guild to kill blame. Generally, the guild president has a lot of guild affairs to deal with, so there is not much time for leveling. This method of giving extra rewards to the guild leader is to take care of these guild leaders. But I am a different kind in this one. Because of the existence of auxiliary professionals and think tanks in the guild, I hardly need to manage the guild personally, so I often run around doing tasks outside, even though I am not actively leveling. , But it has not risen slowly, and with the EXP subsidy in the guild, it has naturally risen faster than others. Before this big mission, I took a pill that doubled my experience. It must have been close to the full point just now. As a result, someone killed the monster again. The part of the EXP that I shared was immediately upgraded.

The system hint did not stop, but continued to say: "As the first player to complete the 1000 level upgrade and the first to reach the full level EXP twice, the system will give a special challenge task. ."

The so-called reaching the full level twice is actually not accurate. The correct statement should be three times. In fact, I had two EXP close to 1000 level before. It was just because the level mission was not completed at that time, so I hit the grade line and was bounced back. Later I deducted some EXP because of some things. Has been hovering at level 999 and cannot move forward. This time can be described as the perfection of public morality. After all the tasks are finally completed, just to complete such a large task, the EXP naturally rises.

The system hint is still saying: "The player who first completes the special level upgrade requirements under normal standards can get the special rewards of this system. You personally have won it many times before, and this time is no exception. System still prepares prizes, but there is a challenge task to provide options."

"Why do you still need to reward things?" I asked system immediately. Now this is a personal notification, not a system broadcast, so you can ask questions.

"There is a mistake in your understanding. The challenge task set this time is an optional item, you can choose to reject the task."

If most people estimate that they will reject it now, but I Not ordinary people. According to human standards, our Dragon Clan's IQ is close to 260, and it is impossible to think of the hidden problems. "Can you tell me the difference between accepting the task and rejecting the task?"

"If you reject the task, this system will allow you to choose one of the three rewards according to the general process; if you Accept the task and you will immediately start a challenge task. When the task is completed, you can choose two of these three options and get a mysterious gift, and all the benefits you get during the task are yours. But once you If you accept the task but cannot complete it, the system will help you make up for the lost item and EXP in the task, and the task rewards will be cancelled, and you will not get any benefits."

The system hint is already very clear. There are only three possibilities in the situation I am encountering: 1. In the worst case, if the task is not completed, nothing can be obtained, but nothing will be lost; 2. In the medium case, just take it without receiving the task. One reward to leave; 3. In the best case, if you accept the task and successfully complete it, you can get two rewards and a special gift, and all the benefits during the task belong to me.

Although there are three situations, I have the choice. It is obviously not in line with my personality not to take the task. After receiving it, I can't judge whether it can be completed or not. After all, the content of the task is still unknown. But one thing I can be sure of is that based on my battle strength, this task will not be too difficult. This is a reward task after all. It was originally meant to be the icing on the cake. Impossible nine deaths and still alive are set like level tasks.

Since the task is not difficult, it means that the success rate is very high. Although it is not stated explicitly, the rewards for listening to the meaning of the system hint are also very generous. If you don't try such a good condition, it would be damned.

"Can I ask about the content of the task first?" Although I have decided to accept the task, it is not a bad thing to know more things before.

Unfortunately, the main system seems unwilling to meet my requirements. "Players must not know anything about the content and rewards of the task before the task is confirmed. Please decide within 30 seconds whether to accept this challenge task."


"Task Accept it." The system hint paused before continuing: "Purple Moon accepts the challenge task and now announces the detailed task information." A map suddenly appeared in front of me. "This mission will be carried out under the regular game map, and no additional mission space will be set up. All the recovery items such as medicines consumed during the game will be automatically restored at the end of the mission regardless of victory or defeat, but please note that this response only includes responses Sexual items, such as increased physical strength or increased experience, are not included in this list. Because the player's Purple Moon equipment is an indestructible and non-lost item, no additional protection is provided. The currently displayed map is the action map for this mission and will be automatically added The player's personal atlas. The player will be teleported to this location at the beginning of this mission." A red light on the map lights up.

"Isn't this Isinger?"

System ignored me at all, but continued to introduce: "The forward route is the red marked route on the map, and the end point is this Green dot. You must complete the whole journey within 48 hours. The task introduction is complete."

"Huh? What? That's all right? What about the task content? What am I fighting with?"

"This is all. The content of the task is limited time movement."

"It turned out to be a time trial? Haha, how can this task take up to 48 hours? There are forty minutes. It’s over!"

"Attention, the mission limit has not been announced yet."

"What is the limit?"

"Only magic is allowed during the mission. Pet Yeying is a mount, and it can only be used in the area marked with yellow on the map. Other sections need to be on foot. You can use any familiar to participate in the battle during the mission, but it is forbidden to use other pets except Yeying as a mount instead. During the whole mission, it is prohibited to use the flight function to move on the map, but it is allowed to fight with flying ability. During the mission, the endurance recovery medicine is forbidden, including the endurance recovery spell."

" Damn it, isn’t it?” I thought 48 hours was too long because the section of the road is actually not long. Shadow run is just four or five hours. But the problem is that flying is absolutely forbidden, and the section where Night Shadow can be used is less than one third of the entire distance, which means that there is a distance of 2/3/2021 that I need to run by myself. Although my movement speed is not slow, it is still far worse than Night Shadow. The most important problem is that my speed is only the combat speed, I am not as good as the endurance of Night Shadow. He can run more than a thousand kilometers in one go, and I can run 100 kilometers at most. I have to stop and rest for a long time, and wait until the endurance is fully restored before I can run such a long distance. The damn system also restricts drugs that cannot be recovered by endurance. And magic, then can only rely on it to recover automatically, you can imagine how slow this speed is. Another problem is combat consumption. According to what the system just said, you can use the flight ability to fight to see that there must be a fight in this process, but the fight also consumes stamina. I don’t have enough stamina. If part of it is consumed by the battle, 48 hours will not be too long but too short. I doubt that I can run the entire course in 48 hours.

System doesn't care at all whether I can complete the task, it continues to read the task precautions. "You can go offline during the mission, and the mission countdown will stop at the same time as it goes offline, and the countdown will resume when you go online again, but every time you go offline, five minutes of mission time will be deducted. No team is allowed during the mission. Ask for help from others. All battle content must be completed independently by the summon creature and yourself."

"Understood, does the mission start immediately?"

"The mission will be ten minutes later The official start, let me inform you that this mission will be associated with a large number of player missions, so there will be a large number of people blocking the road. Killing enemy players in battle will not increase the evil degree, and you will get three times EXP."< /p>

After listening to this for a long time, finally there is a good thing. Triple EXP, that means you can get a lot of experience this way, but the task has a time limit, so there is no way to get points by the way!

After the announcement, the system only gave me a few minutes to explain to Rose and the others, and then I was sent out of the task in advance. Although the mission of the world’s first guild for hegemony is not over yet, the gun god has been killed, and the enemy has died of bits and pieces. The rest is just finishing work. Even if an accident happens, it is nothing more than a big loss. Victory is certain. of. Besides, there is a group of think tanks like Rose and others, it's almost the same with me or not.

Ten minutes soon arrived, and I was directly sent back to Isengard. As soon as I walked out of the Transmission Formation, I felt a burst of cold rushing straight up from the soles of my feet, and the reason is actually very clear to me. It's nothing more than the open space. The current Isinger is no longer the original flat city. The twin reflections of the sky, the mobile fortress above the clouds, and the dark Earth Palace underground form the current Isinger four-in-one pattern, and its actual use area It's quite huge. It is not an exaggeration to say that there is no problem with the current 60-70 million people of Isinger. But now most of our people are still in the task space, and only one third of the normal number of people returned. Besides, even if all the members of the guild came back to Isengard, it was still very empty. Usually it seemed to be more prosperous just because there were a lot of outsiders playing in the outer city, and free NPCs would come out when there were those people. Now the mission is not over, the city of our guild is still under system protection, people from outside cannot enter, and all free NPCs are gone. Naturally, it feels empty terrifying. The huge Isinger now looks like a ghost town not just in name only, but also in reality.

I moved a little bit to get rid of the coldness caused by the senses, and followed Summon out of the night shadow and ran out of Isengard. According to the mission map, this section of the road just out of the city can rely on the night shadow to travel, so I have to seize this rare opportunity and try my best to buy time. Only in the road section with night shadow can consume as little time as possible to minimize the possibility of mission failure. It's a pity that human's calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation, or the player is not as good as the system. The damn task system didn't plan to let me simply do a track and field sport, or the rewards of system are not so easy to get.

When I first ran out of the city, it went smoothly. I used the extreme speed of Night Shadow to rush out of the huge forest around Isengard, but when the first city appeared, I knew it was a big deal. NS.

"Damn, system really gives me face, and it uses a city to block me."

"Who makes you face so much!" Ye Ying looked back at the man on his back. I said: "I have saved you a lot of time before, and I can't help you in the section of the road below, please ask yourself for your blessings!"

I looked at the front The tightly closed city of city gate is obviously prepared to intercept me a long time ago. I can go around in normal times, but the problem is that the mission map clearly indicates that I want to go through the city, so I have to rush!

"Is President Purple Moon under the city?" I was worried when someone shouted at the top of the city gate.

"It's me."

"Xinghui. I am the City Lord wind and rain. The president of Purple Moon. We know that you are the president of the big guild, but We have no choice but to take on such an unlucky task. Don't blame us!"

It turns out that these guys are afraid that I will retaliate against them. There are no laws in the game, the big fist is the boss. If a large guild like the Frost Rose League wants to squeeze a small guild, it’s like killing an ant. If they intercept me now to complete the mission, the mission will end in the future, in case I’m narrow-minded and mobilize the guild’s strength to find They are indeed very likely to be troublesome. Of course, I didn't think about that at all, but it reminded me indirectly. Don’t you have to fight the mission all the way? Is it possible to outsmart it sometimes!

"Hey. Wind and rain are faltering, what punishment will you have if your mission is not completed?"

Maybe I didn't expect to ask, the other party was a little stunned, but Immediately reacted again. "If we fail to complete the task, all players in our guild will be reduced to Level 1."

Damn, this system is really ruthless, and you dare to use such severe punishment.

"Then what if you complete the task?"

"Then we can get a 600-level guild guardian beast, which is equivalent to one more demon per person Pet, don't occupy the position of the pet."

I have a countermeasure as soon as I turn my eyes. "Discuss something with you."

"Please tell me."

"You let me go, and then accept the system punishment. After the task is completed, you will meet our standards. And those who are willing to join the guild can join our guild, which means that there are several kinds of familiars at once. The guardian creatures of the guild are many and practical, and they must be many times higher than your reward. As for those who don’t want to join, I will send someone to take you to the high level monster area to level up and bring each of you up to Level 5. What do you think?"

The other party is obviously hesitant, they seem to be a little bit hesitant. I want to agree, but I can't make up my mind. I decided to push him again. "Actually, you also know that although I can't beat your entire guild by myself, I can't stop you from rushing over. Your role is nothing more than to make me waste more time, but my task is a timed task. What is lacking is time, so I negotiated with you. If you insist on fighting, I will not do any good, but you also have to accept punishment. At least you will not lose money if you cooperate with me."

It may be the other party I also realized that these people alone really couldn't stop me, so he immediately nodded after I finished speaking this time. "Well then! Let's let you go and give up the task."

Hehe, this task is indeed a trick. If I really want to fight hard, I will definitely be able to rush past, but judging by the number of opponents’ personnel, I don’t expect to get out from the opposite city gate in less than one or two hours. Besides, a lot of stamina will be consumed during the battle, even if rushing. After going out, you have to stop and rest if you can't run far. This time consumption can be terrible. But now everything is resolved, I persuaded the other party, then there is no need to fight. It only took me more than ten minutes to run from one end to the other in such a small city, which saved a lot of time at once.

Since the negotiation is over, I won't be polite with that guy anymore. Let them open the city gates directly, then transform into a werewolf form and start running forward. From here, all the sections of the road in front have to be walked, and turning into a werewolf on foot is naturally the best choice. The Werewolf mode not only speeds up much faster than usual, but also improves endurance a lot, which can help me run one more section of the road.

In addition to transforming into a werewolf, I actually thought of a good way, that is, I can switch to the small mode after this large endurance runs out. Since my size numbers are of the same body, I can use two numbers to do most of the non-specified tasks except for level level tasks. By default, my trumpet and tuba are online at the same time. When the tuba's attributes are exhausted, I can switch to the trumpet. If it is a normal player, the large number is equivalent to offline when using the trumpet, but I am different, my large and small numbers are online at the same time. That is to say, when I switch to the small mobile after the endurance value of the tuba has bottomed out, the tuba is actually slowly regaining stamina, rather than being offline and not restoring basic attributes like ordinary players. In this way, the two numbers run in reverse. Even if Silver Moon is not as fast as Purple Moon in moving speed, it is at least better than sitting there and waiting for the stamina to slowly recover.

I thought about the method and started to implement it. After rushing through this small city, I ran to the bottom of the large endurance in one breath, and then switched to the silver moon trumpet to continue running. Although it is not possible to use magical pets in this process, but also not to say that magical pets are completely useless, at least they can help me reduce unnecessary consumption. For example, Rose Vine and Trailblazers can help me level up the road ahead so that I don’t consume extra stamina due to poor road conditions. Ling and Xiaochun can use magic such as strength and swiftness to increase the upper limit of my endurance and speed up my movement. Although the system prohibits me from using stamina recovery medicines and magic, it doesn’t say that I can’t increase my stamina limit.

In short, there are policies and countermeasures, and tasks must not be done according to the system settings. It is always good to use your brain.

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